
1//! A frontend for building Cranelift IR from other languages.
2use crate::ssa::{SSABuilder, SideEffects};
3use crate::variable::Variable;
4use alloc::vec::Vec;
5use core::fmt::{self, Debug};
6use cranelift_codegen::cursor::{Cursor, CursorPosition, FuncCursor};
7use cranelift_codegen::entity::{EntityRef, EntitySet, SecondaryMap};
8use cranelift_codegen::ir;
9use cranelift_codegen::ir::condcodes::IntCC;
10use cranelift_codegen::ir::{
11    types, AbiParam, Block, DataFlowGraph, DynamicStackSlot, DynamicStackSlotData, ExtFuncData,
12    ExternalName, FuncRef, Function, GlobalValue, GlobalValueData, Inst, InstBuilder,
13    InstBuilderBase, InstructionData, JumpTable, JumpTableData, LibCall, MemFlags, RelSourceLoc,
14    SigRef, Signature, StackSlot, StackSlotData, Type, Value, ValueLabel, ValueLabelAssignments,
15    ValueLabelStart,
17use cranelift_codegen::isa::TargetFrontendConfig;
18use cranelift_codegen::packed_option::PackedOption;
19use cranelift_codegen::traversals::Dfs;
20use smallvec::SmallVec;
22mod safepoints;
24/// Structure used for translating a series of functions into Cranelift IR.
26/// In order to reduce memory reallocations when compiling multiple functions,
27/// [`FunctionBuilderContext`] holds various data structures which are cleared between
28/// functions, rather than dropped, preserving the underlying allocations.
30pub struct FunctionBuilderContext {
31    ssa: SSABuilder,
32    status: SecondaryMap<Block, BlockStatus>,
33    types: SecondaryMap<Variable, Type>,
34    stack_map_vars: EntitySet<Variable>,
35    stack_map_values: EntitySet<Value>,
36    safepoints: safepoints::SafepointSpiller,
39/// Temporary object used to build a single Cranelift IR [`Function`].
40pub struct FunctionBuilder<'a> {
41    /// The function currently being built.
42    /// This field is public so the function can be re-borrowed.
43    pub func: &'a mut Function,
45    /// Source location to assign to all new instructions.
46    srcloc: ir::SourceLoc,
48    func_ctx: &'a mut FunctionBuilderContext,
49    position: PackedOption<Block>,
52#[derive(Clone, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
53enum BlockStatus {
54    /// No instructions have been added.
55    #[default]
56    Empty,
57    /// Some instructions have been added, but no terminator.
58    Partial,
59    /// A terminator has been added; no further instructions may be added.
60    Filled,
63impl FunctionBuilderContext {
64    /// Creates a [`FunctionBuilderContext`] structure. The structure is automatically cleared after
65    /// each [`FunctionBuilder`] completes translating a function.
66    pub fn new() -> Self {
67        Self::default()
68    }
70    fn clear(&mut self) {
71        let FunctionBuilderContext {
72            ssa,
73            status,
74            types,
75            stack_map_vars,
76            stack_map_values,
77            safepoints,
78        } = self;
79        ssa.clear();
80        status.clear();
81        types.clear();
82        stack_map_values.clear();
83        stack_map_vars.clear();
84        safepoints.clear();
85    }
87    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
88        self.ssa.is_empty() && self.status.is_empty() && self.types.is_empty()
89    }
92/// Implementation of the [`InstBuilder`] that has
93/// one convenience method per Cranelift IR instruction.
94pub struct FuncInstBuilder<'short, 'long: 'short> {
95    builder: &'short mut FunctionBuilder<'long>,
96    block: Block,
99impl<'short, 'long> FuncInstBuilder<'short, 'long> {
100    fn new(builder: &'short mut FunctionBuilder<'long>, block: Block) -> Self {
101        Self { builder, block }
102    }
105impl<'short, 'long> InstBuilderBase<'short> for FuncInstBuilder<'short, 'long> {
106    fn data_flow_graph(&self) -> &DataFlowGraph {
107        &self.builder.func.dfg
108    }
110    fn data_flow_graph_mut(&mut self) -> &mut DataFlowGraph {
111        &mut self.builder.func.dfg
112    }
114    // This implementation is richer than `InsertBuilder` because we use the data of the
115    // instruction being inserted to add related info to the DFG and the SSA building system,
116    // and perform debug sanity checks.
117    fn build(self, data: InstructionData, ctrl_typevar: Type) -> (Inst, &'short mut DataFlowGraph) {
118        // We only insert the Block in the layout when an instruction is added to it
119        self.builder.ensure_inserted_block();
121        let inst = self.builder.func.dfg.make_inst(data);
122        self.builder.func.dfg.make_inst_results(inst, ctrl_typevar);
123        self.builder.func.layout.append_inst(inst, self.block);
124        if !self.builder.srcloc.is_default() {
125            self.builder.func.set_srcloc(inst, self.builder.srcloc);
126        }
128        match &self.builder.func.dfg.insts[inst] {
129            ir::InstructionData::Jump {
130                destination: dest, ..
131            } => {
132                // If the user has supplied jump arguments we must adapt the arguments of
133                // the destination block
134                let block = dest.block(&self.builder.func.dfg.value_lists);
135                self.builder.declare_successor(block, inst);
136            }
138            ir::InstructionData::Brif {
139                blocks: [branch_then, branch_else],
140                ..
141            } => {
142                let block_then = branch_then.block(&self.builder.func.dfg.value_lists);
143                let block_else = branch_else.block(&self.builder.func.dfg.value_lists);
145                self.builder.declare_successor(block_then, inst);
146                if block_then != block_else {
147                    self.builder.declare_successor(block_else, inst);
148                }
149            }
151            ir::InstructionData::BranchTable { table, .. } => {
152                let pool = &self.builder.func.dfg.value_lists;
154                // Unlike all other jumps/branches, jump tables are
155                // capable of having the same successor appear
156                // multiple times, so we must deduplicate.
157                let mut unique = EntitySet::<Block>::new();
158                for dest_block in self
159                    .builder
160                    .func
161                    .stencil
162                    .dfg
163                    .jump_tables
164                    .get(*table)
165                    .expect("you are referencing an undeclared jump table")
166                    .all_branches()
167                {
168                    let block = dest_block.block(pool);
169                    if !unique.insert(block) {
170                        continue;
171                    }
173                    // Call `declare_block_predecessor` instead of `declare_successor` for
174                    // avoiding the borrow checker.
175                    self.builder
176                        .func_ctx
177                        .ssa
178                        .declare_block_predecessor(block, inst);
179                }
180            }
182            inst => debug_assert!(!inst.opcode().is_branch()),
183        }
185        if data.opcode().is_terminator() {
186            self.builder.fill_current_block()
187        }
188        (inst, &mut self.builder.func.dfg)
189    }
192#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
193/// An error encountered when calling [`FunctionBuilder::try_use_var`].
194pub enum UseVariableError {
195    UsedBeforeDeclared(Variable),
198impl fmt::Display for UseVariableError {
199    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
200        match self {
201            UseVariableError::UsedBeforeDeclared(variable) => {
202                write!(
203                    f,
204                    "variable {} was used before it was defined",
205                    variable.index()
206                )?;
207            }
208        }
209        Ok(())
210    }
213impl std::error::Error for UseVariableError {}
215#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
216/// An error encountered when calling [`FunctionBuilder::try_declare_var`].
217pub enum DeclareVariableError {
218    DeclaredMultipleTimes(Variable),
221impl std::error::Error for DeclareVariableError {}
223impl fmt::Display for DeclareVariableError {
224    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
225        match self {
226            DeclareVariableError::DeclaredMultipleTimes(variable) => {
227                write!(
228                    f,
229                    "variable {} was declared multiple times",
230                    variable.index()
231                )?;
232            }
233        }
234        Ok(())
235    }
238#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
239/// An error encountered when defining the initial value of a variable.
240pub enum DefVariableError {
241    /// The variable was instantiated with a value of the wrong type.
242    ///
243    /// note: to obtain the type of the value, you can call
244    /// [`cranelift_codegen::ir::dfg::DataFlowGraph::value_type`] (using the
245    /// `FunctionBuilder.func.dfg` field)
246    TypeMismatch(Variable, Value),
247    /// The value was defined (in a call to [`FunctionBuilder::def_var`]) before
248    /// it was declared (in a call to [`FunctionBuilder::declare_var`]).
249    DefinedBeforeDeclared(Variable),
252impl fmt::Display for DefVariableError {
253    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
254        match self {
255            DefVariableError::TypeMismatch(variable, value) => {
256                write!(
257                    f,
258                    "the types of variable {} and value {} are not the same.
259                    The `Value` supplied to `def_var` must be of the same type as
260                    the variable was declared to be of in `declare_var`.",
261                    variable.index(),
262                    value.as_u32()
263                )?;
264            }
265            DefVariableError::DefinedBeforeDeclared(variable) => {
266                write!(
267                    f,
268                    "the value of variable {} was declared before it was defined",
269                    variable.index()
270                )?;
271            }
272        }
273        Ok(())
274    }
277/// This module allows you to create a function in Cranelift IR in a straightforward way, hiding
278/// all the complexity of its internal representation.
280/// The module is parametrized by one type which is the representation of variables in your
281/// origin language. It offers a way to conveniently append instruction to your program flow.
282/// You are responsible to split your instruction flow into extended blocks (declared with
283/// [`create_block`](Self::create_block)) whose properties are:
285/// - branch and jump instructions can only point at the top of extended blocks;
286/// - the last instruction of each block is a terminator instruction which has no natural successor,
287///   and those instructions can only appear at the end of extended blocks.
289/// The parameters of Cranelift IR instructions are Cranelift IR values, which can only be created
290/// as results of other Cranelift IR instructions. To be able to create variables redefined multiple
291/// times in your program, use the [`def_var`](Self::def_var) and [`use_var`](Self::use_var) command,
292/// that will maintain the correspondence between your variables and Cranelift IR SSA values.
294/// The first block for which you call [`switch_to_block`](Self::switch_to_block) will be assumed to
295/// be the beginning of the function.
297/// At creation, a [`FunctionBuilder`] instance borrows an already allocated `Function` which it
298/// modifies with the information stored in the mutable borrowed
299/// [`FunctionBuilderContext`]. The function passed in argument should be newly created with
300/// [`Function::with_name_signature()`], whereas the [`FunctionBuilderContext`] can be kept as is
301/// between two function translations.
303/// # Errors
305/// The functions below will panic in debug mode whenever you try to modify the Cranelift IR
306/// function in a way that violate the coherence of the code. For instance: switching to a new
307/// [`Block`] when you haven't filled the current one with a terminator instruction, inserting a
308/// return instruction with arguments that don't match the function's signature.
309impl<'a> FunctionBuilder<'a> {
310    /// Creates a new [`FunctionBuilder`] structure that will operate on a [`Function`] using a
311    /// [`FunctionBuilderContext`].
312    pub fn new(func: &'a mut Function, func_ctx: &'a mut FunctionBuilderContext) -> Self {
313        debug_assert!(func_ctx.is_empty());
314        Self {
315            func,
316            srcloc: Default::default(),
317            func_ctx,
318            position: Default::default(),
319        }
320    }
322    /// Get the block that this builder is currently at.
323    pub fn current_block(&self) -> Option<Block> {
324        self.position.expand()
325    }
327    /// Set the source location that should be assigned to all new instructions.
328    pub fn set_srcloc(&mut self, srcloc: ir::SourceLoc) {
329        self.srcloc = srcloc;
330    }
332    /// Creates a new [`Block`] and returns its reference.
333    pub fn create_block(&mut self) -> Block {
334        let block = self.func.dfg.make_block();
335        self.func_ctx.ssa.declare_block(block);
336        block
337    }
339    /// Mark a block as "cold".
340    ///
341    /// This will try to move it out of the ordinary path of execution
342    /// when lowered to machine code.
343    pub fn set_cold_block(&mut self, block: Block) {
344        self.func.layout.set_cold(block);
345    }
347    /// Insert `block` in the layout *after* the existing block `after`.
348    pub fn insert_block_after(&mut self, block: Block, after: Block) {
349        self.func.layout.insert_block_after(block, after);
350    }
352    /// After the call to this function, new instructions will be inserted into the designated
353    /// block, in the order they are declared. You must declare the types of the [`Block`] arguments
354    /// you will use here.
355    ///
356    /// When inserting the terminator instruction (which doesn't have a fallthrough to its immediate
357    /// successor), the block will be declared filled and it will not be possible to append
358    /// instructions to it.
359    pub fn switch_to_block(&mut self, block: Block) {
360        log::trace!("switch to {block:?}");
362        // First we check that the previous block has been filled.
363        debug_assert!(
364            self.position.is_none()
365                || self.is_unreachable()
366                || self.is_pristine(self.position.unwrap())
367                || self.is_filled(self.position.unwrap()),
368            "you have to fill your block before switching"
369        );
370        // We cannot switch to a filled block
371        debug_assert!(
372            !self.is_filled(block),
373            "you cannot switch to a block which is already filled"
374        );
376        // Then we change the cursor position.
377        self.position = PackedOption::from(block);
378    }
380    /// Declares that all the predecessors of this block are known.
381    ///
382    /// Function to call with `block` as soon as the last branch instruction to `block` has been
383    /// created. Forgetting to call this method on every block will cause inconsistencies in the
384    /// produced functions.
385    pub fn seal_block(&mut self, block: Block) {
386        let side_effects = self.func_ctx.ssa.seal_block(block, self.func);
387        self.handle_ssa_side_effects(side_effects);
388    }
390    /// Effectively calls [seal_block](Self::seal_block) on all unsealed blocks in the function.
391    ///
392    /// It's more efficient to seal [`Block`]s as soon as possible, during
393    /// translation, but for frontends where this is impractical to do, this
394    /// function can be used at the end of translating all blocks to ensure
395    /// that everything is sealed.
396    pub fn seal_all_blocks(&mut self) {
397        let side_effects = self.func_ctx.ssa.seal_all_blocks(self.func);
398        self.handle_ssa_side_effects(side_effects);
399    }
401    /// Declares the type of a variable.
402    ///
403    /// This allows the variable to be used later (by calling
404    /// [`FunctionBuilder::use_var`]).
405    ///
406    /// # Errors
407    ///
408    /// This function will return an error if the variable has been previously
409    /// declared.
410    pub fn try_declare_var(&mut self, var: Variable, ty: Type) -> Result<(), DeclareVariableError> {
411        if self.func_ctx.types[var] != types::INVALID {
412            return Err(DeclareVariableError::DeclaredMultipleTimes(var));
413        }
414        self.func_ctx.types[var] = ty;
415        Ok(())
416    }
418    /// Declares the type of a variable, panicking if it is already declared.
419    ///
420    /// # Panics
421    ///
422    /// Panics if the variable has already been declared.
423    pub fn declare_var(&mut self, var: Variable, ty: Type) {
424        self.try_declare_var(var, ty)
425            .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("the variable {var:?} has been declared multiple times"))
426    }
428    /// Declare that all uses of the given variable must be included in stack
429    /// map metadata.
430    ///
431    /// All values that are uses of this variable will be spilled to the stack
432    /// before each safepoint and their location on the stack included in stack
433    /// maps. Stack maps allow the garbage collector to identify the on-stack GC
434    /// roots.
435    ///
436    /// This does not affect any pre-existing uses of the variable.
437    ///
438    /// # Panics
439    ///
440    /// Panics if the variable's type is larger than 16 bytes or if this
441    /// variable has not been declared yet.
442    pub fn declare_var_needs_stack_map(&mut self, var: Variable) {
443        log::trace!("declare_var_needs_stack_map({var:?})");
444        let ty = self.func_ctx.types[var];
445        assert!(ty != types::INVALID);
446        assert!(ty.bytes() <= 16);
447        self.func_ctx.stack_map_vars.insert(var);
448    }
450    /// Returns the Cranelift IR necessary to use a previously defined user
451    /// variable, returning an error if this is not possible.
452    pub fn try_use_var(&mut self, var: Variable) -> Result<Value, UseVariableError> {
453        // Assert that we're about to add instructions to this block using the definition of the
454        // given variable. ssa.use_var is the only part of this crate which can add block parameters
455        // behind the caller's back. If we disallow calling append_block_param as soon as use_var is
456        // called, then we enforce a strict separation between user parameters and SSA parameters.
457        self.ensure_inserted_block();
459        let (val, side_effects) = {
460            let ty = *self
461                .func_ctx
462                .types
463                .get(var)
464                .ok_or(UseVariableError::UsedBeforeDeclared(var))?;
465            debug_assert_ne!(
466                ty,
467                types::INVALID,
468                "variable {var:?} is used but its type has not been declared"
469            );
470            self.func_ctx
471                .ssa
472                .use_var(self.func, var, ty, self.position.unwrap())
473        };
474        self.handle_ssa_side_effects(side_effects);
476        // If the variable was declared as needing stack maps, then propagate
477        // that requirement to all values derived from using the variable.
478        if self.func_ctx.stack_map_vars.contains(var) {
479            self.declare_value_needs_stack_map(val);
480        }
482        Ok(val)
483    }
485    /// Returns the Cranelift IR value corresponding to the utilization at the current program
486    /// position of a previously defined user variable.
487    pub fn use_var(&mut self, var: Variable) -> Value {
488        self.try_use_var(var).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
489            panic!("variable {var:?} is used but its type has not been declared")
490        })
491    }
493    /// Registers a new definition of a user variable. This function will return
494    /// an error if the value supplied does not match the type the variable was
495    /// declared to have.
496    pub fn try_def_var(&mut self, var: Variable, val: Value) -> Result<(), DefVariableError> {
497        let var_ty = *self
498            .func_ctx
499            .types
500            .get(var)
501            .ok_or(DefVariableError::DefinedBeforeDeclared(var))?;
502        if var_ty != self.func.dfg.value_type(val) {
503            return Err(DefVariableError::TypeMismatch(var, val));
504        }
506        // If `var` needs inclusion in stack maps, then `val` does too.
507        if self.func_ctx.stack_map_vars.contains(var) {
508            self.declare_value_needs_stack_map(val);
509        }
511        self.func_ctx.ssa.def_var(var, val, self.position.unwrap());
512        Ok(())
513    }
515    /// Register a new definition of a user variable. The type of the value must be
516    /// the same as the type registered for the variable.
517    pub fn def_var(&mut self, var: Variable, val: Value) {
518        self.try_def_var(var, val)
519            .unwrap_or_else(|error| match error {
520                DefVariableError::TypeMismatch(var, val) => {
521                    panic!("declared type of variable {var:?} doesn't match type of value {val}");
522                }
523                DefVariableError::DefinedBeforeDeclared(var) => {
524                    panic!("variable {var:?} is used but its type has not been declared");
525                }
526            })
527    }
529    /// Set label for [`Value`]
530    ///
531    /// This will not do anything unless
532    /// [`func.dfg.collect_debug_info`](DataFlowGraph::collect_debug_info) is called first.
533    pub fn set_val_label(&mut self, val: Value, label: ValueLabel) {
534        if let Some(values_labels) = self.func.stencil.dfg.values_labels.as_mut() {
535            use alloc::collections::btree_map::Entry;
537            let start = ValueLabelStart {
538                from: RelSourceLoc::from_base_offset(self.func.params.base_srcloc(), self.srcloc),
539                label,
540            };
542            match values_labels.entry(val) {
543                Entry::Occupied(mut e) => match e.get_mut() {
544                    ValueLabelAssignments::Starts(starts) => starts.push(start),
545                    _ => panic!("Unexpected ValueLabelAssignments at this stage"),
546                },
547                Entry::Vacant(e) => {
548                    e.insert(ValueLabelAssignments::Starts(vec![start]));
549                }
550            }
551        }
552    }
554    /// Declare that the given value is a GC reference that requires inclusion
555    /// in a stack map when it is live across GC safepoints.
556    ///
557    /// At the current moment, values that need inclusion in stack maps are
558    /// spilled before safepoints, but they are not reloaded afterwards. This
559    /// means that moving GCs are not yet supported, however the intention is to
560    /// add this support in the near future.
561    ///
562    /// # Panics
563    ///
564    /// Panics if `val` is larger than 16 bytes.
565    pub fn declare_value_needs_stack_map(&mut self, val: Value) {
566        log::trace!("declare_value_needs_stack_map({val:?})");
568        // We rely on these properties in `insert_safepoint_spills`.
569        let size = self.func.dfg.value_type(val).bytes();
570        assert!(size <= 16);
571        assert!(size.is_power_of_two());
573        self.func_ctx.stack_map_values.insert(val);
574    }
576    /// Creates a jump table in the function, to be used by [`br_table`](InstBuilder::br_table) instructions.
577    pub fn create_jump_table(&mut self, data: JumpTableData) -> JumpTable {
578        self.func.create_jump_table(data)
579    }
581    /// Creates a sized stack slot in the function, to be used by [`stack_load`](InstBuilder::stack_load),
582    /// [`stack_store`](InstBuilder::stack_store) and [`stack_addr`](InstBuilder::stack_addr) instructions.
583    pub fn create_sized_stack_slot(&mut self, data: StackSlotData) -> StackSlot {
584        self.func.create_sized_stack_slot(data)
585    }
587    /// Creates a dynamic stack slot in the function, to be used by
588    /// [`dynamic_stack_load`](InstBuilder::dynamic_stack_load),
589    /// [`dynamic_stack_store`](InstBuilder::dynamic_stack_store) and
590    /// [`dynamic_stack_addr`](InstBuilder::dynamic_stack_addr) instructions.
591    pub fn create_dynamic_stack_slot(&mut self, data: DynamicStackSlotData) -> DynamicStackSlot {
592        self.func.create_dynamic_stack_slot(data)
593    }
595    /// Adds a signature which can later be used to declare an external function import.
596    pub fn import_signature(&mut self, signature: Signature) -> SigRef {
597        self.func.import_signature(signature)
598    }
600    /// Declare an external function import.
601    pub fn import_function(&mut self, data: ExtFuncData) -> FuncRef {
602        self.func.import_function(data)
603    }
605    /// Declares a global value accessible to the function.
606    pub fn create_global_value(&mut self, data: GlobalValueData) -> GlobalValue {
607        self.func.create_global_value(data)
608    }
610    /// Returns an object with the [`InstBuilder`]
611    /// trait that allows to conveniently append an instruction to the current [`Block`] being built.
612    pub fn ins<'short>(&'short mut self) -> FuncInstBuilder<'short, 'a> {
613        let block = self
614            .position
615            .expect("Please call switch_to_block before inserting instructions");
616        FuncInstBuilder::new(self, block)
617    }
619    /// Make sure that the current block is inserted in the layout.
620    pub fn ensure_inserted_block(&mut self) {
621        let block = self.position.unwrap();
622        if self.is_pristine(block) {
623            if !self.func.layout.is_block_inserted(block) {
624                self.func.layout.append_block(block);
625            }
626            self.func_ctx.status[block] = BlockStatus::Partial;
627        } else {
628            debug_assert!(
629                !self.is_filled(block),
630                "you cannot add an instruction to a block already filled"
631            );
632        }
633    }
635    /// Returns a [`FuncCursor`] pointed at the current position ready for inserting instructions.
636    ///
637    /// This can be used to insert SSA code that doesn't need to access locals and that doesn't
638    /// need to know about [`FunctionBuilder`] at all.
639    pub fn cursor(&mut self) -> FuncCursor {
640        self.ensure_inserted_block();
641        FuncCursor::new(self.func)
642            .with_srcloc(self.srcloc)
643            .at_bottom(self.position.unwrap())
644    }
646    /// Append parameters to the given [`Block`] corresponding to the function
647    /// parameters. This can be used to set up the block parameters for the
648    /// entry block.
649    pub fn append_block_params_for_function_params(&mut self, block: Block) {
650        debug_assert!(
651            !self.func_ctx.ssa.has_any_predecessors(block),
652            "block parameters for function parameters should only be added to the entry block"
653        );
655        // These parameters count as "user" parameters here because they aren't
656        // inserted by the SSABuilder.
657        debug_assert!(
658            self.is_pristine(block),
659            "You can't add block parameters after adding any instruction"
660        );
662        for argtyp in &self.func.stencil.signature.params {
663            self.func
664                .stencil
665                .dfg
666                .append_block_param(block, argtyp.value_type);
667        }
668    }
670    /// Append parameters to the given [`Block`] corresponding to the function
671    /// return values. This can be used to set up the block parameters for a
672    /// function exit block.
673    pub fn append_block_params_for_function_returns(&mut self, block: Block) {
674        // These parameters count as "user" parameters here because they aren't
675        // inserted by the SSABuilder.
676        debug_assert!(
677            self.is_pristine(block),
678            "You can't add block parameters after adding any instruction"
679        );
681        for argtyp in &self.func.stencil.signature.returns {
682            self.func
683                .stencil
684                .dfg
685                .append_block_param(block, argtyp.value_type);
686        }
687    }
689    /// Declare that translation of the current function is complete.
690    ///
691    /// This resets the state of the [`FunctionBuilderContext`] in preparation to
692    /// be used for another function.
693    pub fn finalize(mut self) {
694        // Check that all the `Block`s are filled and sealed.
695        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
696        {
697            for block in self.func_ctx.status.keys() {
698                if !self.is_pristine(block) {
699                    assert!(
700                        self.func_ctx.ssa.is_sealed(block),
701                        "FunctionBuilder finalized, but block {block} is not sealed",
702                    );
703                    assert!(
704                        self.is_filled(block),
705                        "FunctionBuilder finalized, but block {block} is not filled",
706                    );
707                }
708            }
709        }
711        // In debug mode, check that all blocks are valid basic blocks.
712        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
713        {
714            // Iterate manually to provide more helpful error messages.
715            for block in self.func_ctx.status.keys() {
716                if let Err((inst, msg)) = self.func.is_block_basic(block) {
717                    let inst_str = self.func.dfg.display_inst(inst);
718                    panic!("{block} failed basic block invariants on {inst_str}: {msg}");
719                }
720            }
721        }
723        if !self.func_ctx.stack_map_values.is_empty() {
724            self.func_ctx
725                .safepoints
726                .run(&mut self.func, &self.func_ctx.stack_map_values);
727        }
729        // Clear the state (but preserve the allocated buffers) in preparation
730        // for translation another function.
731        self.func_ctx.clear();
732    }
735/// All the functions documented in the previous block are write-only and help you build a valid
736/// Cranelift IR functions via multiple debug asserts. However, you might need to improve the
737/// performance of your translation perform more complex transformations to your Cranelift IR
738/// function. The functions below help you inspect the function you're creating and modify it
739/// in ways that can be unsafe if used incorrectly.
740impl<'a> FunctionBuilder<'a> {
741    /// Retrieves all the parameters for a [`Block`] currently inferred from the jump instructions
742    /// inserted that target it and the SSA construction.
743    pub fn block_params(&self, block: Block) -> &[Value] {
744        self.func.dfg.block_params(block)
745    }
747    /// Retrieves the signature with reference `sigref` previously added with
748    /// [`import_signature`](Self::import_signature).
749    pub fn signature(&self, sigref: SigRef) -> Option<&Signature> {
750        self.func.dfg.signatures.get(sigref)
751    }
753    /// Creates a parameter for a specific [`Block`] by appending it to the list of already existing
754    /// parameters.
755    ///
756    /// **Note:** this function has to be called at the creation of the `Block` before adding
757    /// instructions to it, otherwise this could interfere with SSA construction.
758    pub fn append_block_param(&mut self, block: Block, ty: Type) -> Value {
759        debug_assert!(
760            self.is_pristine(block),
761            "You can't add block parameters after adding any instruction"
762        );
763        self.func.dfg.append_block_param(block, ty)
764    }
766    /// Returns the result values of an instruction.
767    pub fn inst_results(&self, inst: Inst) -> &[Value] {
768        self.func.dfg.inst_results(inst)
769    }
771    /// Changes the destination of a jump instruction after creation.
772    ///
773    /// **Note:** You are responsible for maintaining the coherence with the arguments of
774    /// other jump instructions.
775    pub fn change_jump_destination(&mut self, inst: Inst, old_block: Block, new_block: Block) {
776        let dfg = &mut self.func.dfg;
777        for block in dfg.insts[inst].branch_destination_mut(&mut dfg.jump_tables) {
778            if block.block(&dfg.value_lists) == old_block {
779                self.func_ctx.ssa.remove_block_predecessor(old_block, inst);
780                block.set_block(new_block, &mut dfg.value_lists);
781                self.func_ctx.ssa.declare_block_predecessor(new_block, inst);
782            }
783        }
784    }
786    /// Returns `true` if and only if the current [`Block`] is sealed and has no predecessors declared.
787    ///
788    /// The entry block of a function is never unreachable.
789    pub fn is_unreachable(&self) -> bool {
790        let is_entry = match self.func.layout.entry_block() {
791            None => false,
792            Some(entry) => self.position.unwrap() == entry,
793        };
794        !is_entry
795            && self.func_ctx.ssa.is_sealed(self.position.unwrap())
796            && !self
797                .func_ctx
798                .ssa
799                .has_any_predecessors(self.position.unwrap())
800    }
802    /// Returns `true` if and only if no instructions have been added since the last call to
803    /// [`switch_to_block`](Self::switch_to_block).
804    fn is_pristine(&self, block: Block) -> bool {
805        self.func_ctx.status[block] == BlockStatus::Empty
806    }
808    /// Returns `true` if and only if a terminator instruction has been inserted since the
809    /// last call to [`switch_to_block`](Self::switch_to_block).
810    fn is_filled(&self, block: Block) -> bool {
811        self.func_ctx.status[block] == BlockStatus::Filled
812    }
815/// Helper functions
816impl<'a> FunctionBuilder<'a> {
817    /// Calls libc.memcpy
818    ///
819    /// Copies the `size` bytes from `src` to `dest`, assumes that `src + size`
820    /// won't overlap onto `dest`. If `dest` and `src` overlap, the behavior is
821    /// undefined. Applications in which `dest` and `src` might overlap should
822    /// use `call_memmove` instead.
823    pub fn call_memcpy(
824        &mut self,
825        config: TargetFrontendConfig,
826        dest: Value,
827        src: Value,
828        size: Value,
829    ) {
830        let pointer_type = config.pointer_type();
831        let signature = {
832            let mut s = Signature::new(config.default_call_conv);
833            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
834            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
835            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
836            s.returns.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
837            self.import_signature(s)
838        };
840        let libc_memcpy = self.import_function(ExtFuncData {
841            name: ExternalName::LibCall(LibCall::Memcpy),
842            signature,
843            colocated: false,
844        });
846        self.ins().call(libc_memcpy, &[dest, src, size]);
847    }
849    /// Optimised memcpy or memmove for small copies.
850    ///
851    /// # Codegen safety
852    ///
853    /// The following properties must hold to prevent UB:
854    ///
855    /// * `src_align` and `dest_align` are an upper-bound on the alignment of `src` respectively `dest`.
856    /// * If `non_overlapping` is true, then this must be correct.
857    pub fn emit_small_memory_copy(
858        &mut self,
859        config: TargetFrontendConfig,
860        dest: Value,
861        src: Value,
862        size: u64,
863        dest_align: u8,
864        src_align: u8,
865        non_overlapping: bool,
866        mut flags: MemFlags,
867    ) {
868        // Currently the result of guess work, not actual profiling.
869        const THRESHOLD: u64 = 4;
871        if size == 0 {
872            return;
873        }
875        let access_size = greatest_divisible_power_of_two(size);
876        assert!(
877            access_size.is_power_of_two(),
878            "`size` is not a power of two"
879        );
880        assert!(
881            access_size >= u64::from(::core::cmp::min(src_align, dest_align)),
882            "`size` is smaller than `dest` and `src`'s alignment value."
883        );
885        let (access_size, int_type) = if access_size <= 8 {
886            (access_size, Type::int((access_size * 8) as u16).unwrap())
887        } else {
888            (8, types::I64)
889        };
891        let load_and_store_amount = size / access_size;
893        if load_and_store_amount > THRESHOLD {
894            let size_value = self.ins().iconst(config.pointer_type(), size as i64);
895            if non_overlapping {
896                self.call_memcpy(config, dest, src, size_value);
897            } else {
898                self.call_memmove(config, dest, src, size_value);
899            }
900            return;
901        }
903        if u64::from(src_align) >= access_size && u64::from(dest_align) >= access_size {
904            flags.set_aligned();
905        }
907        // Load all of the memory first. This is necessary in case `dest` overlaps.
908        // It can also improve performance a bit.
909        let registers: smallvec::SmallVec<[_; THRESHOLD as usize]> = (0..load_and_store_amount)
910            .map(|i| {
911                let offset = (access_size * i) as i32;
912                (self.ins().load(int_type, flags, src, offset), offset)
913            })
914            .collect();
916        for (value, offset) in registers {
917            self.ins().store(flags, value, dest, offset);
918        }
919    }
921    /// Calls libc.memset
922    ///
923    /// Writes `size` bytes of i8 value `ch` to memory starting at `buffer`.
924    pub fn call_memset(
925        &mut self,
926        config: TargetFrontendConfig,
927        buffer: Value,
928        ch: Value,
929        size: Value,
930    ) {
931        let pointer_type = config.pointer_type();
932        let signature = {
933            let mut s = Signature::new(config.default_call_conv);
934            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
935            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(types::I32));
936            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
937            s.returns.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
938            self.import_signature(s)
939        };
941        let libc_memset = self.import_function(ExtFuncData {
942            name: ExternalName::LibCall(LibCall::Memset),
943            signature,
944            colocated: false,
945        });
947        let ch = self.ins().uextend(types::I32, ch);
948        self.ins().call(libc_memset, &[buffer, ch, size]);
949    }
951    /// Calls libc.memset
952    ///
953    /// Writes `size` bytes of value `ch` to memory starting at `buffer`.
954    pub fn emit_small_memset(
955        &mut self,
956        config: TargetFrontendConfig,
957        buffer: Value,
958        ch: u8,
959        size: u64,
960        buffer_align: u8,
961        mut flags: MemFlags,
962    ) {
963        // Currently the result of guess work, not actual profiling.
964        const THRESHOLD: u64 = 4;
966        if size == 0 {
967            return;
968        }
970        let access_size = greatest_divisible_power_of_two(size);
971        assert!(
972            access_size.is_power_of_two(),
973            "`size` is not a power of two"
974        );
975        assert!(
976            access_size >= u64::from(buffer_align),
977            "`size` is smaller than `dest` and `src`'s alignment value."
978        );
980        let (access_size, int_type) = if access_size <= 8 {
981            (access_size, Type::int((access_size * 8) as u16).unwrap())
982        } else {
983            (8, types::I64)
984        };
986        let load_and_store_amount = size / access_size;
988        if load_and_store_amount > THRESHOLD {
989            let ch = self.ins().iconst(types::I8, i64::from(ch));
990            let size = self.ins().iconst(config.pointer_type(), size as i64);
991            self.call_memset(config, buffer, ch, size);
992        } else {
993            if u64::from(buffer_align) >= access_size {
994                flags.set_aligned();
995            }
997            let ch = u64::from(ch);
998            let raw_value = if int_type == types::I64 {
999                ch * 0x0101010101010101_u64
1000            } else if int_type == types::I32 {
1001                ch * 0x01010101_u64
1002            } else if int_type == types::I16 {
1003                (ch << 8) | ch
1004            } else {
1005                assert_eq!(int_type, types::I8);
1006                ch
1007            };
1009            let value = self.ins().iconst(int_type, raw_value as i64);
1010            for i in 0..load_and_store_amount {
1011                let offset = (access_size * i) as i32;
1012                self.ins().store(flags, value, buffer, offset);
1013            }
1014        }
1015    }
1017    /// Calls libc.memmove
1018    ///
1019    /// Copies `size` bytes from memory starting at `source` to memory starting
1020    /// at `dest`. `source` is always read before writing to `dest`.
1021    pub fn call_memmove(
1022        &mut self,
1023        config: TargetFrontendConfig,
1024        dest: Value,
1025        source: Value,
1026        size: Value,
1027    ) {
1028        let pointer_type = config.pointer_type();
1029        let signature = {
1030            let mut s = Signature::new(config.default_call_conv);
1031            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
1032            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
1033            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
1034            s.returns.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
1035            self.import_signature(s)
1036        };
1038        let libc_memmove = self.import_function(ExtFuncData {
1039            name: ExternalName::LibCall(LibCall::Memmove),
1040            signature,
1041            colocated: false,
1042        });
1044        self.ins().call(libc_memmove, &[dest, source, size]);
1045    }
1047    /// Calls libc.memcmp
1048    ///
1049    /// Compares `size` bytes from memory starting at `left` to memory starting
1050    /// at `right`. Returns `0` if all `n` bytes are equal.  If the first difference
1051    /// is at offset `i`, returns a positive integer if `ugt(left[i], right[i])`
1052    /// and a negative integer if `ult(left[i], right[i])`.
1053    ///
1054    /// Returns a C `int`, which is currently always [`types::I32`].
1055    pub fn call_memcmp(
1056        &mut self,
1057        config: TargetFrontendConfig,
1058        left: Value,
1059        right: Value,
1060        size: Value,
1061    ) -> Value {
1062        let pointer_type = config.pointer_type();
1063        let signature = {
1064            let mut s = Signature::new(config.default_call_conv);
1065            s.params.reserve(3);
1066            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
1067            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
1068            s.params.push(AbiParam::new(pointer_type));
1069            s.returns.push(AbiParam::new(types::I32));
1070            self.import_signature(s)
1071        };
1073        let libc_memcmp = self.import_function(ExtFuncData {
1074            name: ExternalName::LibCall(LibCall::Memcmp),
1075            signature,
1076            colocated: false,
1077        });
1079        let call = self.ins().call(libc_memcmp, &[left, right, size]);
1080        self.func.dfg.first_result(call)
1081    }
1083    /// Optimised [`Self::call_memcmp`] for small copies.
1084    ///
1085    /// This implements the byte slice comparison `int_cc(left[..size], right[..size])`.
1086    ///
1087    /// `left_align` and `right_align` are the statically-known alignments of the
1088    /// `left` and `right` pointers respectively.  These are used to know whether
1089    /// to mark `load`s as aligned.  It's always fine to pass `1` for these, but
1090    /// passing something higher than the true alignment may trap or otherwise
1091    /// misbehave as described in [`MemFlags::aligned`].
1092    ///
1093    /// Note that `memcmp` is a *big-endian* and *unsigned* comparison.
1094    /// As such, this panics when called with `IntCC::Signed*`.
1095    pub fn emit_small_memory_compare(
1096        &mut self,
1097        config: TargetFrontendConfig,
1098        int_cc: IntCC,
1099        left: Value,
1100        right: Value,
1101        size: u64,
1102        left_align: std::num::NonZeroU8,
1103        right_align: std::num::NonZeroU8,
1104        flags: MemFlags,
1105    ) -> Value {
1106        use IntCC::*;
1107        let (zero_cc, empty_imm) = match int_cc {
1108            //
1109            Equal => (Equal, 1),
1110            NotEqual => (NotEqual, 0),
1112            UnsignedLessThan => (SignedLessThan, 0),
1113            UnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual => (SignedGreaterThanOrEqual, 1),
1114            UnsignedGreaterThan => (SignedGreaterThan, 0),
1115            UnsignedLessThanOrEqual => (SignedLessThanOrEqual, 1),
1117            SignedLessThan
1118            | SignedGreaterThanOrEqual
1119            | SignedGreaterThan
1120            | SignedLessThanOrEqual => {
1121                panic!("Signed comparison {int_cc} not supported by memcmp")
1122            }
1123        };
1125        if size == 0 {
1126            return self.ins().iconst(types::I8, empty_imm);
1127        }
1129        // Future work could consider expanding this to handle more-complex scenarios.
1130        if let Some(small_type) = size.try_into().ok().and_then(Type::int_with_byte_size) {
1131            if let Equal | NotEqual = zero_cc {
1132                let mut left_flags = flags;
1133                if size == left_align.get() as u64 {
1134                    left_flags.set_aligned();
1135                }
1136                let mut right_flags = flags;
1137                if size == right_align.get() as u64 {
1138                    right_flags.set_aligned();
1139                }
1140                let left_val = self.ins().load(small_type, left_flags, left, 0);
1141                let right_val = self.ins().load(small_type, right_flags, right, 0);
1142                return self.ins().icmp(int_cc, left_val, right_val);
1143            } else if small_type == types::I8 {
1144                // Once the big-endian loads from wasmtime#2492 are implemented in
1145                // the backends, we could easily handle comparisons for more sizes here.
1146                // But for now, just handle single bytes where we don't need to worry.
1148                let mut aligned_flags = flags;
1149                aligned_flags.set_aligned();
1150                let left_val = self.ins().load(small_type, aligned_flags, left, 0);
1151                let right_val = self.ins().load(small_type, aligned_flags, right, 0);
1152                return self.ins().icmp(int_cc, left_val, right_val);
1153            }
1154        }
1156        let pointer_type = config.pointer_type();
1157        let size = self.ins().iconst(pointer_type, size as i64);
1158        let cmp = self.call_memcmp(config, left, right, size);
1159        self.ins().icmp_imm(zero_cc, cmp, 0)
1160    }
1163fn greatest_divisible_power_of_two(size: u64) -> u64 {
1164    (size as i64 & -(size as i64)) as u64
1167// Helper functions
1168impl<'a> FunctionBuilder<'a> {
1169    /// A Block is 'filled' when a terminator instruction is present.
1170    fn fill_current_block(&mut self) {
1171        self.func_ctx.status[self.position.unwrap()] = BlockStatus::Filled;
1172    }
1174    fn declare_successor(&mut self, dest_block: Block, jump_inst: Inst) {
1175        self.func_ctx
1176            .ssa
1177            .declare_block_predecessor(dest_block, jump_inst);
1178    }
1180    fn handle_ssa_side_effects(&mut self, side_effects: SideEffects) {
1181        for modified_block in side_effects.instructions_added_to_blocks {
1182            if self.is_pristine(modified_block) {
1183                self.func_ctx.status[modified_block] = BlockStatus::Partial;
1184            }
1185        }
1186    }
1190mod tests {
1191    use super::greatest_divisible_power_of_two;
1192    use crate::frontend::{
1193        DeclareVariableError, DefVariableError, FunctionBuilder, FunctionBuilderContext,
1194        UseVariableError,
1195    };
1196    use crate::Variable;
1197    use alloc::string::ToString;
1198    use cranelift_codegen::entity::EntityRef;
1199    use cranelift_codegen::ir::condcodes::IntCC;
1200    use cranelift_codegen::ir::{types::*, UserFuncName};
1201    use cranelift_codegen::ir::{AbiParam, Function, InstBuilder, MemFlags, Signature, Value};
1202    use cranelift_codegen::isa::{CallConv, TargetFrontendConfig, TargetIsa};
1203    use cranelift_codegen::settings;
1204    use cranelift_codegen::verifier::verify_function;
1205    use target_lexicon::PointerWidth;
1207    fn sample_function(lazy_seal: bool) {
1208        let mut sig = Signature::new(CallConv::SystemV);
1209        sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(I32));
1210        sig.params.push(AbiParam::new(I32));
1212        let mut fn_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1213        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(UserFuncName::testcase("sample"), sig);
1214        {
1215            let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_ctx);
1217            let block0 = builder.create_block();
1218            let block1 = builder.create_block();
1219            let block2 = builder.create_block();
1220            let block3 = builder.create_block();
1221            let x = Variable::new(0);
1222            let y = Variable::new(1);
1223            let z = Variable::new(2);
1224            builder.declare_var(x, I32);
1225            builder.declare_var(y, I32);
1226            builder.declare_var(z, I32);
1227            builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block0);
1229            builder.switch_to_block(block0);
1230            if !lazy_seal {
1231                builder.seal_block(block0);
1232            }
1233            {
1234                let tmp = builder.block_params(block0)[0]; // the first function parameter
1235                builder.def_var(x, tmp);
1236            }
1237            {
1238                let tmp = builder.ins().iconst(I32, 2);
1239                builder.def_var(y, tmp);
1240            }
1241            {
1242                let arg1 = builder.use_var(x);
1243                let arg2 = builder.use_var(y);
1244                let tmp = builder.ins().iadd(arg1, arg2);
1245                builder.def_var(z, tmp);
1246            }
1247            builder.ins().jump(block1, &[]);
1249            builder.switch_to_block(block1);
1250            {
1251                let arg1 = builder.use_var(y);
1252                let arg2 = builder.use_var(z);
1253                let tmp = builder.ins().iadd(arg1, arg2);
1254                builder.def_var(z, tmp);
1255            }
1256            {
1257                let arg = builder.use_var(y);
1258                builder.ins().brif(arg, block3, &[], block2, &[]);
1259            }
1261            builder.switch_to_block(block2);
1262            if !lazy_seal {
1263                builder.seal_block(block2);
1264            }
1265            {
1266                let arg1 = builder.use_var(z);
1267                let arg2 = builder.use_var(x);
1268                let tmp = builder.ins().isub(arg1, arg2);
1269                builder.def_var(z, tmp);
1270            }
1271            {
1272                let arg = builder.use_var(y);
1273                builder.ins().return_(&[arg]);
1274            }
1276            builder.switch_to_block(block3);
1277            if !lazy_seal {
1278                builder.seal_block(block3);
1279            }
1281            {
1282                let arg1 = builder.use_var(y);
1283                let arg2 = builder.use_var(x);
1284                let tmp = builder.ins().isub(arg1, arg2);
1285                builder.def_var(y, tmp);
1286            }
1287            builder.ins().jump(block1, &[]);
1288            if !lazy_seal {
1289                builder.seal_block(block1);
1290            }
1292            if lazy_seal {
1293                builder.seal_all_blocks();
1294            }
1296            builder.finalize();
1297        }
1299        let flags = settings::Flags::new(settings::builder());
1300        // println!("{}", func.display(None));
1301        if let Err(errors) = verify_function(&func, &flags) {
1302            panic!("{}\n{}", func.display(), errors)
1303        }
1304    }
1306    #[test]
1307    fn sample() {
1308        sample_function(false)
1309    }
1311    #[test]
1312    fn sample_with_lazy_seal() {
1313        sample_function(true)
1314    }
1316    #[track_caller]
1317    fn check(func: &Function, expected_ir: &str) {
1318        let expected_ir = expected_ir.trim();
1319        let actual_ir = func.display().to_string();
1320        let actual_ir = actual_ir.trim();
1321        assert!(
1322            expected_ir == actual_ir,
1323            "Expected:\n{expected_ir}\nGot:\n{actual_ir}"
1324        );
1325    }
1327    /// Helper function to construct a fixed frontend configuration.
1328    fn systemv_frontend_config() -> TargetFrontendConfig {
1329        TargetFrontendConfig {
1330            default_call_conv: CallConv::SystemV,
1331            pointer_width: PointerWidth::U64,
1332            page_size_align_log2: 12,
1333        }
1334    }
1336    #[test]
1337    fn memcpy() {
1338        let frontend_config = systemv_frontend_config();
1339        let mut sig = Signature::new(frontend_config.default_call_conv);
1340        sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(I32));
1342        let mut fn_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1343        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(UserFuncName::testcase("sample"), sig);
1344        {
1345            let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_ctx);
1347            let block0 = builder.create_block();
1348            let x = Variable::new(0);
1349            let y = Variable::new(1);
1350            let z = Variable::new(2);
1351            builder.declare_var(x, frontend_config.pointer_type());
1352            builder.declare_var(y, frontend_config.pointer_type());
1353            builder.declare_var(z, I32);
1354            builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block0);
1355            builder.switch_to_block(block0);
1357            let src = builder.use_var(x);
1358            let dest = builder.use_var(y);
1359            let size = builder.use_var(y);
1360            builder.call_memcpy(frontend_config, dest, src, size);
1361            builder.ins().return_(&[size]);
1363            builder.seal_all_blocks();
1364            builder.finalize();
1365        }
1367        check(
1368            &func,
1369            "function %sample() -> i32 system_v {
1370    sig0 = (i64, i64, i64) -> i64 system_v
1371    fn0 = %Memcpy sig0
1374    v4 = iconst.i64 0
1375    v1 -> v4
1376    v3 = iconst.i64 0
1377    v0 -> v3
1378    v2 = call fn0(v1, v0, v1)  ; v1 = 0, v0 = 0, v1 = 0
1379    return v1  ; v1 = 0
1382        );
1383    }
1385    #[test]
1386    fn small_memcpy() {
1387        let frontend_config = systemv_frontend_config();
1388        let mut sig = Signature::new(frontend_config.default_call_conv);
1389        sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(I32));
1391        let mut fn_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1392        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(UserFuncName::testcase("sample"), sig);
1393        {
1394            let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_ctx);
1396            let block0 = builder.create_block();
1397            let x = Variable::new(0);
1398            let y = Variable::new(16);
1399            builder.declare_var(x, frontend_config.pointer_type());
1400            builder.declare_var(y, frontend_config.pointer_type());
1401            builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block0);
1402            builder.switch_to_block(block0);
1404            let src = builder.use_var(x);
1405            let dest = builder.use_var(y);
1406            let size = 8;
1407            builder.emit_small_memory_copy(
1408                frontend_config,
1409                dest,
1410                src,
1411                size,
1412                8,
1413                8,
1414                true,
1415                MemFlags::new(),
1416            );
1417            builder.ins().return_(&[dest]);
1419            builder.seal_all_blocks();
1420            builder.finalize();
1421        }
1423        check(
1424            &func,
1425            "function %sample() -> i32 system_v {
1427    v4 = iconst.i64 0
1428    v1 -> v4
1429    v3 = iconst.i64 0
1430    v0 -> v3
1431    v2 = load.i64 aligned v0  ; v0 = 0
1432    store aligned v2, v1  ; v1 = 0
1433    return v1  ; v1 = 0
1436        );
1437    }
1439    #[test]
1440    fn not_so_small_memcpy() {
1441        let frontend_config = systemv_frontend_config();
1442        let mut sig = Signature::new(frontend_config.default_call_conv);
1443        sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(I32));
1445        let mut fn_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1446        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(UserFuncName::testcase("sample"), sig);
1447        {
1448            let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_ctx);
1450            let block0 = builder.create_block();
1451            let x = Variable::new(0);
1452            let y = Variable::new(16);
1453            builder.declare_var(x, frontend_config.pointer_type());
1454            builder.declare_var(y, frontend_config.pointer_type());
1455            builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block0);
1456            builder.switch_to_block(block0);
1458            let src = builder.use_var(x);
1459            let dest = builder.use_var(y);
1460            let size = 8192;
1461            builder.emit_small_memory_copy(
1462                frontend_config,
1463                dest,
1464                src,
1465                size,
1466                8,
1467                8,
1468                true,
1469                MemFlags::new(),
1470            );
1471            builder.ins().return_(&[dest]);
1473            builder.seal_all_blocks();
1474            builder.finalize();
1475        }
1477        check(
1478            &func,
1479            "function %sample() -> i32 system_v {
1480    sig0 = (i64, i64, i64) -> i64 system_v
1481    fn0 = %Memcpy sig0
1484    v5 = iconst.i64 0
1485    v1 -> v5
1486    v4 = iconst.i64 0
1487    v0 -> v4
1488    v2 = iconst.i64 8192
1489    v3 = call fn0(v1, v0, v2)  ; v1 = 0, v0 = 0, v2 = 8192
1490    return v1  ; v1 = 0
1493        );
1494    }
1496    #[test]
1497    fn small_memset() {
1498        let frontend_config = systemv_frontend_config();
1499        let mut sig = Signature::new(frontend_config.default_call_conv);
1500        sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(I32));
1502        let mut fn_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1503        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(UserFuncName::testcase("sample"), sig);
1504        {
1505            let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_ctx);
1507            let block0 = builder.create_block();
1508            let y = Variable::new(16);
1509            builder.declare_var(y, frontend_config.pointer_type());
1510            builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block0);
1511            builder.switch_to_block(block0);
1513            let dest = builder.use_var(y);
1514            let size = 8;
1515            builder.emit_small_memset(frontend_config, dest, 1, size, 8, MemFlags::new());
1516            builder.ins().return_(&[dest]);
1518            builder.seal_all_blocks();
1519            builder.finalize();
1520        }
1522        check(
1523            &func,
1524            "function %sample() -> i32 system_v {
1526    v2 = iconst.i64 0
1527    v0 -> v2
1528    v1 = iconst.i64 0x0101_0101_0101_0101
1529    store aligned v1, v0  ; v1 = 0x0101_0101_0101_0101, v0 = 0
1530    return v0  ; v0 = 0
1533        );
1534    }
1536    #[test]
1537    fn not_so_small_memset() {
1538        let frontend_config = systemv_frontend_config();
1539        let mut sig = Signature::new(frontend_config.default_call_conv);
1540        sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(I32));
1542        let mut fn_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1543        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(UserFuncName::testcase("sample"), sig);
1544        {
1545            let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_ctx);
1547            let block0 = builder.create_block();
1548            let y = Variable::new(16);
1549            builder.declare_var(y, frontend_config.pointer_type());
1550            builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block0);
1551            builder.switch_to_block(block0);
1553            let dest = builder.use_var(y);
1554            let size = 8192;
1555            builder.emit_small_memset(frontend_config, dest, 1, size, 8, MemFlags::new());
1556            builder.ins().return_(&[dest]);
1558            builder.seal_all_blocks();
1559            builder.finalize();
1560        }
1562        check(
1563            &func,
1564            "function %sample() -> i32 system_v {
1565    sig0 = (i64, i32, i64) -> i64 system_v
1566    fn0 = %Memset sig0
1569    v5 = iconst.i64 0
1570    v0 -> v5
1571    v1 = iconst.i8 1
1572    v2 = iconst.i64 8192
1573    v3 = uextend.i32 v1  ; v1 = 1
1574    v4 = call fn0(v0, v3, v2)  ; v0 = 0, v2 = 8192
1575    return v0  ; v0 = 0
1578        );
1579    }
1581    #[test]
1582    fn memcmp() {
1583        use core::str::FromStr;
1584        use cranelift_codegen::isa;
1586        let shared_builder = settings::builder();
1587        let shared_flags = settings::Flags::new(shared_builder);
1589        let triple =
1590            ::target_lexicon::Triple::from_str("x86_64").expect("Couldn't create x86_64 triple");
1592        let target = isa::lookup(triple)
1593            .ok()
1594            .map(|b| b.finish(shared_flags))
1595            .expect("This test requires x86_64 support.")
1596            .expect("Should be able to create backend with default flags");
1598        let mut sig = Signature::new(target.default_call_conv());
1599        sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(I32));
1601        let mut fn_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1602        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(UserFuncName::testcase("sample"), sig);
1603        {
1604            let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_ctx);
1606            let block0 = builder.create_block();
1607            let x = Variable::new(0);
1608            let y = Variable::new(1);
1609            let z = Variable::new(2);
1610            builder.declare_var(x, target.pointer_type());
1611            builder.declare_var(y, target.pointer_type());
1612            builder.declare_var(z, target.pointer_type());
1613            builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block0);
1614            builder.switch_to_block(block0);
1616            let left = builder.use_var(x);
1617            let right = builder.use_var(y);
1618            let size = builder.use_var(z);
1619            let cmp = builder.call_memcmp(target.frontend_config(), left, right, size);
1620            builder.ins().return_(&[cmp]);
1622            builder.seal_all_blocks();
1623            builder.finalize();
1624        }
1626        check(
1627            &func,
1628            "function %sample() -> i32 system_v {
1629    sig0 = (i64, i64, i64) -> i32 system_v
1630    fn0 = %Memcmp sig0
1633    v6 = iconst.i64 0
1634    v2 -> v6
1635    v5 = iconst.i64 0
1636    v1 -> v5
1637    v4 = iconst.i64 0
1638    v0 -> v4
1639    v3 = call fn0(v0, v1, v2)  ; v0 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0
1640    return v3
1643        );
1644    }
1646    #[test]
1647    fn small_memcmp_zero_size() {
1648        let align_eight = std::num::NonZeroU8::new(8).unwrap();
1649        small_memcmp_helper(
1650            "
1652    v4 = iconst.i64 0
1653    v1 -> v4
1654    v3 = iconst.i64 0
1655    v0 -> v3
1656    v2 = iconst.i8 1
1657    return v2  ; v2 = 1",
1658            |builder, target, x, y| {
1659                builder.emit_small_memory_compare(
1660                    target.frontend_config(),
1661                    IntCC::UnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual,
1662                    x,
1663                    y,
1664                    0,
1665                    align_eight,
1666                    align_eight,
1667                    MemFlags::new(),
1668                )
1669            },
1670        );
1671    }
1673    #[test]
1674    fn small_memcmp_byte_ugt() {
1675        let align_one = std::num::NonZeroU8::new(1).unwrap();
1676        small_memcmp_helper(
1677            "
1679    v6 = iconst.i64 0
1680    v1 -> v6
1681    v5 = iconst.i64 0
1682    v0 -> v5
1683    v2 = load.i8 aligned v0  ; v0 = 0
1684    v3 = load.i8 aligned v1  ; v1 = 0
1685    v4 = icmp ugt v2, v3
1686    return v4",
1687            |builder, target, x, y| {
1688                builder.emit_small_memory_compare(
1689                    target.frontend_config(),
1690                    IntCC::UnsignedGreaterThan,
1691                    x,
1692                    y,
1693                    1,
1694                    align_one,
1695                    align_one,
1696                    MemFlags::new(),
1697                )
1698            },
1699        );
1700    }
1702    #[test]
1703    fn small_memcmp_aligned_eq() {
1704        let align_four = std::num::NonZeroU8::new(4).unwrap();
1705        small_memcmp_helper(
1706            "
1708    v6 = iconst.i64 0
1709    v1 -> v6
1710    v5 = iconst.i64 0
1711    v0 -> v5
1712    v2 = load.i32 aligned v0  ; v0 = 0
1713    v3 = load.i32 aligned v1  ; v1 = 0
1714    v4 = icmp eq v2, v3
1715    return v4",
1716            |builder, target, x, y| {
1717                builder.emit_small_memory_compare(
1718                    target.frontend_config(),
1719                    IntCC::Equal,
1720                    x,
1721                    y,
1722                    4,
1723                    align_four,
1724                    align_four,
1725                    MemFlags::new(),
1726                )
1727            },
1728        );
1729    }
1731    #[test]
1732    fn small_memcmp_ipv6_ne() {
1733        let align_two = std::num::NonZeroU8::new(2).unwrap();
1734        small_memcmp_helper(
1735            "
1737    v6 = iconst.i64 0
1738    v1 -> v6
1739    v5 = iconst.i64 0
1740    v0 -> v5
1741    v2 = load.i128 v0  ; v0 = 0
1742    v3 = load.i128 v1  ; v1 = 0
1743    v4 = icmp ne v2, v3
1744    return v4",
1745            |builder, target, x, y| {
1746                builder.emit_small_memory_compare(
1747                    target.frontend_config(),
1748                    IntCC::NotEqual,
1749                    x,
1750                    y,
1751                    16,
1752                    align_two,
1753                    align_two,
1754                    MemFlags::new(),
1755                )
1756            },
1757        );
1758    }
1760    #[test]
1761    fn small_memcmp_odd_size_uge() {
1762        let one = std::num::NonZeroU8::new(1).unwrap();
1763        small_memcmp_helper(
1764            "
1765    sig0 = (i64, i64, i64) -> i32 system_v
1766    fn0 = %Memcmp sig0
1769    v6 = iconst.i64 0
1770    v1 -> v6
1771    v5 = iconst.i64 0
1772    v0 -> v5
1773    v2 = iconst.i64 3
1774    v3 = call fn0(v0, v1, v2)  ; v0 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 3
1775    v4 = icmp_imm sge v3, 0
1776    return v4",
1777            |builder, target, x, y| {
1778                builder.emit_small_memory_compare(
1779                    target.frontend_config(),
1780                    IntCC::UnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual,
1781                    x,
1782                    y,
1783                    3,
1784                    one,
1785                    one,
1786                    MemFlags::new(),
1787                )
1788            },
1789        );
1790    }
1792    fn small_memcmp_helper(
1793        expected: &str,
1794        f: impl FnOnce(&mut FunctionBuilder, &dyn TargetIsa, Value, Value) -> Value,
1795    ) {
1796        use core::str::FromStr;
1797        use cranelift_codegen::isa;
1799        let shared_builder = settings::builder();
1800        let shared_flags = settings::Flags::new(shared_builder);
1802        let triple =
1803            ::target_lexicon::Triple::from_str("x86_64").expect("Couldn't create x86_64 triple");
1805        let target = isa::lookup(triple)
1806            .ok()
1807            .map(|b| b.finish(shared_flags))
1808            .expect("This test requires x86_64 support.")
1809            .expect("Should be able to create backend with default flags");
1811        let mut sig = Signature::new(target.default_call_conv());
1812        sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(I8));
1814        let mut fn_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1815        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(UserFuncName::testcase("sample"), sig);
1816        {
1817            let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_ctx);
1819            let block0 = builder.create_block();
1820            let x = Variable::new(0);
1821            let y = Variable::new(1);
1822            builder.declare_var(x, target.pointer_type());
1823            builder.declare_var(y, target.pointer_type());
1824            builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block0);
1825            builder.switch_to_block(block0);
1827            let left = builder.use_var(x);
1828            let right = builder.use_var(y);
1829            let ret = f(&mut builder, &*target, left, right);
1830            builder.ins().return_(&[ret]);
1832            builder.seal_all_blocks();
1833            builder.finalize();
1834        }
1836        check(
1837            &func,
1838            &format!("function %sample() -> i8 system_v {{{expected}\n}}\n"),
1839        );
1840    }
1842    #[test]
1843    fn undef_vector_vars() {
1844        let mut sig = Signature::new(CallConv::SystemV);
1845        sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(I8X16));
1846        sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(I8X16));
1847        sig.returns.push(AbiParam::new(F32X4));
1849        let mut fn_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1850        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(UserFuncName::testcase("sample"), sig);
1851        {
1852            let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_ctx);
1854            let block0 = builder.create_block();
1855            let a = Variable::new(0);
1856            let b = Variable::new(1);
1857            let c = Variable::new(2);
1858            builder.declare_var(a, I8X16);
1859            builder.declare_var(b, I8X16);
1860            builder.declare_var(c, F32X4);
1861            builder.switch_to_block(block0);
1863            let a = builder.use_var(a);
1864            let b = builder.use_var(b);
1865            let c = builder.use_var(c);
1866            builder.ins().return_(&[a, b, c]);
1868            builder.seal_all_blocks();
1869            builder.finalize();
1870        }
1872        check(
1873            &func,
1874            "function %sample() -> i8x16, i8x16, f32x4 system_v {
1875    const0 = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
1878    v5 = f32const 0.0
1879    v6 = splat.f32x4 v5  ; v5 = 0.0
1880    v2 -> v6
1881    v4 = vconst.i8x16 const0
1882    v1 -> v4
1883    v3 = vconst.i8x16 const0
1884    v0 -> v3
1885    return v0, v1, v2  ; v0 = const0, v1 = const0
1888        );
1889    }
1891    #[test]
1892    fn test_greatest_divisible_power_of_two() {
1893        assert_eq!(64, greatest_divisible_power_of_two(64));
1894        assert_eq!(16, greatest_divisible_power_of_two(48));
1895        assert_eq!(8, greatest_divisible_power_of_two(24));
1896        assert_eq!(1, greatest_divisible_power_of_two(25));
1897    }
1899    #[test]
1900    fn try_use_var() {
1901        let sig = Signature::new(CallConv::SystemV);
1903        let mut fn_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1904        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(UserFuncName::testcase("sample"), sig);
1905        {
1906            let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_ctx);
1908            let block0 = builder.create_block();
1909            builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block0);
1910            builder.switch_to_block(block0);
1912            assert_eq!(
1913                builder.try_use_var(Variable::from_u32(0)),
1914                Err(UseVariableError::UsedBeforeDeclared(Variable::from_u32(0)))
1915            );
1917            let value = builder.ins().iconst(cranelift_codegen::ir::types::I32, 0);
1919            assert_eq!(
1920                builder.try_def_var(Variable::from_u32(0), value),
1921                Err(DefVariableError::DefinedBeforeDeclared(Variable::from_u32(
1922                    0
1923                )))
1924            );
1926            builder.declare_var(Variable::from_u32(0), cranelift_codegen::ir::types::I32);
1927            assert_eq!(
1928                builder.try_declare_var(Variable::from_u32(0), cranelift_codegen::ir::types::I32),
1929                Err(DeclareVariableError::DeclaredMultipleTimes(
1930                    Variable::from_u32(0)
1931                ))
1932            );
1933        }
1934    }
1936    #[test]
1937    fn test_builder_with_iconst_and_negative_constant() {
1938        let sig = Signature::new(CallConv::SystemV);
1939        let mut fn_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1940        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(UserFuncName::testcase("sample"), sig);
1942        let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_ctx);
1944        let block0 = builder.create_block();
1945        builder.switch_to_block(block0);
1946        builder.ins().iconst(I32, -1);
1947        builder.ins().return_(&[]);
1949        builder.seal_all_blocks();
1950        builder.finalize();
1952        let flags = cranelift_codegen::settings::Flags::new(cranelift_codegen::settings::builder());
1953        let ctx = cranelift_codegen::Context::for_function(func);
1954        ctx.verify(&flags).expect("should be valid");
1956        check(
1957            &ctx.func,
1958            "function %sample() system_v {
1960    v0 = iconst.i32 -1
1961    return
1963        );
1964    }