1//! Implementation of `externref` in Wasmtime.
3use super::{AnyRef, RootedGcRefImpl};
4use crate::prelude::*;
5use crate::runtime::vm::VMGcRef;
6use crate::{
7 store::{AutoAssertNoGc, StoreOpaque},
8 AsContextMut, GcHeapOutOfMemory, GcRefImpl, GcRootIndex, HeapType, ManuallyRooted, RefType,
9 Result, Rooted, StoreContext, StoreContextMut, ValRaw, ValType, WasmTy,
11use core::any::Any;
12use core::mem;
13use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
15/// An opaque, GC-managed reference to some host data that can be passed to
16/// WebAssembly.
18/// The `ExternRef` type represents WebAssembly `externref` values. Wasm can't
19/// do anything with the `externref`s other than put them in tables, globals,
20/// and locals or pass them to other functions (such as imported functions from
21/// the host). Unlike `anyref`s, Wasm guests cannot directly allocate new
22/// `externref`s; only the host can.
24/// You can use `ExternRef` to give access to host objects and control the
25/// operations that Wasm can perform on them via what functions you allow Wasm
26/// to import.
28/// Like all WebAssembly references, these are opaque and unforgeable to Wasm:
29/// they cannot be faked and Wasm cannot, for example, cast the integer
30/// `0x12345678` into a reference, pretend it is a valid `externref`, and trick
31/// the host into dereferencing it and segfaulting or worse.
33/// Note that you can also use `Rooted<ExternRef>` and
34/// `ManuallyRooted<ExternRef>` as a type parameter with
35/// [`Func::typed`][crate::Func::typed]- and
36/// [`Func::wrap`][crate::Func::wrap]-style APIs.
38/// # Example
40/// ```
41/// # use wasmtime::*;
42/// # use std::borrow::Cow;
43/// # fn _foo() -> Result<()> {
44/// let engine = Engine::default();
45/// let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
47/// // Define some APIs for working with host strings from Wasm via `externref`.
48/// let mut linker = Linker::new(&engine);
49/// linker.func_wrap(
50/// "host-string",
51/// "new",
52/// |caller: Caller<'_, ()>| -> Result<Rooted<ExternRef>> {
53/// ExternRef::new(caller, Cow::from(""))
54/// },
55/// )?;
56/// linker.func_wrap(
57/// "host-string",
58/// "concat",
59/// |mut caller: Caller<'_, ()>, a: Rooted<ExternRef>, b: Rooted<ExternRef>| -> Result<Rooted<ExternRef>> {
60/// let mut s = a
61/// .data(&caller)?
62/// .ok_or_else(|| Error::msg("externref has no host data"))?
63/// .downcast_ref::<Cow<str>>()
64/// .ok_or_else(|| Error::msg("externref was not a string"))?
65/// .clone()
66/// .into_owned();
67/// let b = b
68/// .data(&caller)?
69/// .ok_or_else(|| Error::msg("externref has no host data"))?
70/// .downcast_ref::<Cow<str>>()
71/// .ok_or_else(|| Error::msg("externref was not a string"))?;
72/// s.push_str(&b);
73/// ExternRef::new(&mut caller, s)
74/// },
75/// )?;
77/// // Here is a Wasm module that uses those APIs.
78/// let module = Module::new(
79/// &engine,
80/// r#"
81/// (module
82/// (import "host-string" "concat" (func $concat (param externref externref)
83/// (result externref)))
84/// (func (export "run") (param externref externref) (result externref)
85/// local.get 0
86/// local.get 1
87/// call $concat
88/// )
89/// )
90/// "#,
91/// )?;
93/// // Create a couple `externref`s wrapping `Cow<str>`s.
94/// let hello = ExternRef::new(&mut store, Cow::from("Hello, "))?;
95/// let world = ExternRef::new(&mut store, Cow::from("World!"))?;
97/// // Instantiate the module and pass the `externref`s into it.
98/// let instance = linker.instantiate(&mut store, &module)?;
99/// let result = instance
100/// .get_typed_func::<(Rooted<ExternRef>, Rooted<ExternRef>), Rooted<ExternRef>>(&mut store, "run")?
101/// .call(&mut store, (hello, world))?;
103/// // The module should have concatenated the strings together!
104/// assert_eq!(
105/// result
106/// .data(&store)?
107/// .expect("externref should have host data")
108/// .downcast_ref::<Cow<str>>()
109/// .expect("host data should be a `Cow<str>`"),
110/// "Hello, World!"
111/// );
112/// # Ok(())
113/// # }
114/// ```
115#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
117pub struct ExternRef {
118 pub(crate) inner: GcRootIndex,
121unsafe impl GcRefImpl for ExternRef {
122 #[allow(private_interfaces)]
123 fn transmute_ref(index: &GcRootIndex) -> &Self {
124 // Safety: `ExternRef` is a newtype of a `GcRootIndex`.
125 let me: &Self = unsafe { mem::transmute(index) };
127 // Assert we really are just a newtype of a `GcRootIndex`.
128 assert!(matches!(
129 me,
130 Self {
131 inner: GcRootIndex { .. },
132 }
133 ));
135 me
136 }
139impl ExternRef {
140 /// Creates a new instance of `ExternRef` wrapping the given value.
141 ///
142 /// The resulting value is automatically unrooted when the given `context`'s
143 /// scope is exited. See [`Rooted<T>`][crate::Rooted]'s documentation for
144 /// more details.
145 ///
146 /// This method will *not* automatically trigger a GC to free up space in
147 /// the GC heap; instead it will return an error. This gives you more
148 /// precise control over when collections happen and allows you to choose
149 /// between performing synchronous and asynchronous collections.
150 ///
151 /// # Errors
152 ///
153 /// If the allocation cannot be satisfied because the GC heap is currently
154 /// out of memory, but performing a garbage collection might free up space
155 /// such that retrying the allocation afterwards might succeed, then a
156 /// `GcHeapOutOfMemory<T>` error is returned.
157 ///
158 /// The `GcHeapOutOfMemory<T>` error contains the host value that the
159 /// `externref` would have wrapped. You can extract that value from this
160 /// error and reuse it when attempting to allocate an `externref` again
161 /// after GC or otherwise do with it whatever you see fit.
162 ///
163 /// # Example
164 ///
165 /// ```
166 /// # use wasmtime::*;
167 /// # fn _foo() -> Result<()> {
168 /// let mut store = Store::<()>::default();
169 ///
170 /// {
171 /// let mut scope = RootScope::new(&mut store);
172 ///
173 /// // Create an `externref` wrapping a `str`.
174 /// let externref = match ExternRef::new(&mut scope, "hello!") {
175 /// Ok(x) => x,
176 /// // If the heap is out of memory, then do a GC and try again.
177 /// Err(e) if e.is::<GcHeapOutOfMemory<&'static str>>() => {
178 /// // Do a GC! Note: in an async context, you'd want to do
179 /// // `scope.as_context_mut().gc_async().await`.
180 /// scope.as_context_mut().gc();
181 ///
182 /// // Extract the original host value from the error.
183 /// let host_value = e
184 /// .downcast::<GcHeapOutOfMemory<&'static str>>()
185 /// .unwrap()
186 /// .into_inner();
187 ///
188 /// // Try to allocate the `externref` again, now that the GC
189 /// // has hopefully freed up some space.
190 /// ExternRef::new(&mut scope, host_value)?
191 /// }
192 /// Err(e) => return Err(e),
193 /// };
194 ///
195 /// // Use the `externref`, pass it to Wasm, etc...
196 /// }
197 ///
198 /// // The `externref` is automatically unrooted when we exit the scope.
199 /// # Ok(())
200 /// # }
201 /// ```
202 pub fn new<T>(mut context: impl AsContextMut, value: T) -> Result<Rooted<ExternRef>>
203 where
204 T: 'static + Any + Send + Sync,
205 {
206 let ctx = context.as_context_mut().0;
208 let value: Box<dyn Any + Send + Sync> = Box::new(value);
209 let gc_ref = ctx
210 .gc_store_mut()?
211 .alloc_externref(value)
212 .context("unrecoverable error when allocating new `externref`")?
213 .map_err(|x| GcHeapOutOfMemory::<T>::new(*x.downcast().unwrap()))
214 .context("failed to allocate `externref`")?;
216 let mut ctx = AutoAssertNoGc::new(ctx);
217 Ok(Self::from_cloned_gc_ref(&mut ctx, gc_ref.into()))
218 }
220 /// Convert an `anyref` into an `externref`.
221 ///
222 /// This is equivalent to the `extern.convert_any` instruction in Wasm.
223 ///
224 /// You can get the underlying `anyref` again via the
225 /// [`AnyRef::convert_extern`] method or the `any.convert_extern` Wasm
226 /// instruction.
227 ///
228 /// The resulting `ExternRef` will not have any host data associated with
229 /// it, so [`ExternRef::data`] and [`ExternRef::data_mut`] will both return
230 /// `None`.
231 ///
232 /// Returns an error if the `anyref` GC reference has been unrooted (eg if
233 /// you attempt to use a `Rooted<AnyRef>` after exiting the scope it was
234 /// rooted within). See the documentation for [`Rooted<T>`][crate::Rooted]
235 /// for more details.
236 ///
237 /// # Example
238 ///
239 /// ```
240 /// use wasmtime::*;
241 /// # fn foo() -> Result<()> {
242 /// let engine = Engine::default();
243 /// let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
244 ///
245 /// // Create an `anyref`.
246 /// let i31 = I31::wrapping_u32(0x1234);
247 /// let anyref = AnyRef::from_i31(&mut store, i31);
248 ///
249 /// // Convert that `anyref` into an `externref`.
250 /// let externref = ExternRef::convert_any(&mut store, anyref)?;
251 ///
252 /// // This `externref` doesn't have any associated host data.
253 /// assert!(externref.data(&store)?.is_none());
254 ///
255 /// // We can convert it back to an `anyref` and get its underlying `i31`
256 /// // data.
257 /// let anyref = AnyRef::convert_extern(&mut store, externref)?;
258 /// assert_eq!(anyref.unwrap_i31(&store)?.get_u32(), 0x1234);
259 /// # Ok(()) }
260 /// # foo().unwrap();
261 pub fn convert_any(
262 mut context: impl AsContextMut,
263 anyref: Rooted<AnyRef>,
264 ) -> Result<Rooted<ExternRef>> {
265 let mut store = AutoAssertNoGc::new(context.as_context_mut().0);
266 Self::_convert_any(&mut store, anyref)
267 }
269 pub(crate) fn _convert_any(
270 store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc<'_>,
271 anyref: Rooted<AnyRef>,
272 ) -> Result<Rooted<ExternRef>> {
273 let gc_ref = anyref.try_clone_gc_ref(store)?;
274 Ok(Self::from_cloned_gc_ref(store, gc_ref))
275 }
277 /// Creates a new, manually-rooted instance of `ExternRef` wrapping the
278 /// given value.
279 ///
280 /// The resulting value must be manually unrooted, or else it will leak for
281 /// the entire duration of the store's lifetime. See
282 /// [`ManuallyRooted<T>`][crate::ManuallyRooted]'s documentation for more
283 /// details.
284 ///
285 /// # Errors
286 ///
287 /// This function returns the same errors in the same scenarios as
288 /// [`ExternRef::new`][crate::ExternRef::new].
289 ///
290 /// # Example
291 ///
292 /// ```
293 /// # use wasmtime::*;
294 /// # fn _foo() -> Result<()> {
295 /// let mut store = Store::<()>::default();
296 ///
297 /// // Create a manually-rooted `externref` wrapping a `str`.
298 /// let externref = ExternRef::new_manually_rooted(&mut store, "hello!")?;
299 ///
300 /// // Use `externref` a bunch, pass it to Wasm, etc...
301 ///
302 /// // Don't forget to explicitly unroot the `externref` when you're done
303 /// // using it!
304 /// externref.unroot(&mut store);
305 /// # Ok(())
306 /// # }
307 /// ```
308 pub fn new_manually_rooted<T>(
309 mut store: impl AsContextMut,
310 value: T,
311 ) -> Result<ManuallyRooted<ExternRef>>
312 where
313 T: 'static + Any + Send + Sync,
314 {
315 let ctx = store.as_context_mut().0;
317 let value: Box<dyn Any + Send + Sync> = Box::new(value);
318 let gc_ref = ctx
319 .gc_store_mut()?
320 .alloc_externref(value)
321 .context("unrecoverable error when allocating new `externref`")?
322 .map_err(|x| GcHeapOutOfMemory::<T>::new(*x.downcast().unwrap()))
323 .context("failed to allocate `externref`")?;
325 let mut ctx = AutoAssertNoGc::new(ctx);
326 Ok(ManuallyRooted::new(&mut ctx, gc_ref.into()))
327 }
329 /// Create a new `Rooted<ExternRef>` from the given GC reference.
330 ///
331 /// Does not invoke the `GcRuntime`'s clone hook; callers should ensure it
332 /// has been called.
333 ///
334 /// `gc_ref` should be a GC reference pointing to an instance of `externref`
335 /// that is in this store's GC heap. Failure to uphold this invariant is
336 /// memory safe but will result in general incorrectness such as panics and
337 /// wrong results.
338 pub(crate) fn from_cloned_gc_ref(
339 store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc<'_>,
340 gc_ref: VMGcRef,
341 ) -> Rooted<Self> {
342 assert!(
343 gc_ref.is_extern_ref(&*store.unwrap_gc_store().gc_heap)
344 || gc_ref.is_any_ref(&*store.unwrap_gc_store().gc_heap),
345 "GC reference {gc_ref:#p} should be an externref or anyref"
346 );
347 Rooted::new(store, gc_ref)
348 }
350 /// Get a shared borrow of the underlying data for this `ExternRef`.
351 ///
352 /// Returns `None` if this is an `externref` wrapper of an `anyref` created
353 /// by the `extern.convert_any` instruction or the
354 /// [`ExternRef::convert_any`] method.
355 ///
356 /// Returns an error if this `externref` GC reference has been unrooted (eg
357 /// if you attempt to use a `Rooted<ExternRef>` after exiting the scope it
358 /// was rooted within). See the documentation for
359 /// [`Rooted<T>`][crate::Rooted] for more details.
360 ///
361 /// # Example
362 ///
363 /// ```
364 /// # use wasmtime::*;
365 /// # fn _foo() -> Result<()> {
366 /// let mut store = Store::<()>::default();
367 ///
368 /// let externref = ExternRef::new(&mut store, "hello")?;
369 ///
370 /// // Access the `externref`'s host data.
371 /// let data = externref.data(&store)?.ok_or_else(|| Error::msg("no host data"))?;
372 /// // Dowcast it to a `&str`.
373 /// let data = data.downcast_ref::<&str>().ok_or_else(|| Error::msg("not a str"))?;
374 /// // We should have got the data we created the `externref` with!
375 /// assert_eq!(*data, "hello");
376 /// # Ok(())
377 /// # }
378 /// ```
379 pub fn data<'a, T>(
380 &self,
381 store: impl Into<StoreContext<'a, T>>,
382 ) -> Result<Option<&'a (dyn Any + Send + Sync)>>
383 where
384 T: 'a,
385 {
386 let store = store.into().0;
387 let gc_ref = self.inner.try_gc_ref(&store)?;
388 let gc_store = store.gc_store()?;
389 if let Some(externref) = gc_ref.as_externref(&*gc_store.gc_heap) {
390 Ok(Some(gc_store.externref_host_data(externref)))
391 } else {
392 Ok(None)
393 }
394 }
396 /// Get an exclusive borrow of the underlying data for this `ExternRef`.
397 ///
398 /// Returns `None` if this is an `externref` wrapper of an `anyref` created
399 /// by the `extern.convert_any` instruction or the
400 /// [`ExternRef::convert_any`] constructor.
401 ///
402 /// Returns an error if this `externref` GC reference has been unrooted (eg
403 /// if you attempt to use a `Rooted<ExternRef>` after exiting the scope it
404 /// was rooted within). See the documentation for
405 /// [`Rooted<T>`][crate::Rooted] for more details.
406 ///
407 /// # Example
408 ///
409 /// ```
410 /// # use wasmtime::*;
411 /// # fn _foo() -> Result<()> {
412 /// let mut store = Store::<()>::default();
413 ///
414 /// let externref = ExternRef::new::<usize>(&mut store, 0)?;
415 ///
416 /// // Access the `externref`'s host data.
417 /// let data = externref.data_mut(&mut store)?.ok_or_else(|| Error::msg("no host data"))?;
418 /// // Dowcast it to a `usize`.
419 /// let data = data.downcast_mut::<usize>().ok_or_else(|| Error::msg("not a usize"))?;
420 /// // We initialized to zero.
421 /// assert_eq!(*data, 0);
422 /// // And we can mutate the value!
423 /// *data += 10;
424 /// # Ok(())
425 /// # }
426 /// ```
427 pub fn data_mut<'a, T>(
428 &self,
429 store: impl Into<StoreContextMut<'a, T>>,
430 ) -> Result<Option<&'a mut (dyn Any + Send + Sync)>>
431 where
432 T: 'a,
433 {
434 let store = store.into().0;
435 // NB: need to do an unchecked copy to release the borrow on the store
436 // so that we can get the store's GC store. But importantly we cannot
437 // trigger a GC while we are working with `gc_ref` here.
438 let gc_ref = self.inner.try_gc_ref(store)?.unchecked_copy();
439 let gc_store = store.gc_store_mut()?;
440 if let Some(externref) = gc_ref.as_externref(&*gc_store.gc_heap) {
441 Ok(Some(gc_store.externref_host_data_mut(externref)))
442 } else {
443 Ok(None)
444 }
445 }
447 /// Creates a new strongly-owned [`ExternRef`] from the raw value provided.
448 ///
449 /// This is intended to be used in conjunction with [`Func::new_unchecked`],
450 /// [`Func::call_unchecked`], and [`ValRaw`] with its `externref` field.
451 ///
452 /// This function assumes that `raw` is an externref value which is
453 /// currently rooted within the [`Store`].
454 ///
455 /// # Unsafety
456 ///
457 /// This function is particularly `unsafe` because `raw` not only must be a
458 /// valid externref value produced prior by `to_raw` but it must also be
459 /// correctly rooted within the store. When arguments are provided to a
460 /// callback with [`Func::new_unchecked`], for example, or returned via
461 /// [`Func::call_unchecked`], if a GC is performed within the store then
462 /// floating externref values are not rooted and will be GC'd, meaning that
463 /// this function will no longer be safe to call with the values cleaned up.
464 /// This function must be invoked *before* possible GC operations can happen
465 /// (such as calling wasm).
466 ///
467 /// When in doubt try to not use this. Instead use the safe Rust APIs of
468 /// [`TypedFunc`] and friends.
469 ///
470 /// [`Func::call_unchecked`]: crate::Func::call_unchecked
471 /// [`Func::new_unchecked`]: crate::Func::new_unchecked
472 /// [`Store`]: crate::Store
473 /// [`TypedFunc`]: crate::TypedFunc
474 /// [`ValRaw`]: crate::ValRaw
475 pub unsafe fn from_raw(mut store: impl AsContextMut, raw: u32) -> Option<Rooted<ExternRef>> {
476 let mut store = AutoAssertNoGc::new(store.as_context_mut().0);
477 Self::_from_raw(&mut store, raw)
478 }
480 // (Not actually memory unsafe since we have indexed GC heaps.)
481 pub(crate) fn _from_raw(store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc, raw: u32) -> Option<Rooted<ExternRef>> {
482 let gc_ref = VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(raw)?;
483 let gc_ref = store.unwrap_gc_store_mut().clone_gc_ref(&gc_ref);
484 Some(Self::from_cloned_gc_ref(store, gc_ref))
485 }
487 /// Converts this [`ExternRef`] to a raw value suitable to store within a
488 /// [`ValRaw`].
489 ///
490 /// Returns an error if this `externref` has been unrooted.
491 ///
492 /// # Unsafety
493 ///
494 /// Produces a raw value which is only safe to pass into a store if a GC
495 /// doesn't happen between when the value is produce and when it's passed
496 /// into the store.
497 ///
498 /// [`ValRaw`]: crate::ValRaw
499 pub unsafe fn to_raw(&self, mut store: impl AsContextMut) -> Result<u32> {
500 let mut store = AutoAssertNoGc::new(store.as_context_mut().0);
501 self._to_raw(&mut store)
502 }
504 pub(crate) fn _to_raw(&self, store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc) -> Result<u32> {
505 let gc_ref = self.inner.try_clone_gc_ref(store)?;
506 let raw = gc_ref.as_raw_u32();
507 store.unwrap_gc_store_mut().expose_gc_ref_to_wasm(gc_ref);
508 Ok(raw)
509 }
512unsafe impl WasmTy for Rooted<ExternRef> {
513 #[inline]
514 fn valtype() -> ValType {
515 ValType::Ref(RefType::new(false, HeapType::Extern))
516 }
518 #[inline]
519 fn compatible_with_store(&self, store: &StoreOpaque) -> bool {
520 self.comes_from_same_store(store)
521 }
523 #[inline]
524 fn dynamic_concrete_type_check(&self, _: &StoreOpaque, _: bool, _: &HeapType) -> Result<()> {
525 unreachable!()
526 }
528 fn store(self, store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc<'_>, ptr: &mut MaybeUninit<ValRaw>) -> Result<()> {
529 self.wasm_ty_store(store, ptr, ValRaw::externref)
530 }
532 unsafe fn load(store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc<'_>, ptr: &ValRaw) -> Self {
533 Self::wasm_ty_load(store, ptr.get_externref(), ExternRef::from_cloned_gc_ref)
534 }
537unsafe impl WasmTy for Option<Rooted<ExternRef>> {
538 #[inline]
539 fn valtype() -> ValType {
540 ValType::EXTERNREF
541 }
543 #[inline]
544 fn compatible_with_store(&self, store: &StoreOpaque) -> bool {
545 self.map_or(true, |x| x.comes_from_same_store(store))
546 }
548 #[inline]
549 fn dynamic_concrete_type_check(&self, _: &StoreOpaque, _: bool, _: &HeapType) -> Result<()> {
550 unreachable!()
551 }
553 #[inline]
554 fn is_vmgcref_and_points_to_object(&self) -> bool {
555 self.is_some()
556 }
558 fn store(self, store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc<'_>, ptr: &mut MaybeUninit<ValRaw>) -> Result<()> {
559 <Rooted<ExternRef>>::wasm_ty_option_store(self, store, ptr, ValRaw::externref)
560 }
562 unsafe fn load(store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc<'_>, ptr: &ValRaw) -> Self {
563 <Rooted<ExternRef>>::wasm_ty_option_load(
564 store,
565 ptr.get_externref(),
566 ExternRef::from_cloned_gc_ref,
567 )
568 }
571unsafe impl WasmTy for ManuallyRooted<ExternRef> {
572 #[inline]
573 fn valtype() -> ValType {
574 ValType::Ref(RefType::new(false, HeapType::Extern))
575 }
577 #[inline]
578 fn compatible_with_store(&self, store: &StoreOpaque) -> bool {
579 self.comes_from_same_store(store)
580 }
582 #[inline]
583 fn dynamic_concrete_type_check(&self, _: &StoreOpaque, _: bool, _: &HeapType) -> Result<()> {
584 unreachable!()
585 }
587 #[inline]
588 fn is_vmgcref_and_points_to_object(&self) -> bool {
589 true
590 }
592 fn store(self, store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc<'_>, ptr: &mut MaybeUninit<ValRaw>) -> Result<()> {
593 self.wasm_ty_store(store, ptr, ValRaw::externref)
594 }
596 unsafe fn load(store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc<'_>, ptr: &ValRaw) -> Self {
597 Self::wasm_ty_load(store, ptr.get_externref(), ExternRef::from_cloned_gc_ref)
598 }
601unsafe impl WasmTy for Option<ManuallyRooted<ExternRef>> {
602 #[inline]
603 fn valtype() -> ValType {
604 ValType::EXTERNREF
605 }
607 #[inline]
608 fn compatible_with_store(&self, store: &StoreOpaque) -> bool {
609 self.as_ref()
610 .map_or(true, |x| x.comes_from_same_store(store))
611 }
613 #[inline]
614 fn dynamic_concrete_type_check(&self, _: &StoreOpaque, _: bool, _: &HeapType) -> Result<()> {
615 unreachable!()
616 }
618 #[inline]
619 fn is_vmgcref_and_points_to_object(&self) -> bool {
620 self.is_some()
621 }
623 fn store(self, store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc<'_>, ptr: &mut MaybeUninit<ValRaw>) -> Result<()> {
624 <ManuallyRooted<ExternRef>>::wasm_ty_option_store(self, store, ptr, ValRaw::externref)
625 }
627 unsafe fn load(store: &mut AutoAssertNoGc<'_>, ptr: &ValRaw) -> Self {
628 <ManuallyRooted<ExternRef>>::wasm_ty_option_load(
629 store,
630 ptr.get_externref(),
631 ExternRef::from_cloned_gc_ref,
632 )
633 }