
1//! Performs translation from a wasm module in binary format to the in-memory form
2//! of Cranelift IR. More particularly, it translates the code of all the functions bodies and
3//! interacts with an environment implementing the
4//! [`ModuleEnvironment`](trait.ModuleEnvironment.html)
5//! trait to deal with tables, globals and linear memory.
7//! The main function of this module is [`translate_module`](fn.translate_module.html).
9//! Note that this module used to be the `cranelift-wasm` crate historically and
10//! it's in a transitionary period of being slurped up into
11//! `wasmtime-cranelift`.
13mod code_translator;
14mod environ;
15mod func_translator;
16mod heap;
17mod state;
18mod table;
19mod translation_utils;
21pub use self::environ::{GlobalVariable, StructFieldsVec, TargetEnvironment};
22pub use self::func_translator::FuncTranslator;
23pub use self::heap::{Heap, HeapData};
24pub use self::state::FuncTranslationState;
25pub use self::table::{TableData, TableSize};
26pub use self::translation_utils::*;