
1use wasmtime::*;
3/// Configuration of how spectest primitives work.
4pub struct SpectestConfig {
5    /// Whether or not to have a `shared_memory` definition.
6    pub use_shared_memory: bool,
7    /// Whether or not spectest functions that print things actually print things.
8    pub suppress_prints: bool,
11/// Return an instance implementing the "spectest" interface used in the
12/// spec testsuite.
13pub fn link_spectest<T>(
14    linker: &mut Linker<T>,
15    store: &mut Store<T>,
16    config: &SpectestConfig,
17) -> Result<()> {
18    let suppress = config.suppress_prints;
19    linker.func_wrap("spectest", "print", || {})?;
20    linker.func_wrap("spectest", "print_i32", move |val: i32| {
21        if !suppress {
22            println!("{val}: i32")
23        }
24    })?;
25    linker.func_wrap("spectest", "print_i64", move |val: i64| {
26        if !suppress {
27            println!("{val}: i64")
28        }
29    })?;
30    linker.func_wrap("spectest", "print_f32", move |val: f32| {
31        if !suppress {
32            println!("{val}: f32")
33        }
34    })?;
35    linker.func_wrap("spectest", "print_f64", move |val: f64| {
36        if !suppress {
37            println!("{val}: f64")
38        }
39    })?;
40    linker.func_wrap("spectest", "print_i32_f32", move |i: i32, f: f32| {
41        if !suppress {
42            println!("{i}: i32");
43            println!("{f}: f32");
44        }
45    })?;
46    linker.func_wrap("spectest", "print_f64_f64", move |f1: f64, f2: f64| {
47        if !suppress {
48            println!("{f1}: f64");
49            println!("{f2}: f64");
50        }
51    })?;
53    let ty = GlobalType::new(ValType::I32, Mutability::Const);
54    let g = Global::new(&mut *store, ty, Val::I32(666))?;
55    linker.define(&mut *store, "spectest", "global_i32", g)?;
57    let ty = GlobalType::new(ValType::I64, Mutability::Const);
58    let g = Global::new(&mut *store, ty, Val::I64(666))?;
59    linker.define(&mut *store, "spectest", "global_i64", g)?;
61    let ty = GlobalType::new(ValType::F32, Mutability::Const);
62    let g = Global::new(&mut *store, ty, Val::F32(0x4426_a666))?;
63    linker.define(&mut *store, "spectest", "global_f32", g)?;
65    let ty = GlobalType::new(ValType::F64, Mutability::Const);
66    let g = Global::new(&mut *store, ty, Val::F64(0x4084_d4cc_cccc_cccd))?;
67    linker.define(&mut *store, "spectest", "global_f64", g)?;
69    let ty = TableType::new(RefType::FUNCREF, 10, Some(20));
70    let table = Table::new(&mut *store, ty, Ref::Func(None))?;
71    linker.define(&mut *store, "spectest", "table", table)?;
73    let ty = TableType::new64(RefType::FUNCREF, 10, Some(20));
74    let table = Table::new(&mut *store, ty, Ref::Func(None))?;
75    linker.define(&mut *store, "spectest", "table64", table)?;
77    let ty = MemoryType::new(1, Some(2));
78    let memory = Memory::new(&mut *store, ty)?;
79    linker.define(&mut *store, "spectest", "memory", memory)?;
81    if config.use_shared_memory {
82        let ty = MemoryType::shared(1, 1);
83        let memory = Memory::new(&mut *store, ty)?;
84        linker.define(&mut *store, "spectest", "shared_memory", memory)?;
85    }
87    Ok(())
90#[cfg(feature = "component-model")]
91pub fn link_component_spectest<T>(linker: &mut component::Linker<T>) -> Result<()> {
92    use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering::SeqCst};
93    use std::sync::Arc;
94    use wasmtime::component::{Resource, ResourceType};
96    let engine = linker.engine().clone();
97    linker
98        .root()
99        .func_wrap("host-echo-u32", |_, v: (u32,)| Ok(v))?;
100    linker
101        .root()
102        .func_wrap("host-return-two", |_, _: ()| Ok((2u32,)))?;
103    let mut i = linker.instance("host")?;
104    i.func_wrap("return-three", |_, _: ()| Ok((3u32,)))?;
105    i.instance("nested")?
106        .func_wrap("return-four", |_, _: ()| Ok((4u32,)))?;
108    let module = Module::new(
109        &engine,
110        r#"
111            (module
112                (global (export "g") i32 i32.const 100)
113                (func (export "f") (result i32) i32.const 101)
114            )
115        "#,
116    )?;
117    i.module("simple-module", &module)?;
119    struct Resource1;
120    struct Resource2;
122    #[derive(Default)]
123    struct ResourceState {
124        drops: AtomicU32,
125        last_drop: AtomicU32,
126    }
128    let state = Arc::new(ResourceState::default());
130    i.resource("resource1", ResourceType::host::<Resource1>(), {
131        let state = state.clone();
132        move |_, rep| {
133            state.drops.fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
134            state.last_drop.store(rep, SeqCst);
136            Ok(())
137        }
138    })?;
139    i.resource(
140        "resource2",
141        ResourceType::host::<Resource2>(),
142        |_, _| Ok(()),
143    )?;
144    // Currently the embedder API requires redefining the resource destructor
145    // here despite this being the same type as before, and fixing that is left
146    // for a future refactoring.
147    i.resource(
148        "resource1-again",
149        ResourceType::host::<Resource1>(),
150        |_, _| {
151            panic!("shouldn't be destroyed");
152        },
153    )?;
155    i.func_wrap("[constructor]resource1", |_cx, (rep,): (u32,)| {
156        Ok((Resource::<Resource1>::new_own(rep),))
157    })?;
158    i.func_wrap(
159        "[static]resource1.assert",
160        |_cx, (resource, rep): (Resource<Resource1>, u32)| {
161            assert_eq!(resource.rep(), rep);
162            Ok(())
163        },
164    )?;
165    i.func_wrap("[static]resource1.last-drop", {
166        let state = state.clone();
167        move |_, (): ()| Ok((state.last_drop.load(SeqCst),))
168    })?;
169    i.func_wrap("[static]resource1.drops", {
170        let state = state.clone();
171        move |_, (): ()| Ok((state.drops.load(SeqCst),))
172    })?;
173    i.func_wrap(
174        "[method]resource1.simple",
175        |_cx, (resource, rep): (Resource<Resource1>, u32)| {
176            assert!(!resource.owned());
177            assert_eq!(resource.rep(), rep);
178            Ok(())
179        },
180    )?;
182    i.func_wrap(
183        "[method]resource1.take-borrow",
184        |_, (a, b): (Resource<Resource1>, Resource<Resource1>)| {
185            assert!(!a.owned());
186            assert!(!b.owned());
187            Ok(())
188        },
189    )?;
190    i.func_wrap(
191        "[method]resource1.take-own",
192        |_cx, (a, b): (Resource<Resource1>, Resource<Resource1>)| {
193            assert!(!a.owned());
194            assert!(b.owned());
195            Ok(())
196        },
197    )?;
198    Ok(())