1//! Unique IDs for modules in the runtime.
3use core::num::NonZeroU64;
5/// A unique identifier (within an engine or similar) for a compiled
6/// module.
7#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
8pub struct CompiledModuleId(NonZeroU64);
10impl CompiledModuleId {
11 /// Allocates a new ID which will be unique within this process.
12 pub fn new() -> Self {
13 // As an implementation detail this is implemented on the same
14 // allocator as stores. It's ok if there are "holes" in the store id
15 // space as it's not required to be compact, it's just used for
16 // uniqueness.
17 CompiledModuleId(crate::store::StoreId::allocate().as_raw())
18 }