
1//! The unix fiber implementation has some platform-specific details
2//! (naturally) but there's a few details of the stack layout which are common
3//! amongst all platforms using this file. Remember that none of this applies to
4//! Windows, which is entirely separate.
6//! The stack is expected to look pretty standard with a guard page at the end.
7//! Currently allocation happens in this file but this is probably going to be
8//! refactored to happen somewhere else. Otherwise though the stack layout is
9//! expected to look like so:
12//! ```text
13//! 0xB000 +-----------------------+   <- top of stack
14//!        | &Cell<RunResult>      |   <- where to store results
15//! 0xAff8 +-----------------------+
16//!        | *const u8             |   <- last sp to resume from
17//! 0xAff0 +-----------------------+   <- 16-byte aligned
18//!        |                       |
19//!        ~        ...            ~   <- actual native stack space to use
20//!        |                       |
21//! 0x1000 +-----------------------+
22//!        |  guard page           |
23//! 0x0000 +-----------------------+
24//! ```
26//! Here `0xAff8` is filled in temporarily while `resume` is running. The fiber
27//! started with 0xB000 as a parameter so it knows how to find this.
28//! Additionally `resumes` stores state at 0xAff0 to restart execution, and
29//! `suspend`, which has 0xB000 so it can find this, will read that and write
30//! its own resumption information into this slot as well.
32use crate::stackswitch::*;
33use crate::{RunResult, RuntimeFiberStack};
34use std::boxed::Box;
35use std::cell::Cell;
36use std::io;
37use std::ops::Range;
38use std::ptr;
40pub type Error = io::Error;
42pub struct FiberStack {
43    base: BasePtr,
44    len: usize,
46    /// Stored here to ensure that when this `FiberStack` the backing storage,
47    /// if any, is additionally dropped.
48    storage: FiberStackStorage,
51struct BasePtr(*mut u8);
53unsafe impl Send for BasePtr {}
54unsafe impl Sync for BasePtr {}
56enum FiberStackStorage {
57    Mmap(MmapFiberStack),
58    Unmanaged(usize),
59    Custom(Box<dyn RuntimeFiberStack>),
62impl FiberStack {
63    pub fn new(size: usize, zeroed: bool) -> io::Result<Self> {
64        // The anonymous `mmap`s we use for `FiberStackStorage` are alawys
65        // zeroed.
66        let _ = zeroed;
68        // See comments in `mod asan` below for why asan has a different stack
69        // allocation strategy.
70        if cfg!(asan) {
71            return Self::from_custom(asan::new_fiber_stack(size)?);
72        }
73        let page_size = rustix::param::page_size();
74        let stack = MmapFiberStack::new(size)?;
76        // An `MmapFiberStack` allocates a guard page at the bottom of the
77        // region so the base and length of our stack are both offset by a
78        // single page.
79        Ok(FiberStack {
80            base: BasePtr(stack.mapping_base.wrapping_byte_add(page_size)),
81            len: stack.mapping_len - page_size,
82            storage: FiberStackStorage::Mmap(stack),
83        })
84    }
86    pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts(base: *mut u8, guard_size: usize, len: usize) -> io::Result<Self> {
87        // See comments in `mod asan` below for why asan has a different stack
88        // allocation strategy.
89        if cfg!(asan) {
90            return Self::from_custom(asan::new_fiber_stack(len)?);
91        }
92        Ok(FiberStack {
93            base: BasePtr(base.add(guard_size)),
94            len,
95            storage: FiberStackStorage::Unmanaged(guard_size),
96        })
97    }
99    pub fn is_from_raw_parts(&self) -> bool {
100        matches!(self.storage, FiberStackStorage::Unmanaged(_))
101    }
103    pub fn from_custom(custom: Box<dyn RuntimeFiberStack>) -> io::Result<Self> {
104        let range = custom.range();
105        let page_size = rustix::param::page_size();
106        let start_ptr = range.start as *mut u8;
107        assert!(
108            start_ptr.align_offset(page_size) == 0,
109            "expected fiber stack base ({start_ptr:?}) to be page aligned ({page_size:#x})",
110        );
111        let end_ptr = range.end as *const u8;
112        assert!(
113            end_ptr.align_offset(page_size) == 0,
114            "expected fiber stack end ({end_ptr:?}) to be page aligned ({page_size:#x})",
115        );
116        Ok(FiberStack {
117            base: BasePtr(start_ptr),
118            len: range.len(),
119            storage: FiberStackStorage::Custom(custom),
120        })
121    }
123    pub fn top(&self) -> Option<*mut u8> {
124        Some(self.base.0.wrapping_byte_add(self.len))
125    }
127    pub fn range(&self) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
128        let base = self.base.0 as usize;
129        Some(base..base + self.len)
130    }
132    pub fn guard_range(&self) -> Option<Range<*mut u8>> {
133        match &self.storage {
134            FiberStackStorage::Unmanaged(guard_size) => unsafe {
135                let start = self.base.0.sub(*guard_size);
136                Some(start..self.base.0)
137            },
138            FiberStackStorage::Mmap(mmap) => Some(mmap.mapping_base..self.base.0),
139            FiberStackStorage::Custom(custom) => Some(custom.guard_range()),
140        }
141    }
144struct MmapFiberStack {
145    mapping_base: *mut u8,
146    mapping_len: usize,
149unsafe impl Send for MmapFiberStack {}
150unsafe impl Sync for MmapFiberStack {}
152impl MmapFiberStack {
153    fn new(size: usize) -> io::Result<Self> {
154        // Round up our stack size request to the nearest multiple of the
155        // page size.
156        let page_size = rustix::param::page_size();
157        let size = if size == 0 {
158            page_size
159        } else {
160            (size + (page_size - 1)) & (!(page_size - 1))
161        };
163        unsafe {
164            // Add in one page for a guard page and then ask for some memory.
165            let mmap_len = size + page_size;
166            let mmap = rustix::mm::mmap_anonymous(
167                ptr::null_mut(),
168                mmap_len,
169                rustix::mm::ProtFlags::empty(),
170                rustix::mm::MapFlags::PRIVATE,
171            )?;
173            rustix::mm::mprotect(
174                mmap.byte_add(page_size),
175                size,
176                rustix::mm::MprotectFlags::READ | rustix::mm::MprotectFlags::WRITE,
177            )?;
179            Ok(MmapFiberStack {
180                mapping_base: mmap.cast(),
181                mapping_len: mmap_len,
182            })
183        }
184    }
187impl Drop for MmapFiberStack {
188    fn drop(&mut self) {
189        unsafe {
190            let ret = rustix::mm::munmap(self.mapping_base.cast(), self.mapping_len);
191            debug_assert!(ret.is_ok());
192        }
193    }
196pub struct Fiber;
198pub struct Suspend {
199    top_of_stack: *mut u8,
200    previous: asan::PreviousStack,
203extern "C" fn fiber_start<F, A, B, C>(arg0: *mut u8, top_of_stack: *mut u8)
205    F: FnOnce(A, &mut super::Suspend<A, B, C>) -> C,
207    unsafe {
208        // Complete the `start_switch` AddressSanitizer handshake which would
209        // have been started in `Fiber::resume`.
210        let previous = asan::fiber_start_complete();
212        let inner = Suspend {
213            top_of_stack,
214            previous,
215        };
216        let initial = inner.take_resume::<A, B, C>();
217        super::Suspend::<A, B, C>::execute(inner, initial, Box::from_raw(arg0.cast::<F>()))
218    }
221impl Fiber {
222    pub fn new<F, A, B, C>(stack: &FiberStack, func: F) -> io::Result<Self>
223    where
224        F: FnOnce(A, &mut super::Suspend<A, B, C>) -> C,
225    {
226        // On unsupported platforms `wasmtime_fiber_init` is a panicking shim so
227        // return an error saying the host architecture isn't supported instead.
228        if !SUPPORTED_ARCH {
229            return Err(io::Error::new(
230                io::ErrorKind::Other,
231                "fibers not supported on this host architecture",
232            ));
233        }
234        unsafe {
235            let data = Box::into_raw(Box::new(func)).cast();
236            wasmtime_fiber_init(stack.top().unwrap(), fiber_start::<F, A, B, C>, data);
237        }
239        Ok(Self)
240    }
242    pub(crate) fn resume<A, B, C>(&self, stack: &FiberStack, result: &Cell<RunResult<A, B, C>>) {
243        unsafe {
244            // Store where our result is going at the very tip-top of the
245            // stack, otherwise known as our reserved slot for this information.
246            //
247            // In the diagram above this is updating address 0xAff8
248            let addr = stack.top().unwrap().cast::<usize>().offset(-1);
249            addr.write(result as *const _ as usize);
251            asan::fiber_switch(
252                stack.top().unwrap(),
253                false,
254                &mut asan::PreviousStack::new(stack),
255            );
257            // null this out to help catch use-after-free
258            addr.write(0);
259        }
260    }
263impl Suspend {
264    pub(crate) fn switch<A, B, C>(&mut self, result: RunResult<A, B, C>) -> A {
265        unsafe {
266            let is_finishing = match &result {
267                RunResult::Returned(_) | RunResult::Panicked(_) => true,
268                RunResult::Executing | RunResult::Resuming(_) | RunResult::Yield(_) => false,
269            };
270            // Calculate 0xAff8 and then write to it
271            (*self.result_location::<A, B, C>()).set(result);
273            asan::fiber_switch(self.top_of_stack, is_finishing, &mut self.previous);
275            self.take_resume::<A, B, C>()
276        }
277    }
279    unsafe fn take_resume<A, B, C>(&self) -> A {
280        match (*self.result_location::<A, B, C>()).replace(RunResult::Executing) {
281            RunResult::Resuming(val) => val,
282            _ => panic!("not in resuming state"),
283        }
284    }
286    unsafe fn result_location<A, B, C>(&self) -> *const Cell<RunResult<A, B, C>> {
287        let ret = self.top_of_stack.cast::<*const u8>().offset(-1).read();
288        assert!(!ret.is_null());
289        ret.cast()
290    }
293/// Support for AddressSanitizer to support stack manipulations we do in this
294/// fiber implementation.
296/// This module uses, when fuzzing is enabled, special intrinsics provided by
297/// the sanitizer runtime called `__sanitizer_{start,finish}_switch_fiber`.
298/// These aren't really super heavily documented and the current implementation
299/// is inspired by googling the functions and looking at Boost & Julia's usage
300/// of them as well as the documentation for these functions in their own
301/// header file in the LLVM source tree. The general idea is that they're
302/// called around every stack switch with some other fiddly bits as well.
304mod asan {
305    use super::{FiberStack, MmapFiberStack, RuntimeFiberStack};
306    use alloc::boxed::Box;
307    use alloc::vec::Vec;
308    use rustix::param::page_size;
309    use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
310    use std::ops::Range;
311    use std::sync::Mutex;
313    /// State for the "previous stack" maintained by asan itself and fed in for
314    /// custom stacks.
315    pub struct PreviousStack {
316        bottom: *const u8,
317        size: usize,
318    }
320    impl PreviousStack {
321        pub fn new(stack: &FiberStack) -> PreviousStack {
322            let range = stack.range().unwrap();
323            PreviousStack {
324                bottom: range.start as *const u8,
325                // Discount the two pointers we store at the top of the stack,
326                // so subtract two pointers.
327                size: range.len() - 2 * std::mem::size_of::<*const u8>(),
328            }
329        }
330    }
332    impl Default for PreviousStack {
333        fn default() -> PreviousStack {
334            PreviousStack {
335                bottom: std::ptr::null(),
336                size: 0,
337            }
338        }
339    }
341    /// Switches the current stack to `top_of_stack`
342    ///
343    /// * `top_of_stack` - for going to fibers this is calculated and for
344    ///   restoring back to the original stack this was saved during the initial
345    ///   transition.
346    /// * `is_finishing` - whether or not we're switching off a fiber for the
347    ///   final time; customizes how asan intrinsics are invoked.
348    /// * `prev` - the stack we're switching to initially and saves the
349    ///   stack to return to upon resumption.
350    pub unsafe fn fiber_switch(
351        top_of_stack: *mut u8,
352        is_finishing: bool,
353        prev: &mut PreviousStack,
354    ) {
355        assert!(super::SUPPORTED_ARCH);
356        let mut private_asan_pointer = std::ptr::null_mut();
358        // If this fiber is finishing then NULL is passed to asan to let it know
359        // that it can deallocate the "fake stack" that it's tracking for this
360        // fiber.
361        let private_asan_pointer_ref = if is_finishing {
362            None
363        } else {
364            Some(&mut private_asan_pointer)
365        };
367        // NB: in fiddling with asan an optimizations and such it appears that
368        // these functions need to be "very close to each other". If other Rust
369        // functions are invoked or added as an abstraction here that appears to
370        // trigger false positives in ASAN. That leads to the design of this
371        // module as-is where this function exists to have these three
372        // functions very close to one another.
373        __sanitizer_start_switch_fiber(private_asan_pointer_ref, prev.bottom, prev.size);
374        super::wasmtime_fiber_switch(top_of_stack);
375        __sanitizer_finish_switch_fiber(private_asan_pointer, &mut prev.bottom, &mut prev.size);
376    }
378    /// Hook for when a fiber first starts, used to configure ASAN.
379    pub unsafe fn fiber_start_complete() -> PreviousStack {
380        let mut ret = PreviousStack::default();
381        __sanitizer_finish_switch_fiber(std::ptr::null_mut(), &mut ret.bottom, &mut ret.size);
382        ret
383    }
385    // These intrinsics are provided by the address sanitizer runtime. Their C
386    // signatures were translated into Rust-isms here with `Option` and `&mut`.
387    unsafe extern "C" {
388        fn __sanitizer_start_switch_fiber(
389            private_asan_pointer_save: Option<&mut *mut u8>,
390            bottom: *const u8,
391            size: usize,
392        );
393        fn __sanitizer_finish_switch_fiber(
394            private_asan_pointer: *mut u8,
395            bottom_old: &mut *const u8,
396            size_old: &mut usize,
397        );
398    }
400    /// This static is a workaround for llvm/llvm-project#53891, notably this is
401    /// a global cache of all fiber stacks.
402    ///
403    /// The problem with ASAN is that if we allocate memory for a stack, use it
404    /// as a stack, deallocate the stack, and then when that memory is later
405    /// mapped as normal heap memory. This is possible due to `mmap` reusing
406    /// addresses and it ends up confusing ASAN. In this situation ASAN will
407    /// have false positives about stack overflows saying that writes to
408    /// freshly-allocated memory, which just happened to historically be a
409    /// stack, are a stack overflow.
410    ///
411    /// This static works around the issue by ensuring that, only when asan is
412    /// enabled, all stacks are cached globally. Stacks are never deallocated
413    /// and forever retained here. This only works if the number of stacks
414    /// retained here is relatively small to prevent OOM from continuously
415    /// running programs. That's hopefully the case as ASAN is mostly used in
416    /// OSS-Fuzz and our fuzzers only fuzz one thing at a time per thread
417    /// meaning that this should only ever be a relatively small set of stacks.
418    static FIBER_STACKS: Mutex<Vec<MmapFiberStack>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
420    pub fn new_fiber_stack(size: usize) -> std::io::Result<Box<dyn RuntimeFiberStack>> {
421        let needed_size = size + page_size();
422        let mut stacks = FIBER_STACKS.lock().unwrap();
424        let stack = match stacks.iter().position(|i| needed_size <= i.mapping_len) {
425            // If an appropriately sized stack was already allocated, then use
426            // that one.
427            Some(i) => stacks.remove(i),
428            // ... otherwise allocate a brand new stack.
429            None => MmapFiberStack::new(size)?,
430        };
431        let stack = AsanFiberStack(ManuallyDrop::new(stack));
432        Ok(Box::new(stack))
433    }
435    /// Custom structure used to prevent the interior mmap-allocated stack from
436    /// actually getting unmapped.
437    ///
438    /// On drop this stack will return the interior stack to the global
439    /// `FIBER_STACKS` list.
440    struct AsanFiberStack(ManuallyDrop<MmapFiberStack>);
442    unsafe impl RuntimeFiberStack for AsanFiberStack {
443        fn top(&self) -> *mut u8 {
444            self.0.mapping_base.wrapping_byte_add(self.0.mapping_len)
445        }
447        fn range(&self) -> Range<usize> {
448            let base = self.0.mapping_base as usize;
449            let end = base + self.0.mapping_len;
450            base + page_size()..end
451        }
453        fn guard_range(&self) -> Range<*mut u8> {
454            self.0.mapping_base..self.0.mapping_base.wrapping_add(page_size())
455        }
456    }
458    impl Drop for AsanFiberStack {
459        fn drop(&mut self) {
460            let stack = unsafe { ManuallyDrop::take(&mut self.0) };
461            FIBER_STACKS.lock().unwrap().push(stack);
462        }
463    }
466// Shim module that's the same as above but only has stubs.
468mod asan_disabled {
469    use super::{FiberStack, RuntimeFiberStack};
470    use std::boxed::Box;
472    #[derive(Default)]
473    pub struct PreviousStack;
475    impl PreviousStack {
476        #[inline]
477        pub fn new(_stack: &FiberStack) -> PreviousStack {
478            PreviousStack
479        }
480    }
482    pub unsafe fn fiber_switch(
483        top_of_stack: *mut u8,
484        _is_finishing: bool,
485        _prev: &mut PreviousStack,
486    ) {
487        assert!(super::SUPPORTED_ARCH);
488        super::wasmtime_fiber_switch(top_of_stack);
489    }
491    #[inline]
492    pub unsafe fn fiber_start_complete() -> PreviousStack {
493        PreviousStack
494    }
496    pub fn new_fiber_stack(_size: usize) -> std::io::Result<Box<dyn RuntimeFiberStack>> {
497        unimplemented!()
498    }
502use asan_disabled as asan;