
1#![cfg_attr(asan, allow(dead_code))]
3use super::index_allocator::{SimpleIndexAllocator, SlotId};
4use crate::prelude::*;
5use crate::runtime::vm::sys::vm::commit_pages;
6use crate::runtime::vm::{
7    mmap::AlignedLength, HostAlignedByteCount, Mmap, PoolingInstanceAllocatorConfig,
10/// Represents a pool of execution stacks (used for the async fiber implementation).
12/// Each index into the pool represents a single execution stack. The maximum number of
13/// stacks is the same as the maximum number of instances.
15/// As stacks grow downwards, each stack starts (lowest address) with a guard page
16/// that can be used to detect stack overflow.
18/// The top of the stack (starting stack pointer) is returned when a stack is allocated
19/// from the pool.
21pub struct StackPool {
22    mapping: Mmap<AlignedLength>,
23    stack_size: HostAlignedByteCount,
24    max_stacks: usize,
25    page_size: HostAlignedByteCount,
26    index_allocator: SimpleIndexAllocator,
27    async_stack_zeroing: bool,
28    async_stack_keep_resident: HostAlignedByteCount,
31impl StackPool {
32    pub fn new(config: &PoolingInstanceAllocatorConfig) -> Result<Self> {
33        use rustix::mm::{mprotect, MprotectFlags};
35        let page_size = HostAlignedByteCount::host_page_size();
37        // Add a page to the stack size for the guard page when using fiber stacks
38        let stack_size = if config.stack_size == 0 {
39            HostAlignedByteCount::ZERO
40        } else {
41            HostAlignedByteCount::new_rounded_up(config.stack_size)
42                .and_then(|size| size.checked_add(HostAlignedByteCount::host_page_size()))
43                .context("stack size exceeds addressable memory")?
44        };
46        let max_stacks = usize::try_from(config.limits.total_stacks).unwrap();
48        let allocation_size = stack_size
49            .checked_mul(max_stacks)
50            .context("total size of execution stacks exceeds addressable memory")?;
52        let mapping = Mmap::accessible_reserved(allocation_size, allocation_size)
53            .context("failed to create stack pool mapping")?;
55        // Set up the stack guard pages.
56        if !allocation_size.is_zero() {
57            unsafe {
58                for i in 0..max_stacks {
59                    // Safety: i < max_stacks and we've already checked that
60                    // stack_size * max_stacks is valid.
61                    let offset = stack_size.unchecked_mul(i);
62                    // Make the stack guard page inaccessible.
63                    let bottom_of_stack = mapping.as_ptr().add(offset.byte_count()).cast_mut();
64                    mprotect(
65                        bottom_of_stack.cast(),
66                        page_size.byte_count(),
67                        MprotectFlags::empty(),
68                    )
69                    .context("failed to protect stack guard page")?;
70                }
71            }
72        }
74        Ok(Self {
75            mapping,
76            stack_size,
77            max_stacks,
78            page_size,
79            async_stack_zeroing: config.async_stack_zeroing,
80            async_stack_keep_resident: HostAlignedByteCount::new_rounded_up(
81                config.async_stack_keep_resident,
82            )?,
83            index_allocator: SimpleIndexAllocator::new(config.limits.total_stacks),
84        })
85    }
87    /// Are there zero slots in use right now?
88    #[allow(unused)] // some cfgs don't use this
89    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
90        self.index_allocator.is_empty()
91    }
93    /// Allocate a new fiber.
94    pub fn allocate(&self) -> Result<wasmtime_fiber::FiberStack> {
95        if self.stack_size.is_zero() {
96            bail!("pooling allocator not configured to enable fiber stack allocation");
97        }
99        let index = self
100            .index_allocator
101            .alloc()
102            .ok_or_else(|| super::PoolConcurrencyLimitError::new(self.max_stacks, "fibers"))?
103            .index();
105        assert!(index < self.max_stacks);
107        unsafe {
108            // Remove the guard page from the size
109            let size_without_guard = self.stack_size.checked_sub(self.page_size).expect(
110                "self.stack_size is host-page-aligned and is > 0,\
111                 so it must be >= self.page_size",
112            );
114            let bottom_of_stack = self
115                .mapping
116                .as_ptr()
117                .add(self.stack_size.unchecked_mul(index).byte_count())
118                .cast_mut();
120            commit_pages(bottom_of_stack, size_without_guard.byte_count())?;
122            let stack = wasmtime_fiber::FiberStack::from_raw_parts(
123                bottom_of_stack,
124                self.page_size.byte_count(),
125                size_without_guard.byte_count(),
126            )?;
127            Ok(stack)
128        }
129    }
131    /// Zero the given stack, if we are configured to do so.
132    ///
133    /// This will call the given `decommit` function for each region of memory
134    /// that should be decommitted. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure
135    /// that those decommits happen before this stack is reused.
136    ///
137    /// # Panics
138    ///
139    /// `zero_stack` panics if the passed in `stack` was not created by
140    /// [`Self::allocate`].
141    ///
142    /// # Safety
143    ///
144    /// The stack must no longer be in use, and ready for returning to the pool
145    /// after it is zeroed and decommitted.
146    pub unsafe fn zero_stack(
147        &self,
148        stack: &mut wasmtime_fiber::FiberStack,
149        mut decommit: impl FnMut(*mut u8, usize),
150    ) {
151        assert!(stack.is_from_raw_parts());
152        assert!(
153            !self.stack_size.is_zero(),
154            "pooling allocator not configured to enable fiber stack allocation \
155             (Self::allocate should have returned an error)"
156        );
158        if !self.async_stack_zeroing {
159            return;
160        }
162        let top = stack
163            .top()
164            .expect("fiber stack not allocated from the pool") as usize;
166        let base = self.mapping.as_ptr() as usize;
167        let len = self.mapping.len();
168        assert!(
169            top > base && top <= (base + len),
170            "fiber stack top pointer not in range"
171        );
173        // Remove the guard page from the size.
174        let stack_size = self.stack_size.checked_sub(self.page_size).expect(
175            "self.stack_size is host-page-aligned and is > 0,\
176             so it must be >= self.page_size",
177        );
178        let bottom_of_stack = top - stack_size.byte_count();
179        let start_of_stack = bottom_of_stack - self.page_size.byte_count();
180        assert!(start_of_stack >= base && start_of_stack < (base + len));
181        assert!((start_of_stack - base) % self.stack_size.byte_count() == 0);
183        // Manually zero the top of the stack to keep the pages resident in
184        // memory and avoid future page faults. Use the system to deallocate
185        // pages past this. This hopefully strikes a reasonable balance between:
186        //
187        // * memset for the whole range is probably expensive
188        // * madvise for the whole range incurs expensive future page faults
189        // * most threads probably don't use most of the stack anyway
190        let size_to_memset = stack_size.min(self.async_stack_keep_resident);
191        let rest = stack_size
192            .checked_sub(size_to_memset)
193            .expect("stack_size >= size_to_memset");
194        std::ptr::write_bytes(
195            (bottom_of_stack + rest.byte_count()) as *mut u8,
196            0,
197            size_to_memset.byte_count(),
198        );
200        // Use the system to reset remaining stack pages to zero.
201        decommit(bottom_of_stack as _, rest.byte_count());
202    }
204    /// Deallocate a previously-allocated fiber.
205    ///
206    /// # Safety
207    ///
208    /// The fiber must have been allocated by this pool, must be in an allocated
209    /// state, and must never be used again.
210    ///
211    /// The caller must have already called `zero_stack` on the fiber stack and
212    /// flushed any enqueued decommits for this stack's memory.
213    pub unsafe fn deallocate(&self, stack: wasmtime_fiber::FiberStack) {
214        assert!(stack.is_from_raw_parts());
216        let top = stack
217            .top()
218            .expect("fiber stack not allocated from the pool") as usize;
220        let base = self.mapping.as_ptr() as usize;
221        let len = self.mapping.len();
222        assert!(
223            top > base && top <= (base + len),
224            "fiber stack top pointer not in range"
225        );
227        // Remove the guard page from the size
228        let stack_size = self.stack_size.byte_count() - self.page_size.byte_count();
229        let bottom_of_stack = top - stack_size;
230        let start_of_stack = bottom_of_stack - self.page_size.byte_count();
231        assert!(start_of_stack >= base && start_of_stack < (base + len));
232        assert!((start_of_stack - base) % self.stack_size.byte_count() == 0);
234        let index = (start_of_stack - base) / self.stack_size.byte_count();
235        assert!(index < self.max_stacks);
236        let index = u32::try_from(index).unwrap();
238        self.index_allocator.free(SlotId(index));
239    }
242#[cfg(all(test, unix, feature = "async", not(miri)))]
243mod tests {
244    use super::*;
245    use crate::runtime::vm::InstanceLimits;
247    #[test]
248    fn test_stack_pool() -> Result<()> {
249        let config = PoolingInstanceAllocatorConfig {
250            limits: InstanceLimits {
251                total_stacks: 10,
252                ..Default::default()
253            },
254            stack_size: 1,
255            async_stack_zeroing: true,
256            ..PoolingInstanceAllocatorConfig::default()
257        };
258        let pool = StackPool::new(&config)?;
260        let native_page_size = crate::runtime::vm::host_page_size();
261        assert_eq!(pool.stack_size, 2 * native_page_size);
262        assert_eq!(pool.max_stacks, 10);
263        assert_eq!(pool.page_size, native_page_size);
265        assert_eq!(pool.index_allocator.testing_freelist(), []);
267        let base = pool.mapping.as_ptr() as usize;
269        let mut stacks = Vec::new();
270        for i in 0..10 {
271            let stack = pool.allocate().expect("allocation should succeed");
272            assert_eq!(
273                ((stack.top().unwrap() as usize - base) / pool.stack_size.byte_count()) - 1,
274                i
275            );
276            stacks.push(stack);
277        }
279        assert_eq!(pool.index_allocator.testing_freelist(), []);
281        assert!(pool.allocate().is_err(), "allocation should fail");
283        for stack in stacks {
284            unsafe {
285                pool.deallocate(stack);
286            }
287        }
289        assert_eq!(
290            pool.index_allocator.testing_freelist(),
291            [
292                SlotId(0),
293                SlotId(1),
294                SlotId(2),
295                SlotId(3),
296                SlotId(4),
297                SlotId(5),
298                SlotId(6),
299                SlotId(7),
300                SlotId(8),
301                SlotId(9)
302            ],
303        );
305        Ok(())
306    }