
1use crate::config::Config;
2use crate::cranelift_arbitrary::CraneliftArbitrary;
3use crate::target_isa_extras::TargetIsaExtras;
4use anyhow::Result;
5use arbitrary::{Arbitrary, Unstructured};
6use cranelift::codegen::data_value::DataValue;
7use cranelift::codegen::ir::immediates::Offset32;
8use cranelift::codegen::ir::instructions::{InstructionFormat, ResolvedConstraint};
9use cranelift::codegen::ir::stackslot::StackSize;
11use cranelift::codegen::ir::{
12    types::*, AliasRegion, AtomicRmwOp, Block, ConstantData, Endianness, ExternalName, FuncRef,
13    Function, LibCall, Opcode, SigRef, Signature, StackSlot, UserExternalName, UserFuncName, Value,
15use cranelift::codegen::isa::CallConv;
16use cranelift::frontend::{FunctionBuilder, FunctionBuilderContext, Switch, Variable};
17use cranelift::prelude::isa::OwnedTargetIsa;
18use cranelift::prelude::{
19    EntityRef, ExtFuncData, FloatCC, InstBuilder, IntCC, JumpTableData, MemFlags, StackSlotData,
20    StackSlotKind,
22use std::collections::HashMap;
23use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
24use std::str::FromStr;
25use std::sync::LazyLock;
26use target_lexicon::{Architecture, Triple};
28type BlockSignature = Vec<Type>;
30fn insert_opcode(
31    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
32    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
33    opcode: Opcode,
34    args: &[Type],
35    rets: &[Type],
36) -> Result<()> {
37    let mut vals = Vec::with_capacity(args.len());
38    for &arg in args.into_iter() {
39        let var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(arg)?;
40        let val = builder.use_var(var);
41        vals.push(val);
42    }
44    // Some opcodes require us to look at their input arguments to determine the
45    // controlling type. This is not the general case, but we can neatly check this
46    // using `requires_typevar_operand`.
47    let ctrl_type = if opcode.constraints().requires_typevar_operand() {
48        args.first()
49    } else {
50        rets.first()
51    }
52    .copied()
53    .unwrap_or(INVALID);
55    // Choose the appropriate instruction format for this opcode
56    let (inst, dfg) = match opcode.format() {
57        InstructionFormat::NullAry => builder.ins().NullAry(opcode, ctrl_type),
58        InstructionFormat::Unary => builder.ins().Unary(opcode, ctrl_type, vals[0]),
59        InstructionFormat::Binary => builder.ins().Binary(opcode, ctrl_type, vals[0], vals[1]),
60        InstructionFormat::Ternary => builder
61            .ins()
62            .Ternary(opcode, ctrl_type, vals[0], vals[1], vals[2]),
63        _ => unimplemented!(),
64    };
65    let results = dfg.inst_results(inst).to_vec();
67    for (val, &ty) in results.into_iter().zip(rets) {
68        let var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(ty)?;
69        builder.def_var(var, val);
70    }
71    Ok(())
74fn insert_call_to_function(
75    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
76    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
77    call_opcode: Opcode,
78    sig: &Signature,
79    sig_ref: SigRef,
80    func_ref: FuncRef,
81) -> Result<()> {
82    let actuals = fgen.generate_values_for_signature(
83        builder,
84        sig.params.iter().map(|abi_param| abi_param.value_type),
85    )?;
87    let addr_ty = fgen.isa.pointer_type();
88    let call = match call_opcode {
89        Opcode::Call => builder.ins().call(func_ref, &actuals),
90        Opcode::ReturnCall => builder.ins().return_call(func_ref, &actuals),
91        Opcode::CallIndirect => {
92            let addr = builder.ins().func_addr(addr_ty, func_ref);
93            builder.ins().call_indirect(sig_ref, addr, &actuals)
94        }
95        Opcode::ReturnCallIndirect => {
96            let addr = builder.ins().func_addr(addr_ty, func_ref);
97            builder.ins().return_call_indirect(sig_ref, addr, &actuals)
98        }
99        _ => unreachable!(),
100    };
102    // Assign the return values to random variables
103    let ret_values = builder.inst_results(call).to_vec();
104    let ret_types = sig.returns.iter().map(|p| p.value_type);
105    for (ty, val) in {
106        let var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(ty)?;
107        builder.def_var(var, val);
108    }
110    Ok(())
113fn insert_call(
114    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
115    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
116    opcode: Opcode,
117    _args: &[Type],
118    _rets: &[Type],
119) -> Result<()> {
120    assert!(matches!(opcode, Opcode::Call | Opcode::CallIndirect));
121    let (sig, sig_ref, func_ref) = fgen.u.choose(&fgen.resources.func_refs)?.clone();
123    insert_call_to_function(fgen, builder, opcode, &sig, sig_ref, func_ref)
126fn insert_stack_load(
127    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
128    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
129    _opcode: Opcode,
130    _args: &[Type],
131    rets: &[Type],
132) -> Result<()> {
133    let typevar = rets[0];
134    let type_size = typevar.bytes();
135    let (slot, slot_size, _align, category) = fgen.stack_slot_with_size(type_size)?;
137    // `stack_load` doesn't support setting MemFlags, and it does not set any
138    // alias analysis bits, so we can only emit it for `Other` slots.
139    if category != AACategory::Other {
140        return Err(arbitrary::Error::IncorrectFormat.into());
141    }
143    let offset = fgen.u.int_in_range(0..=(slot_size - type_size))? as i32;
145    let val = builder.ins().stack_load(typevar, slot, offset);
146    let var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(typevar)?;
147    builder.def_var(var, val);
149    Ok(())
152fn insert_stack_store(
153    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
154    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
155    _opcode: Opcode,
156    args: &[Type],
157    _rets: &[Type],
158) -> Result<()> {
159    let typevar = args[0];
160    let type_size = typevar.bytes();
162    let (slot, slot_size, _align, category) = fgen.stack_slot_with_size(type_size)?;
164    // `stack_store` doesn't support setting MemFlags, and it does not set any
165    // alias analysis bits, so we can only emit it for `Other` slots.
166    if category != AACategory::Other {
167        return Err(arbitrary::Error::IncorrectFormat.into());
168    }
170    let offset = fgen.u.int_in_range(0..=(slot_size - type_size))? as i32;
172    let arg0 = fgen.get_variable_of_type(typevar)?;
173    let arg0 = builder.use_var(arg0);
175    builder.ins().stack_store(arg0, slot, offset);
176    Ok(())
179fn insert_cmp(
180    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
181    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
182    opcode: Opcode,
183    args: &[Type],
184    rets: &[Type],
185) -> Result<()> {
186    let lhs = fgen.get_variable_of_type(args[0])?;
187    let lhs = builder.use_var(lhs);
189    let rhs = fgen.get_variable_of_type(args[1])?;
190    let rhs = builder.use_var(rhs);
192    let res = if opcode == Opcode::Fcmp {
193        let cc = *fgen.u.choose(FloatCC::all())?;
195        // We filter out condition codes that aren't supported by the target at
196        // this point after randomly choosing one, instead of randomly choosing a
197        // supported one, to avoid invalidating the corpus when these get implemented.
198        let unimplemented_cc = match (fgen.isa.triple().architecture, cc) {
199            // Some FloatCC's are not implemented on AArch64, see:
200            //
201            (Architecture::Aarch64(_), FloatCC::OrderedNotEqual) => true,
202            (Architecture::Aarch64(_), FloatCC::UnorderedOrEqual) => true,
203            (Architecture::Aarch64(_), FloatCC::UnorderedOrLessThan) => true,
204            (Architecture::Aarch64(_), FloatCC::UnorderedOrLessThanOrEqual) => true,
205            (Architecture::Aarch64(_), FloatCC::UnorderedOrGreaterThan) => true,
206            (Architecture::Aarch64(_), FloatCC::UnorderedOrGreaterThanOrEqual) => true,
208            // These are not implemented on x86_64, for vectors.
209            (Architecture::X86_64, FloatCC::UnorderedOrEqual | FloatCC::OrderedNotEqual) => {
210                args[0].is_vector()
211            }
212            _ => false,
213        };
214        if unimplemented_cc {
215            return Err(arbitrary::Error::IncorrectFormat.into());
216        }
218        builder.ins().fcmp(cc, lhs, rhs)
219    } else {
220        let cc = *fgen.u.choose(IntCC::all())?;
221        builder.ins().icmp(cc, lhs, rhs)
222    };
224    let var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(rets[0])?;
225    builder.def_var(var, res);
227    Ok(())
230fn insert_const(
231    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
232    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
233    _opcode: Opcode,
234    _args: &[Type],
235    rets: &[Type],
236) -> Result<()> {
237    let typevar = rets[0];
238    let var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(typevar)?;
239    let val = fgen.generate_const(builder, typevar)?;
240    builder.def_var(var, val);
241    Ok(())
244fn insert_bitcast(
245    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
246    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
247    args: &[Type],
248    rets: &[Type],
249) -> Result<()> {
250    let from_var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(args[0])?;
251    let from_val = builder.use_var(from_var);
253    let to_var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(rets[0])?;
255    // TODO: We can generate little/big endian flags here.
256    let mut memflags = MemFlags::new();
258    // When bitcasting between vectors of different lane counts, we need to
259    // specify the endianness.
260    if args[0].lane_count() != rets[0].lane_count() {
261        memflags.set_endianness(Endianness::Little);
262    }
264    let res = builder.ins().bitcast(rets[0], memflags, from_val);
265    builder.def_var(to_var, res);
266    Ok(())
269fn insert_load_store(
270    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
271    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
272    opcode: Opcode,
273    args: &[Type],
274    rets: &[Type],
275) -> Result<()> {
276    if opcode == Opcode::Bitcast {
277        return insert_bitcast(fgen, builder, args, rets);
278    }
280    let ctrl_type = *rets.first().or(args.first()).unwrap();
281    let type_size = ctrl_type.bytes();
283    let is_atomic = [Opcode::AtomicLoad, Opcode::AtomicStore].contains(&opcode);
284    let (address, flags, offset) =
285        fgen.generate_address_and_memflags(builder, type_size, is_atomic)?;
287    // The variable being loaded or stored into
288    let var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(ctrl_type)?;
290    match opcode.format() {
291        InstructionFormat::LoadNoOffset => {
292            let (inst, dfg) = builder
293                .ins()
294                .LoadNoOffset(opcode, ctrl_type, flags, address);
296            let new_val = dfg.first_result(inst);
297            builder.def_var(var, new_val);
298        }
299        InstructionFormat::StoreNoOffset => {
300            let val = builder.use_var(var);
302            builder
303                .ins()
304                .StoreNoOffset(opcode, ctrl_type, flags, val, address);
305        }
306        InstructionFormat::Store => {
307            let val = builder.use_var(var);
309            builder
310                .ins()
311                .Store(opcode, ctrl_type, flags, offset, val, address);
312        }
313        InstructionFormat::Load => {
314            let (inst, dfg) = builder
315                .ins()
316                .Load(opcode, ctrl_type, flags, offset, address);
318            let new_val = dfg.first_result(inst);
319            builder.def_var(var, new_val);
320        }
321        _ => unimplemented!(),
322    }
324    Ok(())
327fn insert_atomic_rmw(
328    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
329    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
330    _: Opcode,
331    _: &[Type],
332    rets: &[Type],
333) -> Result<()> {
334    let ctrl_type = *rets.first().unwrap();
335    let type_size = ctrl_type.bytes();
337    let rmw_op = *fgen.u.choose(AtomicRmwOp::all())?;
339    let (address, flags, offset) = fgen.generate_address_and_memflags(builder, type_size, true)?;
341    // AtomicRMW does not directly support offsets, so add the offset to the address separately.
342    let address = builder.ins().iadd_imm(address, i64::from(offset));
344    // Load and store target variables
345    let source_var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(ctrl_type)?;
346    let target_var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(ctrl_type)?;
348    let source_val = builder.use_var(source_var);
349    let new_val = builder
350        .ins()
351        .atomic_rmw(ctrl_type, flags, rmw_op, address, source_val);
353    builder.def_var(target_var, new_val);
354    Ok(())
357fn insert_atomic_cas(
358    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
359    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
360    _: Opcode,
361    _: &[Type],
362    rets: &[Type],
363) -> Result<()> {
364    let ctrl_type = *rets.first().unwrap();
365    let type_size = ctrl_type.bytes();
367    let (address, flags, offset) = fgen.generate_address_and_memflags(builder, type_size, true)?;
369    // AtomicCas does not directly support offsets, so add the offset to the address separately.
370    let address = builder.ins().iadd_imm(address, i64::from(offset));
372    // Source and Target variables
373    let expected_var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(ctrl_type)?;
374    let store_var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(ctrl_type)?;
375    let loaded_var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(ctrl_type)?;
377    let expected_val = builder.use_var(expected_var);
378    let store_val = builder.use_var(store_var);
379    let new_val = builder
380        .ins()
381        .atomic_cas(flags, address, expected_val, store_val);
383    builder.def_var(loaded_var, new_val);
384    Ok(())
387fn insert_shuffle(
388    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
389    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
390    opcode: Opcode,
391    _: &[Type],
392    rets: &[Type],
393) -> Result<()> {
394    let ctrl_type = *rets.first().unwrap();
396    let lhs = builder.use_var(fgen.get_variable_of_type(ctrl_type)?);
397    let rhs = builder.use_var(fgen.get_variable_of_type(ctrl_type)?);
399    let mask = {
400        let mut lanes = [0u8; 16];
401        for lane in lanes.iter_mut() {
402            *lane = fgen.u.int_in_range(0..=31)?;
403        }
404        let lanes = ConstantData::from(lanes.as_ref());
405        builder.func.dfg.immediates.push(lanes)
406    };
408    // This function is called for any `InstructionFormat::Shuffle`. Which today is just
409    // `shuffle`, but lets assert that, just to be sure we don't accidentally insert
410    // something else.
411    assert_eq!(opcode, Opcode::Shuffle);
412    let res = builder.ins().shuffle(lhs, rhs, mask);
414    let target_var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(ctrl_type)?;
415    builder.def_var(target_var, res);
417    Ok(())
420fn insert_ins_ext_lane(
421    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
422    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
423    opcode: Opcode,
424    args: &[Type],
425    rets: &[Type],
426) -> Result<()> {
427    let vector_type = *args.first().unwrap();
428    let ret_type = *rets.first().unwrap();
430    let lhs = builder.use_var(fgen.get_variable_of_type(vector_type)?);
431    let max_lane = (vector_type.lane_count() as u8) - 1;
432    let lane = fgen.u.int_in_range(0..=max_lane)?;
434    let res = match opcode {
435        Opcode::Insertlane => {
436            let rhs = builder.use_var(fgen.get_variable_of_type(args[1])?);
437            builder.ins().insertlane(lhs, rhs, lane)
438        }
439        Opcode::Extractlane => builder.ins().extractlane(lhs, lane),
440        _ => todo!(),
441    };
443    let target_var = fgen.get_variable_of_type(ret_type)?;
444    builder.def_var(target_var, res);
446    Ok(())
449type OpcodeInserter = fn(
450    fgen: &mut FunctionGenerator,
451    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
452    Opcode,
453    &[Type],
454    &[Type],
455) -> Result<()>;
457macro_rules! exceptions {
458    ($op:expr, $args:expr, $rets:expr, $(($($cases:pat),*)),* $(,)?) => {
459        match ($op, $args, $rets) {
460            $( ($($cases,)* ..) => return false, )*
461            _ => true,
462        }
463    }
466/// Returns true if we believe this `OpcodeSignature` should compile correctly
467/// for the given target triple. We currently have a range of known issues
468/// with specific lowerings on specific backends, and we don't want to get
469/// fuzz bug reports for those. Over time our goal is to eliminate all of these
470/// exceptions.
471fn valid_for_target(triple: &Triple, op: Opcode, args: &[Type], rets: &[Type]) -> bool {
472    // Rule out invalid combinations that we don't yet have a good way of rejecting with the
473    // instruction DSL type constraints.
474    match op {
475        Opcode::FcvtToUintSat | Opcode::FcvtToSintSat => {
476            assert_eq!(args.len(), 1);
477            assert_eq!(rets.len(), 1);
479            let arg = args[0];
480            let ret = rets[0];
482            // Vector arguments must produce vector results, and scalar arguments must produce
483            // scalar results.
484            if arg.is_vector() != ret.is_vector() {
485                return false;
486            }
488            if arg.is_vector() && ret.is_vector() {
489                // Vector conversions must have the same number of lanes, and the lanes must be the
490                // same bit-width.
491                if arg.lane_count() != ret.lane_count() {
492                    return false;
493                }
495                if arg.lane_of().bits() != ret.lane_of().bits() {
496                    return false;
497                }
498            }
499        }
501        Opcode::Bitcast => {
502            assert_eq!(args.len(), 1);
503            assert_eq!(rets.len(), 1);
505            let arg = args[0];
506            let ret = rets[0];
508            // The opcode generator still allows bitcasts between different sized types, but these
509            // are rejected in the verifier.
510            if arg.bits() != ret.bits() {
511                return false;
512            }
513        }
515        // This requires precise runtime integration so it's not supported at
516        // all in fuzzgen just yet.
517        Opcode::StackSwitch => return false,
519        _ => {}
520    }
522    match triple.architecture {
523        Architecture::X86_64 => {
524            exceptions!(
525                op,
526                args,
527                rets,
528                (Opcode::UmulOverflow | Opcode::SmulOverflow, &[I128, I128]),
529                (Opcode::Imul, &[I8X16, I8X16]),
530                //
531                (Opcode::Udiv | Opcode::Sdiv, &[I128, I128]),
532                //
533                (Opcode::Urem | Opcode::Srem, &[I128, I128]),
534                //
535                (
536                    Opcode::Smin | Opcode::Umin | Opcode::Smax | Opcode::Umax,
537                    &[I128, I128]
538                ),
539                //
540                (Opcode::Cls, &[I8], &[I8]),
541                (Opcode::Cls, &[I16], &[I16]),
542                (Opcode::Cls, &[I32], &[I32]),
543                (Opcode::Cls, &[I64], &[I64]),
544                (Opcode::Cls, &[I128], &[I128]),
545                // TODO
546                (Opcode::Bitselect, &[_, _, _], &[F32 | F64]),
547                //
548                //
549                (
550                    Opcode::FcvtToUint
551                        | Opcode::FcvtToUintSat
552                        | Opcode::FcvtToSint
553                        | Opcode::FcvtToSintSat,
554                    &[F32 | F64],
555                    &[I8 | I16 | I128]
556                ),
557                (Opcode::FcvtToUint | Opcode::FcvtToSint, &[F32X4], &[I32X4]),
558                (
559                    Opcode::FcvtToUint
560                        | Opcode::FcvtToUintSat
561                        | Opcode::FcvtToSint
562                        | Opcode::FcvtToSintSat,
563                    &[F64X2],
564                    &[I64X2]
565                ),
566                //
567                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I128], &[F32 | F64]),
568                // This has a lowering, but only when preceded by `uwiden_low`.
569                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I64X2], &[F64X2]),
570                //
571                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I128], &[F32 | F64]),
572                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I64X2], &[F64X2]),
573                (
574                    Opcode::Umulhi | Opcode::Smulhi,
575                    &([I8X16, I8X16] | [I16X8, I16X8] | [I32X4, I32X4] | [I64X2, I64X2])
576                ),
577                (
578                    Opcode::UaddSat | Opcode::SaddSat | Opcode::UsubSat | Opcode::SsubSat,
579                    &([I32X4, I32X4] | [I64X2, I64X2])
580                ),
581                (Opcode::Fcopysign, &([F32X4, F32X4] | [F64X2, F64X2])),
582                (Opcode::Popcnt, &([I8X16] | [I16X8] | [I32X4] | [I64X2])),
583                (
584                    Opcode::Umax | Opcode::Smax | Opcode::Umin | Opcode::Smin,
585                    &[I64X2, I64X2]
586                ),
587                //
588                (Opcode::Bitcast, &[I128], &[_]),
589                (Opcode::Bitcast, &[_], &[I128]),
590                (Opcode::Uunarrow),
591                (Opcode::Snarrow | Opcode::Unarrow, &[I64X2, I64X2]),
592                (Opcode::SqmulRoundSat, &[I32X4, I32X4]),
593                // This Icmp is not implemented: #5529
594                (Opcode::Icmp, &[I64X2, I64X2]),
595                // IaddPairwise is implemented, but only for some types, and with some preceding ops.
596                (Opcode::IaddPairwise),
597                // Nothing wrong with this select. But we have an isle rule that can optimize it
598                // into a `min`/`max` instructions, which we don't have implemented yet.
599                (Opcode::Select, &[_, I128, I128]),
600                // These stack accesses can cause segfaults if they are merged into an SSE instruction.
601                // See: #5922
602                (
603                    Opcode::StackStore,
604                    &[I8X16 | I16X8 | I32X4 | I64X2 | F32X4 | F64X2]
605                ),
606                (
607                    Opcode::StackLoad,
608                    &[],
609                    &[I8X16 | I16X8 | I32X4 | I64X2 | F32X4 | F64X2]
610                ),
611                // TODO
612                (
613                    Opcode::Sshr | Opcode::Ushr | Opcode::Ishl,
614                    &[I8X16 | I16X8 | I32X4 | I64X2, I128]
615                ),
616                (
617                    Opcode::Rotr | Opcode::Rotl,
618                    &[I8X16 | I16X8 | I32X4 | I64X2, _]
619                ),
620            )
621        }
623        Architecture::Aarch64(_) => {
624            exceptions!(
625                op,
626                args,
627                rets,
628                (Opcode::UmulOverflow | Opcode::SmulOverflow, &[I128, I128]),
629                //
630                (Opcode::Udiv | Opcode::Sdiv, &[I128, I128]),
631                //
632                (Opcode::Urem | Opcode::Srem, &[I128, I128]),
633                //
634                (
635                    Opcode::Smin | Opcode::Umin | Opcode::Smax | Opcode::Umax,
636                    &[I128, I128]
637                ),
638                //
639                (Opcode::Bnot, &[F32 | F64]),
640                (
641                    Opcode::Band
642                        | Opcode::Bor
643                        | Opcode::Bxor
644                        | Opcode::BandNot
645                        | Opcode::BorNot
646                        | Opcode::BxorNot,
647                    &([F32, F32] | [F64, F64])
648                ),
649                //
650                (Opcode::Bitselect, &[I128, I128, I128]),
651                //
652                (
653                    Opcode::FcvtToUint
654                        | Opcode::FcvtToUintSat
655                        | Opcode::FcvtToSint
656                        | Opcode::FcvtToSintSat,
657                    &[F32 | F64],
658                    &[I128]
659                ),
660                //
661                (
662                    Opcode::FcvtFromUint | Opcode::FcvtFromSint,
663                    &[I128],
664                    &[F32 | F64]
665                ),
666                (
667                    Opcode::Umulhi | Opcode::Smulhi,
668                    &([I8X16, I8X16] | [I16X8, I16X8] | [I32X4, I32X4] | [I64X2, I64X2])
669                ),
670                (Opcode::Popcnt, &[I16X8 | I32X4 | I64X2]),
671                // Nothing wrong with this select. But we have an isle rule that can optimize it
672                // into a `min`/`max` instructions, which we don't have implemented yet.
673                (Opcode::Select, &[I8, I128, I128]),
674                //
675                (Opcode::Bitcast, &[I128], &[_]),
676                (Opcode::Bitcast, &[_], &[I128]),
677                // TODO
678                (
679                    Opcode::Sshr | Opcode::Ushr | Opcode::Ishl,
680                    &[I8X16 | I16X8 | I32X4 | I64X2, I128]
681                ),
682                (
683                    Opcode::Rotr | Opcode::Rotl,
684                    &[I8X16 | I16X8 | I32X4 | I64X2, _]
685                ),
686                // TODO
687                (Opcode::Bitselect, &[_, _, _], &[F32 | F64]),
688                (Opcode::VhighBits, &[F32X4 | F64X2]),
689            )
690        }
692        Architecture::S390x => {
693            exceptions!(
694                op,
695                args,
696                rets,
697                (Opcode::UaddOverflow | Opcode::SaddOverflow),
698                (Opcode::UsubOverflow | Opcode::SsubOverflow),
699                (Opcode::UmulOverflow | Opcode::SmulOverflow),
700                (
701                    Opcode::Udiv | Opcode::Sdiv | Opcode::Urem | Opcode::Srem,
702                    &[I128, I128]
703                ),
704                (Opcode::Bnot, &[F32 | F64]),
705                (
706                    Opcode::Band
707                        | Opcode::Bor
708                        | Opcode::Bxor
709                        | Opcode::BandNot
710                        | Opcode::BorNot
711                        | Opcode::BxorNot,
712                    &([F32, F32] | [F64, F64])
713                ),
714                (
715                    Opcode::FcvtToUint
716                        | Opcode::FcvtToUintSat
717                        | Opcode::FcvtToSint
718                        | Opcode::FcvtToSintSat,
719                    &[F32 | F64],
720                    &[I128]
721                ),
722                (
723                    Opcode::FcvtFromUint | Opcode::FcvtFromSint,
724                    &[I128],
725                    &[F32 | F64]
726                ),
727                (Opcode::SsubSat | Opcode::SaddSat, &[I64X2, I64X2]),
728                //
729                (Opcode::Bitcast, &[I128], &[_]),
730                (Opcode::Bitcast, &[_], &[I128]),
731                // TODO
732                (Opcode::Bitselect, &[_, _, _], &[F32 | F64]),
733            )
734        }
736        Architecture::Riscv64(_) => {
737            exceptions!(
738                op,
739                args,
740                rets,
741                // TODO
742                (Opcode::UaddOverflow | Opcode::SaddOverflow),
743                (Opcode::UsubOverflow | Opcode::SsubOverflow),
744                (Opcode::UmulOverflow | Opcode::SmulOverflow),
745                // TODO
746                (
747                    Opcode::Udiv | Opcode::Sdiv | Opcode::Urem | Opcode::Srem,
748                    &[I128, I128]
749                ),
750                // TODO
751                (Opcode::Iabs, &[I128]),
752                // TODO
753                (Opcode::Bitselect, &[I128, I128, I128]),
754                //
755                (
756                    Opcode::FcvtToUint | Opcode::FcvtToSint,
757                    [F32 | F64],
758                    &[I128]
759                ),
760                (
761                    Opcode::FcvtToUintSat | Opcode::FcvtToSintSat,
762                    &[F32 | F64],
763                    &[I128]
764                ),
765                //
766                (
767                    Opcode::FcvtFromUint | Opcode::FcvtFromSint,
768                    &[I128],
769                    &[F32 | F64]
770                ),
771                // TODO
772                (
773                    Opcode::SelectSpectreGuard,
774                    &[_, _, _],
775                    &[F32 | F64 | I8X16 | I16X8 | I32X4 | I64X2 | F64X2 | F32X4]
776                ),
777                // TODO
778                (Opcode::Bitselect, &[_, _, _], &[F32 | F64]),
779                (
780                    Opcode::Rotr | Opcode::Rotl,
781                    &[I8X16 | I16X8 | I32X4 | I64X2, _]
782                ),
783            )
784        }
786        _ => true,
787    }
790type OpcodeSignature = (Opcode, Vec<Type>, Vec<Type>);
792static OPCODE_SIGNATURES: LazyLock<Vec<OpcodeSignature>> = LazyLock::new(|| {
793    let types = &[
794        I8, I16, I32, I64, I128, // Scalar Integers
795        F32, F64, // Scalar Floats
796        I8X16, I16X8, I32X4, I64X2, // SIMD Integers
797        F32X4, F64X2, // SIMD Floats
798    ];
800    // When this env variable is passed, we only generate instructions for the opcodes listed in
801    // the comma-separated list. This is useful for debugging, as it allows us to focus on a few
802    // specific opcodes.
803    let allowed_opcodes = std::env::var("FUZZGEN_ALLOWED_OPS").ok().map(|s| {
804        s.split(',')
805            .map(|s| s.trim())
806            .filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
807            .map(|s| Opcode::from_str(s).expect("Unrecoginzed opcode"))
808            .collect::<Vec<_>>()
809    });
811    Opcode::all()
812        .iter()
813        .filter(|op| {
814            match op {
815                // Control flow opcodes should not be generated through `generate_instructions`.
816                Opcode::BrTable
817                | Opcode::Brif
818                | Opcode::Jump
819                | Opcode::Return
820                | Opcode::ReturnCall
821                | Opcode::ReturnCallIndirect => false,
823                // Constants are generated outside of `generate_instructions`
824                Opcode::Iconst => false,
826                // TODO: extract_vector raises exceptions during return type generation because it
827                // uses dynamic vectors.
828                Opcode::ExtractVector => false,
830                _ => true,
831            }
832        })
833        .flat_map(|op| {
834            let constraints = op.constraints();
836            let ctrl_types = if let Some(ctrls) = constraints.ctrl_typeset() {
837                Vec::from_iter(types.iter().copied().filter(|ty| ctrls.contains(*ty)))
838            } else {
839                vec![INVALID]
840            };
842            ctrl_types.into_iter().flat_map(move |ctrl_type| {
843                let rets = Vec::from_iter(
844                    (0..constraints.num_fixed_results())
845                        .map(|i| constraints.result_type(i, ctrl_type)),
846                );
848                // Cols is a vector whose length will match `num_fixed_value_arguments`, and whose
849                // elements will be vectors of types that are valid for that fixed argument
850                // position.
851                let mut cols = vec![];
853                for i in 0..constraints.num_fixed_value_arguments() {
854                    match constraints.value_argument_constraint(i, ctrl_type) {
855                        ResolvedConstraint::Bound(ty) => cols.push(Vec::from([ty])),
856                        ResolvedConstraint::Free(tys) => cols.push(Vec::from_iter(
857                            types.iter().copied().filter(|ty| tys.contains(*ty)),
858                        )),
859                    }
860                }
862                // Generate the cartesian product of cols to produce a vector of argument lists,
863                // argss. The argss vector is seeded with the empty argument list, so there's an
864                // initial value to be extended in the loop below.
865                let mut argss = vec![vec![]];
866                let mut cols = cols.as_slice();
867                while let Some((col, rest)) = cols.split_last() {
868                    cols = rest;
870                    let mut next = vec![];
871                    for current in argss.iter() {
872                        // Extend the front of each argument candidate with every type in `col`.
873                        for ty in col {
874                            let mut args = vec![*ty];
875                            args.extend_from_slice(&current);
876                            next.push(args);
877                        }
878                    }
880                    let _ = std::mem::replace(&mut argss, next);
881                }
883                argss.into_iter().map(move |args| (*op, args, rets.clone()))
884            })
885        })
886        .filter(|(op, args, rets)| {
887            // These op/signature combinations need to be vetted
888            exceptions!(
889                op,
890                args.as_slice(),
891                rets.as_slice(),
892                (Opcode::Debugtrap),
893                (Opcode::Trap),
894                (Opcode::Trapz),
895                (Opcode::Trapnz),
896                (Opcode::CallIndirect, &[I32]),
897                (Opcode::FuncAddr),
898                (Opcode::X86Pshufb),
899                (Opcode::AvgRound),
900                (Opcode::Uload8x8),
901                (Opcode::Sload8x8),
902                (Opcode::Uload16x4),
903                (Opcode::Sload16x4),
904                (Opcode::Uload32x2),
905                (Opcode::Sload32x2),
906                (Opcode::StackAddr),
907                (Opcode::DynamicStackLoad),
908                (Opcode::DynamicStackStore),
909                (Opcode::DynamicStackAddr),
910                (Opcode::GlobalValue),
911                (Opcode::SymbolValue),
912                (Opcode::TlsValue),
913                (Opcode::GetPinnedReg),
914                (Opcode::SetPinnedReg),
915                (Opcode::GetFramePointer),
916                (Opcode::GetStackPointer),
917                (Opcode::GetReturnAddress),
918                (Opcode::X86Blendv),
919                (Opcode::IcmpImm),
920                (Opcode::X86Pmulhrsw),
921                (Opcode::IaddImm),
922                (Opcode::ImulImm),
923                (Opcode::UdivImm),
924                (Opcode::SdivImm),
925                (Opcode::UremImm),
926                (Opcode::SremImm),
927                (Opcode::IrsubImm),
928                (Opcode::UaddOverflowCin),
929                (Opcode::SaddOverflowCin),
930                (Opcode::UaddOverflowTrap),
931                (Opcode::UsubOverflowBin),
932                (Opcode::SsubOverflowBin),
933                (Opcode::BandImm),
934                (Opcode::BorImm),
935                (Opcode::BxorImm),
936                (Opcode::RotlImm),
937                (Opcode::RotrImm),
938                (Opcode::IshlImm),
939                (Opcode::UshrImm),
940                (Opcode::SshrImm),
941                (Opcode::ScalarToVector),
942                (Opcode::X86Pmaddubsw),
943                (Opcode::X86Cvtt2dq),
944                (Opcode::Umulhi, &[I128, I128], &[I128]),
945                (Opcode::Smulhi, &[I128, I128], &[I128]),
946                //
947                (Opcode::Iconcat, &[I32, I32], &[I64]),
948                (Opcode::Iconcat, &[I16, I16], &[I32]),
949                (Opcode::Iconcat, &[I8, I8], &[I16]),
950                //
951                (Opcode::Isplit, &[I64], &[I32, I32]),
952                (Opcode::Isplit, &[I32], &[I16, I16]),
953                (Opcode::Isplit, &[I16], &[I8, I8]),
954                (Opcode::Fmin, &[F32X4, F32X4], &[F32X4]),
955                (Opcode::Fmin, &[F64X2, F64X2], &[F64X2]),
956                (Opcode::Fmax, &[F32X4, F32X4], &[F32X4]),
957                (Opcode::Fmax, &[F64X2, F64X2], &[F64X2]),
958                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32X4], &[I8]),
959                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64X2], &[I8]),
960                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32X4], &[I16]),
961                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64X2], &[I16]),
962                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32X4], &[I32]),
963                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64X2], &[I32]),
964                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32X4], &[I64]),
965                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64X2], &[I64]),
966                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32X4], &[I128]),
967                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64X2], &[I128]),
968                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32], &[I8X16]),
969                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64], &[I8X16]),
970                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32X4], &[I8X16]),
971                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64X2], &[I8X16]),
972                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32], &[I16X8]),
973                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64], &[I16X8]),
974                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32X4], &[I16X8]),
975                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64X2], &[I16X8]),
976                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32], &[I32X4]),
977                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64], &[I32X4]),
978                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64X2], &[I32X4]),
979                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32], &[I64X2]),
980                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F64], &[I64X2]),
981                (Opcode::FcvtToUintSat, &[F32X4], &[I64X2]),
982                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32X4], &[I8]),
983                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64X2], &[I8]),
984                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32X4], &[I16]),
985                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64X2], &[I16]),
986                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32X4], &[I32]),
987                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64X2], &[I32]),
988                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32X4], &[I64]),
989                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64X2], &[I64]),
990                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32X4], &[I128]),
991                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64X2], &[I128]),
992                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32], &[I8X16]),
993                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64], &[I8X16]),
994                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32X4], &[I8X16]),
995                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64X2], &[I8X16]),
996                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32], &[I16X8]),
997                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64], &[I16X8]),
998                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32X4], &[I16X8]),
999                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64X2], &[I16X8]),
1000                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32], &[I32X4]),
1001                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64], &[I32X4]),
1002                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64X2], &[I32X4]),
1003                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32], &[I64X2]),
1004                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F64], &[I64X2]),
1005                (Opcode::FcvtToSintSat, &[F32X4], &[I64X2]),
1006                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I8X16], &[F32]),
1007                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I16X8], &[F32]),
1008                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I32X4], &[F32]),
1009                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I64X2], &[F32]),
1010                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I8X16], &[F64]),
1011                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I16X8], &[F64]),
1012                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I32X4], &[F64]),
1013                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I64X2], &[F64]),
1014                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I8], &[F32X4]),
1015                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I16], &[F32X4]),
1016                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I32], &[F32X4]),
1017                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I64], &[F32X4]),
1018                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I128], &[F32X4]),
1019                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I8X16], &[F32X4]),
1020                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I16X8], &[F32X4]),
1021                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I64X2], &[F32X4]),
1022                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I8], &[F64X2]),
1023                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I16], &[F64X2]),
1024                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I32], &[F64X2]),
1025                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I64], &[F64X2]),
1026                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I128], &[F64X2]),
1027                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I8X16], &[F64X2]),
1028                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I16X8], &[F64X2]),
1029                (Opcode::FcvtFromUint, &[I32X4], &[F64X2]),
1030                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I8X16], &[F32]),
1031                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I16X8], &[F32]),
1032                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I32X4], &[F32]),
1033                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I64X2], &[F32]),
1034                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I8X16], &[F64]),
1035                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I16X8], &[F64]),
1036                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I32X4], &[F64]),
1037                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I64X2], &[F64]),
1038                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I8], &[F32X4]),
1039                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I16], &[F32X4]),
1040                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I32], &[F32X4]),
1041                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I64], &[F32X4]),
1042                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I128], &[F32X4]),
1043                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I8X16], &[F32X4]),
1044                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I16X8], &[F32X4]),
1045                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I64X2], &[F32X4]),
1046                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I8], &[F64X2]),
1047                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I16], &[F64X2]),
1048                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I32], &[F64X2]),
1049                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I64], &[F64X2]),
1050                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I128], &[F64X2]),
1051                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I8X16], &[F64X2]),
1052                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I16X8], &[F64X2]),
1053                (Opcode::FcvtFromSint, &[I32X4], &[F64X2]),
1054                // Only supported on x64 with a feature at this time, so 128-bit
1055                // atomics are not suitable to fuzz yet.
1056                (Opcode::AtomicRmw, _, &[I128]),
1057                (Opcode::AtomicCas, _, &[I128]),
1058                (Opcode::AtomicLoad, _, &[I128]),
1059                (Opcode::AtomicStore, &[I128, _], _),
1060            )
1061        })
1062        .filter(|(op, ..)| {
1063            allowed_opcodes
1064                .as_ref()
1065                .map_or(true, |opcodes| opcodes.contains(op))
1066        })
1067        .collect()
1070fn inserter_for_format(fmt: InstructionFormat) -> OpcodeInserter {
1071    match fmt {
1072        InstructionFormat::AtomicCas => insert_atomic_cas,
1073        InstructionFormat::AtomicRmw => insert_atomic_rmw,
1074        InstructionFormat::Binary => insert_opcode,
1075        InstructionFormat::BinaryImm64 => todo!(),
1076        InstructionFormat::BinaryImm8 => insert_ins_ext_lane,
1077        InstructionFormat::Call => insert_call,
1078        InstructionFormat::CallIndirect => insert_call,
1079        InstructionFormat::CondTrap => todo!(),
1080        InstructionFormat::DynamicStackLoad => todo!(),
1081        InstructionFormat::DynamicStackStore => todo!(),
1082        InstructionFormat::FloatCompare => insert_cmp,
1083        InstructionFormat::FuncAddr => todo!(),
1084        InstructionFormat::IntAddTrap => todo!(),
1085        InstructionFormat::IntCompare => insert_cmp,
1086        InstructionFormat::IntCompareImm => todo!(),
1087        InstructionFormat::Load => insert_load_store,
1088        InstructionFormat::LoadNoOffset => insert_load_store,
1089        InstructionFormat::NullAry => insert_opcode,
1090        InstructionFormat::Shuffle => insert_shuffle,
1091        InstructionFormat::StackLoad => insert_stack_load,
1092        InstructionFormat::StackStore => insert_stack_store,
1093        InstructionFormat::Store => insert_load_store,
1094        InstructionFormat::StoreNoOffset => insert_load_store,
1095        InstructionFormat::Ternary => insert_opcode,
1096        InstructionFormat::TernaryImm8 => insert_ins_ext_lane,
1097        InstructionFormat::Trap => todo!(),
1098        InstructionFormat::Unary => insert_opcode,
1099        InstructionFormat::UnaryConst => insert_const,
1100        InstructionFormat::UnaryGlobalValue => todo!(),
1101        InstructionFormat::UnaryIeee16 => insert_const,
1102        InstructionFormat::UnaryIeee32 => insert_const,
1103        InstructionFormat::UnaryIeee64 => insert_const,
1104        InstructionFormat::UnaryImm => insert_const,
1106        InstructionFormat::BranchTable
1107        | InstructionFormat::Brif
1108        | InstructionFormat::Jump
1109        | InstructionFormat::MultiAry => {
1110            panic!("Control-flow instructions should be handled by 'insert_terminator': {fmt:?}")
1111        }
1112    }
1115pub struct FunctionGenerator<'r, 'data>
1117    'data: 'r,
1119    u: &'r mut Unstructured<'data>,
1120    config: &'r Config,
1121    resources: Resources,
1122    isa: OwnedTargetIsa,
1123    name: UserFuncName,
1124    signature: Signature,
1127#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
1128enum BlockTerminator {
1129    Return,
1130    Jump(Block),
1131    Br(Block, Block),
1132    BrTable(Block, Vec<Block>),
1133    Switch(Type, Block, HashMap<u128, Block>),
1134    TailCall(FuncRef),
1135    TailCallIndirect(FuncRef),
1138#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
1139enum BlockTerminatorKind {
1140    Return,
1141    Jump,
1142    Br,
1143    BrTable,
1144    Switch,
1145    TailCall,
1146    TailCallIndirect,
1149/// Alias Analysis Category
1151/// Our alias analysis pass supports 4 categories of accesses to distinguish
1152/// different regions. The "Other" region is the general case, and is the default
1153/// Although they have highly suggestive names there is no difference between any
1154/// of the categories.
1156/// We assign each stack slot a category when we first generate them, and then
1157/// ensure that all accesses to that stack slot are correctly tagged. We already
1158/// ensure that memory accesses never cross stack slots, so there is no risk
1159/// of a memory access being tagged with the wrong category.
1160#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
1161enum AACategory {
1162    Other,
1163    Heap,
1164    Table,
1165    VmCtx,
1168impl AACategory {
1169    pub fn all() -> &'static [Self] {
1170        &[
1171            AACategory::Other,
1172            AACategory::Heap,
1173            AACategory::Table,
1174            AACategory::VmCtx,
1175        ]
1176    }
1178    pub fn update_memflags(&self, flags: &mut MemFlags) {
1179        flags.set_alias_region(match self {
1180            AACategory::Other => None,
1181            AACategory::Heap => Some(AliasRegion::Heap),
1182            AACategory::Table => Some(AliasRegion::Table),
1183            AACategory::VmCtx => Some(AliasRegion::Vmctx),
1184        })
1185    }
1188pub type StackAlignment = StackSize;
1191struct Resources {
1192    vars: HashMap<Type, Vec<Variable>>,
1193    blocks: Vec<(Block, BlockSignature)>,
1194    blocks_without_params: Vec<Block>,
1195    block_terminators: Vec<BlockTerminator>,
1196    func_refs: Vec<(Signature, SigRef, FuncRef)>,
1197    /// This field is required to be sorted by stack slot size at all times.
1198    /// We use this invariant when searching for stack slots with a given size.
1199    /// See [FunctionGenerator::stack_slot_with_size]
1200    stack_slots: Vec<(StackSlot, StackSize, StackAlignment, AACategory)>,
1201    usercalls: Vec<(UserExternalName, Signature)>,
1202    libcalls: Vec<LibCall>,
1205impl Resources {
1206    /// Partitions blocks at `block`. Only blocks that can be targeted by branches are considered.
1207    ///
1208    /// The first slice includes all blocks up to and including `block`.
1209    /// The second slice includes all remaining blocks.
1210    fn partition_target_blocks(
1211        &self,
1212        block: Block,
1213    ) -> (&[(Block, BlockSignature)], &[(Block, BlockSignature)]) {
1214        // Blocks are stored in-order and have no gaps, this means that we can simply index them by
1215        // their number. We also need to exclude the entry block since it isn't a valid target.
1216        let target_blocks = &self.blocks[1..];
1217        target_blocks.split_at(block.as_u32() as usize)
1218    }
1220    /// Returns blocks forward of `block`. Only blocks that can be targeted by branches are considered.
1221    fn forward_blocks(&self, block: Block) -> &[(Block, BlockSignature)] {
1222        let (_, forward_blocks) = self.partition_target_blocks(block);
1223        forward_blocks
1224    }
1226    /// Generates a slice of `blocks_without_params` ahead of `block`
1227    fn forward_blocks_without_params(&self, block: Block) -> &[Block] {
1228        let partition_point = self.blocks_without_params.partition_point(|b| *b <= block);
1229        &self.blocks_without_params[partition_point..]
1230    }
1232    /// Generates an iterator of all valid tail call targets. This includes all functions with both
1233    ///  the `tail` calling convention and the same return values as the caller.
1234    fn tail_call_targets<'a>(
1235        &'a self,
1236        caller_sig: &'a Signature,
1237    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a (Signature, SigRef, FuncRef)> {
1238        self.func_refs.iter().filter(|(sig, _, _)| {
1239            sig.call_conv == CallConv::Tail && sig.returns == caller_sig.returns
1240        })
1241    }
1244impl<'r, 'data> FunctionGenerator<'r, 'data>
1246    'data: 'r,
1248    pub fn new(
1249        u: &'r mut Unstructured<'data>,
1250        config: &'r Config,
1251        isa: OwnedTargetIsa,
1252        name: UserFuncName,
1253        signature: Signature,
1254        usercalls: Vec<(UserExternalName, Signature)>,
1255        libcalls: Vec<LibCall>,
1256    ) -> Self {
1257        Self {
1258            u,
1259            config,
1260            resources: Resources {
1261                usercalls,
1262                libcalls,
1263                ..Resources::default()
1264            },
1265            isa,
1266            name,
1267            signature,
1268        }
1269    }
1271    /// Generates a random value for config `param`
1272    fn param(&mut self, param: &RangeInclusive<usize>) -> Result<usize> {
1273        Ok(self.u.int_in_range(param.clone())?)
1274    }
1276    fn system_callconv(&mut self) -> CallConv {
1277        // TODO: This currently only runs on linux, so this is the only choice
1278        // We should improve this once we generate flags and targets
1279        CallConv::SystemV
1280    }
1282    /// Finds a stack slot with size of at least n bytes
1283    fn stack_slot_with_size(
1284        &mut self,
1285        n: u32,
1286    ) -> Result<(StackSlot, StackSize, StackAlignment, AACategory)> {
1287        let first = self
1288            .resources
1289            .stack_slots
1290            .partition_point(|&(_slot, size, _align, _category)| size < n);
1291        Ok(*self.u.choose(&self.resources.stack_slots[first..])?)
1292    }
1294    /// Generates an address that should allow for a store or a load.
1295    ///
1296    /// Addresses aren't generated like other values. They are never stored in variables so that
1297    /// we don't run the risk of returning them from a function, which would make the fuzzer
1298    /// complain since they are different from the interpreter to the backend.
1299    ///
1300    /// `min_size`: Controls the amount of space that the address should have.
1301    ///
1302    /// `aligned`: When passed as true, the resulting address is guaranteed to be aligned
1303    /// on an 8 byte boundary.
1304    ///
1305    /// Returns a valid address and the maximum possible offset that still respects `min_size`.
1306    fn generate_load_store_address(
1307        &mut self,
1308        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
1309        min_size: u32,
1310        aligned: bool,
1311    ) -> Result<(Value, u32, AACategory)> {
1312        // TODO: Currently our only source of addresses is stack_addr, but we
1313        // should add global_value, symbol_value eventually
1314        let (addr, available_size, category) = {
1315            let (ss, slot_size, _align, category) = self.stack_slot_with_size(min_size)?;
1317            // stack_slot_with_size guarantees that slot_size >= min_size
1318            let max_offset = slot_size - min_size;
1319            let offset = if aligned {
1320                self.u.int_in_range(0..=max_offset / min_size)? * min_size
1321            } else {
1322                self.u.int_in_range(0..=max_offset)?
1323            };
1325            let base_addr = builder.ins().stack_addr(I64, ss, offset as i32);
1326            let available_size = slot_size.saturating_sub(offset);
1327            (base_addr, available_size, category)
1328        };
1330        // TODO: Insert a bunch of amode opcodes here to modify the address!
1332        // Now that we have an address and a size, we just choose a random offset to return to the
1333        // caller. Preserving min_size bytes.
1334        let max_offset = available_size.saturating_sub(min_size);
1335        Ok((addr, max_offset, category))
1336    }
1338    // Generates an address and memflags for a load or store.
1339    fn generate_address_and_memflags(
1340        &mut self,
1341        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
1342        min_size: u32,
1343        is_atomic: bool,
1344    ) -> Result<(Value, MemFlags, Offset32)> {
1345        // Should we generate an aligned address
1346        // Some backends have issues with unaligned atomics.
1347        // AArch64:
1348        // RISCV:
1349        let requires_aligned_atomics = matches!(
1350            self.isa.triple().architecture,
1351            Architecture::Aarch64(_) | Architecture::Riscv64(_)
1352        );
1353        let aligned = if is_atomic && requires_aligned_atomics {
1354            true
1355        } else if min_size > 8 {
1356            // TODO: We currently can't guarantee that a stack_slot will be aligned on a 16 byte
1357            // boundary. We don't have a way to specify alignment when creating stack slots, and
1358            // cranelift only guarantees 8 byte alignment between stack slots.
1359            // See:
1360            false
1361        } else {
1362            bool::arbitrary(self.u)?
1363        };
1365        let mut flags = MemFlags::new();
1366        // Even if we picked an aligned address, we can always generate unaligned memflags
1367        if aligned && bool::arbitrary(self.u)? {
1368            flags.set_aligned();
1369        }
1370        // If the address is aligned, then we know it won't trap
1371        if aligned && bool::arbitrary(self.u)? {
1372            flags.set_notrap();
1373        }
1375        let (address, max_offset, category) =
1376            self.generate_load_store_address(builder, min_size, aligned)?;
1378        // Set the Alias Analysis bits on the memflags
1379        category.update_memflags(&mut flags);
1381        // Pick an offset to pass into the load/store.
1382        let offset = if aligned {
1383            0
1384        } else {
1385            self.u.int_in_range(0..=max_offset)? as i32
1386        }
1387        .into();
1389        Ok((address, flags, offset))
1390    }
1392    /// Get a variable of type `ty` from the current function
1393    fn get_variable_of_type(&mut self, ty: Type) -> Result<Variable> {
1394        let opts = self.resources.vars.get(&ty).map_or(&[][..], Vec::as_slice);
1395        let var = self.u.choose(opts)?;
1396        Ok(*var)
1397    }
1399    /// Generates an instruction(`iconst`/`fconst`/etc...) to introduce a constant value
1400    fn generate_const(&mut self, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, ty: Type) -> Result<Value> {
1401        Ok(match self.u.datavalue(ty)? {
1402            DataValue::I8(i) => builder.ins().iconst(ty, i as u8 as i64),
1403            DataValue::I16(i) => builder.ins().iconst(ty, i as u16 as i64),
1404            DataValue::I32(i) => builder.ins().iconst(ty, i as u32 as i64),
1405            DataValue::I64(i) => builder.ins().iconst(ty, i),
1406            DataValue::I128(i) => {
1407                let hi = builder.ins().iconst(I64, (i >> 64) as i64);
1408                let lo = builder.ins().iconst(I64, i as i64);
1409                builder.ins().iconcat(lo, hi)
1410            }
1411            DataValue::F16(f) => builder.ins().f16const(f),
1412            DataValue::F32(f) => builder.ins().f32const(f),
1413            DataValue::F64(f) => builder.ins().f64const(f),
1414            DataValue::F128(f) => {
1415                let handle = builder.func.dfg.constants.insert(f.into());
1416                builder.ins().f128const(handle)
1417            }
1418            DataValue::V128(bytes) => {
1419                let data = bytes.to_vec().into();
1420                let handle = builder.func.dfg.constants.insert(data);
1421                builder.ins().vconst(ty, handle)
1422            }
1423            _ => unimplemented!(),
1424        })
1425    }
1427    /// Chooses a random block which can be targeted by a jump / branch.
1428    /// This means any block that is not the first block.
1429    fn generate_target_block(&mut self, source_block: Block) -> Result<Block> {
1430        // We try to mostly generate forward branches to avoid generating an excessive amount of
1431        // infinite loops. But they are still important, so give them a small chance of existing.
1432        let (backwards_blocks, forward_blocks) =
1433            self.resources.partition_target_blocks(source_block);
1434        let ratio = self.config.backwards_branch_ratio;
1435        let block_targets = if !backwards_blocks.is_empty() && self.u.ratio(ratio.0, ratio.1)? {
1436            backwards_blocks
1437        } else {
1438            forward_blocks
1439        };
1440        assert!(!block_targets.is_empty());
1442        let (block, _) = self.u.choose(block_targets)?.clone();
1443        Ok(block)
1444    }
1446    fn generate_values_for_block(
1447        &mut self,
1448        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
1449        block: Block,
1450    ) -> Result<Vec<Value>> {
1451        let (_, sig) = self.resources.blocks[block.as_u32() as usize].clone();
1452        self.generate_values_for_signature(builder, sig.iter().copied())
1453    }
1455    fn generate_values_for_signature<I: Iterator<Item = Type>>(
1456        &mut self,
1457        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
1458        signature: I,
1459    ) -> Result<Vec<Value>> {
1460        signature
1461            .map(|ty| {
1462                let var = self.get_variable_of_type(ty)?;
1463                let val = builder.use_var(var);
1464                Ok(val)
1465            })
1466            .collect()
1467    }
1469    /// The terminator that we need to insert has already been picked ahead of time
1470    /// we just need to build the instructions for it
1471    fn insert_terminator(
1472        &mut self,
1473        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
1474        source_block: Block,
1475    ) -> Result<()> {
1476        let terminator = self.resources.block_terminators[source_block.as_u32() as usize].clone();
1478        match terminator {
1479            BlockTerminator::Return => {
1480                let types: Vec<Type> = {
1481                    let rets = &builder.func.signature.returns;
1482                    rets.iter().map(|p| p.value_type).collect()
1483                };
1484                let vals = self.generate_values_for_signature(builder, types.into_iter())?;
1486                builder.ins().return_(&vals[..]);
1487            }
1488            BlockTerminator::Jump(target) => {
1489                let args = self.generate_values_for_block(builder, target)?;
1490                builder.ins().jump(target, &args[..]);
1491            }
1492            BlockTerminator::Br(left, right) => {
1493                let left_args = self.generate_values_for_block(builder, left)?;
1494                let right_args = self.generate_values_for_block(builder, right)?;
1496                let condbr_types = [I8, I16, I32, I64, I128];
1497                let _type = *self.u.choose(&condbr_types[..])?;
1498                let val = builder.use_var(self.get_variable_of_type(_type)?);
1499                builder
1500                    .ins()
1501                    .brif(val, left, &left_args[..], right, &right_args[..]);
1502            }
1503            BlockTerminator::BrTable(default, targets) => {
1504                // Create jump tables on demand
1505                let mut jt = Vec::with_capacity(targets.len());
1506                for block in targets {
1507                    let args = self.generate_values_for_block(builder, block)?;
1508                    jt.push(builder.func.dfg.block_call(block, &args))
1509                }
1511                let args = self.generate_values_for_block(builder, default)?;
1512                let jt_data = JumpTableData::new(builder.func.dfg.block_call(default, &args), &jt);
1513                let jt = builder.create_jump_table(jt_data);
1515                // br_table only supports I32
1516                let val = builder.use_var(self.get_variable_of_type(I32)?);
1518                builder.ins().br_table(val, jt);
1519            }
1520            BlockTerminator::Switch(_type, default, entries) => {
1521                let mut switch = Switch::new();
1522                for (&entry, &block) in entries.iter() {
1523                    switch.set_entry(entry, block);
1524                }
1526                let switch_val = builder.use_var(self.get_variable_of_type(_type)?);
1528                switch.emit(builder, switch_val, default);
1529            }
1530            BlockTerminator::TailCall(target) | BlockTerminator::TailCallIndirect(target) => {
1531                let (sig, sig_ref, func_ref) = self
1532                    .resources
1533                    .func_refs
1534                    .iter()
1535                    .find(|(_, _, f)| *f == target)
1536                    .expect("Failed to find previously selected function")
1537                    .clone();
1539                let opcode = match terminator {
1540                    BlockTerminator::TailCall(_) => Opcode::ReturnCall,
1541                    BlockTerminator::TailCallIndirect(_) => Opcode::ReturnCallIndirect,
1542                    _ => unreachable!(),
1543                };
1545                insert_call_to_function(self, builder, opcode, &sig, sig_ref, func_ref)?;
1546            }
1547        }
1549        Ok(())
1550    }
1552    /// Fills the current block with random instructions
1553    fn generate_instructions(&mut self, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder) -> Result<()> {
1554        for _ in 0..self.param(&self.config.instructions_per_block)? {
1555            let (op, args, rets) = self.u.choose(&OPCODE_SIGNATURES)?;
1557            // We filter out instructions that aren't supported by the target at this point instead
1558            // of building a single vector of valid instructions at the beginning of function
1559            // generation, to avoid invalidating the corpus when instructions are enabled/disabled.
1560            if !valid_for_target(&self.isa.triple(), *op, &args, &rets) {
1561                return Err(arbitrary::Error::IncorrectFormat.into());
1562            }
1564            let inserter = inserter_for_format(op.format());
1565            inserter(self, builder, *op, &args, &rets)?;
1566        }
1568        Ok(())
1569    }
1571    fn generate_funcrefs(&mut self, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder) -> Result<()> {
1572        let usercalls: Vec<(ExternalName, Signature)> = self
1573            .resources
1574            .usercalls
1575            .iter()
1576            .map(|(name, signature)| {
1577                let user_func_ref = builder.func.declare_imported_user_function(name.clone());
1578                let name = ExternalName::User(user_func_ref);
1579                (name, signature.clone())
1580            })
1581            .collect();
1583        let lib_callconv = self.system_callconv();
1584        let libcalls: Vec<(ExternalName, Signature)> = self
1585            .resources
1586            .libcalls
1587            .iter()
1588            .map(|libcall| {
1589                let pointer_type = Type::int_with_byte_size(
1590                    self.isa.triple().pointer_width().unwrap().bytes().into(),
1591                )
1592                .unwrap();
1593                let signature = libcall.signature(lib_callconv, pointer_type);
1594                let name = ExternalName::LibCall(*libcall);
1595                (name, signature)
1596            })
1597            .collect();
1599        for (name, signature) in usercalls.into_iter().chain(libcalls) {
1600            let sig_ref = builder.import_signature(signature.clone());
1601            let func_ref = builder.import_function(ExtFuncData {
1602                name,
1603                signature: sig_ref,
1604                colocated: self.u.arbitrary()?,
1605            });
1607            self.resources
1608                .func_refs
1609                .push((signature, sig_ref, func_ref));
1610        }
1612        Ok(())
1613    }
1615    fn generate_stack_slots(&mut self, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder) -> Result<()> {
1616        for _ in 0..self.param(&self.config.static_stack_slots_per_function)? {
1617            let bytes = self.param(&self.config.static_stack_slot_size)? as u32;
1618            let alignment = self.param(&self.config.stack_slot_alignment_log2)? as u8;
1619            let alignment_bytes = 1 << alignment;
1621            let ss_data = StackSlotData::new(StackSlotKind::ExplicitSlot, bytes, alignment);
1622            let slot = builder.create_sized_stack_slot(ss_data);
1624            // Generate one Alias Analysis Category for each slot
1625            let category = *self.u.choose(AACategory::all())?;
1627            self.resources
1628                .stack_slots
1629                .push((slot, bytes, alignment_bytes, category));
1630        }
1632        self.resources
1633            .stack_slots
1634            .sort_unstable_by_key(|&(_slot, bytes, _align, _category)| bytes);
1636        Ok(())
1637    }
1639    /// Zero initializes the stack slot by inserting `stack_store`'s.
1640    fn initialize_stack_slots(&mut self, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder) -> Result<()> {
1641        let i8_zero = builder.ins().iconst(I8, 0);
1642        let i16_zero = builder.ins().iconst(I16, 0);
1643        let i32_zero = builder.ins().iconst(I32, 0);
1644        let i64_zero = builder.ins().iconst(I64, 0);
1645        let i128_zero = builder.ins().uextend(I128, i64_zero);
1647        for &(slot, init_size, _align, category) in self.resources.stack_slots.iter() {
1648            let mut size = init_size;
1650            // Insert the largest available store for the remaining size.
1651            while size != 0 {
1652                let offset = (init_size - size) as i32;
1653                let (val, filled) = match size {
1654                    sz if sz / 16 > 0 => (i128_zero, 16),
1655                    sz if sz / 8 > 0 => (i64_zero, 8),
1656                    sz if sz / 4 > 0 => (i32_zero, 4),
1657                    sz if sz / 2 > 0 => (i16_zero, 2),
1658                    _ => (i8_zero, 1),
1659                };
1660                let addr = builder.ins().stack_addr(I64, slot, offset);
1662                // Each stack slot has an associated category, that means we have to set the
1663                // correct memflags for it. So we can't use `stack_store` directly.
1664                let mut flags = MemFlags::new();
1665                flags.set_notrap();
1666                category.update_memflags(&mut flags);
1668                builder.ins().store(flags, val, addr, 0);
1670                size -= filled;
1671            }
1672        }
1673        Ok(())
1674    }
1676    /// Creates a random amount of blocks in this function
1677    fn generate_blocks(&mut self, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder) -> Result<()> {
1678        let extra_block_count = self.param(&self.config.blocks_per_function)?;
1680        // We must always have at least one block, so we generate the "extra" blocks and add 1 for
1681        // the entry block.
1682        let block_count = 1 + extra_block_count;
1684        // Blocks need to be sorted in ascending order
1685        self.resources.blocks = (0..block_count)
1686            .map(|i| {
1687                let is_entry = i == 0;
1688                let block = builder.create_block();
1690                // Optionally mark blocks that are not the entry block as cold
1691                if !is_entry {
1692                    if bool::arbitrary(self.u)? {
1693                        builder.set_cold_block(block);
1694                    }
1695                }
1697                // The first block has to have the function signature, but for the rest of them we generate
1698                // a random signature;
1699                if is_entry {
1700                    builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block);
1701                    Ok((
1702                        block,
1703                        self.signature.params.iter().map(|a| a.value_type).collect(),
1704                    ))
1705                } else {
1706                    let sig = self.generate_block_signature()?;
1707                    sig.iter().for_each(|ty| {
1708                        builder.append_block_param(block, *ty);
1709                    });
1710                    Ok((block, sig))
1711                }
1712            })
1713            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
1715        // Valid blocks for jump tables have to have no parameters in the signature, and must also
1716        // not be the first block.
1717        self.resources.blocks_without_params = self.resources.blocks[1..]
1718            .iter()
1719            .filter(|(_, sig)| sig.len() == 0)
1720            .map(|(b, _)| *b)
1721            .collect();
1723        // Compute the block CFG
1724        //
1725        // cranelift-frontend requires us to never generate unreachable blocks
1726        // To ensure this property we start by constructing a main "spine" of blocks. So block1 can
1727        // always jump to block2, and block2 can always jump to block3, etc...
1728        //
1729        // That is not a very interesting CFG, so we introduce variations on that, but always
1730        // ensuring that the property of pointing to the next block is maintained whatever the
1731        // branching mechanism we use.
1732        let blocks = self.resources.blocks.clone();
1733        self.resources.block_terminators = blocks
1734            .iter()
1735            .map(|&(block, _)| {
1736                let next_block = Block::with_number(block.as_u32() + 1).unwrap();
1737                let forward_blocks = self.resources.forward_blocks(block);
1738                let paramless_targets = self.resources.forward_blocks_without_params(block);
1739                let has_paramless_targets = !paramless_targets.is_empty();
1740                let next_block_is_paramless = paramless_targets.contains(&next_block);
1742                let mut valid_terminators = vec![];
1744                if forward_blocks.is_empty() {
1745                    // Return is only valid on the last block.
1746                    valid_terminators.push(BlockTerminatorKind::Return);
1747                } else {
1748                    // If we have more than one block we can allow terminators that target blocks.
1749                    // TODO: We could add some kind of BrReturn here, to explore edges where we
1750                    // exit in the middle of the function
1751                    valid_terminators.extend_from_slice(&[
1752                        BlockTerminatorKind::Jump,
1753                        BlockTerminatorKind::Br,
1754                        BlockTerminatorKind::BrTable,
1755                    ]);
1756                }
1758                // As the Switch interface only allows targeting blocks without params we need
1759                // to ensure that the next block has no params, since that one is guaranteed to be
1760                // picked in either case.
1761                if has_paramless_targets && next_block_is_paramless {
1762                    valid_terminators.push(BlockTerminatorKind::Switch);
1763                }
1765                // Tail Calls are a block terminator, so we should insert them as any other block
1766                // terminator. We should ensure that we can select at least one target before considering
1767                // them as candidate instructions.
1768                let has_tail_callees = self
1769                    .resources
1770                    .tail_call_targets(&self.signature)
1771                    .next()
1772                    .is_some();
1773                let is_tail_caller = self.signature.call_conv == CallConv::Tail;
1775                let supports_tail_calls = match self.isa.triple().architecture {
1776                    Architecture::Aarch64(_) | Architecture::Riscv64(_) => true,
1777                    // TODO: x64 currently requires frame pointers for tail calls.
1778                    Architecture::X86_64 => self.isa.flags().preserve_frame_pointers(),
1779                    // TODO: Other platforms do not support tail calls yet.
1780                    _ => false,
1781                };
1783                if is_tail_caller && has_tail_callees && supports_tail_calls {
1784                    valid_terminators.extend([
1785                        BlockTerminatorKind::TailCall,
1786                        BlockTerminatorKind::TailCallIndirect,
1787                    ]);
1788                }
1790                let terminator = self.u.choose(&valid_terminators)?;
1792                // Choose block targets for the terminators that we picked above
1793                Ok(match terminator {
1794                    BlockTerminatorKind::Return => BlockTerminator::Return,
1795                    BlockTerminatorKind::Jump => BlockTerminator::Jump(next_block),
1796                    BlockTerminatorKind::Br => {
1797                        BlockTerminator::Br(next_block, self.generate_target_block(block)?)
1798                    }
1799                    // TODO: Allow generating backwards branches here
1800                    BlockTerminatorKind::BrTable => {
1801                        // Make the default the next block, and then we don't have to worry
1802                        // that we can reach it via the targets
1803                        let default = next_block;
1805                        let target_count = self.param(&self.config.jump_table_entries)?;
1806                        let targets = Result::from_iter(
1807                            (0..target_count).map(|_| self.generate_target_block(block)),
1808                        )?;
1810                        BlockTerminator::BrTable(default, targets)
1811                    }
1812                    BlockTerminatorKind::Switch => {
1813                        // Make the default the next block, and then we don't have to worry
1814                        // that we can reach it via the entries below
1815                        let default_block = next_block;
1817                        let _type = *self.u.choose(&[I8, I16, I32, I64, I128][..])?;
1819                        // Build this into a HashMap since we cannot have duplicate entries.
1820                        let mut entries = HashMap::new();
1821                        for _ in 0..self.param(&self.config.switch_cases)? {
1822                            // The Switch API only allows for entries that are addressable by the index type
1823                            // so we need to limit the range of values that we generate.
1824                            let (ty_min, ty_max) = _type.bounds(false);
1825                            let range_start = self.u.int_in_range(ty_min..=ty_max)?;
1827                            // We can either insert a contiguous range of blocks or a individual block
1828                            // This is done because the Switch API specializes contiguous ranges.
1829                            let range_size = if bool::arbitrary(self.u)? {
1830                                1
1831                            } else {
1832                                self.param(&self.config.switch_max_range_size)?
1833                            } as u128;
1835                            // Build the switch entries
1836                            for i in 0..range_size {
1837                                let index = range_start.wrapping_add(i) % ty_max;
1838                                let block = *self
1839                                    .u
1840                                    .choose(self.resources.forward_blocks_without_params(block))?;
1842                                entries.insert(index, block);
1843                            }
1844                        }
1846                        BlockTerminator::Switch(_type, default_block, entries)
1847                    }
1848                    BlockTerminatorKind::TailCall => {
1849                        let targets = self
1850                            .resources
1851                            .tail_call_targets(&self.signature)
1852                            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1853                        let (_, _, funcref) = *self.u.choose(&targets[..])?;
1854                        BlockTerminator::TailCall(*funcref)
1855                    }
1856                    BlockTerminatorKind::TailCallIndirect => {
1857                        let targets = self
1858                            .resources
1859                            .tail_call_targets(&self.signature)
1860                            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1861                        let (_, _, funcref) = *self.u.choose(&targets[..])?;
1862                        BlockTerminator::TailCallIndirect(*funcref)
1863                    }
1864                })
1865            })
1866            .collect::<Result<_>>()?;
1868        Ok(())
1869    }
1871    fn generate_block_signature(&mut self) -> Result<BlockSignature> {
1872        let param_count = self.param(&self.config.block_signature_params)?;
1874        let mut params = Vec::with_capacity(param_count);
1875        for _ in 0..param_count {
1876            params.push(self.u._type((&*self.isa).supports_simd())?);
1877        }
1878        Ok(params)
1879    }
1881    fn build_variable_pool(&mut self, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder) -> Result<()> {
1882        let block = builder.current_block().unwrap();
1884        // Define variables for the function signature
1885        let mut vars: Vec<_> = builder
1886            .func
1887            .signature
1888            .params
1889            .iter()
1890            .map(|param| param.value_type)
1891            .zip(builder.block_params(block).iter().copied())
1892            .collect();
1894        // Create a pool of vars that are going to be used in this function
1895        for _ in 0..self.param(&self.config.vars_per_function)? {
1896            let ty = self.u._type((&*self.isa).supports_simd())?;
1897            let value = self.generate_const(builder, ty)?;
1898            vars.push((ty, value));
1899        }
1901        for (id, (ty, value)) in vars.into_iter().enumerate() {
1902            let var = Variable::new(id);
1903            builder.declare_var(var, ty);
1904            builder.def_var(var, value);
1906            // Randomly declare variables as needing a stack map.
1907            // We limit these to only types that have fewer than 16 bytes
1908            // since the stack map mechanism does not support larger types.
1909            if ty.bytes() <= 16 && self.u.arbitrary()? {
1910                builder.declare_var_needs_stack_map(var);
1911            }
1913            self.resources
1914                .vars
1915                .entry(ty)
1916                .or_insert_with(Vec::new)
1917                .push(var);
1918        }
1920        Ok(())
1921    }
1923    /// We generate a function in multiple stages:
1924    ///
1925    /// * First we generate a random number of empty blocks
1926    /// * Then we generate a random pool of variables to be used throughout the function
1927    /// * We then visit each block and generate random instructions
1928    ///
1929    /// Because we generate all blocks and variables up front we already know everything that
1930    /// we need when generating instructions (i.e. jump targets / variables)
1931    pub fn generate(mut self) -> Result<Function> {
1932        let mut fn_builder_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
1933        let mut func = Function::with_name_signature(, self.signature.clone());
1935        let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut fn_builder_ctx);
1937        // Build the function references before generating the block CFG since we store
1938        // function references in the CFG.
1939        self.generate_funcrefs(&mut builder)?;
1940        self.generate_blocks(&mut builder)?;
1942        // Function preamble
1943        self.generate_stack_slots(&mut builder)?;
1945        // Main instruction generation loop
1946        for (block, block_sig) in self.resources.blocks.clone().into_iter() {
1947            let is_block0 = block.as_u32() == 0;
1948            builder.switch_to_block(block);
1950            if is_block0 {
1951                // The first block is special because we must create variables both for the
1952                // block signature and for the variable pool. Additionally, we must also define
1953                // initial values for all variables that are not the function signature.
1954                self.build_variable_pool(&mut builder)?;
1956                // Stack slots have random bytes at the beginning of the function
1957                // initialize them to a constant value so that execution stays predictable.
1958                self.initialize_stack_slots(&mut builder)?;
1959            } else {
1960                // Define variables for the block params
1961                for (i, ty) in block_sig.iter().enumerate() {
1962                    let var = self.get_variable_of_type(*ty)?;
1963                    let block_param = builder.block_params(block)[i];
1964                    builder.def_var(var, block_param);
1965                }
1966            }
1968            // Generate block instructions
1969            self.generate_instructions(&mut builder)?;
1971            // Insert a terminator to safely exit the block
1972            self.insert_terminator(&mut builder, block)?;
1973        }
1975        builder.seal_all_blocks();
1976        builder.finalize();
1978        Ok(func)
1979    }