
1use crate::prelude::*;
2use crate::runtime::vm::{GcHeap, GcStore, I31};
3use core::fmt;
4use core::marker;
5use core::num::NonZeroU32;
6use wasmtime_environ::packed_option::ReservedValue;
7use wasmtime_environ::{VMGcKind, VMSharedTypeIndex};
9/// The common header for all objects allocated in a GC heap.
11/// This header is shared across all collectors, although particular collectors
12/// may always add their own trailing fields to this header for all of their own
13/// GC objects.
15/// This is a bit-packed structure that logically has the following fields:
17/// ```ignore
18/// struct VMGcHeader {
19///     // Highest 5 bits.
20///     kind: VMGcKind,
22///     // 27 bits available for the `GcRuntime` to make use of however it sees fit.
23///     reserved: u27,
25///     // The `VMSharedTypeIndex` for this GC object, if it isn't an
26///     // `externref` (or an `externref` re-wrapped as an `anyref`). `None` is
27///     // represented with `VMSharedTypeIndex::reserved_value()`.
28///     ty: Option<VMSharedTypeIndex>,
29/// }
30/// ```
31#[repr(C, align(8))]
32#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
33pub struct VMGcHeader {
34    /// The object's `VMGcKind` and 27 bits of space reserved for however the GC
35    /// sees fit to use it.
36    kind: u32,
38    /// The object's type index.
39    ty: VMSharedTypeIndex,
42unsafe impl GcHeapObject for VMGcHeader {
43    #[inline]
44    fn is(_: &VMGcHeader) -> bool {
45        true
46    }
49const _: () = {
50    use core::mem::offset_of;
51    use wasmtime_environ::*;
52    assert!((VM_GC_HEADER_SIZE as usize) == core::mem::size_of::<VMGcHeader>());
53    assert!((VM_GC_HEADER_ALIGN as usize) == core::mem::align_of::<VMGcHeader>());
54    assert!((VM_GC_HEADER_KIND_OFFSET as usize) == offset_of!(VMGcHeader, kind));
55    assert!((VM_GC_HEADER_TYPE_INDEX_OFFSET as usize) == offset_of!(VMGcHeader, ty));
58impl VMGcHeader {
59    /// Create the header for an `externref`.
60    pub fn externref() -> Self {
61        Self::from_kind_and_index(VMGcKind::ExternRef, VMSharedTypeIndex::reserved_value())
62    }
64    /// Create the header for the given kind and type index.
65    pub fn from_kind_and_index(kind: VMGcKind, ty: VMSharedTypeIndex) -> Self {
66        let kind = kind.as_u32();
67        Self { kind, ty }
68    }
70    /// Get the kind of GC object that this is.
71    pub fn kind(&self) -> VMGcKind {
72        VMGcKind::from_high_bits_of_u32(self.kind)
73    }
75    /// Get the reserved 27 bits in this header.
76    ///
77    /// These are bits are reserved for `GcRuntime` implementations to make use
78    /// of however they see fit.
79    pub fn reserved_u27(&self) -> u32 {
80        self.kind & VMGcKind::UNUSED_MASK
81    }
83    /// Set the 27-bit reserved value.
84    ///
85    /// # Panics
86    ///
87    /// Panics if the given `value` has any of the upper 6 bits set.
88    pub fn set_reserved_u27(&mut self, value: u32) {
89        assert!(
90            VMGcKind::value_fits_in_unused_bits(value),
91            "VMGcHeader::set_reserved_u26 with value using more than 26 bits"
92        );
93        self.kind |= value;
94    }
96    /// Set the 27-bit reserved value.
97    ///
98    /// # Safety
99    ///
100    /// The given `value` must only use the lower 27 bits; its upper 5 bits must
101    /// be unset.
102    pub unsafe fn unchecked_set_reserved_u26(&mut self, value: u32) {
103        debug_assert_eq!(value & VMGcKind::MASK, 0);
104        self.kind |= value;
105    }
107    /// Get this object's specific concrete type.
108    pub fn ty(&self) -> Option<VMSharedTypeIndex> {
109        if self.ty.is_reserved_value() {
110            None
111        } else {
112            Some(self.ty)
113        }
114    }
117/// A raw, unrooted GC reference.
119/// A `VMGcRef` is either:
121/// * A reference to some kind of object on the GC heap, but we don't know
122///   exactly which kind without further reflection. Furthermore, this is not
123///   actually a pointer, but a compact index into a Wasm GC heap.
125/// * An `i31ref`: it doesn't actually reference an object in the GC heap, but
126///   is instead an inline, unboxed 31-bit integer.
128/// ## `VMGcRef` and GC Barriers
130/// Depending on the garbage collector in use, cloning, writing, and dropping a
131/// `VMGcRef` may require invoking GC barriers (little snippets of code provided
132/// by the collector to ensure it is correctly tracking all GC references).
134/// Therefore, to encourage correct usage of GC barriers, this type does *NOT*
135/// implement `Clone` or `Copy`. Use `GcStore::clone_gc_ref`,
136/// `GcStore::write_gc_ref`, and `GcStore::drop_gc_ref` to clone, write, and
137/// drop `VMGcRef`s respectively.
139/// As an escape hatch, if you really need to copy a `VMGcRef` without invoking
140/// GC barriers and you understand why that will not lead to GC bugs in this
141/// particular case, you can use the `unchecked_copy` method.
142#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
144pub struct VMGcRef(NonZeroU32);
146impl<T> From<TypedGcRef<T>> for VMGcRef {
147    #[inline]
148    fn from(value: TypedGcRef<T>) -> Self {
149        value.gc_ref
150    }
153impl fmt::LowerHex for VMGcRef {
154    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
155        self.0.fmt(f)
156    }
159impl fmt::UpperHex for VMGcRef {
160    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
161        self.0.fmt(f)
162    }
165impl fmt::Pointer for VMGcRef {
166    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
167        write!(f, "{self:#x}")
168    }
171impl VMGcRef {
172    /// If this bit is set on a GC reference, then the GC reference is actually an
173    /// unboxed `i31`.
174    ///
175    /// Must be kept in sync with `wasmtime_cranelift::I31_REF_DISCRIMINANT`.
176    pub const I31_REF_DISCRIMINANT: u32 = 1;
178    /// Create a new `VMGcRef` from the given raw u32 value.
179    ///
180    /// Does not discriminate between indices into a GC heap and `i31ref`s.
181    ///
182    /// Returns `None` for zero values.
183    ///
184    /// The given index should point to a valid GC-managed object within this
185    /// reference's associated heap. Failure to uphold this will be memory safe,
186    /// but will lead to general failures such as panics or incorrect results.
187    pub fn from_raw_u32(raw: u32) -> Option<Self> {
188        Some(Self::from_raw_non_zero_u32(NonZeroU32::new(raw)?))
189    }
191    /// Create a new `VMGcRef` from the given index into a GC heap.
192    ///
193    /// The given index should point to a valid GC-managed object within this
194    /// reference's associated heap. Failure to uphold this will be memory safe,
195    /// but will lead to general failures such as panics or incorrect results.
196    ///
197    /// Returns `None` when the index is not 2-byte aligned and therefore
198    /// conflicts with the `i31ref` discriminant.
199    pub fn from_heap_index(index: NonZeroU32) -> Option<Self> {
200        if (index.get() & Self::I31_REF_DISCRIMINANT) == 0 {
201            Some(Self::from_raw_non_zero_u32(index))
202        } else {
203            None
204        }
205    }
207    /// Create a new `VMGcRef` from the given raw value.
208    ///
209    /// Does not discriminate between indices into a GC heap and `i31ref`s.
210    pub fn from_raw_non_zero_u32(raw: NonZeroU32) -> Self {
211        VMGcRef(raw)
212    }
214    /// Construct a new `VMGcRef` from an unboxed 31-bit integer.
215    #[inline]
216    pub fn from_i31(val: I31) -> Self {
217        let val = (val.get_u32() << 1) | Self::I31_REF_DISCRIMINANT;
218        debug_assert_ne!(val, 0);
219        let non_zero = unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(val) };
220        VMGcRef::from_raw_non_zero_u32(non_zero)
221    }
223    /// Copy this `VMGcRef` without running the GC's clone barriers.
224    ///
225    /// Prefer calling `clone(&mut GcStore)` instead! This is mostly an internal
226    /// escape hatch for collector implementations.
227    ///
228    /// Failure to run GC barriers when they would otherwise be necessary can
229    /// lead to leaks, panics, and wrong results. It cannot lead to memory
230    /// unsafety, however.
231    pub fn unchecked_copy(&self) -> Self {
232        VMGcRef(self.0)
233    }
235    /// Get this GC reference as a u32 index into its GC heap.
236    ///
237    /// Returns `None` for `i31ref`s.
238    pub fn as_heap_index(&self) -> Option<NonZeroU32> {
239        if self.is_i31() {
240            None
241        } else {
242            Some(self.0)
243        }
244    }
246    /// Get this GC reference as a raw u32 value, regardless whether it is
247    /// actually a reference to a GC object or is an `i31ref`.
248    pub fn as_raw_u32(&self) -> u32 {
249        self.0.get()
250    }
252    /// Creates a typed GC reference from `self`, checking that `self` actually
253    /// is a `T`.
254    ///
255    /// If this is not a GC reference to a `T`, then `Err(self)` is returned.
256    pub fn into_typed<T>(self, gc_heap: &impl GcHeap) -> Result<TypedGcRef<T>, Self>
257    where
258        T: GcHeapObject,
259    {
260        if self.is_i31() {
261            return Err(self);
262        }
263        if T::is(gc_heap.header(&self)) {
264            Ok(TypedGcRef {
265                gc_ref: self,
266                _phantom: marker::PhantomData,
267            })
268        } else {
269            Err(self)
270        }
271    }
273    /// Creates a typed GC reference without actually checking that `self` is a
274    /// `T`.
275    ///
276    /// `self` should point to a `T` object. Failure to uphold this invariant is
277    /// memory safe, but will lead to general incorrectness such as panics or
278    /// wrong results.
279    pub fn into_typed_unchecked<T>(self) -> TypedGcRef<T>
280    where
281        T: GcHeapObject,
282    {
283        debug_assert!(!self.is_i31());
284        TypedGcRef {
285            gc_ref: self,
286            _phantom: marker::PhantomData,
287        }
288    }
290    /// Is this GC reference pointing to a `T`?
291    pub fn is_typed<T>(&self, gc_heap: &impl GcHeap) -> bool
292    where
293        T: GcHeapObject,
294    {
295        if self.is_i31() {
296            return false;
297        }
298        T::is(gc_heap.header(&self))
299    }
301    /// Borrow `self` as a typed GC reference, checking that `self` actually is
302    /// a `T`.
303    pub fn as_typed<T>(&self, gc_heap: &impl GcHeap) -> Option<&TypedGcRef<T>>
304    where
305        T: GcHeapObject,
306    {
307        if self.is_i31() {
308            return None;
309        }
310        if T::is(gc_heap.header(&self)) {
311            let ptr = self as *const VMGcRef;
312            let ret = unsafe { &*ptr.cast() };
313            assert!(matches!(
314                ret,
315                TypedGcRef {
316                    gc_ref: VMGcRef(_),
317                    _phantom
318                }
319            ));
320            Some(ret)
321        } else {
322            None
323        }
324    }
326    /// Creates a typed GC reference without actually checking that `self` is a
327    /// `T`.
328    ///
329    /// `self` should point to a `T` object. Failure to uphold this invariant is
330    /// memory safe, but will lead to general incorrectness such as panics or
331    /// wrong results.
332    pub fn as_typed_unchecked<T>(&self) -> &TypedGcRef<T>
333    where
334        T: GcHeapObject,
335    {
336        debug_assert!(!self.is_i31());
337        let ptr = self as *const VMGcRef;
338        let ret = unsafe { &*ptr.cast() };
339        assert!(matches!(
340            ret,
341            TypedGcRef {
342                gc_ref: VMGcRef(_),
343                _phantom
344            }
345        ));
346        ret
347    }
349    /// Get a reference to the GC header that this GC reference is pointing to.
350    ///
351    /// Returns `None` when this is an `i31ref` and doesn't actually point to a
352    /// GC header.
353    pub fn gc_header<'a>(&self, gc_heap: &'a (impl GcHeap + ?Sized)) -> Option<&'a VMGcHeader> {
354        if self.is_i31() {
355            None
356        } else {
357            Some(gc_heap.header(self))
358        }
359    }
361    /// Is this `VMGcRef` actually an unboxed 31-bit integer, and not actually a
362    /// GC reference?
363    #[inline]
364    pub fn is_i31(&self) -> bool {
365        let val = self.0.get();
366        (val & Self::I31_REF_DISCRIMINANT) != 0
367    }
369    /// Get the underlying `i31`, if any.
370    #[inline]
371    pub fn as_i31(&self) -> Option<I31> {
372        if self.is_i31() {
373            let val = self.0.get();
374            Some(I31::wrapping_u32(val >> 1))
375        } else {
376            None
377        }
378    }
380    /// Get the underlying `i31`, panicking if this is not an `i31`.
381    #[inline]
382    pub fn unwrap_i31(&self) -> I31 {
383        self.as_i31().unwrap()
384    }
386    /// Is this `VMGcRef` a `VMExternRef`?
387    #[inline]
388    pub fn is_extern_ref(&self, gc_heap: &(impl GcHeap + ?Sized)) -> bool {
389        self.gc_header(gc_heap)
390            .map_or(false, |h| h.kind().matches(VMGcKind::ExternRef))
391    }
393    /// Is this `VMGcRef` an `anyref`?
394    #[inline]
395    pub fn is_any_ref(&self, gc_heap: &(impl GcHeap + ?Sized)) -> bool {
396        self.is_i31()
397            || self
398                .gc_header(gc_heap)
399                .map_or(false, |h| h.kind().matches(VMGcKind::AnyRef))
400    }
403/// A trait implemented by all objects allocated inside a GC heap.
405/// # Safety
407/// All implementations must:
409/// * Be `repr(C)` or `repr(transparent)`
411/// * Begin with a `VMGcHeader` as their first field
413/// * Not have `Drop` implementations (aka, `std::mem::needs_drop::<Self>()`
414///   should return `false`).
416/// * Be memory safe to transmute to from an arbitrary byte sequence (that is,
417///   it is okay if some bit patterns are invalid with regards to correctness,
418///   so long as these invalid bit patterns cannot lead to memory unsafety).
419pub unsafe trait GcHeapObject: Send + Sync {
420    /// Check whether the GC object with the given header is an instance of
421    /// `Self`.
422    fn is(header: &VMGcHeader) -> bool;
425/// A GC reference to a heap object of concrete type `T`.
427/// Create typed GC refs via `VMGcRef::into_typed` and `VMGcRef::as_typed`, as
428/// well as via their unchecked equivalents `VMGcRef::into_typed_unchecked` and
429/// `VMGcRef::as_typed_unchecked`.
430#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
432pub struct TypedGcRef<T> {
433    gc_ref: VMGcRef,
434    _phantom: marker::PhantomData<*mut T>,
437impl<T> TypedGcRef<T>
439    T: GcHeapObject,
441    /// Clone this `VMGcRef`, running any GC barriers as necessary.
442    pub fn clone(&self, gc_store: &mut GcStore) -> Self {
443        Self {
444            gc_ref: gc_store.clone_gc_ref(&self.gc_ref),
445            _phantom: marker::PhantomData,
446        }
447    }
449    /// Explicitly drop this GC reference, running any GC barriers as necessary.
450    pub fn drop(self, gc_store: &mut GcStore) {
451        gc_store.drop_gc_ref(self.gc_ref);
452    }
454    /// Copy this GC reference without running the GC's clone barriers.
455    ///
456    /// Prefer calling `clone(&mut GcStore)` instead! This is mostly an internal
457    /// escape hatch for collector implementations.
458    ///
459    /// Failure to run GC barriers when they would otherwise be necessary can
460    /// lead to leaks, panics, and wrong results. It cannot lead to memory
461    /// unsafety, however.
462    pub fn unchecked_copy(&self) -> Self {
463        Self {
464            gc_ref: self.gc_ref.unchecked_copy(),
465            _phantom: marker::PhantomData,
466        }
467    }
470impl<T> TypedGcRef<T> {
471    /// Get the untyped version of this GC reference.
472    pub fn as_untyped(&self) -> &VMGcRef {
473        &self.gc_ref
474    }