
1//! Contains the common Wasmtime command line interface (CLI) flags.
3use anyhow::{Context, Result};
4use clap::Parser;
5use serde::Deserialize;
6use std::{
7    fmt, fs,
8    path::{Path, PathBuf},
9    time::Duration,
11use wasmtime::Config;
13pub mod opt;
15#[cfg(feature = "logging")]
16fn init_file_per_thread_logger(prefix: &'static str) {
17    file_per_thread_logger::initialize(prefix);
18    file_per_thread_logger::allow_uninitialized();
20    // Extending behavior of default spawner:
21    // https://docs.rs/rayon/1.1.0/rayon/struct.ThreadPoolBuilder.html#method.spawn_handler
22    // Source code says DefaultSpawner is implementation detail and
23    // shouldn't be used directly.
24    #[cfg(feature = "parallel-compilation")]
25    rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
26        .spawn_handler(move |thread| {
27            let mut b = std::thread::Builder::new();
28            if let Some(name) = thread.name() {
29                b = b.name(name.to_owned());
30            }
31            if let Some(stack_size) = thread.stack_size() {
32                b = b.stack_size(stack_size);
33            }
34            b.spawn(move || {
35                file_per_thread_logger::initialize(prefix);
36                thread.run()
37            })?;
38            Ok(())
39        })
40        .build_global()
41        .unwrap();
44wasmtime_option_group! {
45    #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize)]
46    #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields)]
47    pub struct OptimizeOptions {
48        /// Optimization level of generated code (0-2, s; default: 2)
49        #[serde(default)]
50        #[serde(deserialize_with = "crate::opt::cli_parse_wrapper")]
51        pub opt_level: Option<wasmtime::OptLevel>,
53        /// Register allocator algorithm choice.
54        #[serde(default)]
55        #[serde(deserialize_with = "crate::opt::cli_parse_wrapper")]
56        pub regalloc_algorithm: Option<wasmtime::RegallocAlgorithm>,
58        /// Do not allow Wasm linear memories to move in the host process's
59        /// address space.
60        pub memory_may_move: Option<bool>,
62        /// Initial virtual memory allocation size for memories.
63        pub memory_reservation: Option<u64>,
65        /// Bytes to reserve at the end of linear memory for growth into.
66        pub memory_reservation_for_growth: Option<u64>,
68        /// Size, in bytes, of guard pages for linear memories.
69        pub memory_guard_size: Option<u64>,
71        /// Indicates whether an unmapped region of memory is placed before all
72        /// linear memories.
73        pub guard_before_linear_memory: Option<bool>,
75        /// Whether to initialize tables lazily, so that instantiation is
76        /// fast but indirect calls are a little slower. If no, tables are
77        /// initialized eagerly from any active element segments that apply to
78        /// them during instantiation. (default: yes)
79        pub table_lazy_init: Option<bool>,
81        /// Enable the pooling allocator, in place of the on-demand allocator.
82        pub pooling_allocator: Option<bool>,
84        /// The number of decommits to do per batch. A batch size of 1
85        /// effectively disables decommit batching. (default: 1)
86        pub pooling_decommit_batch_size: Option<usize>,
88        /// How many bytes to keep resident between instantiations for the
89        /// pooling allocator in linear memories.
90        pub pooling_memory_keep_resident: Option<usize>,
92        /// How many bytes to keep resident between instantiations for the
93        /// pooling allocator in tables.
94        pub pooling_table_keep_resident: Option<usize>,
96        /// Enable memory protection keys for the pooling allocator; this can
97        /// optimize the size of memory slots.
98        #[serde(default)]
99        #[serde(deserialize_with = "crate::opt::cli_parse_wrapper")]
100        pub pooling_memory_protection_keys: Option<wasmtime::MpkEnabled>,
102        /// Sets an upper limit on how many memory protection keys (MPK) Wasmtime
103        /// will use. (default: 16)
104        pub pooling_max_memory_protection_keys: Option<usize>,
106        /// Configure attempting to initialize linear memory via a
107        /// copy-on-write mapping (default: yes)
108        pub memory_init_cow: Option<bool>,
110        /// Threshold below which CoW images are guaranteed to be used and be
111        /// dense.
112        pub memory_guaranteed_dense_image_size: Option<u64>,
114        /// The maximum number of WebAssembly instances which can be created
115        /// with the pooling allocator.
116        pub pooling_total_core_instances: Option<u32>,
118        /// The maximum number of WebAssembly components which can be created
119        /// with the pooling allocator.
120        pub pooling_total_component_instances: Option<u32>,
122        /// The maximum number of WebAssembly memories which can be created with
123        /// the pooling allocator.
124        pub pooling_total_memories: Option<u32>,
126        /// The maximum number of WebAssembly tables which can be created with
127        /// the pooling allocator.
128        pub pooling_total_tables: Option<u32>,
130        /// The maximum number of WebAssembly stacks which can be created with
131        /// the pooling allocator.
132        pub pooling_total_stacks: Option<u32>,
134        /// The maximum runtime size of each linear memory in the pooling
135        /// allocator, in bytes.
136        pub pooling_max_memory_size: Option<usize>,
138        /// The maximum table elements for any table defined in a module when
139        /// using the pooling allocator.
140        pub pooling_table_elements: Option<usize>,
142        /// The maximum size, in bytes, allocated for a core instance's metadata
143        /// when using the pooling allocator.
144        pub pooling_max_core_instance_size: Option<usize>,
146        /// Configures the maximum number of "unused warm slots" to retain in the
147        /// pooling allocator. (default: 100)
148        pub pooling_max_unused_warm_slots: Option<u32>,
150        /// How much memory, in bytes, to keep resident for async stacks allocated
151        /// with the pooling allocator. (default: 0)
152        pub pooling_async_stack_keep_resident: Option<usize>,
154        /// The maximum size, in bytes, allocated for a component instance's
155        /// `VMComponentContext` metadata. (default: 1MiB)
156        pub pooling_max_component_instance_size: Option<usize>,
158        /// The maximum number of core instances a single component may contain
159        /// (default is unlimited).
160        pub pooling_max_core_instances_per_component: Option<u32>,
162        /// The maximum number of Wasm linear memories that a single component may
163        /// transitively contain (default is unlimited).
164        pub pooling_max_memories_per_component: Option<u32>,
166        /// The maximum number of tables that a single component may transitively
167        /// contain (default is unlimited).
168        pub pooling_max_tables_per_component: Option<u32>,
170        /// The maximum number of defined tables for a core module. (default: 1)
171        pub pooling_max_tables_per_module: Option<u32>,
173        /// The maximum number of defined linear memories for a module. (default: 1)
174        pub pooling_max_memories_per_module: Option<u32>,
176        /// The maximum number of concurrent GC heaps supported. (default: 1000)
177        pub pooling_total_gc_heaps: Option<u32>,
179        /// Enable or disable the use of host signal handlers for traps.
180        pub signals_based_traps: Option<bool>,
182        /// DEPRECATED: Use `-Cmemory-guard-size=N` instead.
183        pub dynamic_memory_guard_size: Option<u64>,
185        /// DEPRECATED: Use `-Cmemory-guard-size=N` instead.
186        pub static_memory_guard_size: Option<u64>,
188        /// DEPRECATED: Use `-Cmemory-may-move` instead.
189        pub static_memory_forced: Option<bool>,
191        /// DEPRECATED: Use `-Cmemory-reservation=N` instead.
192        pub static_memory_maximum_size: Option<u64>,
194        /// DEPRECATED: Use `-Cmemory-reservation-for-growth=N` instead.
195        pub dynamic_memory_reserved_for_growth: Option<u64>,
196    }
198    enum Optimize {
199        ...
200    }
203wasmtime_option_group! {
204    #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize)]
205    #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields)]
206    pub struct CodegenOptions {
207        /// Either `cranelift` or `winch`.
208        ///
209        /// Currently only `cranelift` and `winch` are supported, but not all
210        /// builds of Wasmtime have both built in.
211        #[serde(default)]
212        #[serde(deserialize_with = "crate::opt::cli_parse_wrapper")]
213        pub compiler: Option<wasmtime::Strategy>,
214        /// Which garbage collector to use: `drc` or `null`.
215        ///
216        /// `drc` is the deferred reference-counting collector.
217        ///
218        /// `null` is the null garbage collector, which does not collect any
219        /// garbage.
220        ///
221        /// Note that not all builds of Wasmtime will have support for garbage
222        /// collection included.
223        #[serde(default)]
224        #[serde(deserialize_with = "crate::opt::cli_parse_wrapper")]
225        pub collector: Option<wasmtime::Collector>,
226        /// Enable Cranelift's internal debug verifier (expensive)
227        pub cranelift_debug_verifier: Option<bool>,
228        /// Whether or not to enable caching of compiled modules.
229        pub cache: Option<bool>,
230        /// Configuration for compiled module caching.
231        pub cache_config: Option<String>,
232        /// Whether or not to enable parallel compilation of modules.
233        pub parallel_compilation: Option<bool>,
234        /// Whether to enable proof-carrying code (PCC)-based validation.
235        pub pcc: Option<bool>,
236        /// Controls whether native unwind information is present in compiled
237        /// object files.
238        pub native_unwind_info: Option<bool>,
240        #[prefixed = "cranelift"]
241        #[serde(default)]
242        /// Set a cranelift-specific option. Use `wasmtime settings` to see
243        /// all.
244        pub cranelift: Vec<(String, Option<String>)>,
245    }
247    enum Codegen {
248        ...
249    }
252wasmtime_option_group! {
253    #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize)]
254    #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields)]
255    pub struct DebugOptions {
256        /// Enable generation of DWARF debug information in compiled code.
257        pub debug_info: Option<bool>,
258        /// Configure whether compiled code can map native addresses to wasm.
259        pub address_map: Option<bool>,
260        /// Configure whether logging is enabled.
261        pub logging: Option<bool>,
262        /// Configure whether logs are emitted to files
263        pub log_to_files: Option<bool>,
264        /// Enable coredump generation to this file after a WebAssembly trap.
265        pub coredump: Option<String>,
266    }
268    enum Debug {
269        ...
270    }
273wasmtime_option_group! {
274    #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize)]
275    #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields)]
276    pub struct WasmOptions {
277        /// Enable canonicalization of all NaN values.
278        pub nan_canonicalization: Option<bool>,
279        /// Enable execution fuel with N units fuel, trapping after running out
280        /// of fuel.
281        ///
282        /// Most WebAssembly instructions consume 1 unit of fuel. Some
283        /// instructions, such as `nop`, `drop`, `block`, and `loop`, consume 0
284        /// units, as any execution cost associated with them involves other
285        /// instructions which do consume fuel.
286        pub fuel: Option<u64>,
287        /// Yield when a global epoch counter changes, allowing for async
288        /// operation without blocking the executor.
289        pub epoch_interruption: Option<bool>,
290        /// Maximum stack size, in bytes, that wasm is allowed to consume before a
291        /// stack overflow is reported.
292        pub max_wasm_stack: Option<usize>,
293        /// Stack size, in bytes, that will be allocated for async stacks.
294        ///
295        /// Note that this must be larger than `max-wasm-stack` and the
296        /// difference between the two is how much stack the host has to execute
297        /// on.
298        pub async_stack_size: Option<usize>,
299        /// Configures whether or not stacks used for async futures are zeroed
300        /// before (re)use as a defense-in-depth mechanism. (default: false)
301        pub async_stack_zeroing: Option<bool>,
302        /// Allow unknown exports when running commands.
303        pub unknown_exports_allow: Option<bool>,
304        /// Allow the main module to import unknown functions, using an
305        /// implementation that immediately traps, when running commands.
306        pub unknown_imports_trap: Option<bool>,
307        /// Allow the main module to import unknown functions, using an
308        /// implementation that returns default values, when running commands.
309        pub unknown_imports_default: Option<bool>,
310        /// Enables memory error checking. (see wmemcheck.md for more info)
311        pub wmemcheck: Option<bool>,
312        /// Maximum size, in bytes, that a linear memory is allowed to reach.
313        ///
314        /// Growth beyond this limit will cause `memory.grow` instructions in
315        /// WebAssembly modules to return -1 and fail.
316        pub max_memory_size: Option<usize>,
317        /// Maximum size, in table elements, that a table is allowed to reach.
318        pub max_table_elements: Option<usize>,
319        /// Maximum number of WebAssembly instances allowed to be created.
320        pub max_instances: Option<usize>,
321        /// Maximum number of WebAssembly tables allowed to be created.
322        pub max_tables: Option<usize>,
323        /// Maximum number of WebAssembly linear memories allowed to be created.
324        pub max_memories: Option<usize>,
325        /// Force a trap to be raised on `memory.grow` and `table.grow` failure
326        /// instead of returning -1 from these instructions.
327        ///
328        /// This is not necessarily a spec-compliant option to enable but can be
329        /// useful for tracking down a backtrace of what is requesting so much
330        /// memory, for example.
331        pub trap_on_grow_failure: Option<bool>,
332        /// Maximum execution time of wasm code before timing out (1, 2s, 100ms, etc)
333        pub timeout: Option<Duration>,
334        /// Configures support for all WebAssembly proposals implemented.
335        pub all_proposals: Option<bool>,
336        /// Configure support for the bulk memory proposal.
337        pub bulk_memory: Option<bool>,
338        /// Configure support for the multi-memory proposal.
339        pub multi_memory: Option<bool>,
340        /// Configure support for the multi-value proposal.
341        pub multi_value: Option<bool>,
342        /// Configure support for the reference-types proposal.
343        pub reference_types: Option<bool>,
344        /// Configure support for the simd proposal.
345        pub simd: Option<bool>,
346        /// Configure support for the relaxed-simd proposal.
347        pub relaxed_simd: Option<bool>,
348        /// Configure forcing deterministic and host-independent behavior of
349        /// the relaxed-simd instructions.
350        ///
351        /// By default these instructions may have architecture-specific behavior as
352        /// allowed by the specification, but this can be used to force the behavior
353        /// of these instructions to match the deterministic behavior classified in
354        /// the specification. Note that enabling this option may come at a
355        /// performance cost.
356        pub relaxed_simd_deterministic: Option<bool>,
357        /// Configure support for the tail-call proposal.
358        pub tail_call: Option<bool>,
359        /// Configure support for the threads proposal.
360        pub threads: Option<bool>,
361        /// Configure support for the memory64 proposal.
362        pub memory64: Option<bool>,
363        /// Configure support for the component-model proposal.
364        pub component_model: Option<bool>,
365        /// Component model support for async lifting/lowering.
366        pub component_model_async: Option<bool>,
367        /// Configure support for the function-references proposal.
368        pub function_references: Option<bool>,
369        /// Configure support for the GC proposal.
370        pub gc: Option<bool>,
371        /// Configure support for the custom-page-sizes proposal.
372        pub custom_page_sizes: Option<bool>,
373        /// Configure support for the wide-arithmetic proposal.
374        pub wide_arithmetic: Option<bool>,
375        /// Configure support for the extended-const proposal.
376        pub extended_const: Option<bool>,
377    }
379    enum Wasm {
380        ...
381    }
384wasmtime_option_group! {
385    #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize)]
386    #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields)]
387    pub struct WasiOptions {
388        /// Enable support for WASI CLI APIs, including filesystems, sockets, clocks, and random.
389        pub cli: Option<bool>,
390        /// Enable WASI APIs marked as: @unstable(feature = cli-exit-with-code)
391        pub cli_exit_with_code: Option<bool>,
392        /// Deprecated alias for `cli`
393        pub common: Option<bool>,
394        /// Enable support for WASI neural network imports (experimental)
395        pub nn: Option<bool>,
396        /// Enable support for WASI threading imports (experimental). Implies preview2=false.
397        pub threads: Option<bool>,
398        /// Enable support for WASI HTTP imports
399        pub http: Option<bool>,
400        /// Number of distinct write calls to the outgoing body's output-stream
401        /// that the implementation will buffer.
402        /// Default: 1.
403        pub http_outgoing_body_buffer_chunks: Option<usize>,
404        /// Maximum size allowed in a write call to the outgoing body's output-stream.
405        /// Default: 1024 * 1024.
406        pub http_outgoing_body_chunk_size: Option<usize>,
407        /// Enable support for WASI config imports (experimental)
408        pub config: Option<bool>,
409        /// Enable support for WASI key-value imports (experimental)
410        pub keyvalue: Option<bool>,
411        /// Inherit environment variables and file descriptors following the
412        /// systemd listen fd specification (UNIX only)
413        pub listenfd: Option<bool>,
414        /// Grant access to the given TCP listen socket
415        #[serde(default)]
416        pub tcplisten: Vec<String>,
417        /// Enable support for WASI TLS (Transport Layer Security) imports (experimental)
418        pub tls: Option<bool>,
419        /// Implement WASI Preview1 using new Preview2 implementation (true, default) or legacy
420        /// implementation (false)
421        pub preview2: Option<bool>,
422        /// Pre-load machine learning graphs (i.e., models) for use by wasi-nn.
423        ///
424        /// Each use of the flag will preload a ML model from the host directory
425        /// using the given model encoding. The model will be mapped to the
426        /// directory name: e.g., `--wasi-nn-graph openvino:/foo/bar` will preload
427        /// an OpenVINO model named `bar`. Note that which model encodings are
428        /// available is dependent on the backends implemented in the
429        /// `wasmtime_wasi_nn` crate.
430        #[serde(skip)]
431        pub nn_graph: Vec<WasiNnGraph>,
432        /// Flag for WASI preview2 to inherit the host's network within the
433        /// guest so it has full access to all addresses/ports/etc.
434        pub inherit_network: Option<bool>,
435        /// Indicates whether `wasi:sockets/ip-name-lookup` is enabled or not.
436        pub allow_ip_name_lookup: Option<bool>,
437        /// Indicates whether `wasi:sockets` TCP support is enabled or not.
438        pub tcp: Option<bool>,
439        /// Indicates whether `wasi:sockets` UDP support is enabled or not.
440        pub udp: Option<bool>,
441        /// Enable WASI APIs marked as: @unstable(feature = network-error-code)
442        pub network_error_code: Option<bool>,
443        /// Allows imports from the `wasi_unstable` core wasm module.
444        pub preview0: Option<bool>,
445        /// Inherit all environment variables from the parent process.
446        ///
447        /// This option can be further overwritten with `--env` flags.
448        pub inherit_env: Option<bool>,
449        /// Pass a wasi config variable to the program.
450        #[serde(skip)]
451        pub config_var: Vec<KeyValuePair>,
452        /// Preset data for the In-Memory provider of WASI key-value API.
453        #[serde(skip)]
454        pub keyvalue_in_memory_data: Vec<KeyValuePair>,
455    }
457    enum Wasi {
458        ...
459    }
462#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
463pub struct WasiNnGraph {
464    pub format: String,
465    pub dir: String,
468#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
469pub struct KeyValuePair {
470    pub key: String,
471    pub value: String,
474/// Common options for commands that translate WebAssembly modules
475#[derive(Parser, Clone, Deserialize)]
477pub struct CommonOptions {
478    // These options groups are used to parse `-O` and such options but aren't
479    // the raw form consumed by the CLI. Instead they're pushed into the `pub`
480    // fields below as part of the `configure` method.
481    //
482    // Ideally clap would support `pub opts: OptimizeOptions` and parse directly
483    // into that but it does not appear to do so for multiple `-O` flags for
484    // now.
485    /// Optimization and tuning related options for wasm performance, `-O help` to
486    /// see all.
487    #[arg(short = 'O', long = "optimize", value_name = "KEY[=VAL[,..]]")]
488    #[serde(skip)]
489    opts_raw: Vec<opt::CommaSeparated<Optimize>>,
491    /// Codegen-related configuration options, `-C help` to see all.
492    #[arg(short = 'C', long = "codegen", value_name = "KEY[=VAL[,..]]")]
493    #[serde(skip)]
494    codegen_raw: Vec<opt::CommaSeparated<Codegen>>,
496    /// Debug-related configuration options, `-D help` to see all.
497    #[arg(short = 'D', long = "debug", value_name = "KEY[=VAL[,..]]")]
498    #[serde(skip)]
499    debug_raw: Vec<opt::CommaSeparated<Debug>>,
501    /// Options for configuring semantic execution of WebAssembly, `-W help` to see
502    /// all.
503    #[arg(short = 'W', long = "wasm", value_name = "KEY[=VAL[,..]]")]
504    #[serde(skip)]
505    wasm_raw: Vec<opt::CommaSeparated<Wasm>>,
507    /// Options for configuring WASI and its proposals, `-S help` to see all.
508    #[arg(short = 'S', long = "wasi", value_name = "KEY[=VAL[,..]]")]
509    #[serde(skip)]
510    wasi_raw: Vec<opt::CommaSeparated<Wasi>>,
512    // These fields are filled in by the `configure` method below via the
513    // options parsed from the CLI above. This is what the CLI should use.
514    #[arg(skip)]
515    #[serde(skip)]
516    configured: bool,
518    #[arg(skip)]
519    #[serde(rename = "optimize", default)]
520    pub opts: OptimizeOptions,
522    #[arg(skip)]
523    #[serde(rename = "codegen", default)]
524    pub codegen: CodegenOptions,
526    #[arg(skip)]
527    #[serde(rename = "debug", default)]
528    pub debug: DebugOptions,
530    #[arg(skip)]
531    #[serde(rename = "wasm", default)]
532    pub wasm: WasmOptions,
534    #[arg(skip)]
535    #[serde(rename = "wasi", default)]
536    pub wasi: WasiOptions,
538    /// The target triple; default is the host triple
539    #[arg(long, value_name = "TARGET")]
540    #[serde(skip)]
541    pub target: Option<String>,
543    /// Use the specified TOML configuration file.
544    /// This TOML configuration file can provide same configuration options as the
545    /// `--optimize`, `--codgen`, `--debug`, `--wasm`, `--wasi` CLI options, with a couple exceptions.
546    ///
547    /// Additional options specified on the command line will take precedent over options loaded from
548    /// this TOML file.
549    #[arg(long = "config", value_name = "FILE")]
550    #[serde(skip)]
551    pub config: Option<PathBuf>,
554macro_rules! match_feature {
555    (
556        [$feat:tt : $config:expr]
557        $val:ident => $e:expr,
558        $p:pat => err,
559    ) => {
560        #[cfg(feature = $feat)]
561        {
562            if let Some($val) = $config {
563                $e;
564            }
565        }
566        #[cfg(not(feature = $feat))]
567        {
568            if let Some($p) = $config {
569                anyhow::bail!(concat!("support for ", $feat, " disabled at compile time"));
570            }
571        }
572    };
575impl CommonOptions {
576    /// Creates a blank new set of [`CommonOptions`] that can be configured.
577    pub fn new() -> CommonOptions {
578        CommonOptions {
579            opts_raw: Vec::new(),
580            codegen_raw: Vec::new(),
581            debug_raw: Vec::new(),
582            wasm_raw: Vec::new(),
583            wasi_raw: Vec::new(),
584            configured: true,
585            opts: Default::default(),
586            codegen: Default::default(),
587            debug: Default::default(),
588            wasm: Default::default(),
589            wasi: Default::default(),
590            target: None,
591            config: None,
592        }
593    }
595    fn configure(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
596        if self.configured {
597            return Ok(());
598        }
599        self.configured = true;
600        if let Some(toml_config_path) = &self.config {
601            let toml_options = CommonOptions::from_file(toml_config_path)?;
602            self.opts = toml_options.opts;
603            self.codegen = toml_options.codegen;
604            self.debug = toml_options.debug;
605            self.wasm = toml_options.wasm;
606            self.wasi = toml_options.wasi;
607        }
608        self.opts.configure_with(&self.opts_raw);
609        self.codegen.configure_with(&self.codegen_raw);
610        self.debug.configure_with(&self.debug_raw);
611        self.wasm.configure_with(&self.wasm_raw);
612        self.wasi.configure_with(&self.wasi_raw);
613        Ok(())
614    }
616    pub fn init_logging(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
617        self.configure()?;
618        if self.debug.logging == Some(false) {
619            return Ok(());
620        }
621        #[cfg(feature = "logging")]
622        if self.debug.log_to_files == Some(true) {
623            let prefix = "wasmtime.dbg.";
624            init_file_per_thread_logger(prefix);
625        } else {
626            use std::io::IsTerminal;
627            use tracing_subscriber::{EnvFilter, FmtSubscriber};
628            let builder = FmtSubscriber::builder()
629                .with_writer(std::io::stderr)
630                .with_env_filter(EnvFilter::from_env("WASMTIME_LOG"))
631                .with_ansi(std::io::stderr().is_terminal());
632            if std::env::var("WASMTIME_LOG_NO_CONTEXT").is_ok_and(|value| value.eq("1")) {
633                builder
634                    .with_level(false)
635                    .with_target(false)
636                    .without_time()
637                    .init()
638            } else {
639                builder.init();
640            }
641        }
642        #[cfg(not(feature = "logging"))]
643        if self.debug.log_to_files == Some(true) || self.debug.logging == Some(true) {
644            anyhow::bail!("support for logging disabled at compile time");
645        }
646        Ok(())
647    }
649    pub fn config(&mut self, pooling_allocator_default: Option<bool>) -> Result<Config> {
650        self.configure()?;
651        let mut config = Config::new();
653        match_feature! {
654            ["cranelift" : self.codegen.compiler]
655            strategy => config.strategy(strategy),
656            _ => err,
657        }
658        match_feature! {
659            ["gc" : self.codegen.collector]
660            collector => config.collector(collector),
661            _ => err,
662        }
663        if let Some(target) = &self.target {
664            config.target(target)?;
665        }
666        match_feature! {
667            ["cranelift" : self.codegen.cranelift_debug_verifier]
668            enable => config.cranelift_debug_verifier(enable),
669            true => err,
670        }
671        if let Some(enable) = self.debug.debug_info {
672            config.debug_info(enable);
673        }
674        if self.debug.coredump.is_some() {
675            #[cfg(feature = "coredump")]
676            config.coredump_on_trap(true);
677            #[cfg(not(feature = "coredump"))]
678            anyhow::bail!("support for coredumps disabled at compile time");
679        }
680        match_feature! {
681            ["cranelift" : self.opts.opt_level]
682            level => config.cranelift_opt_level(level),
683            _ => err,
684        }
685        match_feature! {
686            ["cranelift": self.opts.regalloc_algorithm]
687            algo => config.cranelift_regalloc_algorithm(algo),
688            _ => err,
689        }
690        match_feature! {
691            ["cranelift" : self.wasm.nan_canonicalization]
692            enable => config.cranelift_nan_canonicalization(enable),
693            true => err,
694        }
695        match_feature! {
696            ["cranelift" : self.codegen.pcc]
697            enable => config.cranelift_pcc(enable),
698            true => err,
699        }
701        self.enable_wasm_features(&mut config)?;
703        #[cfg(feature = "cranelift")]
704        for (name, value) in self.codegen.cranelift.iter() {
705            let name = name.replace('-', "_");
706            unsafe {
707                match value {
708                    Some(val) => {
709                        config.cranelift_flag_set(&name, val);
710                    }
711                    None => {
712                        config.cranelift_flag_enable(&name);
713                    }
714                }
715            }
716        }
717        #[cfg(not(feature = "cranelift"))]
718        if !self.codegen.cranelift.is_empty() {
719            anyhow::bail!("support for cranelift disabled at compile time");
720        }
722        #[cfg(feature = "cache")]
723        if self.codegen.cache != Some(false) {
724            match &self.codegen.cache_config {
725                Some(path) => {
726                    config.cache_config_load(path)?;
727                }
728                None => {
729                    config.cache_config_load_default()?;
730                }
731            }
732        }
733        #[cfg(not(feature = "cache"))]
734        if self.codegen.cache == Some(true) {
735            anyhow::bail!("support for caching disabled at compile time");
736        }
738        match_feature! {
739            ["parallel-compilation" : self.codegen.parallel_compilation]
740            enable => config.parallel_compilation(enable),
741            true => err,
742        }
744        let memory_reservation = self
745            .opts
746            .memory_reservation
747            .or(self.opts.static_memory_maximum_size);
748        if let Some(size) = memory_reservation {
749            config.memory_reservation(size);
750        }
752        if let Some(enable) = self.opts.static_memory_forced {
753            config.memory_may_move(!enable);
754        }
755        if let Some(enable) = self.opts.memory_may_move {
756            config.memory_may_move(enable);
757        }
759        let memory_guard_size = self
760            .opts
761            .static_memory_guard_size
762            .or(self.opts.dynamic_memory_guard_size)
763            .or(self.opts.memory_guard_size);
764        if let Some(size) = memory_guard_size {
765            config.memory_guard_size(size);
766        }
768        let mem_for_growth = self
769            .opts
770            .memory_reservation_for_growth
771            .or(self.opts.dynamic_memory_reserved_for_growth);
772        if let Some(size) = mem_for_growth {
773            config.memory_reservation_for_growth(size);
774        }
775        if let Some(enable) = self.opts.guard_before_linear_memory {
776            config.guard_before_linear_memory(enable);
777        }
778        if let Some(enable) = self.opts.table_lazy_init {
779            config.table_lazy_init(enable);
780        }
782        // If fuel has been configured, set the `consume fuel` flag on the config.
783        if self.wasm.fuel.is_some() {
784            config.consume_fuel(true);
785        }
787        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.epoch_interruption {
788            config.epoch_interruption(enable);
789        }
790        if let Some(enable) = self.debug.address_map {
791            config.generate_address_map(enable);
792        }
793        if let Some(enable) = self.opts.memory_init_cow {
794            config.memory_init_cow(enable);
795        }
796        if let Some(size) = self.opts.memory_guaranteed_dense_image_size {
797            config.memory_guaranteed_dense_image_size(size);
798        }
799        if let Some(enable) = self.opts.signals_based_traps {
800            config.signals_based_traps(enable);
801        }
802        if let Some(enable) = self.codegen.native_unwind_info {
803            config.native_unwind_info(enable);
804        }
806        match_feature! {
807            ["pooling-allocator" : self.opts.pooling_allocator.or(pooling_allocator_default)]
808            enable => {
809                if enable {
810                    let mut cfg = wasmtime::PoolingAllocationConfig::default();
811                    if let Some(size) = self.opts.pooling_memory_keep_resident {
812                        cfg.linear_memory_keep_resident(size);
813                    }
814                    if let Some(size) = self.opts.pooling_table_keep_resident {
815                        cfg.table_keep_resident(size);
816                    }
817                    if let Some(limit) = self.opts.pooling_total_core_instances {
818                        cfg.total_core_instances(limit);
819                    }
820                    if let Some(limit) = self.opts.pooling_total_component_instances {
821                        cfg.total_component_instances(limit);
822                    }
823                    if let Some(limit) = self.opts.pooling_total_memories {
824                        cfg.total_memories(limit);
825                    }
826                    if let Some(limit) = self.opts.pooling_total_tables {
827                        cfg.total_tables(limit);
828                    }
829                    if let Some(limit) = self.opts.pooling_table_elements {
830                        cfg.table_elements(limit);
831                    }
832                    if let Some(limit) = self.opts.pooling_max_core_instance_size {
833                        cfg.max_core_instance_size(limit);
834                    }
835                    match_feature! {
836                        ["async" : self.opts.pooling_total_stacks]
837                        limit => cfg.total_stacks(limit),
838                        _ => err,
839                    }
840                    if let Some(max) = self.opts.pooling_max_memory_size {
841                        cfg.max_memory_size(max);
842                    }
843                    if let Some(size) = self.opts.pooling_decommit_batch_size {
844                        cfg.decommit_batch_size(size);
845                    }
846                    if let Some(max) = self.opts.pooling_max_unused_warm_slots {
847                        cfg.max_unused_warm_slots(max);
848                    }
849                    match_feature! {
850                        ["async" : self.opts.pooling_async_stack_keep_resident]
851                        size => cfg.async_stack_keep_resident(size),
852                        _ => err,
853                    }
854                    if let Some(max) = self.opts.pooling_max_component_instance_size {
855                        cfg.max_component_instance_size(max);
856                    }
857                    if let Some(max) = self.opts.pooling_max_core_instances_per_component {
858                        cfg.max_core_instances_per_component(max);
859                    }
860                    if let Some(max) = self.opts.pooling_max_memories_per_component {
861                        cfg.max_memories_per_component(max);
862                    }
863                    if let Some(max) = self.opts.pooling_max_tables_per_component {
864                        cfg.max_tables_per_component(max);
865                    }
866                    if let Some(max) = self.opts.pooling_max_tables_per_module {
867                        cfg.max_tables_per_module(max);
868                    }
869                    if let Some(max) = self.opts.pooling_max_memories_per_module {
870                        cfg.max_memories_per_module(max);
871                    }
872                    match_feature! {
873                        ["memory-protection-keys" : self.opts.pooling_memory_protection_keys]
874                        enable => cfg.memory_protection_keys(enable),
875                        _ => err,
876                    }
877                    match_feature! {
878                        ["memory-protection-keys" : self.opts.pooling_max_memory_protection_keys]
879                        max => cfg.max_memory_protection_keys(max),
880                        _ => err,
881                    }
882                    match_feature! {
883                        ["gc" : self.opts.pooling_total_gc_heaps]
884                        max => cfg.total_gc_heaps(max),
885                        _ => err,
886                    }
887                    config.allocation_strategy(wasmtime::InstanceAllocationStrategy::Pooling(cfg));
888                }
889            },
890            true => err,
891        }
893        if self.opts.pooling_memory_protection_keys.is_some()
894            && !self.opts.pooling_allocator.unwrap_or(false)
895        {
896            anyhow::bail!("memory protection keys require the pooling allocator");
897        }
899        if self.opts.pooling_max_memory_protection_keys.is_some()
900            && !self.opts.pooling_memory_protection_keys.is_some()
901        {
902            anyhow::bail!(
903                "max memory protection keys requires memory protection keys to be enabled"
904            );
905        }
907        match_feature! {
908            ["async" : self.wasm.async_stack_size]
909            size => config.async_stack_size(size),
910            _ => err,
911        }
912        match_feature! {
913            ["async" : self.wasm.async_stack_zeroing]
914            enable => config.async_stack_zeroing(enable),
915            _ => err,
916        }
918        if let Some(max) = self.wasm.max_wasm_stack {
919            config.max_wasm_stack(max);
921            // If `-Wasync-stack-size` isn't passed then automatically adjust it
922            // to the wasm stack size provided here too. That prevents the need
923            // to pass both when one can generally be inferred from the other.
924            #[cfg(feature = "async")]
925            if self.wasm.async_stack_size.is_none() {
926                const DEFAULT_HOST_STACK: usize = 512 << 10;
927                config.async_stack_size(max + DEFAULT_HOST_STACK);
928            }
929        }
931        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.relaxed_simd_deterministic {
932            config.relaxed_simd_deterministic(enable);
933        }
934        match_feature! {
935            ["cranelift" : self.wasm.wmemcheck]
936            enable => config.wmemcheck(enable),
937            true => err,
938        }
940        Ok(config)
941    }
943    pub fn enable_wasm_features(&self, config: &mut Config) -> Result<()> {
944        let all = self.wasm.all_proposals;
946        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.simd.or(all) {
947            config.wasm_simd(enable);
948        }
949        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.relaxed_simd.or(all) {
950            config.wasm_relaxed_simd(enable);
951        }
952        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.bulk_memory.or(all) {
953            config.wasm_bulk_memory(enable);
954        }
955        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.multi_value.or(all) {
956            config.wasm_multi_value(enable);
957        }
958        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.tail_call.or(all) {
959            config.wasm_tail_call(enable);
960        }
961        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.multi_memory.or(all) {
962            config.wasm_multi_memory(enable);
963        }
964        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.memory64.or(all) {
965            config.wasm_memory64(enable);
966        }
967        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.custom_page_sizes.or(all) {
968            config.wasm_custom_page_sizes(enable);
969        }
970        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.wide_arithmetic.or(all) {
971            config.wasm_wide_arithmetic(enable);
972        }
973        if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.extended_const.or(all) {
974            config.wasm_extended_const(enable);
975        }
977        macro_rules! handle_conditionally_compiled {
978            ($(($feature:tt, $field:tt, $method:tt))*) => ($(
979                if let Some(enable) = self.wasm.$field.or(all) {
980                    #[cfg(feature = $feature)]
981                    config.$method(enable);
982                    #[cfg(not(feature = $feature))]
983                    if enable && all.is_none() {
984                        anyhow::bail!("support for {} was disabled at compile-time", $feature);
985                    }
986                }
987            )*)
988        }
990        handle_conditionally_compiled! {
991            ("component-model", component_model, wasm_component_model)
992            ("component-model-async", component_model_async, wasm_component_model_async)
993            ("threads", threads, wasm_threads)
994            ("gc", gc, wasm_gc)
995            ("gc", reference_types, wasm_reference_types)
996            ("gc", function_references, wasm_function_references)
997        }
998        Ok(())
999    }
1001    pub fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Self> {
1002        let path_ref = path.as_ref();
1003        let file_contents = fs::read_to_string(path_ref)
1004            .with_context(|| format!("failed to read config file: {path_ref:?}"))?;
1005        toml::from_str::<CommonOptions>(&file_contents)
1006            .with_context(|| format!("failed to parse TOML config file {path_ref:?}"))
1007    }
1011mod tests {
1012    use wasmtime::{OptLevel, RegallocAlgorithm};
1014    use super::*;
1016    #[test]
1017    fn from_toml() {
1018        // empty toml
1019        let empty_toml = "";
1020        let mut common_options: CommonOptions = toml::from_str(empty_toml).unwrap();
1021        common_options.config(None).unwrap();
1023        // basic toml
1024        let basic_toml = r#"
1025            [optimize]
1026            [codegen]
1027            [debug]
1028            [wasm]
1029            [wasi]
1030        "#;
1031        let mut common_options: CommonOptions = toml::from_str(basic_toml).unwrap();
1032        common_options.config(None).unwrap();
1034        // toml with custom deserialization to match CLI flag parsing
1035        for (opt_value, expected) in [
1036            ("0", Some(OptLevel::None)),
1037            ("1", Some(OptLevel::Speed)),
1038            ("2", Some(OptLevel::Speed)),
1039            ("\"s\"", Some(OptLevel::SpeedAndSize)),
1040            ("\"hello\"", None), // should fail
1041            ("3", None),         // should fail
1042        ] {
1043            let toml = format!(
1044                r#"
1045                    [optimize]
1046                    opt-level = {opt_value}
1047                "#,
1048            );
1049            let parsed_opt_level = toml::from_str::<CommonOptions>(&toml)
1050                .ok()
1051                .and_then(|common_options| common_options.opts.opt_level);
1053            assert_eq!(
1054                parsed_opt_level, expected,
1055                "Mismatch for input '{opt_value}'. Parsed: {parsed_opt_level:?}, Expected: {expected:?}"
1056            );
1057        }
1059        // Regalloc algorithm
1060        for (regalloc_value, expected) in [
1061            ("\"backtracking\"", Some(RegallocAlgorithm::Backtracking)),
1062            ("\"single-pass\"", Some(RegallocAlgorithm::SinglePass)),
1063            ("\"hello\"", None), // should fail
1064            ("3", None),         // should fail
1065            ("true", None),      // should fail
1066        ] {
1067            let toml = format!(
1068                r#"
1069                    [optimize]
1070                    regalloc-algorithm = {regalloc_value}
1071                "#,
1072            );
1073            let parsed_regalloc_algorithm = toml::from_str::<CommonOptions>(&toml)
1074                .ok()
1075                .and_then(|common_options| common_options.opts.regalloc_algorithm);
1076            assert_eq!(
1077                parsed_regalloc_algorithm, expected,
1078                "Mismatch for input '{regalloc_value}'. Parsed: {parsed_regalloc_algorithm:?}, Expected: {expected:?}"
1079            );
1080        }
1082        // Strategy
1083        for (strategy_value, expected) in [
1084            ("\"cranelift\"", Some(wasmtime::Strategy::Cranelift)),
1085            ("\"winch\"", Some(wasmtime::Strategy::Winch)),
1086            ("\"hello\"", None), // should fail
1087            ("5", None),         // should fail
1088            ("true", None),      // should fail
1089        ] {
1090            let toml = format!(
1091                r#"
1092                    [codegen]
1093                    compiler = {strategy_value}
1094                "#,
1095            );
1096            let parsed_strategy = toml::from_str::<CommonOptions>(&toml)
1097                .ok()
1098                .and_then(|common_options| common_options.codegen.compiler);
1099            assert_eq!(
1100                parsed_strategy, expected,
1101                "Mismatch for input '{strategy_value}'. Parsed: {parsed_strategy:?}, Expected: {expected:?}",
1102            );
1103        }
1105        // Collector
1106        for (collector_value, expected) in [
1107            (
1108                "\"drc\"",
1109                Some(wasmtime::Collector::DeferredReferenceCounting),
1110            ),
1111            ("\"null\"", Some(wasmtime::Collector::Null)),
1112            ("\"hello\"", None), // should fail
1113            ("5", None),         // should fail
1114            ("true", None),      // should fail
1115        ] {
1116            let toml = format!(
1117                r#"
1118                    [codegen]
1119                    collector = {collector_value}
1120                "#,
1121            );
1122            let parsed_collector = toml::from_str::<CommonOptions>(&toml)
1123                .ok()
1124                .and_then(|common_options| common_options.codegen.collector);
1125            assert_eq!(
1126                parsed_collector, expected,
1127                "Mismatch for input '{collector_value}'. Parsed: {parsed_collector:?}, Expected: {expected:?}",
1128            );
1129        }
1130    }
1133impl Default for CommonOptions {
1134    fn default() -> CommonOptions {
1135        CommonOptions::new()
1136    }
1139impl fmt::Display for CommonOptions {
1140    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1141        let CommonOptions {
1142            codegen_raw,
1143            codegen,
1144            debug_raw,
1145            debug,
1146            opts_raw,
1147            opts,
1148            wasm_raw,
1149            wasm,
1150            wasi_raw,
1151            wasi,
1152            configured,
1153            target,
1154            config,
1155        } = self;
1156        if let Some(target) = target {
1157            write!(f, "--target {target} ")?;
1158        }
1159        if let Some(config) = config {
1160            write!(f, "--config {} ", config.display())?;
1161        }
1163        let codegen_flags;
1164        let opts_flags;
1165        let wasi_flags;
1166        let wasm_flags;
1167        let debug_flags;
1169        if *configured {
1170            codegen_flags = codegen.to_options();
1171            debug_flags = debug.to_options();
1172            wasi_flags = wasi.to_options();
1173            wasm_flags = wasm.to_options();
1174            opts_flags = opts.to_options();
1175        } else {
1176            codegen_flags = codegen_raw
1177                .iter()
1178                .flat_map(|t| t.0.iter())
1179                .cloned()
1180                .collect();
1181            debug_flags = debug_raw.iter().flat_map(|t| t.0.iter()).cloned().collect();
1182            wasi_flags = wasi_raw.iter().flat_map(|t| t.0.iter()).cloned().collect();
1183            wasm_flags = wasm_raw.iter().flat_map(|t| t.0.iter()).cloned().collect();
1184            opts_flags = opts_raw.iter().flat_map(|t| t.0.iter()).cloned().collect();
1185        }
1187        for flag in codegen_flags {
1188            write!(f, "-C{flag} ")?;
1189        }
1190        for flag in opts_flags {
1191            write!(f, "-O{flag} ")?;
1192        }
1193        for flag in wasi_flags {
1194            write!(f, "-S{flag} ")?;
1195        }
1196        for flag in wasm_flags {
1197            write!(f, "-W{flag} ")?;
1198        }
1199        for flag in debug_flags {
1200            write!(f, "-D{flag} ")?;
1201        }
1203        Ok(())
1204    }