
1//! Implementation of a standard Riscv64 ABI.
3use crate::ir;
4use crate::ir::types::*;
6use crate::isa;
8use crate::isa::riscv64::{inst::*, Riscv64Backend};
9use crate::isa::CallConv;
10use crate::machinst::*;
12use crate::ir::LibCall;
13use crate::ir::Signature;
14use crate::isa::riscv64::settings::Flags as RiscvFlags;
15use crate::isa::unwind::UnwindInst;
16use crate::settings;
17use crate::CodegenResult;
18use alloc::boxed::Box;
19use alloc::vec::Vec;
20use regalloc2::{MachineEnv, PReg, PRegSet};
22use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
23use std::borrow::ToOwned;
24use std::sync::OnceLock;
26/// Support for the Riscv64 ABI from the callee side (within a function body).
27pub(crate) type Riscv64Callee = Callee<Riscv64MachineDeps>;
29/// Support for the Riscv64 ABI from the caller side (at a callsite).
30pub(crate) type Riscv64ABICallSite = CallSite<Riscv64MachineDeps>;
32/// Riscv64-specific ABI behavior. This struct just serves as an implementation
33/// point for the trait; it is never actually instantiated.
34pub struct Riscv64MachineDeps;
36impl IsaFlags for RiscvFlags {}
38impl RiscvFlags {
39    pub(crate) fn min_vec_reg_size(&self) -> u64 {
40        let entries = [
41            (self.has_zvl65536b(), 65536),
42            (self.has_zvl32768b(), 32768),
43            (self.has_zvl16384b(), 16384),
44            (self.has_zvl8192b(), 8192),
45            (self.has_zvl4096b(), 4096),
46            (self.has_zvl2048b(), 2048),
47            (self.has_zvl1024b(), 1024),
48            (self.has_zvl512b(), 512),
49            (self.has_zvl256b(), 256),
50            // In order to claim the Application Profile V extension, a minimum
51            // register size of 128 is required. i.e. V implies Zvl128b.
52            (self.has_v(), 128),
53            (self.has_zvl128b(), 128),
54            (self.has_zvl64b(), 64),
55            (self.has_zvl32b(), 32),
56        ];
58        for (has_flag, size) in entries.into_iter() {
59            if !has_flag {
60                continue;
61            }
63            // Due to a limitation in regalloc2, we can't support types
64            // larger than 1024 bytes. So limit that here.
65            return std::cmp::min(size, 1024);
66        }
68        return 0;
69    }
72impl ABIMachineSpec for Riscv64MachineDeps {
73    type I = Inst;
74    type F = RiscvFlags;
76    /// This is the limit for the size of argument and return-value areas on the
77    /// stack. We place a reasonable limit here to avoid integer overflow issues
78    /// with 32-bit arithmetic: for now, 128 MB.
79    const STACK_ARG_RET_SIZE_LIMIT: u32 = 128 * 1024 * 1024;
81    fn word_bits() -> u32 {
82        64
83    }
85    /// Return required stack alignment in bytes.
86    fn stack_align(_call_conv: isa::CallConv) -> u32 {
87        16
88    }
90    fn compute_arg_locs(
91        call_conv: isa::CallConv,
92        flags: &settings::Flags,
93        params: &[ir::AbiParam],
94        args_or_rets: ArgsOrRets,
95        add_ret_area_ptr: bool,
96        mut args: ArgsAccumulator,
97    ) -> CodegenResult<(u32, Option<usize>)> {
98        assert_ne!(
99            call_conv,
100            isa::CallConv::Winch,
101            "riscv64 does not support the 'winch' calling convention yet"
102        );
104        // All registers that can be used as parameters or rets.
105        // both start and end are included.
106        let (x_start, x_end, f_start, f_end) = match args_or_rets {
107            ArgsOrRets::Args => (10, 17, 10, 17),
108            ArgsOrRets::Rets => (10, 11, 10, 11),
109        };
110        let mut next_x_reg = x_start;
111        let mut next_f_reg = f_start;
112        // Stack space.
113        let mut next_stack: u32 = 0;
115        let ret_area_ptr = if add_ret_area_ptr {
116            assert!(ArgsOrRets::Args == args_or_rets);
117            next_x_reg += 1;
118            Some(ABIArg::reg(
119                x_reg(x_start).to_real_reg().unwrap(),
120                I64,
121                ir::ArgumentExtension::None,
122                ir::ArgumentPurpose::Normal,
123            ))
124        } else {
125            None
126        };
128        for param in params {
129            if let ir::ArgumentPurpose::StructArgument(_) = param.purpose {
130                panic!(
131                    "StructArgument parameters are not supported on riscv64. \
132                    Use regular pointer arguments instead."
133                );
134            }
136            // Find regclass(es) of the register(s) used to store a value of this type.
137            let (rcs, reg_tys) = Inst::rc_for_type(param.value_type)?;
138            let mut slots = ABIArgSlotVec::new();
139            for (rc, reg_ty) in rcs.iter().zip(reg_tys.iter()) {
140                let next_reg = if (next_x_reg <= x_end) && *rc == RegClass::Int {
141                    let x = Some(x_reg(next_x_reg));
142                    next_x_reg += 1;
143                    x
144                } else if (next_f_reg <= f_end) && *rc == RegClass::Float {
145                    let x = Some(f_reg(next_f_reg));
146                    next_f_reg += 1;
147                    x
148                } else {
149                    None
150                };
151                if let Some(reg) = next_reg {
152                    slots.push(ABIArgSlot::Reg {
153                        reg: reg.to_real_reg().unwrap(),
154                        ty: *reg_ty,
155                        extension: param.extension,
156                    });
157                } else {
158                    if args_or_rets == ArgsOrRets::Rets && !flags.enable_multi_ret_implicit_sret() {
159                        return Err(crate::CodegenError::Unsupported(
160                            "Too many return values to fit in registers. \
161                            Use a StructReturn argument instead. (#9510)"
162                                .to_owned(),
163                        ));
164                    }
166                    // Compute size and 16-byte stack alignment happens
167                    // separately after all args.
168                    let size = reg_ty.bits() / 8;
169                    let size = std::cmp::max(size, 8);
170                    // Align.
171                    debug_assert!(size.is_power_of_two());
172                    next_stack = align_to(next_stack, size);
173                    slots.push(ABIArgSlot::Stack {
174                        offset: next_stack as i64,
175                        ty: *reg_ty,
176                        extension: param.extension,
177                    });
178                    next_stack += size;
179                }
180            }
181            args.push(ABIArg::Slots {
182                slots,
183                purpose: param.purpose,
184            });
185        }
186        let pos = if let Some(ret_area_ptr) = ret_area_ptr {
187            args.push_non_formal(ret_area_ptr);
188            Some(args.args().len() - 1)
189        } else {
190            None
191        };
193        next_stack = align_to(next_stack, Self::stack_align(call_conv));
195        Ok((next_stack, pos))
196    }
198    fn gen_load_stack(mem: StackAMode, into_reg: Writable<Reg>, ty: Type) -> Inst {
199        Inst::gen_load(into_reg, mem.into(), ty, MemFlags::trusted())
200    }
202    fn gen_store_stack(mem: StackAMode, from_reg: Reg, ty: Type) -> Inst {
203        Inst::gen_store(mem.into(), from_reg, ty, MemFlags::trusted())
204    }
206    fn gen_move(to_reg: Writable<Reg>, from_reg: Reg, ty: Type) -> Inst {
207        Inst::gen_move(to_reg, from_reg, ty)
208    }
210    fn gen_extend(
211        to_reg: Writable<Reg>,
212        from_reg: Reg,
213        signed: bool,
214        from_bits: u8,
215        to_bits: u8,
216    ) -> Inst {
217        assert!(from_bits < to_bits);
218        Inst::Extend {
219            rd: to_reg,
220            rn: from_reg,
221            signed,
222            from_bits,
223            to_bits,
224        }
225    }
227    fn get_ext_mode(
228        _call_conv: isa::CallConv,
229        specified: ir::ArgumentExtension,
230    ) -> ir::ArgumentExtension {
231        specified
232    }
234    fn gen_args(args: Vec<ArgPair>) -> Inst {
235        Inst::Args { args }
236    }
238    fn gen_rets(rets: Vec<RetPair>) -> Inst {
239        Inst::Rets { rets }
240    }
242    fn get_stacklimit_reg(_call_conv: isa::CallConv) -> Reg {
243        spilltmp_reg()
244    }
246    fn gen_add_imm(
247        _call_conv: isa::CallConv,
248        into_reg: Writable<Reg>,
249        from_reg: Reg,
250        imm: u32,
251    ) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
252        let mut insts = SmallInstVec::new();
253        if let Some(imm12) = Imm12::maybe_from_u64(imm as u64) {
254            insts.push(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
255                alu_op: AluOPRRI::Addi,
256                rd: into_reg,
257                rs: from_reg,
258                imm12,
259            });
260        } else {
261            insts.extend(Inst::load_constant_u32(
262                writable_spilltmp_reg2(),
263                imm as u64,
264            ));
265            insts.push(Inst::AluRRR {
266                alu_op: AluOPRRR::Add,
267                rd: into_reg,
268                rs1: spilltmp_reg2(),
269                rs2: from_reg,
270            });
271        }
272        insts
273    }
275    fn gen_stack_lower_bound_trap(limit_reg: Reg) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
276        let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
277        insts.push(Inst::TrapIf {
278            cc: IntCC::UnsignedLessThan,
279            rs1: stack_reg(),
280            rs2: limit_reg,
281            trap_code: ir::TrapCode::STACK_OVERFLOW,
282        });
283        insts
284    }
286    fn gen_get_stack_addr(mem: StackAMode, into_reg: Writable<Reg>) -> Inst {
287        Inst::LoadAddr {
288            rd: into_reg,
289            mem: mem.into(),
290        }
291    }
293    fn gen_load_base_offset(into_reg: Writable<Reg>, base: Reg, offset: i32, ty: Type) -> Inst {
294        let mem = AMode::RegOffset(base, offset as i64);
295        Inst::gen_load(into_reg, mem, ty, MemFlags::trusted())
296    }
298    fn gen_store_base_offset(base: Reg, offset: i32, from_reg: Reg, ty: Type) -> Inst {
299        let mem = AMode::RegOffset(base, offset as i64);
300        Inst::gen_store(mem, from_reg, ty, MemFlags::trusted())
301    }
303    fn gen_sp_reg_adjust(amount: i32) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
304        let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
306        if amount == 0 {
307            return insts;
308        }
310        if let Some(imm) = Imm12::maybe_from_i64(amount as i64) {
311            insts.push(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
312                alu_op: AluOPRRI::Addi,
313                rd: writable_stack_reg(),
314                rs: stack_reg(),
315                imm12: imm,
316            })
317        } else {
318            let tmp = writable_spilltmp_reg();
319            insts.extend(Inst::load_constant_u64(tmp, amount as i64 as u64));
320            insts.push(Inst::AluRRR {
321                alu_op: AluOPRRR::Add,
322                rd: writable_stack_reg(),
323                rs1: stack_reg(),
324                rs2: tmp.to_reg(),
325            });
326        }
328        insts
329    }
331    fn gen_prologue_frame_setup(
332        _call_conv: isa::CallConv,
333        flags: &settings::Flags,
334        _isa_flags: &RiscvFlags,
335        frame_layout: &FrameLayout,
336    ) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
337        let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
339        if frame_layout.setup_area_size > 0 {
340            // add  sp,sp,-16    ;; alloc stack space for fp.
341            // sd   ra,8(sp)     ;; save ra.
342            // sd   fp,0(sp)     ;; store old fp.
343            // mv   fp,sp        ;; set fp to sp.
344            insts.extend(Self::gen_sp_reg_adjust(-16));
345            insts.push(Inst::gen_store(
346                AMode::SPOffset(8),
347                link_reg(),
348                I64,
349                MemFlags::trusted(),
350            ));
351            insts.push(Inst::gen_store(
352                AMode::SPOffset(0),
353                fp_reg(),
354                I64,
355                MemFlags::trusted(),
356            ));
358            if flags.unwind_info() {
359                insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
360                    inst: UnwindInst::PushFrameRegs {
361                        offset_upward_to_caller_sp: frame_layout.setup_area_size,
362                    },
363                });
364            }
365            insts.push(Inst::Mov {
366                rd: writable_fp_reg(),
367                rm: stack_reg(),
368                ty: I64,
369            });
370        }
372        insts
373    }
374    /// reverse of gen_prologue_frame_setup.
375    fn gen_epilogue_frame_restore(
376        call_conv: isa::CallConv,
377        _flags: &settings::Flags,
378        _isa_flags: &RiscvFlags,
379        frame_layout: &FrameLayout,
380    ) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
381        let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
383        if frame_layout.setup_area_size > 0 {
384            insts.push(Inst::gen_load(
385                writable_link_reg(),
386                AMode::SPOffset(8),
387                I64,
388                MemFlags::trusted(),
389            ));
390            insts.push(Inst::gen_load(
391                writable_fp_reg(),
392                AMode::SPOffset(0),
393                I64,
394                MemFlags::trusted(),
395            ));
396            insts.extend(Self::gen_sp_reg_adjust(16));
397        }
399        if call_conv == isa::CallConv::Tail && frame_layout.tail_args_size > 0 {
400            insts.extend(Self::gen_sp_reg_adjust(
401                frame_layout.tail_args_size.try_into().unwrap(),
402            ));
403        }
405        insts
406    }
408    fn gen_return(
409        _call_conv: isa::CallConv,
410        _isa_flags: &RiscvFlags,
411        _frame_layout: &FrameLayout,
412    ) -> SmallInstVec<Inst> {
413        smallvec![Inst::Ret {}]
414    }
416    fn gen_probestack(insts: &mut SmallInstVec<Self::I>, frame_size: u32) {
417        insts.extend(Inst::load_constant_u32(writable_a0(), frame_size as u64));
418        let mut info = CallInfo::empty(
419            ExternalName::LibCall(LibCall::Probestack),
420            CallConv::SystemV,
421        );
422        info.uses.push(CallArgPair {
423            vreg: a0(),
424            preg: a0(),
425        });
426        insts.push(Inst::Call {
427            info: Box::new(info),
428        });
429    }
431    fn gen_clobber_save(
432        _call_conv: isa::CallConv,
433        flags: &settings::Flags,
434        frame_layout: &FrameLayout,
435    ) -> SmallVec<[Inst; 16]> {
436        let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
437        let setup_frame = frame_layout.setup_area_size > 0;
439        let incoming_args_diff = frame_layout.tail_args_size - frame_layout.incoming_args_size;
440        if incoming_args_diff > 0 {
441            // Decrement SP by the amount of additional incoming argument space we need
442            insts.extend(Self::gen_sp_reg_adjust(-(incoming_args_diff as i32)));
444            if setup_frame {
445                // Write the lr position on the stack again, as it hasn't changed since it was
446                // pushed in `gen_prologue_frame_setup`
447                insts.push(Inst::gen_store(
448                    AMode::SPOffset(8),
449                    link_reg(),
450                    I64,
451                    MemFlags::trusted(),
452                ));
453                insts.push(Inst::gen_load(
454                    writable_fp_reg(),
455                    AMode::SPOffset(i64::from(incoming_args_diff)),
456                    I64,
457                    MemFlags::trusted(),
458                ));
459                insts.push(Inst::gen_store(
460                    AMode::SPOffset(0),
461                    fp_reg(),
462                    I64,
463                    MemFlags::trusted(),
464                ));
466                // Finally, sync the frame pointer with SP
467                insts.push(Inst::gen_move(writable_fp_reg(), stack_reg(), I64));
468            }
469        }
471        if flags.unwind_info() && setup_frame {
472            // The *unwind* frame (but not the actual frame) starts at the
473            // clobbers, just below the saved FP/LR pair.
474            insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
475                inst: UnwindInst::DefineNewFrame {
476                    offset_downward_to_clobbers: frame_layout.clobber_size,
477                    offset_upward_to_caller_sp: frame_layout.setup_area_size,
478                },
479            });
480        }
482        // Adjust the stack pointer downward for clobbers, the function fixed
483        // frame (spillslots and storage slots), and outgoing arguments.
484        let stack_size = frame_layout.clobber_size
485            + frame_layout.fixed_frame_storage_size
486            + frame_layout.outgoing_args_size;
488        // Store each clobbered register in order at offsets from SP,
489        // placing them above the fixed frame slots.
490        if stack_size > 0 {
491            insts.extend(Self::gen_sp_reg_adjust(-(stack_size as i32)));
493            let mut cur_offset = 8;
494            for reg in &frame_layout.clobbered_callee_saves {
495                let r_reg = reg.to_reg();
496                let ty = match r_reg.class() {
497                    RegClass::Int => I64,
498                    RegClass::Float => F64,
499                    RegClass::Vector => unimplemented!("Vector Clobber Saves"),
500                };
501                insts.push(Inst::gen_store(
502                    AMode::SPOffset((stack_size - cur_offset) as i64),
503                    Reg::from(reg.to_reg()),
504                    ty,
505                    MemFlags::trusted(),
506                ));
508                if flags.unwind_info() {
509                    insts.push(Inst::Unwind {
510                        inst: UnwindInst::SaveReg {
511                            clobber_offset: frame_layout.clobber_size - cur_offset,
512                            reg: r_reg,
513                        },
514                    });
515                }
517                cur_offset += 8
518            }
519        }
520        insts
521    }
523    fn gen_clobber_restore(
524        _call_conv: isa::CallConv,
525        _flags: &settings::Flags,
526        frame_layout: &FrameLayout,
527    ) -> SmallVec<[Inst; 16]> {
528        let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
530        let stack_size = frame_layout.clobber_size
531            + frame_layout.fixed_frame_storage_size
532            + frame_layout.outgoing_args_size;
534        let mut cur_offset = 8;
535        for reg in &frame_layout.clobbered_callee_saves {
536            let rreg = reg.to_reg();
537            let ty = match rreg.class() {
538                RegClass::Int => I64,
539                RegClass::Float => F64,
540                RegClass::Vector => unimplemented!("Vector Clobber Restores"),
541            };
542            insts.push(Inst::gen_load(
543      ,
544                AMode::SPOffset(i64::from(stack_size - cur_offset)),
545                ty,
546                MemFlags::trusted(),
547            ));
548            cur_offset += 8
549        }
551        if stack_size > 0 {
552            insts.extend(Self::gen_sp_reg_adjust(stack_size as i32));
553        }
555        insts
556    }
558    fn gen_call(dest: &CallDest, tmp: Writable<Reg>, info: CallInfo<()>) -> SmallVec<[Self::I; 2]> {
559        let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
560        match &dest {
561            CallDest::ExtName(name, RelocDistance::Near) => {
562                let info = Box::new(|()| name.clone()));
563                insts.push(Inst::Call { info })
564            }
565            CallDest::ExtName(name, RelocDistance::Far) => {
566                insts.push(Inst::LoadExtName {
567                    rd: tmp,
568                    name: Box::new(name.clone()),
569                    offset: 0,
570                });
571                let info = Box::new(|()| tmp.to_reg()));
572                insts.push(Inst::CallInd { info });
573            }
574            CallDest::Reg(reg) => {
575                let info = Box::new(|()| *reg));
576                insts.push(Inst::CallInd { info });
577            }
578        }
579        insts
580    }
582    fn gen_memcpy<F: FnMut(Type) -> Writable<Reg>>(
583        call_conv: isa::CallConv,
584        dst: Reg,
585        src: Reg,
586        size: usize,
587        mut alloc_tmp: F,
588    ) -> SmallVec<[Self::I; 8]> {
589        let mut insts = SmallVec::new();
590        let arg0 = Writable::from_reg(x_reg(10));
591        let arg1 = Writable::from_reg(x_reg(11));
592        let arg2 = Writable::from_reg(x_reg(12));
593        let tmp = alloc_tmp(Self::word_type());
594        insts.extend(Inst::load_constant_u64(tmp, size as u64).into_iter());
595        insts.push(Inst::Call {
596            info: Box::new(CallInfo {
597                dest: ExternalName::LibCall(LibCall::Memcpy),
598                uses: smallvec![
599                    CallArgPair {
600                        vreg: dst,
601                        preg: arg0.to_reg()
602                    },
603                    CallArgPair {
604                        vreg: src,
605                        preg: arg1.to_reg()
606                    },
607                    CallArgPair {
608                        vreg: tmp.to_reg(),
609                        preg: arg2.to_reg()
610                    }
611                ],
612                defs: smallvec![],
613                clobbers: Self::get_regs_clobbered_by_call(call_conv),
614                caller_conv: call_conv,
615                callee_conv: call_conv,
616                callee_pop_size: 0,
617            }),
618        });
619        insts
620    }
622    fn get_number_of_spillslots_for_value(
623        rc: RegClass,
624        _target_vector_bytes: u32,
625        isa_flags: &RiscvFlags,
626    ) -> u32 {
627        // We allocate in terms of 8-byte slots.
628        match rc {
629            RegClass::Int => 1,
630            RegClass::Float => 1,
631            RegClass::Vector => (isa_flags.min_vec_reg_size() / 8) as u32,
632        }
633    }
635    fn get_machine_env(_flags: &settings::Flags, _call_conv: isa::CallConv) -> &MachineEnv {
636        static MACHINE_ENV: OnceLock<MachineEnv> = OnceLock::new();
637        MACHINE_ENV.get_or_init(create_reg_environment)
638    }
640    fn get_regs_clobbered_by_call(_call_conv_of_callee: isa::CallConv) -> PRegSet {
642    }
644    fn compute_frame_layout(
645        _call_conv: isa::CallConv,
646        flags: &settings::Flags,
647        _sig: &Signature,
648        regs: &[Writable<RealReg>],
649        is_leaf: bool,
650        incoming_args_size: u32,
651        tail_args_size: u32,
652        fixed_frame_storage_size: u32,
653        outgoing_args_size: u32,
654    ) -> FrameLayout {
655        let mut regs: Vec<Writable<RealReg>> = regs
656            .iter()
657            .cloned()
658            .filter(|r| DEFAULT_CALLEE_SAVES.contains(r.to_reg().into()))
659            .collect();
661        regs.sort_unstable();
663        // Compute clobber size.
664        let clobber_size = compute_clobber_size(&regs);
666        // Compute linkage frame size.
667        let setup_area_size = if flags.preserve_frame_pointers()
668            || !is_leaf
669            // The function arguments that are passed on the stack are addressed
670            // relative to the Frame Pointer.
671            || incoming_args_size > 0
672            || clobber_size > 0
673            || fixed_frame_storage_size > 0
674        {
675            16 // FP, LR
676        } else {
677            0
678        };
680        // Return FrameLayout structure.
681        FrameLayout {
682            incoming_args_size,
683            tail_args_size,
684            setup_area_size,
685            clobber_size,
686            fixed_frame_storage_size,
687            outgoing_args_size,
688            clobbered_callee_saves: regs,
689        }
690    }
692    fn gen_inline_probestack(
693        insts: &mut SmallInstVec<Self::I>,
694        _call_conv: isa::CallConv,
695        frame_size: u32,
696        guard_size: u32,
697    ) {
698        // Unroll at most n consecutive probes, before falling back to using a loop
699        const PROBE_MAX_UNROLL: u32 = 3;
701        // Calculate how many probes we need to perform. Round down, as we only
702        // need to probe whole guard_size regions we'd otherwise skip over.
703        let probe_count = frame_size / guard_size;
704        if probe_count == 0 {
705            // No probe necessary
706            return;
707        }
709        // Must be a caller-saved register that is not an argument.
710        let tmp = Writable::from_reg(x_reg(28)); // t3
712        if probe_count <= PROBE_MAX_UNROLL {
713            Self::gen_probestack_unroll(insts, tmp, guard_size, probe_count)
714        } else {
715            insts.push(Inst::StackProbeLoop {
716                guard_size,
717                probe_count,
718                tmp,
719            });
720        }
721    }
724impl Riscv64ABICallSite {
725    pub fn emit_return_call(
726        mut self,
727        ctx: &mut Lower<Inst>,
728        args: isle::ValueSlice,
729        _backend: &Riscv64Backend,
730    ) {
731        let new_stack_arg_size =
732            u32::try_from(self.sig(ctx.sigs()).sized_stack_arg_space()).unwrap();
734        ctx.abi_mut().accumulate_tail_args_size(new_stack_arg_size);
736        // Put all arguments in registers and stack slots (within that newly
737        // allocated stack space).
738        self.emit_args(ctx, args);
739        self.emit_stack_ret_arg_for_tail_call(ctx);
741        let dest = self.dest().clone();
742        let uses = self.take_uses();
744        match dest {
745            CallDest::ExtName(name, RelocDistance::Near) => {
746                let info = Box::new(ReturnCallInfo {
747                    dest: name,
748                    uses,
749                    new_stack_arg_size,
750                });
751                ctx.emit(Inst::ReturnCall { info });
752            }
753            CallDest::ExtName(name, RelocDistance::Far) => {
754                let callee = ctx.alloc_tmp(ir::types::I64).only_reg().unwrap();
755                ctx.emit(Inst::LoadExtName {
756                    rd: callee,
757                    name: Box::new(name),
758                    offset: 0,
759                });
760                let info = Box::new(ReturnCallInfo {
761                    dest: callee.to_reg(),
762                    uses,
763                    new_stack_arg_size,
764                });
765                ctx.emit(Inst::ReturnCallInd { info });
766            }
767            CallDest::Reg(callee) => {
768                let info = Box::new(ReturnCallInfo {
769                    dest: callee,
770                    uses,
771                    new_stack_arg_size,
772                });
773                ctx.emit(Inst::ReturnCallInd { info });
774            }
775        }
776    }
779// NOTE: no V regs are callee save.
780const DEFAULT_CALLEE_SAVES: PRegSet = PRegSet::empty()
781    // X Regs
782    .with(px_reg(2))
783    .with(px_reg(8))
784    .with(px_reg(9))
785    .with(px_reg(18))
786    .with(px_reg(19))
787    .with(px_reg(20))
788    .with(px_reg(21))
789    .with(px_reg(22))
790    .with(px_reg(23))
791    .with(px_reg(24))
792    .with(px_reg(25))
793    .with(px_reg(26))
794    .with(px_reg(27))
795    // F Regs
796    .with(pf_reg(8))
797    .with(pf_reg(18))
798    .with(pf_reg(19))
799    .with(pf_reg(20))
800    .with(pf_reg(21))
801    .with(pf_reg(22))
802    .with(pf_reg(23))
803    .with(pf_reg(24))
804    .with(pf_reg(25))
805    .with(pf_reg(26))
806    .with(pf_reg(27));
808fn compute_clobber_size(clobbers: &[Writable<RealReg>]) -> u32 {
809    let mut clobbered_size = 0;
810    for reg in clobbers {
811        match reg.to_reg().class() {
812            RegClass::Int => {
813                clobbered_size += 8;
814            }
815            RegClass::Float => {
816                clobbered_size += 8;
817            }
818            RegClass::Vector => unimplemented!("Vector Size Clobbered"),
819        }
820    }
821    align_to(clobbered_size, 16)
824const DEFAULT_CLOBBERS: PRegSet = PRegSet::empty()
825    .with(px_reg(1))
826    .with(px_reg(5))
827    .with(px_reg(6))
828    .with(px_reg(7))
829    .with(px_reg(10))
830    .with(px_reg(11))
831    .with(px_reg(12))
832    .with(px_reg(13))
833    .with(px_reg(14))
834    .with(px_reg(15))
835    .with(px_reg(16))
836    .with(px_reg(17))
837    .with(px_reg(28))
838    .with(px_reg(29))
839    .with(px_reg(30))
840    .with(px_reg(31))
841    // F Regs
842    .with(pf_reg(0))
843    .with(pf_reg(1))
844    .with(pf_reg(2))
845    .with(pf_reg(3))
846    .with(pf_reg(4))
847    .with(pf_reg(5))
848    .with(pf_reg(6))
849    .with(pf_reg(7))
850    .with(pf_reg(9))
851    .with(pf_reg(10))
852    .with(pf_reg(11))
853    .with(pf_reg(12))
854    .with(pf_reg(13))
855    .with(pf_reg(14))
856    .with(pf_reg(15))
857    .with(pf_reg(16))
858    .with(pf_reg(17))
859    .with(pf_reg(28))
860    .with(pf_reg(29))
861    .with(pf_reg(30))
862    .with(pf_reg(31))
863    // V Regs - All vector regs get clobbered
864    .with(pv_reg(0))
865    .with(pv_reg(1))
866    .with(pv_reg(2))
867    .with(pv_reg(3))
868    .with(pv_reg(4))
869    .with(pv_reg(5))
870    .with(pv_reg(6))
871    .with(pv_reg(7))
872    .with(pv_reg(8))
873    .with(pv_reg(9))
874    .with(pv_reg(10))
875    .with(pv_reg(11))
876    .with(pv_reg(12))
877    .with(pv_reg(13))
878    .with(pv_reg(14))
879    .with(pv_reg(15))
880    .with(pv_reg(16))
881    .with(pv_reg(17))
882    .with(pv_reg(18))
883    .with(pv_reg(19))
884    .with(pv_reg(20))
885    .with(pv_reg(21))
886    .with(pv_reg(22))
887    .with(pv_reg(23))
888    .with(pv_reg(24))
889    .with(pv_reg(25))
890    .with(pv_reg(26))
891    .with(pv_reg(27))
892    .with(pv_reg(28))
893    .with(pv_reg(29))
894    .with(pv_reg(30))
895    .with(pv_reg(31));
897fn create_reg_environment() -> MachineEnv {
898    // Some C Extension instructions can only use a subset of the registers.
899    // x8 - x15, f8 - f15, v8 - v15 so we should prefer to use those since
900    // they allow us to emit C instructions more often.
901    //
902    // In general the order of preference is:
903    //   1. Compressible Caller Saved registers.
904    //   2. Non-Compressible Caller Saved registers.
905    //   3. Compressible Callee Saved registers.
906    //   4. Non-Compressible Callee Saved registers.
908    let preferred_regs_by_class: [Vec<PReg>; 3] = {
909        let x_registers: Vec<PReg> = (10..=15).map(px_reg).collect();
910        let f_registers: Vec<PReg> = (10..=15).map(pf_reg).collect();
911        let v_registers: Vec<PReg> = (8..=15).map(pv_reg).collect();
913        [x_registers, f_registers, v_registers]
914    };
916    let non_preferred_regs_by_class: [Vec<PReg>; 3] = {
917        // x0 - x4 are special registers, so we don't want to use them.
918        // Omit x30 and x31 since they are the spilltmp registers.
920        // Start with the Non-Compressible Caller Saved registers.
921        let x_registers: Vec<PReg> = (5..=7)
922            .chain(16..=17)
923            .chain(28..=29)
924            // The first Callee Saved register is x9 since its Compressible
925            // Omit x8 since it's the frame pointer.
926            .chain(9..=9)
927            // The rest of the Callee Saved registers are Non-Compressible
928            .chain(18..=27)
929            .map(px_reg)
930            .collect();
932        // Prefer Caller Saved registers.
933        let f_registers: Vec<PReg> = (0..=7)
934            .chain(16..=17)
935            .chain(28..=31)
936            // Once those are exhausted, we should prefer f8 and f9 since they are
937            // callee saved, but compressible.
938            .chain(8..=9)
939            .chain(18..=27)
940            .map(pf_reg)
941            .collect();
943        let v_registers = (0..=7).chain(16..=31).map(pv_reg).collect();
945        [x_registers, f_registers, v_registers]
946    };
948    MachineEnv {
949        preferred_regs_by_class,
950        non_preferred_regs_by_class,
951        fixed_stack_slots: vec![],
952        scratch_by_class: [None, None, None],
953    }
956impl Riscv64MachineDeps {
957    fn gen_probestack_unroll(
958        insts: &mut SmallInstVec<Inst>,
959        tmp: Writable<Reg>,
960        guard_size: u32,
961        probe_count: u32,
962    ) {
963        // When manually unrolling adjust the stack pointer and then write a zero
964        // to the stack at that offset.
965        //
966        // We do this because valgrind expects us to never write beyond the stack
967        // pointer and associated redzone.
968        // See:
970        // Store the adjust amount in a register upfront, so we don't have to
971        // reload it for each probe. It's worth loading this as a negative and
972        // using an `add` instruction since we have compressed versions of `add`
973        // but not the `sub` instruction.
974        insts.extend(Inst::load_constant_u64(tmp, (-(guard_size as i64)) as u64));
976        for _ in 0..probe_count {
977            insts.push(Inst::AluRRR {
978                alu_op: AluOPRRR::Add,
979                rd: writable_stack_reg(),
980                rs1: stack_reg(),
981                rs2: tmp.to_reg(),
982            });
984            insts.push(Inst::gen_store(
985                AMode::SPOffset(0),
986                zero_reg(),
987                I32,
988                MemFlags::trusted(),
989            ));
990        }
992        // Restore the stack pointer to its original value
993        insts.extend(Self::gen_sp_reg_adjust((guard_size * probe_count) as i32));
994    }