1use crate::prelude::*;
2use crate::runtime::vm::vmcontext::VMArrayCallNative;
3use crate::runtime::vm::{tls, TrapRegisters, TrapTest, VMContext, VMOpaqueContext};
4use crate::{Engine, ValRaw};
5use core::ptr::NonNull;
6use pulley_interpreter::interp::{DoneReason, RegType, TrapKind, Val, Vm, XRegVal};
7use pulley_interpreter::{FReg, Reg, XReg};
8use wasmtime_environ::{BuiltinFunctionIndex, HostCall, Trap};
10/// Interpreter state stored within a `Store<T>`.
12pub struct Interpreter {
13 /// Pulley VM state, stored behind a `Box<T>` to make the storage in
14 /// `Store<T>` only pointer-sized (that way if you enable pulley but don't
15 /// use it it's low-overhead).
16 pulley: Box<Vm>,
19impl Interpreter {
20 /// Creates a new interpreter ready to interpret code.
21 pub fn new(engine: &Engine) -> Interpreter {
22 let ret = Interpreter {
23 pulley: Box::new(Vm::with_stack(engine.config().max_wasm_stack)),
24 };
25 engine.profiler().register_interpreter(&ret);
26 ret
27 }
29 /// Returns the `InterpreterRef` structure which can be used to actually
30 /// execute interpreted code.
31 pub fn as_interpreter_ref(&mut self) -> InterpreterRef<'_> {
32 InterpreterRef(&mut self.pulley)
33 }
35 pub fn pulley(&self) -> &Vm {
36 &self.pulley
37 }
40/// Wrapper around `&mut pulley_interpreter::Vm` to enable compiling this to a
41/// zero-sized structure when pulley is disabled at compile time.
43pub struct InterpreterRef<'a>(&'a mut Vm);
45/// Equivalent of a native platform's `jmp_buf` (sort of).
47/// This structure ensures that all callee-save state in Pulley is saved at wasm
48/// function boundaries. This handles the case for example where a function is
49/// executed but it traps halfway through. The trap will unwind the Pulley stack
50/// and reset it back to what it was when the function started. This means that
51/// Pulley function prologues don't execute and callee-saved registers aren't
52/// restored. This structure is used to restore all that state to as it was
53/// when the function started.
55/// Note that this is a blind copy of all callee-saved state which is kept in
56/// sync with `pulley_shared/abi.rs` in Cranelift. This includes the upper 16
57/// x-regs, the upper 16 f-regs, the frame pointer, and the link register. The
58/// stack pointer is included in the upper 16 x-regs. This representation is
59/// explicitly chosen over an alternative such as only saving a bare minimum
60/// amount of state and using function ABIs to auto-save registers. For example
61/// we could, in Cranelift, indicate that the Pulley-to-host function call
62/// clobbered all registers forcing the function prologue to save all
63/// xregs/fregs. This means though that every wasm->host call would save/restore
64/// all this state, even when a trap didn't happen. Alternatively this structure
65/// being large means that the state is only saved once per host->wasm call
66/// instead which is currently what's being optimized for.
68/// If saving this structure is a performance hot spot in the future it might be
69/// worth reevaluating this decision or perhaps shrinking the register file of
70/// Pulley so less state need be saved.
71#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
72struct Setjmp {
73 xregs: [u64; 16],
74 fregs: [f64; 16],
75 fp: *mut u8,
76 lr: *mut u8,
79impl InterpreterRef<'_> {
80 /// Invokes interpreted code.
81 ///
82 /// The `bytecode` pointer should previously have been produced by Cranelift
83 /// and `callee` / `caller` / `args_and_results` are normal array-call
84 /// arguments being passed around.
85 pub unsafe fn call(
86 mut self,
87 mut bytecode: NonNull<u8>,
88 callee: NonNull<VMOpaqueContext>,
89 caller: NonNull<VMOpaqueContext>,
90 args_and_results: NonNull<[ValRaw]>,
91 ) -> bool {
92 // Initialize argument registers with the ABI arguments.
93 let args = [
94 XRegVal::new_ptr(callee.as_ptr()).into(),
95 XRegVal::new_ptr(caller.as_ptr()).into(),
96 XRegVal::new_ptr(args_and_results.cast::<u8>().as_ptr()).into(),
97 XRegVal::new_u64(args_and_results.len() as u64).into(),
98 ];
100 // Fake a "poor man's setjmp" for now by saving some critical context to
101 // get restored when a trap happens. This pseudo-implements the stack
102 // unwinding necessary for a trap.
103 //
104 // See more comments in `trap` below about how this isn't actually
105 // correct as it's not saving all callee-save state.
106 let setjmp = self.setjmp();
108 let old_lr = self.0.call_start(&args);
110 // Run the interpreter as much as possible until it finishes, and then
111 // handle each finish condition differently.
112 let ret = loop {
113 match self.0.call_run(bytecode) {
114 // If the VM returned entirely then read the return value and
115 // return that (it indicates whether a trap happened or not.
116 DoneReason::ReturnToHost(()) => {
117 match self.0.call_end(old_lr, [RegType::XReg]).next().unwrap() {
118 #[allow(
119 clippy::cast_possible_truncation,
120 reason = "intentionally reading the lower bits only"
121 )]
122 Val::XReg(xreg) => break (xreg.get_u32() as u8) != 0,
123 _ => unreachable!(),
124 }
125 }
126 // If the VM wants to call out to the host then dispatch that
127 // here based on `sig`. Once that returns we can resume
128 // execution at `resume`.
129 //
130 // Note that the `raise` libcall is handled specially here since
131 // longjmp/setjmp is handled differently than on the host.
132 DoneReason::CallIndirectHost { id, resume } => {
133 if u32::from(id) == HostCall::Builtin(BuiltinFunctionIndex::raise()).index() {
134 self.longjmp(setjmp);
135 break false;
136 } else {
137 self.call_indirect_host(id);
138 bytecode = resume;
139 }
140 }
141 // If the VM trapped then process that here and return `false`.
142 DoneReason::Trap { pc, kind } => {
143 self.trap(pc, kind, setjmp);
144 break false;
145 }
146 }
147 };
149 if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
150 for (i, reg) in callee_save_xregs() {
151 assert!(self.0[reg].get_u64() == setjmp.xregs[i]);
152 }
153 for (i, reg) in callee_save_fregs() {
154 assert!(self.0[reg].get_f64().to_bits() == setjmp.fregs[i].to_bits());
155 }
156 assert!(self.0.fp() == setjmp.fp);
157 assert!(self.0.lr() == setjmp.lr);
158 }
159 ret
160 }
162 /// Handles an interpreter trap. This will initialize the trap state stored
163 /// in TLS via the `test_if_trap` helper below by reading the pc/fp of the
164 /// interpreter and seeing if that's a valid opcode to trap at.
165 fn trap(&mut self, pc: NonNull<u8>, kind: Option<TrapKind>, setjmp: Setjmp) {
166 let regs = TrapRegisters {
167 pc: pc.as_ptr() as usize,
168 fp: self.0.fp() as usize,
169 };
170 tls::with(|s| {
171 let s = s.unwrap();
172 match kind {
173 Some(kind) => {
174 let trap = match kind {
175 TrapKind::IntegerOverflow => Trap::IntegerOverflow,
176 TrapKind::DivideByZero => Trap::IntegerDivisionByZero,
177 TrapKind::BadConversionToInteger => Trap::BadConversionToInteger,
178 TrapKind::MemoryOutOfBounds => Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds,
179 };
180 s.set_jit_trap(regs, None, trap);
181 }
182 None => {
183 match s.test_if_trap(regs, None, |_| false) {
184 // This shouldn't be possible, so this is a fatal error
185 // if it happens.
186 TrapTest::NotWasm => {
187 panic!("pulley trap at {pc:?} without trap code registered")
188 }
190 // Not possible with our closure above returning `false`.
191 #[cfg(has_host_compiler_backend)]
192 TrapTest::HandledByEmbedder => unreachable!(),
194 // Trap was handled, yay! We don't use `jmp_buf`.
195 TrapTest::Trap { .. } => {}
196 }
197 }
198 }
199 });
201 self.longjmp(setjmp);
202 }
204 fn setjmp(&self) -> Setjmp {
205 let mut xregs = [0; 16];
206 let mut fregs = [0.0; 16];
207 for (i, reg) in callee_save_xregs() {
208 xregs[i] = self.0[reg].get_u64();
209 }
210 for (i, reg) in callee_save_fregs() {
211 fregs[i] = self.0[reg].get_f64();
212 }
213 Setjmp {
214 xregs,
215 fregs,
216 fp: self.0.fp(),
217 lr: self.0.lr(),
218 }
219 }
221 /// Perform a "longjmp" by restoring the "setjmp" context saved when this
222 /// started.
223 fn longjmp(&mut self, setjmp: Setjmp) {
224 let Setjmp {
225 xregs,
226 fregs,
227 fp,
228 lr,
229 } = setjmp;
230 unsafe {
231 for (i, reg) in callee_save_xregs() {
232 self.0[reg].set_u64(xregs[i]);
233 }
234 for (i, reg) in callee_save_fregs() {
235 self.0[reg].set_f64(fregs[i]);
236 }
237 self.0.set_fp(fp);
238 self.0.set_lr(lr);
239 }
240 }
242 /// Handles the `call_indirect_host` instruction, dispatching the `sig`
243 /// number here which corresponds to `wasmtime_environ::HostCall`.
244 #[allow(
245 clippy::cast_possible_truncation,
246 clippy::cast_sign_loss,
247 unused_macro_rules,
248 reason = "macro-generated code"
249 )]
250 #[cfg_attr(
251 not(feature = "component-model"),
252 expect(unused_macro_rules, reason = "macro-code")
253 )]
254 unsafe fn call_indirect_host(&mut self, id: u8) {
255 let id = u32::from(id);
256 let fnptr = self.0[XReg::x0].get_ptr();
257 let mut arg_reg = 1;
259 /// Helper macro to invoke a builtin.
260 ///
261 /// Used as:
262 ///
263 /// `call(@builtin(ty1, ty2, ...) -> retty)` - invoke a core or
264 /// component builtin with the macro-defined signature.
265 ///
266 /// `call(@host Ty(ty1, ty2, ...) -> retty)` - invoke a host function
267 /// with the type `Ty`. The other types in the macro are checked by
268 /// rustc to match the actual `Ty` definition in Rust.
269 macro_rules! call {
270 (@builtin($($param:ident),*) $(-> $result:ident)?) => {{
271 type T = unsafe extern "C" fn($(call!(@ty $param)),*) $(-> call!(@ty $result))?;
272 call!(@host T($($param),*) $(-> $result)?);
273 }};
274 (@host $ty:ident($($param:ident),*) $(-> $result:ident)?) => {{
275 // Convert the pointer from pulley to a native function pointer.
276 union GetNative {
277 fnptr: *mut u8,
278 host: $ty,
279 }
280 let host = GetNative { fnptr }.host;
282 // Decode each argument according to this macro, pulling
283 // arguments from successive registers.
284 let ret = host($({
285 let reg = XReg::new(arg_reg).unwrap();
286 arg_reg += 1;
287 call!(@get $param reg)
288 }),*);
289 let _ = arg_reg; // silence last dead arg_reg increment warning
291 // Store the return value, if one is here, in x0.
292 $(
293 let dst = XReg::x0;
294 call!(@set $result dst ret);
295 )?
296 let _ = ret; // silence warning if no return value
298 // Return from the outer `call_indirect_host` host function as
299 // it's been processed.
300 return;
301 }};
303 // Conversion from macro-defined types to Rust host types.
304 (@ty bool) => (bool);
305 (@ty u8) => (u8);
306 (@ty u32) => (u32);
307 (@ty i32) => (i32);
308 (@ty u64) => (u64);
309 (@ty i64) => (i64);
310 (@ty vmctx) => (*mut VMContext);
311 (@ty pointer) => (*mut u8);
312 (@ty ptr_u8) => (*mut u8);
313 (@ty ptr_u16) => (*mut u16);
314 (@ty ptr_size) => (*mut usize);
315 (@ty size) => (usize);
317 // Conversion from a pulley register value to the macro-defined
318 // type.
319 (@get u8 $reg:ident) => (self.0[$reg].get_i32() as u8);
320 (@get u32 $reg:ident) => (self.0[$reg].get_u32());
321 (@get u64 $reg:ident) => (self.0[$reg].get_u64());
322 (@get vmctx $reg:ident) => (self.0[$reg].get_ptr());
323 (@get pointer $reg:ident) => (self.0[$reg].get_ptr());
324 (@get ptr $reg:ident) => (self.0[$reg].get_ptr());
325 (@get nonnull $reg:ident) => (NonNull::new(self.0[$reg].get_ptr()).unwrap());
326 (@get ptr_u8 $reg:ident) => (self.0[$reg].get_ptr());
327 (@get ptr_u16 $reg:ident) => (self.0[$reg].get_ptr());
328 (@get ptr_size $reg:ident) => (self.0[$reg].get_ptr());
329 (@get size $reg:ident) => (self.0[$reg].get_ptr::<u8>() as usize);
331 // Conversion from a Rust value back into a macro-defined type,
332 // stored in a pulley register.
333 (@set bool $reg:ident $val:ident) => (self.0[$reg].set_i32(i32::from($val)));
334 (@set u32 $reg:ident $val:ident) => (self.0[$reg].set_u32($val));
335 (@set u64 $reg:ident $val:ident) => (self.0[$reg].set_u64($val));
336 (@set pointer $reg:ident $val:ident) => (self.0[$reg].set_ptr($val));
337 (@set size $reg:ident $val:ident) => (self.0[$reg].set_ptr($val as *mut u8));
338 }
340 // With the helper macro above structure this into:
341 //
342 // foreach [core, component]
343 // * dispatch the call-the-host function pointer type
344 // * dispatch all builtins by their index.
345 //
346 // The hope is that this is relatively easy for LLVM to optimize since
347 // it's a bunch of:
348 //
349 // if id == 0 { ...; return; }
350 // if id == 1 { ...; return; }
351 // if id == 2 { ...; return; }
352 // ...
353 //
355 if id == const { HostCall::ArrayCall.index() } {
356 call!(@host VMArrayCallNative(nonnull, nonnull, nonnull, size) -> bool);
357 }
359 macro_rules! core {
360 (
361 $(
362 $( #[cfg($attr:meta)] )?
363 $name:ident($($pname:ident: $param:ident ),* ) $(-> $result:ident)?;
364 )*
365 ) => {
366 $(
367 $( #[cfg($attr)] )?
368 if id == const { HostCall::Builtin(BuiltinFunctionIndex::$name()).index() } {
369 call!(@builtin($($param),*) $(-> $result)?);
370 }
371 )*
372 }
373 }
374 wasmtime_environ::foreach_builtin_function!(core);
376 #[cfg(feature = "component-model")]
377 {
378 use crate::runtime::vm::component::VMLoweringCallee;
379 use wasmtime_environ::component::ComponentBuiltinFunctionIndex;
381 if id == const { HostCall::ComponentLowerImport.index() } {
382 call!(@host VMLoweringCallee(nonnull, nonnull, u32, u32, nonnull, ptr, ptr, u8, u8, nonnull, size) -> bool);
383 }
385 macro_rules! component {
386 (
387 $(
388 $( #[cfg($attr:meta)] )?
389 $name:ident($($pname:ident: $param:ident ),* ) $(-> $result:ident)?;
390 )*
391 ) => {
392 $(
393 $( #[cfg($attr)] )?
394 if id == const { HostCall::ComponentBuiltin(ComponentBuiltinFunctionIndex::$name()).index() } {
395 call!(@builtin($($param),*) $(-> $result)?);
396 }
397 )*
398 }
399 }
400 wasmtime_environ::foreach_builtin_component_function!(component);
401 }
403 // if we got this far then something has gone seriously wrong.
404 unreachable!()
405 }
408fn callee_save_xregs() -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, XReg)> {
409 (0..16).map(|i| (i.into(), XReg::new(i + 16).unwrap()))
412fn callee_save_fregs() -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, FReg)> {
413 (0..16).map(|i| (i.into(), FReg::new(i + 16).unwrap()))