
1use crate::component::func::HostFunc;
2use crate::component::instance::RuntimeImport;
3use crate::component::matching::{InstanceType, TypeChecker};
4use crate::component::types;
5use crate::component::{
6    Component, ComponentNamedList, Instance, InstancePre, Lift, Lower, ResourceType, Val,
8use crate::hash_map::HashMap;
9use crate::prelude::*;
10use crate::{AsContextMut, Engine, Module, StoreContextMut};
11use alloc::sync::Arc;
12use core::marker;
13#[cfg(feature = "async")]
14use core::{future::Future, pin::Pin};
15use wasmtime_environ::component::{NameMap, NameMapIntern};
16use wasmtime_environ::PrimaryMap;
18/// A type used to instantiate [`Component`]s.
20/// This type is used to both link components together as well as supply host
21/// functionality to components. Values are defined in a [`Linker`] by their
22/// import name and then components are instantiated with a [`Linker`] using the
23/// names provided for name resolution of the component's imports.
25/// # Names and Semver
27/// Names defined in a [`Linker`] correspond to import names in the Component
28/// Model. Names in the Component Model are allowed to be semver-qualified, for
29/// example:
31/// * `wasi:cli/stdout@0.2.0`
32/// * `wasi:http/types@0.2.0-rc-2023-10-25`
33/// * `my:custom/plugin@1.0.0-pre.2`
35/// These version strings are taken into account when looking up names within a
36/// [`Linker`]. You're allowed to define any number of versions within a
37/// [`Linker`] still, for example you can define `a:b/c@0.2.0`, `a:b/c@0.2.1`,
38/// and `a:b/c@0.3.0` all at the same time.
40/// Specifically though when names are looked up within a linker, for example
41/// during instantiation, semver-compatible names are automatically consulted.
42/// This means that if you define `a:b/c@0.2.1` in a [`Linker`] but a component
43/// imports `a:b/c@0.2.0` then that import will resolve to the `0.2.1` version.
45/// This lookup behavior relies on hosts being well-behaved when using Semver,
46/// specifically that interfaces once defined are never changed. This reflects
47/// how Semver works at the Component Model layer, and it's assumed that if
48/// versions are present then hosts are respecting this.
50/// Note that this behavior goes the other direction, too. If a component
51/// imports `a:b/c@0.2.1` and the host has provided `a:b/c@0.2.0` then that
52/// will also resolve correctly. This is because if an API was defined at 0.2.0
53/// and 0.2.1 then it must be the same API.
55/// This behavior is intended to make it easier for hosts to upgrade WASI and
56/// for guests to upgrade WASI. So long as the actual "meat" of the
57/// functionality is defined then it should align correctly and components can
58/// be instantiated.
59pub struct Linker<T> {
60    engine: Engine,
61    strings: Strings,
62    map: NameMap<usize, Definition>,
63    path: Vec<usize>,
64    allow_shadowing: bool,
65    _marker: marker::PhantomData<fn() -> T>,
68impl<T> Clone for Linker<T> {
69    fn clone(&self) -> Linker<T> {
70        Linker {
71            engine: self.engine.clone(),
72            strings: self.strings.clone(),
73            map: self.map.clone(),
74            path: self.path.clone(),
75            allow_shadowing: self.allow_shadowing,
76            _marker: self._marker,
77        }
78    }
81#[derive(Clone, Default)]
82pub struct Strings {
83    string2idx: HashMap<Arc<str>, usize>,
84    strings: Vec<Arc<str>>,
87/// Structure representing an "instance" being defined within a linker.
89/// Instances do not need to be actual [`Instance`]s and instead are defined by
90/// a "bag of named items", so each [`LinkerInstance`] can further define items
91/// internally.
92pub struct LinkerInstance<'a, T> {
93    engine: &'a Engine,
94    path: &'a mut Vec<usize>,
95    path_len: usize,
96    strings: &'a mut Strings,
97    map: &'a mut NameMap<usize, Definition>,
98    allow_shadowing: bool,
99    _marker: marker::PhantomData<fn() -> T>,
102#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
103pub(crate) enum Definition {
104    Instance(NameMap<usize, Definition>),
105    Func(Arc<HostFunc>),
106    Module(Module),
107    Resource(ResourceType, Arc<crate::func::HostFunc>),
110impl<T> Linker<T> {
111    /// Creates a new linker for the [`Engine`] specified with no items defined
112    /// within it.
113    pub fn new(engine: &Engine) -> Linker<T> {
114        Linker {
115            engine: engine.clone(),
116            strings: Strings::default(),
117            map: NameMap::default(),
118            allow_shadowing: false,
119            path: Vec::new(),
120            _marker: marker::PhantomData,
121        }
122    }
124    /// Returns the [`Engine`] this is connected to.
125    pub fn engine(&self) -> &Engine {
126        &self.engine
127    }
129    /// Configures whether or not name-shadowing is allowed.
130    ///
131    /// By default name shadowing is not allowed and it's an error to redefine
132    /// the same name within a linker.
133    pub fn allow_shadowing(&mut self, allow: bool) -> &mut Self {
134        self.allow_shadowing = allow;
135        self
136    }
138    /// Returns the "root instance" of this linker, used to define names into
139    /// the root namespace.
140    pub fn root(&mut self) -> LinkerInstance<'_, T> {
141        LinkerInstance {
142            engine: &self.engine,
143            path: &mut self.path,
144            path_len: 0,
145            strings: &mut self.strings,
146            map: &mut self.map,
147            allow_shadowing: self.allow_shadowing,
148            _marker: self._marker,
149        }
150    }
152    /// Returns a builder for the named instance specified.
153    ///
154    /// # Errors
155    ///
156    /// Returns an error if `name` is already defined within the linker.
157    pub fn instance(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<LinkerInstance<'_, T>> {
158        self.root().into_instance(name)
159    }
161    fn typecheck<'a>(&'a self, component: &'a Component) -> Result<TypeChecker<'a>> {
162        let mut cx = TypeChecker {
163            engine: &self.engine,
164            types: component.types(),
165            strings: &self.strings,
166            imported_resources: Default::default(),
167        };
169        // Walk over the component's list of import names and use that to lookup
170        // the definition within this linker that it corresponds to. When found
171        // perform a typecheck against the component's expected type.
172        let env_component = component.env_component();
173        for (_idx, (name, ty)) in env_component.import_types.iter() {
174            let import = self.map.get(name, &self.strings);
175            cx.definition(ty, import)
176                .with_context(|| format!("component imports {desc} `{name}`, but a matching implementation was not found in the linker", desc = ty.desc()))?;
177        }
178        Ok(cx)
179    }
181    /// Returns the [`types::Component`] corresponding to `component` with resource
182    /// types imported by it replaced using imports present in [`Self`].
183    pub fn substituted_component_type(&self, component: &Component) -> Result<types::Component> {
184        let cx = self.typecheck(&component)?;
185        Ok(types::Component::from(
186            component.ty(),
187            &InstanceType {
188                types: cx.types,
189                resources: &cx.imported_resources,
190            },
191        ))
192    }
194    /// Performs a "pre-instantiation" to resolve the imports of the
195    /// [`Component`] specified with the items defined within this linker.
196    ///
197    /// This method will perform as much work as possible short of actually
198    /// instantiating an instance. Internally this will use the names defined
199    /// within this linker to satisfy the imports of the [`Component`] provided.
200    /// Additionally this will perform type-checks against the component's
201    /// imports against all items defined within this linker.
202    ///
203    /// Note that unlike internally in components where subtyping at the
204    /// interface-types layer is supported this is not supported here. Items
205    /// defined in this linker must match the component's imports precisely.
206    ///
207    /// # Errors
208    ///
209    /// Returns an error if this linker doesn't define a name that the
210    /// `component` imports or if a name defined doesn't match the type of the
211    /// item imported by the `component` provided.
212    pub fn instantiate_pre(&self, component: &Component) -> Result<InstancePre<T>> {
213        self.typecheck(&component)?;
215        // Now that all imports are known to be defined and satisfied by this
216        // linker a list of "flat" import items (aka no instances) is created
217        // using the import map within the component created at
218        // component-compile-time.
219        let env_component = component.env_component();
220        let mut imports = PrimaryMap::with_capacity(env_component.imports.len());
221        for (idx, (import, names)) in env_component.imports.iter() {
222            let (root, _) = &env_component.import_types[*import];
224            // This is the flattening process where we go from a definition
225            // optionally through a list of exported names to get to the final
226            // item.
227            let mut cur = self.map.get(root, &self.strings).unwrap();
228            for name in names {
229                cur = match cur {
230                    Definition::Instance(map) => map.get(&name, &self.strings).unwrap(),
231                    _ => unreachable!(),
232                };
233            }
234            let import = match cur {
235                Definition::Module(m) => RuntimeImport::Module(m.clone()),
236                Definition::Func(f) => RuntimeImport::Func(f.clone()),
237                Definition::Resource(t, dtor) => RuntimeImport::Resource {
238                    ty: *t,
239                    _dtor: dtor.clone(),
240                    dtor_funcref: component.resource_drop_func_ref(dtor),
241                },
243                // This is guaranteed by the compilation process that "leaf"
244                // runtime imports are never instances.
245                Definition::Instance(_) => unreachable!(),
246            };
247            let i = imports.push(import);
248            assert_eq!(i, idx);
249        }
250        Ok(unsafe { InstancePre::new_unchecked(component.clone(), imports) })
251    }
253    /// Instantiates the [`Component`] provided into the `store` specified.
254    ///
255    /// This function will use the items defined within this [`Linker`] to
256    /// satisfy the imports of the [`Component`] provided as necessary. For more
257    /// information about this see [`Linker::instantiate_pre`] as well.
258    ///
259    /// # Errors
260    ///
261    /// Returns an error if this [`Linker`] doesn't define an import that
262    /// `component` requires or if it is of the wrong type. Additionally this
263    /// can return an error if something goes wrong during instantiation such as
264    /// a runtime trap or a runtime limit being exceeded.
265    pub fn instantiate(
266        &self,
267        store: impl AsContextMut<Data = T>,
268        component: &Component,
269    ) -> Result<Instance> {
270        assert!(
271            !store.as_context().async_support(),
272            "must use async instantiation when async support is enabled"
273        );
274        self.instantiate_pre(component)?.instantiate(store)
275    }
277    /// Instantiates the [`Component`] provided into the `store` specified.
278    ///
279    /// This is exactly like [`Linker::instantiate`] except for async stores.
280    ///
281    /// # Errors
282    ///
283    /// Returns an error if this [`Linker`] doesn't define an import that
284    /// `component` requires or if it is of the wrong type. Additionally this
285    /// can return an error if something goes wrong during instantiation such as
286    /// a runtime trap or a runtime limit being exceeded.
287    #[cfg(feature = "async")]
288    pub async fn instantiate_async(
289        &self,
290        store: impl AsContextMut<Data = T>,
291        component: &Component,
292    ) -> Result<Instance>
293    where
294        T: Send,
295    {
296        assert!(
297            store.as_context().async_support(),
298            "must use sync instantiation when async support is disabled"
299        );
300        self.instantiate_pre(component)?
301            .instantiate_async(store)
302            .await
303    }
305    /// Implement any imports of the given [`Component`] with a function which traps.
306    ///
307    /// By default a [`Linker`] will error when unknown imports are encountered when instantiating a [`Component`].
308    /// This changes this behavior from an instant error to a trap that will happen if the import is called.
309    pub fn define_unknown_imports_as_traps(&mut self, component: &Component) -> Result<()> {
310        use wasmtime_environ::component::ComponentTypes;
311        use wasmtime_environ::component::TypeDef;
312        // Recursively stub out all imports of the component with a function that traps.
313        fn stub_item<T>(
314            linker: &mut LinkerInstance<T>,
315            item_name: &str,
316            item_def: &TypeDef,
317            parent_instance: Option<&str>,
318            types: &ComponentTypes,
319        ) -> Result<()> {
320            // Skip if the item isn't an instance and has already been defined in the linker.
321            if !matches!(item_def, TypeDef::ComponentInstance(_)) && linker.get(item_name).is_some()
322            {
323                return Ok(());
324            }
326            match item_def {
327                TypeDef::ComponentFunc(_) => {
328                    let fully_qualified_name = parent_instance
329                        .map(|parent| format!("{parent}#{item_name}"))
330                        .unwrap_or_else(|| item_name.to_owned());
331                    linker.func_new(&item_name, move |_, _, _| {
332                        bail!("unknown import: `{fully_qualified_name}` has not been defined")
333                    })?;
334                }
335                TypeDef::ComponentInstance(i) => {
336                    let instance = &types[*i];
337                    let mut linker_instance = linker.instance(item_name)?;
338                    for (export_name, export) in instance.exports.iter() {
339                        stub_item(
340                            &mut linker_instance,
341                            export_name,
342                            export,
343                            Some(item_name),
344                            types,
345                        )?;
346                    }
347                }
348                TypeDef::Resource(_) => {
349                    let ty = crate::component::ResourceType::host::<()>();
350                    linker.resource(item_name, ty, |_, _| Ok(()))?;
351                }
352                TypeDef::Component(_) | TypeDef::Module(_) => {
353                    bail!("unable to define {} imports as traps", item_def.desc())
354                }
355                _ => {}
356            }
357            Ok(())
358        }
360        for (_, (import_name, import_type)) in &component.env_component().import_types {
361            stub_item(
362                &mut self.root(),
363                import_name,
364                import_type,
365                None,
366                component.types(),
367            )?;
368        }
369        Ok(())
370    }
373impl<T> LinkerInstance<'_, T> {
374    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> LinkerInstance<'_, T> {
375        LinkerInstance {
376            engine: self.engine,
377            path: self.path,
378            path_len: self.path_len,
379            strings: self.strings,
380            map: self.map,
381            allow_shadowing: self.allow_shadowing,
382            _marker: self._marker,
383        }
384    }
386    /// Defines a new host-provided function into this [`Linker`].
387    ///
388    /// This method is used to give host functions to wasm components. The
389    /// `func` provided will be callable from linked components with the type
390    /// signature dictated by `Params` and `Return`. The `Params` is a tuple of
391    /// types that will come from wasm and `Return` is a value coming from the
392    /// host going back to wasm.
393    ///
394    /// Additionally the `func` takes a
395    /// [`StoreContextMut`](crate::StoreContextMut) as its first parameter.
396    ///
397    /// Note that `func` must be an `Fn` and must also be `Send + Sync +
398    /// 'static`. Shared state within a func is typically accessed with the `T`
399    /// type parameter from [`Store<T>`](crate::Store) which is accessible
400    /// through the leading [`StoreContextMut<'_, T>`](crate::StoreContextMut)
401    /// argument which can be provided to the `func` given here.
402    //
403    // TODO: needs more words and examples
404    pub fn func_wrap<F, Params, Return>(&mut self, name: &str, func: F) -> Result<()>
405    where
406        F: Fn(StoreContextMut<T>, Params) -> Result<Return> + Send + Sync + 'static,
407        Params: ComponentNamedList + Lift + 'static,
408        Return: ComponentNamedList + Lower + 'static,
409    {
410        self.insert(name, Definition::Func(HostFunc::from_closure(func)))?;
411        Ok(())
412    }
414    /// Defines a new host-provided async function into this [`Linker`].
415    ///
416    /// This is exactly like [`Self::func_wrap`] except it takes an async
417    /// host function.
418    #[cfg(feature = "async")]
419    pub fn func_wrap_async<Params, Return, F>(&mut self, name: &str, f: F) -> Result<()>
420    where
421        F: for<'a> Fn(
422                StoreContextMut<'a, T>,
423                Params,
424            ) -> Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Return>> + Send + 'a>
425            + Send
426            + Sync
427            + 'static,
428        Params: ComponentNamedList + Lift + 'static,
429        Return: ComponentNamedList + Lower + 'static,
430    {
431        assert!(
432            self.engine.config().async_support,
433            "cannot use `func_wrap_async` without enabling async support in the config"
434        );
435        let ff = move |mut store: StoreContextMut<'_, T>, params: Params| -> Result<Return> {
436            let async_cx = store.as_context_mut().0.async_cx().expect("async cx");
437            let future = f(store.as_context_mut(), params);
438            unsafe { async_cx.block_on(Pin::from(future)) }?
439        };
440        self.func_wrap(name, ff)
441    }
443    /// Defines a new host-provided async function into this [`LinkerInstance`].
444    ///
445    /// This allows the caller to register host functions with the
446    /// LinkerInstance such that multiple calls to such functions can run
447    /// concurrently. This isn't possible with the existing func_wrap_async
448    /// method because it takes a function which returns a future that owns a
449    /// unique reference to the Store, meaning the Store can't be used for
450    /// anything else until the future resolves.
451    ///
452    /// Ideally, we'd have a way to thread a `StoreContextMut<T>` through an
453    /// arbitrary `Future` such that it has access to the `Store` only while
454    /// being polled (i.e. between, but not across, await points). However,
455    /// there's currently no way to express that in async Rust, so we make do
456    /// with a more awkward scheme: each function registered using
457    /// `func_wrap_concurrent` gets access to the `Store` twice: once before
458    /// doing any concurrent operations (i.e. before awaiting) and once
459    /// afterward. This allows multiple calls to proceed concurrently without
460    /// any one of them monopolizing the store.
461    #[cfg(feature = "component-model-async")]
462    pub fn func_wrap_concurrent<Params, Return, F, N, FN>(&mut self, name: &str, f: F) -> Result<()>
463    where
464        N: FnOnce(StoreContextMut<T>) -> Result<Return> + Send + Sync + 'static,
465        FN: Future<Output = N> + Send + Sync + 'static,
466        F: Fn(StoreContextMut<T>, Params) -> FN + Send + Sync + 'static,
467        Params: ComponentNamedList + Lift + 'static,
468        Return: ComponentNamedList + Lower + Send + Sync + 'static,
469    {
470        assert!(
471            self.engine.config().async_support,
472            "cannot use `func_wrap_concurrent` without enabling async support in the config"
473        );
474        _ = (name, f);
475        todo!()
476    }
478    /// Define a new host-provided function using dynamically typed values.
479    ///
480    /// The `name` provided is the name of the function to define and the
481    /// `func` provided is the host-defined closure to invoke when this
482    /// function is called.
483    ///
484    /// This function is the "dynamic" version of defining a host function as
485    /// compared to [`LinkerInstance::func_wrap`]. With
486    /// [`LinkerInstance::func_wrap`] a function's type is statically known but
487    /// with this method the `func` argument's type isn't known ahead of time.
488    /// That means that `func` can be by imported component so long as it's
489    /// imported as a matching name.
490    ///
491    /// Type information will be available at execution time, however. For
492    /// example when `func` is invoked the second argument, a `&[Val]` list,
493    /// contains [`Val`] entries that say what type they are. Additionally the
494    /// third argument, `&mut [Val]`, is the expected number of results. Note
495    /// that the expected types of the results cannot be learned during the
496    /// execution of `func`. Learning that would require runtime introspection
497    /// of a component.
498    ///
499    /// Return values, stored in the third argument of `&mut [Val]`, are
500    /// type-checked at runtime to ensure that they have the appropriate type.
501    /// A trap will be raised if they do not have the right type.
502    ///
503    /// # Examples
504    ///
505    /// ```
506    /// use wasmtime::{Store, Engine};
507    /// use wasmtime::component::{Component, Linker, Val};
508    ///
509    /// # fn main() -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
510    /// let engine = Engine::default();
511    /// let component = Component::new(
512    ///     &engine,
513    ///     r#"
514    ///         (component
515    ///             (import "thunk" (func $thunk))
516    ///             (import "is-even" (func $is-even (param "x" u32) (result bool)))
517    ///
518    ///             (core module $m
519    ///                 (import "" "thunk" (func $thunk))
520    ///                 (import "" "is-even" (func $is-even (param i32) (result i32)))
521    ///
522    ///                 (func (export "run")
523    ///                     call $thunk
524    ///
525    ///                     (call $is-even (i32.const 1))
526    ///                     if unreachable end
527    ///
528    ///                     (call $is-even (i32.const 2))
529    ///                     i32.eqz
530    ///                     if unreachable end
531    ///                 )
532    ///             )
533    ///             (core func $thunk (canon lower (func $thunk)))
534    ///             (core func $is-even (canon lower (func $is-even)))
535    ///             (core instance $i (instantiate $m
536    ///                 (with "" (instance
537    ///                     (export "thunk" (func $thunk))
538    ///                     (export "is-even" (func $is-even))
539    ///                 ))
540    ///             ))
541    ///
542    ///             (func (export "run") (canon lift (core func $i "run")))
543    ///         )
544    ///     "#,
545    /// )?;
546    ///
547    /// let mut linker = Linker::<()>::new(&engine);
548    ///
549    /// // Sample function that takes no arguments.
550    /// linker.root().func_new("thunk", |_store, params, results| {
551    ///     assert!(params.is_empty());
552    ///     assert!(results.is_empty());
553    ///     println!("Look ma, host hands!");
554    ///     Ok(())
555    /// })?;
556    ///
557    /// // This function takes one argument and returns one result.
558    /// linker.root().func_new("is-even", |_store, params, results| {
559    ///     assert_eq!(params.len(), 1);
560    ///     let param = match params[0] {
561    ///         Val::U32(n) => n,
562    ///         _ => panic!("unexpected type"),
563    ///     };
564    ///
565    ///     assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
566    ///     results[0] = Val::Bool(param % 2 == 0);
567    ///     Ok(())
568    /// })?;
569    ///
570    /// let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
571    /// let instance = linker.instantiate(&mut store, &component)?;
572    /// let run = instance.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "run")?;
573    /// run.call(&mut store, ())?;
574    /// # Ok(())
575    /// # }
576    /// ```
577    pub fn func_new(
578        &mut self,
579        name: &str,
580        func: impl Fn(StoreContextMut<'_, T>, &[Val], &mut [Val]) -> Result<()> + Send + Sync + 'static,
581    ) -> Result<()> {
582        self.insert(name, Definition::Func(HostFunc::new_dynamic(func)))?;
583        Ok(())
584    }
586    /// Define a new host-provided async function using dynamic types.
587    ///
588    /// This is exactly like [`Self::func_new`] except it takes an async
589    /// host function.
590    #[cfg(feature = "async")]
591    pub fn func_new_async<F>(&mut self, name: &str, f: F) -> Result<()>
592    where
593        F: for<'a> Fn(
594                StoreContextMut<'a, T>,
595                &'a [Val],
596                &'a mut [Val],
597            ) -> Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send + 'a>
598            + Send
599            + Sync
600            + 'static,
601    {
602        assert!(
603            self.engine.config().async_support,
604            "cannot use `func_new_async` without enabling async support in the config"
605        );
606        let ff = move |mut store: StoreContextMut<'_, T>, params: &[Val], results: &mut [Val]| {
607            let async_cx = store.as_context_mut().0.async_cx().expect("async cx");
608            let future = f(store.as_context_mut(), params, results);
609            unsafe { async_cx.block_on(Pin::from(future)) }?
610        };
611        self.func_new(name, ff)
612    }
614    /// Defines a [`Module`] within this instance.
615    ///
616    /// This can be used to provide a core wasm [`Module`] as an import to a
617    /// component. The [`Module`] provided is saved within the linker for the
618    /// specified `name` in this instance.
619    pub fn module(&mut self, name: &str, module: &Module) -> Result<()> {
620        self.insert(name, Definition::Module(module.clone()))?;
621        Ok(())
622    }
624    /// Defines a new resource of a given [`ResourceType`] in this linker.
625    ///
626    /// This function is used to specify resources defined in the host.
627    ///
628    /// The `name` argument is the name to define the resource within this
629    /// linker.
630    ///
631    /// The `dtor` provided is a destructor that will get invoked when an owned
632    /// version of this resource is destroyed from the guest. Note that this
633    /// destructor is not called when a host-owned resource is destroyed as it's
634    /// assumed the host knows how to handle destroying its own resources.
635    ///
636    /// The `dtor` closure is provided the store state as the first argument
637    /// along with the representation of the resource that was just destroyed.
638    ///
639    /// [`Resource<U>`]: crate::component::Resource
640    ///
641    /// # Errors
642    ///
643    /// The provided `dtor` closure returns an error if something goes wrong
644    /// when a guest calls the `dtor` to drop a `Resource<T>` such as
645    /// a runtime trap or a runtime limit being exceeded.
646    pub fn resource(
647        &mut self,
648        name: &str,
649        ty: ResourceType,
650        dtor: impl Fn(StoreContextMut<'_, T>, u32) -> Result<()> + Send + Sync + 'static,
651    ) -> Result<()> {
652        let dtor = Arc::new(crate::func::HostFunc::wrap_inner(
653            &self.engine,
654            move |mut cx: crate::Caller<'_, T>, (param,): (u32,)| dtor(cx.as_context_mut(), param),
655        ));
656        self.insert(name, Definition::Resource(ty, dtor))?;
657        Ok(())
658    }
660    /// Identical to [`Self::resource`], except that it takes an async destructor.
661    #[cfg(feature = "async")]
662    pub fn resource_async<F>(&mut self, name: &str, ty: ResourceType, dtor: F) -> Result<()>
663    where
664        F: for<'a> Fn(
665                StoreContextMut<'a, T>,
666                u32,
667            ) -> Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send + 'a>
668            + Send
669            + Sync
670            + 'static,
671    {
672        assert!(
673            self.engine.config().async_support,
674            "cannot use `resource_async` without enabling async support in the config"
675        );
676        let dtor = Arc::new(crate::func::HostFunc::wrap_inner(
677            &self.engine,
678            move |mut cx: crate::Caller<'_, T>, (param,): (u32,)| {
679                let async_cx = cx.as_context_mut().0.async_cx().expect("async cx");
680                let future = dtor(cx.as_context_mut(), param);
681                match unsafe { async_cx.block_on(Pin::from(future)) } {
682                    Ok(Ok(())) => Ok(()),
683                    Ok(Err(trap)) | Err(trap) => Err(trap),
684                }
685            },
686        ));
687        self.insert(name, Definition::Resource(ty, dtor))?;
688        Ok(())
689    }
691    /// Defines a nested instance within this instance.
692    ///
693    /// This can be used to describe arbitrarily nested levels of instances
694    /// within a linker to satisfy nested instance exports of components.
695    pub fn instance(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<LinkerInstance<'_, T>> {
696        self.as_mut().into_instance(name)
697    }
699    /// Same as [`LinkerInstance::instance`] except with different lifetime
700    /// parameters.
701    pub fn into_instance(mut self, name: &str) -> Result<Self> {
702        let name = self.insert(name, Definition::Instance(NameMap::default()))?;
703        self.map = match self.map.raw_get_mut(&name) {
704            Some(Definition::Instance(map)) => map,
705            _ => unreachable!(),
706        };
707        self.path.truncate(self.path_len);
708        self.path.push(name);
709        self.path_len += 1;
710        Ok(self)
711    }
713    fn insert(&mut self, name: &str, item: Definition) -> Result<usize> {
714        self.map
715            .insert(name, self.strings, self.allow_shadowing, item)
716    }
718    fn get(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Definition> {
719        self.map.get(name, self.strings)
720    }
723impl NameMapIntern for Strings {
724    type Key = usize;
726    fn intern(&mut self, string: &str) -> usize {
727        if let Some(idx) = self.string2idx.get(string) {
728            return *idx;
729        }
730        let string: Arc<str> = string.into();
731        let idx = self.strings.len();
732        self.strings.push(string.clone());
733        self.string2idx.insert(string, idx);
734        idx
735    }
737    fn lookup(&self, string: &str) -> Option<usize> {
738        self.string2idx.get(string).cloned()
739    }