
1//! Provides functionality for compiling and running CLIF IR for `run` tests.
2use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
3use core::mem;
4use cranelift_codegen::data_value::DataValue;
5use cranelift_codegen::ir::{
6    ExternalName, Function, InstBuilder, Signature, UserExternalName, UserFuncName,
8use cranelift_codegen::isa::{OwnedTargetIsa, TargetIsa};
9use cranelift_codegen::{ir, settings, CodegenError, Context};
10use cranelift_control::ControlPlane;
11use cranelift_frontend::{FunctionBuilder, FunctionBuilderContext};
12use cranelift_jit::{JITBuilder, JITModule};
13use cranelift_module::{FuncId, Linkage, Module, ModuleError};
14use cranelift_native::builder_with_options;
15use cranelift_reader::TestFile;
16use pulley_interpreter::interp as pulley;
17use std::cmp::max;
18use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
19use std::collections::HashMap;
20use std::ptr::NonNull;
21use target_lexicon::Architecture;
22use thiserror::Error;
24const TESTFILE_NAMESPACE: u32 = 0;
26/// Holds information about a previously defined function.
28struct DefinedFunction {
29    /// This is the name that the function is internally known as.
30    ///
31    /// The JIT module does not support linking / calling [TestcaseName]'s, so
32    /// we rename every function into a [UserExternalName].
33    ///
34    /// By doing this we also have to rename functions that previously were using a
35    /// [UserFuncName], since they may now be in conflict after the renaming that
36    /// occurred.
37    new_name: UserExternalName,
39    /// The function signature
40    signature: ir::Signature,
42    /// JIT [FuncId]
43    func_id: FuncId,
46/// Compile a test case.
48/// Several Cranelift functions need the ability to run Cranelift IR (e.g. `test_run`); this
49/// [TestFileCompiler] provides a way for compiling Cranelift [Function]s to
50/// `CompiledFunction`s and subsequently calling them through the use of a `Trampoline`. As its
51/// name indicates, this compiler is limited: any functionality that requires knowledge of things
52/// outside the [Function] will likely not work (e.g. global values, calls). For an example of this
53/// "outside-of-function" functionality, see `cranelift_jit::backend::JITBackend`.
55/// ```
56/// # let ctrl_plane = &mut Default::default();
57/// use cranelift_filetests::TestFileCompiler;
58/// use cranelift_reader::parse_functions;
59/// use cranelift_codegen::data_value::DataValue;
61/// let code = "test run \n function %add(i32, i32) -> i32 {  block0(v0:i32, v1:i32):  v2 = iadd v0, v1  return v2 }".into();
62/// let func = parse_functions(code).unwrap().into_iter().nth(0).unwrap();
63/// let mut compiler = TestFileCompiler::with_default_host_isa().unwrap();
64/// compiler.declare_function(&func).unwrap();
65/// compiler.define_function(func.clone(), ctrl_plane).unwrap();
66/// compiler.create_trampoline_for_function(&func, ctrl_plane).unwrap();
67/// let compiled = compiler.compile().unwrap();
68/// let trampoline = compiled.get_trampoline(&func).unwrap();
70/// let returned =![DataValue::I32(2), DataValue::I32(40)]);
71/// assert_eq!(vec![DataValue::I32(42)], returned);
72/// ```
73pub struct TestFileCompiler {
74    module: JITModule,
75    ctx: Context,
77    /// Holds info about the functions that have already been defined.
78    /// Use look them up by their original [UserFuncName] since that's how the caller
79    /// passes them to us.
80    defined_functions: HashMap<UserFuncName, DefinedFunction>,
82    /// We deduplicate trampolines by the signature of the function that they target.
83    /// This map holds as a key the [Signature] of the target function, and as a value
84    /// the [UserFuncName] of the trampoline for that [Signature].
85    ///
86    /// The trampoline is defined in `defined_functions` as any other regular function.
87    trampolines: HashMap<Signature, UserFuncName>,
90impl TestFileCompiler {
91    /// Build a [TestFileCompiler] from a [TargetIsa]. For functions to be runnable on the
92    /// host machine, this [TargetIsa] must match the host machine's ISA (see
93    /// [TestFileCompiler::with_host_isa]).
94    pub fn new(isa: OwnedTargetIsa) -> Self {
95        let mut builder = JITBuilder::with_isa(isa, cranelift_module::default_libcall_names());
96        let _ = &mut builder; // require mutability on all architectures
97        #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
98        {
99            builder.symbol_lookup_fn(Box::new(|name| {
100                if name == "__cranelift_x86_pshufb" {
101                    Some(__cranelift_x86_pshufb as *const u8)
102                } else {
103                    None
104                }
105            }));
106        }
108        // On Unix platforms force `libm` to get linked into this executable
109        // because tests that use libcalls rely on this library being present.
110        // Without this it's been seen that when cross-compiled to riscv64 the
111        // final binary doesn't link in `libm`.
112        #[cfg(unix)]
113        {
114            unsafe extern "C" {
115                safe fn ceilf(f: f32) -> f32;
116            }
117            let f = 1.2_f32;
118            assert_eq!(f.ceil(), ceilf(f));
119        }
121        let module = JITModule::new(builder);
122        let ctx = module.make_context();
124        Self {
125            module,
126            ctx,
127            defined_functions: HashMap::new(),
128            trampolines: HashMap::new(),
129        }
130    }
132    /// Build a [TestFileCompiler] using the host machine's ISA and the passed flags.
133    pub fn with_host_isa(flags: settings::Flags) -> Result<Self> {
134        let builder =
135            builder_with_options(true).expect("Unable to build a TargetIsa for the current host");
136        let isa = builder.finish(flags)?;
137        Ok(Self::new(isa))
138    }
140    /// Build a [TestFileCompiler] using the host machine's ISA and the default flags for this
141    /// ISA.
142    pub fn with_default_host_isa() -> Result<Self> {
143        let flags = settings::Flags::new(settings::builder());
144        Self::with_host_isa(flags)
145    }
147    /// Declares and compiles all functions in `functions`. Additionally creates a trampoline for
148    /// each one of them.
149    pub fn add_functions(
150        &mut self,
151        functions: &[Function],
152        ctrl_planes: Vec<ControlPlane>,
153    ) -> Result<()> {
154        // Declare all functions in the file, so that they may refer to each other.
155        for func in functions {
156            self.declare_function(func)?;
157        }
159        let ctrl_planes = ctrl_planes
160            .into_iter()
161            .chain(std::iter::repeat(ControlPlane::default()));
163        // Define all functions and trampolines
164        for (func, ref mut ctrl_plane) in functions.iter().zip(ctrl_planes) {
165            self.define_function(func.clone(), ctrl_plane)?;
166            self.create_trampoline_for_function(func, ctrl_plane)?;
167        }
169        Ok(())
170    }
172    /// Registers all functions in a [TestFile]. Additionally creates a trampoline for each one
173    /// of them.
174    pub fn add_testfile(&mut self, testfile: &TestFile) -> Result<()> {
175        let functions = testfile
176            .functions
177            .iter()
178            .map(|(f, _)| f)
179            .cloned()
180            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
182        self.add_functions(&functions[..], Vec::new())?;
183        Ok(())
184    }
186    /// Declares a function an registers it as a linkable and callable target internally
187    pub fn declare_function(&mut self, func: &Function) -> Result<()> {
188        let next_id = self.defined_functions.len() as u32;
189        match self.defined_functions.entry( {
190            Entry::Occupied(_) => {
191                anyhow::bail!("Duplicate function with name {} found!", &
192            }
193            Entry::Vacant(v) => {
194                let name =;
195                let func_id =
196                    self.module
197                        .declare_function(&name, Linkage::Local, &func.signature)?;
199                v.insert(DefinedFunction {
200                    new_name: UserExternalName::new(TESTFILE_NAMESPACE, next_id),
201                    signature: func.signature.clone(),
202                    func_id,
203                });
204            }
205        };
207        Ok(())
208    }
210    /// Renames the function to its new [UserExternalName], as well as any other function that
211    /// it may reference.
212    ///
213    /// We have to do this since the JIT cannot link Testcase functions.
214    fn apply_func_rename(
215        &self,
216        mut func: Function,
217        defined_func: &DefinedFunction,
218    ) -> Result<Function> {
219        // First, rename the function
220        let func_original_name =;
221 = UserFuncName::User(defined_func.new_name.clone());
223        // Rename any functions that it references
224        // Do this in stages to appease the borrow checker
225        let mut redefines = Vec::with_capacity(func.dfg.ext_funcs.len());
226        for (ext_ref, ext_func) in &func.dfg.ext_funcs {
227            let old_name = match & {
228                ExternalName::TestCase(tc) => UserFuncName::Testcase(tc.clone()),
229                ExternalName::User(username) => {
230                    UserFuncName::User(func.params.user_named_funcs()[*username].clone())
231                }
232                // The other cases don't need renaming, so lets just continue...
233                _ => continue,
234            };
236            let target_df = self.defined_functions.get(&old_name).ok_or(anyhow!(
237                "Undeclared function {} is referenced by {}!",
238                &old_name,
239                &func_original_name
240            ))?;
242            redefines.push((ext_ref, target_df.new_name.clone()));
243        }
245        // Now register the redefines
246        for (ext_ref, new_name) in redefines.into_iter() {
247            // Register the new name in the func, so that we can get a reference to it.
248            let new_name_ref = func.params.ensure_user_func_name(new_name);
250            // Finally rename the ExtFunc
251            func.dfg.ext_funcs[ext_ref].name = ExternalName::User(new_name_ref);
252        }
254        Ok(func)
255    }
257    /// Defines the body of a function
258    pub fn define_function(&mut self, func: Function, ctrl_plane: &mut ControlPlane) -> Result<()> {
259        let defined_func = self
260            .defined_functions
261            .get(&
262            .ok_or(anyhow!("Undeclared function {} found!", &;
264        self.ctx.func = self.apply_func_rename(func, defined_func)?;
265        self.module.define_function_with_control_plane(
266            defined_func.func_id,
267            &mut self.ctx,
268            ctrl_plane,
269        )?;
270        self.module.clear_context(&mut self.ctx);
271        Ok(())
272    }
274    /// Creates and registers a trampoline for a function if none exists.
275    pub fn create_trampoline_for_function(
276        &mut self,
277        func: &Function,
278        ctrl_plane: &mut ControlPlane,
279    ) -> Result<()> {
280        if !self.defined_functions.contains_key(& {
281            anyhow::bail!("Undeclared function {} found!", &;
282        }
284        // Check if a trampoline for this function signature already exists
285        if self.trampolines.contains_key(&func.signature) {
286            return Ok(());
287        }
289        // Create a trampoline and register it
290        let name = UserFuncName::user(TESTFILE_NAMESPACE, self.defined_functions.len() as u32);
291        let trampoline = make_trampoline(name.clone(), &func.signature, self.module.isa());
293        self.declare_function(&trampoline)?;
294        self.define_function(trampoline, ctrl_plane)?;
296        self.trampolines.insert(func.signature.clone(), name);
298        Ok(())
299    }
301    /// Finalize this TestFile and link all functions.
302    pub fn compile(mut self) -> Result<CompiledTestFile, CompilationError> {
303        // Finalize the functions which we just defined, which resolves any
304        // outstanding relocations (patching in addresses, now that they're
305        // available).
306        self.module.finalize_definitions()?;
308        Ok(CompiledTestFile {
309            module: Some(self.module),
310            defined_functions: self.defined_functions,
311            trampolines: self.trampolines,
312        })
313    }
316/// A finalized Test File
317pub struct CompiledTestFile {
318    /// We need to store [JITModule] since it contains the underlying memory for the functions.
319    /// Store it in an [Option] so that we can later drop it.
320    module: Option<JITModule>,
322    /// Holds info about the functions that have been registered in `module`.
323    /// See [TestFileCompiler] for more info.
324    defined_functions: HashMap<UserFuncName, DefinedFunction>,
326    /// Trampolines available in this [JITModule].
327    /// See [TestFileCompiler] for more info.
328    trampolines: HashMap<Signature, UserFuncName>,
331impl CompiledTestFile {
332    /// Return a trampoline for calling.
333    ///
334    /// Returns None if [TestFileCompiler::create_trampoline_for_function] wasn't called for this function.
335    pub fn get_trampoline(&self, func: &Function) -> Option<Trampoline> {
336        let defined_func = self.defined_functions.get(&;
337        let trampoline_id = self
338            .trampolines
339            .get(&func.signature)
340            .and_then(|name| self.defined_functions.get(name))
341            .map(|df| df.func_id)?;
342        Some(Trampoline {
343            module: self.module.as_ref()?,
344            func_id: defined_func.func_id,
345            func_signature: &defined_func.signature,
346            trampoline_id,
347        })
348    }
351impl Drop for CompiledTestFile {
352    fn drop(&mut self) {
353        // Freeing the module's memory erases the compiled functions.
354        // This should be safe since their pointers never leave this struct.
355        unsafe { self.module.take().unwrap().free_memory() }
356    }
359/// A callable trampoline
360pub struct Trampoline<'a> {
361    module: &'a JITModule,
362    func_id: FuncId,
363    func_signature: &'a Signature,
364    trampoline_id: FuncId,
367impl<'a> Trampoline<'a> {
368    /// Call the target function of this trampoline, passing in [DataValue]s using a compiled trampoline.
369    pub fn call(&self, arguments: &[DataValue]) -> Vec<DataValue> {
370        let mut values = UnboxedValues::make_arguments(arguments, &self.func_signature);
371        let arguments_address = values.as_mut_ptr();
373        let function_ptr = self.module.get_finalized_function(self.func_id);
374        let trampoline_ptr = self.module.get_finalized_function(self.trampoline_id);
376        unsafe {
377            self.call_raw(trampoline_ptr, function_ptr, arguments_address);
378        }
380        values.collect_returns(&self.func_signature)
381    }
383    unsafe fn call_raw(
384        &self,
385        trampoline_ptr: *const u8,
386        function_ptr: *const u8,
387        arguments_address: *mut u128,
388    ) {
389        match self.module.isa().triple().architecture {
390            // For the pulley target this is pulley bytecode, not machine code,
391            // so run the interpreter.
392            Architecture::Pulley32
393            | Architecture::Pulley64
394            | Architecture::Pulley32be
395            | Architecture::Pulley64be => {
396                let mut state = pulley::Vm::new();
398                    NonNull::new(trampoline_ptr.cast_mut()).unwrap(),
399                    &[
400                        pulley::XRegVal::new_ptr(function_ptr.cast_mut()).into(),
401                        pulley::XRegVal::new_ptr(arguments_address).into(),
402                    ],
403                    [],
404                );
405            }
407            // Other targets natively execute this machine code.
408            _ => {
409                let callable_trampoline: fn(*const u8, *mut u128) -> () =
410                    unsafe { mem::transmute(trampoline_ptr) };
411                callable_trampoline(function_ptr, arguments_address);
412            }
413        }
414    }
417/// Compilation Error when compiling a function.
418#[derive(Error, Debug)]
419pub enum CompilationError {
420    /// Cranelift codegen error.
421    #[error("Cranelift codegen error")]
422    CodegenError(#[from] CodegenError),
423    /// Module Error
424    #[error("Module error")]
425    ModuleError(#[from] ModuleError),
426    /// Memory mapping error.
427    #[error("Memory mapping error")]
428    IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
431/// A container for laying out the [ValueData]s in memory in a way that the [Trampoline] can
432/// understand.
433struct UnboxedValues(Vec<u128>);
435impl UnboxedValues {
436    /// The size in bytes of each slot location in the allocated [DataValue]s. Though [DataValue]s
437    /// could be smaller than 16 bytes (e.g. `I16`), this simplifies the creation of the [DataValue]
438    /// array and could be used to align the slots to the largest used [DataValue] (i.e. 128-bit
439    /// vectors).
440    const SLOT_SIZE: usize = 16;
442    /// Build the arguments vector for passing the [DataValue]s into the [Trampoline]. The size of
443    /// `u128` used here must match [Trampoline::SLOT_SIZE].
444    pub fn make_arguments(arguments: &[DataValue], signature: &ir::Signature) -> Self {
445        assert_eq!(arguments.len(), signature.params.len());
446        let mut values_vec = vec![0; max(signature.params.len(), signature.returns.len())];
448        // Store the argument values into `values_vec`.
449        for ((arg, slot), param) in arguments.iter().zip(&mut values_vec).zip(&signature.params) {
450            assert!(
451                arg.ty() == param.value_type || arg.is_vector(),
452                "argument type mismatch: {} != {}",
453                arg.ty(),
454                param.value_type
455            );
456            unsafe {
457                arg.write_value_to(slot);
458            }
459        }
461        Self(values_vec)
462    }
464    /// Return a pointer to the underlying memory for passing to the trampoline.
465    pub fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut u128 {
466        self.0.as_mut_ptr()
467    }
469    /// Collect the returned [DataValue]s into a [Vec]. The size of `u128` used here must match
470    /// [Trampoline::SLOT_SIZE].
471    pub fn collect_returns(&self, signature: &ir::Signature) -> Vec<DataValue> {
472        assert!(self.0.len() >= signature.returns.len());
473        let mut returns = Vec::with_capacity(signature.returns.len());
475        // Extract the returned values from this vector.
476        for (slot, param) in self.0.iter().zip(&signature.returns) {
477            let value = unsafe { DataValue::read_value_from(slot, param.value_type) };
478            returns.push(value);
479        }
481        returns
482    }
485/// Build the Cranelift IR for moving the memory-allocated [DataValue]s to their correct location
486/// (e.g. register, stack) prior to calling a [CompiledFunction]. The [Function] returned by
487/// [make_trampoline] is compiled to a [Trampoline]. Note that this uses the [TargetIsa]'s default
488/// calling convention so we must also check that the [CompiledFunction] has the same calling
489/// convention (see [TestFileCompiler::compile]).
490fn make_trampoline(name: UserFuncName, signature: &ir::Signature, isa: &dyn TargetIsa) -> Function {
491    // Create the trampoline signature: (callee_address: pointer, values_vec: pointer) -> ()
492    let pointer_type = isa.pointer_type();
493    let mut wrapper_sig = ir::Signature::new(isa.frontend_config().default_call_conv);
494    wrapper_sig.params.push(ir::AbiParam::new(pointer_type)); // Add the `callee_address` parameter.
495    wrapper_sig.params.push(ir::AbiParam::new(pointer_type)); // Add the `values_vec` parameter.
497    let mut func = ir::Function::with_name_signature(name, wrapper_sig);
499    // The trampoline has a single block filled with loads, one call to callee_address, and some loads.
500    let mut builder_context = FunctionBuilderContext::new();
501    let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(&mut func, &mut builder_context);
502    let block0 = builder.create_block();
503    builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block0);
504    builder.switch_to_block(block0);
505    builder.seal_block(block0);
507    // Extract the incoming SSA values.
508    let (callee_value, values_vec_ptr_val) = {
509        let params = builder.func.dfg.block_params(block0);
510        (params[0], params[1])
511    };
513    // Load the argument values out of `values_vec`.
514    let callee_args = signature
515        .params
516        .iter()
517        .enumerate()
518        .map(|(i, param)| {
519            // We always store vector types in little-endian byte order as DataValue.
520            let mut flags = ir::MemFlags::trusted();
521            if param.value_type.is_vector() {
522                flags.set_endianness(ir::Endianness::Little);
523            }
525            // Load the value.
526            builder.ins().load(
527                param.value_type,
528                flags,
529                values_vec_ptr_val,
530                (i * UnboxedValues::SLOT_SIZE) as i32,
531            )
532        })
533        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
535    // Call the passed function.
536    let new_sig = builder.import_signature(signature.clone());
537    let call = builder
538        .ins()
539        .call_indirect(new_sig, callee_value, &callee_args);
541    // Store the return values into `values_vec`.
542    let results = builder.func.dfg.inst_results(call).to_vec();
543    for ((i, value), param) in results.iter().enumerate().zip(&signature.returns) {
544        // We always store vector types in little-endian byte order as DataValue.
545        let mut flags = ir::MemFlags::trusted();
546        if param.value_type.is_vector() {
547            flags.set_endianness(ir::Endianness::Little);
548        }
549        // Store the value.
550        builder.ins().store(
551            flags,
552            *value,
553            values_vec_ptr_val,
554            (i * UnboxedValues::SLOT_SIZE) as i32,
555        );
556    }
558    builder.ins().return_(&[]);
559    builder.finalize();
561    func
564#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
565use std::arch::x86_64::__m128i;
566#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
568    improper_ctypes_definitions,
569    reason = "manually verified to work for now"
571extern "C" fn __cranelift_x86_pshufb(a: __m128i, b: __m128i) -> __m128i {
572    union U {
573        reg: __m128i,
574        mem: [u8; 16],
575    }
577    unsafe {
578        let a = U { reg: a }.mem;
579        let b = U { reg: b }.mem;
581        let select = |arr: &[u8; 16], byte: u8| {
582            if byte & 0x80 != 0 {
583                0x00
584            } else {
585                arr[(byte & 0xf) as usize]
586            }
587        };
589        U {
590            mem: [
591                select(&a, b[0]),
592                select(&a, b[1]),
593                select(&a, b[2]),
594                select(&a, b[3]),
595                select(&a, b[4]),
596                select(&a, b[5]),
597                select(&a, b[6]),
598                select(&a, b[7]),
599                select(&a, b[8]),
600                select(&a, b[9]),
601                select(&a, b[10]),
602                select(&a, b[11]),
603                select(&a, b[12]),
604                select(&a, b[13]),
605                select(&a, b[14]),
606                select(&a, b[15]),
607            ],
608        }
609        .reg
610    }
614mod test {
615    use super::*;
616    use cranelift_reader::{parse_functions, parse_test, ParseOptions};
618    fn parse(code: &str) -> Function {
619        parse_functions(code).unwrap().into_iter().nth(0).unwrap()
620    }
622    #[test]
623    fn nop() {
624        // Skip this test when cranelift doesn't support the native platform.
625        if cranelift_native::builder().is_err() {
626            return;
627        }
628        let code = String::from(
629            "
630            test run
631            function %test() -> i8 {
632            block0:
633                nop
634                v1 = iconst.i8 -1
635                return v1
636            }",
637        );
638        let ctrl_plane = &mut ControlPlane::default();
640        // extract function
641        let test_file = parse_test(code.as_str(), ParseOptions::default()).unwrap();
642        assert_eq!(1, test_file.functions.len());
643        let function = test_file.functions[0].0.clone();
645        // execute function
646        let mut compiler = TestFileCompiler::with_default_host_isa().unwrap();
647        compiler.declare_function(&function).unwrap();
648        compiler
649            .define_function(function.clone(), ctrl_plane)
650            .unwrap();
651        compiler
652            .create_trampoline_for_function(&function, ctrl_plane)
653            .unwrap();
654        let compiled = compiler.compile().unwrap();
655        let trampoline = compiled.get_trampoline(&function).unwrap();
656        let returned =[]);
657        assert_eq!(returned, vec![DataValue::I8(-1)])
658    }
660    #[test]
661    fn trampolines() {
662        // Skip this test when cranelift doesn't support the native platform.
663        if cranelift_native::builder().is_err() {
664            return;
665        }
666        let function = parse(
667            "
668            function %test(f32, i8, i64x2, i8) -> f32x4, i64 {
669            block0(v0: f32, v1: i8, v2: i64x2, v3: i8):
670                v4 = vconst.f32x4 [0x0.1 0x0.2 0x0.3 0x0.4]
671                v5 = iconst.i64 -1
672                return v4, v5
673            }",
674        );
676        let compiler = TestFileCompiler::with_default_host_isa().unwrap();
677        let trampoline = make_trampoline(
678            UserFuncName::user(0, 0),
679            &function.signature,
680            compiler.module.isa(),
681        );
682        println!("{trampoline}");
683        assert!(format!("{trampoline}").ends_with(
684            "sig0 = (f32, i8, i64x2, i8) -> f32x4, i64 fast
686block0(v0: i64, v1: i64):
687    v2 = load.f32 notrap aligned v1
688    v3 = load.i8 notrap aligned v1+16
689    v4 = load.i64x2 notrap aligned little v1+32
690    v5 = load.i8 notrap aligned v1+48
691    v6, v7 = call_indirect sig0, v0(v2, v3, v4, v5)
692    store notrap aligned little v6, v1
693    store notrap aligned v7, v1+16
694    return
697        ));
698    }