1//! Backtrace and stack walking functionality for Wasm.
3//! Walking the Wasm stack is comprised of
5//! 1. identifying sequences of contiguous Wasm frames on the stack
6//! (i.e. skipping over native host frames), and
8//! 2. walking the Wasm frames within such a sequence.
10//! To perform (1) we maintain the entry stack pointer (SP) and exit frame
11//! pointer (FP) and program counter (PC) each time we call into Wasm and Wasm
12//! calls into the host via trampolines (see
13//! `crates/wasmtime/src/runtime/vm/trampolines`). The most recent entry is
14//! stored in `VMStoreContext` and older entries are saved in
15//! `CallThreadState`. This lets us identify ranges of contiguous Wasm frames on
16//! the stack.
18//! To solve (2) and walk the Wasm frames within a region of contiguous Wasm
19//! frames on the stack, we configure Cranelift's `preserve_frame_pointers =
20//! true` setting. Then we can do simple frame pointer traversal starting at the
21//! exit FP and stopping once we reach the entry SP (meaning that the next older
22//! frame is a host frame).
24use crate::prelude::*;
25use crate::runtime::store::StoreOpaque;
26use crate::runtime::vm::{
27 traphandlers::{tls, CallThreadState},
28 Unwind, VMStoreContext,
30use core::ops::ControlFlow;
32/// A WebAssembly stack trace.
34pub struct Backtrace(Vec<Frame>);
36/// A stack frame within a Wasm stack trace.
38pub struct Frame {
39 pc: usize,
40 #[cfg_attr(
41 not(feature = "gc"),
42 expect(dead_code, reason = "not worth #[cfg] annotations to remove")
43 )]
44 fp: usize,
47impl Frame {
48 /// Get this frame's program counter.
49 pub fn pc(&self) -> usize {
50 self.pc
51 }
53 /// Get this frame's frame pointer.
54 #[cfg(feature = "gc")]
55 pub fn fp(&self) -> usize {
56 self.fp
57 }
60impl Backtrace {
61 /// Returns an empty backtrace
62 pub fn empty() -> Backtrace {
63 Backtrace(Vec::new())
64 }
66 /// Capture the current Wasm stack in a backtrace.
67 pub fn new(store: &StoreOpaque) -> Backtrace {
68 let vm_store_context = store.vm_store_context();
69 let unwind = store.unwinder();
70 tls::with(|state| match state {
71 Some(state) => unsafe {
72 Self::new_with_trap_state(vm_store_context, unwind, state, None)
73 },
74 None => Backtrace(vec![]),
75 })
76 }
78 /// Capture the current Wasm stack trace.
79 ///
80 /// If Wasm hit a trap, and we calling this from the trap handler, then the
81 /// Wasm exit trampoline didn't run, and we use the provided PC and FP
82 /// instead of looking them up in `VMStoreContext`.
83 pub(crate) unsafe fn new_with_trap_state(
84 vm_store_context: *const VMStoreContext,
85 unwind: &dyn Unwind,
86 state: &CallThreadState,
87 trap_pc_and_fp: Option<(usize, usize)>,
88 ) -> Backtrace {
89 let mut frames = vec![];
90 Self::trace_with_trap_state(vm_store_context, unwind, state, trap_pc_and_fp, |frame| {
91 frames.push(frame);
92 ControlFlow::Continue(())
93 });
94 Backtrace(frames)
95 }
97 /// Walk the current Wasm stack, calling `f` for each frame we walk.
98 #[cfg(feature = "gc")]
99 pub fn trace(store: &StoreOpaque, f: impl FnMut(Frame) -> ControlFlow<()>) {
100 let vm_store_context = store.vm_store_context();
101 let unwind = store.unwinder();
102 tls::with(|state| match state {
103 Some(state) => unsafe {
104 Self::trace_with_trap_state(vm_store_context, unwind, state, None, f)
105 },
106 None => {}
107 });
108 }
110 /// Walk the current Wasm stack, calling `f` for each frame we walk.
111 ///
112 /// If Wasm hit a trap, and we calling this from the trap handler, then the
113 /// Wasm exit trampoline didn't run, and we use the provided PC and FP
114 /// instead of looking them up in `VMStoreContext`.
115 pub(crate) unsafe fn trace_with_trap_state(
116 vm_store_context: *const VMStoreContext,
117 unwind: &dyn Unwind,
118 state: &CallThreadState,
119 trap_pc_and_fp: Option<(usize, usize)>,
120 mut f: impl FnMut(Frame) -> ControlFlow<()>,
121 ) {
122 log::trace!("====== Capturing Backtrace ======");
124 let (last_wasm_exit_pc, last_wasm_exit_fp) = match trap_pc_and_fp {
125 // If we exited Wasm by catching a trap, then the Wasm-to-host
126 // trampoline did not get a chance to save the last Wasm PC and FP,
127 // and we need to use the plumbed-through values instead.
128 Some((pc, fp)) => {
129 assert!(core::ptr::eq(
130 vm_store_context,
131 state.vm_store_context.as_ptr()
132 ));
133 (pc, fp)
134 }
135 // Either there is no Wasm currently on the stack, or we exited Wasm
136 // through the Wasm-to-host trampoline.
137 None => {
138 let pc = *(*vm_store_context).last_wasm_exit_pc.get();
139 let fp = *(*vm_store_context).last_wasm_exit_fp.get();
140 (pc, fp)
141 }
142 };
144 let activations = core::iter::once((
145 last_wasm_exit_pc,
146 last_wasm_exit_fp,
147 *(*vm_store_context).last_wasm_entry_fp.get(),
148 ))
149 .chain(
150 state
151 .iter()
152 .filter(|state| core::ptr::eq(vm_store_context, state.vm_store_context.as_ptr()))
153 .map(|state| {
154 (
155 state.old_last_wasm_exit_pc(),
156 state.old_last_wasm_exit_fp(),
157 state.old_last_wasm_entry_fp(),
158 )
159 }),
160 )
161 .take_while(|&(pc, fp, sp)| {
162 if pc == 0 {
163 debug_assert_eq!(fp, 0);
164 debug_assert_eq!(sp, 0);
165 }
166 pc != 0
167 });
169 for (pc, fp, sp) in activations {
170 if let ControlFlow::Break(()) = Self::trace_through_wasm(unwind, pc, fp, sp, &mut f) {
171 log::trace!("====== Done Capturing Backtrace (closure break) ======");
172 return;
173 }
174 }
176 log::trace!("====== Done Capturing Backtrace (reached end of activations) ======");
177 }
179 /// Walk through a contiguous sequence of Wasm frames starting with the
180 /// frame at the given PC and FP and ending at `trampoline_sp`.
181 unsafe fn trace_through_wasm(
182 unwind: &dyn Unwind,
183 mut pc: usize,
184 mut fp: usize,
185 trampoline_fp: usize,
186 mut f: impl FnMut(Frame) -> ControlFlow<()>,
187 ) -> ControlFlow<()> {
188 log::trace!("=== Tracing through contiguous sequence of Wasm frames ===");
189 log::trace!("trampoline_fp = 0x{:016x}", trampoline_fp);
190 log::trace!(" initial pc = 0x{:016x}", pc);
191 log::trace!(" initial fp = 0x{:016x}", fp);
193 // We already checked for this case in the `trace_with_trap_state`
194 // caller.
195 assert_ne!(pc, 0);
196 assert_ne!(fp, 0);
197 assert_ne!(trampoline_fp, 0);
199 // This loop will walk the linked list of frame pointers starting at
200 // `fp` and going up until `trampoline_fp`. We know that both `fp` and
201 // `trampoline_fp` are "trusted values" aka generated and maintained by
202 // Cranelift. This means that it should be safe to walk the linked list
203 // of pointers and inspect wasm frames.
204 //
205 // Note, though, that any frames outside of this range are not
206 // guaranteed to have valid frame pointers. For example native code
207 // might be using the frame pointer as a general purpose register. Thus
208 // we need to be careful to only walk frame pointers in this one
209 // contiguous linked list.
210 //
211 // To know when to stop iteration all architectures' stacks currently
212 // look something like this:
213 //
214 // | ... |
215 // | Native Frames |
216 // | ... |
217 // |-------------------|
218 // | ... | <-- Trampoline FP |
219 // | Trampoline Frame | |
220 // | ... | <-- Trampoline SP |
221 // |-------------------| Stack
222 // | Return Address | Grows
223 // | Previous FP | <-- Wasm FP Down
224 // | ... | |
225 // | Wasm Frames | |
226 // | ... | V
227 //
228 // The trampoline records its own frame pointer (`trampoline_fp`),
229 // which is guaranteed to be above all Wasm. To check when we've
230 // reached the trampoline frame, it is therefore sufficient to
231 // check when the next frame pointer is equal to `trampoline_fp`. Once
232 // that's hit then we know that the entire linked list has been
233 // traversed.
234 //
235 // Note that it might be possible that this loop doesn't execute at all.
236 // For example if the entry trampoline called wasm which `return_call`'d
237 // an imported function which is an exit trampoline, then
238 // `fp == trampoline_fp` on the entry of this function, meaning the loop
239 // won't actually execute anything.
240 while fp != trampoline_fp {
241 // At the start of each iteration of the loop, we know that `fp` is
242 // a frame pointer from Wasm code. Therefore, we know it is not
243 // being used as an extra general-purpose register, and it is safe
244 // dereference to get the PC and the next older frame pointer.
245 //
246 // The stack also grows down, and therefore any frame pointer we are
247 // dealing with should be less than the frame pointer on entry to
248 // Wasm. Finally also assert that it's aligned correctly as an
249 // additional sanity check.
250 assert!(trampoline_fp > fp, "{trampoline_fp:#x} > {fp:#x}");
251 unwind.assert_fp_is_aligned(fp);
253 log::trace!("--- Tracing through one Wasm frame ---");
254 log::trace!("pc = {:p}", pc as *const ());
255 log::trace!("fp = {:p}", fp as *const ());
257 f(Frame { pc, fp })?;
259 pc = unwind.get_next_older_pc_from_fp(fp);
261 // We rely on this offset being zero for all supported architectures
262 // in `crates/cranelift/src/component/compiler.rs` when we set the
263 // Wasm exit FP. If this ever changes, we will need to update that
264 // code as well!
265 assert_eq!(unwind.next_older_fp_from_fp_offset(), 0);
267 // Get the next older frame pointer from the current Wasm frame
268 // pointer.
269 let next_older_fp = *(fp as *mut usize).add(unwind.next_older_fp_from_fp_offset());
271 // Because the stack always grows down, the older FP must be greater
272 // than the current FP.
273 assert!(next_older_fp > fp, "{next_older_fp:#x} > {fp:#x}");
274 fp = next_older_fp;
275 }
277 log::trace!("=== Done tracing contiguous sequence of Wasm frames ===");
278 ControlFlow::Continue(())
279 }
281 /// Iterate over the frames inside this backtrace.
282 pub fn frames<'a>(
283 &'a self,
284 ) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'a Frame> + DoubleEndedIterator + 'a {
285 self.0.iter()
286 }