
1//! Function call emission.  For more details around the ABI and
2//! calling convention, see [ABI].
4//! This module exposes a single function [`FnCall::emit`], which is responsible
5//! of orchestrating the emission of calls. In general such orchestration
6//! takes place in 6 steps:
8//! 1. [`Callee`] resolution.
9//! 2. Mapping of the [`Callee`] to the [`CalleeKind`].
10//! 3. Spilling the value stack.
11//! 4. Calculate the return area, for 1+ results.
12//! 5. Emission.
13//! 6. Stack space cleanup.
15//! The stack space consumed by the function call is the amount
16//! of space used by any memory entries in the value stack present
17//! at the callsite (after spilling the value stack), that will be
18//! used as arguments for the function call. Any memory values in the
19//! value stack that are needed as part of the function
20//! arguments will be consumed by the function call (either by
21//! assigning those values to a register or by storing those
22//! values in a memory location if the callee argument is on
23//! the stack).
24//! This could also be done when assigning arguments every time a
25//! memory entry needs to be assigned to a particular location,
26//! but doing so will emit more instructions (e.g. a pop per
27//! argument that needs to be assigned); it's more efficient to
28//! calculate the space used by those memory values and reclaim it
29//! at once when cleaning up the stack after the call has been
30//! emitted.
32//! The machine stack throughout the function call is as follows:
33//! ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
34//! │                                                  │
35//! │  Stack space created by any previous spills      │
36//! │  from the value stack; and which memory values   │
37//! │  are used as function arguments.                 │
38//! │                                                  │
39//! ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ---> The Wasm value stack at this point in time would look like:
40//! │                                                  │      
41//! │   Stack space created by spilling locals and     |
42//! │   registers at the callsite.                     │
43//! │                                                  │
44//! ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────┬┤
45//! │                                                  │
46//! │   Return Area (Multi-value results)              │
47//! │                                                  │
48//! │                                                  │
49//! ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────┬┤ ---> The Wasm value stack at this point in time would look like:
50//! │                                                  │      [ Mem(offset) | Mem(offset) | Mem(offset) | Mem(offset) ]
51//! │                                                  │      Assuming that the callee takes 4 arguments, we calculate
52//! │                                                  │      4 memory values; all of which will be used as arguments to
53//! │   Stack space allocated for                      │      the call via `assign_args`, thus the sum of the size of the
54//! │   the callee function arguments in the stack;    │      memory they represent is considered to be consumed by the call.
55//! │   represented by `arg_stack_space`               │
56//! │                                                  │
57//! │                                                  │
58//! │                                                  │
59//! └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ------> Stack pointer when emitting the call
61use crate::{
62    abi::{scratch, vmctx, ABIOperand, ABISig, RetArea},
63    codegen::{BuiltinFunction, BuiltinType, Callee, CodeGenContext, CodeGenError, Emission},
64    masm::{
65        CalleeKind, ContextArgs, MacroAssembler, MemMoveDirection, OperandSize, SPOffset,
66        VMContextLoc,
67    },
68    reg::writable,
69    reg::Reg,
70    stack::Val,
71    FuncEnv,
73use anyhow::{ensure, Result};
74use wasmtime_environ::{FuncIndex, PtrSize, VMOffsets};
76/// All the information needed to emit a function call.
77#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
78pub(crate) struct FnCall {}
80impl FnCall {
81    /// Orchestrates the emission of a function call:
82    /// 1. Resolves the [`Callee`] through the given callback.
83    /// 2. Lowers the resolved [`Callee`] to a ([`CalleeKind`], [ContextArgs])
84    /// 3. Spills the value stack.
85    /// 4. Creates the stack space needed for the return area.
86    /// 5. Emits the call.
87    /// 6. Cleans up the stack space.
88    pub fn emit<M: MacroAssembler>(
89        env: &mut FuncEnv<M::Ptr>,
90        masm: &mut M,
91        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
92        callee: Callee,
93    ) -> Result<()> {
94        let (kind, callee_context) = Self::lower(env, context.vmoffsets, &callee, context, masm)?;
96        let sig = env.callee_sig::<M::ABI>(&callee)?;
97        context.spill(masm)?;
98        let ret_area = Self::make_ret_area(&sig, masm)?;
99        let arg_stack_space = sig.params_stack_size();
100        let reserved_stack =, |masm| {
101            Self::assign(sig, &callee_context, ret_area.as_ref(), context, masm)?;
102            Ok((kind, sig.call_conv))
103        })?;
105        Self::cleanup(
106            sig,
107            &callee_context,
108            &kind,
109            reserved_stack,
110            ret_area,
111            masm,
112            context,
113        )
114    }
116    /// Calculates the return area for the callee, if any.
117    fn make_ret_area<M: MacroAssembler>(
118        callee_sig: &ABISig,
119        masm: &mut M,
120    ) -> Result<Option<RetArea>> {
121        if callee_sig.has_stack_results() {
122            let base = masm.sp_offset()?.as_u32();
123            let end = base + callee_sig.results_stack_size();
124            if end > base {
125                masm.reserve_stack(end - base)?;
126            }
127            Ok(Some(RetArea::sp(SPOffset::from_u32(end))))
128        } else {
129            Ok(None)
130        }
131    }
133    /// Lowers the high-level [`Callee`] to a [`CalleeKind`] and
134    /// [ContextArgs] pair which contains all the metadata needed for
135    /// emission.
136    fn lower<M: MacroAssembler>(
137        env: &mut FuncEnv<M::Ptr>,
138        vmoffsets: &VMOffsets<u8>,
139        callee: &Callee,
140        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
141        masm: &mut M,
142    ) -> Result<(CalleeKind, ContextArgs)> {
143        let ptr = vmoffsets.ptr.size();
144        match callee {
145            Callee::Builtin(b) => Ok(Self::lower_builtin(env, b)),
146            Callee::FuncRef(_) => {
147                Self::lower_funcref(env.callee_sig::<M::ABI>(callee)?, ptr, context, masm)
148            }
149            Callee::Local(i) => Ok(Self::lower_local(env, *i)),
150            Callee::Import(i) => {
151                let sig = env.callee_sig::<M::ABI>(callee)?;
152                Self::lower_import(*i, sig, context, masm, vmoffsets)
153            }
154        }
155    }
157    /// Lowers a builtin function by loading its address to the next available
158    /// register.
159    fn lower_builtin<P: PtrSize>(
160        env: &mut FuncEnv<P>,
161        builtin: &BuiltinFunction,
162    ) -> (CalleeKind, ContextArgs) {
163        match builtin.ty() {
164            BuiltinType::Builtin(idx) => (
165                CalleeKind::direct(env.name_builtin(idx)),
166                ContextArgs::pinned_vmctx(),
167            ),
168            BuiltinType::LibCall(c) => (CalleeKind::libcall(c), ContextArgs::none()),
169        }
170    }
172    /// Lower  a local function to a [`CalleeKind`] and [ContextArgs] pair.
173    fn lower_local<P: PtrSize>(
174        env: &mut FuncEnv<P>,
175        index: FuncIndex,
176    ) -> (CalleeKind, ContextArgs) {
177        (
178            CalleeKind::direct(env.name_wasm(index)),
179            ContextArgs::pinned_callee_and_caller_vmctx(),
180        )
181    }
183    /// Lowers a function import by loading its address to the next available
184    /// register.
185    fn lower_import<M: MacroAssembler, P: PtrSize>(
186        index: FuncIndex,
187        sig: &ABISig,
188        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
189        masm: &mut M,
190        vmoffsets: &VMOffsets<P>,
191    ) -> Result<(CalleeKind, ContextArgs)> {
192        let (callee, callee_vmctx) =
193            context.without::<Result<(Reg, Reg)>, M, _>(&sig.regs, masm, |context, masm| {
194                Ok((context.any_gpr(masm)?, context.any_gpr(masm)?))
195            })??;
196        let callee_vmctx_offset = vmoffsets.vmctx_vmfunction_import_vmctx(index);
197        let callee_vmctx_addr = masm.address_at_vmctx(callee_vmctx_offset)?;
198        masm.load_ptr(callee_vmctx_addr, writable!(callee_vmctx))?;
200        let callee_body_offset = vmoffsets.vmctx_vmfunction_import_wasm_call(index);
201        let callee_addr = masm.address_at_vmctx(callee_body_offset)?;
202        masm.load_ptr(callee_addr, writable!(callee))?;
204        Ok((
205            CalleeKind::indirect(callee),
206            ContextArgs::with_callee_and_pinned_caller(callee_vmctx),
207        ))
208    }
210    /// Lowers a function reference by loading its address into the next
211    /// available register.
212    fn lower_funcref<M: MacroAssembler>(
213        sig: &ABISig,
214        ptr: impl PtrSize,
215        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
216        masm: &mut M,
217    ) -> Result<(CalleeKind, ContextArgs)> {
218        // Pop the funcref pointer to a register and allocate a register to hold the
219        // address of the funcref. Since the callee is not addressed from a global non
220        // allocatable register (like the vmctx in the case of an import), we load the
221        // funcref to a register ensuring that it doesn't get assigned to a register
222        // used in the callee's signature.
223        let (funcref_ptr, funcref, callee_vmctx) = context
224            .without::<Result<(Reg, Reg, Reg)>, M, _>(&sig.regs, masm, |cx, masm| {
225                Ok((
226                    cx.pop_to_reg(masm, None)?.into(),
227                    cx.any_gpr(masm)?,
228                    cx.any_gpr(masm)?,
229                ))
230            })??;
232        // Load the callee VMContext, that will be passed as first argument to
233        // the function call.
234        masm.load_ptr(
235            masm.address_at_reg(funcref_ptr, ptr.vm_func_ref_vmctx().into())?,
236            writable!(callee_vmctx),
237        )?;
239        // Load the function pointer to be called.
240        masm.load_ptr(
241            masm.address_at_reg(funcref_ptr, ptr.vm_func_ref_wasm_call().into())?,
242            writable!(funcref),
243        )?;
244        context.free_reg(funcref_ptr);
246        Ok((
247            CalleeKind::indirect(funcref),
248            ContextArgs::with_callee_and_pinned_caller(callee_vmctx),
249        ))
250    }
252    /// Materializes any [ContextArgs] as a function argument.
253    fn assign_context_args<M: MacroAssembler>(
254        sig: &ABISig,
255        context: &ContextArgs,
256        masm: &mut M,
257    ) -> Result<()> {
258        ensure!(
259            sig.params().len() >= context.len(),
260            CodeGenError::vmcontext_arg_expected(),
261        );
262        for (context_arg, operand) in context
263            .as_slice()
264            .iter()
265            .zip(sig.params_without_retptr().iter().take(context.len()))
266        {
267            match (context_arg, operand) {
268                (VMContextLoc::Pinned, ABIOperand::Reg { ty, reg, .. }) => {
269          !(*reg), vmctx!(M).into(), (*ty).try_into()?)?;
270                }
271                (VMContextLoc::Pinned, ABIOperand::Stack { ty, offset, .. }) => {
272                    let addr = masm.address_at_sp(SPOffset::from_u32(*offset))?;
273          !(M).into(), addr, (*ty).try_into()?)?;
274                }
276                (VMContextLoc::Reg(src), ABIOperand::Reg { ty, reg, .. }) => {
277          !(*reg), (*src).into(), (*ty).try_into()?)?;
278                }
280                (VMContextLoc::Reg(src), ABIOperand::Stack { ty, offset, .. }) => {
281                    let addr = masm.address_at_sp(SPOffset::from_u32(*offset))?;
282          *src).into(), addr, (*ty).try_into()?)?;
283                }
284            }
285        }
286        Ok(())
287    }
289    /// Assign arguments for the function call.
290    fn assign<M: MacroAssembler>(
291        sig: &ABISig,
292        callee_context: &ContextArgs,
293        ret_area: Option<&RetArea>,
294        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
295        masm: &mut M,
296    ) -> Result<()> {
297        let arg_count = sig.params.len_without_retptr();
298        debug_assert!(arg_count >= callee_context.len());
299        let stack = &context.stack;
300        let stack_values = stack.peekn(arg_count - callee_context.len());
302        if callee_context.len() > 0 {
303            Self::assign_context_args(&sig, &callee_context, masm)?;
304        }
306        for (arg, val) in sig
307            .params_without_retptr()
308            .iter()
309            .skip(callee_context.len())
310            .zip(stack_values)
311        {
312            match arg {
313                &ABIOperand::Reg { reg, .. } => {
314                    context.move_val_to_reg(&val, reg, masm)?;
315                }
316                &ABIOperand::Stack { ty, offset, .. } => {
317                    let addr = masm.address_at_sp(SPOffset::from_u32(offset))?;
318                    let size: OperandSize = ty.try_into()?;
319                    let scratch = scratch!(M, &ty);
320                    context.move_val_to_reg(val, scratch, masm)?;
321          , addr, size)?;
322                }
323            }
324        }
326        if sig.has_stack_results() {
327            let operand = sig.params.unwrap_results_area_operand();
328            let base = ret_area.unwrap().unwrap_sp();
329            let addr = masm.address_from_sp(base)?;
331            match operand {
332                &ABIOperand::Reg { ty, reg, .. } => {
333                    masm.compute_addr(addr, writable!(reg), ty.try_into()?)?;
334                }
335                &ABIOperand::Stack { ty, offset, .. } => {
336                    let slot = masm.address_at_sp(SPOffset::from_u32(offset))?;
337                    // Don't rely on `ABI::scratch_for` as we always use
338                    // an int register as the return pointer.
339                    let scratch = scratch!(M);
340                    masm.compute_addr(addr, writable!(scratch), ty.try_into()?)?;
341          , slot, ty.try_into()?)?;
342                }
343            }
344        }
345        Ok(())
346    }
348    /// Cleanup stack space, handle multiple results, and free registers after
349    /// emitting the call.
350    fn cleanup<M: MacroAssembler>(
351        sig: &ABISig,
352        callee_context: &ContextArgs,
353        callee_kind: &CalleeKind,
354        reserved_space: u32,
355        ret_area: Option<RetArea>,
356        masm: &mut M,
357        context: &mut CodeGenContext<Emission>,
358    ) -> Result<()> {
359        // Free any registers holding any function references.
360        match callee_kind {
361            CalleeKind::Indirect(r) => context.free_reg(*r),
362            _ => {}
363        }
365        // Free any registers used as part of the [ContextArgs].
366        for loc in callee_context.as_slice() {
367            match loc {
368                VMContextLoc::Reg(r) => context.free_reg(*r),
369                _ => {}
370            }
371        }
372        // Deallocate the reserved space for stack arguments and for alignment,
373        // which was allocated last.
374        masm.free_stack(reserved_space)?;
376        ensure!(
377            sig.params.len_without_retptr() >= callee_context.len(),
378            CodeGenError::vmcontext_arg_expected()
379        );
381        // Drop params from value stack and calculate amount of machine stack
382        // space they consumed.
383        let mut stack_consumed = 0;
384        context.drop_last(
385            sig.params.len_without_retptr() - callee_context.len(),
386            |_regalloc, v| {
387                ensure!(
388                    v.is_mem() || v.is_const(),
389                    CodeGenError::unexpected_value_in_value_stack()
390                );
391                if let Val::Memory(mem) = v {
392                    stack_consumed += mem.slot.size;
393                }
394                Ok(())
395            },
396        )?;
398        if let Some(ret_area) = ret_area {
399            if stack_consumed > 0 {
400                // Perform a memory move, by shuffling the result area to
401                // higher addresses. This is needed because the result area
402                // is located after any memory addresses located on the stack,
403                // and after spilled values consumed by the call.
404                let sp = ret_area.unwrap_sp();
405                let result_bytes = sig.results_stack_size();
406                ensure!(
407                    sp.as_u32() >= stack_consumed + result_bytes,
408                    CodeGenError::invalid_sp_offset(),
409                );
410                let dst = SPOffset::from_u32(sp.as_u32() - stack_consumed);
411                masm.memmove(sp, dst, result_bytes, MemMoveDirection::LowToHigh)?;
412            }
413        };
415        // Free the bytes consumed by the call.
416        masm.free_stack(stack_consumed)?;
418        let mut calculated_ret_area = None;
420        if let Some(area) = ret_area {
421            if stack_consumed > 0 {
422                // If there's a return area and stack space was consumed by the
423                // call, adjust the return area to be to the current stack
424                // pointer offset.
425                calculated_ret_area = Some(RetArea::sp(masm.sp_offset()?));
426            } else {
427                // Else if no stack space was consumed by the call, simply use
428                // the previously calculated area.
429                ensure!(
430                    area.unwrap_sp() == masm.sp_offset()?,
431                    CodeGenError::invalid_sp_offset()
432                );
433                calculated_ret_area = Some(area);
434            }
435        }
437        // In the case of [Callee], there's no need to set the [RetArea] of the
438        // signature, as it's only used here to push abi results.
439        context.push_abi_results(&sig.results, masm, |_, _, _| calculated_ret_area)?;
440        // Reload the [VMContext] pointer into the corresponding pinned
441        // register. Winch currently doesn't have any callee-saved registers in
442        // the default ABI. So the callee might clobber the designated pinned
443        // register.
444        context.load_vmctx(masm)
445    }