
1//! Runtime library calls.
3//! Note that Wasm compilers may sometimes perform these inline rather than
4//! calling them, particularly when CPUs have special instructions which compute
5//! them directly.
7//! These functions are called by compiled Wasm code, and therefore must take
8//! certain care about some things:
10//! * They must only contain basic, raw i32/i64/f32/f64/pointer parameters that
11//!   are safe to pass across the system ABI.
13//! * If any nested function propagates an `Err(trap)` out to the library
14//!   function frame, we need to raise it. This involves some nasty and quite
15//!   unsafe code under the covers! Notably, after raising the trap, drops
16//!   **will not** be run for local variables! This can lead to things like
17//!   leaking `InstanceHandle`s which leads to never deallocating JIT code,
18//!   instances, and modules if we are not careful!
20//! * The libcall must be entered via a Wasm-to-libcall trampoline that saves
21//!   the last Wasm FP and PC for stack walking purposes. (For more details, see
22//!   `crates/wasmtime/src/runtime/vm/backtrace.rs`.)
24//! To make it easier to correctly handle all these things, **all** libcalls
25//! must be defined via the `libcall!` helper macro! See its doc comments below
26//! for an example, or just look at the rest of the file.
28//! ## Dealing with `externref`s
30//! When receiving a raw `*mut u8` that is actually a `VMExternRef` reference,
31//! convert it into a proper `VMExternRef` with `VMExternRef::clone_from_raw` as
32//! soon as apossible. Any GC before raw pointer is converted into a reference
33//! can potentially collect the referenced object, which could lead to use after
34//! free.
36//! Avoid this by eagerly converting into a proper `VMExternRef`! (Unfortunately
37//! there is no macro to help us automatically get this correct, so stay
38//! vigilant!)
40//! ```ignore
41//! pub unsafe extern "C" my_libcall_takes_ref(raw_extern_ref: *mut u8) {
42//!     // Before `clone_from_raw`, `raw_extern_ref` is potentially unrooted,
43//!     // and doing GC here could lead to use after free!
45//!     let my_extern_ref = if raw_extern_ref.is_null() {
46//!         None
47//!     } else {
48//!         Some(VMExternRef::clone_from_raw(raw_extern_ref))
49//!     };
51//!     // Now that we did `clone_from_raw`, it is safe to do a GC (or do
52//!     // anything else that might transitively GC, like call back into
53//!     // Wasm!)
54//! }
55//! ```
57use crate::prelude::*;
58use crate::runtime::vm::table::{Table, TableElementType};
59use crate::runtime::vm::vmcontext::VMFuncRef;
60#[cfg(feature = "gc")]
61use crate::runtime::vm::VMGcRef;
62use crate::runtime::vm::{HostResultHasUnwindSentinel, Instance, TrapReason, VMStore};
63use core::convert::Infallible;
64use core::ptr::NonNull;
65#[cfg(feature = "threads")]
66use core::time::Duration;
67use wasmtime_environ::{DataIndex, ElemIndex, FuncIndex, MemoryIndex, TableIndex, Trap};
68#[cfg(feature = "wmemcheck")]
69use wasmtime_wmemcheck::AccessError::{
70    DoubleMalloc, InvalidFree, InvalidRead, InvalidWrite, OutOfBounds,
73/// Raw functions which are actually called from compiled code.
75/// Invocation of a builtin currently looks like:
77/// * A wasm function calls a cranelift-compiled trampoline that's generated
78///   once-per-builtin.
79/// * The cranelift-compiled trampoline performs any necessary actions to exit
80///   wasm, such as dealing with fp/pc/etc.
81/// * The cranelift-compiled trampoline loads a function pointer from an array
82///   stored in `VMContext` That function pointer is defined in this module.
83/// * This module runs, handling things like `catch_unwind` and `Result` and
84///   such.
85/// * This module delegates to the outer module (this file) which has the actual
86///   implementation.
88/// For more information on converting from host-defined values to Cranelift ABI
89/// values see the `catch_unwind_and_record_trap` function.
90pub mod raw {
91    // Allow these things because of the macro and how we can't differentiate
92    // between doc comments and `cfg`s.
93    #![allow(unused_doc_comments, unused_attributes)]
95    use crate::runtime::vm::{InstanceAndStore, VMContext};
96    use core::ptr::NonNull;
98    macro_rules! libcall {
99        (
100            $(
101                $( #[cfg($attr:meta)] )?
102                $name:ident( vmctx: vmctx $(, $pname:ident: $param:ident )* ) $(-> $result:ident)?;
103            )*
104        ) => {
105            $(
106                // This is the direct entrypoint from the compiled module which
107                // still has the raw signature.
108                //
109                // This will delegate to the outer module to the actual
110                // implementation and automatically perform `catch_unwind` along
111                // with conversion of the return value in the face of traps.
112                #[allow(unused_variables, missing_docs)]
113                pub unsafe extern "C" fn $name(
114                    vmctx: NonNull<VMContext>,
115                    $( $pname : libcall!(@ty $param), )*
116                ) $(-> libcall!(@ty $result))? {
117                    $(#[cfg($attr)])?
118                    {
119                        crate::runtime::vm::traphandlers::catch_unwind_and_record_trap(|| {
120                            InstanceAndStore::from_vmctx(vmctx, |pair| {
121                                let (instance, store) = pair.unpack_mut();
122                                super::$name(store, instance, $($pname),*)
123                            })
124                        })
125                    }
126                    $(
127                        #[cfg(not($attr))]
128                        unreachable!();
129                    )?
130                }
132                // This works around a `rustc` bug where compiling with LTO
133                // will sometimes strip out some of these symbols resulting
134                // in a linking failure.
135                #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
136                const _: () = {
137                    #[used]
138                    static I_AM_USED: unsafe extern "C" fn(
139                        NonNull<VMContext>,
140                        $( $pname : libcall!(@ty $param), )*
141                    ) $( -> libcall!(@ty $result))? = $name;
142                };
143            )*
144        };
146        (@ty u32) => (u32);
147        (@ty u64) => (u64);
148        (@ty u8) => (u8);
149        (@ty bool) => (bool);
150        (@ty pointer) => (*mut u8);
151    }
153    wasmtime_environ::foreach_builtin_function!(libcall);
156fn memory32_grow(
157    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
158    instance: &mut Instance,
159    delta: u64,
160    memory_index: u32,
161) -> Result<Option<AllocationSize>, TrapReason> {
162    let memory_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(memory_index);
163    let result = instance
164        .memory_grow(store, memory_index, delta)?
165        .map(|size_in_bytes| {
166            AllocationSize(size_in_bytes / instance.memory_page_size(memory_index))
167        });
169    Ok(result)
172/// A helper structure to represent the return value of a memory or table growth
173/// call.
175/// This represents a byte or element-based count of the size of an item on the
176/// host. For example a memory is how many bytes large the memory is, or a table
177/// is how many elements large it is. It's assumed that the value here is never
178/// -1 or -2 as that would mean the entire host address space is allocated which
179/// is not possible.
180struct AllocationSize(usize);
182/// Special implementation for growth-related libcalls.
184/// Here the optional return value means:
186/// * `Some(val)` - the growth succeeded and the previous size of the item was
187///   `val`.
188/// * `None` - the growth failed.
190/// The failure case returns -1 (or `usize::MAX` as an unsigned integer) and the
191/// successful case returns the `val` itself. Note that -2 (`usize::MAX - 1`
192/// when unsigned) is unwind as a sentinel to indicate an unwind as no valid
193/// allocation can be that large.
194unsafe impl HostResultHasUnwindSentinel for Option<AllocationSize> {
195    type Abi = *mut u8;
196    const SENTINEL: *mut u8 = (usize::MAX - 1) as *mut u8;
198    fn into_abi(self) -> *mut u8 {
199        match self {
200            Some(size) => {
201                debug_assert!(size.0 < (usize::MAX - 1));
202                size.0 as *mut u8
203            }
204            None => usize::MAX as *mut u8,
205        }
206    }
209/// Implementation of `table.grow` for `funcref` tables.
210unsafe fn table_grow_func_ref(
211    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
212    instance: &mut Instance,
213    table_index: u32,
214    delta: u64,
215    init_value: *mut u8,
216) -> Result<Option<AllocationSize>> {
217    let table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(table_index);
219    let element = match instance.table_element_type(table_index) {
220        TableElementType::Func => NonNull::new(init_value.cast::<VMFuncRef>()).into(),
221        TableElementType::GcRef => unreachable!(),
222    };
224    let result = instance
225        .table_grow(store, table_index, delta, element)?
226        .map(AllocationSize);
227    Ok(result)
230/// Implementation of `table.grow` for GC-reference tables.
231#[cfg(feature = "gc")]
232unsafe fn table_grow_gc_ref(
233    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
234    instance: &mut Instance,
235    table_index: u32,
236    delta: u64,
237    init_value: u32,
238) -> Result<Option<AllocationSize>> {
239    let table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(table_index);
241    let element = match instance.table_element_type(table_index) {
242        TableElementType::Func => unreachable!(),
243        TableElementType::GcRef => VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(init_value)
244            .map(|r| {
245                store
246                    .store_opaque_mut()
247                    .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
248                    .clone_gc_ref(&r)
249            })
250            .into(),
251    };
253    let result = instance
254        .table_grow(store, table_index, delta, element)?
255        .map(AllocationSize);
256    Ok(result)
259/// Implementation of `table.fill` for `funcref`s.
260unsafe fn table_fill_func_ref(
261    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
262    instance: &mut Instance,
263    table_index: u32,
264    dst: u64,
265    val: *mut u8,
266    len: u64,
267) -> Result<()> {
268    let table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(table_index);
269    let table = &mut *instance.get_table(table_index);
270    match table.element_type() {
271        TableElementType::Func => {
272            let val = NonNull::new(val.cast::<VMFuncRef>());
273            table.fill(store.optional_gc_store_mut()?, dst, val.into(), len)?;
274            Ok(())
275        }
276        TableElementType::GcRef => unreachable!(),
277    }
280#[cfg(feature = "gc")]
281unsafe fn table_fill_gc_ref(
282    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
283    instance: &mut Instance,
284    table_index: u32,
285    dst: u64,
286    val: u32,
287    len: u64,
288) -> Result<()> {
289    let table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(table_index);
290    let table = &mut *instance.get_table(table_index);
291    match table.element_type() {
292        TableElementType::Func => unreachable!(),
293        TableElementType::GcRef => {
294            let gc_store = store.store_opaque_mut().unwrap_gc_store_mut();
295            let gc_ref = VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(val);
296            let gc_ref = gc_ref.map(|r| gc_store.clone_gc_ref(&r));
297            table.fill(Some(gc_store), dst, gc_ref.into(), len)?;
298            Ok(())
299        }
300    }
303// Implementation of `table.copy`.
304unsafe fn table_copy(
305    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
306    instance: &mut Instance,
307    dst_table_index: u32,
308    src_table_index: u32,
309    dst: u64,
310    src: u64,
311    len: u64,
312) -> Result<()> {
313    let dst_table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(dst_table_index);
314    let src_table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(src_table_index);
315    let store = store.store_opaque_mut();
316    let dst_table = instance.get_table(dst_table_index);
317    // Lazy-initialize the whole range in the source table first.
318    let src_range = src..(src.checked_add(len).unwrap_or(u64::MAX));
319    let src_table = instance.get_table_with_lazy_init(src_table_index, src_range);
320    let gc_store = store.optional_gc_store_mut()?;
321    Table::copy(gc_store, dst_table, src_table, dst, src, len)?;
322    Ok(())
325// Implementation of `table.init`.
326fn table_init(
327    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
328    instance: &mut Instance,
329    table_index: u32,
330    elem_index: u32,
331    dst: u64,
332    src: u64,
333    len: u64,
334) -> Result<(), Trap> {
335    let table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(table_index);
336    let elem_index = ElemIndex::from_u32(elem_index);
337    instance.table_init(
338        store.store_opaque_mut(),
339        table_index,
340        elem_index,
341        dst,
342        src,
343        len,
344    )
347// Implementation of `elem.drop`.
348fn elem_drop(_store: &mut dyn VMStore, instance: &mut Instance, elem_index: u32) {
349    let elem_index = ElemIndex::from_u32(elem_index);
350    instance.elem_drop(elem_index)
353// Implementation of `memory.copy`.
354fn memory_copy(
355    _store: &mut dyn VMStore,
356    instance: &mut Instance,
357    dst_index: u32,
358    dst: u64,
359    src_index: u32,
360    src: u64,
361    len: u64,
362) -> Result<(), Trap> {
363    let src_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(src_index);
364    let dst_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(dst_index);
365    instance.memory_copy(dst_index, dst, src_index, src, len)
368// Implementation of `memory.fill` for locally defined memories.
369fn memory_fill(
370    _store: &mut dyn VMStore,
371    instance: &mut Instance,
372    memory_index: u32,
373    dst: u64,
374    val: u32,
375    len: u64,
376) -> Result<(), Trap> {
377    let memory_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(memory_index);
378    #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)]
379    instance.memory_fill(memory_index, dst, val as u8, len)
382// Implementation of `memory.init`.
383fn memory_init(
384    _store: &mut dyn VMStore,
385    instance: &mut Instance,
386    memory_index: u32,
387    data_index: u32,
388    dst: u64,
389    src: u32,
390    len: u32,
391) -> Result<(), Trap> {
392    let memory_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(memory_index);
393    let data_index = DataIndex::from_u32(data_index);
394    instance.memory_init(memory_index, data_index, dst, src, len)
397// Implementation of `ref.func`.
398fn ref_func(_store: &mut dyn VMStore, instance: &mut Instance, func_index: u32) -> NonNull<u8> {
399    instance
400        .get_func_ref(FuncIndex::from_u32(func_index))
401        .expect("ref_func: funcref should always be available for given func index")
402        .cast()
405// Implementation of `data.drop`.
406fn data_drop(_store: &mut dyn VMStore, instance: &mut Instance, data_index: u32) {
407    let data_index = DataIndex::from_u32(data_index);
408    instance.data_drop(data_index)
411// Returns a table entry after lazily initializing it.
412unsafe fn table_get_lazy_init_func_ref(
413    _store: &mut dyn VMStore,
414    instance: &mut Instance,
415    table_index: u32,
416    index: u64,
417) -> *mut u8 {
418    let table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(table_index);
419    let table = instance.get_table_with_lazy_init(table_index, core::iter::once(index));
420    let elem = (*table)
421        .get(None, index)
422        .expect("table access already bounds-checked");
424    match elem.into_func_ref_asserting_initialized() {
425        Some(ptr) => ptr.as_ptr().cast(),
426        None => core::ptr::null_mut(),
427    }
430/// Drop a GC reference.
431#[cfg(feature = "gc-drc")]
432unsafe fn drop_gc_ref(store: &mut dyn VMStore, _instance: &mut Instance, gc_ref: u32) {
433    log::trace!("libcalls::drop_gc_ref({gc_ref:#x})");
434    let gc_ref = VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(gc_ref).expect("non-null VMGcRef");
435    store
436        .store_opaque_mut()
437        .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
438        .drop_gc_ref(gc_ref);
441/// Do a GC, keeping `gc_ref` rooted and returning the updated `gc_ref`
442/// reference.
443#[cfg(feature = "gc-drc")]
444unsafe fn gc(store: &mut dyn VMStore, _instance: &mut Instance, gc_ref: u32) -> Result<u32> {
445    let gc_ref = VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(gc_ref);
446    let gc_ref = gc_ref.map(|r| {
447        store
448            .store_opaque_mut()
449            .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
450            .clone_gc_ref(&r)
451    });
453    if let Some(gc_ref) = &gc_ref {
454        // It is possible that we are GC'ing because the DRC's activation
455        // table's bump region is full, and we failed to insert `gc_ref` into
456        // the bump region. But it is an invariant for DRC collection that all
457        // GC references on the stack are in the DRC's activations table at the
458        // time of a GC. So make sure to "expose" this GC reference to Wasm (aka
459        // insert it into the DRC's activation table) before we do the actual
460        // GC.
461        let gc_store = store.store_opaque_mut().unwrap_gc_store_mut();
462        let gc_ref = gc_store.clone_gc_ref(gc_ref);
463        let _ = gc_store.expose_gc_ref_to_wasm(gc_ref);
464    }
466    match store.maybe_async_gc(gc_ref)? {
467        None => Ok(0),
468        Some(r) => {
469            let raw = store
470                .store_opaque_mut()
471                .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
472                .expose_gc_ref_to_wasm(r);
473            Ok(raw)
474        }
475    }
478/// Allocate a raw, unininitialized GC object for Wasm code.
480/// The Wasm code is responsible for initializing the object.
481#[cfg(feature = "gc-drc")]
482unsafe fn gc_alloc_raw(
483    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
484    instance: &mut Instance,
485    kind: u32,
486    module_interned_type_index: u32,
487    size: u32,
488    align: u32,
489) -> Result<u32> {
490    use crate::{vm::VMGcHeader, GcHeapOutOfMemory};
491    use core::alloc::Layout;
492    use wasmtime_environ::{ModuleInternedTypeIndex, VMGcKind};
494    let kind = VMGcKind::from_high_bits_of_u32(kind);
495    log::trace!("gc_alloc_raw(kind={kind:?}, size={size}, align={align})",);
497    let module = instance
498        .runtime_module()
499        .expect("should never allocate GC types defined in a dummy module");
501    let module_interned_type_index = ModuleInternedTypeIndex::from_u32(module_interned_type_index);
502    let shared_type_index = module
503        .signatures()
504        .shared_type(module_interned_type_index)
505        .expect("should have engine type index for module type index");
507    let header = VMGcHeader::from_kind_and_index(kind, shared_type_index);
509    let size = usize::try_from(size).unwrap();
510    let align = usize::try_from(align).unwrap();
511    let layout = Layout::from_size_align(size, align).unwrap();
513    let gc_ref = match store
514        .store_opaque_mut()
515        .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
516        .alloc_raw(header, layout)?
517    {
518        Some(r) => r,
519        None => {
520            // If the allocation failed, do a GC to hopefully clean up space.
521            store.maybe_async_gc(None)?;
523            // And then try again.
524            store
525                .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
526                .alloc_raw(header, layout)?
527                .ok_or_else(|| GcHeapOutOfMemory::new(()))?
528        }
529    };
531    let raw = store
532        .store_opaque_mut()
533        .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
534        .expose_gc_ref_to_wasm(gc_ref);
536    Ok(raw)
539// Intern a `funcref` into the GC heap, returning its `FuncRefTableId`.
541// This libcall may not GC.
542#[cfg(feature = "gc")]
543unsafe fn intern_func_ref_for_gc_heap(
544    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
545    _instance: &mut Instance,
546    func_ref: *mut u8,
547) -> Result<u32> {
548    use crate::{store::AutoAssertNoGc, vm::SendSyncPtr};
549    use core::ptr::NonNull;
551    let mut store = AutoAssertNoGc::new(store.store_opaque_mut());
553    let func_ref = func_ref.cast::<VMFuncRef>();
554    let func_ref = NonNull::new(func_ref).map(SendSyncPtr::new);
556    let func_ref_id = store.gc_store_mut()?.func_ref_table.intern(func_ref);
557    Ok(func_ref_id.into_raw())
560// Get the raw `VMFuncRef` pointer associated with a `FuncRefTableId` from an
561// earlier `intern_func_ref_for_gc_heap` call.
563// This libcall may not GC.
564#[cfg(feature = "gc")]
565unsafe fn get_interned_func_ref(
566    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
567    instance: &mut Instance,
568    func_ref_id: u32,
569    module_interned_type_index: u32,
570) -> *mut u8 {
571    use super::FuncRefTableId;
572    use crate::store::AutoAssertNoGc;
573    use wasmtime_environ::{packed_option::ReservedValue, ModuleInternedTypeIndex};
575    let store = AutoAssertNoGc::new(store.store_opaque_mut());
577    let func_ref_id = FuncRefTableId::from_raw(func_ref_id);
578    let module_interned_type_index = ModuleInternedTypeIndex::from_bits(module_interned_type_index);
580    let func_ref = if module_interned_type_index.is_reserved_value() {
581        store
582            .unwrap_gc_store()
583            .func_ref_table
584            .get_untyped(func_ref_id)
585    } else {
586        let types = store.engine().signatures();
587        let engine_ty = instance.engine_type_index(module_interned_type_index);
588        store
589            .unwrap_gc_store()
590            .func_ref_table
591            .get_typed(types, func_ref_id, engine_ty)
592    };
594    func_ref.map_or(core::ptr::null_mut(), |f| f.as_ptr().cast())
597/// Implementation of the `array.new_data` instruction.
598#[cfg(feature = "gc")]
599unsafe fn array_new_data(
600    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
601    instance: &mut Instance,
602    array_type_index: u32,
603    data_index: u32,
604    src: u32,
605    len: u32,
606) -> Result<u32> {
607    use crate::{ArrayType, GcHeapOutOfMemory};
608    use wasmtime_environ::ModuleInternedTypeIndex;
610    let array_type_index = ModuleInternedTypeIndex::from_u32(array_type_index);
611    let data_index = DataIndex::from_u32(data_index);
613    // Calculate the byte-length of the data (as opposed to the element-length
614    // of the array).
615    let data_range = instance.wasm_data_range(data_index);
616    let shared_ty = instance.engine_type_index(array_type_index);
617    let array_ty = ArrayType::from_shared_type_index(store.store_opaque_mut().engine(), shared_ty);
618    let one_elem_size = array_ty
619        .element_type()
620        .data_byte_size()
621        .expect("Wasm validation ensures that this type have a defined byte size");
622    let byte_len = len
623        .checked_mul(one_elem_size)
624        .and_then(|x| usize::try_from(x).ok())
625        .ok_or_else(|| Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds)?;
627    // Get the data from the segment, checking bounds.
628    let src = usize::try_from(src).map_err(|_| Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds)?;
629    let data = instance
630        .wasm_data(data_range)
631        .get(src..)
632        .and_then(|d| d.get(..byte_len))
633        .ok_or_else(|| Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds)?;
635    // Allocate the (uninitialized) array.
636    let gc_layout = store
637        .store_opaque_mut()
638        .engine()
639        .signatures()
640        .layout(shared_ty)
641        .expect("array types have GC layouts");
642    let array_layout = gc_layout.unwrap_array();
643    let array_ref = match store
644        .store_opaque_mut()
645        .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
646        .alloc_uninit_array(shared_ty, len, &array_layout)?
647    {
648        Some(a) => a,
649        None => {
650            // Collect garbage to hopefully free up space, then try the
651            // allocation again.
652            store.maybe_async_gc(None)?;
653            store
654                .store_opaque_mut()
655                .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
656                .alloc_uninit_array(shared_ty, u32::try_from(byte_len).unwrap(), &array_layout)?
657                .ok_or_else(|| GcHeapOutOfMemory::new(()))?
658        }
659    };
661    // Copy the data into the array, initializing it.
662    store
663        .store_opaque_mut()
664        .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
665        .gc_object_data(array_ref.as_gc_ref())
666        .copy_from_slice(array_layout.base_size, data);
668    // Return the array to Wasm!
669    let raw = store
670        .store_opaque_mut()
671        .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
672        .expose_gc_ref_to_wasm(array_ref.into());
673    Ok(raw)
676/// Implementation of the `array.init_data` instruction.
677#[cfg(feature = "gc")]
678unsafe fn array_init_data(
679    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
680    instance: &mut Instance,
681    array_type_index: u32,
682    array: u32,
683    dst: u32,
684    data_index: u32,
685    src: u32,
686    len: u32,
687) -> Result<()> {
688    use crate::ArrayType;
689    use wasmtime_environ::ModuleInternedTypeIndex;
691    let array_type_index = ModuleInternedTypeIndex::from_u32(array_type_index);
692    let data_index = DataIndex::from_u32(data_index);
694    log::trace!(
695        "array.init_data(array={array:#x}, dst={dst}, data_index={data_index:?}, src={src}, len={len})",
696    );
698    // Null check the array.
699    let gc_ref = VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(array).ok_or_else(|| Trap::NullReference)?;
700    let array = gc_ref
701        .into_arrayref(&*store.unwrap_gc_store().gc_heap)
702        .expect("gc ref should be an array");
704    let dst = usize::try_from(dst).map_err(|_| Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds)?;
705    let src = usize::try_from(src).map_err(|_| Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds)?;
706    let len = usize::try_from(len).map_err(|_| Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds)?;
708    // Bounds check the array.
709    let array_len = array.len(store.store_opaque());
710    let array_len = usize::try_from(array_len).map_err(|_| Trap::ArrayOutOfBounds)?;
711    if dst.checked_add(len).ok_or_else(|| Trap::ArrayOutOfBounds)? > array_len {
712        return Err(Trap::ArrayOutOfBounds.into());
713    }
715    // Calculate the byte length from the array length.
716    let shared_ty = instance.engine_type_index(array_type_index);
717    let array_ty = ArrayType::from_shared_type_index(store.engine(), shared_ty);
718    let one_elem_size = array_ty
719        .element_type()
720        .data_byte_size()
721        .expect("Wasm validation ensures that this type have a defined byte size");
722    let data_len = len
723        .checked_mul(usize::try_from(one_elem_size).unwrap())
724        .ok_or_else(|| Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds)?;
726    // Get the data from the segment, checking its bounds.
727    let data_range = instance.wasm_data_range(data_index);
728    let data = instance
729        .wasm_data(data_range)
730        .get(src..)
731        .and_then(|d| d.get(..data_len))
732        .ok_or_else(|| Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds)?;
734    // Copy the data into the array.
736    let dst_offset = u32::try_from(dst)
737        .unwrap()
738        .checked_mul(one_elem_size)
739        .unwrap();
741    let array_layout = store
742        .engine()
743        .signatures()
744        .layout(shared_ty)
745        .expect("array types have GC layouts");
746    let array_layout = array_layout.unwrap_array();
748    let obj_offset = array_layout.base_size.checked_add(dst_offset).unwrap();
750    store
751        .unwrap_gc_store_mut()
752        .gc_object_data(array.as_gc_ref())
753        .copy_from_slice(obj_offset, data);
755    Ok(())
758#[cfg(feature = "gc")]
759unsafe fn array_new_elem(
760    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
761    instance: &mut Instance,
762    array_type_index: u32,
763    elem_index: u32,
764    src: u32,
765    len: u32,
766) -> Result<u32> {
767    use crate::{
768        store::AutoAssertNoGc,
769        vm::const_expr::{ConstEvalContext, ConstExprEvaluator},
770        ArrayRef, ArrayRefPre, ArrayType, Func, GcHeapOutOfMemory, RootSet, RootedGcRefImpl, Val,
771    };
772    use wasmtime_environ::{ModuleInternedTypeIndex, TableSegmentElements};
774    // Convert indices to their typed forms.
775    let array_type_index = ModuleInternedTypeIndex::from_u32(array_type_index);
776    let elem_index = ElemIndex::from_u32(elem_index);
778    let mut storage = None;
779    let elements = instance.passive_element_segment(&mut storage, elem_index);
781    let src = usize::try_from(src).map_err(|_| Trap::TableOutOfBounds)?;
782    let len = usize::try_from(len).map_err(|_| Trap::TableOutOfBounds)?;
784    let shared_ty = instance.engine_type_index(array_type_index);
785    let array_ty = ArrayType::from_shared_type_index(store.engine(), shared_ty);
786    let elem_ty = array_ty.element_type();
787    let pre = ArrayRefPre::_new(store, array_ty);
789    RootSet::with_lifo_scope(store, |store| {
790        // Turn the elements into `Val`s.
791        let mut vals = Vec::with_capacity(usize::try_from(elements.len()).unwrap());
792        match elements {
793            TableSegmentElements::Functions(fs) => {
794                vals.extend(
795                    fs.get(src..)
796                        .and_then(|s| s.get(..len))
797                        .ok_or_else(|| Trap::TableOutOfBounds)?
798                        .iter()
799                        .map(|f| {
800                            let raw_func_ref = instance.get_func_ref(*f);
801                            let func = raw_func_ref.map(|p| Func::from_vm_func_ref(store, p));
802                            Val::FuncRef(func)
803                        }),
804                );
805            }
806            TableSegmentElements::Expressions(xs) => {
807                let xs = xs
808                    .get(src..)
809                    .and_then(|s| s.get(..len))
810                    .ok_or_else(|| Trap::TableOutOfBounds)?;
812                let mut const_context = ConstEvalContext::new(instance);
813                let mut const_evaluator = ConstExprEvaluator::default();
815                vals.extend(xs.iter().map(|x| unsafe {
816                    let raw = const_evaluator
817                        .eval(store, &mut const_context, x)
818                        .expect("const expr should be valid");
819                    let mut store = AutoAssertNoGc::new(store);
820                    Val::_from_raw(&mut store, raw, elem_ty.unwrap_val_type())
821                }));
822            }
823        }
825        let array = match ArrayRef::_new_fixed(store, &pre, &vals) {
826            Ok(a) => a,
827            Err(e) if e.is::<GcHeapOutOfMemory<()>>() => {
828                // Collect garbage to hopefully free up space, then try the
829                // allocation again.
830                store.maybe_async_gc(None)?;
831                ArrayRef::_new_fixed(store, &pre, &vals)?
832            }
833            Err(e) => return Err(e),
834        };
836        let mut store = AutoAssertNoGc::new(store);
837        let gc_ref = array.try_clone_gc_ref(&mut store)?;
838        let raw = store.unwrap_gc_store_mut().expose_gc_ref_to_wasm(gc_ref);
839        Ok(raw)
840    })
843#[cfg(feature = "gc")]
844unsafe fn array_init_elem(
845    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
846    instance: &mut Instance,
847    array_type_index: u32,
848    array: u32,
849    dst: u32,
850    elem_index: u32,
851    src: u32,
852    len: u32,
853) -> Result<()> {
854    use crate::{
855        store::AutoAssertNoGc,
856        vm::const_expr::{ConstEvalContext, ConstExprEvaluator},
857        ArrayRef, Func, OpaqueRootScope, Val,
858    };
859    use wasmtime_environ::{ModuleInternedTypeIndex, TableSegmentElements};
861    let mut store = OpaqueRootScope::new(store.store_opaque_mut());
863    // Convert the indices into their typed forms.
864    let _array_type_index = ModuleInternedTypeIndex::from_u32(array_type_index);
865    let elem_index = ElemIndex::from_u32(elem_index);
867    log::trace!(
868            "array.init_elem(array={array:#x}, dst={dst}, elem_index={elem_index:?}, src={src}, len={len})",
869        );
871    // Convert the raw GC ref into a `Rooted<ArrayRef>`.
872    let array = VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(array).ok_or_else(|| Trap::NullReference)?;
873    let array = store.unwrap_gc_store_mut().clone_gc_ref(&array);
874    let array = {
875        let mut no_gc = AutoAssertNoGc::new(&mut store);
876        ArrayRef::from_cloned_gc_ref(&mut no_gc, array)
877    };
879    // Bounds check the destination within the array.
880    let array_len = array._len(&store)?;
881    log::trace!("array_len = {array_len}");
882    if dst.checked_add(len).ok_or_else(|| Trap::ArrayOutOfBounds)? > array_len {
883        return Err(Trap::ArrayOutOfBounds.into());
884    }
886    // Get the passive element segment.
887    let mut storage = None;
888    let elements = instance.passive_element_segment(&mut storage, elem_index);
890    // Convert array offsets into `usize`s.
891    let src = usize::try_from(src).map_err(|_| Trap::TableOutOfBounds)?;
892    let len = usize::try_from(len).map_err(|_| Trap::TableOutOfBounds)?;
894    // Turn the elements into `Val`s.
895    let vals = match elements {
896        TableSegmentElements::Functions(fs) => fs
897            .get(src..)
898            .and_then(|s| s.get(..len))
899            .ok_or_else(|| Trap::TableOutOfBounds)?
900            .iter()
901            .map(|f| {
902                let raw_func_ref = instance.get_func_ref(*f);
903                let func = raw_func_ref.map(|p| Func::from_vm_func_ref(&mut store, p));
904                Val::FuncRef(func)
905            })
906            .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
907        TableSegmentElements::Expressions(xs) => {
908            let elem_ty = array._ty(&store)?.element_type();
909            let elem_ty = elem_ty.unwrap_val_type();
911            let mut const_context = ConstEvalContext::new(instance);
912            let mut const_evaluator = ConstExprEvaluator::default();
914            xs.get(src..)
915                .and_then(|s| s.get(..len))
916                .ok_or_else(|| Trap::TableOutOfBounds)?
917                .iter()
918                .map(|x| unsafe {
919                    let raw = const_evaluator
920                        .eval(&mut store, &mut const_context, x)
921                        .expect("const expr should be valid");
922                    let mut store = AutoAssertNoGc::new(&mut store);
923                    Val::_from_raw(&mut store, raw, elem_ty)
924                })
925                .collect::<Vec<_>>()
926        }
927    };
929    // Copy the values into the array.
930    for (i, val) in vals.into_iter().enumerate() {
931        let i = u32::try_from(i).unwrap();
932        let j = dst.checked_add(i).unwrap();
933        array._set(&mut store, j, val)?;
934    }
936    Ok(())
939// TODO: Specialize this libcall for only non-GC array elements, so we never
940// have to do GC barriers and their associated indirect calls through the `dyn
941// GcHeap`. Instead, implement those copies inline in Wasm code. Then, use bulk
942// `memcpy`-style APIs to do the actual copies here.
943#[cfg(feature = "gc")]
944unsafe fn array_copy(
945    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
946    _instance: &mut Instance,
947    dst_array: u32,
948    dst: u32,
949    src_array: u32,
950    src: u32,
951    len: u32,
952) -> Result<()> {
953    use crate::{store::AutoAssertNoGc, ArrayRef, OpaqueRootScope};
955    log::trace!(
956            "array.copy(dst_array={dst_array:#x}, dst_index={dst}, src_array={src_array:#x}, src_index={src}, len={len})",
957        );
959    let mut store = OpaqueRootScope::new(store.store_opaque_mut());
960    let mut store = AutoAssertNoGc::new(&mut store);
962    // Convert the raw GC refs into `Rooted<ArrayRef>`s.
963    let dst_array = VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(dst_array).ok_or_else(|| Trap::NullReference)?;
964    let dst_array = store.unwrap_gc_store_mut().clone_gc_ref(&dst_array);
965    let dst_array = ArrayRef::from_cloned_gc_ref(&mut store, dst_array);
966    let src_array = VMGcRef::from_raw_u32(src_array).ok_or_else(|| Trap::NullReference)?;
967    let src_array = store.unwrap_gc_store_mut().clone_gc_ref(&src_array);
968    let src_array = ArrayRef::from_cloned_gc_ref(&mut store, src_array);
970    // Bounds check the destination array's elements.
971    let dst_array_len = dst_array._len(&store)?;
972    if dst.checked_add(len).ok_or_else(|| Trap::ArrayOutOfBounds)? > dst_array_len {
973        return Err(Trap::ArrayOutOfBounds.into());
974    }
976    // Bounds check the source array's elements.
977    let src_array_len = src_array._len(&store)?;
978    if src.checked_add(len).ok_or_else(|| Trap::ArrayOutOfBounds)? > src_array_len {
979        return Err(Trap::ArrayOutOfBounds.into());
980    }
982    let mut store = AutoAssertNoGc::new(&mut store);
983    // If `src_array` and `dst_array` are the same array, then we are
984    // potentially doing an overlapping copy, so make sure to copy elements in
985    // the order that doesn't clobber the source elements before they are
986    // copied. If they are different arrays, the order doesn't matter, but we
987    // simply don't bother checking.
988    if src > dst {
989        for i in 0..len {
990            let src_elem = src_array._get(&mut store, src + i)?;
991            let dst_i = dst + i;
992            dst_array._set(&mut store, dst_i, src_elem)?;
993        }
994    } else {
995        for i in (0..len).rev() {
996            let src_elem = src_array._get(&mut store, src + i)?;
997            let dst_i = dst + i;
998            dst_array._set(&mut store, dst_i, src_elem)?;
999        }
1000    }
1001    Ok(())
1004#[cfg(feature = "gc")]
1005unsafe fn is_subtype(
1006    store: &mut dyn VMStore,
1007    _instance: &mut Instance,
1008    actual_engine_type: u32,
1009    expected_engine_type: u32,
1010) -> u32 {
1011    use wasmtime_environ::VMSharedTypeIndex;
1013    let actual = VMSharedTypeIndex::from_u32(actual_engine_type);
1014    let expected = VMSharedTypeIndex::from_u32(expected_engine_type);
1016    let is_subtype: bool = store
1017        .engine()
1018        .signatures()
1019        .is_subtype(actual, expected)
1020        .into();
1022    log::trace!("is_subtype(actual={actual:?}, expected={expected:?}) -> {is_subtype}",);
1023    is_subtype as u32
1026// Implementation of `memory.atomic.notify` for locally defined memories.
1027#[cfg(feature = "threads")]
1028fn memory_atomic_notify(
1029    _store: &mut dyn VMStore,
1030    instance: &mut Instance,
1031    memory_index: u32,
1032    addr_index: u64,
1033    count: u32,
1034) -> Result<u32, Trap> {
1035    let memory = MemoryIndex::from_u32(memory_index);
1036    instance
1037        .get_runtime_memory(memory)
1038        .atomic_notify(addr_index, count)
1041// Implementation of `memory.atomic.wait32` for locally defined memories.
1042#[cfg(feature = "threads")]
1043fn memory_atomic_wait32(
1044    _store: &mut dyn VMStore,
1045    instance: &mut Instance,
1046    memory_index: u32,
1047    addr_index: u64,
1048    expected: u32,
1049    timeout: u64,
1050) -> Result<u32, Trap> {
1051    let timeout = (timeout as i64 >= 0).then(|| Duration::from_nanos(timeout));
1052    let memory = MemoryIndex::from_u32(memory_index);
1053    Ok(instance
1054        .get_runtime_memory(memory)
1055        .atomic_wait32(addr_index, expected, timeout)? as u32)
1058// Implementation of `memory.atomic.wait64` for locally defined memories.
1059#[cfg(feature = "threads")]
1060fn memory_atomic_wait64(
1061    _store: &mut dyn VMStore,
1062    instance: &mut Instance,
1063    memory_index: u32,
1064    addr_index: u64,
1065    expected: u64,
1066    timeout: u64,
1067) -> Result<u32, Trap> {
1068    let timeout = (timeout as i64 >= 0).then(|| Duration::from_nanos(timeout));
1069    let memory = MemoryIndex::from_u32(memory_index);
1070    Ok(instance
1071        .get_runtime_memory(memory)
1072        .atomic_wait64(addr_index, expected, timeout)? as u32)
1075// Hook for when an instance runs out of fuel.
1076fn out_of_gas(store: &mut dyn VMStore, _instance: &mut Instance) -> Result<()> {
1077    store.out_of_gas()
1080// Hook for when an instance observes that the epoch has changed.
1081#[cfg(target_has_atomic = "64")]
1082fn new_epoch(store: &mut dyn VMStore, _instance: &mut Instance) -> Result<NextEpoch> {
1083    store.new_epoch().map(NextEpoch)
1086struct NextEpoch(u64);
1088unsafe impl HostResultHasUnwindSentinel for NextEpoch {
1089    type Abi = u64;
1090    const SENTINEL: u64 = u64::MAX;
1091    fn into_abi(self) -> u64 {
1092        self.0
1093    }
1096// Hook for validating malloc using wmemcheck_state.
1097#[cfg(feature = "wmemcheck")]
1098unsafe fn check_malloc(
1099    _store: &mut dyn VMStore,
1100    instance: &mut Instance,
1101    addr: u32,
1102    len: u32,
1103) -> Result<()> {
1104    if let Some(wmemcheck_state) = &mut instance.wmemcheck_state {
1105        let result = wmemcheck_state.malloc(addr as usize, len as usize);
1106        wmemcheck_state.memcheck_on();
1107        match result {
1108            Ok(()) => {}
1109            Err(DoubleMalloc { addr, len }) => {
1110                bail!("Double malloc at addr {:#x} of size {}", addr, len)
1111            }
1112            Err(OutOfBounds { addr, len }) => {
1113                bail!("Malloc out of bounds at addr {:#x} of size {}", addr, len);
1114            }
1115            _ => {
1116                panic!("unreachable")
1117            }
1118        }
1119    }
1120    Ok(())
1123// Hook for validating free using wmemcheck_state.
1124#[cfg(feature = "wmemcheck")]
1125unsafe fn check_free(_store: &mut dyn VMStore, instance: &mut Instance, addr: u32) -> Result<()> {
1126    if let Some(wmemcheck_state) = &mut instance.wmemcheck_state {
1127        let result = wmemcheck_state.free(addr as usize);
1128        wmemcheck_state.memcheck_on();
1129        match result {
1130            Ok(()) => {}
1131            Err(InvalidFree { addr }) => {
1132                bail!("Invalid free at addr {:#x}", addr)
1133            }
1134            _ => {
1135                panic!("unreachable")
1136            }
1137        }
1138    }
1139    Ok(())
1142// Hook for validating load using wmemcheck_state.
1143#[cfg(feature = "wmemcheck")]
1144fn check_load(
1145    _store: &mut dyn VMStore,
1146    instance: &mut Instance,
1147    num_bytes: u32,
1148    addr: u32,
1149    offset: u32,
1150) -> Result<()> {
1151    if let Some(wmemcheck_state) = &mut instance.wmemcheck_state {
1152        let result = wmemcheck_state.read(addr as usize + offset as usize, num_bytes as usize);
1153        match result {
1154            Ok(()) => {}
1155            Err(InvalidRead { addr, len }) => {
1156                bail!("Invalid load at addr {:#x} of size {}", addr, len);
1157            }
1158            Err(OutOfBounds { addr, len }) => {
1159                bail!("Load out of bounds at addr {:#x} of size {}", addr, len);
1160            }
1161            _ => {
1162                panic!("unreachable")
1163            }
1164        }
1165    }
1166    Ok(())
1169// Hook for validating store using wmemcheck_state.
1170#[cfg(feature = "wmemcheck")]
1171fn check_store(
1172    _store: &mut dyn VMStore,
1173    instance: &mut Instance,
1174    num_bytes: u32,
1175    addr: u32,
1176    offset: u32,
1177) -> Result<()> {
1178    if let Some(wmemcheck_state) = &mut instance.wmemcheck_state {
1179        let result = wmemcheck_state.write(addr as usize + offset as usize, num_bytes as usize);
1180        match result {
1181            Ok(()) => {}
1182            Err(InvalidWrite { addr, len }) => {
1183                bail!("Invalid store at addr {:#x} of size {}", addr, len)
1184            }
1185            Err(OutOfBounds { addr, len }) => {
1186                bail!("Store out of bounds at addr {:#x} of size {}", addr, len)
1187            }
1188            _ => {
1189                panic!("unreachable")
1190            }
1191        }
1192    }
1193    Ok(())
1196// Hook for turning wmemcheck load/store validation off when entering a malloc function.
1197#[cfg(feature = "wmemcheck")]
1198fn malloc_start(_store: &mut dyn VMStore, instance: &mut Instance) {
1199    if let Some(wmemcheck_state) = &mut instance.wmemcheck_state {
1200        wmemcheck_state.memcheck_off();
1201    }
1204// Hook for turning wmemcheck load/store validation off when entering a free function.
1205#[cfg(feature = "wmemcheck")]
1206fn free_start(_store: &mut dyn VMStore, instance: &mut Instance) {
1207    if let Some(wmemcheck_state) = &mut instance.wmemcheck_state {
1208        wmemcheck_state.memcheck_off();
1209    }
1212// Hook for tracking wasm stack updates using wmemcheck_state.
1213#[cfg(feature = "wmemcheck")]
1214fn update_stack_pointer(_store: &mut dyn VMStore, _instance: &mut Instance, _value: u32) {
1215    // TODO: stack-tracing has yet to be finalized. All memory below
1216    // the address of the top of the stack is marked as valid for
1217    // loads and stores.
1218    // if let Some(wmemcheck_state) = &mut instance.wmemcheck_state {
1219    //     instance.wmemcheck_state.update_stack_pointer(value as usize);
1220    // }
1223// Hook updating wmemcheck_state memory state vector every time memory.grow is called.
1224#[cfg(feature = "wmemcheck")]
1225fn update_mem_size(_store: &mut dyn VMStore, instance: &mut Instance, num_pages: u32) {
1226    if let Some(wmemcheck_state) = &mut instance.wmemcheck_state {
1227        const KIB: usize = 1024;
1228        let num_bytes = num_pages as usize * 64 * KIB;
1229        wmemcheck_state.update_mem_size(num_bytes);
1230    }
1233/// This intrinsic is just used to record trap information.
1235/// The `Infallible` "ok" type here means that this never returns success, it
1236/// only ever returns an error, and this hooks into the machinery to handle
1237/// `Result` values to record such trap information.
1238fn trap(
1239    _store: &mut dyn VMStore,
1240    _instance: &mut Instance,
1241    code: u8,
1242) -> Result<Infallible, TrapReason> {
1243    Err(TrapReason::Wasm(
1244        wasmtime_environ::Trap::from_u8(code).unwrap(),
1245    ))
1248fn raise(_store: &mut dyn VMStore, _instance: &mut Instance) {
1249    // SAFETY: this is only called from compiled wasm so we know that wasm has
1250    // already been entered. It's a dynamic safety precondition that the trap
1251    // information has already been arranged to be present.
1252    #[cfg(has_host_compiler_backend)]
1253    unsafe {
1254        crate::runtime::vm::traphandlers::raise_preexisting_trap()
1255    }
1257    // When Cranelift isn't in use then this is an unused libcall for Pulley, so
1258    // just insert a stub to catch bugs if it's accidentally called.
1259    #[cfg(not(has_host_compiler_backend))]
1260    unreachable!()
1263/// This module contains functions which are used for resolving relocations at
1264/// runtime if necessary.
1266/// These functions are not used by default and currently the only platform
1267/// they're used for is on x86_64 when SIMD is disabled and then SSE features
1268/// are further disabled. In these configurations Cranelift isn't allowed to use
1269/// native CPU instructions so it falls back to libcalls and we rely on the Rust
1270/// standard library generally for implementing these.
1272pub mod relocs {
1273    pub extern "C" fn floorf32(f: f32) -> f32 {
1274        wasmtime_math::WasmFloat::wasm_floor(f)
1275    }
1277    pub extern "C" fn floorf64(f: f64) -> f64 {
1278        wasmtime_math::WasmFloat::wasm_floor(f)
1279    }
1281    pub extern "C" fn ceilf32(f: f32) -> f32 {
1282        wasmtime_math::WasmFloat::wasm_ceil(f)
1283    }
1285    pub extern "C" fn ceilf64(f: f64) -> f64 {
1286        wasmtime_math::WasmFloat::wasm_ceil(f)
1287    }
1289    pub extern "C" fn truncf32(f: f32) -> f32 {
1290        wasmtime_math::WasmFloat::wasm_trunc(f)
1291    }
1293    pub extern "C" fn truncf64(f: f64) -> f64 {
1294        wasmtime_math::WasmFloat::wasm_trunc(f)
1295    }
1297    pub extern "C" fn nearestf32(x: f32) -> f32 {
1298        wasmtime_math::WasmFloat::wasm_nearest(x)
1299    }
1301    pub extern "C" fn nearestf64(x: f64) -> f64 {
1302        wasmtime_math::WasmFloat::wasm_nearest(x)
1303    }
1305    pub extern "C" fn fmaf32(a: f32, b: f32, c: f32) -> f32 {
1306        wasmtime_math::WasmFloat::wasm_mul_add(a, b, c)
1307    }
1309    pub extern "C" fn fmaf64(a: f64, b: f64, c: f64) -> f64 {
1310        wasmtime_math::WasmFloat::wasm_mul_add(a, b, c)
1311    }
1313    // This intrinsic is only used on x86_64 platforms as an implementation of
1314    // the `pshufb` instruction when SSSE3 is not available.
1315    #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
1316    use core::arch::x86_64::__m128i;
1317    #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
1318    #[target_feature(enable = "sse")]
1319    #[allow(improper_ctypes_definitions)]
1320    pub unsafe extern "C" fn x86_pshufb(a: __m128i, b: __m128i) -> __m128i {
1321        union U {
1322            reg: __m128i,
1323            mem: [u8; 16],
1324        }
1326        unsafe {
1327            let a = U { reg: a }.mem;
1328            let b = U { reg: b }.mem;
1330            let select = |arr: &[u8; 16], byte: u8| {
1331                if byte & 0x80 != 0 {
1332                    0x00
1333                } else {
1334                    arr[(byte & 0xf) as usize]
1335                }
1336            };
1338            U {
1339                mem: [
1340                    select(&a, b[0]),
1341                    select(&a, b[1]),
1342                    select(&a, b[2]),
1343                    select(&a, b[3]),
1344                    select(&a, b[4]),
1345                    select(&a, b[5]),
1346                    select(&a, b[6]),
1347                    select(&a, b[7]),
1348                    select(&a, b[8]),
1349                    select(&a, b[9]),
1350                    select(&a, b[10]),
1351                    select(&a, b[11]),
1352                    select(&a, b[12]),
1353                    select(&a, b[13]),
1354                    select(&a, b[14]),
1355                    select(&a, b[15]),
1356                ],
1357            }
1358            .reg
1359        }
1360    }