
1//! WebAssembly trap handling, which is built on top of the lower-level
2//! signalhandling mechanisms.
4mod backtrace;
6#[cfg(feature = "coredump")]
7#[path = "traphandlers/coredump_enabled.rs"]
8mod coredump;
9#[cfg(not(feature = "coredump"))]
10#[path = "traphandlers/coredump_disabled.rs"]
11mod coredump;
14mod signals;
16pub use self::signals::*;
18use crate::prelude::*;
19use crate::runtime::module::lookup_code;
20use crate::runtime::store::{ExecutorRef, StoreOpaque};
21use crate::runtime::vm::sys::traphandlers;
22use crate::runtime::vm::{Instance, InterpreterRef, VMContext, VMStoreContext};
23use crate::{StoreContextMut, WasmBacktrace};
24use core::cell::Cell;
25use core::ops::Range;
26use core::ptr::{self, NonNull};
28pub use self::backtrace::Backtrace;
29pub use self::coredump::CoreDumpStack;
30pub use self::tls::tls_eager_initialize;
31#[cfg(feature = "async")]
32pub use self::tls::{AsyncWasmCallState, PreviousAsyncWasmCallState};
34pub use traphandlers::SignalHandler;
36pub(crate) struct TrapRegisters {
37    pub pc: usize,
38    pub fp: usize,
41/// Return value from `test_if_trap`.
42pub(crate) enum TrapTest {
43    /// Not a wasm trap, need to delegate to whatever process handler is next.
44    NotWasm,
45    /// This trap was handled by the embedder via custom embedding APIs.
46    #[cfg(has_host_compiler_backend)]
47    #[cfg_attr(miri, expect(dead_code, reason = "using #[cfg] too unergonomic"))]
48    HandledByEmbedder,
49    /// This is a wasm trap, it needs to be handled.
50    #[cfg_attr(miri, expect(dead_code, reason = "using #[cfg] too unergonomic"))]
51    Trap {
52        /// How to longjmp back to the original wasm frame.
53        #[cfg(has_host_compiler_backend)]
54        jmp_buf: *const u8,
55    },
58fn lazy_per_thread_init() {
59    traphandlers::lazy_per_thread_init();
62/// Raises a preexisting trap and unwinds.
64/// This function will execute the `longjmp` to make its way back to the
65/// original `setjmp` performed when wasm was entered. This is currently
66/// only called from the `raise` builtin of Wasmtime. This builtin is only used
67/// when the host returns back to wasm and indicates that a trap should be
68/// raised. In this situation the host has already stored trap information
69/// within the `CallThreadState` and this is the low-level operation to actually
70/// perform an unwind.
72/// This function won't be use with Pulley, for example, as the interpreter
73/// halts differently than native code. Additionally one day this will ideally
74/// be implemented by Cranelift itself without need of a libcall when Cranelift
75/// implements the exception handling proposal for example.
77/// # Safety
79/// Only safe to call when wasm code is on the stack, aka `catch_traps` must
80/// have been previously called. Additionally no Rust destructors can be on the
81/// stack. They will be skipped and not executed.
83pub(super) unsafe fn raise_preexisting_trap() -> ! {
84    tls::with(|info| info.unwrap().unwind())
87/// Invokes the closure `f` and returns a `bool` if it succeeded.
89/// This will invoke the closure `f` which returns a value that implements
90/// `HostResult`. This trait abstracts over how host values are translated to
91/// ABI values when going back into wasm. Some examples are:
93/// * `T` - bare return types (not results) are simply returned as-is. No
94///   `catch_unwind` happens as if a trap can't happen then the host shouldn't
95///   be panicking or invoking user code.
97/// * `Result<(), E>` - this represents an ABI return value of `bool` which
98///   indicates whether the call succeeded. This return value will catch panics
99///   and record trap information as `E`.
101/// * `Result<u32, E>` - the ABI return value here is `u64` where on success
102///   the 32-bit result is zero-extended and `u64::MAX` as a return value
103///   indicates that a trap or panic happened.
105/// This is primarily used in conjunction with the Cranelift-and-host boundary.
106/// This function acts as a bridge between the two to appropriately handle
107/// encoding host values to Cranelift-understood ABIs via the `HostResult`
108/// trait.
109pub fn catch_unwind_and_record_trap<R>(f: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> R::Abi
111    R: HostResult,
113    // Invoke the closure `f`, optionally catching unwinds depending on `R`. The
114    // return value is always provided and if unwind information is provided
115    // (e.g. `ret` is a "false"-y value) then it's recorded in TLS for the
116    // unwind operation that's about to happen from Cranelift-generated code.
117    let (ret, unwind) = R::maybe_catch_unwind(f);
118    if let Some(unwind) = unwind {
119        tls::with(|info| info.unwrap().record_unwind(unwind));
120    }
121    ret
124/// A trait used in conjunction with `catch_unwind_and_record_trap` to convert a
125/// Rust-based type to a specific ABI while handling traps/unwinds.
127/// This type is implemented for return values from host function calls and
128/// libcalls. The `Abi` value of this trait represents either a successful
129/// execution with some payload state or that a failed execution happened. In
130/// the event of a failed execution the state of the failure itself is stored
131/// within `CallThreadState::unwind`. Cranelift-compiled code is expected to
132/// test for this failure sentinel and process it accordingly.
134/// See `catch_unwind_and_record_trap` for some more information as well.
135pub trait HostResult {
136    /// The type of the value that's returned to Cranelift-compiled code. Needs
137    /// to be ABI-safe to pass through an `extern "C"` return value.
138    type Abi: Copy;
140    /// Executes `f` and returns the ABI/unwind information as a result.
141    ///
142    /// This may optionally catch unwinds during execution depending on this
143    /// implementation. The ABI return value is unconditionally provided. If an
144    /// unwind was detected (e.g. a host panic or a wasm trap) then that's
145    /// additionally returned as well.
146    ///
147    /// If an unwind is returned then it's expected that when the host returns
148    /// back to wasm (which should be soon after calling this through
149    /// `catch_unwind_and_record_trap`) then wasm will very quickly turn around
150    /// and initiate an unwind (currently through `raise_preexisting_trap`).
151    fn maybe_catch_unwind(f: impl FnOnce() -> Self) -> (Self::Abi, Option<UnwindReason>);
154// Base case implementations that do not catch unwinds. These are for libcalls
155// that neither trap nor execute user code. The raw value is the ABI itself.
157// Panics in these libcalls will result in a process abort as unwinding is not
158// allowed via Rust through `extern "C"` function boundaries.
159macro_rules! host_result_no_catch {
160    ($($t:ty,)*) => {
161        $(
162            impl HostResult for $t {
163                type Abi = $t;
164                fn maybe_catch_unwind(f: impl FnOnce() -> $t) -> ($t, Option<UnwindReason>) {
165                    (f(), None)
166                }
167            }
168        )*
169    }
172host_result_no_catch! {
173    (),
174    bool,
175    u32,
176    *mut u8,
177    u64,
180impl HostResult for NonNull<u8> {
181    type Abi = *mut u8;
182    fn maybe_catch_unwind(f: impl FnOnce() -> Self) -> (*mut u8, Option<UnwindReason>) {
183        (f().as_ptr(), None)
184    }
187/// Implementation of `HostResult` for `Result<T, E>`.
189/// This is where things get interesting for `HostResult`. This is generically
190/// defined to allow many shapes of the `Result` type to be returned from host
191/// calls or libcalls. To do this an extra trait requirement is placed on the
192/// successful result `T`: `HostResultHasUnwindSentinel`.
194/// The general requirement is that `T` says what ABI it has, and the ABI must
195/// have a sentinel value which indicates that an unwind in wasm should happen.
196/// For example if `T = ()` then `true` means that the call succeeded and
197/// `false` means that an unwind happened. Here the sentinel is `false` and the
198/// ABI is `bool`.
200/// This is the only implementation of `HostResult` which actually catches
201/// unwinds as there's a sentinel to encode.
202impl<T, E> HostResult for Result<T, E>
204    T: HostResultHasUnwindSentinel,
205    E: Into<TrapReason>,
207    type Abi = T::Abi;
209    fn maybe_catch_unwind(f: impl FnOnce() -> Result<T, E>) -> (T::Abi, Option<UnwindReason>) {
210        // First prepare the closure `f` as something that'll be invoked to
211        // generate the return value of this function. This is the
212        // conditionally, below, passed to `catch_unwind`.
213        let f = move || match f() {
214            Ok(ret) => (ret.into_abi(), None),
215            Err(reason) => (T::SENTINEL, Some(UnwindReason::Trap(reason.into()))),
216        };
218        // With `panic=unwind` use `std::panic::catch_unwind` to catch possible
219        // panics to rethrow.
220        #[cfg(all(feature = "std", panic = "unwind"))]
221        {
222            match std::panic::catch_unwind(std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe(f)) {
223                Ok(result) => result,
224                Err(err) => (T::SENTINEL, Some(UnwindReason::Panic(err))),
225            }
226        }
228        // With `panic=abort` there's no use in using `std::panic::catch_unwind`
229        // since it won't actually catch anything. Note that
230        // `std::panic::catch_unwind` will technically optimize to this but having
231        // this branch avoids using the `std::panic` module entirely.
232        #[cfg(not(all(feature = "std", panic = "unwind")))]
233        {
234            f()
235        }
236    }
239/// Trait used in conjunction with `HostResult for Result<T, E>` where this is
240/// the trait bound on `T`.
242/// This is for values in the "ok" position of a `Result` return value. Each
243/// value can have a separate ABI from itself (e.g. `type Abi`) and must be
244/// convertible to the ABI. Additionally all implementations of this trait have
245/// a "sentinel value" which indicates that an unwind happened. This means that
246/// no valid instance of `Self` should generate the `SENTINEL` via the
247/// `into_abi` function.
248pub unsafe trait HostResultHasUnwindSentinel {
249    /// The Cranelift-understood ABI of this value (should not be `Self`).
250    type Abi: Copy;
252    /// A value that indicates that an unwind should happen and is tested for in
253    /// Cranelift-generated code.
254    const SENTINEL: Self::Abi;
256    /// Converts this value into the ABI representation. Should never returned
257    /// the `SENTINEL` value.
258    fn into_abi(self) -> Self::Abi;
261/// No return value from the host is represented as a `bool` in the ABI. Here
262/// `true` means that execution succeeded while `false` is the sentinel used to
263/// indicate an unwind.
264unsafe impl HostResultHasUnwindSentinel for () {
265    type Abi = bool;
266    const SENTINEL: bool = false;
267    fn into_abi(self) -> bool {
268        true
269    }
272/// A 32-bit return value can be inflated to a 64-bit return value in the ABI.
273/// In this manner a successful result is a zero-extended 32-bit value and the
274/// failure sentinel is `u64::MAX` or -1 as a signed integer.
275unsafe impl HostResultHasUnwindSentinel for u32 {
276    type Abi = u64;
277    const SENTINEL: u64 = u64::MAX;
278    fn into_abi(self) -> u64 {
279        self.into()
280    }
283/// If there is not actual successful result (e.g. an empty enum) then the ABI
284/// can be `()`, or nothing, because there's no successful result and it's
285/// always a failure.
286unsafe impl HostResultHasUnwindSentinel for core::convert::Infallible {
287    type Abi = ();
288    const SENTINEL: () = ();
289    fn into_abi(self) {
290        match self {}
291    }
294/// Stores trace message with backtrace.
296pub struct Trap {
297    /// Original reason from where this trap originated.
298    pub reason: TrapReason,
299    /// Wasm backtrace of the trap, if any.
300    pub backtrace: Option<Backtrace>,
301    /// The Wasm Coredump, if any.
302    pub coredumpstack: Option<CoreDumpStack>,
305/// Enumeration of different methods of raising a trap.
307pub enum TrapReason {
308    /// A user-raised trap through `raise_user_trap`.
309    User(Error),
311    /// A trap raised from Cranelift-generated code.
312    Jit {
313        /// The program counter where this trap originated.
314        ///
315        /// This is later used with side tables from compilation to translate
316        /// the trapping address to a trap code.
317        pc: usize,
319        /// If the trap was a memory-related trap such as SIGSEGV then this
320        /// field will contain the address of the inaccessible data.
321        ///
322        /// Note that wasm loads/stores are not guaranteed to fill in this
323        /// information. Dynamically-bounds-checked memories, for example, will
324        /// not access an invalid address but may instead load from NULL or may
325        /// explicitly jump to a `ud2` instruction. This is only available for
326        /// fault-based traps which are one of the main ways, but not the only
327        /// way, to run wasm.
328        faulting_addr: Option<usize>,
330        /// The trap code associated with this trap.
331        trap: wasmtime_environ::Trap,
332    },
334    /// A trap raised from a wasm libcall
335    Wasm(wasmtime_environ::Trap),
338impl From<Error> for TrapReason {
339    fn from(err: Error) -> Self {
340        TrapReason::User(err)
341    }
344impl From<wasmtime_environ::Trap> for TrapReason {
345    fn from(code: wasmtime_environ::Trap) -> Self {
346        TrapReason::Wasm(code)
347    }
350/// Catches any wasm traps that happen within the execution of `closure`,
351/// returning them as a `Result`.
353/// # Unsafety
355/// This function is unsafe because during the execution of `closure` it may be
356/// longjmp'd over and none of its destructors on the stack may be run.
357pub unsafe fn catch_traps<T, F>(
358    store: &mut StoreContextMut<'_, T>,
359    mut closure: F,
360) -> Result<(), Box<Trap>>
362    F: FnMut(NonNull<VMContext>, Option<InterpreterRef<'_>>) -> bool,
364    let caller = store.0.default_caller();
365    let result = CallThreadState::new(store.0, caller).with(|cx| match store.0.executor() {
366        // In interpreted mode directly invoke the host closure since we won't
367        // be using host-based `setjmp`/`longjmp` as that's not going to save
368        // the context we want.
369        ExecutorRef::Interpreter(r) => {
370            cx.jmp_buf
371                .set(CallThreadState::JMP_BUF_INTERPRETER_SENTINEL);
372            closure(caller, Some(r))
373        }
375        // In native mode, however, defer to C to do the `setjmp` since Rust
376        // doesn't understand `setjmp`.
377        //
378        // Note that here we pass a function pointer to C to catch longjmp
379        // within, here it's `call_closure`, and that passes `None` for the
380        // interpreter since this branch is only ever taken if the interpreter
381        // isn't present.
382        #[cfg(has_host_compiler_backend)]
383        ExecutorRef::Native => traphandlers::wasmtime_setjmp(
384            cx.jmp_buf.as_ptr(),
385            {
386                extern "C" fn call_closure<F>(payload: *mut u8, caller: NonNull<VMContext>) -> bool
387                where
388                    F: FnMut(NonNull<VMContext>, Option<InterpreterRef<'_>>) -> bool,
389                {
390                    unsafe { (*(payload as *mut F))(caller, None) }
391                }
393                call_closure::<F>
394            },
395            &mut closure as *mut F as *mut u8,
396            caller,
397        ),
398    });
400    return match result {
401        Ok(x) => Ok(x),
402        Err((UnwindReason::Trap(reason), backtrace, coredumpstack)) => Err(Box::new(Trap {
403            reason,
404            backtrace,
405            coredumpstack,
406        })),
407        #[cfg(all(feature = "std", panic = "unwind"))]
408        Err((UnwindReason::Panic(panic), _, _)) => std::panic::resume_unwind(panic),
409    };
412// Module to hide visibility of the `CallThreadState::prev` field and force
413// usage of its accessor methods.
414mod call_thread_state {
415    use super::*;
416    use crate::runtime::vm::Unwind;
418    /// Temporary state stored on the stack which is registered in the `tls` module
419    /// below for calls into wasm.
420    pub struct CallThreadState {
421        pub(super) unwind: Cell<Option<(UnwindReason, Option<Backtrace>, Option<CoreDumpStack>)>>,
422        pub(super) jmp_buf: Cell<*const u8>,
423        #[cfg(all(has_native_signals))]
424        pub(super) signal_handler: Option<*const SignalHandler>,
425        pub(super) capture_backtrace: bool,
426        #[cfg(feature = "coredump")]
427        pub(super) capture_coredump: bool,
429        pub(crate) vm_store_context: NonNull<VMStoreContext>,
430        pub(crate) unwinder: &'static dyn Unwind,
432        pub(super) prev: Cell<tls::Ptr>,
433        #[cfg(all(has_native_signals, unix))]
434        pub(crate) async_guard_range: Range<*mut u8>,
436        // The values of `VMStoreContext::last_wasm_{exit_{pc,fp},entry_sp}` for
437        // the *previous* `CallThreadState` for this same store/limits. Our
438        // *current* last wasm PC/FP/SP are saved in `self.vm_store_context`. We
439        // save a copy of the old registers here because the `VMStoreContext`
440        // typically doesn't change across nested calls into Wasm (i.e. they are
441        // typically calls back into the same store and `self.vm_store_context
442        // == self.prev.vm_store_context`) and we must to maintain the list of
443        // contiguous-Wasm-frames stack regions for backtracing purposes.
444        old_last_wasm_exit_fp: Cell<usize>,
445        old_last_wasm_exit_pc: Cell<usize>,
446        old_last_wasm_entry_fp: Cell<usize>,
447    }
449    impl Drop for CallThreadState {
450        fn drop(&mut self) {
451            // Unwind information should not be present as it should have
452            // already been processed.
453            debug_assert!(self.unwind.replace(None).is_none());
455            unsafe {
456                let cx = self.vm_store_context.as_ref();
457                *cx.last_wasm_exit_fp.get() = self.old_last_wasm_exit_fp.get();
458                *cx.last_wasm_exit_pc.get() = self.old_last_wasm_exit_pc.get();
459                *cx.last_wasm_entry_fp.get() = self.old_last_wasm_entry_fp.get();
460            }
461        }
462    }
464    impl CallThreadState {
465        pub const JMP_BUF_INTERPRETER_SENTINEL: *mut u8 = 1 as *mut u8;
467        #[inline]
468        pub(super) fn new(store: &mut StoreOpaque, caller: NonNull<VMContext>) -> CallThreadState {
469            let vm_store_context = unsafe {
470                Instance::from_vmctx(caller, |i| i.vm_store_context())
471                    .read()
472                    .unwrap()
473                    .as_non_null()
474            };
476            // Don't try to plumb #[cfg] everywhere for this field, just pretend
477            // we're using it on miri/windows to silence compiler warnings.
478            let _: Range<_> = store.async_guard_range();
480            CallThreadState {
481                unwind: Cell::new(None),
482                unwinder: store.unwinder(),
483                jmp_buf: Cell::new(ptr::null()),
484                #[cfg(all(has_native_signals))]
485                signal_handler: store.signal_handler(),
486                capture_backtrace: store.engine().config().wasm_backtrace,
487                #[cfg(feature = "coredump")]
488                capture_coredump: store.engine().config().coredump_on_trap,
489                vm_store_context,
490                #[cfg(all(has_native_signals, unix))]
491                async_guard_range: store.async_guard_range(),
492                prev: Cell::new(ptr::null()),
493                old_last_wasm_exit_fp: Cell::new(unsafe {
494                    *vm_store_context.as_ref().last_wasm_exit_fp.get()
495                }),
496                old_last_wasm_exit_pc: Cell::new(unsafe {
497                    *vm_store_context.as_ref().last_wasm_exit_pc.get()
498                }),
499                old_last_wasm_entry_fp: Cell::new(unsafe {
500                    *vm_store_context.as_ref().last_wasm_entry_fp.get()
501                }),
502            }
503        }
505        /// Get the saved FP upon exit from Wasm for the previous `CallThreadState`.
506        pub fn old_last_wasm_exit_fp(&self) -> usize {
507            self.old_last_wasm_exit_fp.get()
508        }
510        /// Get the saved PC upon exit from Wasm for the previous `CallThreadState`.
511        pub fn old_last_wasm_exit_pc(&self) -> usize {
512            self.old_last_wasm_exit_pc.get()
513        }
515        /// Get the saved FP upon entry into Wasm for the previous `CallThreadState`.
516        pub fn old_last_wasm_entry_fp(&self) -> usize {
517            self.old_last_wasm_entry_fp.get()
518        }
520        /// Get the previous `CallThreadState`.
521        pub fn prev(&self) -> tls::Ptr {
522            self.prev.get()
523        }
525        #[inline]
526        pub(crate) unsafe fn push(&self) {
527            assert!(self.prev.get().is_null());
528            self.prev.set(tls::raw::replace(self));
529        }
531        #[inline]
532        pub(crate) unsafe fn pop(&self) {
533            let prev = self.prev.replace(ptr::null());
534            let head = tls::raw::replace(prev);
535            assert!(core::ptr::eq(head, self));
536        }
537    }
539pub use call_thread_state::*;
541pub enum UnwindReason {
542    #[cfg(all(feature = "std", panic = "unwind"))]
543    Panic(Box<dyn std::any::Any + Send>),
544    Trap(TrapReason),
547impl CallThreadState {
548    #[inline]
549    fn with(
550        mut self,
551        closure: impl FnOnce(&CallThreadState) -> bool,
552    ) -> Result<(), (UnwindReason, Option<Backtrace>, Option<CoreDumpStack>)> {
553        let succeeded = tls::set(&mut self, |me| closure(me));
554        if succeeded {
555            Ok(())
556        } else {
557            Err(self.read_unwind())
558        }
559    }
561    #[cold]
562    fn read_unwind(&self) -> (UnwindReason, Option<Backtrace>, Option<CoreDumpStack>) {
563        self.unwind.replace(None).unwrap()
564    }
566    /// Records the unwind information provided within this `CallThreadState`,
567    /// optionally capturing a backtrace at this time.
568    ///
569    /// This function is used to stash metadata for why an unwind is about to
570    /// happen. The actual unwind is expected to happen after this function is
571    /// called using, for example, the `unwind` function below.
572    ///
573    /// Note that this is a relatively low-level function and will panic if
574    /// mis-used.
575    ///
576    /// # Panics
577    ///
578    /// Panics if unwind information has already been recorded as that should
579    /// have been processed first.
580    fn record_unwind(&self, reason: UnwindReason) {
581        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
582            let prev = self.unwind.replace(None);
583            assert!(prev.is_none());
584        }
585        let (backtrace, coredump) = match &reason {
586            // Panics don't need backtraces. There is nowhere to attach the
587            // hypothetical backtrace to and it doesn't really make sense to try
588            // in the first place since this is a Rust problem rather than a
589            // Wasm problem.
590            #[cfg(all(feature = "std", panic = "unwind"))]
591            UnwindReason::Panic(_) => (None, None),
592            // And if we are just propagating an existing trap that already has
593            // a backtrace attached to it, then there is no need to capture a
594            // new backtrace either.
595            UnwindReason::Trap(TrapReason::User(err))
596                if err.downcast_ref::<WasmBacktrace>().is_some() =>
597            {
598                (None, None)
599            }
600            UnwindReason::Trap(_) => (
601                self.capture_backtrace(self.vm_store_context.as_ptr(), None),
602                self.capture_coredump(self.vm_store_context.as_ptr(), None),
603            ),
604        };
605        self.unwind.set(Some((reason, backtrace, coredump)));
606    }
608    /// Helper function to perform an actual unwinding operation.
609    ///
610    /// This must be preceded by a `record_unwind` operation above to be
611    /// processed correctly on the other side.
612    ///
613    /// # Unsafety
614    ///
615    /// This function is not safe if the corresponding setjmp wasn't already
616    /// called. Additionally this isn't safe as it will skip all Rust
617    /// destructors on the stack, if there are any.
618    #[cfg(has_host_compiler_backend)]
619    unsafe fn unwind(&self) -> ! {
620        debug_assert!(!self.jmp_buf.get().is_null());
621        debug_assert!(self.jmp_buf.get() != CallThreadState::JMP_BUF_INTERPRETER_SENTINEL);
622        traphandlers::wasmtime_longjmp(self.jmp_buf.get());
623    }
625    fn capture_backtrace(
626        &self,
627        limits: *const VMStoreContext,
628        trap_pc_and_fp: Option<(usize, usize)>,
629    ) -> Option<Backtrace> {
630        if !self.capture_backtrace {
631            return None;
632        }
634        Some(unsafe { Backtrace::new_with_trap_state(limits, self.unwinder, self, trap_pc_and_fp) })
635    }
637    pub(crate) fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a Self> + 'a {
638        let mut state = Some(self);
639        core::iter::from_fn(move || {
640            let this = state?;
641            state = unsafe { this.prev().as_ref() };
642            Some(this)
643        })
644    }
646    /// Trap handler using our thread-local state.
647    ///
648    /// * `regs` - some special program registers at the time that the trap
649    ///   happened, for example `pc`.
650    /// * `faulting_addr` - the system-provided address that the a fault, if
651    ///   any, happened at. This is used when debug-asserting that all segfaults
652    ///   are known to live within a `Store<T>` in a valid range.
653    /// * `call_handler` - a closure used to invoke the platform-specific
654    ///   signal handler for each instance, if available.
655    ///
656    /// Attempts to handle the trap if it's a wasm trap. Returns a `TrapTest`
657    /// which indicates what this could be, such as:
658    ///
659    /// * `TrapTest::NotWasm` - not a wasm fault, this should get forwarded to
660    ///   the next platform-specific fault handler.
661    /// * `TrapTest::HandledByEmbedder` - the embedder `call_handler` handled
662    ///   this signal, nothing else to do.
663    /// * `TrapTest::Trap` - this is a wasm trap an the stack needs to be
664    ///   unwound now.
665    pub(crate) fn test_if_trap(
666        &self,
667        regs: TrapRegisters,
668        faulting_addr: Option<usize>,
669        call_handler: impl Fn(&SignalHandler) -> bool,
670    ) -> TrapTest {
671        // If we haven't even started to handle traps yet, bail out.
672        if self.jmp_buf.get().is_null() {
673            return TrapTest::NotWasm;
674        }
676        // First up see if any instance registered has a custom trap handler,
677        // in which case run them all. If anything handles the trap then we
678        // return that the trap was handled.
679        let _ = &call_handler;
680        #[cfg(all(has_native_signals, not(miri)))]
681        if let Some(handler) = self.signal_handler {
682            if unsafe { call_handler(&*handler) } {
683                return TrapTest::HandledByEmbedder;
684            }
685        }
687        // If this fault wasn't in wasm code, then it's not our problem
688        let Some((code, text_offset)) = lookup_code(regs.pc) else {
689            return TrapTest::NotWasm;
690        };
692        // If the fault was at a location that was not marked as potentially
693        // trapping, then that's a bug in Cranelift/Winch/etc. Don't try to
694        // catch the trap and pretend this isn't wasm so the program likely
695        // aborts.
696        let Some(trap) = code.lookup_trap_code(text_offset) else {
697            return TrapTest::NotWasm;
698        };
700        // If all that passed then this is indeed a wasm trap, so return the
701        // `jmp_buf` passed to `wasmtime_longjmp` to resume.
702        self.set_jit_trap(regs, faulting_addr, trap);
703        TrapTest::Trap {
704            #[cfg(has_host_compiler_backend)]
705            jmp_buf: self.take_jmp_buf(),
706        }
707    }
709    #[cfg(has_host_compiler_backend)]
710    pub(crate) fn take_jmp_buf(&self) -> *const u8 {
711        self.jmp_buf.replace(ptr::null())
712    }
714    pub(crate) fn set_jit_trap(
715        &self,
716        TrapRegisters { pc, fp, .. }: TrapRegisters,
717        faulting_addr: Option<usize>,
718        trap: wasmtime_environ::Trap,
719    ) {
720        let backtrace = self.capture_backtrace(self.vm_store_context.as_ptr(), Some((pc, fp)));
721        let coredump = self.capture_coredump(self.vm_store_context.as_ptr(), Some((pc, fp)));
722        self.unwind.set(Some((
723            UnwindReason::Trap(TrapReason::Jit {
724                pc,
725                faulting_addr,
726                trap,
727            }),
728            backtrace,
729            coredump,
730        )))
731    }
734// A private inner module for managing the TLS state that we require across
735// calls in wasm. The WebAssembly code is called from C++ and then a trap may
736// happen which requires us to read some contextual state to figure out what to
737// do with the trap. This `tls` module is used to persist that information from
738// the caller to the trap site.
739pub(crate) mod tls {
740    use super::CallThreadState;
742    pub use raw::Ptr;
744    // An even *more* inner module for dealing with TLS. This actually has the
745    // thread local variable and has functions to access the variable.
746    //
747    // Note that this is specially done to fully encapsulate that the accessors
748    // for tls may or may not be inlined. Wasmtime's async support employs stack
749    // switching which can resume execution on different OS threads. This means
750    // that borrows of our TLS pointer must never live across accesses because
751    // otherwise the access may be split across two threads and cause unsafety.
752    //
753    // This also means that extra care is taken by the runtime to save/restore
754    // these TLS values when the runtime may have crossed threads.
755    //
756    // Note, though, that if async support is disabled at compile time then
757    // these functions are free to be inlined.
758    pub(super) mod raw {
759        use super::CallThreadState;
760        use sptr::Strict;
762        pub type Ptr = *const CallThreadState;
764        const _: () = {
765            assert!(core::mem::align_of::<CallThreadState>() > 1);
766        };
768        fn tls_get() -> (Ptr, bool) {
769            let mut initialized = false;
770            let p = Strict::map_addr(crate::runtime::vm::sys::tls_get(), |a| {
771                initialized = (a & 1) != 0;
772                a & !1
773            });
774            (p.cast(), initialized)
775        }
777        fn tls_set(ptr: Ptr, initialized: bool) {
778            let encoded = Strict::map_addr(ptr, |a| a | usize::from(initialized));
779            crate::runtime::vm::sys::tls_set(encoded.cast_mut().cast::<u8>());
780        }
782        #[cfg_attr(feature = "async", inline(never))] // see module docs
783        #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "async"), inline)]
784        pub fn replace(val: Ptr) -> Ptr {
785            // When a new value is configured that means that we may be
786            // entering WebAssembly so check to see if this thread has
787            // performed per-thread initialization for traps.
788            let (prev, initialized) = tls_get();
789            if !initialized {
790                super::super::lazy_per_thread_init();
791            }
792            tls_set(val, true);
793            prev
794        }
796        /// Eagerly initialize thread-local runtime functionality. This will be performed
797        /// lazily by the runtime if users do not perform it eagerly.
798        #[cfg_attr(feature = "async", inline(never))] // see module docs
799        #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "async"), inline)]
800        pub fn initialize() {
801            let (state, initialized) = tls_get();
802            if initialized {
803                return;
804            }
805            super::super::lazy_per_thread_init();
806            tls_set(state, true);
807        }
809        #[cfg_attr(feature = "async", inline(never))] // see module docs
810        #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "async"), inline)]
811        pub fn get() -> Ptr {
812            tls_get().0
813        }
814    }
816    pub use raw::initialize as tls_eager_initialize;
818    /// Opaque state used to persist the state of the `CallThreadState`
819    /// activations associated with a fiber stack that's used as part of an
820    /// async wasm call.
821    #[cfg(feature = "async")]
822    pub struct AsyncWasmCallState {
823        // The head of a linked list of activations that are currently present
824        // on an async call's fiber stack. This pointer points to the oldest
825        // activation frame where the `prev` links internally link to younger
826        // activation frames.
827        //
828        // When pushed onto a thread this linked list is traversed to get pushed
829        // onto the current thread at the time.
830        state: raw::Ptr,
831    }
833    #[cfg(feature = "async")]
834    impl AsyncWasmCallState {
835        /// Creates new state that initially starts as null.
836        pub fn new() -> AsyncWasmCallState {
837            AsyncWasmCallState {
838                state: core::ptr::null_mut(),
839            }
840        }
842        /// Pushes the saved state of this wasm's call onto the current thread's
843        /// state.
844        ///
845        /// This will iterate over the linked list of states stored within
846        /// `self` and push them sequentially onto the current thread's
847        /// activation list.
848        ///
849        /// The returned `PreviousAsyncWasmCallState` captures the state of this
850        /// thread just before this operation, and it must have its `restore`
851        /// method called to restore the state when the async wasm is suspended
852        /// from.
853        ///
854        /// # Unsafety
855        ///
856        /// Must be carefully coordinated with
857        /// `PreviousAsyncWasmCallState::restore` and fiber switches to ensure
858        /// that this doesn't push stale data and the data is popped
859        /// appropriately.
860        pub unsafe fn push(self) -> PreviousAsyncWasmCallState {
861            // Our `state` pointer is a linked list of oldest-to-youngest so by
862            // pushing in order of the list we restore the youngest-to-oldest
863            // list as stored in the state of this current thread.
864            let ret = PreviousAsyncWasmCallState { state: raw::get() };
865            let mut ptr = self.state;
866            while let Some(state) = ptr.as_ref() {
867                ptr = state.prev.replace(core::ptr::null_mut());
868                state.push();
869            }
870            ret
871        }
873        /// Performs a runtime check that this state is indeed null.
874        pub fn assert_null(&self) {
875            assert!(self.state.is_null());
876        }
878        /// Asserts that the current CallThreadState pointer, if present, is not
879        /// in the `range` specified.
880        ///
881        /// This is used when exiting a future in Wasmtime to assert that the
882        /// current CallThreadState pointer does not point within the stack
883        /// we're leaving (e.g.  allocated for a fiber).
884        pub fn assert_current_state_not_in_range(range: core::ops::Range<usize>) {
885            let p = raw::get() as usize;
886            assert!(p < range.start || range.end < p);
887        }
888    }
890    /// Opaque state used to help control TLS state across stack switches for
891    /// async support.
892    #[cfg(feature = "async")]
893    pub struct PreviousAsyncWasmCallState {
894        // The head of a linked list, similar to the TLS state. Note though that
895        // this list is stored in reverse order to assist with `push` and `pop`
896        // below.
897        //
898        // After a `push` call this stores the previous head for the current
899        // thread so we know when to stop popping during a `pop`.
900        state: raw::Ptr,
901    }
903    #[cfg(feature = "async")]
904    impl PreviousAsyncWasmCallState {
905        /// Pops a fiber's linked list of activations and stores them in
906        /// `AsyncWasmCallState`.
907        ///
908        /// This will pop the top activation of this current thread continuously
909        /// until it reaches whatever the current activation was when `push` was
910        /// originally called.
911        ///
912        /// # Unsafety
913        ///
914        /// Must be paired with a `push` and only performed at a time when a
915        /// fiber is being suspended.
916        pub unsafe fn restore(self) -> AsyncWasmCallState {
917            let thread_head = self.state;
918            core::mem::forget(self);
919            let mut ret = AsyncWasmCallState::new();
920            loop {
921                // If the current TLS state is as we originally found it, then
922                // this loop is finished.
923                let ptr = raw::get();
924                if ptr == thread_head {
925                    break ret;
926                }
928                // Pop this activation from the current thread's TLS state, and
929                // then afterwards push it onto our own linked list within this
930                // `AsyncWasmCallState`. Note that the linked list in `AsyncWasmCallState` is stored
931                // in reverse order so a subsequent `push` later on pushes
932                // everything in the right order.
933                (*ptr).pop();
934                if let Some(state) = ret.state.as_ref() {
935                    (*ptr).prev.set(state);
936                }
937                ret.state = ptr;
938            }
939        }
940    }
942    #[cfg(feature = "async")]
943    impl Drop for PreviousAsyncWasmCallState {
944        fn drop(&mut self) {
945            panic!("must be consumed with `restore`");
946        }
947    }
949    /// Configures thread local state such that for the duration of the
950    /// execution of `closure` any call to `with` will yield `state`, unless
951    /// this is recursively called again.
952    #[inline]
953    pub fn set<R>(state: &mut CallThreadState, closure: impl FnOnce(&CallThreadState) -> R) -> R {
954        struct Reset<'a> {
955            state: &'a CallThreadState,
956        }
958        impl Drop for Reset<'_> {
959            #[inline]
960            fn drop(&mut self) {
961                unsafe {
962                    self.state.pop();
963                }
964            }
965        }
967        unsafe {
968            state.push();
969            let reset = Reset { state };
970            closure(reset.state)
971        }
972    }
974    /// Returns the last pointer configured with `set` above, if any.
975    pub fn with<R>(closure: impl FnOnce(Option<&CallThreadState>) -> R) -> R {
976        let p = raw::get();
977        unsafe { closure(if p.is_null() { None } else { Some(&*p) }) }
978    }