1//! Trap handling on Unix based on POSIX signals.
3use crate::prelude::*;
4use crate::runtime::vm::sys::traphandlers::wasmtime_longjmp;
5use crate::runtime::vm::traphandlers::{tls, TrapRegisters, TrapTest};
6use std::cell::RefCell;
7use std::io;
8use std::mem;
9use std::ptr::{self, null_mut};
11/// Function which may handle custom signals while processing traps.
12pub type SignalHandler =
13 Box<dyn Fn(libc::c_int, *const libc::siginfo_t, *const libc::c_void) -> bool + Send + Sync>;
15const UNINIT_SIGACTION: libc::sigaction = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
16static mut PREV_SIGSEGV: libc::sigaction = UNINIT_SIGACTION;
17static mut PREV_SIGBUS: libc::sigaction = UNINIT_SIGACTION;
18static mut PREV_SIGILL: libc::sigaction = UNINIT_SIGACTION;
19static mut PREV_SIGFPE: libc::sigaction = UNINIT_SIGACTION;
21pub struct TrapHandler;
23impl TrapHandler {
24 /// Installs all trap handlers.
25 ///
26 /// # Unsafety
27 ///
28 /// This function is unsafe because it's not safe to call concurrently and
29 /// it's not safe to call if the trap handlers have already been initialized
30 /// for this process.
31 pub unsafe fn new(macos_use_mach_ports: bool) -> TrapHandler {
32 // Either mach ports shouldn't be in use or we shouldn't be on macOS,
33 // otherwise the `machports.rs` module should be used instead.
34 assert!(!macos_use_mach_ports || !cfg!(target_vendor = "apple"));
36 foreach_handler(|slot, signal| {
37 let mut handler: libc::sigaction = mem::zeroed();
38 // The flags here are relatively careful, and they are...
39 //
40 // SA_SIGINFO gives us access to information like the program
41 // counter from where the fault happened.
42 //
43 // SA_ONSTACK allows us to handle signals on an alternate stack,
44 // so that the handler can run in response to running out of
45 // stack space on the main stack. Rust installs an alternate
46 // stack with sigaltstack, so we rely on that.
47 //
48 // SA_NODEFER allows us to reenter the signal handler if we
49 // crash while handling the signal, and fall through to the
50 // Breakpad handler by testing handlingSegFault.
51 handler.sa_flags = libc::SA_SIGINFO | libc::SA_NODEFER | libc::SA_ONSTACK;
52 handler.sa_sigaction = trap_handler as usize;
53 libc::sigemptyset(&mut handler.sa_mask);
54 if libc::sigaction(signal, &handler, slot) != 0 {
55 panic!(
56 "unable to install signal handler: {}",
57 io::Error::last_os_error(),
58 );
59 }
60 });
62 TrapHandler
63 }
65 pub fn validate_config(&self, macos_use_mach_ports: bool) {
66 assert!(!macos_use_mach_ports || !cfg!(target_vendor = "apple"));
67 }
70fn foreach_handler(mut f: impl FnMut(*mut libc::sigaction, i32)) {
71 // Allow handling OOB with signals on all architectures
72 f(&raw mut PREV_SIGSEGV, libc::SIGSEGV);
74 // Handle `unreachable` instructions which execute `ud2` right now
75 f(&raw mut PREV_SIGILL, libc::SIGILL);
77 // x86 and s390x use SIGFPE to report division by zero
78 if cfg!(target_arch = "x86_64") || cfg!(target_arch = "s390x") {
79 f(&raw mut PREV_SIGFPE, libc::SIGFPE);
80 }
82 // Sometimes we need to handle SIGBUS too:
83 // - On Darwin, guard page accesses are raised as SIGBUS.
84 if cfg!(target_vendor = "apple") || cfg!(target_os = "freebsd") {
85 f(&raw mut PREV_SIGBUS, libc::SIGBUS);
86 }
88 // TODO(#1980): x86-32, if we support it, will also need a SIGFPE handler.
89 // TODO(#1173): ARM32, if we support it, will also need a SIGBUS handler.
92impl Drop for TrapHandler {
93 fn drop(&mut self) {
94 unsafe {
95 foreach_handler(|slot, signal| {
96 let mut prev: libc::sigaction = mem::zeroed();
98 // Restore the previous handler that this signal had.
99 if libc::sigaction(signal, slot, &mut prev) != 0 {
100 eprintln!(
101 "unable to reinstall signal handler: {}",
102 io::Error::last_os_error(),
103 );
104 libc::abort();
105 }
107 // If our trap handler wasn't currently listed for this process
108 // then that's a problem because we have just corrupted the
109 // signal handler state and don't know how to remove ourselves
110 // from the signal handling state. Inform the user of this and
111 // abort the process.
112 if prev.sa_sigaction != trap_handler as usize {
113 eprintln!(
114 "
115Wasmtime's signal handler was not the last signal handler to be installed
116in the process so it's not certain how to unload signal handlers. In this
117situation the Engine::unload_process_handlers API is not applicable and requires
118perhaps initializing libraries in a different order. The process will be aborted
121 );
122 libc::abort();
123 }
124 });
125 }
126 }
129unsafe extern "C" fn trap_handler(
130 signum: libc::c_int,
131 siginfo: *mut libc::siginfo_t,
132 context: *mut libc::c_void,
133) {
134 let previous = match signum {
135 libc::SIGSEGV => &raw const PREV_SIGSEGV,
136 libc::SIGBUS => &raw const PREV_SIGBUS,
137 libc::SIGFPE => &raw const PREV_SIGFPE,
138 libc::SIGILL => &raw const PREV_SIGILL,
139 _ => panic!("unknown signal: {signum}"),
140 };
141 let handled = tls::with(|info| {
142 // If no wasm code is executing, we don't handle this as a wasm
143 // trap.
144 let info = match info {
145 Some(info) => info,
146 None => return false,
147 };
149 // If we hit an exception while handling a previous trap, that's
150 // quite bad, so bail out and let the system handle this
151 // recursive segfault.
152 //
153 // Otherwise flag ourselves as handling a trap, do the trap
154 // handling, and reset our trap handling flag. Then we figure
155 // out what to do based on the result of the trap handling.
156 let faulting_addr = match signum {
157 libc::SIGSEGV | libc::SIGBUS => Some((*siginfo).si_addr() as usize),
158 _ => None,
159 };
160 let regs = get_trap_registers(context, signum);
161 let test = info.test_if_trap(regs, faulting_addr, |handler| {
162 handler(signum, siginfo, context)
163 });
165 // Figure out what to do based on the result of this handling of
166 // the trap. Note that our sentinel value of 1 means that the
167 // exception was handled by a custom exception handler, so we
168 // keep executing.
169 let jmp_buf = match test {
170 TrapTest::NotWasm => {
171 if let Some(faulting_addr) = faulting_addr {
172 let start = info.async_guard_range.start;
173 let end = info.async_guard_range.end;
174 if start as usize <= faulting_addr && faulting_addr < end as usize {
175 abort_stack_overflow();
176 }
177 }
178 return false;
179 }
180 TrapTest::HandledByEmbedder => return true,
181 TrapTest::Trap { jmp_buf } => jmp_buf,
182 };
183 // On macOS this is a bit special, unfortunately. If we were to
184 // `siglongjmp` out of the signal handler that notably does
185 // *not* reset the sigaltstack state of our signal handler. This
186 // seems to trick the kernel into thinking that the sigaltstack
187 // is still in use upon delivery of the next signal, meaning
188 // that the sigaltstack is not ever used again if we immediately
189 // call `wasmtime_longjmp` here.
190 //
191 // Note that if we use `longjmp` instead of `siglongjmp` then
192 // the problem is fixed. The problem with that, however, is that
193 // `setjmp` is much slower than `sigsetjmp` due to the
194 // preservation of the process's signal mask. The reason
195 // `longjmp` appears to work is that it seems to call a function
196 // (according to published macOS sources) called
197 // `_sigunaltstack` which updates the kernel to say the
198 // sigaltstack is no longer in use. We ideally want to call that
199 // here but I don't think there's a stable way for us to call
200 // that.
201 //
202 // Given all that, on macOS only, we do the next best thing. We
203 // return from the signal handler after updating the register
204 // context. This will cause control to return to our shim
205 // function defined here which will perform the
206 // `wasmtime_longjmp` (`siglongjmp`) for us. The reason this
207 // works is that by returning from the signal handler we'll
208 // trigger all the normal machinery for "the signal handler is
209 // done running" which will clear the sigaltstack flag and allow
210 // reusing it for the next signal. Then upon resuming in our custom
211 // code we blow away the stack anyway with a longjmp.
212 if cfg!(target_vendor = "apple") {
213 unsafe extern "C" fn wasmtime_longjmp_shim(jmp_buf: *const u8) {
214 wasmtime_longjmp(jmp_buf)
215 }
216 set_pc(context, wasmtime_longjmp_shim as usize, jmp_buf as usize);
217 return true;
218 }
219 wasmtime_longjmp(jmp_buf)
220 });
222 if handled {
223 return;
224 }
226 delegate_signal_to_previous_handler(previous, signum, siginfo, context)
229pub unsafe fn delegate_signal_to_previous_handler(
230 previous: *const libc::sigaction,
231 signum: libc::c_int,
232 siginfo: *mut libc::siginfo_t,
233 context: *mut libc::c_void,
234) {
235 // This signal is not for any compiled wasm code we expect, so we
236 // need to forward the signal to the next handler. If there is no
237 // next handler (SIG_IGN or SIG_DFL), then it's time to crash. To do
238 // this, we set the signal back to its original disposition and
239 // return. This will cause the faulting op to be re-executed which
240 // will crash in the normal way. If there is a next handler, call
241 // it. It will either crash synchronously, fix up the instruction
242 // so that execution can continue and return, or trigger a crash by
243 // returning the signal to it's original disposition and returning.
244 let previous = *previous;
245 if previous.sa_flags & libc::SA_SIGINFO != 0 {
246 mem::transmute::<usize, extern "C" fn(libc::c_int, *mut libc::siginfo_t, *mut libc::c_void)>(
247 previous.sa_sigaction,
248 )(signum, siginfo, context)
249 } else if previous.sa_sigaction == libc::SIG_DFL || previous.sa_sigaction == libc::SIG_IGN {
250 libc::sigaction(signum, &previous as *const _, ptr::null_mut());
251 } else {
252 mem::transmute::<usize, extern "C" fn(libc::c_int)>(previous.sa_sigaction)(signum)
253 }
256pub fn abort_stack_overflow() -> ! {
257 unsafe {
258 let msg = "execution on async fiber has overflowed its stack";
259 libc::write(libc::STDERR_FILENO, msg.as_ptr().cast(), msg.len());
260 libc::abort();
261 }
264#[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] // too fiddly to handle and wouldn't
265 // help much anyway
266unsafe fn get_trap_registers(cx: *mut libc::c_void, _signum: libc::c_int) -> TrapRegisters {
267 cfg_if::cfg_if! {
268 if #[cfg(all(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android", target_os = "illumos"), target_arch = "x86_64"))] {
269 let cx = &*(cx as *const libc::ucontext_t);
270 TrapRegisters {
271 pc: cx.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_RIP as usize] as usize,
272 fp: cx.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_RBP as usize] as usize,
273 }
274 } else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "x86"))] {
275 let cx = &*(cx as *const libc::ucontext_t);
276 TrapRegisters {
277 pc: cx.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_EIP as usize] as usize,
278 fp: cx.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_EBP as usize] as usize,
279 }
280 } else if #[cfg(all(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"), target_arch = "aarch64"))] {
281 let cx = &*(cx as *const libc::ucontext_t);
282 TrapRegisters {
283 pc: cx.uc_mcontext.pc as usize,
284 fp: cx.uc_mcontext.regs[29] as usize,
285 }
286 } else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "s390x"))] {
287 // On s390x, SIGILL and SIGFPE are delivered with the PSW address
288 // pointing *after* the faulting instruction, while SIGSEGV and
289 // SIGBUS are delivered with the PSW address pointing *to* the
290 // faulting instruction. To handle this, the code generator registers
291 // any trap that results in one of "late" signals on the last byte
292 // of the instruction, and any trap that results in one of the "early"
293 // signals on the first byte of the instruction (as usual). This
294 // means we simply need to decrement the reported PSW address by
295 // one in the case of a "late" signal here to ensure we always
296 // correctly find the associated trap handler.
297 let trap_offset = match _signum {
298 libc::SIGILL | libc::SIGFPE => 1,
299 _ => 0,
300 };
301 let cx = &*(cx as *const libc::ucontext_t);
302 TrapRegisters {
303 pc: (cx.uc_mcontext.psw.addr - trap_offset) as usize,
304 fp: *(cx.uc_mcontext.gregs[15] as *const usize),
305 }
306 } else if #[cfg(all(target_vendor = "apple", target_arch = "x86_64"))] {
307 let cx = &*(cx as *const libc::ucontext_t);
308 TrapRegisters {
309 pc: (*cx.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rip as usize,
310 fp: (*cx.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rbp as usize,
311 }
312 } else if #[cfg(all(target_vendor = "apple", target_arch = "aarch64"))] {
313 let cx = &*(cx as *const libc::ucontext_t);
314 TrapRegisters {
315 pc: (*cx.uc_mcontext).__ss.__pc as usize,
316 fp: (*cx.uc_mcontext).__ss.__fp as usize,
317 }
318 } else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "freebsd", target_arch = "x86_64"))] {
319 let cx = &*(cx as *const libc::ucontext_t);
320 TrapRegisters {
321 pc: cx.uc_mcontext.mc_rip as usize,
322 fp: cx.uc_mcontext.mc_rbp as usize,
323 }
324 } else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "riscv64"))] {
325 let cx = &*(cx as *const libc::ucontext_t);
326 TrapRegisters {
327 pc: cx.uc_mcontext.__gregs[libc::REG_PC] as usize,
328 fp: cx.uc_mcontext.__gregs[libc::REG_S0] as usize,
329 }
330 } else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "freebsd", target_arch = "aarch64"))] {
331 let cx = &*(cx as *const libc::mcontext_t);
332 TrapRegisters {
333 pc: cx.mc_gpregs.gp_elr as usize,
334 fp: cx.mc_gpregs.gp_x[29] as usize,
335 }
336 } else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "openbsd", target_arch = "x86_64"))] {
337 let cx = &*(cx as *const libc::ucontext_t);
338 TrapRegisters {
339 pc: cx.sc_rip as usize,
340 fp: cx.sc_rbp as usize,
341 }
342 } else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "arm"))] {
343 let cx = &*(cx as *const libc::ucontext_t);
344 TrapRegisters {
345 pc: cx.uc_mcontext.arm_pc as usize,
346 fp: cx.uc_mcontext.arm_fp as usize,
347 }
348 } else {
349 compile_error!("unsupported platform");
350 panic!();
351 }
352 }
355// This is only used on macOS targets for calling an unwinding shim
356// function to ensure that we return from the signal handler.
358// See more comments above where this is called for what it's doing.
359unsafe fn set_pc(cx: *mut libc::c_void, pc: usize, arg1: usize) {
360 cfg_if::cfg_if! {
361 if #[cfg(not(target_vendor = "apple"))] {
362 let _ = (cx, pc, arg1);
363 unreachable!(); // not used on these platforms
364 } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] {
365 let cx = &mut *(cx as *mut libc::ucontext_t);
366 (*cx.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rip = pc as u64;
367 (*cx.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rdi = arg1 as u64;
368 // We're simulating a "pseudo-call" so we need to ensure
369 // stack alignment is properly respected, notably that on a
370 // `call` instruction the stack is 8/16-byte aligned, then
371 // the function adjusts itself to be 16-byte aligned.
372 //
373 // Most of the time the stack pointer is 16-byte aligned at
374 // the time of the trap but for more robust-ness with JIT
375 // code where it may ud2 in a prologue check before the
376 // stack is aligned we double-check here.
377 if (*cx.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rsp % 16 == 0 {
378 (*cx.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rsp -= 8;
379 }
380 } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")] {
381 let cx = &mut *(cx as *mut libc::ucontext_t);
382 (*cx.uc_mcontext).__ss.__pc = pc as u64;
383 (*cx.uc_mcontext).__ss.__x[0] = arg1 as u64;
384 } else {
385 compile_error!("unsupported apple target architecture");
386 }
387 }
390/// A function for registering a custom alternate signal stack (sigaltstack).
392/// Rust's libstd installs an alternate stack with size `SIGSTKSZ`, which is not
393/// always large enough for our signal handling code. Override it by creating
394/// and registering our own alternate stack that is large enough and has a guard
395/// page.
397/// Note that one might reasonably ask why do this at all? Why not remove
398/// `SA_ONSTACK` from our signal handlers entirely? The basic reason for that is
399/// because we want to print a message on stack overflow. The Rust standard
400/// library will print this message by default and by us overriding the
401/// `SIGSEGV` handler above we're now sharing responsibility for that as well.
402/// We must have `SA_ONSTACK` to even attempt to being able to printing this
403/// message, and so we leave it turned on. Wasmtime will determine a stack
404/// overflow fault isn't caused by wasm and then forward to libstd's signal
405/// handler which will actually print-and-abort.
407/// Another reasonable question might be why we need to increase the size of the
408/// sigaltstack at all? This is something which we may want to reconsider in the
409/// future. For now it helps keep debug builds working which consume more stack
410/// when handling normal wasm out-of-bounds and faults. Perhaps in the future we
411/// could optimize this more or maybe even do something clever like lazily
412/// allocate the sigaltstack on the fault itself. (e.g. trampoline from a tiny
413/// stack to the "big stack" during a wasm fault or something like that)
415pub fn lazy_per_thread_init() {
416 // This is a load-bearing requirement to keep address-sanitizer working and
417 // prevent crashes during fuzzing. The general idea here is that we skip the
418 // sigaltstack setup below entirely on asan builds, aka fuzzing. The exact
419 // reason for this is not entirely known, but the closest guess we have at
420 // this time is something like:
421 //
422 // * ASAN builds intercept mmap/munmap to keep track of what's going on.
423 // * The sigaltstack below registers a TLS destructor for when the current
424 // thread exits to deallocate the stack.
425 // * ASAN looks to also have TLS destructors for its own internal state.
426 // * The current assumption is that the order of these TLS destructors can
427 // cause corruption in ASAN state where if we run after asan's destructor
428 // it may intercept munmap and then asan doesn't know it's been
429 // de-initialized yet.
430 //
431 // The reproduction of this involved a standalone project built with
432 // `-Zsanitizer=address` where internally it would spawn two threads. Each
433 // thread would build a "hello world" module and then one of the threads
434 // would execute a noop exported function. If this was run thousands of
435 // times in a loop in the same process it would eventually crash under asan.
436 //
437 // It's notably not quite so simple as frobbing TLS destructors. There's
438 // clearly something else going on with ASAN state internally which we don't
439 // fully understand at this time. An attempt to make a standalone C++
440 // reproduction, for example, was not successful. In lieu of that the best
441 // we have for now is to disable our custom and larger sigaltstack in asan
442 // builds.
443 //
444 // The exact source was
445 // https://gist.github.com/alexcrichton/6815a5d57a3c5ca94a8d816a9fcc91af for
446 // future reference if necessary.
447 if cfg!(asan) {
448 return;
449 }
451 // This thread local is purely used to register a `Stack` to get deallocated
452 // when the thread exists. Otherwise this function is only ever called at
453 // most once per-thread.
454 std::thread_local! {
455 static STACK: RefCell<Option<Stack>> = const { RefCell::new(None) };
456 }
458 /// The size of the sigaltstack (not including the guard, which will be
459 /// added). Make this large enough to run our signal handlers.
460 ///
461 /// The main current requirement of the signal handler in terms of stack
462 /// space is that `malloc`/`realloc` are called to create a `Backtrace` of
463 /// wasm frames.
464 ///
465 /// Historically this was 16k. Turns out jemalloc requires more than 16k of
466 /// stack space in debug mode, so this was bumped to 64k.
467 const MIN_STACK_SIZE: usize = 64 * 4096;
469 struct Stack {
470 mmap_ptr: *mut libc::c_void,
471 mmap_size: usize,
472 }
474 return STACK.with(|s| {
475 *s.borrow_mut() = unsafe { allocate_sigaltstack() };
476 });
478 unsafe fn allocate_sigaltstack() -> Option<Stack> {
479 // Check to see if the existing sigaltstack, if it exists, is big
480 // enough. If so we don't need to allocate our own.
481 let mut old_stack = mem::zeroed();
482 let r = libc::sigaltstack(ptr::null(), &mut old_stack);
483 assert_eq!(
484 r,
485 0,
486 "learning about sigaltstack failed: {}",
487 io::Error::last_os_error()
488 );
489 if old_stack.ss_flags & libc::SS_DISABLE == 0 && old_stack.ss_size >= MIN_STACK_SIZE {
490 return None;
491 }
493 // ... but failing that we need to allocate our own, so do all that
494 // here.
495 let page_size = crate::runtime::vm::host_page_size();
496 let guard_size = page_size;
497 let alloc_size = guard_size + MIN_STACK_SIZE;
499 let ptr = rustix::mm::mmap_anonymous(
500 null_mut(),
501 alloc_size,
502 rustix::mm::ProtFlags::empty(),
503 rustix::mm::MapFlags::PRIVATE,
504 )
505 .expect("failed to allocate memory for sigaltstack");
507 // Prepare the stack with readable/writable memory and then register it
508 // with `sigaltstack`.
509 let stack_ptr = (ptr as usize + guard_size) as *mut std::ffi::c_void;
510 rustix::mm::mprotect(
511 stack_ptr,
513 rustix::mm::MprotectFlags::READ | rustix::mm::MprotectFlags::WRITE,
514 )
515 .expect("mprotect to configure memory for sigaltstack failed");
516 let new_stack = libc::stack_t {
517 ss_sp: stack_ptr,
518 ss_flags: 0,
519 ss_size: MIN_STACK_SIZE,
520 };
521 let r = libc::sigaltstack(&new_stack, ptr::null_mut());
522 assert_eq!(
523 r,
524 0,
525 "registering new sigaltstack failed: {}",
526 io::Error::last_os_error()
527 );
529 Some(Stack {
530 mmap_ptr: ptr,
531 mmap_size: alloc_size,
532 })
533 }
535 impl Drop for Stack {
536 fn drop(&mut self) {
537 unsafe {
538 // Deallocate the stack memory.
539 let r = rustix::mm::munmap(self.mmap_ptr, self.mmap_size);
540 debug_assert!(r.is_ok(), "munmap failed during thread shutdown");
541 }
542 }
543 }