
1//! Define the `instantiate` function, which takes a byte array containing an
2//! encoded wasm module and returns a live wasm instance. Also, define
3//! `CompiledModule` to allow compiling and instantiating to be done as separate
4//! steps.
6use crate::prelude::*;
7use crate::runtime::vm::{CompiledModuleId, MmapVec};
8use crate::{code_memory::CodeMemory, profiling_agent::ProfilingAgent};
9use alloc::sync::Arc;
10use core::str;
11use wasmtime_environ::{
12    CompiledFunctionInfo, CompiledModuleInfo, DefinedFuncIndex, FuncIndex, FunctionLoc,
13    FunctionName, Metadata, Module, ModuleInternedTypeIndex, PrimaryMap, StackMapInformation,
14    WasmFunctionInfo,
17/// A compiled wasm module, ready to be instantiated.
18pub struct CompiledModule {
19    module: Arc<Module>,
20    funcs: PrimaryMap<DefinedFuncIndex, CompiledFunctionInfo>,
21    wasm_to_array_trampolines: Vec<(ModuleInternedTypeIndex, FunctionLoc)>,
22    meta: Metadata,
23    code_memory: Arc<CodeMemory>,
24    /// A unique ID used to register this module with the engine.
25    unique_id: CompiledModuleId,
26    func_names: Vec<FunctionName>,
29impl CompiledModule {
30    /// Creates `CompiledModule` directly from a precompiled artifact.
31    ///
32    /// The `code_memory` argument is expected to be the result of a previous
33    /// call to `ObjectBuilder::finish` above. This is an ELF image, at this
34    /// time, which contains all necessary information to create a
35    /// `CompiledModule` from a compilation.
36    ///
37    /// This method also takes `info`, an optionally-provided deserialization
38    /// of the artifacts' compilation metadata section. If this information is
39    /// not provided then the information will be
40    /// deserialized from the image of the compilation artifacts. Otherwise it
41    /// will be assumed to be what would otherwise happen if the section were
42    /// to be deserialized.
43    ///
44    /// The `profiler` argument here is used to inform JIT profiling runtimes
45    /// about new code that is loaded.
46    pub fn from_artifacts(
47        code_memory: Arc<CodeMemory>,
48        info: CompiledModuleInfo,
49        profiler: &dyn ProfilingAgent,
50    ) -> Result<Self> {
51        let mut ret = Self {
52            module: Arc::new(info.module),
53            funcs: info.funcs,
54            wasm_to_array_trampolines: info.wasm_to_array_trampolines,
55            code_memory,
56            meta: info.meta,
57            unique_id: CompiledModuleId::new(),
58            func_names: info.func_names,
59        };
60        ret.register_profiling(profiler)?;
62        Ok(ret)
63    }
65    fn register_profiling(&mut self, profiler: &dyn ProfilingAgent) -> Result<()> {
66        // TODO-Bug?: "code_memory" is not exclusive for this module in the case of components,
67        // so we may be registering the same code range multiple times here.
68        profiler.register_module(&self.code_memory.mmap()[..], &|addr| {
69            let (idx, _) = self.func_by_text_offset(addr)?;
70            let idx = self.module.func_index(idx);
71            let name = self.func_name(idx)?;
72            let mut demangled = String::new();
73            wasmtime_environ::demangle_function_name(&mut demangled, name).unwrap();
74            Some(demangled)
75        });
76        Ok(())
77    }
79    /// Get this module's unique ID. It is unique with respect to a
80    /// single allocator (which is ordinarily held on a Wasm engine).
81    pub fn unique_id(&self) -> CompiledModuleId {
82        self.unique_id
83    }
85    /// Returns the underlying memory which contains the compiled module's
86    /// image.
87    pub fn mmap(&self) -> &MmapVec {
88        self.code_memory.mmap()
89    }
91    /// Returns the underlying owned mmap of this compiled image.
92    pub fn code_memory(&self) -> &Arc<CodeMemory> {
93        &self.code_memory
94    }
96    /// Returns the text section of the ELF image for this compiled module.
97    ///
98    /// This memory should have the read/execute permissions.
99    #[inline]
100    pub fn text(&self) -> &[u8] {
101        self.code_memory.text()
102    }
104    /// Return a reference-counting pointer to a module.
105    pub fn module(&self) -> &Arc<Module> {
106        &self.module
107    }
109    /// Looks up the `name` section name for the function index `idx`, if one
110    /// was specified in the original wasm module.
111    pub fn func_name(&self, idx: FuncIndex) -> Option<&str> {
112        // Find entry for `idx`, if present.
113        let i = self.func_names.binary_search_by_key(&idx, |n| n.idx).ok()?;
114        let name = &self.func_names[i];
116        // Here we `unwrap` the `from_utf8` but this can theoretically be a
117        // `from_utf8_unchecked` if we really wanted since this section is
118        // guaranteed to only have valid utf-8 data. Until it's a problem it's
119        // probably best to double-check this though.
120        let data = self.code_memory().func_name_data();
121        Some(str::from_utf8(&data[name.offset as usize..][..name.len as usize]).unwrap())
122    }
124    /// Return a reference to a mutable module (if possible).
125    pub fn module_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Module> {
126        Arc::get_mut(&mut self.module)
127    }
129    /// Returns an iterator over all functions defined within this module with
130    /// their index and their body in memory.
131    #[inline]
132    pub fn finished_functions(
133        &self,
134    ) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = (DefinedFuncIndex, &[u8])> + '_ {
135        self.funcs
136            .iter()
137            .map(move |(i, _)| (i, self.finished_function(i)))
138    }
140    /// Returns the body of the function that `index` points to.
141    #[inline]
142    pub fn finished_function(&self, index: DefinedFuncIndex) -> &[u8] {
143        let loc = self.funcs[index].wasm_func_loc;
144        &self.text()[loc.start as usize..][..loc.length as usize]
145    }
147    /// Get the array-to-Wasm trampoline for the function `index` points to.
148    ///
149    /// If the function `index` points to does not escape, then `None` is
150    /// returned.
151    ///
152    /// These trampolines are used for array callers (e.g. `Func::new`)
153    /// calling Wasm callees.
154    pub fn array_to_wasm_trampoline(&self, index: DefinedFuncIndex) -> Option<&[u8]> {
155        let loc = self.funcs[index].array_to_wasm_trampoline?;
156        Some(&self.text()[loc.start as usize..][..loc.length as usize])
157    }
159    /// Get the Wasm-to-array trampoline for the given signature.
160    ///
161    /// These trampolines are used for filling in
162    /// `VMFuncRef::wasm_call` for `Func::wrap`-style host funcrefs
163    /// that don't have access to a compiler when created.
164    pub fn wasm_to_array_trampoline(&self, signature: ModuleInternedTypeIndex) -> &[u8] {
165        let idx = match self
166            .wasm_to_array_trampolines
167            .binary_search_by_key(&signature, |entry| entry.0)
168        {
169            Ok(idx) => idx,
170            Err(_) => panic!("missing trampoline for {signature:?}"),
171        };
173        let (_, loc) = self.wasm_to_array_trampolines[idx];
174        &self.text()[loc.start as usize..][..loc.length as usize]
175    }
177    /// Returns the stack map information for all functions defined in this
178    /// module.
179    ///
180    /// The iterator returned iterates over the span of the compiled function in
181    /// memory with the stack maps associated with those bytes.
182    pub fn stack_maps(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&[u8], &[StackMapInformation])> {
183        self.finished_functions().map(|(_, f)| f).zip(
184            self.funcs
185                .values()
186                .map(|f| &f.wasm_func_info.stack_maps[..]),
187        )
188    }
190    /// Lookups a defined function by a program counter value.
191    ///
192    /// Returns the defined function index and the relative address of
193    /// `text_offset` within the function itself.
194    pub fn func_by_text_offset(&self, text_offset: usize) -> Option<(DefinedFuncIndex, u32)> {
195        let text_offset = u32::try_from(text_offset).unwrap();
197        let index = match self.funcs.binary_search_values_by_key(&text_offset, |e| {
198            debug_assert!(e.wasm_func_loc.length > 0);
199            // Return the inclusive "end" of the function
200            e.wasm_func_loc.start + e.wasm_func_loc.length - 1
201        }) {
202            Ok(k) => {
203                // Exact match, pc is at the end of this function
204                k
205            }
206            Err(k) => {
207                // Not an exact match, k is where `pc` would be "inserted"
208                // Since we key based on the end, function `k` might contain `pc`,
209                // so we'll validate on the range check below
210                k
211            }
212        };
214        let CompiledFunctionInfo { wasm_func_loc, .. } = self.funcs.get(index)?;
215        let start = wasm_func_loc.start;
216        let end = wasm_func_loc.start + wasm_func_loc.length;
218        if text_offset < start || end < text_offset {
219            return None;
220        }
222        Some((index, text_offset - wasm_func_loc.start))
223    }
225    /// Gets the function location information for a given function index.
226    pub fn func_loc(&self, index: DefinedFuncIndex) -> &FunctionLoc {
227        &self
228            .funcs
229            .get(index)
230            .expect("defined function should be present")
231            .wasm_func_loc
232    }
234    /// Gets the function information for a given function index.
235    pub fn wasm_func_info(&self, index: DefinedFuncIndex) -> &WasmFunctionInfo {
236        &self
237            .funcs
238            .get(index)
239            .expect("defined function should be present")
240            .wasm_func_info
241    }
243    /// Creates a new symbolication context which can be used to further
244    /// symbolicate stack traces.
245    ///
246    /// Basically this makes a thing which parses debuginfo and can tell you
247    /// what filename and line number a wasm pc comes from.
248    #[cfg(feature = "addr2line")]
249    pub fn symbolize_context(&self) -> Result<Option<SymbolizeContext<'_>>> {
250        use gimli::EndianSlice;
251        if !self.meta.has_wasm_debuginfo {
252            return Ok(None);
253        }
254        let dwarf = gimli::Dwarf::load(|id| -> Result<_> {
255            // Lookup the `id` in the `dwarf` array prepared for this module
256            // during module serialization where it's sorted by the `id` key. If
257            // found this is a range within the general module's concatenated
258            // dwarf section which is extracted here, otherwise it's just an
259            // empty list to represent that it's not present.
260            let data = self
261                .meta
262                .dwarf
263                .binary_search_by_key(&(id as u8), |(id, _)| *id)
264                .ok()
265                .and_then(|i| {
266                    let (_, range) = &self.meta.dwarf[i];
267                    let start = range.start.try_into().ok()?;
268                    let end = range.end.try_into().ok()?;
269                    self.code_memory().wasm_dwarf().get(start..end)
270                })
271                .unwrap_or(&[]);
272            Ok(EndianSlice::new(data, gimli::LittleEndian))
273        })?;
274        let cx = addr2line::Context::from_dwarf(dwarf)
275            .context("failed to create addr2line dwarf mapping context")?;
276        Ok(Some(SymbolizeContext {
277            inner: cx,
278            code_section_offset: self.meta.code_section_offset,
279        }))
280    }
282    /// Returns whether the original wasm module had unparsed debug information
283    /// based on the tunables configuration.
284    pub fn has_unparsed_debuginfo(&self) -> bool {
285        self.meta.has_unparsed_debuginfo
286    }
288    /// Indicates whether this module came with n address map such that lookups
289    /// via `wasmtime_environ::lookup_file_pos` will succeed.
290    ///
291    /// If this function returns `false` then `lookup_file_pos` will always
292    /// return `None`.
293    pub fn has_address_map(&self) -> bool {
294        !self.code_memory.address_map_data().is_empty()
295    }
298#[cfg(feature = "addr2line")]
299type Addr2LineContext<'a> = addr2line::Context<gimli::EndianSlice<'a, gimli::LittleEndian>>;
301/// A context which contains dwarf debug information to translate program
302/// counters back to filenames and line numbers.
303#[cfg(feature = "addr2line")]
304pub struct SymbolizeContext<'a> {
305    inner: Addr2LineContext<'a>,
306    code_section_offset: u64,
309#[cfg(feature = "addr2line")]
310impl<'a> SymbolizeContext<'a> {
311    /// Returns access to the [`addr2line::Context`] which can be used to query
312    /// frame information with.
313    pub fn addr2line(&self) -> &Addr2LineContext<'a> {
314        &self.inner
315    }
317    /// Returns the offset of the code section in the original wasm file, used
318    /// to calculate lookup values into the DWARF.
319    pub fn code_section_offset(&self) -> u64 {
320        self.code_section_offset
321    }