
1//! The deferred reference-counting (DRC) collector.
3//! Warning: this ref-counting collector does not have a tracing cycle
4//! collector, and therefore cannot collect cycles between GC objects!
6//! For host VM code, we use plain reference counting, where cloning increments
7//! the reference count, and dropping decrements it. We can avoid many of the
8//! on-stack increment/decrement operations that typically plague the
9//! performance of reference counting via Rust's ownership and borrowing system.
10//! Moving a `VMGcRef` avoids mutating its reference count, and borrowing it
11//! either avoids the reference count increment or delays it until if/when the
12//! `VMGcRef` is cloned.
14//! When passing a `VMGcRef` into compiled Wasm code, we don't want to do
15//! reference count mutations for every compiled `local.{get,set}`, nor for
16//! every function call. Therefore, we use a variation of **deferred reference
17//! counting**, where we only mutate reference counts when storing `VMGcRef`s
18//! somewhere that outlives the Wasm activation: into a global or
19//! table. Simultaneously, we over-approximate the set of `VMGcRef`s that are
20//! inside Wasm function activations. Periodically, we walk the stack at GC safe
21//! points, and use stack map information to precisely identify the set of
22//! `VMGcRef`s inside Wasm activations. Then we take the difference between this
23//! precise set and our over-approximation, and decrement the reference count
24//! for each of the `VMGcRef`s that are in our over-approximation but not in the
25//! precise set. Finally, the over-approximation is replaced with the precise
26//! set.
28//! The `VMGcRefActivationsTable` implements the over-approximized set of
29//! `VMGcRef`s referenced by Wasm activations. Calling a Wasm function and
30//! passing it a `VMGcRef` moves the `VMGcRef` into the table, and the compiled
31//! Wasm function logically "borrows" the `VMGcRef` from the table. Similarly,
32//! `global.get` and `table.get` operations clone the gotten `VMGcRef` into the
33//! `VMGcRefActivationsTable` and then "borrow" the reference out of the table.
35//! When a `VMGcRef` is returned to host code from a Wasm function, the host
36//! increments the reference count (because the reference is logically
37//! "borrowed" from the `VMGcRefActivationsTable` and the reference count from
38//! the table will be dropped at the next GC).
40//! For more general information on deferred reference counting, see *An
41//! Examination of Deferred Reference Counting and Cycle Detection* by Quinane:
42//! <https://openresearch-repository.anu.edu.au/bitstream/1885/42030/2/hon-thesis.pdf>
44use super::free_list::FreeList;
45use super::{VMArrayRef, VMGcObjectDataMut, VMStructRef};
46use crate::hash_set::HashSet;
47use crate::prelude::*;
48use crate::runtime::vm::{
49    mmap::AlignedLength, ExternRefHostDataId, ExternRefHostDataTable, GarbageCollection, GcHeap,
50    GcHeapObject, GcProgress, GcRootsIter, GcRuntime, Mmap, TypedGcRef, VMExternRef, VMGcHeader,
51    VMGcRef,
53use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut, Range};
54use core::{
55    alloc::Layout,
56    any::Any,
57    cell::UnsafeCell,
58    mem,
59    num::NonZeroUsize,
60    ptr::{self, NonNull},
62use wasmtime_environ::drc::DrcTypeLayouts;
63use wasmtime_environ::{GcArrayLayout, GcStructLayout, GcTypeLayouts, VMGcKind, VMSharedTypeIndex};
65/// The deferred reference-counting (DRC) collector.
67/// This reference-counting collector does not have a cycle collector, and so it
68/// will not be able to reclaim garbage cycles.
70/// This is not a moving collector; it doesn't have a nursery or do any
71/// compaction.
73pub struct DrcCollector {
74    layouts: DrcTypeLayouts,
77unsafe impl GcRuntime for DrcCollector {
78    fn layouts(&self) -> &dyn GcTypeLayouts {
79        &self.layouts
80    }
82    fn new_gc_heap(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn GcHeap>> {
83        let heap = DrcHeap::new()?;
84        Ok(Box::new(heap) as _)
85    }
88/// A deferred reference-counting (DRC) heap.
89struct DrcHeap {
90    no_gc_count: u64,
91    // NB: this box shouldn't be strictly necessary, but it makes upholding the
92    // safety invariants of the `vmctx_gc_heap_data` more obviously correct.
93    activations_table: Box<VMGcRefActivationsTable>,
94    heap: Mmap<AlignedLength>,
95    free_list: FreeList,
98impl DrcHeap {
99    /// Construct a new, default DRC heap.
100    fn new() -> Result<Self> {
101        Self::with_capacity(super::DEFAULT_GC_HEAP_CAPACITY)
102    }
104    /// Create a new DRC heap with the given capacity.
105    fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Result<Self> {
106        let heap = Mmap::with_at_least(capacity)?;
107        let free_list = FreeList::new(heap.len());
108        Ok(Self {
109            no_gc_count: 0,
110            activations_table: Box::new(VMGcRefActivationsTable::default()),
111            heap,
112            free_list,
113        })
114    }
116    fn dealloc(&mut self, gc_ref: VMGcRef) {
117        let drc_ref = drc_ref(&gc_ref);
118        let size = self.index(drc_ref).object_size();
119        let layout = FreeList::layout(size);
120        self.free_list
121            .dealloc(gc_ref.as_heap_index().unwrap(), layout);
122    }
124    fn object_range(&self, gc_ref: &VMGcRef) -> Range<usize> {
125        let start = gc_ref.as_heap_index().unwrap().get();
126        let start = usize::try_from(start).unwrap();
127        let size = self
128            .index::<VMDrcHeader>(gc_ref.as_typed_unchecked())
129            .object_size();
130        let end = start.checked_add(size).unwrap();
131        start..end
132    }
134    /// Increment the ref count for the associated object.
135    fn inc_ref(&mut self, gc_ref: &VMGcRef) {
136        if gc_ref.is_i31() {
137            return;
138        }
140        let drc_ref = drc_ref(gc_ref);
141        let header = self.index_mut(&drc_ref);
142        debug_assert_ne!(
143            *header.ref_count.get_mut(),
144            0,
145            "{:#p} is supposedly live; should have nonzero ref count",
146            *gc_ref
147        );
148        *header.ref_count.get_mut() += 1;
149        log::trace!(
150            "increment {:#p} ref count -> {}",
151            *gc_ref,
152            header.ref_count.get_mut()
153        );
154    }
156    /// Decrement the ref count for the associated object.
157    ///
158    /// Returns `true` if the ref count reached zero and the object should be
159    /// deallocated.
160    fn dec_ref(&mut self, gc_ref: &VMGcRef) -> bool {
161        if gc_ref.is_i31() {
162            return false;
163        }
165        let drc_ref = drc_ref(gc_ref);
166        let header = self.index_mut(drc_ref);
167        debug_assert_ne!(
168            *header.ref_count.get_mut(),
169            0,
170            "{:#p} is supposedly live; should have nonzero ref count",
171            *gc_ref
172        );
173        *header.ref_count.get_mut() -= 1;
174        log::trace!(
175            "decrement {:#p} ref count -> {}",
176            *gc_ref,
177            header.ref_count.get_mut()
178        );
179        *header.ref_count.get_mut() == 0
180    }
182    /// Decrement the ref count for the associated object.
183    ///
184    /// If the ref count reached zero, then deallocate the object and remove its
185    /// associated entry from the `host_data_table` if necessary.
186    fn dec_ref_and_maybe_dealloc(
187        &mut self,
188        host_data_table: &mut ExternRefHostDataTable,
189        gc_ref: &VMGcRef,
190    ) {
191        if self.dec_ref(gc_ref) {
192            // If this was an `externref`, remove its associated entry from
193            // the host data table.
194            if let Some(externref) = gc_ref.as_typed::<VMDrcExternRef>(self) {
195                let host_data_id = self.index(externref).host_data;
196                host_data_table.dealloc(host_data_id);
197            }
199            // TODO: `dec_ref_and_maybe_dealloc` each `VMGcRef` inside this
200            // object.
202            // Deallocate this GC object.
203            self.dealloc(gc_ref.unchecked_copy());
204        }
205    }
207    fn trace(&mut self, roots: &mut GcRootsIter<'_>) {
208        debug_assert!({
209            // This set is only non-empty during collection. It is built up when
210            // tracing roots, and then drained back into the activations table's
211            // bump-allocated space at the end. Therefore, it should always be
212            // empty upon beginning tracing, which is the start of collection.
213            self.activations_table.precise_stack_roots.is_empty()
214        });
216        // The `activations_table_set` is used for `debug_assert!`s checking that
217        // every reference we read out from the stack via stack maps is actually in
218        // the table. If that weren't true, than either we forgot to insert a
219        // reference in the table when passing it into Wasm (a bug) or we are
220        // reading invalid references from the stack (another bug).
221        let mut activations_table_set: DebugOnly<HashSet<_>> = Default::default();
222        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
223            self.activations_table.elements(|elem| {
224                activations_table_set.insert(elem.unchecked_copy());
225            });
226        }
228        for root in roots {
229            if !root.is_on_wasm_stack() {
230                // We only trace on-Wasm-stack GC roots. These are the
231                // GC references that we do deferred ref counting for
232                // and that get inserted into our activations
233                // table. Other GC roots are managed purely with naive
234                // ref counting.
235                continue;
236            }
238            let gc_ref = root.get();
239            debug_assert!(
240                gc_ref.is_i31() || activations_table_set.contains(&gc_ref),
241                "every on-stack gc_ref inside a Wasm frame should \
242                 have an entry in the VMGcRefActivationsTable; \
243                 {gc_ref:#p} is not in the table",
244            );
245            if gc_ref.is_i31() {
246                continue;
247            }
249            debug_assert_ne!(
250                *self.index_mut(drc_ref(&gc_ref)).ref_count.get_mut(),
251                0,
252                "{gc_ref:#p} is on the Wasm stack and therefore should be held \
253                 by the activations table; should have nonzero ref count",
254            );
256            log::trace!("Found GC reference on the stack: {:#p}", gc_ref);
257            let is_new = self
258                .activations_table
259                .precise_stack_roots
260                .insert(gc_ref.unchecked_copy());
261            if is_new {
262                self.inc_ref(&gc_ref);
263            }
264        }
265    }
267    fn iter_bump_chunk(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = VMGcRef> + '_ {
268        let num_filled = self.activations_table.num_filled_in_bump_chunk();
269        self.activations_table
270            .alloc
271            .chunk
272            .iter_mut()
273            .take(num_filled)
274            .map(|slot| {
275                let raw = *slot.get_mut();
276                VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(raw).expect("non-null")
277            })
278    }
280    #[inline(never)]
281    #[cold]
282    fn log_gc_ref_set(prefix: &str, items: impl Iterator<Item = VMGcRef>) {
283        assert!(log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Trace));
284        let mut set = "{".to_string();
285        let mut any = false;
286        for gc_ref in items {
287            any = true;
288            set += &format!("\n  {gc_ref:#p},");
289        }
290        if any {
291            set.push('\n');
292        }
293        set.push('}');
294        log::trace!("{prefix}: {set}");
295    }
297    fn drain_bump_chunk(&mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(&mut Self, VMGcRef)) {
298        let num_filled = self.activations_table.num_filled_in_bump_chunk();
300        // Temporarily take the allocation out of `self` to avoid conflicting
301        // borrows.
302        let mut alloc = mem::take(&mut self.activations_table.alloc);
303        for slot in alloc.chunk.iter_mut().take(num_filled) {
304            let raw = mem::take(slot.get_mut());
305            let gc_ref = VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(raw).expect("non-null");
306            f(self, gc_ref);
307            *slot.get_mut() = 0;
308        }
310        debug_assert!(
311            alloc.chunk.iter_mut().all(|slot| *slot.get_mut() == 0),
312            "after sweeping the bump chunk, all slots should be empty",
313        );
315        debug_assert!(self.activations_table.alloc.chunk.is_empty());
316        self.activations_table.alloc = alloc;
317    }
319    /// Sweep the bump allocation table after we've discovered our precise stack
320    /// roots.
321    fn sweep(&mut self, host_data_table: &mut ExternRefHostDataTable) {
322        if log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Trace) {
323            Self::log_gc_ref_set("bump chunk before sweeping", self.iter_bump_chunk());
324        }
326        // Sweep our bump chunk.
327        log::trace!("Begin sweeping bump chunk");
328        self.drain_bump_chunk(|heap, gc_ref| {
329            heap.dec_ref_and_maybe_dealloc(host_data_table, &gc_ref);
330        });
331        log::trace!("Done sweeping bump chunk");
333        if self.activations_table.alloc.chunk.is_empty() {
334            // If this is the first collection, then the bump chunk is empty
335            // since we lazily allocate it. Force that lazy allocation now so we
336            // have fast bump-allocation in the future.
337            self.activations_table.alloc.force_allocation();
338        } else {
339            // Reset our `next` finger to the start of the bump allocation chunk.
340            self.activations_table.alloc.reset();
341        }
343        if log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Trace) {
344            Self::log_gc_ref_set(
345                "hash set before sweeping",
346                self.activations_table
347                    .over_approximated_stack_roots
348                    .iter()
349                    .map(|r| r.unchecked_copy()),
350            );
351        }
353        // The current `precise_stack_roots` becomes our new over-appoximated
354        // set for the next GC cycle.
355        mem::swap(
356            &mut self.activations_table.precise_stack_roots,
357            &mut self.activations_table.over_approximated_stack_roots,
358        );
360        // And finally, the new `precise_stack_roots` should be cleared and
361        // remain empty until the next GC cycle.
362        //
363        // Note that this may run arbitrary code as we run gc_ref
364        // destructors. Because of our `&mut` borrow above on this table,
365        // though, we're guaranteed that nothing will touch this table.
366        log::trace!("Begin sweeping hash set");
367        let mut precise_stack_roots = mem::take(&mut self.activations_table.precise_stack_roots);
368        for gc_ref in precise_stack_roots.drain() {
369            self.dec_ref_and_maybe_dealloc(host_data_table, &gc_ref);
370        }
371        log::trace!("Done sweeping hash set");
373        // Make sure to replace the `precise_stack_roots` so that we reuse any
374        // allocated capacity.
375        self.activations_table.precise_stack_roots = precise_stack_roots;
377        if log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Trace) {
378            Self::log_gc_ref_set(
379                "hash set after sweeping",
380                self.activations_table
381                    .over_approximated_stack_roots
382                    .iter()
383                    .map(|r| r.unchecked_copy()),
384            );
385        }
386    }
389/// Convert the given GC reference as a typed GC reference pointing to a
390/// `VMDrcHeader`.
391fn drc_ref(gc_ref: &VMGcRef) -> &TypedGcRef<VMDrcHeader> {
392    debug_assert!(!gc_ref.is_i31());
393    gc_ref.as_typed_unchecked()
396/// Convert a generic `externref` to a typed reference to our concrete
397/// `externref` type.
398fn externref_to_drc(externref: &VMExternRef) -> &TypedGcRef<VMDrcExternRef> {
399    let gc_ref = externref.as_gc_ref();
400    debug_assert!(!gc_ref.is_i31());
401    gc_ref.as_typed_unchecked()
404/// The common header for all objects in the DRC collector.
406/// This adds a ref count on top collector-agnostic `VMGcHeader`.
408/// This is accessed by JIT code.
410struct VMDrcHeader {
411    header: VMGcHeader,
412    ref_count: UnsafeCell<u64>,
415// Although this contains an `UnsafeCell`, that is just for allowing the field
416// to be written to by JIT code, and it is only read/modified when we have
417// access to an appropriate borrow of the heap.
418unsafe impl Send for VMDrcHeader {}
419unsafe impl Sync for VMDrcHeader {}
421unsafe impl GcHeapObject for VMDrcHeader {
422    #[inline]
423    fn is(_header: &VMGcHeader) -> bool {
424        // All DRC objects have a DRC header.
425        true
426    }
429impl VMDrcHeader {
430    /// The size of this header's object.
431    ///
432    /// This is stored in the inner `VMGcHeader`'s reserved bits.
433    fn object_size(&self) -> usize {
434        let size = self.header.reserved_u27();
435        usize::try_from(size).unwrap()
436    }
439/// The common header for all arrays in the DRC collector.
441struct VMDrcArrayHeader {
442    header: VMDrcHeader,
443    length: u32,
446unsafe impl GcHeapObject for VMDrcArrayHeader {
447    #[inline]
448    fn is(header: &VMGcHeader) -> bool {
449        header.kind() == VMGcKind::ArrayRef
450    }
453/// The representation of an `externref` in the DRC collector.
455struct VMDrcExternRef {
456    header: VMDrcHeader,
457    host_data: ExternRefHostDataId,
460unsafe impl GcHeapObject for VMDrcExternRef {
461    #[inline]
462    fn is(header: &VMGcHeader) -> bool {
463        header.kind() == VMGcKind::ExternRef
464    }
467unsafe impl GcHeap for DrcHeap {
468    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
469        self as _
470    }
472    fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any {
473        self as _
474    }
476    fn enter_no_gc_scope(&mut self) {
477        self.no_gc_count += 1;
478    }
480    fn exit_no_gc_scope(&mut self) {
481        self.no_gc_count -= 1;
482    }
484    fn clone_gc_ref(&mut self, gc_ref: &VMGcRef) -> VMGcRef {
485        self.inc_ref(gc_ref);
486        gc_ref.unchecked_copy()
487    }
489    fn write_gc_ref(
490        &mut self,
491        host_data_table: &mut ExternRefHostDataTable,
492        destination: &mut Option<VMGcRef>,
493        source: Option<&VMGcRef>,
494    ) {
495        // Increment the ref count of the object being written into the slot.
496        if let Some(src) = source {
497            self.inc_ref(src);
498        }
500        // Decrement the ref count of the value being overwritten and, if
501        // necessary, deallocate the GC object.
502        if let Some(dest) = destination {
503            self.dec_ref_and_maybe_dealloc(host_data_table, dest);
504        }
506        // Do the actual write.
507        *destination = source.map(|s| s.unchecked_copy());
508    }
510    fn expose_gc_ref_to_wasm(&mut self, gc_ref: VMGcRef) {
511        self.activations_table.insert_without_gc(gc_ref);
512    }
514    fn need_gc_before_entering_wasm(&self, num_gc_refs: NonZeroUsize) -> bool {
515        num_gc_refs.get() > self.activations_table.bump_capacity_remaining()
516    }
518    fn alloc_externref(&mut self, host_data: ExternRefHostDataId) -> Result<Option<VMExternRef>> {
519        let gc_ref =
520            match self.alloc_raw(VMGcHeader::externref(), Layout::new::<VMDrcExternRef>())? {
521                None => return Ok(None),
522                Some(gc_ref) => gc_ref,
523            };
524        self.index_mut::<VMDrcExternRef>(gc_ref.as_typed_unchecked())
525            .host_data = host_data;
526        Ok(Some(gc_ref.into_externref_unchecked()))
527    }
529    fn externref_host_data(&self, externref: &VMExternRef) -> ExternRefHostDataId {
530        let typed_ref = externref_to_drc(externref);
531        self.index(typed_ref).host_data
532    }
534    fn header(&self, gc_ref: &VMGcRef) -> &VMGcHeader {
535        self.index(gc_ref.as_typed_unchecked())
536    }
538    fn header_mut(&mut self, gc_ref: &VMGcRef) -> &mut VMGcHeader {
539        self.index_mut(gc_ref.as_typed_unchecked())
540    }
542    fn object_size(&self, gc_ref: &VMGcRef) -> usize {
543        let size = self.header(gc_ref).reserved_u27();
544        usize::try_from(size).unwrap()
545    }
547    fn alloc_raw(&mut self, mut header: VMGcHeader, layout: Layout) -> Result<Option<VMGcRef>> {
548        debug_assert!(layout.size() >= core::mem::size_of::<VMDrcHeader>());
549        debug_assert!(layout.align() >= core::mem::align_of::<VMDrcHeader>());
551        let size = u32::try_from(layout.size()).unwrap();
552        if !VMGcKind::value_fits_in_unused_bits(size) {
553            return Err(crate::Trap::AllocationTooLarge.into());
554        }
556        let gc_ref = match self.free_list.alloc(layout)? {
557            None => return Ok(None),
558            Some(index) => VMGcRef::from_heap_index(index).unwrap(),
559        };
561        debug_assert_eq!(header.reserved_u27(), 0);
562        header.set_reserved_u27(size);
564        *self.index_mut(drc_ref(&gc_ref)) = VMDrcHeader {
565            header,
566            ref_count: UnsafeCell::new(1),
567        };
568        log::trace!("increment {gc_ref:#p} ref count -> 1");
569        Ok(Some(gc_ref))
570    }
572    fn alloc_uninit_struct(
573        &mut self,
574        ty: VMSharedTypeIndex,
575        layout: &GcStructLayout,
576    ) -> Result<Option<VMStructRef>> {
577        let gc_ref = match self.alloc_raw(
578            VMGcHeader::from_kind_and_index(VMGcKind::StructRef, ty),
579            layout.layout(),
580        )? {
581            None => return Ok(None),
582            Some(gc_ref) => gc_ref,
583        };
584        Ok(Some(gc_ref.into_structref_unchecked()))
585    }
587    fn dealloc_uninit_struct(&mut self, structref: VMStructRef) {
588        self.dealloc(structref.into());
589    }
591    fn gc_object_data(&mut self, gc_ref: &VMGcRef) -> VMGcObjectDataMut<'_> {
592        let range = self.object_range(gc_ref);
593        let data = &mut self.heap_slice_mut()[range];
594        VMGcObjectDataMut::new(data)
595    }
597    fn gc_object_data_pair(
598        &mut self,
599        a: &VMGcRef,
600        b: &VMGcRef,
601    ) -> (VMGcObjectDataMut<'_>, VMGcObjectDataMut<'_>) {
602        assert_ne!(a, b);
604        let a_range = self.object_range(a);
605        let b_range = self.object_range(b);
607        // Assert that the two objects do not overlap.
608        assert!(a_range.start <= a_range.end);
609        assert!(b_range.start <= b_range.end);
610        assert!(a_range.end <= b_range.start || b_range.end <= a_range.start);
612        let (a_data, b_data) = if a_range.start < b_range.start {
613            let (a_half, b_half) = self.heap_slice_mut().split_at_mut(b_range.start);
614            let b_len = b_range.end - b_range.start;
615            (&mut a_half[a_range], &mut b_half[..b_len])
616        } else {
617            let (b_half, a_half) = self.heap_slice_mut().split_at_mut(a_range.start);
618            let a_len = a_range.end - a_range.start;
619            (&mut a_half[..a_len], &mut b_half[b_range])
620        };
622        (
623            VMGcObjectDataMut::new(a_data),
624            VMGcObjectDataMut::new(b_data),
625        )
626    }
628    fn alloc_uninit_array(
629        &mut self,
630        ty: VMSharedTypeIndex,
631        length: u32,
632        layout: &GcArrayLayout,
633    ) -> Result<Option<VMArrayRef>> {
634        let gc_ref = match self.alloc_raw(
635            VMGcHeader::from_kind_and_index(VMGcKind::ArrayRef, ty),
636            layout.layout(length),
637        )? {
638            None => return Ok(None),
639            Some(gc_ref) => gc_ref,
640        };
641        self.index_mut::<VMDrcArrayHeader>(gc_ref.as_typed_unchecked())
642            .length = length;
643        Ok(Some(gc_ref.into_arrayref_unchecked()))
644    }
646    fn dealloc_uninit_array(&mut self, arrayref: VMArrayRef) {
647        self.dealloc(arrayref.into())
648    }
650    fn array_len(&self, arrayref: &VMArrayRef) -> u32 {
651        debug_assert!(arrayref.as_gc_ref().is_typed::<VMDrcArrayHeader>(self));
652        self.index::<VMDrcArrayHeader>(arrayref.as_gc_ref().as_typed_unchecked())
653            .length
654    }
656    fn gc<'a>(
657        &'a mut self,
658        roots: GcRootsIter<'a>,
659        host_data_table: &'a mut ExternRefHostDataTable,
660    ) -> Box<dyn GarbageCollection<'a> + 'a> {
661        assert_eq!(self.no_gc_count, 0, "Cannot GC inside a no-GC scope!");
662        Box::new(DrcCollection {
663            roots,
664            host_data_table,
665            heap: self,
666            phase: DrcCollectionPhase::Trace,
667        })
668    }
670    unsafe fn vmctx_gc_heap_data(&self) -> NonNull<u8> {
671        let ptr: NonNull<VMGcRefActivationsTable> = NonNull::from(&*self.activations_table);
672        ptr.cast()
673    }
675    #[cfg(feature = "pooling-allocator")]
676    fn reset(&mut self) {
677        let DrcHeap {
678            no_gc_count,
679            activations_table,
680            free_list,
681            heap: _,
682        } = self;
684        *no_gc_count = 0;
685        free_list.reset();
686        activations_table.reset();
687    }
689    fn heap_slice(&self) -> &[UnsafeCell<u8>] {
690        let ptr = self.heap.as_ptr().cast();
691        let len = self.heap.len();
692        unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len) }
693    }
695    fn heap_slice_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
696        let ptr = self.heap.as_mut_ptr();
697        let len = self.heap.len();
698        unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, len) }
699    }
702struct DrcCollection<'a> {
703    roots: GcRootsIter<'a>,
704    host_data_table: &'a mut ExternRefHostDataTable,
705    heap: &'a mut DrcHeap,
706    phase: DrcCollectionPhase,
709enum DrcCollectionPhase {
710    Trace,
711    Sweep,
712    Done,
715impl<'a> GarbageCollection<'a> for DrcCollection<'a> {
716    fn collect_increment(&mut self) -> GcProgress {
717        match self.phase {
718            DrcCollectionPhase::Trace => {
719                log::trace!("Begin DRC trace");
720                self.heap.trace(&mut self.roots);
721                log::trace!("End DRC trace");
722                self.phase = DrcCollectionPhase::Sweep;
723                GcProgress::Continue
724            }
725            DrcCollectionPhase::Sweep => {
726                log::trace!("Begin DRC sweep");
727                self.heap.sweep(self.host_data_table);
728                log::trace!("End DRC sweep");
729                self.phase = DrcCollectionPhase::Done;
730                GcProgress::Complete
731            }
732            DrcCollectionPhase::Done => GcProgress::Complete,
733        }
734    }
737/// The type of `VMGcRefActivationsTable`'s bump region's elements.
739/// These are written to by Wasm.
740type TableElem = UnsafeCell<u32>;
742/// A table that over-approximizes the set of `VMGcRef`s that any Wasm
743/// activation on this thread is currently using.
745/// Under the covers, this is a simple bump allocator that allows duplicate
746/// entries. Deduplication happens at GC time.
748// `alloc` must be the first member, it's accessed from JIT code.
750struct VMGcRefActivationsTable {
751    /// Structures used to perform fast bump allocation of storage of externref
752    /// values.
753    ///
754    /// This is the only member of this structure accessed from JIT code.
755    alloc: VMGcRefTableAlloc,
757    /// When unioned with `chunk`, this is an over-approximation of the GC roots
758    /// on the stack, inside Wasm frames.
759    ///
760    /// This is used by slow-path insertion, and when a GC cycle finishes, is
761    /// re-initialized to the just-discovered precise set of stack roots (which
762    /// immediately becomes an over-approximation again as soon as Wasm runs and
763    /// potentially drops references).
764    over_approximated_stack_roots: HashSet<VMGcRef>,
766    /// The precise set of on-stack, inside-Wasm GC roots that we discover via
767    /// walking the stack and interpreting stack maps.
768    ///
769    /// This is *only* used inside the `gc` function, and is empty otherwise. It
770    /// is just part of this struct so that we can reuse the allocation, rather
771    /// than create a new hash set every GC.
772    precise_stack_roots: HashSet<VMGcRef>,
775/// The chunk of memory that we bump-allocate into for the fast path of
776/// inserting into the `VMGcRefActivationsTable`.
778/// This is accessed from compiled Wasm code.
780struct VMGcRefTableAlloc {
781    /// Bump-allocation finger within the `chunk`.
782    ///
783    /// NB: this is an `UnsafeCell` because it is written to by compiled Wasm
784    /// code.
785    next: UnsafeCell<NonNull<TableElem>>,
787    /// Pointer to just after the `chunk`.
788    ///
789    /// This is *not* within the current chunk and therefore is not a valid
790    /// place to insert a reference!
791    end: NonNull<TableElem>,
793    /// Bump allocation chunk that stores fast-path insertions.
794    ///
795    /// This is not accessed from JIT code.
796    chunk: Box<[TableElem]>,
799impl Default for VMGcRefTableAlloc {
800    fn default() -> Self {
801        // Start with an empty chunk, just in case this activations table isn't
802        // ever used. This means that there's no space in the bump-allocation
803        // area which will force any path trying to use this to the slow GC
804        // path. The first time this happens, though, the slow GC path will
805        // allocate a new chunk for actual fast-bumping.
806        let mut chunk: Box<[TableElem]> = Box::new([]);
807        let next = chunk.as_mut_ptr();
808        let end = unsafe { next.add(chunk.len()) };
809        VMGcRefTableAlloc {
810            next: UnsafeCell::new(NonNull::new(next).unwrap()),
811            end: NonNull::new(end).unwrap(),
812            chunk,
813        }
814    }
817impl VMGcRefTableAlloc {
818    /// Create a new, empty bump region.
819    const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 4096 / mem::size_of::<TableElem>();
821    /// Force the lazy allocation of this bump region.
822    fn force_allocation(&mut self) {
823        assert!(self.chunk.is_empty());
824        self.chunk = (0..Self::CHUNK_SIZE).map(|_| UnsafeCell::new(0)).collect();
825        self.reset();
826    }
828    /// Reset this bump region, retaining any underlying allocation, but moving
829    /// the bump pointer and limit to their default positions.
830    fn reset(&mut self) {
831        self.next = UnsafeCell::new(NonNull::new(self.chunk.as_mut_ptr()).unwrap());
832        self.end = NonNull::new(unsafe { self.chunk.as_mut_ptr().add(self.chunk.len()) }).unwrap();
833    }
836// This gets around the usage of `UnsafeCell` throughout the internals of this
837// allocator, but the storage should all be Send/Sync and synchronization isn't
838// necessary since operations require `&mut self`.
839unsafe impl Send for VMGcRefTableAlloc {}
840unsafe impl Sync for VMGcRefTableAlloc {}
842fn _assert_send_sync() {
843    fn _assert<T: Send + Sync>() {}
844    _assert::<VMGcRefActivationsTable>();
847impl Default for VMGcRefActivationsTable {
848    fn default() -> Self {
849        Self::new()
850    }
853impl VMGcRefActivationsTable {
854    /// Create a new `VMGcRefActivationsTable`.
855    fn new() -> Self {
856        VMGcRefActivationsTable {
857            alloc: VMGcRefTableAlloc::default(),
858            over_approximated_stack_roots: HashSet::new(),
859            precise_stack_roots: HashSet::new(),
860        }
861    }
863    #[cfg(feature = "pooling-allocator")]
864    fn reset(&mut self) {
865        let VMGcRefActivationsTable {
866            alloc,
867            over_approximated_stack_roots,
868            precise_stack_roots,
869        } = self;
871        alloc.reset();
872        over_approximated_stack_roots.clear();
873        precise_stack_roots.clear();
874    }
876    /// Get the available capacity in the bump allocation chunk.
877    #[inline]
878    fn bump_capacity_remaining(&self) -> usize {
879        let end = self.alloc.end.as_ptr() as usize;
880        let next = unsafe { *self.alloc.next.get() };
881        end - next.as_ptr() as usize
882    }
884    /// Try and insert a `VMGcRef` into this table.
885    ///
886    /// This is a fast path that only succeeds when the bump chunk has the
887    /// capacity for the requested insertion.
888    ///
889    /// If the insertion fails, then the `VMGcRef` is given back. Callers
890    /// may attempt a GC to free up space and try again, or may call
891    /// `insert_slow_path` to infallibly insert the reference (potentially
892    /// allocating additional space in the table to hold it).
893    #[inline]
894    fn try_insert(&mut self, gc_ref: VMGcRef) -> Result<(), VMGcRef> {
895        unsafe {
896            let next = *self.alloc.next.get();
897            if next == self.alloc.end {
898                return Err(gc_ref);
899            }
901            debug_assert_eq!(
902                (*next.as_ref().get()),
903                0,
904                "slots >= the `next` bump finger are always `None`"
905            );
906            ptr::write(next.as_ptr(), UnsafeCell::new(gc_ref.as_raw_u32()));
908            let next = NonNull::new_unchecked(next.as_ptr().add(1));
909            debug_assert!(next <= self.alloc.end);
910            *self.alloc.next.get() = next;
912            Ok(())
913        }
914    }
916    /// Insert a reference into the table, without ever performing GC.
917    #[inline]
918    fn insert_without_gc(&mut self, gc_ref: VMGcRef) {
919        if let Err(gc_ref) = self.try_insert(gc_ref) {
920            self.insert_slow_without_gc(gc_ref);
921        }
922    }
924    #[inline(never)]
925    fn insert_slow_without_gc(&mut self, gc_ref: VMGcRef) {
926        self.over_approximated_stack_roots.insert(gc_ref);
927    }
929    fn num_filled_in_bump_chunk(&self) -> usize {
930        let next = unsafe { *self.alloc.next.get() };
931        let bytes_unused = (self.alloc.end.as_ptr() as usize) - (next.as_ptr() as usize);
932        let slots_unused = bytes_unused / mem::size_of::<TableElem>();
933        self.alloc.chunk.len().saturating_sub(slots_unused)
934    }
936    fn elements(&self, mut f: impl FnMut(&VMGcRef)) {
937        for elem in self.over_approximated_stack_roots.iter() {
938            f(elem);
939        }
941        // The bump chunk is not all the way full, so we only iterate over its
942        // filled-in slots.
943        let num_filled = self.num_filled_in_bump_chunk();
944        for slot in self.alloc.chunk.iter().take(num_filled) {
945            if let Some(elem) = VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(unsafe { *slot.get() }) {
946                f(&elem);
947            }
948        }
949    }
952#[derive(Debug, Default)]
953struct DebugOnly<T> {
954    inner: T,
957impl<T> Deref for DebugOnly<T> {
958    type Target = T;
960    fn deref(&self) -> &T {
961        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
962            &self.inner
963        } else {
964            panic!(
965                "only deref `DebugOnly` when `cfg(debug_assertions)` or \
966                 inside a `debug_assert!(..)`"
967            )
968        }
969    }
972impl<T> DerefMut for DebugOnly<T> {
973    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
974        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
975            &mut self.inner
976        } else {
977            panic!(
978                "only deref `DebugOnly` when `cfg(debug_assertions)` or \
979                 inside a `debug_assert!(..)`"
980            )
981        }
982    }
986mod tests {
987    use super::*;
988    use wasmtime_environ::HostPtr;
990    #[test]
991    fn vm_drc_header_size_align() {
992        assert_eq!(
993            (wasmtime_environ::drc::HEADER_SIZE as usize),
994            core::mem::size_of::<VMDrcHeader>()
995        );
996        assert_eq!(
997            (wasmtime_environ::drc::HEADER_ALIGN as usize),
998            core::mem::align_of::<VMDrcHeader>()
999        );
1000    }
1002    #[test]
1003    fn vm_drc_array_header_length_offset() {
1004        assert_eq!(
1005            wasmtime_environ::drc::ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET,
1006            u32::try_from(core::mem::offset_of!(VMDrcArrayHeader, length)).unwrap(),
1007        );
1008    }
1010    #[test]
1011    fn ref_count_is_at_correct_offset() {
1012        let extern_data = VMDrcHeader {
1013            header: VMGcHeader::externref(),
1014            ref_count: UnsafeCell::new(0),
1015        };
1017        let extern_data_ptr = &extern_data as *const _;
1018        let ref_count_ptr = &extern_data.ref_count as *const _;
1020        let actual_offset = (ref_count_ptr as usize) - (extern_data_ptr as usize);
1022        let offsets = wasmtime_environ::VMOffsets::from(wasmtime_environ::VMOffsetsFields {
1023            ptr: HostPtr,
1024            num_imported_functions: 0,
1025            num_imported_tables: 0,
1026            num_imported_memories: 0,
1027            num_imported_globals: 0,
1028            num_imported_tags: 0,
1029            num_defined_tables: 0,
1030            num_defined_memories: 0,
1031            num_owned_memories: 0,
1032            num_defined_globals: 0,
1033            num_defined_tags: 0,
1034            num_escaped_funcs: 0,
1035        });
1037        assert_eq!(
1038            offsets.vm_drc_header_ref_count(),
1039            u32::try_from(actual_offset).unwrap(),
1040        );
1041    }
1043    #[test]
1044    fn table_next_is_at_correct_offset() {
1045        let table = VMGcRefActivationsTable::new();
1047        let table_ptr = &table as *const _;
1048        let next_ptr = &table.alloc.next as *const _;
1050        let actual_offset = (next_ptr as usize) - (table_ptr as usize);
1052        let offsets = wasmtime_environ::VMOffsets::from(wasmtime_environ::VMOffsetsFields {
1053            ptr: HostPtr,
1054            num_imported_functions: 0,
1055            num_imported_tables: 0,
1056            num_imported_memories: 0,
1057            num_imported_globals: 0,
1058            num_imported_tags: 0,
1059            num_defined_tables: 0,
1060            num_defined_memories: 0,
1061            num_owned_memories: 0,
1062            num_defined_globals: 0,
1063            num_defined_tags: 0,
1064            num_escaped_funcs: 0,
1065        });
1066        assert_eq!(
1067            offsets.vm_gc_ref_activation_table_next() as usize,
1068            actual_offset
1069        );
1070    }
1072    #[test]
1073    fn table_end_is_at_correct_offset() {
1074        let table = VMGcRefActivationsTable::new();
1076        let table_ptr = &table as *const _;
1077        let end_ptr = &table.alloc.end as *const _;
1079        let actual_offset = (end_ptr as usize) - (table_ptr as usize);
1081        let offsets = wasmtime_environ::VMOffsets::from(wasmtime_environ::VMOffsetsFields {
1082            ptr: HostPtr,
1083            num_imported_functions: 0,
1084            num_imported_tables: 0,
1085            num_imported_memories: 0,
1086            num_imported_globals: 0,
1087            num_imported_tags: 0,
1088            num_defined_tables: 0,
1089            num_defined_memories: 0,
1090            num_owned_memories: 0,
1091            num_defined_globals: 0,
1092            num_defined_tags: 0,
1093            num_escaped_funcs: 0,
1094        });
1095        assert_eq!(
1096            offsets.vm_gc_ref_activation_table_end() as usize,
1097            actual_offset
1098        );
1099    }