6use core::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
7use core::ops::Neg;
8use cranelift_codegen::data_value::{DataValue, DataValueCastFailure};
9use cranelift_codegen::ir::immediates::{Ieee128, Ieee16, Ieee32, Ieee64};
10use cranelift_codegen::ir::{types, Type};
11use thiserror::Error;
13use crate::step::{extractlanes, SimdVec};
15pub type ValueResult<T> = Result<T, ValueError>;
17pub trait DataValueExt: Sized {
18 fn int(n: i128, ty: Type) -> ValueResult<Self>;
20 fn into_int_signed(self) -> ValueResult<i128>;
21 fn into_int_unsigned(self) -> ValueResult<u128>;
22 fn float(n: u64, ty: Type) -> ValueResult<Self>;
23 fn into_float(self) -> ValueResult<f64>;
24 fn is_float(&self) -> bool;
25 fn is_nan(&self) -> ValueResult<bool>;
26 fn bool(b: bool, vec_elem: bool, ty: Type) -> ValueResult<Self>;
27 fn into_bool(self) -> ValueResult<bool>;
28 fn vector(v: [u8; 16], ty: Type) -> ValueResult<Self>;
29 fn into_array(&self) -> ValueResult<[u8; 16]>;
30 fn convert(self, kind: ValueConversionKind) -> ValueResult<Self>;
31 fn concat(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
33 fn is_negative(&self) -> ValueResult<bool>;
34 fn is_zero(&self) -> ValueResult<bool>;
36 fn umax(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
37 fn smax(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
38 fn umin(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
39 fn smin(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
41 fn uno(&self, other: &Self) -> ValueResult<bool>;
44 fn add(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
46 fn sub(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
47 fn mul(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
48 fn udiv(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
49 fn sdiv(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
50 fn urem(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
51 fn srem(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
52 fn sqrt(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
53 fn fma(self, a: Self, b: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
54 fn abs(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
55 fn uadd_checked(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Option<Self>>;
56 fn sadd_checked(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Option<Self>>;
57 fn uadd_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)>;
58 fn sadd_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)>;
59 fn usub_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)>;
60 fn ssub_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)>;
61 fn umul_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)>;
62 fn smul_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)>;
64 fn neg(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
66 fn copysign(self, sign: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
67 fn ceil(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
68 fn floor(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
69 fn trunc(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
70 fn nearest(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
72 fn uadd_sat(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
74 fn sadd_sat(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
75 fn usub_sat(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
76 fn ssub_sat(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
78 fn shl(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
80 fn ushr(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
81 fn sshr(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
82 fn rotl(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
83 fn rotr(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
84 fn and(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
85 fn or(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
86 fn xor(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
87 fn not(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
89 fn count_ones(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
91 fn leading_ones(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
92 fn leading_zeros(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
93 fn trailing_zeros(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
94 fn reverse_bits(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
95 fn swap_bytes(self) -> ValueResult<Self>;
97 fn iter_lanes(&self, ty: Type) -> ValueResult<DataValueIterator>;
101#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq)]
102pub enum ValueError {
103 #[error("unable to convert type {1} into class {0}")]
104 InvalidType(ValueTypeClass, Type),
105 #[error("unable to convert value into type {0}")]
106 InvalidValue(Type),
107 #[error("unable to convert to primitive integer")]
108 InvalidInteger(#[from] std::num::TryFromIntError),
109 #[error("unable to cast data value")]
110 InvalidDataValueCast(#[from] DataValueCastFailure),
111 #[error("performed a division by zero")]
112 IntegerDivisionByZero,
113 #[error("performed a operation that overflowed this integer type")]
114 IntegerOverflow,
117#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
118pub enum ValueTypeClass {
119 Integer,
120 Boolean,
121 Float,
122 Vector,
125impl Display for ValueTypeClass {
126 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
127 match self {
128 ValueTypeClass::Integer => write!(f, "integer"),
129 ValueTypeClass::Boolean => write!(f, "boolean"),
130 ValueTypeClass::Float => write!(f, "float"),
131 ValueTypeClass::Vector => write!(f, "vector"),
132 }
133 }
136#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
137pub enum ValueConversionKind {
138 Exact(Type),
141 Truncate(Type),
144 ExtractUpper(Type),
147 SignExtend(Type),
150 ZeroExtend(Type),
153 RoundNearestEven(Type),
156 ToBoolean,
159 Mask(Type),
163macro_rules! unary_match {
165 ( $op:ident($arg1:expr); [ $( $data_value_ty:ident ),* ]; [ $( $return_value_ty:ident ),* ] ) => {
166 match $arg1 {
167 $( DataValue::$data_value_ty(a) => {
168 Ok(DataValue::$data_value_ty($return_value_ty::try_from(a.$op()).unwrap()))
169 } )*
170 _ => unimplemented!()
171 }
172 };
173 ( $op:ident($arg1:expr); [ $( $data_value_ty:ident ),* ] ) => {
174 match $arg1 {
175 $( DataValue::$data_value_ty(a) => { Ok(DataValue::$data_value_ty(a.$op())) } )*
176 _ => unimplemented!()
177 }
178 };
180macro_rules! binary_match {
181 ( $op:ident($arg1:expr, $arg2:expr); [ $( $data_value_ty:ident ),* ] ) => {
182 match ($arg1, $arg2) {
183 $( (DataValue::$data_value_ty(a), DataValue::$data_value_ty(b)) => { Ok(DataValue::$data_value_ty(a.$op(*b))) } )*
184 _ => unimplemented!()
185 }
186 };
187 ( $op:ident($arg1:expr, $arg2:expr); [ $( $data_value_ty:ident ),* ]; [ $( $op_type:ty ),* ] ) => {
188 match ($arg1, $arg2) {
189 $( (DataValue::$data_value_ty(a), DataValue::$data_value_ty(b)) => { Ok(DataValue::$data_value_ty((*a as $op_type).$op(*b as $op_type) as _)) } )*
190 _ => unimplemented!()
191 }
192 };
193 ( option $op:ident($arg1:expr, $arg2:expr); [ $( $data_value_ty:ident ),* ]; [ $( $op_type:ty ),* ] ) => {
194 match ($arg1, $arg2) {
195 $( (DataValue::$data_value_ty(a), DataValue::$data_value_ty(b)) => { Ok((*a as $op_type).$op(*b as $op_type).map(|v| DataValue::$data_value_ty(v as _))) } )*
196 _ => unimplemented!()
197 }
198 };
199 ( pair $op:ident($arg1:expr, $arg2:expr); [ $( $data_value_ty:ident ),* ]; [ $( $op_type:ty ),* ] ) => {
200 match ($arg1, $arg2) {
201 $( (DataValue::$data_value_ty(a), DataValue::$data_value_ty(b)) => {
202 let (f, s) = (*a as $op_type).$op(*b as $op_type);
203 Ok((DataValue::$data_value_ty(f as _), s))
204 } )*
205 _ => unimplemented!()
206 }
207 };
208 ( $op:tt($arg1:expr, $arg2:expr); [ $( $data_value_ty:ident ),* ] ) => {
209 match ($arg1, $arg2) {
210 $( (DataValue::$data_value_ty(a), DataValue::$data_value_ty(b)) => { Ok(DataValue::$data_value_ty(a $op b)) } )*
211 _ => unimplemented!()
212 }
213 };
214 ( $op:tt($arg1:expr, $arg2:expr); [ $( $data_value_ty:ident ),* ]; [ $( $op_type:ty ),* ] ) => {
215 match ($arg1, $arg2) {
216 $( (DataValue::$data_value_ty(a), DataValue::$data_value_ty(b)) => { Ok(DataValue::$data_value_ty(((*a as $op_type) $op (*b as $op_type)) as _)) } )*
217 _ => unimplemented!()
218 }
219 };
220 ( $op:tt($arg1:expr, $arg2:expr); [ $( $data_value_ty:ident ),* ]; [ $( $a_type:ty ),* ]; rhs: $rhs:tt,$rhs_type:ty ) => {
221 match ($arg1, $arg2) {
222 $( (DataValue::$data_value_ty(a), DataValue::$rhs(b)) => { Ok(DataValue::$data_value_ty((*a as $a_type).$op(*b as $rhs_type) as _)) } )*
223 _ => unimplemented!()
224 }
225 };
228macro_rules! bitop {
229 ( $op:tt($arg1:expr, $arg2:expr) ) => {
230 Ok(match ($arg1, $arg2) {
231 (DataValue::I8(a), DataValue::I8(b)) => DataValue::I8(a $op b),
232 (DataValue::I16(a), DataValue::I16(b)) => DataValue::I16(a $op b),
233 (DataValue::I32(a), DataValue::I32(b)) => DataValue::I32(a $op b),
234 (DataValue::I64(a), DataValue::I64(b)) => DataValue::I64(a $op b),
235 (DataValue::I128(a), DataValue::I128(b)) => DataValue::I128(a $op b),
236 (DataValue::F32(a), DataValue::F32(b)) => DataValue::F32(a $op b),
237 (DataValue::F64(a), DataValue::F64(b)) => DataValue::F64(a $op b),
238 (DataValue::V128(a), DataValue::V128(b)) => {
239 let mut a2 = a.clone();
240 for (a, b) in a2.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) {
241 *a = *a $op *b;
242 }
243 DataValue::V128(a2)
244 }
245 _ => unimplemented!(),
246 })
247 };
250impl DataValueExt for DataValue {
251 fn int(n: i128, ty: Type) -> ValueResult<Self> {
252 if ty.is_vector() {
253 match ty.bytes() {
256 8 | 16 => Ok(DataValue::read_from_slice_ne(&n.to_ne_bytes(), ty)),
257 _ => Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Vector, ty)),
258 }
259 } else if ty.is_int() {
260 DataValue::from_integer(n, ty).map_err(|_| ValueError::InvalidValue(ty))
261 } else {
262 Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Integer, ty))
263 }
264 }
266 fn into_int_signed(self) -> ValueResult<i128> {
267 match self {
268 DataValue::I8(n) => Ok(n as i128),
269 DataValue::I16(n) => Ok(n as i128),
270 DataValue::I32(n) => Ok(n as i128),
271 DataValue::I64(n) => Ok(n as i128),
272 DataValue::I128(n) => Ok(n),
273 _ => Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Integer, self.ty())),
274 }
275 }
277 fn into_int_unsigned(self) -> ValueResult<u128> {
278 match self {
279 DataValue::I8(n) => Ok(n as u8 as u128),
280 DataValue::I16(n) => Ok(n as u16 as u128),
281 DataValue::I32(n) => Ok(n as u32 as u128),
282 DataValue::I64(n) => Ok(n as u64 as u128),
283 DataValue::I128(n) => Ok(n as u128),
284 _ => Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Integer, self.ty())),
285 }
286 }
288 fn float(bits: u64, ty: Type) -> ValueResult<Self> {
289 match ty {
290 types::F32 => Ok(DataValue::F32(Ieee32::with_bits(u32::try_from(bits)?))),
291 types::F64 => Ok(DataValue::F64(Ieee64::with_bits(bits))),
292 _ => Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Float, ty)),
293 }
294 }
296 fn into_float(self) -> ValueResult<f64> {
297 match self {
298 DataValue::F32(n) => Ok(n.as_f32() as f64),
299 DataValue::F64(n) => Ok(n.as_f64()),
300 _ => Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Float, self.ty())),
301 }
302 }
304 fn is_float(&self) -> bool {
305 match self {
306 DataValue::F16(_) | DataValue::F32(_) | DataValue::F64(_) | DataValue::F128(_) => true,
307 _ => false,
308 }
309 }
311 fn is_nan(&self) -> ValueResult<bool> {
312 match self {
313 DataValue::F32(f) => Ok(f.is_nan()),
314 DataValue::F64(f) => Ok(f.is_nan()),
315 _ => Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Float, self.ty())),
316 }
317 }
319 fn bool(b: bool, vec_elem: bool, ty: Type) -> ValueResult<Self> {
320 assert!(ty.is_int());
321 macro_rules! make_bool {
322 ($ty:ident) => {
323 Ok(DataValue::$ty(if b {
324 if vec_elem {
325 -1
326 } else {
327 1
328 }
329 } else {
330 0
331 }))
332 };
333 }
335 match ty {
336 types::I8 => make_bool!(I8),
337 types::I16 => make_bool!(I16),
338 types::I32 => make_bool!(I32),
339 types::I64 => make_bool!(I64),
340 types::I128 => make_bool!(I128),
341 _ => Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Integer, ty)),
342 }
343 }
345 fn into_bool(self) -> ValueResult<bool> {
346 match self {
347 DataValue::I8(b) => Ok(b != 0),
348 DataValue::I16(b) => Ok(b != 0),
349 DataValue::I32(b) => Ok(b != 0),
350 DataValue::I64(b) => Ok(b != 0),
351 DataValue::I128(b) => Ok(b != 0),
352 _ => Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Boolean, self.ty())),
353 }
354 }
356 fn vector(v: [u8; 16], ty: Type) -> ValueResult<Self> {
357 assert!(ty.is_vector() && [8, 16].contains(&ty.bytes()));
358 if ty.bytes() == 16 {
359 Ok(DataValue::V128(v))
360 } else if ty.bytes() == 8 {
361 let v64: [u8; 8] = v[..8].try_into().unwrap();
362 Ok(DataValue::V64(v64))
363 } else {
364 unimplemented!()
365 }
366 }
368 fn into_array(&self) -> ValueResult<[u8; 16]> {
369 match *self {
370 DataValue::V128(v) => Ok(v),
371 DataValue::V64(v) => {
372 let mut v128 = [0; 16];
373 v128[..8].clone_from_slice(&v);
374 Ok(v128)
375 }
376 _ => Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Vector, self.ty())),
377 }
378 }
380 fn convert(self, kind: ValueConversionKind) -> ValueResult<Self> {
381 Ok(match kind {
382 ValueConversionKind::Exact(ty) => match (self, ty) {
383 (val, ty) if val.ty().is_int() && ty.is_int() => {
385 DataValue::from_integer(val.into_int_signed()?, ty)?
386 }
387 (DataValue::I16(n), types::F16) => DataValue::F16(Ieee16::with_bits(n as u16)),
388 (DataValue::I32(n), types::F32) => DataValue::F32(f32::from_bits(n as u32).into()),
389 (DataValue::I64(n), types::F64) => DataValue::F64(f64::from_bits(n as u64).into()),
390 (DataValue::I128(n), types::F128) => DataValue::F128(Ieee128::with_bits(n as u128)),
391 (DataValue::F16(n), types::I16) => DataValue::I16(n.bits() as i16),
392 (DataValue::F32(n), types::I32) => DataValue::I32(n.bits() as i32),
393 (DataValue::F64(n), types::I64) => DataValue::I64(n.bits() as i64),
394 (DataValue::F128(n), types::I128) => DataValue::I128(n.bits() as i128),
395 (DataValue::F32(n), types::F64) => DataValue::F64((n.as_f32() as f64).into()),
396 (dv, t) if (t.is_int() || t.is_float()) && dv.ty() == t => dv,
397 (dv, _) => unimplemented!("conversion: {} -> {:?}", dv.ty(), kind),
398 },
399 ValueConversionKind::Truncate(ty) => {
400 assert!(
401 ty.is_int(),
402 "unimplemented conversion: {} -> {:?}",
403 self.ty(),
404 kind
405 );
407 let mask = (1 << (ty.bytes() * 8)) - 1i128;
408 let truncated = self.into_int_signed()? & mask;
409 Self::from_integer(truncated, ty)?
410 }
411 ValueConversionKind::ExtractUpper(ty) => {
412 assert!(
413 ty.is_int(),
414 "unimplemented conversion: {} -> {:?}",
415 self.ty(),
416 kind
417 );
419 let shift_amt = (self.ty().bytes() * 8) - (ty.bytes() * 8);
420 let mask = (1 << (ty.bytes() * 8)) - 1i128;
421 let shifted_mask = mask << shift_amt;
423 let extracted = (self.into_int_signed()? & shifted_mask) >> shift_amt;
424 Self::from_integer(extracted, ty)?
425 }
426 ValueConversionKind::SignExtend(ty) => match (self, ty) {
427 (DataValue::I8(n), types::I16) => DataValue::I16(n as i16),
428 (DataValue::I8(n), types::I32) => DataValue::I32(n as i32),
429 (DataValue::I8(n), types::I64) => DataValue::I64(n as i64),
430 (DataValue::I8(n), types::I128) => DataValue::I128(n as i128),
431 (DataValue::I16(n), types::I32) => DataValue::I32(n as i32),
432 (DataValue::I16(n), types::I64) => DataValue::I64(n as i64),
433 (DataValue::I16(n), types::I128) => DataValue::I128(n as i128),
434 (DataValue::I32(n), types::I64) => DataValue::I64(n as i64),
435 (DataValue::I32(n), types::I128) => DataValue::I128(n as i128),
436 (DataValue::I64(n), types::I128) => DataValue::I128(n as i128),
437 (dv, _) => unimplemented!("conversion: {} -> {:?}", dv.ty(), kind),
438 },
439 ValueConversionKind::ZeroExtend(ty) => match (self, ty) {
440 (DataValue::I8(n), types::I16) => DataValue::I16(n as u8 as i16),
441 (DataValue::I8(n), types::I32) => DataValue::I32(n as u8 as i32),
442 (DataValue::I8(n), types::I64) => DataValue::I64(n as u8 as i64),
443 (DataValue::I8(n), types::I128) => DataValue::I128(n as u8 as i128),
444 (DataValue::I16(n), types::I32) => DataValue::I32(n as u16 as i32),
445 (DataValue::I16(n), types::I64) => DataValue::I64(n as u16 as i64),
446 (DataValue::I16(n), types::I128) => DataValue::I128(n as u16 as i128),
447 (DataValue::I32(n), types::I64) => DataValue::I64(n as u32 as i64),
448 (DataValue::I32(n), types::I128) => DataValue::I128(n as u32 as i128),
449 (DataValue::I64(n), types::I128) => DataValue::I128(n as u64 as i128),
450 (from, to) if from.ty() == to => from,
451 (dv, _) => unimplemented!("conversion: {} -> {:?}", dv.ty(), kind),
452 },
453 ValueConversionKind::RoundNearestEven(ty) => match (self, ty) {
454 (DataValue::F64(n), types::F32) => DataValue::F32(Ieee32::from(n.as_f64() as f32)),
455 (s, _) => unimplemented!("conversion: {} -> {:?}", s.ty(), kind),
456 },
457 ValueConversionKind::ToBoolean => match self.ty() {
458 ty if ty.is_int() => {
459 DataValue::I8(if self.into_int_signed()? != 0 { 1 } else { 0 })
460 }
461 ty => unimplemented!("conversion: {} -> {:?}", ty, kind),
462 },
463 ValueConversionKind::Mask(ty) => {
464 let b = self.into_bool()?;
465 Self::bool(b, true, ty).unwrap()
466 }
467 })
468 }
470 fn concat(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
471 match (self, other) {
472 (DataValue::I64(lhs), DataValue::I64(rhs)) => Ok(DataValue::I128(
473 (((lhs as u64) as u128) | (((rhs as u64) as u128) << 64)) as i128,
474 )),
475 (lhs, rhs) => unimplemented!("concat: {} -> {}", lhs.ty(), rhs.ty()),
476 }
477 }
479 fn is_negative(&self) -> ValueResult<bool> {
480 match self {
481 DataValue::F32(f) => Ok(f.is_negative()),
482 DataValue::F64(f) => Ok(f.is_negative()),
483 _ => Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Float, self.ty())),
484 }
485 }
487 fn is_zero(&self) -> ValueResult<bool> {
488 match self {
489 DataValue::I8(f) => Ok(*f == 0),
490 DataValue::I16(f) => Ok(*f == 0),
491 DataValue::I32(f) => Ok(*f == 0),
492 DataValue::I64(f) => Ok(*f == 0),
493 DataValue::I128(f) => Ok(*f == 0),
494 DataValue::F16(f) => Ok(f.is_zero()),
495 DataValue::F32(f) => Ok(f.is_zero()),
496 DataValue::F64(f) => Ok(f.is_zero()),
497 DataValue::F128(f) => Ok(f.is_zero()),
498 DataValue::V64(_) | DataValue::V128(_) => {
499 Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Float, self.ty()))
500 }
501 }
502 }
504 fn umax(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
505 let lhs = self.clone().into_int_unsigned()?;
506 let rhs = other.clone().into_int_unsigned()?;
507 if lhs > rhs {
508 Ok(self)
509 } else {
510 Ok(other)
511 }
512 }
514 fn smax(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
515 if self > other {
516 Ok(self)
517 } else {
518 Ok(other)
519 }
520 }
522 fn umin(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
523 let lhs = self.clone().into_int_unsigned()?;
524 let rhs = other.clone().into_int_unsigned()?;
525 if lhs < rhs {
526 Ok(self)
527 } else {
528 Ok(other)
529 }
530 }
532 fn smin(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
533 if self < other {
534 Ok(self)
535 } else {
536 Ok(other)
537 }
538 }
540 fn uno(&self, other: &Self) -> ValueResult<bool> {
541 Ok(self.is_nan()? || other.is_nan()?)
542 }
544 fn add(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
545 if self.is_float() {
546 binary_match!(+(self, other); [F32, F64])
547 } else {
548 binary_match!(wrapping_add(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128])
549 }
550 }
552 fn sub(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
553 if self.is_float() {
554 binary_match!(-(self, other); [F32, F64])
555 } else {
556 binary_match!(wrapping_sub(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128])
557 }
558 }
560 fn mul(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
561 if self.is_float() {
562 binary_match!(*(self, other); [F32, F64])
563 } else {
564 binary_match!(wrapping_mul(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128])
565 }
566 }
568 fn sdiv(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
569 if self.is_float() {
570 return binary_match!(/(self, other); [F32, F64]);
571 }
573 let denominator = other.clone().into_int_signed()?;
575 let min = DataValueExt::int(1i128 << (self.ty().bits() - 1), self.ty())?;
577 if self == min && denominator == -1 {
578 return Err(ValueError::IntegerOverflow);
579 }
581 if denominator == 0 {
582 return Err(ValueError::IntegerDivisionByZero);
583 }
585 binary_match!(/(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128])
586 }
588 fn udiv(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
589 if self.is_float() {
590 return binary_match!(/(self, other); [F32, F64]);
591 }
593 let denominator = other.clone().into_int_unsigned()?;
595 if denominator == 0 {
596 return Err(ValueError::IntegerDivisionByZero);
597 }
599 binary_match!(/(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [u8, u16, u32, u64, u128])
600 }
602 fn srem(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
603 let denominator = other.clone().into_int_signed()?;
605 let min = DataValueExt::int(1i128 << (self.ty().bits() - 1), self.ty())?;
607 if self == min && denominator == -1 {
608 return Err(ValueError::IntegerOverflow);
609 }
611 if denominator == 0 {
612 return Err(ValueError::IntegerDivisionByZero);
613 }
615 binary_match!(%(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128])
616 }
618 fn urem(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
619 let denominator = other.clone().into_int_unsigned()?;
621 if denominator == 0 {
622 return Err(ValueError::IntegerDivisionByZero);
623 }
625 binary_match!(%(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [u8, u16, u32, u64, u128])
626 }
628 fn sqrt(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
629 unary_match!(sqrt(&self); [F32, F64]; [Ieee32, Ieee64])
630 }
632 fn fma(self, b: Self, c: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
633 match (self, b, c) {
634 (DataValue::F32(a), DataValue::F32(b), DataValue::F32(c)) => {
635 #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_os = "windows", target_env = "gnu"))]
638 let res = libm::fmaf(a.as_f32(), b.as_f32(), c.as_f32());
640 #[cfg(not(all(
641 target_arch = "x86_64",
642 target_os = "windows",
643 target_env = "gnu"
644 )))]
645 let res = a.as_f32().mul_add(b.as_f32(), c.as_f32());
647 Ok(DataValue::F32(res.into()))
648 }
649 (DataValue::F64(a), DataValue::F64(b), DataValue::F64(c)) => {
650 #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_os = "windows", target_env = "gnu"))]
651 let res = libm::fma(a.as_f64(), b.as_f64(), c.as_f64());
653 #[cfg(not(all(
654 target_arch = "x86_64",
655 target_os = "windows",
656 target_env = "gnu"
657 )))]
658 let res = a.as_f64().mul_add(b.as_f64(), c.as_f64());
660 Ok(DataValue::F64(res.into()))
661 }
662 (a, _b, _c) => Err(ValueError::InvalidType(ValueTypeClass::Float, a.ty())),
663 }
664 }
666 fn abs(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
667 unary_match!(abs(&self); [F32, F64])
668 }
670 fn sadd_checked(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Option<Self>> {
671 binary_match!(option checked_add(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128])
672 }
674 fn uadd_checked(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Option<Self>> {
675 binary_match!(option checked_add(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [u8, u16, u32, u64, u128])
676 }
678 fn sadd_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)> {
679 binary_match!(pair overflowing_add(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128])
680 }
682 fn uadd_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)> {
683 binary_match!(pair overflowing_add(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [u8, u16, u32, u64, u128])
684 }
686 fn ssub_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)> {
687 binary_match!(pair overflowing_sub(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128])
688 }
690 fn usub_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)> {
691 binary_match!(pair overflowing_sub(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [u8, u16, u32, u64, u128])
692 }
694 fn smul_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)> {
695 binary_match!(pair overflowing_mul(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128])
696 }
698 fn umul_overflow(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<(Self, bool)> {
699 binary_match!(pair overflowing_mul(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [u8, u16, u32, u64, u128])
700 }
702 fn neg(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
703 unary_match!(neg(&self); [F32, F64])
704 }
706 fn copysign(self, sign: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
707 binary_match!(copysign(&self, &sign); [F32, F64])
708 }
710 fn ceil(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
711 unary_match!(ceil(&self); [F32, F64])
712 }
714 fn floor(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
715 unary_match!(floor(&self); [F32, F64])
716 }
718 fn trunc(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
719 unary_match!(trunc(&self); [F32, F64])
720 }
722 fn nearest(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
723 unary_match!(round_ties_even(&self); [F32, F64])
724 }
726 fn sadd_sat(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
727 binary_match!(saturating_add(self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128])
728 }
730 fn uadd_sat(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
731 binary_match!(saturating_add(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [u8, u16, u32, u64, u128])
732 }
734 fn ssub_sat(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
735 binary_match!(saturating_sub(self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128])
736 }
738 fn usub_sat(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
739 binary_match!(saturating_sub(&self, &other); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [u8, u16, u32, u64, u128])
740 }
742 fn shl(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
743 let amt = other.convert(ValueConversionKind::Exact(types::I32))?;
744 binary_match!(wrapping_shl(&self, &amt); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128]; rhs: I32,u32)
745 }
747 fn ushr(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
748 let amt = other.convert(ValueConversionKind::Exact(types::I32))?;
749 binary_match!(wrapping_shr(&self, &amt); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [u8, u16, u32, u64, u128]; rhs: I32,u32)
750 }
752 fn sshr(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
753 let amt = other.convert(ValueConversionKind::Exact(types::I32))?;
754 binary_match!(wrapping_shr(&self, &amt); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128]; rhs: I32,u32)
755 }
757 fn rotl(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
758 let amt = other.convert(ValueConversionKind::Exact(types::I32))?;
759 binary_match!(rotate_left(&self, &amt); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128]; rhs: I32,u32)
760 }
762 fn rotr(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
763 let amt = other.convert(ValueConversionKind::Exact(types::I32))?;
764 binary_match!(rotate_right(&self, &amt); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128]; rhs: I32,u32)
765 }
767 fn and(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
768 bitop!(&(self, other))
769 }
771 fn or(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
772 bitop!(|(self, other))
773 }
775 fn xor(self, other: Self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
776 bitop!(^(self, other))
777 }
779 fn not(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
780 Ok(match self {
781 DataValue::I8(a) => DataValue::I8(!a),
782 DataValue::I16(a) => DataValue::I16(!a),
783 DataValue::I32(a) => DataValue::I32(!a),
784 DataValue::I64(a) => DataValue::I64(!a),
785 DataValue::I128(a) => DataValue::I128(!a),
786 DataValue::F32(a) => DataValue::F32(!a),
787 DataValue::F64(a) => DataValue::F64(!a),
788 DataValue::V128(mut a) => {
789 for byte in a.iter_mut() {
790 *byte = !*byte;
791 }
792 DataValue::V128(a)
793 }
794 _ => unimplemented!(),
795 })
796 }
798 fn count_ones(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
799 unary_match!(count_ones(&self); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128])
800 }
802 fn leading_ones(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
803 unary_match!(leading_ones(&self); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128])
804 }
806 fn leading_zeros(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
807 unary_match!(leading_zeros(&self); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128])
808 }
810 fn trailing_zeros(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
811 unary_match!(trailing_zeros(&self); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128]; [i8, i16, i32, i64, i128])
812 }
814 fn reverse_bits(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
815 unary_match!(reverse_bits(&self); [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128])
816 }
818 fn swap_bytes(self) -> ValueResult<Self> {
819 unary_match!(swap_bytes(&self); [I16, I32, I64, I128])
820 }
822 fn iter_lanes(&self, ty: Type) -> ValueResult<DataValueIterator> {
823 DataValueIterator::new(self, ty)
824 }
827pub struct DataValueIterator {
829 ty: Type,
830 v: SimdVec<DataValue>,
831 idx: usize,
834impl DataValueIterator {
835 fn new(dv: &DataValue, ty: Type) -> Result<Self, ValueError> {
836 match extractlanes(dv, ty) {
837 Ok(v) => return Ok(Self { ty, v, idx: 0 }),
838 Err(err) => return Err(err),
839 }
840 }
843impl Iterator for DataValueIterator {
844 type Item = DataValue;
846 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
847 if self.idx >= self.ty.lane_count() as usize {
848 return None;
849 }
851 let dv = self.v[self.idx].clone();
852 self.idx += 1;
853 Some(dv)
854 }
858mod test {
859 use super::*;
861 #[test]
862 fn test_iterator_v128() {
863 let dv = DataValue::V128([99, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]);
864 assert_eq!(simd_sum(dv, types::I8X16), 219);
865 }
867 #[test]
868 fn test_iterator_v128_empty() {
869 let dv = DataValue::V128([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
870 assert_eq!(simd_sum(dv, types::I8X16), 0);
871 }
873 #[test]
874 fn test_iterator_v128_ones() {
875 let dv = DataValue::V128([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]);
876 assert_eq!(simd_sum(dv, types::I8X16), 16);
877 }
879 #[test]
880 fn test_iterator_v64_empty() {
881 let dv = DataValue::V64([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
882 assert_eq!(simd_sum(dv, types::I8X8), 0);
883 }
884 #[test]
885 fn test_iterator_v64_ones() {
886 let dv = DataValue::V64([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]);
887 assert_eq!(simd_sum(dv, types::I8X8), 8);
888 }
889 #[test]
890 fn test_iterator_v64() {
891 let dv = DataValue::V64([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80]);
892 assert_eq!(simd_sum(dv, types::I8X8), 360);
893 }
895 fn simd_sum(dv: DataValue, ty: types::Type) -> i128 {
896 let itr = dv.iter_lanes(ty).unwrap();
898 itr.map(|e| {
899 if let Some(v) = e.into_int_signed().ok() {
900 v
901 } else {
902 0
903 }
904 })
905 .sum()
906 }