
1//! Support for maintaining the usefulness of a corpus over time.
3//! Wasmtime's fuzzing strategy in general is to use `wasm-smith` to generate
4//! modules which interprets fuzz input from libFuzzer as a sort of "DNA". This
5//! works to generate pretty interesting modules but falls down over time
6//! because the DNA to generate the same module over time can change. This
7//! means that maintaining a corpus for Wasmtime is not the most useful thing
8//! in the world unfortunately and any historical discoveries of coverage need
9//! to be rediscovered every time the DNA changes.
11//! To help with this the module here implements a scheme where Wasmtime's fuzz
12//! inputs are highly likely to be of the form:
14//! ```text
15//! [ ... wasm module ... ][ .. fuzz custom section .. ]
16//! ```
18//! The `fuzz custom section` here contains the original fuzz input used to
19//! generate the `wasm module`, and if the DNA hasn't changed then it should
20//! still be possible to do that as well. The benefit of this format, though,
21//! is that if the DNA is changed then the interpretation of the `fuzz custom
22//! section` will change but the original `wasm module` will not. This enables
23//! us to populate the corpus, ideally, with a set of interesting `wasm module`
24//! entries.
26//! Over time the `fuzz custom section` will "bitrot" and will be no longer able
27//! to generate the original `wasm module`. The main consequence of this is that
28//! when the original test case is mutated the generated wasm module from the
29//! mutation will be nothing alike from the original test case's wasm module.
30//! This means libFuzzer will have to rediscover ways to mutate into
31//! interesting modules, but we're no worse off than before hopefully.
32//! Additionally this more easily opens the door to integrate `wasm-mutate` one
33//! day into mutation here as well.
35//! Currently this is all supported via two methods:
37//! 1. A custom mutator is registered with libfuzzer. This means that all
38//!    inputs generated by the mutator, so long as they fit, will be the
39//!    "envelope" format of this module. This means that the corpus will
40//!    hopefully naturally get populated with wasm files rather than random
41//!    inputs. Note that this is not guaranteed to succeed since sometimes the
42//!    buffer to store the fuzz input in the mutator is not big enough to store
43//!    the final wasm module, in which case a non-enveloped wasm module is
44//!    stored.
46//! 2. If the environment variable `WRITE_FUZZ_INPUT_TO is set then the fuzz
47//!    input, in its envelope format, will be written to the specified file.
48//!    This can be useful in case an input is in its binary form or if a
49//!    preexisting corpus is being rewritten.
51use std::borrow::Cow;
53use arbitrary::{Arbitrary, Result, Unstructured};
54use wasm_encoder::Section;
56/// Helper macro for fuzz targets that are single-module fuzzers.
58/// This combines the features of this module into one macro invocation to
59/// generate the fuzz entry point and mutator in tandem.
61macro_rules! single_module_fuzzer {
62    ($execute:ident $generate:ident) => {
63        libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target!(|data: &[u8]| {
64            $crate::init_fuzzing();
65            drop($crate::single_module_fuzzer::execute(
66                data, $execute, $generate,
67            ));
68        });
70        libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_mutator!(|data: &mut [u8], size: usize, max_size: usize, seed: u32| {
71            $crate::single_module_fuzzer::mutate(
72                data,
73                size,
74                max_size,
75                $generate,
76                libfuzzer_sys::fuzzer_mutate,
77            )
78        });
79    };
82/// Executes a "single module fuzzer" given the raw `input` from libfuzzer.
84/// This will use the `input` to generate `T`, some configuration, which is
85/// then used by `gen_module` to generate a WebAssembly module. The module is
86/// then passed to `run` along with the configuration and remaining data that
87/// can be used as fuzz input.
89/// The main purpose of this function is to handle when `input` is actually a
90/// WebAssembly module "envelope". If the `input` is a valid wasm module and
91/// ends with a specific trailing custom section then the module generated by
92/// `gen_module` is actually discarded. The purpose of this is to handle the
93/// case where the input used to generate a module may change over time but
94/// we're still interested in the historical coverage of the original wasm
95/// module.
96pub fn execute<'a, T, U>(
97    input: &'a [u8],
98    run: fn(&[u8], KnownValid, T, &mut Unstructured<'a>) -> Result<U>,
99    gen_module: fn(&mut T, &mut Unstructured<'a>) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, KnownValid)>,
100) -> Result<U>
102    T: Arbitrary<'a>,
104    let (fuzz_data, module_in_input) = match extract_fuzz_input(input) {
105        Ok(input) => {
106            log::debug!("fuzz input was a valid module with trailing custom section");
107            (input.fuzz_data, Some(input.module))
108        }
109        Err(e) => {
110            log::debug!("fuzz input not a valid module: {e:?}");
111            (input, None)
112        }
113    };
114    let mut u = Unstructured::new(fuzz_data);
115    let mut config = u.arbitrary()?;
116    let (generated, known_valid) = gen_module(&mut config, &mut u)?;
117    let module = module_in_input.unwrap_or(&generated);
118    if let Ok(file) = std::env::var("WRITE_FUZZ_INPUT_TO") {
119        std::fs::write(file, encode_module(&module, &fuzz_data)).unwrap();
120    }
121    let known_valid = if module_in_input.is_some() {
122        KnownValid::No
123    } else {
124        known_valid
125    };
126    run(module, known_valid, config, &mut u)
129/// Used as part of `execute` above to determine whether a module is known to
130/// be valid ahead of time.
131#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
132pub enum KnownValid {
133    /// This module is known to be valid so it should assert compilation
134    /// succeeds for example.
135    Yes,
136    /// This module is not known to be valid and it may not compile
137    /// successfully. Note that it's also not known to compile unsuccessfully.
138    No,
141const SECTION_NAME: &str = "wasmtime-fuzz-input";
143/// Implementation of a libfuzzer custom mutator for a single-module-fuzzer.
145/// This mutator will take the seed specified in `data` and attempt to mutate
146/// it with the provided `mutate` function. The `mutate` function may not
147/// receive the `data` as-specified, but instead may receive only the seed
148/// that was used to generate `data`.
149pub fn mutate<T>(
150    data: &mut [u8],
151    mut size: usize,
152    max_size: usize,
153    gen_module: fn(&mut T, &mut Unstructured<'_>) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, KnownValid)>,
154    mutate: fn(&mut [u8], usize, usize) -> usize,
155) -> usize
157    T: for<'a> Arbitrary<'a>,
159    // If `data` is a valid wasm module with the fuzz seed at the end, then
160    // discard the wasm module portion and instead shuffle the seed into the
161    // beginning of the `data` slice. This is the "de-envelope" part of the
162    // seed management here.
163    //
164    // After this the `data` array should contain the raw contents used to
165    // produce the module and is ripe for mutation/minimization/etc.
166    if let Ok(input) = extract_fuzz_input(&data[..size]) {
167        let start = input.fuzz_data.as_ptr() as usize - data.as_ptr() as usize;
168        size = input.fuzz_data.len();
169        data.copy_within(start..start + input.fuzz_data.len(), 0);
170    }
172    // Delegate to the provided mutation function for standard mutations to
173    // apply.
174    let new_size = mutate(data, size, max_size);
176    // Next the goal of this function is to produce a test case which is an
177    // actual wasm module. To that end this will run module generation over the
178    // input provided. If this is all successful then the custom section
179    // representing the seed is appended to the module, making it a sort of
180    // self-referential module.
181    //
182    // After all this it's copied into `data` if the it fits. If the module
183    // doesn't fit then the seed is left un-perturbed since there's not much
184    // that we can do about that.
185    let mut u = Unstructured::new(&data[..new_size]);
186    match u
187        .arbitrary()
188        .and_then(|mut config| gen_module(&mut config, &mut u))
189    {
190        Ok((module, _known_valid)) => {
191            let module = encode_module(&module, &data[..new_size]);
193            if module.len() < max_size {
194                log::debug!(
195                    "successfully generated mutated module with \
196                     appended input section"
197                );
198                data[..module.len()].copy_from_slice(&module);
199                return module.len();
200            } else {
201                log::debug!("mutated module doesn't fit in original slice");
202            }
203        }
205        // If our new seed can't generate a new module then that's something
206        // for the fuzzer to figure out later when it "officially" executes
207        // this fuzz input. For the purposes of this function it's not too
208        // useful to try to put it in an envelope otherwise so ignore it.
209        Err(e) => {
210            log::debug!("failed to generate module from mutated seed {e:?}");
211        }
212    }
214    new_size
217fn encode_module(module: &[u8], fuzz_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
218    let mut module = module.to_vec();
219    wasm_encoder::CustomSection {
220        name: SECTION_NAME.into(),
221        data: Cow::Borrowed(&fuzz_data),
222    }
223    .append_to(&mut module);
224    module
227struct FuzzInput<'a> {
228    /// The module extracted from the input, without the fuzz input custom
229    /// section.
230    module: &'a [u8],
232    /// The contents of the fuzz input custom section.
233    fuzz_data: &'a [u8],
236/// Attempts to extract a fuzz input from the `data` provided.
238/// This will attempt to read `data` as a WebAssembly binary. If successful
239/// and the module ends with a custom section indicating it's a fuzz input
240/// then the contents of the custom section are returned along with the
241/// contents of the original module.
242fn extract_fuzz_input(data: &[u8]) -> anyhow::Result<FuzzInput<'_>> {
243    use wasmparser::{Parser, Payload};
244    let mut prev_end = 8;
245    for section in Parser::new(0).parse_all(data) {
246        let section = section?;
248        // If this is a custom section, the end of the section is the end of
249        // the entire module, and it's got the expected name, then this section
250        // is assumed to be the input seed to the fuzzer.
251        //
252        // The section's contents are returned through `fuzz_data` and the wasm
253        // binary format means that we can simply chop off the last custom
254        // section and still have a valid module.
255        if let Payload::CustomSection(s) = &section {
256            if s.name() == SECTION_NAME && s.range().end == data.len() {
257                return Ok(FuzzInput {
258                    module: &data[..prev_end],
259                    fuzz_data: s.data(),
260                });
261            }
262        }
264        // Record each section's end to record what the end of the module is
265        // up to this point.
266        if let Some((_, range)) = section.as_section() {
267            prev_end = range.end;
268        }
269    }
270    anyhow::bail!("no input found")
274mod tests {
275    use super::*;
276    use rand::rngs::SmallRng;
277    use rand::{RngCore, SeedableRng};
279    #[test]
280    fn changing_configuration_does_not_change_module() {
281        drop(env_logger::try_init());
283        // This test asserts that if the static configuration associated with a
284        // module changes then the generated module, as sourced from the
285        // original fuzz input, does not change. That's the whole purpose of
286        // this module, to enable our fuzz inputs to be in a format that's
287        // resilient to changes in configuration over time (or at least the
288        // module part of the input).
289        //
290        // This test will execute N=200 iterations where each iteration will
291        // attempt to, with some fresh random data, generate a module. This
292        // module is then "mutated" with a noop mutation to effectively
293        // serialize it into the envelope where the module is preserved. The
294        // now-mutated input, which should be a wasm module, is then passed
295        // as the seed to a second execution which has a different static input.
296        //
297        // This simulates having a fuzzer one day produce an interesting test
298        // case through mutation, and then the next day the configuration of
299        // the fuzzer changes. On both days the module input to the function
300        // should have been the same.
302        let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(0);
303        let max_size = 4096;
304        let seed_size = 128;
305        let mut buf = vec![0; max_size];
306        let mut compares = 0;
307        for _ in 0..200 {
308            rng.fill_bytes(&mut buf[..seed_size]);
310            let run1 = run_config::<u32>;
311            let mutate = mutate::<u32>;
312            let run2 = run_config::<(u32, u32)>;
314            if let Ok((module, known_valid)) = execute(&buf[..seed_size], run1, generate) {
315                assert_eq!(known_valid, KnownValid::Yes);
316                let new_size = mutate(&mut buf, seed_size, max_size, generate, noop_mutate);
317                if let Ok((module2, known_valid)) = execute(&buf[..new_size], run2, generate) {
318                    assert_eq!(known_valid, KnownValid::No);
319                    compares += 1;
320                    if module != module2 {
321                        panic!("modules differ");
322                    }
323                }
324            }
325        }
327        // At least one iteration should have succeeded in the fuzz generation
328        // above.
329        assert!(compares > 0);
331        fn run_config<T>(
332            data: &[u8],
333            known_valid: KnownValid,
334            _: T,
335            _: &mut Unstructured<'_>,
336        ) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, KnownValid)>
337        where
338            T: for<'a> Arbitrary<'a>,
339        {
340            Ok((data.to_vec(), known_valid))
341        }
343        fn generate<T>(_: &mut T, u: &mut Unstructured<'_>) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, KnownValid)>
344        where
345            T: for<'a> Arbitrary<'a>,
346        {
347            Ok((
348                u.arbitrary::<wasm_smith::Module>()?.to_bytes(),
349                KnownValid::Yes,
350            ))
351        }
353        fn noop_mutate(_buf: &mut [u8], size: usize, _new_size: usize) -> usize {
354            size
355        }
356    }