
1//! Generate a configuration for both Wasmtime and the Wasm module to execute.
3use super::{
4    AsyncConfig, CodegenSettings, InstanceAllocationStrategy, MemoryConfig, ModuleConfig,
5    NormalMemoryConfig, UnalignedMemoryCreator,
7use crate::oracles::{StoreLimits, Timeout};
8use anyhow::Result;
9use arbitrary::{Arbitrary, Unstructured};
10use std::sync::Arc;
11use std::time::Duration;
12use wasmtime::{Engine, Module, MpkEnabled, Store};
13use wasmtime_wast_util::{limits, WastConfig, WastTest};
15/// Configuration for `wasmtime::Config` and generated modules for a session of
16/// fuzzing.
18/// This configuration guides what modules are generated, how wasmtime
19/// configuration is generated, and is typically itself generated through a call
20/// to `Arbitrary` which allows for a form of "swarm testing".
21#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
22pub struct Config {
23    /// Configuration related to the `wasmtime::Config`.
24    pub wasmtime: WasmtimeConfig,
25    /// Configuration related to generated modules.
26    pub module_config: ModuleConfig,
29impl Config {
30    /// Indicates that this configuration is being used for differential
31    /// execution.
32    ///
33    /// The purpose of this function is to update the configuration which was
34    /// generated to be compatible with execution in multiple engines. The goal
35    /// is to produce the exact same result in all engines so we need to paper
36    /// over things like nan differences and memory/table behavior differences.
37    pub fn set_differential_config(&mut self) {
38        let config = &mut self.module_config.config;
40        // Make it more likely that there are types available to generate a
41        // function with.
42        config.min_types = config.min_types.max(1);
43        config.max_types = config.max_types.max(1);
45        // Generate at least one function
46        config.min_funcs = config.min_funcs.max(1);
47        config.max_funcs = config.max_funcs.max(1);
49        // Allow a memory to be generated, but don't let it get too large.
50        // Additionally require the maximum size to guarantee that the growth
51        // behavior is consistent across engines.
52        config.max_memory32_bytes = 10 << 16;
53        config.max_memory64_bytes = 10 << 16;
54        config.memory_max_size_required = true;
56        // If tables are generated make sure they don't get too large to avoid
57        // hitting any engine-specific limit. Additionally ensure that the
58        // maximum size is required to guarantee consistent growth across
59        // engines.
60        //
61        // Note that while reference types are disabled below, only allow one
62        // table.
63        config.max_table_elements = 1_000;
64        config.table_max_size_required = true;
66        // Don't allow any imports
67        config.max_imports = 0;
69        // Try to get the function and the memory exported
70        config.export_everything = true;
72        // NaN is canonicalized at the wasm level for differential fuzzing so we
73        // can paper over NaN differences between engines.
74        config.canonicalize_nans = true;
76        // If using the pooling allocator, update the instance limits too
77        if let InstanceAllocationStrategy::Pooling(pooling) = &mut self.wasmtime.strategy {
78            // One single-page memory
79            pooling.total_memories = config.max_memories as u32;
80            pooling.max_memory_size = 10 << 16;
81            pooling.max_memories_per_module = config.max_memories as u32;
82            if pooling.memory_protection_keys == MpkEnabled::Auto
83                && pooling.max_memory_protection_keys > 1
84            {
85                pooling.total_memories =
86                    pooling.total_memories * (pooling.max_memory_protection_keys as u32);
87            }
89            pooling.total_tables = config.max_tables as u32;
90            pooling.table_elements = 1_000;
91            pooling.max_tables_per_module = config.max_tables as u32;
93            pooling.core_instance_size = 1_000_000;
95            if let MemoryConfig::Normal(cfg) = &mut self.wasmtime.memory_config {
96                match &mut cfg.memory_reservation {
97                    Some(size) => *size = (*size).max(pooling.max_memory_size as u64),
98                    other @ None => *other = Some(pooling.max_memory_size as u64),
99                }
100            }
101        }
103        // These instructions are explicitly not expected to be exactly the same
104        // across engines. Don't fuzz them.
105        config.relaxed_simd_enabled = false;
106    }
108    /// Uses this configuration and the supplied source of data to generate
109    /// a wasm module.
110    ///
111    /// If a `default_fuel` is provided, the resulting module will be configured
112    /// to ensure termination; as doing so will add an additional global to the module,
113    /// the pooling allocator, if configured, will also have its globals limit updated.
114    pub fn generate(
115        &self,
116        input: &mut Unstructured<'_>,
117        default_fuel: Option<u32>,
118    ) -> arbitrary::Result<wasm_smith::Module> {
119        self.module_config.generate(input, default_fuel)
120    }
122    /// Updates this configuration to be able to run the `test` specified.
123    ///
124    /// This primarily updates `self.module_config` to ensure that it enables
125    /// all features and proposals necessary to execute the `test` specified.
126    /// This will additionally update limits in the pooling allocator to be able
127    /// to execute all tests.
128    pub fn make_wast_test_compliant(&mut self, test: &WastTest) -> WastConfig {
129        let wasmtime_wast_util::TestConfig {
130            memory64,
131            custom_page_sizes,
132            multi_memory,
133            threads,
134            gc,
135            function_references,
136            relaxed_simd,
137            reference_types,
138            tail_call,
139            extended_const,
140            wide_arithmetic,
141            component_model_async,
142            simd,
144            hogs_memory: _,
145            nan_canonicalization: _,
146            gc_types: _,
147        } = test.config;
149        // Enable/disable some proposals that aren't configurable in wasm-smith
150        // but are configurable in Wasmtime.
151        self.module_config.function_references_enabled =
152            function_references.or(gc).unwrap_or(false);
153        self.module_config.component_model_async = component_model_async.unwrap_or(false);
155        // Enable/disable proposals that wasm-smith has knobs for which will be
156        // read when creating `wasmtime::Config`.
157        let config = &mut self.module_config.config;
158        config.bulk_memory_enabled = true;
159        config.multi_value_enabled = true;
160        config.wide_arithmetic_enabled = wide_arithmetic.unwrap_or(false);
161        config.memory64_enabled = memory64.unwrap_or(false);
162        config.relaxed_simd_enabled = relaxed_simd.unwrap_or(false);
163        config.simd_enabled = config.relaxed_simd_enabled || simd.unwrap_or(false);
164        config.tail_call_enabled = tail_call.unwrap_or(false);
165        config.custom_page_sizes_enabled = custom_page_sizes.unwrap_or(false);
166        config.threads_enabled = threads.unwrap_or(false);
167        config.gc_enabled = gc.unwrap_or(false);
168        config.reference_types_enabled = config.gc_enabled
169            || self.module_config.function_references_enabled
170            || reference_types.unwrap_or(false);
171        config.extended_const_enabled = extended_const.unwrap_or(false);
172        if multi_memory.unwrap_or(false) {
173            config.max_memories = limits::MEMORIES_PER_MODULE as usize;
174        } else {
175            config.max_memories = 1;
176        }
178        match &mut self.wasmtime.memory_config {
179            MemoryConfig::Normal(config) => {
180                if let Some(n) = &mut config.memory_reservation {
181                    *n = (*n).max(limits::MEMORY_SIZE as u64);
182                }
183            }
184            MemoryConfig::CustomUnaligned => {}
185        }
187        // FIXME: it might be more ideal to avoid the need for this entirely
188        // and to just let the test fail. If a test fails due to a pooling
189        // allocator resource limit being met we could ideally detect that and
190        // let the fuzz test case pass. That would avoid the need to hardcode
191        // so much here and in theory wouldn't reduce the usefulness of fuzzers
192        // all that much. At this time though we can't easily test this configuration.
193        if let InstanceAllocationStrategy::Pooling(pooling) = &mut self.wasmtime.strategy {
194            // Clamp protection keys between 1 & 2 to reduce the number of
195            // slots and then multiply the total memories by the number of keys
196            // we have since a single store has access to only one key.
197            pooling.max_memory_protection_keys = pooling.max_memory_protection_keys.max(1).min(2);
198            pooling.total_memories = pooling
199                .total_memories
200                .max(limits::MEMORIES * (pooling.max_memory_protection_keys as u32));
202            // For other limits make sure they meet the minimum threshold
203            // required for our wast tests.
204            pooling.total_component_instances = pooling
205                .total_component_instances
206                .max(limits::COMPONENT_INSTANCES);
207            pooling.total_tables = pooling.total_tables.max(limits::TABLES);
208            pooling.max_tables_per_module =
209                pooling.max_tables_per_module.max(limits::TABLES_PER_MODULE);
210            pooling.max_memories_per_module = pooling
211                .max_memories_per_module
212                .max(limits::MEMORIES_PER_MODULE);
213            pooling.max_memories_per_component = pooling
214                .max_memories_per_component
215                .max(limits::MEMORIES_PER_MODULE);
216            pooling.total_core_instances = pooling.total_core_instances.max(limits::CORE_INSTANCES);
217            pooling.max_memory_size = pooling.max_memory_size.max(limits::MEMORY_SIZE);
218            pooling.table_elements = pooling.table_elements.max(limits::TABLE_ELEMENTS);
219            pooling.core_instance_size = pooling.core_instance_size.max(limits::CORE_INSTANCE_SIZE);
220            pooling.component_instance_size = pooling
221                .component_instance_size
222                .max(limits::CORE_INSTANCE_SIZE);
223        }
225        // Return the test configuration that this fuzz configuration represents
226        // which is used afterwards to test if the `test` here is expected to
227        // fail or not.
228        WastConfig {
229            collector: match self.wasmtime.collector {
230                Collector::Null => wasmtime_wast_util::Collector::Null,
231                Collector::DeferredReferenceCounting => {
232                    wasmtime_wast_util::Collector::DeferredReferenceCounting
233                }
234            },
235            pooling: matches!(
236                self.wasmtime.strategy,
237                InstanceAllocationStrategy::Pooling(_)
238            ),
239            compiler: match self.wasmtime.compiler_strategy {
240                CompilerStrategy::CraneliftNative => wasmtime_wast_util::Compiler::CraneliftNative,
241                CompilerStrategy::CraneliftPulley => wasmtime_wast_util::Compiler::CraneliftPulley,
242                CompilerStrategy::Winch => wasmtime_wast_util::Compiler::Winch,
243            },
244        }
245    }
247    /// Converts this to a `wasmtime::Config` object
248    pub fn to_wasmtime(&self) -> wasmtime::Config {
249        crate::init_fuzzing();
251        let mut cfg = wasmtime_cli_flags::CommonOptions::default();
252        cfg.codegen.native_unwind_info =
253            Some(cfg!(target_os = "windows") || self.wasmtime.native_unwind_info);
254        cfg.codegen.parallel_compilation = Some(false);
255        cfg.debug.address_map = Some(self.wasmtime.generate_address_map);
256        cfg.opts.opt_level = Some(self.wasmtime.opt_level.to_wasmtime());
257        cfg.opts.regalloc_algorithm = Some(self.wasmtime.regalloc_algorithm.to_wasmtime());
258        cfg.opts.signals_based_traps = Some(self.wasmtime.signals_based_traps);
259        cfg.opts.memory_guaranteed_dense_image_size = Some(std::cmp::min(
260            // Clamp this at 16MiB so we don't get huge in-memory
261            // images during fuzzing.
262            16 << 20,
263            self.wasmtime.memory_guaranteed_dense_image_size,
264        ));
265        cfg.wasm.async_stack_zeroing = Some(self.wasmtime.async_stack_zeroing);
266        cfg.wasm.bulk_memory = Some(true);
267        cfg.wasm.component_model_async = Some(self.module_config.component_model_async);
268        cfg.wasm.custom_page_sizes = Some(self.module_config.config.custom_page_sizes_enabled);
269        cfg.wasm.epoch_interruption = Some(self.wasmtime.epoch_interruption);
270        cfg.wasm.extended_const = Some(self.module_config.config.extended_const_enabled);
271        cfg.wasm.fuel = self.wasmtime.consume_fuel.then(|| u64::MAX);
272        cfg.wasm.function_references = Some(self.module_config.function_references_enabled);
273        cfg.wasm.gc = Some(self.module_config.config.gc_enabled);
274        cfg.wasm.memory64 = Some(self.module_config.config.memory64_enabled);
275        cfg.wasm.multi_memory = Some(self.module_config.config.max_memories > 1);
276        cfg.wasm.multi_value = Some(self.module_config.config.multi_value_enabled);
277        cfg.wasm.nan_canonicalization = Some(self.wasmtime.canonicalize_nans);
278        cfg.wasm.reference_types = Some(self.module_config.config.reference_types_enabled);
279        cfg.wasm.simd = Some(self.module_config.config.simd_enabled);
280        cfg.wasm.tail_call = Some(self.module_config.config.tail_call_enabled);
281        cfg.wasm.threads = Some(self.module_config.config.threads_enabled);
282        cfg.wasm.wide_arithmetic = Some(self.module_config.config.wide_arithmetic_enabled);
283        if !self.module_config.config.simd_enabled {
284            cfg.wasm.relaxed_simd = Some(false);
285        }
286        cfg.codegen.collector = Some(self.wasmtime.collector.to_wasmtime());
288        let compiler_strategy = &self.wasmtime.compiler_strategy;
289        let cranelift_strategy = match compiler_strategy {
290            CompilerStrategy::CraneliftNative | CompilerStrategy::CraneliftPulley => true,
291            CompilerStrategy::Winch => false,
292        };
293        self.wasmtime.compiler_strategy.configure(&mut cfg);
295        self.wasmtime.codegen.configure(&mut cfg);
297        // Determine whether we will actually enable PCC -- this is
298        // disabled if the module requires memory64, which is not yet
299        // compatible (due to the need for dynamic checks).
300        let pcc = cfg!(feature = "fuzz-pcc")
301            && self.wasmtime.pcc
302            && !self.module_config.config.memory64_enabled;
304        // Only set cranelift specific flags when the Cranelift strategy is
305        // chosen.
306        if cranelift_strategy {
307            // If the wasm-smith-generated module use nan canonicalization then we
308            // don't need to enable it, but if it doesn't enable it already then we
309            // enable this codegen option.
310            cfg.wasm.nan_canonicalization = Some(!self.module_config.config.canonicalize_nans);
312            // Enabling the verifier will at-least-double compilation time, which
313            // with a 20-30x slowdown in fuzzing can cause issues related to
314            // timeouts. If generated modules can have more than a small handful of
315            // functions then disable the verifier when fuzzing to try to lessen the
316            // impact of timeouts.
317            if self.module_config.config.max_funcs > 10 {
318                cfg.codegen.cranelift_debug_verifier = Some(false);
319            }
321            if self.wasmtime.force_jump_veneers {
322                cfg.codegen.cranelift.push((
323                    "wasmtime_linkopt_force_jump_veneer".to_string(),
324                    Some("true".to_string()),
325                ));
326            }
328            if let Some(pad) = self.wasmtime.padding_between_functions {
329                cfg.codegen.cranelift.push((
330                    "wasmtime_linkopt_padding_between_functions".to_string(),
331                    Some(pad.to_string()),
332                ));
333            }
335            cfg.codegen.pcc = Some(pcc);
337            // Eager init is currently only supported on Cranelift, not Winch.
338            cfg.opts.table_lazy_init = Some(self.wasmtime.table_lazy_init);
339        }
341        self.wasmtime.strategy.configure(&mut cfg);
343        // Vary the memory configuration, but only if threads are not enabled.
344        // When the threads proposal is enabled we might generate shared memory,
345        // which is less amenable to different memory configurations:
346        // - shared memories are required to be "static" so fuzzing the various
347        //   memory configurations will mostly result in uninteresting errors.
348        //   The interesting part about shared memories is the runtime so we
349        //   don't fuzz non-default settings.
350        // - shared memories are required to be aligned which means that the
351        //   `CustomUnaligned` variant isn't actually safe to use with a shared
352        //   memory.
353        let host_memory = if !self.module_config.config.threads_enabled {
354            // If PCC is enabled, force other options to be compatible: PCC is currently only
355            // supported when bounds checks are elided.
356            let memory_config = if pcc {
357                MemoryConfig::Normal(NormalMemoryConfig {
358                    memory_reservation: Some(4 << 30), // 4 GiB
359                    memory_guard_size: Some(2 << 30),  // 2 GiB
360                    memory_reservation_for_growth: Some(0),
361                    guard_before_linear_memory: false,
362                    memory_init_cow: true,
363                    // Doesn't matter, only using virtual memory.
364                    cranelift_enable_heap_access_spectre_mitigations: None,
365                })
366            } else {
367                self.wasmtime.memory_config.clone()
368            };
370            match &memory_config {
371                MemoryConfig::Normal(memory_config) => {
372                    memory_config.configure(&mut cfg);
373                    None
374                }
375                MemoryConfig::CustomUnaligned => {
376                    cfg.opts.memory_reservation = Some(0);
377                    cfg.opts.memory_guard_size = Some(0);
378                    cfg.opts.memory_reservation_for_growth = Some(0);
379                    cfg.opts.guard_before_linear_memory = Some(false);
380                    cfg.opts.memory_init_cow = Some(false);
381                    log::debug!("a custom unaligned host memory will be in use");
382                    Some(Arc::new(UnalignedMemoryCreator))
383                }
384            }
385        } else {
386            None
387        };
389        // If malloc-based memory is going to be used, which requires these four
390        // options set to specific values (and Pulley auto-sets two of them)
391        // then be sure to cap `memory_reservation_for_growth` at a smaller
392        // value than the default. For malloc-based memory reservation beyond
393        // the end of memory isn't captured by `StoreLimiter` so we need to be
394        // sure it's small enough to not blow OOM limits while fuzzing.
395        if ((cfg.opts.signals_based_traps == Some(true) && cfg.opts.memory_guard_size == Some(0))
396            || self.wasmtime.compiler_strategy == CompilerStrategy::CraneliftPulley)
397            && cfg.opts.memory_reservation == Some(0)
398            && cfg.opts.memory_init_cow == Some(false)
399        {
400            let growth = &mut cfg.opts.memory_reservation_for_growth;
401            let max = 1 << 20;
402            *growth = match *growth {
403                Some(n) => Some(n.min(max)),
404                None => Some(max),
405            };
406        }
408        log::debug!("creating wasmtime config with CLI options:\n{cfg}");
409        let mut cfg = cfg.config(None).expect("failed to create wasmtime::Config");
411        if let Some(host_memory) = host_memory {
412            cfg.with_host_memory(host_memory);
413        }
415        if self.wasmtime.async_config != AsyncConfig::Disabled {
416            log::debug!("async config in use {:?}", self.wasmtime.async_config);
417            self.wasmtime.async_config.configure(&mut cfg);
418        }
420        return cfg;
421    }
423    /// Convenience function for generating a `Store<T>` using this
424    /// configuration.
425    pub fn to_store(&self) -> Store<StoreLimits> {
426        let engine = Engine::new(&self.to_wasmtime()).unwrap();
427        let mut store = Store::new(&engine, StoreLimits::new());
428        self.configure_store(&mut store);
429        store
430    }
432    /// Configures a store based on this configuration.
433    pub fn configure_store(&self, store: &mut Store<StoreLimits>) {
434        store.limiter(|s| s as &mut dyn wasmtime::ResourceLimiter);
436        // Configure the store to never abort by default, that is it'll have
437        // max fuel or otherwise trap on an epoch change but the epoch won't
438        // ever change.
439        //
440        // Afterwards though see what `AsyncConfig` is being used an further
441        // refine the store's configuration based on that.
442        if self.wasmtime.consume_fuel {
443            store.set_fuel(u64::MAX).unwrap();
444        }
445        if self.wasmtime.epoch_interruption {
446            store.epoch_deadline_trap();
447            store.set_epoch_deadline(1);
448        }
449        match self.wasmtime.async_config {
450            AsyncConfig::Disabled => {}
451            AsyncConfig::YieldWithFuel(amt) => {
452                assert!(self.wasmtime.consume_fuel);
453                store.fuel_async_yield_interval(Some(amt)).unwrap();
454            }
455            AsyncConfig::YieldWithEpochs { ticks, .. } => {
456                assert!(self.wasmtime.epoch_interruption);
457                store.set_epoch_deadline(ticks);
458                store.epoch_deadline_async_yield_and_update(ticks);
459            }
460        }
461    }
463    /// Generates an arbitrary method of timing out an instance, ensuring that
464    /// this configuration supports the returned timeout.
465    pub fn generate_timeout(&mut self, u: &mut Unstructured<'_>) -> arbitrary::Result<Timeout> {
466        let time_duration = Duration::from_millis(100);
467        let timeout = u
468            .choose(&[Timeout::Fuel(100_000), Timeout::Epoch(time_duration)])?
469            .clone();
470        match &timeout {
471            Timeout::Fuel(..) => {
472                self.wasmtime.consume_fuel = true;
473            }
474            Timeout::Epoch(..) => {
475                self.wasmtime.epoch_interruption = true;
476            }
477            Timeout::None => unreachable!("Not an option given to choose()"),
478        }
479        Ok(timeout)
480    }
482    /// Compiles the `wasm` within the `engine` provided.
483    ///
484    /// This notably will use `Module::{serialize,deserialize_file}` to
485    /// round-trip if configured in the fuzzer.
486    pub fn compile(&self, engine: &Engine, wasm: &[u8]) -> Result<Module> {
487        // Propagate this error in case the caller wants to handle
488        // valid-vs-invalid wasm.
489        let module = Module::new(engine, wasm)?;
490        if !self.wasmtime.use_precompiled_cwasm {
491            return Ok(module);
492        }
494        // Don't propagate these errors to prevent them from accidentally being
495        // interpreted as invalid wasm, these should never fail on a
496        // well-behaved host system.
497        let dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
498        let file = dir.path().join("module.wasm");
499        std::fs::write(&file, module.serialize().unwrap()).unwrap();
500        unsafe { Ok(Module::deserialize_file(engine, &file).unwrap()) }
501    }
503    /// Updates this configuration to forcibly enable async support. Only useful
504    /// in fuzzers which do async calls.
505    pub fn enable_async(&mut self, u: &mut Unstructured<'_>) -> arbitrary::Result<()> {
506        if self.wasmtime.consume_fuel || u.arbitrary()? {
507            self.wasmtime.async_config =
508                AsyncConfig::YieldWithFuel(u.int_in_range(1000..=100_000)?);
509            self.wasmtime.consume_fuel = true;
510        } else {
511            self.wasmtime.async_config = AsyncConfig::YieldWithEpochs {
512                dur: Duration::from_millis(u.int_in_range(1..=10)?),
513                ticks: u.int_in_range(1..=10)?,
514            };
515            self.wasmtime.epoch_interruption = true;
516        }
517        Ok(())
518    }
521impl<'a> Arbitrary<'a> for Config {
522    fn arbitrary(u: &mut Unstructured<'a>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {
523        let mut config = Self {
524            wasmtime: u.arbitrary()?,
525            module_config: u.arbitrary()?,
526        };
528        config
529            .wasmtime
530            .update_module_config(&mut config.module_config, u)?;
532        Ok(config)
533    }
536/// Configuration related to `wasmtime::Config` and the various settings which
537/// can be tweaked from within.
538#[derive(Arbitrary, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
539pub struct WasmtimeConfig {
540    opt_level: OptLevel,
541    regalloc_algorithm: RegallocAlgorithm,
542    debug_info: bool,
543    canonicalize_nans: bool,
544    interruptable: bool,
545    pub(crate) consume_fuel: bool,
546    pub(crate) epoch_interruption: bool,
547    /// The Wasmtime memory configuration to use.
548    pub memory_config: MemoryConfig,
549    force_jump_veneers: bool,
550    memory_init_cow: bool,
551    memory_guaranteed_dense_image_size: u64,
552    use_precompiled_cwasm: bool,
553    async_stack_zeroing: bool,
554    /// Configuration for the instance allocation strategy to use.
555    pub strategy: InstanceAllocationStrategy,
556    codegen: CodegenSettings,
557    padding_between_functions: Option<u16>,
558    generate_address_map: bool,
559    native_unwind_info: bool,
560    /// Configuration for the compiler to use.
561    pub compiler_strategy: CompilerStrategy,
562    collector: Collector,
563    table_lazy_init: bool,
565    /// Whether or not fuzzing should enable PCC.
566    pcc: bool,
568    /// Configuration for whether wasm is invoked in an async fashion and how
569    /// it's cooperatively time-sliced.
570    pub async_config: AsyncConfig,
572    /// Whether or not host signal handlers are enabled for this configuration,
573    /// aka whether signal handlers are supported.
574    signals_based_traps: bool,
577impl WasmtimeConfig {
578    /// Force `self` to be a configuration compatible with `other`. This is
579    /// useful for differential execution to avoid unhelpful fuzz crashes when
580    /// one engine has a feature enabled and the other does not.
581    pub fn make_compatible_with(&mut self, other: &Self) {
582        // Use the same allocation strategy between the two configs.
583        //
584        // Ideally this wouldn't be necessary, but, during differential
585        // evaluation, if the `lhs` is using ondemand and the `rhs` is using the
586        // pooling allocator (or vice versa), then the module may have been
587        // generated in such a way that is incompatible with the other
588        // allocation strategy.
589        //
590        // We can remove this in the future when it's possible to access the
591        // fields of `wasm_smith::Module` to constrain the pooling allocator
592        // based on what was actually generated.
593        self.strategy = other.strategy.clone();
594        if let InstanceAllocationStrategy::Pooling { .. } = &other.strategy {
595            // Also use the same memory configuration when using the pooling
596            // allocator.
597            self.memory_config = other.memory_config.clone();
598        }
600        self.make_internally_consistent();
601    }
603    /// Updates `config` to be compatible with `self` and the other way around
604    /// too.
605    pub fn update_module_config(
606        &mut self,
607        config: &mut ModuleConfig,
608        u: &mut Unstructured<'_>,
609    ) -> arbitrary::Result<()> {
610        match self.compiler_strategy {
611            CompilerStrategy::CraneliftNative => {}
613            CompilerStrategy::Winch => {
614                // Winch is not complete on non-x64 targets, so just abandon this test
615                // case. We don't want to force Cranelift because we change what module
616                // config features are enabled based on the compiler strategy, and we
617                // don't want to make the same fuzz input DNA generate different test
618                // cases on different targets.
619                if cfg!(not(target_arch = "x86_64")) {
620                    log::warn!(
621                        "want to compile with Winch but host architecture does not support it"
622                    );
623                    return Err(arbitrary::Error::IncorrectFormat);
624                }
626                // Winch doesn't support the same set of wasm proposal as Cranelift
627                // at this time, so if winch is selected be sure to disable wasm
628                // proposals in `Config` to ensure that Winch can compile the
629                // module that wasm-smith generates.
630                config.config.relaxed_simd_enabled = false;
631                config.config.gc_enabled = false;
632                config.config.tail_call_enabled = false;
633                config.config.reference_types_enabled = false;
634                config.function_references_enabled = false;
636                // Winch's SIMD implementations require AVX and AVX2.
637                if self
638                    .codegen_flag("has_avx")
639                    .is_some_and(|value| value == "false")
640                    || self
641                        .codegen_flag("has_avx2")
642                        .is_some_and(|value| value == "false")
643                {
644                    config.config.simd_enabled = false;
645                }
647                // Tuning  the following engine options is currently not supported
648                // by Winch.
649                self.signals_based_traps = true;
650                self.table_lazy_init = true;
651                self.debug_info = false;
652            }
654            CompilerStrategy::CraneliftPulley => {
655                config.config.threads_enabled = false;
656            }
657        }
659        // Forcibly don't use the `CustomUnaligned` memory configuration when
660        // wasm threads are enabled or when the pooling allocator is used. For
661        // the pooling allocator it doesn't use custom memory creators anyway
662        // and for wasm threads that will require some refactoring of the
663        // `LinearMemory` trait to bubble up the request that the linear memory
664        // not move. Otherwise that just generates a panic right now.
665        if config.config.threads_enabled
666            || matches!(self.strategy, InstanceAllocationStrategy::Pooling(_))
667        {
668            self.avoid_custom_unaligned_memory(u)?;
669        }
671        // If using the pooling allocator, constrain the memory and module configurations
672        // to the module limits.
673        if let InstanceAllocationStrategy::Pooling(pooling) = &mut self.strategy {
674            // If the pooling allocator is used, do not allow shared memory to
675            // be created. FIXME: see
676            // https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/issues/4244.
677            config.config.threads_enabled = false;
679            // Ensure the pooling allocator can support the maximal size of
680            // memory, picking the smaller of the two to win.
681            let min_bytes = config
682                .config
683                .max_memory32_bytes
684                // memory64_bytes is a u128, but since we are taking the min
685                // we can truncate it down to a u64.
686                .min(
687                    config
688                        .config
689                        .max_memory64_bytes
690                        .try_into()
691                        .unwrap_or(u64::MAX),
692                );
693            let mut min = min_bytes.min(pooling.max_memory_size as u64);
694            if let MemoryConfig::Normal(cfg) = &self.memory_config {
695                min = min.min(cfg.memory_reservation.unwrap_or(0));
696            }
697            pooling.max_memory_size = min as usize;
698            config.config.max_memory32_bytes = min;
699            config.config.max_memory64_bytes = min as u128;
701            // If traps are disallowed then memories must have at least one page
702            // of memory so if we still are only allowing 0 pages of memory then
703            // increase that to one here.
704            if config.config.disallow_traps {
705                if pooling.max_memory_size < (1 << 16) {
706                    pooling.max_memory_size = 1 << 16;
707                    config.config.max_memory32_bytes = 1 << 16;
708                    config.config.max_memory64_bytes = 1 << 16;
709                    if let MemoryConfig::Normal(cfg) = &mut self.memory_config {
710                        match &mut cfg.memory_reservation {
711                            Some(size) => *size = (*size).max(pooling.max_memory_size as u64),
712                            size @ None => *size = Some(pooling.max_memory_size as u64),
713                        }
714                    }
715                }
716                // .. additionally update tables
717                if pooling.table_elements == 0 {
718                    pooling.table_elements = 1;
719                }
720            }
722            // Don't allow too many linear memories per instance since massive
723            // virtual mappings can fail to get allocated.
724            config.config.min_memories = config.config.min_memories.min(10);
725            config.config.max_memories = config.config.max_memories.min(10);
727            // Force this pooling allocator to always be able to accommodate the
728            // module that may be generated.
729            pooling.total_memories = config.config.max_memories as u32;
730            pooling.total_tables = config.config.max_tables as u32;
731        }
733        if !self.signals_based_traps {
734            // At this time shared memories require a "static" memory
735            // configuration but when signals-based traps are disabled all
736            // memories are forced to the "dynamic" configuration. This is
737            // fixable with some more work on the bounds-checks side of things
738            // to do a full bounds check even on static memories, but that's
739            // left for a future PR.
740            config.config.threads_enabled = false;
742            // Spectre-based heap mitigations require signal handlers so this
743            // must always be disabled if signals-based traps are disabled.
744            if let MemoryConfig::Normal(cfg) = &mut self.memory_config {
745                cfg.cranelift_enable_heap_access_spectre_mitigations = None;
746            }
747        }
749        self.make_internally_consistent();
751        Ok(())
752    }
754    /// Returns the codegen flag value, if any, for `name`.
755    pub(crate) fn codegen_flag(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&str> {
756        self.codegen.flags().iter().find_map(|(n, value)| {
757            if n == name {
758                Some(value.as_str())
759            } else {
760                None
761            }
762        })
763    }
765    /// Helper to switch `MemoryConfig::CustomUnaligned` to
766    /// `MemoryConfig::Normal`
767    fn avoid_custom_unaligned_memory(&mut self, u: &mut Unstructured<'_>) -> arbitrary::Result<()> {
768        if let MemoryConfig::CustomUnaligned = self.memory_config {
769            self.memory_config = MemoryConfig::Normal(u.arbitrary()?);
770        }
771        Ok(())
772    }
774    /// Helper method to handle some dependencies between various configuration
775    /// options. This is intended to be called whenever a `Config` is created or
776    /// modified to ensure that the final result is an instantiable `Config`.
777    ///
778    /// Note that in general this probably shouldn't exist and anything here can
779    /// be considered a "TODO" to go implement more stuff in Wasmtime to accept
780    /// these sorts of configurations. For now though it's intended to reflect
781    /// the current state of the engine's development.
782    fn make_internally_consistent(&mut self) {
783        if !self.signals_based_traps {
784            if let MemoryConfig::Normal(cfg) = &mut self.memory_config {
785                // Spectre-based heap mitigations require signal handlers so
786                // this must always be disabled if signals-based traps are
787                // disabled.
788                cfg.cranelift_enable_heap_access_spectre_mitigations = None;
790                // With configuration settings that match the use of malloc for
791                // linear memories cap the `memory_reservation_for_growth` value
792                // to something reasonable to avoid OOM in fuzzing.
793                if !cfg.memory_init_cow
794                    && cfg.memory_guard_size == Some(0)
795                    && cfg.memory_reservation == Some(0)
796                {
797                    let min = 10 << 20; // 10 MiB
798                    if let Some(val) = &mut cfg.memory_reservation_for_growth {
799                        *val = (*val).min(min);
800                    } else {
801                        cfg.memory_reservation_for_growth = Some(min);
802                    }
803                }
804            }
805        }
806    }
809#[derive(Arbitrary, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
810enum OptLevel {
811    None,
812    Speed,
813    SpeedAndSize,
816impl OptLevel {
817    fn to_wasmtime(&self) -> wasmtime::OptLevel {
818        match self {
819            OptLevel::None => wasmtime::OptLevel::None,
820            OptLevel::Speed => wasmtime::OptLevel::Speed,
821            OptLevel::SpeedAndSize => wasmtime::OptLevel::SpeedAndSize,
822        }
823    }
826#[derive(Arbitrary, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
827enum RegallocAlgorithm {
828    Backtracking,
829    SinglePass,
832impl RegallocAlgorithm {
833    fn to_wasmtime(&self) -> wasmtime::RegallocAlgorithm {
834        match self {
835            RegallocAlgorithm::Backtracking => wasmtime::RegallocAlgorithm::Backtracking,
836            RegallocAlgorithm::SinglePass => wasmtime::RegallocAlgorithm::SinglePass,
837        }
838    }
841#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
842/// Compiler to use.
843pub enum CompilerStrategy {
844    /// Cranelift compiler for the native architecture.
845    CraneliftNative,
846    /// Winch compiler.
847    Winch,
848    /// Cranelift compiler for the native architecture.
849    CraneliftPulley,
852impl CompilerStrategy {
853    /// Configures `config` to use this compilation strategy
854    pub fn configure(&self, config: &mut wasmtime_cli_flags::CommonOptions) {
855        match self {
856            CompilerStrategy::CraneliftNative => {
857                config.codegen.compiler = Some(wasmtime::Strategy::Cranelift);
858            }
859            CompilerStrategy::Winch => {
860                config.codegen.compiler = Some(wasmtime::Strategy::Winch);
861            }
862            CompilerStrategy::CraneliftPulley => {
863                config.codegen.compiler = Some(wasmtime::Strategy::Cranelift);
864                config.target = Some("pulley64".to_string());
865            }
866        }
867    }
870impl Arbitrary<'_> for CompilerStrategy {
871    fn arbitrary(u: &mut Unstructured<'_>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {
872        // Favor fuzzing native cranelift, but if allowed also enable
873        // winch/pulley.
874        match u.int_in_range(0..=19)? {
875            1 => Ok(Self::CraneliftPulley),
876            2 => Ok(Self::Winch),
877            _ => Ok(Self::CraneliftNative),
878        }
879    }
882#[derive(Arbitrary, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
883pub enum Collector {
884    DeferredReferenceCounting,
885    Null,
888impl Collector {
889    fn to_wasmtime(&self) -> wasmtime::Collector {
890        match self {
891            Collector::DeferredReferenceCounting => wasmtime::Collector::DeferredReferenceCounting,
892            Collector::Null => wasmtime::Collector::Null,
893        }
894    }