
1//! Data structures for control flow emission.
3//! Winch currently doesn't apply any sort of optimizations to control flow, but
4//! as a future optimization, for starters, we could perform a look ahead to the
5//! next instruction when reaching any of the comparison instructions. If the
6//! next instruction is a control instruction, we could avoid emitting
7//! a [`crate::masm::MacroAssembler::cmp_with_set`] and instead emit
8//! a conditional jump inline when emitting the control flow instruction.
9use super::{CodeGenContext, CodeGenError, Emission, OperandSize, Reg, TypedReg};
10use crate::{
11    abi::{ABIOperand, ABIResults, ABISig, RetArea, ABI},
12    masm::{IntCmpKind, MacroAssembler, MemMoveDirection, RegImm, SPOffset},
13    reg::writable,
14    stack::Val,
15    CallingConvention,
17use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, ensure, Result};
18use cranelift_codegen::MachLabel;
19use wasmtime_environ::{WasmFuncType, WasmValType};
21/// Categorization of the type of the block.
22#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
23pub(crate) enum BlockType {
24    /// Doesn't produce or consume any values.
25    Void,
26    /// Produces a single value.
27    Single(WasmValType),
28    /// Consumes multiple values and produces multiple values.
29    Func(WasmFuncType),
30    /// An already resolved ABI signature.
31    ABISig(ABISig),
34/// Holds all the information about the signature of the block.
35#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
36pub(crate) struct BlockSig {
37    /// The type of the block.
38    pub ty: BlockType,
39    /// ABI representation of the results of the block.
40    results: Option<ABIResults>,
41    /// ABI representation of the params of the block interpreted as results.
42    params: Option<ABIResults>,
45impl BlockSig {
46    /// Create a new [BlockSig].
47    pub fn new(ty: BlockType) -> Self {
48        Self {
49            ty,
50            results: None,
51            params: None,
52        }
53    }
55    /// Create a new [BlockSig] from an [ABISig].
56    pub fn from_sig(sig: ABISig) -> Self {
57        Self {
58            ty: BlockType::sig(sig),
59            results: None,
60            params: None,
61        }
62    }
64    /// Return the ABI representation of the results of the block.
65    /// This method will lazily initialize the results if not present.
66    pub fn results<M>(&mut self) -> Result<&mut ABIResults>
67    where
68        M: MacroAssembler,
69    {
70        if self.ty.is_sig() {
71            return match &mut self.ty {
72                BlockType::ABISig(sig) => Ok(&mut sig.results),
73                _ => unreachable!(),
74            };
75        }
77        if self.results.is_some() {
78            return Ok(self.results.as_mut().unwrap());
79        }
81        let results = match &self.ty {
82            BlockType::Void => <M::ABI as ABI>::abi_results(&[], &CallingConvention::Default),
83            BlockType::Single(ty) => {
84                <M::ABI as ABI>::abi_results(&[*ty], &CallingConvention::Default)
85            }
86            BlockType::Func(f) => {
87                <M::ABI as ABI>::abi_results(f.returns(), &CallingConvention::Default)
88            }
89            BlockType::ABISig(_) => unreachable!(),
90        };
92        self.results = Some(results?);
93        Ok(self.results.as_mut().unwrap())
94    }
96    /// Construct an ABI result representation of the params of the block.
97    /// This is needed for loops and for handling cases in which params flow as
98    /// the block's results, i.e. in the presence of an empty then or else.
99    pub fn params<M>(&mut self) -> Result<&mut ABIResults>
100    where
101        M: MacroAssembler,
102    {
103        if self.params.is_some() {
104            return Ok(self.params.as_mut().unwrap());
105        }
107        let params_as_results = match &self.ty {
108            BlockType::Void | BlockType::Single(_) => {
109                <M::ABI as ABI>::abi_results(&[], &CallingConvention::Default)
110            }
111            BlockType::Func(f) => {
112                <M::ABI as ABI>::abi_results(f.params(), &CallingConvention::Default)
113            }
114            // Once we have created a block type from a known signature, we
115            // can't modify its meaning. This should only be used for the
116            // function body block, in which case there's no need for treating
117            // params as results.
118            BlockType::ABISig(_) => unreachable!(),
119        };
121        self.params = Some(params_as_results?);
122        Ok(self.params.as_mut().unwrap())
123    }
125    /// Returns the signature param count.
126    pub fn param_count(&self) -> usize {
127        match &self.ty {
128            BlockType::Void | BlockType::Single(_) => 0,
129            BlockType::Func(f) => f.params().len(),
130            BlockType::ABISig(sig) => sig.params_without_retptr().len(),
131        }
132    }
134    /// Returns the signature return count.
135    pub fn return_count(&self) -> usize {
136        match &self.ty {
137            BlockType::Void => 0,
138            BlockType::Single(_) => 1,
139            BlockType::Func(f) => f.returns().len(),
140            BlockType::ABISig(sig) => sig.results().len(),
141        }
142    }
145impl BlockType {
146    /// Create a [BlockType::Void].
147    pub fn void() -> Self {
148        Self::Void
149    }
151    /// Create a [BlockType::Single] from the given [WasmType].
152    pub fn single(ty: WasmValType) -> Self {
153        Self::Single(ty)
154    }
156    /// Create a [BlockType::Func] from the given [WasmFuncType].
157    pub fn func(ty: WasmFuncType) -> Self {
158        Self::Func(ty)
159    }
161    /// Create a [BlockType::ABISig].
162    pub fn sig(sig: ABISig) -> Self {
163        Self::ABISig(sig)
164    }
166    /// Returns true if the type of the block is [BlockType::ABISig].
167    pub fn is_sig(&self) -> bool {
168        match self {
169            Self::ABISig(_) => true,
170            _ => false,
171        }
172    }
175/// The expected value and machine stack state when entering and exiting the block.
176#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
177pub(crate) struct StackState {
178    /// The base stack pointer offset.
179    /// This offset is set when entering the block, after saving any live
180    /// registers and locals.
181    /// It is calculated by subtracting the size, in bytes, of any block params
182    /// to the current stack pointer offset.
183    pub base_offset: SPOffset,
184    /// The target stack pointer offset.
185    /// This offset is calculated by adding the size of the stack results
186    /// to the base stack pointer offset.
187    pub target_offset: SPOffset,
188    /// The base length of the value stack when entering the block.
189    /// Which is the current length of the value stack minus any block parameters.
190    pub base_len: usize,
191    /// The target length of the value stack when exiting the block.
192    /// Calculate by adding the number of results to the base value stack
193    /// length.
194    pub target_len: usize,
197/// Holds the all the metadata to support the emission
198/// of control flow instructions.
200pub(crate) enum ControlStackFrame {
201    If {
202        /// The if continuation label.
203        cont: MachLabel,
204        /// The exit label of the block.
205        exit: MachLabel,
206        /// The signature of the block.
207        sig: BlockSig,
208        /// The stack state of the block.
209        stack_state: StackState,
210        /// Local reachability state when entering the block.
211        reachable: bool,
212    },
213    Else {
214        /// The exit label of the block.
215        exit: MachLabel,
216        /// The signature of the block.
217        sig: BlockSig,
218        /// The stack state of the block.
219        stack_state: StackState,
220        /// Local reachability state when entering the block.
221        reachable: bool,
222    },
223    Block {
224        /// The block exit label.
225        exit: MachLabel,
226        /// The signature of the block.
227        sig: BlockSig,
228        /// The stack state of the block.
229        stack_state: StackState,
230        /// Exit state of the block.
231        ///
232        /// This flag is used to determine if a block is a branch
233        /// target. By default, this is false, and it's updated when
234        /// emitting a `br` or `br_if`.
235        is_branch_target: bool,
236    },
237    Loop {
238        /// The start of the Loop.
239        head: MachLabel,
240        /// The stack state of the block.
241        stack_state: StackState,
242        /// The signature of the block.
243        sig: BlockSig,
244    },
247impl ControlStackFrame {
248    /// Returns [`ControlStackFrame`] for an if.
249    pub fn r#if<M: MacroAssembler>(
250        sig: BlockSig,
251        masm: &mut M,
252        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
253    ) -> Result<Self> {
254        let mut control = Self::If {
255            cont: masm.get_label()?,
256            exit: masm.get_label()?,
257            sig,
258            reachable: context.reachable,
259            stack_state: Default::default(),
260        };
262        control.emit(masm, context)?;
263        Ok(control)
264    }
266    /// Returns [`ControlStackFrame`] for a block.
267    pub fn block<M: MacroAssembler>(
268        sig: BlockSig,
269        masm: &mut M,
270        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
271    ) -> Result<Self> {
272        let mut control = Self::Block {
273            sig,
274            is_branch_target: false,
275            exit: masm.get_label()?,
276            stack_state: Default::default(),
277        };
279        control.emit(masm, context)?;
280        Ok(control)
281    }
283    /// Returns [`ControlStackFrame`] for a loop.
284    pub fn r#loop<M: MacroAssembler>(
285        sig: BlockSig,
286        masm: &mut M,
287        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
288    ) -> Result<Self> {
289        let mut control = Self::Loop {
290            stack_state: Default::default(),
291            sig,
292            head: masm.get_label()?,
293        };
295        control.emit(masm, context)?;
296        Ok(control)
297    }
299    fn init<M: MacroAssembler>(
300        &mut self,
301        masm: &mut M,
302        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
303    ) -> Result<()> {
304        self.calculate_stack_state(context, masm)?;
305        // If the block has stack results, immediately resolve the return area
306        // base.
307        if self.results::<M>()?.on_stack() {
308            let results_base = self.stack_state().target_offset;
309            self.results::<M>()?.set_ret_area(RetArea::sp(results_base));
310        }
312        if self.is_if() || self.is_loop() {
313            // Preemptively handle block params as results so that the params
314            // are correctly placed in memory. This is especially
315            // important for control flow joins with empty blocks:
316            //
317            //(module
318            //  (func (export "params") (param i32) (result i32)
319            //       (i32.const 2)
320            //       (if (param i32) (result i32) (local.get 0)
321            //       (then))
322            //     (i32.const 3)
323            //     (i32.add)
324            //   )
325            //)
326            let base_offset = self.stack_state().base_offset;
327            if self.params::<M>()?.on_stack() {
328                let offset = base_offset.as_u32() + self.params::<M>()?.size();
329                self.params::<M>()?
330                    .set_ret_area(RetArea::sp(SPOffset::from_u32(offset)));
331            }
332            Self::top_abi_results_impl(
333                self.params::<M>()?,
334                context,
335                masm,
336                |params: &ABIResults, _, _| Ok(params.ret_area().copied()),
337            )?;
338        }
339        Ok(())
340    }
342    /// Calculates the [StackState] of the block.
343    fn calculate_stack_state<M: MacroAssembler>(
344        &mut self,
345        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
346        masm: &mut M,
347    ) -> Result<()> {
348        use ControlStackFrame::*;
349        let sig = self.sig();
350        // If the block type contains a full [ABISig], do not take into account
351        // the params, since these are the params of the function that is
352        // currently being compiled and the value stack doesn't currently
353        // contain any values anyway.
354        let param_count = if sig.ty.is_sig() {
355            0
356        } else {
357            sig.param_count()
358        };
359        let return_count = sig.return_count();
360        ensure!(
361            context.stack.len() >= param_count,
362            CodeGenError::missing_values_in_stack()
363        );
364        let results_size = self.results::<M>()?.size();
366        // Save any live registers and locals.
367        context.spill(masm)?;
369        let base_len = context.stack.len() - param_count;
370        let stack_consumed = context.stack.sizeof(param_count);
371        let current_sp = masm.sp_offset()?;
372        let base_offset = SPOffset::from_u32(current_sp.as_u32() - stack_consumed);
374        match self {
375            If { stack_state, .. } | Block { stack_state, .. } | Loop { stack_state, .. } => {
376                stack_state.base_offset = base_offset;
377                stack_state.base_len = base_len;
378                stack_state.target_offset = SPOffset::from_u32(base_offset.as_u32() + results_size);
379                stack_state.target_len = base_len + return_count;
380            }
381            _ => {}
382        }
383        Ok(())
384    }
386    /// This function ensures that the state of the -- machine and value --
387    /// stack  is the right one when reaching a control frame branch in which
388    /// reachability is restored or when reaching the end of a function in an
389    /// unreachable state. This function is intended to be called when handling
390    /// an unreachable else or end.
391    //
392    /// This function will truncate the value stack to the base length of
393    /// the control frame and will also set the stack pointer offset to reflect
394    /// the offset expected by the target branch.
395    ///
396    // NB: This method is assumed to be called *before* pushing any block
397    // results to the value stack, so that any excess values are cleaned up.
398    pub fn ensure_stack_state<M: MacroAssembler>(
399        &mut self,
400        masm: &mut M,
401        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
402    ) -> Result<()> {
403        let state = self.stack_state();
404        // This assumes that at jump sites, the machine stack pointer will be
405        // adjusted to match the expectations of the target branch (e.g.
406        // `target_offset`); after performing the jump, the MacroAssembler
407        // implementation will soft-reset the stack pointer offset to its
408        // original offset, ensure that other parts of the program have access
409        // to the right offset, this is especially important in conditional
410        // branches.
411        // When restoring reachability we ensure that the MacroAssembler offset
412        // is set to match the expectations of the target branch, similar to how
413        // the machine stack pointer was adjusted at jump sites.
414        masm.reset_stack_pointer(state.target_offset)?;
415        // We use the base length, because this function is assumed to be called
416        // *before* pushing any results to the value stack. This way, any excess
417        // values will be discarded.
418        context.truncate_stack_to(state.base_len)
419    }
421    /// Return the type information of the block.
422    pub fn sig(&self) -> &BlockSig {
423        use ControlStackFrame::*;
424        match self {
425            If { sig, .. } | Else { sig, .. } | Loop { sig, .. } | Block { sig, .. } => sig,
426        }
427    }
429    fn emit<M: MacroAssembler>(
430        &mut self,
431        masm: &mut M,
432        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
433    ) -> Result<()> {
434        use ControlStackFrame::*;
436        // Do not perform any emissions if we are in an unreachable state.
437        if !context.reachable {
438            return Ok(());
439        }
441        match *self {
442            If { cont, .. } => {
443                // Pop the condition value.
444                // Because in the case of Self::If, Self::init, will top the
445                // branch params, we exclude any result registers from being
446                // used as the branch test.
447                let top = context.without::<Result<TypedReg>, _, _>(
448                    self.params::<M>()?.regs(),
449                    masm,
450                    |cx, masm| cx.pop_to_reg(masm, None),
451                )??;
452                self.init(masm, context)?;
453                masm.branch(
454                    IntCmpKind::Eq,
455                    top.reg.into(),
456                    top.reg.into(),
457                    cont,
458                    OperandSize::S32,
459                )?;
460                context.free_reg(top);
461                Ok(())
462            }
463            Block { .. } => self.init(masm, context),
464            Loop { head, .. } => {
465                self.init(masm, context)?;
466                masm.bind(head)?;
467                Ok(())
468            }
469            _ => Err(anyhow!(CodeGenError::if_control_frame_expected())),
470        }
471    }
473    /// Handles the else branch if the current control stack frame is
474    /// [`ControlStackFrame::If`].
475    pub fn emit_else<M: MacroAssembler>(
476        &mut self,
477        masm: &mut M,
478        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
479    ) -> Result<()> {
480        ensure!(self.is_if(), CodeGenError::if_control_frame_expected());
481        let state = self.stack_state();
483        ensure!(
484            state.target_len == context.stack.len(),
485            CodeGenError::control_frame_state_mismatch()
486        );
487        self.pop_abi_results(context, masm, |results, _, _| {
488            Ok(results.ret_area().copied())
489        })?;
491        self.bind_else(masm, context)?;
492        Ok(())
493    }
495    /// Binds the else branch label and converts `self` to
496    /// [`ControlStackFrame::Else`].
497    pub fn bind_else<M: MacroAssembler>(
498        &mut self,
499        masm: &mut M,
500        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
501    ) -> Result<()> {
502        use ControlStackFrame::*;
503        match self {
504            If {
505                cont,
506                sig,
507                stack_state,
508                exit,
509                ..
510            } => {
511                // Bind the else branch.
512                masm.bind(*cont)?;
514                // Push the abi results to the value stack, so that they are
515                // used as params for the else branch. At the beginning of the
516                // if block, any params are preemptively resolved as results;
517                // when reaching the else all params are already materialized as
518                // stack results. As part of ensuring the right state when
519                // entering the else branch, the following snippet also soft
520                // resets the stack pointer so that it matches the expectations
521                // of the else branch: the stack pointer is expected to be at
522                // the base stack pointer, plus the params stack size in bytes.
523                let params_size = sig.params::<M>()?.size();
524                context.push_abi_results::<M, _>(sig.params::<M>()?, masm, |params, _, _| {
525                    params.ret_area().copied()
526                })?;
527                masm.reset_stack_pointer(SPOffset::from_u32(
528                    stack_state.base_offset.as_u32() + params_size,
529                ))?;
531                // Update the stack control frame with an else control frame.
532                *self = ControlStackFrame::Else {
533                    exit: *exit,
534                    stack_state: *stack_state,
535                    reachable: context.reachable,
536                    sig: sig.clone(),
537                };
538            }
539            _ => bail!(CodeGenError::if_control_frame_expected()),
540        }
541        Ok(())
542    }
544    /// Handles the end of a control stack frame.
545    pub fn emit_end<M: MacroAssembler>(
546        &mut self,
547        masm: &mut M,
548        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
549    ) -> Result<()> {
550        use ControlStackFrame::*;
551        match self {
552            If { stack_state, .. } | Else { stack_state, .. } | Block { stack_state, .. } => {
553                ensure!(
554                    stack_state.target_len == context.stack.len(),
555                    CodeGenError::control_frame_state_mismatch()
556                );
557                // Before binding the exit label, we handle the block results.
558                self.pop_abi_results(context, masm, |results, _, _| {
559                    Ok(results.ret_area().copied())
560                })?;
561                self.bind_end(masm, context)?;
562            }
563            Loop { stack_state, .. } => {
564                ensure!(
565                    stack_state.target_len == context.stack.len(),
566                    CodeGenError::control_frame_state_mismatch()
567                );
568            }
569        };
571        Ok(())
572    }
574    /// Binds the exit label of the current control stack frame and pushes the
575    /// ABI results to the value stack.
576    pub fn bind_end<M: MacroAssembler>(
577        &mut self,
578        masm: &mut M,
579        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
580    ) -> Result<()> {
581        self.push_abi_results(context, masm)?;
582        self.bind_exit_label(masm)
583    }
585    /// Binds the exit label of the control stack frame.
586    pub fn bind_exit_label<M: MacroAssembler>(&self, masm: &mut M) -> Result<()> {
587        use ControlStackFrame::*;
588        match self {
589            // We use an explicit label to track the exit of an if block. In case there's no
590            // else, we bind the if's continuation block to make sure that any jumps from the if
591            // condition are reachable and we bind the explicit exit label as well to ensure that any
592            // branching instructions are able to correctly reach the block's end.
593            If { cont, .. } => masm.bind(*cont)?,
594            _ => {}
595        }
596        if let Some(label) = self.exit_label() {
597            masm.bind(*label)?;
598        }
599        Ok(())
600    }
602    /// Returns the continuation label of the current control stack frame.
603    pub fn label(&self) -> &MachLabel {
604        use ControlStackFrame::*;
606        match self {
607            If { exit, .. } | Else { exit, .. } | Block { exit, .. } => exit,
608            Loop { head, .. } => head,
609        }
610    }
612    /// Returns the exit label of the current control stack frame. Note that
613    /// this is similar to [`ControlStackFrame::label`], with the only difference that it
614    /// returns `None` for `Loop` since its label doesn't represent an exit.
615    pub fn exit_label(&self) -> Option<&MachLabel> {
616        use ControlStackFrame::*;
618        match self {
619            If { exit, .. } | Else { exit, .. } | Block { exit, .. } => Some(exit),
620            Loop { .. } => None,
621        }
622    }
624    /// Set the current control stack frame as a branch target.
625    pub fn set_as_target(&mut self) {
626        match self {
627            ControlStackFrame::Block {
628                is_branch_target, ..
629            } => {
630                *is_branch_target = true;
631            }
632            _ => {}
633        }
634    }
636    /// Returns [`crate::abi::ABIResults`] of the control stack frame
637    /// block.
638    pub fn results<M>(&mut self) -> Result<&mut ABIResults>
639    where
640        M: MacroAssembler,
641    {
642        use ControlStackFrame::*;
644        match self {
645            If { sig, .. } | Else { sig, .. } | Block { sig, .. } => sig.results::<M>(),
646            Loop { sig, .. } => sig.params::<M>(),
647        }
648    }
650    /// Returns the block params interpreted as [crate::abi::ABIResults].
651    pub fn params<M>(&mut self) -> Result<&mut ABIResults>
652    where
653        M: MacroAssembler,
654    {
655        use ControlStackFrame::*;
656        match self {
657            If { sig, .. } | Else { sig, .. } | Block { sig, .. } | Loop { sig, .. } => {
658                sig.params::<M>()
659            }
660        }
661    }
663    /// Orchestrates how block results are handled.
664    /// Results are handled in reverse order, starting from register results
665    /// continuing to memory values. This guarantees that the stack ordering
666    /// invariant is maintained. See [ABIResults] for more details.
667    ///
668    /// This function will iterate through each result and invoke the provided
669    /// callback if there are results on the stack.
670    ///
671    /// Calculating the return area involves ensuring that there's enough stack
672    /// space to store the block's results. To make the process of handling
673    /// multiple results easier, this function will save all live registers and
674    /// locals right after handling any register results. This will ensure that
675    /// the top `n` values in the value stack are correctly placed in the memory
676    /// locations corresponding to multiple stack results. Once the iteration
677    /// over all the results is done, the stack result area of the block will be
678    /// updated.
679    pub fn pop_abi_results<M, F>(
680        &mut self,
681        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
682        masm: &mut M,
683        calculate_ret_area: F,
684    ) -> Result<()>
685    where
686        M: MacroAssembler,
687        F: FnMut(&ABIResults, &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>, &mut M) -> Result<Option<RetArea>>,
688    {
689        Self::pop_abi_results_impl(self.results::<M>()?, context, masm, calculate_ret_area)
690    }
692    /// Shared implementation for poppping the ABI results.
693    /// This is needed because, in some cases, params must be interpreted and
694    /// used as the results of the block. When emitting code at control flow
695    /// joins, the block params are interpreted as results, to ensure that they
696    /// can correctly "flow" as the results of the block. This is especially
697    /// important in the presence of empty then, else and loop blocks. This
698    /// interpretation is an internal detail of the control module, and having
699    /// a shared implementation allows the caller to decide how the
700    /// results should be interpreted.
701    pub fn pop_abi_results_impl<M, F>(
702        results: &mut ABIResults,
703        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
704        masm: &mut M,
705        mut calculate_ret_area: F,
706    ) -> Result<()>
707    where
708        M: MacroAssembler,
709        F: FnMut(&ABIResults, &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>, &mut M) -> Result<Option<RetArea>>,
710    {
711        let mut iter = results.operands().iter().rev().peekable();
713        while let Some(ABIOperand::Reg { reg, .. }) = iter.peek() {
714            let TypedReg { reg, .. } = context.pop_to_reg(masm, Some(*reg))?;
715            context.free_reg(reg);
716  ;
717        }
719        let ret_area = calculate_ret_area(results, context, masm)?;
721        let retptr = Self::maybe_load_retptr(ret_area.as_ref(), &results, context, masm)?;
722        if let Some(area) = ret_area {
723            if area.is_sp() {
724                Self::ensure_ret_area(&area, context, masm)?;
725            }
726        }
728        if let Some(retptr) = retptr {
729            while let Some(ABIOperand::Stack { offset, .. }) = iter.peek() {
730                let addr = masm.address_at_reg(retptr, *offset)?;
731                context.pop_to_addr(masm, addr)?;
732      ;
733            }
734            context.free_reg(retptr);
735        }
737        if let Some(area) = ret_area {
738            if area.is_sp() {
739                Self::adjust_stack_results(area, results, context, masm)?;
740            }
741        }
743        Ok(())
744    }
746    /// Convenience wrapper around [CodeGenContext::push_abi_results] using the
747    /// results of the current frame.
748    fn push_abi_results<M>(
749        &mut self,
750        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
751        masm: &mut M,
752    ) -> Result<()>
753    where
754        M: MacroAssembler,
755    {
756        context.push_abi_results(self.results::<M>()?, masm, |results, _, _| {
757            results.ret_area().copied()
758        })
759    }
761    /// Preemptively handles the ABI results of the current frame.
762    /// This function is meant to be used when emitting control flow with joins,
763    /// in which it's not possible to know at compile time which branch will be
764    /// taken.
765    pub fn top_abi_results<M, F>(
766        &mut self,
767        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
768        masm: &mut M,
769        calculate_ret_area: F,
770    ) -> Result<()>
771    where
772        M: MacroAssembler,
773        F: FnMut(&ABIResults, &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>, &mut M) -> Result<Option<RetArea>>,
774    {
775        Self::top_abi_results_impl::<M, _>(self.results::<M>()?, context, masm, calculate_ret_area)
776    }
778    /// Internal implementation of [Self::top_abi_results].
779    /// See [Self::pop_abi_results_impl] on why an internal implementation is
780    /// needed.
781    fn top_abi_results_impl<M, F>(
782        results: &mut ABIResults,
783        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
784        masm: &mut M,
785        mut calculate_ret_area: F,
786    ) -> Result<()>
787    where
788        M: MacroAssembler,
789        F: FnMut(&ABIResults, &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>, &mut M) -> Result<Option<RetArea>>,
790    {
791        let mut area = None;
792        Self::pop_abi_results_impl::<M, _>(results, context, masm, |r, context, masm| {
793            area = calculate_ret_area(r, context, masm)?;
794            Ok(area)
795        })?;
796        // Use the previously calculated area to ensure that the ret area is
797        // kept in sync between both operations.
798        context.push_abi_results::<M, _>(results, masm, |_, _, _| area)
799    }
801    // If the results on the stack are handled via the stack pointer, ensure
802    // that the stack results are correctly located. In general, since values in
803    // the value stack are spilled when exiting the block, the top `n` entries
804    // in the value stack, representing the `n` stack results of the block are
805    // almost correctly located. However, since constants are not
806    // spilled, their presence complicate block exits. For this reason, the
807    // last step for finalizing multiple block results involves:
808    // * Scanning the value stack from oldest to newest memory values and
809    // calculating the source and destination of each value, if the source
810    // is closer to the stack pointer (greater) than the destination,
811    // perform a memory move of the bytes to its destination, else stop,
812    // because the memory values are in place.
813    // * Scanning the value stack from newest to oldest and calculating the
814    // source and destination of each value, if the source is closer to the
815    // frame pointer (less) than the destination, perform a memory move of
816    // the bytes to its destination, else stop, because the memory values
817    // are in place.
818    // * Lastly, iterate over the top `n` elements of the value stack,
819    // and spill any constant values, placing them in their respective
820    // memory location.
821    //
822    // The implementation in Winch is inspired by how this is handled in
823    // SpiderMonkey's WebAssembly Baseline Compiler:
824    //
825    fn adjust_stack_results<M>(
826        ret_area: RetArea,
827        results: &ABIResults,
828        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
829        masm: &mut M,
830    ) -> Result<()>
831    where
832        M: MacroAssembler,
833    {
834        ensure!(ret_area.is_sp(), CodeGenError::sp_addressing_expected());
835        let results_offset = ret_area.unwrap_sp();
837        // Start iterating from memory values that are closer to the
838        // frame pointer (oldest entries first).
839        for (i, operand) in results.operands().iter().enumerate() {
840            if operand.is_reg() {
841                break;
842            }
844            let value_index = (context.stack.len() - results.stack_operands_len()) + i;
845            let val = context.stack.inner()[value_index];
847            match (val, operand) {
848                (Val::Memory(mem), ABIOperand::Stack { offset, size, .. }) => {
849                    let dst = results_offset.as_u32() - *offset;
850                    let src = mem.slot.offset;
852                    // Values are moved from lower (SP) to higher (FP)
853                    // addresses.
854                    if src.as_u32() <= dst {
855                        break;
856                    }
858                    masm.memmove(
859                        src,
860                        SPOffset::from_u32(dst),
861                        *size,
862                        MemMoveDirection::LowToHigh,
863                    )?;
864                }
865                _ => {}
866            }
867        }
869        // Start iterating from memory values that are closer to the
870        // stack pointer (newest entries first).
871        for (i, operand) in results
872            .operands()
873            .iter()
874            .rev()
875            // Skip any register results.
876            .skip(results.regs().len())
877            .enumerate()
878        {
879            let value_index = context.stack.len() - i - 1;
880            let val = context.stack.inner()[value_index];
881            match (val, operand) {
882                (Val::Memory(mem), ABIOperand::Stack { offset, size, .. }) => {
883                    let dst = results_offset.as_u32() - *offset;
884                    let src = mem.slot.offset;
886                    // Values are moved from higher (FP) to lower (SP)
887                    // addresses.
888                    if src.as_u32() >= dst {
889                        break;
890                    }
892                    masm.memmove(
893                        src,
894                        SPOffset::from_u32(dst),
895                        *size,
896                        MemMoveDirection::HighToLow,
897                    )?;
898                }
899                _ => {}
900            }
901        }
903        // Finally store any constants in the value stack in their respective
904        // locations.
905        for operand in results
906            .operands()
907            .iter()
908            .take(results.stack_operands_len())
909            .rev()
910        {
911            // If we want to do this, we should start from newest, essentially from top to
912            // bottom in the iteration of the operands.
913            match (operand, context.stack.peek().unwrap()) {
914                (ABIOperand::Stack { ty, offset, .. }, Val::I32(v)) => {
915                    let addr = masm
916                        .address_from_sp(SPOffset::from_u32(results_offset.as_u32() - *offset))?;
917          *v), addr, (*ty).try_into()?)?;
918                }
919                (ABIOperand::Stack { ty, offset, .. }, Val::I64(v)) => {
920                    let addr = masm
921                        .address_from_sp(SPOffset::from_u32(results_offset.as_u32() - *offset))?;
922          *v), addr, (*ty).try_into()?)?;
923                }
924                (ABIOperand::Stack { ty, offset, .. }, Val::F32(v)) => {
925                    let addr = masm
926                        .address_from_sp(SPOffset::from_u32(results_offset.as_u32() - *offset))?;
927          , addr, (*ty).try_into()?)?;
928                }
929                (ABIOperand::Stack { ty, offset, .. }, Val::F64(v)) => {
930                    let addr = masm
931                        .address_from_sp(SPOffset::from_u32(results_offset.as_u32() - *offset))?;
932          , addr, (*ty).try_into()?)?;
933                }
934                (ABIOperand::Stack { ty, offset, .. }, Val::V128(v)) => {
935                    let addr = masm
936                        .address_from_sp(SPOffset::from_u32(results_offset.as_u32() - *offset))?;
937          *v), addr, (*ty).try_into()?)?;
938                }
939                (_, v) => debug_assert!(v.is_mem()),
940            }
942            let _ = context.stack.pop().unwrap();
943        }
945        // Adjust any excess stack space: the stack space after handling the
946        // block's results should be the exact amount needed by the return area.
947        ensure!(
948            masm.sp_offset()?.as_u32() >= results_offset.as_u32(),
949            CodeGenError::invalid_sp_offset()
950        );
951        masm.free_stack(masm.sp_offset()?.as_u32() - results_offset.as_u32())?;
952        Ok(())
953    }
955    /// Ensures that there is enough space for return values on the stack.
956    /// This function is called at the end of all blocks and when branching from
957    /// within blocks.
958    fn ensure_ret_area<M>(
959        ret_area: &RetArea,
960        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
961        masm: &mut M,
962    ) -> Result<()>
963    where
964        M: MacroAssembler,
965    {
966        ensure!(ret_area.is_sp(), CodeGenError::sp_addressing_expected());
967        // Save any live registers and locals when exiting the block to ensure
968        // that the respective values are correctly located in memory.
969        // See [Self::adjust_stack_results] for more details.
970        context.spill(masm)?;
971        if ret_area.unwrap_sp() > masm.sp_offset()? {
972            masm.reserve_stack(ret_area.unwrap_sp().as_u32() - masm.sp_offset()?.as_u32())?
973        }
975        Ok(())
976    }
978    /// Loads the return pointer, if it exists, into the next available register.
979    fn maybe_load_retptr<M>(
980        ret_area: Option<&RetArea>,
981        results: &ABIResults,
982        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
983        masm: &mut M,
984    ) -> Result<Option<Reg>>
985    where
986        M: MacroAssembler,
987    {
988        if let Some(area) = ret_area {
989            match area {
990                RetArea::Slot(slot) => {
991                    let base = context.without::<Result<Reg>, M, _>(
992                        results.regs(),
993                        masm,
994                        |cx, masm| cx.any_gpr(masm),
995                    )??;
996                    let local_addr = masm.local_address(&slot)?;
997                    masm.load_ptr(local_addr, writable!(base))?;
998                    Ok(Some(base))
999                }
1000                _ => Ok(None),
1001            }
1002        } else {
1003            Ok(None)
1004        }
1005    }
1007    /// This function is used at the end of unreachable code handling
1008    /// to determine if the reachability status should be updated.
1009    pub fn is_next_sequence_reachable(&self) -> bool {
1010        use ControlStackFrame::*;
1012        match self {
1013            // For if/else, the reachability of the next sequence is determined
1014            // by the reachability state at the start of the block. An else
1015            // block will be reachable if the if block is also reachable at
1016            // entry.
1017            If { reachable, .. } | Else { reachable, .. } => *reachable,
1018            // For blocks, the reachability of the next sequence is determined
1019            // if they're a branch target.
1020            Block {
1021                is_branch_target, ..
1022            } => *is_branch_target,
1023            // Loops are not used for reachability analysis,
1024            // given that they don't have exit branches.
1025            Loop { .. } => false,
1026        }
1027    }
1029    /// Returns a reference to the [StackState] of the block.
1030    pub fn stack_state(&self) -> &StackState {
1031        use ControlStackFrame::*;
1032        match self {
1033            If { stack_state, .. }
1034            | Else { stack_state, .. }
1035            | Block { stack_state, .. }
1036            | Loop { stack_state, .. } => stack_state,
1037        }
1038    }
1040    /// Returns true if the current frame is [ControlStackFrame::If].
1041    pub fn is_if(&self) -> bool {
1042        match self {
1043            Self::If { .. } => true,
1044            _ => false,
1045        }
1046    }
1048    /// Returns true if the current frame is [ControlStackFrame::Loop].
1049    pub fn is_loop(&self) -> bool {
1050        match self {
1051            Self::Loop { .. } => true,
1052            _ => false,
1053        }
1054    }