
1use crate::{
2    abi::{scratch, vmctx, ABIOperand, ABISig, RetArea},
3    codegen::BlockSig,
4    isa::reg::{writable, Reg},
5    masm::{
6        Extend, Imm, IntCmpKind, LaneSelector, LoadKind, MacroAssembler, OperandSize, RegImm,
7        RmwOp, SPOffset, ShiftKind, StoreKind, TrapCode, Zero, UNTRUSTED_FLAGS,
8    },
9    stack::TypedReg,
11use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, ensure, Result};
12use cranelift_codegen::{
13    binemit::CodeOffset,
14    ir::{RelSourceLoc, SourceLoc},
16use smallvec::SmallVec;
17use std::marker::PhantomData;
18use wasmparser::{
19    BinaryReader, FuncValidator, MemArg, Operator, ValidatorResources, VisitOperator,
20    VisitSimdOperator,
23use wasmtime_environ::{
24    GlobalIndex, MemoryIndex, PtrSize, TableIndex, Tunables, TypeIndex, WasmHeapType, WasmValType,
28mod context;
29pub(crate) use context::*;
30mod env;
31pub use env::*;
32mod call;
33pub(crate) use call::*;
34mod control;
35pub(crate) use control::*;
36mod builtin;
37pub use builtin::*;
38pub(crate) mod bounds;
40use bounds::{Bounds, ImmOffset, Index};
42mod phase;
43pub(crate) use phase::*;
45mod error;
46pub(crate) use error::*;
48/// Holds metadata about the source code location and the machine code emission.
49/// The fields of this struct are opaque and are not interpreted in any way.
50/// They serve as a mapping between source code and machine code.
52pub(crate) struct SourceLocation {
53    /// The base source location.
54    pub base: Option<SourceLoc>,
55    /// The current relative source code location along with its associated
56    /// machine code offset.
57    pub current: (CodeOffset, RelSourceLoc),
60/// Represents the `memory.atomic.wait*` kind.
61#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
62pub(crate) enum AtomicWaitKind {
63    Wait32,
64    Wait64,
67/// The code generation abstraction.
68pub(crate) struct CodeGen<'a, 'translation: 'a, 'data: 'translation, M, P>
70    M: MacroAssembler,
71    P: CodeGenPhase,
73    /// The ABI-specific representation of the function signature, excluding results.
74    pub sig: ABISig,
76    /// The code generation context.
77    pub context: CodeGenContext<'a, P>,
79    /// A reference to the function compilation environment.
80    pub env: FuncEnv<'a, 'translation, 'data, M::Ptr>,
82    /// The MacroAssembler.
83    pub masm: &'a mut M,
85    /// Stack frames for control flow.
86    // NB The 64 is set arbitrarily, we can adjust it as
87    // we see fit.
88    pub control_frames: SmallVec<[ControlStackFrame; 64]>,
90    /// Information about the source code location.
91    pub source_location: SourceLocation,
93    /// Compilation settings for code generation.
94    pub tunables: &'a Tunables,
96    /// Local counter to track fuel consumption.
97    pub fuel_consumed: i64,
98    phase: PhantomData<P>,
101impl<'a, 'translation, 'data, M> CodeGen<'a, 'translation, 'data, M, Prologue>
103    M: MacroAssembler,
105    pub fn new(
106        tunables: &'a Tunables,
107        masm: &'a mut M,
108        context: CodeGenContext<'a, Prologue>,
109        env: FuncEnv<'a, 'translation, 'data, M::Ptr>,
110        sig: ABISig,
111    ) -> CodeGen<'a, 'translation, 'data, M, Prologue> {
112        Self {
113            sig,
114            context,
115            masm,
116            env,
117            tunables,
118            source_location: Default::default(),
119            control_frames: Default::default(),
120            // Empty functions should consume at least 1 fuel unit.
121            fuel_consumed: 1,
122            phase: PhantomData,
123        }
124    }
126    /// Code generation prologue.
127    pub fn emit_prologue(mut self) -> Result<CodeGen<'a, 'translation, 'data, M, Emission>> {
128        let vmctx = self
129            .sig
130            .params()
131            .first()
132            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!(CodeGenError::vmcontext_arg_expected()))?
133            .unwrap_reg()
134            .into();
136        self.masm.start_source_loc(Default::default())?;
137        // We need to use the vmctx parameter before pinning it for stack checking.
138        self.masm.prologue(vmctx)?;
140        // Pin the `VMContext` pointer.
142            writable!(vmctx!(M)),
143            vmctx.into(),
144            self.env.ptr_type().try_into()?,
145        )?;
147        self.masm.reserve_stack(self.context.frame.locals_size)?;
148        self.spill_register_arguments()?;
150        let defined_locals_range = &self.context.frame.defined_locals_range;
151        self.masm.zero_mem_range(defined_locals_range.as_range())?;
153        // Save the results base parameter register into its slot.
155        if self.sig.params.has_retptr() {
156            match self.sig.params.unwrap_results_area_operand() {
157                ABIOperand::Reg { ty, reg, .. } => {
158                    let results_base_slot = self.context.frame.results_base_slot.as_ref().unwrap();
159                    ensure!(
160                        results_base_slot.addressed_from_sp(),
161                        CodeGenError::sp_addressing_expected(),
162                    );
163                    let addr = self.masm.local_address(results_base_slot)?;
164          *reg).into(), addr, (*ty).try_into()?)?;
165                }
166                // The result base parameter is a stack parameter, addressed
167                // from FP.
168                _ => {}
169            }
170        }
172        self.masm.end_source_loc()?;
174        Ok(CodeGen {
175            sig: self.sig,
176            context: self.context.for_emission(),
177            masm: self.masm,
178            env: self.env,
179            tunables: self.tunables,
180            source_location: self.source_location,
181            control_frames: self.control_frames,
182            fuel_consumed: self.fuel_consumed,
183            phase: PhantomData,
184        })
185    }
187    fn spill_register_arguments(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
188        use WasmValType::*;
189        for (operand, slot) in self
190            .sig
191            .params_without_retptr()
192            .iter()
193            .zip(self.context.frame.locals())
194        {
195            match (operand, slot) {
196                (ABIOperand::Reg { ty, reg, .. }, slot) => {
197                    let addr = self.masm.local_address(slot)?;
198                    match &ty {
199                        I32 | I64 | F32 | F64 | V128 => {
200                  *reg).into(), addr, (*ty).try_into()?)?;
201                        }
202                        Ref(rt) => match rt.heap_type {
203                            WasmHeapType::Func | WasmHeapType::Extern => {
204                                self.masm.store_ptr((*reg).into(), addr)?;
205                            }
206                            _ => bail!(CodeGenError::unsupported_wasm_type()),
207                        },
208                    }
209                }
210                // Skip non-register arguments
211                _ => {}
212            }
213        }
214        Ok(())
215    }
218impl<'a, 'translation, 'data, M> CodeGen<'a, 'translation, 'data, M, Emission>
220    M: MacroAssembler,
222    /// Emit the function body to machine code.
223    pub fn emit(
224        &mut self,
225        body: &mut BinaryReader<'a>,
226        validator: &mut FuncValidator<ValidatorResources>,
227    ) -> Result<()> {
228        self.emit_body(body, validator)
229            .and_then(|_| self.emit_end())?;
231        Ok(())
232    }
234    /// Pops a control frame from the control frame stack.
235    pub fn pop_control_frame(&mut self) -> Result<ControlStackFrame> {
236        self.control_frames
237            .pop()
238            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!(CodeGenError::control_frame_expected()))
239    }
241    /// Derives a [RelSourceLoc] from a [SourceLoc].
242    pub fn source_loc_from(&mut self, loc: SourceLoc) -> RelSourceLoc {
243        if self.source_location.base.is_none() && !loc.is_default() {
244            self.source_location.base = Some(loc);
245        }
247        RelSourceLoc::from_base_offset(self.source_location.base.unwrap_or_default(), loc)
248    }
250    /// The following two helpers, handle else or end instructions when the
251    /// compiler has entered into an unreachable code state. These instructions
252    /// must be observed to determine if the reachability state should be
253    /// restored.
254    ///
255    /// When the compiler is in an unreachable state, all the other instructions
256    /// are not visited.
257    pub fn handle_unreachable_else(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
258        let frame = self
259            .control_frames
260            .last_mut()
261            .ok_or_else(|| CodeGenError::control_frame_expected())?;
262        ensure!(frame.is_if(), CodeGenError::if_control_frame_expected());
263        if frame.is_next_sequence_reachable() {
264            // We entered an unreachable state when compiling the
265            // if-then branch, but if the `if` was reachable at
266            // entry, the if-else branch will be reachable.
267            self.context.reachable = true;
268            frame.ensure_stack_state(self.masm, &mut self.context)?;
269            frame.bind_else(self.masm, &mut self.context)?;
270        }
271        Ok(())
272    }
274    pub fn handle_unreachable_end(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
275        let mut frame = self.pop_control_frame()?;
276        // We just popped the outermost block.
277        let is_outermost = self.control_frames.len() == 0;
279        if frame.is_next_sequence_reachable() {
280            self.context.reachable = true;
281            frame.ensure_stack_state(self.masm, &mut self.context)?;
282            frame.bind_end(self.masm, &mut self.context)
283        } else if is_outermost {
284            // If we reach the end of the function in an unreachable
285            // state, perform the necessary cleanup to leave the stack
286            // and SP in the expected state.  The compiler can enter
287            // in this state through an infinite loop.
288            frame.ensure_stack_state(self.masm, &mut self.context)
289        } else {
290            Ok(())
291        }
292    }
294    fn emit_body(
295        &mut self,
296        body: &mut BinaryReader<'a>,
297        validator: &mut FuncValidator<ValidatorResources>,
298    ) -> Result<()> {
299        self.maybe_emit_fuel_check()?;
301        self.maybe_emit_epoch_check()?;
303        // Once we have emitted the epilogue and reserved stack space for the locals, we push the
304        // base control flow block.
305        self.control_frames.push(ControlStackFrame::block(
306            BlockSig::from_sig(self.sig.clone()),
307            self.masm,
308            &mut self.context,
309        )?);
311        // Set the return area of the results *after* initializing the block. In
312        // the function body block case, we'll treat the results as any other
313        // case, addressed from the stack pointer, and when ending the function
314        // the return area will be set to the return pointer.
315        if self.sig.params.has_retptr() {
316            self.sig
317                .results
318                .set_ret_area(RetArea::slot(self.context.frame.results_base_slot.unwrap()));
319        }
321        while !body.eof() {
322            let offset = body.original_position();
323            body.visit_operator(&mut ValidateThenVisit(
324                validator.simd_visitor(offset),
325                self,
326                offset,
327            ))??;
328        }
329        validator.finish(body.original_position())?;
330        return Ok(());
332        struct ValidateThenVisit<'a, T, U>(T, &'a mut U, usize);
334        macro_rules! validate_then_visit {
335            ($( @$proposal:ident $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident $ann:tt)*) => {
336                $(
337                    fn $visit(&mut self $($(,$arg: $argty)*)?) -> Self::Output {
338                        self.0.$visit($($($arg.clone()),*)?)?;
339                        let op = Operator::$op $({ $($arg: $arg.clone()),* })?;
340                        if self.1.visit(&op) {
341                            self.1.before_visit_op(&op, self.2)?;
342                            let res = self.1.$visit($($($arg),*)?)?;
343                            self.1.after_visit_op()?;
344                            Ok(res)
345                        } else {
346                            Ok(())
347                        }
348                    }
349                )*
350            };
351        }
353        fn visit_op_when_unreachable(op: &Operator) -> bool {
354            use Operator::*;
355            match op {
356                If { .. } | Block { .. } | Loop { .. } | Else | End => true,
357                _ => false,
358            }
359        }
361        /// Trait to handle hooks that must happen before and after visiting an
362        /// operator.
363        trait VisitorHooks {
364            /// Hook prior to visiting an operator.
365            fn before_visit_op(&mut self, operator: &Operator, offset: usize) -> Result<()>;
366            /// Hook after visiting an operator.
367            fn after_visit_op(&mut self) -> Result<()>;
369            /// Returns `true` if the operator will be visited.
370            ///
371            /// Operators will be visited if the following invariants are met:
372            /// * The compiler is in a reachable state.
373            /// * The compiler is in an unreachable state, but the current
374            ///   operator is a control flow operator. These operators need to be
375            ///   visited in order to keep the control stack frames balanced and
376            ///   to determine if the reachability state must be restored.
377            fn visit(&self, op: &Operator) -> bool;
378        }
380        impl<'a, 'translation, 'data, M: MacroAssembler> VisitorHooks
381            for CodeGen<'a, 'translation, 'data, M, Emission>
382        {
383            fn visit(&self, op: &Operator) -> bool {
384                self.context.reachable || visit_op_when_unreachable(op)
385            }
387            fn before_visit_op(&mut self, operator: &Operator, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
388                // Handle source location mapping.
389                self.source_location_before_visit_op(offset)?;
391                // Handle fuel.
392                if self.tunables.consume_fuel {
393                    self.fuel_before_visit_op(operator)?;
394                }
395                Ok(())
396            }
398            fn after_visit_op(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
399                // Handle source code location mapping.
400                self.source_location_after_visit_op()
401            }
402        }
404        impl<'a, T, U> VisitOperator<'a> for ValidateThenVisit<'_, T, U>
405        where
406            T: VisitSimdOperator<'a, Output = wasmparser::Result<()>>,
407            U: VisitSimdOperator<'a, Output = Result<()>> + VisitorHooks,
408        {
409            type Output = U::Output;
411            fn simd_visitor(
412                &mut self,
413            ) -> Option<&mut dyn VisitSimdOperator<'a, Output = Self::Output>>
414            where
415                T:,
416            {
417                Some(self)
418            }
420            wasmparser::for_each_visit_operator!(validate_then_visit);
421        }
423        impl<'a, T, U> VisitSimdOperator<'a> for ValidateThenVisit<'_, T, U>
424        where
425            T: VisitSimdOperator<'a, Output = wasmparser::Result<()>>,
426            U: VisitSimdOperator<'a, Output = Result<()>> + VisitorHooks,
427        {
428            wasmparser::for_each_visit_simd_operator!(validate_then_visit);
429        }
430    }
432    /// Emits a a series of instructions that will type check a function reference call.
433    pub fn emit_typecheck_funcref(
434        &mut self,
435        funcref_ptr: Reg,
436        type_index: TypeIndex,
437    ) -> Result<()> {
438        let ptr_size: OperandSize = self.env.ptr_type().try_into()?;
439        let sig_index_bytes = self.env.vmoffsets.size_of_vmshared_type_index();
440        let sig_size = OperandSize::from_bytes(sig_index_bytes);
441        let sig_index = self.env.translation.module.types[type_index].unwrap_module_type_index();
442        let sig_offset = sig_index
443            .as_u32()
444            .checked_mul(sig_index_bytes.into())
445            .unwrap();
446        let signatures_base_offset = self.env.vmoffsets.ptr.vmctx_type_ids_array();
447        let scratch = scratch!(M);
448        let funcref_sig_offset = self.env.vmoffsets.ptr.vm_func_ref_type_index();
450        // Load the signatures address into the scratch register.
451        self.masm.load(
452            self.masm.address_at_vmctx(signatures_base_offset.into())?,
453            writable!(scratch),
454            ptr_size,
455        )?;
457        // Get the caller id.
458        let caller_id = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
459        self.masm.load(
460            self.masm.address_at_reg(scratch, sig_offset)?,
461            writable!(caller_id),
462            sig_size,
463        )?;
465        let callee_id = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
466        self.masm.load(
467            self.masm
468                .address_at_reg(funcref_ptr, funcref_sig_offset.into())?,
469            writable!(callee_id),
470            sig_size,
471        )?;
473        // Typecheck.
474        self.masm
475            .cmp(caller_id, callee_id.into(), OperandSize::S32)?;
476        self.masm.trapif(IntCmpKind::Ne, TRAP_BAD_SIGNATURE)?;
477        self.context.free_reg(callee_id);
478        self.context.free_reg(caller_id);
479        Ok(())
480    }
482    /// Emit the usual function end instruction sequence.
483    fn emit_end(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
484        // The implicit body block is treated a normal block (it pushes results
485        // to the stack); so when reaching the end, we pop them taking as
486        // reference the current function's signature.
487        let base = SPOffset::from_u32(self.context.frame.locals_size);
488        self.masm.start_source_loc(Default::default())?;
489        if self.context.reachable {
490            ControlStackFrame::pop_abi_results_impl(
491                &mut self.sig.results,
492                &mut self.context,
493                self.masm,
494                |results, _, _| Ok(results.ret_area().copied()),
495            )?;
496        } else {
497            // If we reach the end of the function in an unreachable code state,
498            // simply truncate to the expected values.
499            // The compiler could enter this state through an infinite loop.
500            self.context.truncate_stack_to(0)?;
501            self.masm.reset_stack_pointer(base)?;
502        }
503        ensure!(
504            self.context.stack.len() == 0,
505            CodeGenError::unexpected_value_in_value_stack()
506        );
507        self.masm.free_stack(self.context.frame.locals_size)?;
508        self.masm.epilogue()?;
509        self.masm.end_source_loc()?;
510        Ok(())
511    }
513    /// Pops the value at the stack top and assigns it to the local at
514    /// the given index, returning the typed register holding the
515    /// source value.
516    pub fn emit_set_local(&mut self, index: u32) -> Result<TypedReg> {
517        // Materialize any references to the same local index that are in the
518        // value stack by spilling.
519        if self.context.stack.contains_latent_local(index) {
520            self.context.spill(self.masm)?;
521        }
522        let src = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
523        // Need to get address of local after `pop_to_reg` since `pop_to_reg`
524        // will pop the machine stack causing an incorrect address to be
525        // calculated.
526        let (ty, addr) = self.context.frame.get_local_address(index, self.masm)?;
527        self.masm
528            .store(RegImm::reg(src.reg), addr, ty.try_into()?)?;
530        Ok(src)
531    }
533    /// Loads the address of the given global.
534    pub fn emit_get_global_addr(&mut self, index: GlobalIndex) -> Result<(WasmValType, Reg, u32)> {
535        let data = self.env.resolve_global(index);
537        if data.imported {
538            let global_base = self.masm.address_at_reg(vmctx!(M), data.offset)?;
539            let dst = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
540            self.masm.load_ptr(global_base, writable!(dst))?;
541            Ok((data.ty, dst, 0))
542        } else {
543            Ok((data.ty, vmctx!(M), data.offset))
544        }
545    }
547    pub fn emit_lazy_init_funcref(&mut self, table_index: TableIndex) -> Result<()> {
548        assert!(self.tunables.table_lazy_init, "unsupported eager init");
549        let table_data = self.env.resolve_table_data(table_index);
550        let ptr_type = self.env.ptr_type();
551        let builtin = self
552            .env
553            .builtins
554            .table_get_lazy_init_func_ref::<M::ABI, M::Ptr>()?;
556        // Request the builtin's  result register and use it to hold the table
557        // element value. We preemptively spill and request this register to
558        // avoid conflict at the control flow merge below. Requesting the result
559        // register is safe since we know ahead-of-time the builtin's signature.
560        self.context.spill(self.masm)?;
561        let elem_value: Reg = self
562            .context
563            .reg(
564                builtin.sig().results.unwrap_singleton().unwrap_reg(),
565                self.masm,
566            )?
567            .into();
569        let index = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
570        let base = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
572        let elem_addr = self.emit_compute_table_elem_addr(index.into(), base, &table_data)?;
573        self.masm.load_ptr(elem_addr, writable!(elem_value))?;
574        // Free the register used as base, once we have loaded the element
575        // address into the element value register.
576        self.context.free_reg(base);
578        let (defined, cont) = (self.masm.get_label()?, self.masm.get_label()?);
580        // Push the built-in arguments to the stack.
581        self.context
582            .stack
583            .extend([table_index.as_u32().try_into().unwrap(), index.into()]);
585        self.masm.branch(
586            IntCmpKind::Ne,
587            elem_value,
588            elem_value.into(),
589            defined,
590            ptr_type.try_into()?,
591        )?;
592        // Free the element value register.
593        // This is safe since the FnCall::emit call below, will ensure
594        // that the result register is placed on the value stack.
595        self.context.free_reg(elem_value);
596        FnCall::emit::<M>(
597            &mut self.env,
598            self.masm,
599            &mut self.context,
600            Callee::Builtin(builtin.clone()),
601        )?;
603        // We know the signature of the libcall in this case, so we assert that there's
604        // one element in the stack and that it's  the ABI signature's result register.
605        let top = self
606            .context
607            .stack
608            .peek()
609            .ok_or_else(|| CodeGenError::missing_values_in_stack())?;
610        let top = top.unwrap_reg();
611        ensure!(
612            top.reg == elem_value,
613            CodeGenError::table_element_value_expected()
614        );
617        // In the defined case, mask the funcref address in place, by peeking into the
618        // last element of the value stack, which was pushed by the `indirect` function
619        // call above.
620        //
621        // Note that `FUNCREF_MASK` as type `usize` but here we want a 64-bit
622        // value so assert its actual value and then use a `-2` literal.
623        self.masm.bind(defined)?;
624        assert_eq!(FUNCREF_MASK as isize, -2);
625        let imm = RegImm::i64(-2);
626        let dst = top.into();
627        self.masm
628            .and(writable!(dst), dst, imm, top.ty.try_into()?)?;
630        self.masm.bind(cont)
631    }
633    /// Emits a series of instructions to bounds check and calculate the address
634    /// of the given WebAssembly memory.
635    /// This function returns a register containing the requested address.
636    ///
637    /// In essence, when computing the heap address for a WebAssembly load or
638    /// store instruction the objective is to ensure that such access is safe,
639    /// but also to perform the least amount of checks, and rely on the system to
640    /// detect illegal memory accesses where applicable.
641    ///
642    /// Winch follows almost the same principles as Cranelift when it comes to
643    /// bounds checks, for a more detailed explanation refer to
644    /// prepare_addr in wasmtime-cranelift.
645    ///
646    /// Winch implementation differs in that, it defaults to the general case
647    /// for dynamic heaps rather than optimizing for doing the least amount of
648    /// work possible at runtime, this is done to align with Winch's principle
649    /// of doing the least amount of work possible at compile time. For static
650    /// heaps, Winch does a bit more of work, given that some of the cases that
651    /// are checked against, can benefit compilation times, like for example,
652    /// detecting an out of bounds access at compile time.
653    pub fn emit_compute_heap_address(
654        &mut self,
655        memarg: &MemArg,
656        access_size: OperandSize,
657    ) -> Result<Option<Reg>> {
658        let ptr_size: OperandSize = self.env.ptr_type().try_into()?;
659        let enable_spectre_mitigation = self.env.heap_access_spectre_mitigation();
660        let add_offset_and_access_size = |offset: ImmOffset, access_size: OperandSize| {
661            (access_size.bytes() as u64) + (offset.as_u32() as u64)
662        };
664        let memory_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(memarg.memory);
665        let heap = self.env.resolve_heap(memory_index);
666        let index = Index::from_typed_reg(self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?);
667        let offset = bounds::ensure_index_and_offset(
668            self.masm,
669            index,
670            memarg.offset,
671            heap.index_type().try_into()?,
672        )?;
673        let offset_with_access_size = add_offset_and_access_size(offset, access_size);
675        let can_elide_bounds_check = heap
676            .memory
677            .can_elide_bounds_check(self.tunables, self.env.page_size_log2);
679        let addr = if offset_with_access_size > heap.memory.maximum_byte_size().unwrap_or(u64::MAX)
680        {
681            // Detect at compile time if the access is out of bounds.
682            // Doing so will put the compiler in an unreachable code state,
683            // optimizing the work that the compiler has to do until the
684            // reachability is restored or when reaching the end of the
685            // function.
687            self.emit_fuel_increment()?;
688            self.masm.trap(TrapCode::HEAP_OUT_OF_BOUNDS)?;
689            self.context.reachable = false;
690            None
691        } else if !can_elide_bounds_check {
692            // Account for the general case for bounds-checked memories. The
693            // access is out of bounds if:
694            // * index + offset + access_size overflows
695            //   OR
696            // * index + offset + access_size > bound
697            let bounds = bounds::load_dynamic_heap_bounds::<_>(
698                &mut self.context,
699                self.masm,
700                &heap,
701                ptr_size,
702            )?;
704            let index_reg = index.as_typed_reg().reg;
705            // Allocate a temporary register to hold
706            //      index + offset + access_size
707            //  which will serve as the check condition.
708            let index_offset_and_access_size = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
710            // Move the value of the index to the
711            // index_offset_and_access_size register to perform the overflow
712            // check to avoid clobbering the initial index value.
713            //
714            // We derive size of the operation from the heap type since:
715            //
716            // * This is the first assignment to the
717            // `index_offset_and_access_size` register
718            //
719            // * The memory64 proposal specifies that the index is bound to
720            // the heap type instead of hardcoding it to 32-bits (i32).
722                writable!(index_offset_and_access_size),
723                index_reg.into(),
724                heap.index_type().try_into()?,
725            )?;
726            // Perform
727            // index = index + offset + access_size, trapping if the
728            // addition overflows.
729            //
730            // We use the target's pointer size rather than depending on the heap
731            // type since we want to check for overflow; even though the
732            // offset and access size are guaranteed to be bounded by the heap
733            // type, when added, if used with the wrong operand size, their
734            // result could be clamped, resulting in an erroneus overflow
735            // check.
736            self.masm.checked_uadd(
737                writable!(index_offset_and_access_size),
738                index_offset_and_access_size,
739                RegImm::i64(offset_with_access_size as i64),
740                ptr_size,
741                TrapCode::HEAP_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
742            )?;
744            let addr = bounds::load_heap_addr_checked(
745                self.masm,
746                &mut self.context,
747                ptr_size,
748                &heap,
749                enable_spectre_mitigation,
750                bounds,
751                index,
752                offset,
753                |masm, bounds, _| {
754                    let bounds_reg = bounds.as_typed_reg().reg;
755                    masm.cmp(
756                        index_offset_and_access_size.into(),
757                        bounds_reg.into(),
758                        // We use the pointer size to keep the bounds
759                        // comparison consistent with the result of the
760                        // overflow check above.
761                        ptr_size,
762                    )?;
763                    Ok(IntCmpKind::GtU)
764                },
765            )?;
766            self.context.free_reg(bounds.as_typed_reg().reg);
767            self.context.free_reg(index_offset_and_access_size);
768            Some(addr)
770        // Account for the case in which we can completely elide the bounds
771        // checks.
772        //
773        // This case, makes use of the fact that if a memory access uses
774        // a 32-bit index, then we be certain that
775        //
776        //      index <= u32::MAX
777        //
778        // Therefore if any 32-bit index access occurs in the region
779        // represented by
780        //
781        //      bound + guard_size - (offset + access_size)
782        //
783        // We are certain that it's in bounds or that the underlying virtual
784        // memory subsystem will report an illegal access at runtime.
785        //
786        // Note:
787        //
788        // * bound - (offset + access_size) cannot wrap, because it's checked
789        // in the condition above.
790        // * bound + heap.offset_guard_size is guaranteed to not overflow if
791        // the heap configuration is correct, given that it's address must
792        // fit in 64-bits.
793        // * If the heap type is 32-bits, the offset is at most u32::MAX, so
794        // no  adjustment is needed as part of
795        // [bounds::ensure_index_and_offset].
796        } else if u64::from(u32::MAX)
797            <= self.tunables.memory_reservation + self.tunables.memory_guard_size
798                - offset_with_access_size
799        {
800            assert!(can_elide_bounds_check);
801            assert!(heap.index_type() == WasmValType::I32);
802            let addr = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
803            bounds::load_heap_addr_unchecked(self.masm, &heap, index, offset, addr, ptr_size)?;
804            Some(addr)
806        // Account for the all remaining cases, aka. The access is out
807        // of bounds if:
808        //
809        // index > bound - (offset + access_size)
810        //
811        // bound - (offset + access_size) cannot wrap, because we already
812        // checked that (offset + access_size) > bound, above.
813        } else {
814            assert!(can_elide_bounds_check);
815            assert!(heap.index_type() == WasmValType::I32);
816            let bounds = Bounds::from_u64(self.tunables.memory_reservation);
817            let addr = bounds::load_heap_addr_checked(
818                self.masm,
819                &mut self.context,
820                ptr_size,
821                &heap,
822                enable_spectre_mitigation,
823                bounds,
824                index,
825                offset,
826                |masm, bounds, index| {
827                    let adjusted_bounds = bounds.as_u64() - offset_with_access_size;
828                    let index_reg = index.as_typed_reg().reg;
829                    masm.cmp(
830                        index_reg,
831                        RegImm::i64(adjusted_bounds as i64),
832                        // Similar to the dynamic heap case, even though the
833                        // offset and access size are bound through the heap
834                        // type, when added they can overflow, resulting in
835                        // an erroneus comparison, therfore we rely on the
836                        // target pointer size.
837                        ptr_size,
838                    )?;
839                    Ok(IntCmpKind::GtU)
840                },
841            )?;
842            Some(addr)
843        };
845        self.context.free_reg(index.as_typed_reg().reg);
846        Ok(addr)
847    }
849    /// Emit checks to ensure that the address at `memarg` is correctly aligned for `size`.
850    fn emit_check_align(&mut self, memarg: &MemArg, size: OperandSize) -> Result<()> {
851        if size.bytes() > 1 {
852            // Peek addr from top of the stack by popping and pushing.
853            let addr = *self
854                .context
855                .stack
856                .peek()
857                .ok_or_else(|| CodeGenError::missing_values_in_stack())?;
858            let tmp = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
859            self.context.move_val_to_reg(&addr, tmp, self.masm)?;
861            if memarg.offset != 0 {
862                self.masm.add(
863                    writable!(tmp),
864                    tmp,
865                    RegImm::Imm(Imm::I64(memarg.offset)),
866                    size,
867                )?;
868            }
870            self.masm.and(
871                writable!(tmp),
872                tmp,
873                RegImm::Imm(Imm::I32(size.bytes() - 1)),
874                size,
875            )?;
877            self.masm.cmp(tmp, RegImm::Imm(Imm::i64(0)), size)?;
878            self.masm.trapif(IntCmpKind::Ne, TRAP_HEAP_MISALIGNED)?;
879            self.context.free_reg(tmp);
880        }
882        Ok(())
883    }
885    pub fn emit_compute_heap_address_align_checked(
886        &mut self,
887        memarg: &MemArg,
888        access_size: OperandSize,
889    ) -> Result<Option<Reg>> {
890        self.emit_check_align(memarg, access_size)?;
891        self.emit_compute_heap_address(memarg, access_size)
892    }
894    /// Emit a WebAssembly load.
895    pub fn emit_wasm_load(
896        &mut self,
897        arg: &MemArg,
898        target_type: WasmValType,
899        kind: LoadKind,
900    ) -> Result<()> {
901        let emit_load = |this: &mut Self, dst, addr, kind| -> Result<()> {
902            let src = this.masm.address_at_reg(addr, 0)?;
903            this.masm.wasm_load(src, writable!(dst), kind)?;
904            this.context
905                .stack
906                .push(TypedReg::new(target_type, dst).into());
907            this.context.free_reg(addr);
908            Ok(())
909        };
911        match kind {
912            LoadKind::VectorLane(_) => {
913                let dst = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
914                let addr = self.emit_compute_heap_address(&arg, kind.derive_operand_size())?;
915                if let Some(addr) = addr {
916                    emit_load(self, dst.reg, addr, kind)?;
917                }
918            }
919            _ => {
920                let maybe_addr = match kind {
921                    LoadKind::Atomic(_, _) => self.emit_compute_heap_address_align_checked(
922                        &arg,
923                        kind.derive_operand_size(),
924                    )?,
925                    _ => self.emit_compute_heap_address(&arg, kind.derive_operand_size())?,
926                };
928                if let Some(addr) = maybe_addr {
929                    let dst = match target_type {
930                        WasmValType::I32 | WasmValType::I64 => self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?,
931                        WasmValType::F32 | WasmValType::F64 => self.context.any_fpr(self.masm)?,
932                        WasmValType::V128 => self.context.reg_for_type(target_type, self.masm)?,
933                        _ => bail!(CodeGenError::unsupported_wasm_type()),
934                    };
936                    emit_load(self, dst, addr, kind)?;
937                }
938            }
939        }
941        Ok(())
942    }
944    /// Emit a WebAssembly store.
945    pub fn emit_wasm_store(&mut self, arg: &MemArg, kind: StoreKind) -> Result<()> {
946        let src = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
948        let maybe_addr = match kind {
949            StoreKind::Atomic(size) => self.emit_compute_heap_address_align_checked(&arg, size)?,
950            StoreKind::Operand(size) | StoreKind::VectorLane(LaneSelector { size, .. }) => {
951                self.emit_compute_heap_address(&arg, size)?
952            }
953        };
955        if let Some(addr) = maybe_addr {
956            self.masm
957                .wasm_store(src.reg.into(), self.masm.address_at_reg(addr, 0)?, kind)?;
959            self.context.free_reg(addr);
960        }
961        self.context.free_reg(src);
963        Ok(())
964    }
966    /// Loads the address of the table element at a given index. Returns the
967    /// address of the table element using the provided register as base.
968    pub fn emit_compute_table_elem_addr(
969        &mut self,
970        index: Reg,
971        base: Reg,
972        table_data: &TableData,
973    ) -> Result<M::Address> {
974        let scratch = scratch!(M);
975        let bound = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
976        let tmp = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
977        let ptr_size: OperandSize = self.env.ptr_type().try_into()?;
979        if let Some(offset) = table_data.import_from {
980            // If the table data declares a particular offset base,
981            // load the address into a register to further use it as
982            // the table address.
983            self.masm
984                .load_ptr(self.masm.address_at_vmctx(offset)?, writable!(base))?;
985        } else {
986            // Else, simply move the vmctx register into the addr register as
987            // the base to calculate the table address.
988  !(base), vmctx!(M).into(), ptr_size)?;
989        };
991        // OOB check.
992        let bound_addr = self
993            .masm
994            .address_at_reg(base, table_data.current_elems_offset)?;
995        let bound_size = table_data.current_elements_size;
996        self.masm
997            .load(bound_addr, writable!(bound), bound_size.into())?;
998        self.masm.cmp(index, bound.into(), bound_size)?;
999        self.masm
1000            .trapif(IntCmpKind::GeU, TRAP_TABLE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS)?;
1002        // Move the index into the scratch register to calculate the table
1003        // element address.
1004        // Moving the value of the index register to the scratch register
1005        // also avoids overwriting the context of the index register.
1006        self.masm
1007            .mov(writable!(scratch), index.into(), bound_size)?;
1008        self.masm.mul(
1009            writable!(scratch),
1010            scratch,
1011            RegImm::i32(table_data.element_size.bytes() as i32),
1012            table_data.element_size,
1013        )?;
1014        self.masm.load_ptr(
1015            self.masm.address_at_reg(base, table_data.offset)?,
1016            writable!(base),
1017        )?;
1018        // Copy the value of the table base into a temporary register
1019        // so that we can use it later in case of a misspeculation.
1020!(tmp), base.into(), ptr_size)?;
1021        // Calculate the address of the table element.
1022        self.masm
1023            .add(writable!(base), base, scratch.into(), ptr_size)?;
1024        if self.env.table_access_spectre_mitigation() {
1025            // Perform a bounds check and override the value of the
1026            // table element address in case the index is out of bounds.
1027            self.masm.cmp(index, bound.into(), OperandSize::S32)?;
1028            self.masm
1029                .cmov(writable!(base), tmp, IntCmpKind::GeU, ptr_size)?;
1030        }
1031        self.context.free_reg(bound);
1032        self.context.free_reg(tmp);
1033        self.masm.address_at_reg(base, 0)
1034    }
1036    /// Retrieves the size of the table, pushing the result to the value stack.
1037    pub fn emit_compute_table_size(&mut self, table_data: &TableData) -> Result<()> {
1038        let scratch = scratch!(M);
1039        let size = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
1040        let ptr_size: OperandSize = self.env.ptr_type().try_into()?;
1042        if let Some(offset) = table_data.import_from {
1043            self.masm
1044                .load_ptr(self.masm.address_at_vmctx(offset)?, writable!(scratch))?;
1045        } else {
1046            self.masm
1047                .mov(writable!(scratch), vmctx!(M).into(), ptr_size)?;
1048        };
1050        let size_addr = self
1051            .masm
1052            .address_at_reg(scratch, table_data.current_elems_offset)?;
1053        self.masm.load(
1054            size_addr,
1055            writable!(size),
1056            table_data.current_elements_size.into(),
1057        )?;
1059        self.context.stack.push(TypedReg::i32(size).into());
1060        Ok(())
1061    }
1063    /// Retrieves the size of the memory, pushing the result to the value stack.
1064    pub fn emit_compute_memory_size(&mut self, heap_data: &HeapData) -> Result<()> {
1065        let size_reg = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
1066        let scratch = scratch!(M);
1068        let base = if let Some(offset) = heap_data.import_from {
1069            self.masm
1070                .load_ptr(self.masm.address_at_vmctx(offset)?, writable!(scratch))?;
1071            scratch
1072        } else {
1073            vmctx!(M)
1074        };
1076        let size_addr = self
1077            .masm
1078            .address_at_reg(base, heap_data.current_length_offset)?;
1079        self.masm.load_ptr(size_addr, writable!(size_reg))?;
1080        // Emit a shift to get the size in pages rather than in bytes.
1081        let dst = TypedReg::new(heap_data.index_type(), size_reg);
1082        let pow = heap_data.memory.page_size_log2;
1083        self.masm.shift_ir(
1084            writable!(dst.reg),
1085            pow as u64,
1086            dst.into(),
1087            ShiftKind::ShrU,
1088            heap_data.index_type().try_into()?,
1089        )?;
1090        self.context.stack.push(dst.into());
1091        Ok(())
1092    }
1094    /// Checks if fuel consumption is enabled and emits a series of instructions
1095    /// that check the current fuel usage by performing a zero-comparison with
1096    /// the number of units stored in `VMStoreContext`.
1097    pub fn maybe_emit_fuel_check(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
1098        if !self.tunables.consume_fuel {
1099            return Ok(());
1100        }
1102        self.emit_fuel_increment()?;
1103        let out_of_fuel = self.env.builtins.out_of_gas::<M::ABI, M::Ptr>()?;
1104        let fuel_reg = self.context.without::<Result<Reg>, M, _>(
1105            &out_of_fuel.sig().regs,
1106            self.masm,
1107            |cx, masm| cx.any_gpr(masm),
1108        )??;
1110        self.emit_load_fuel_consumed(fuel_reg)?;
1112        // The  continuation label if the current fuel is under the limit.
1113        let continuation = self.masm.get_label()?;
1115        // Spill locals and registers to avoid conflicts at the out-of-fuel
1116        // control flow merge.
1117        self.context.spill(self.masm)?;
1118        // Fuel is stored as a negative i64, so if the number is less than zero,
1119        // we're still under the fuel limits.
1120        self.masm.branch(
1121            IntCmpKind::LtS,
1122            fuel_reg,
1123            RegImm::i64(0),
1124            continuation,
1125            OperandSize::S64,
1126        )?;
1127        // Out-of-fuel branch.
1128        FnCall::emit::<M>(
1129            &mut self.env,
1130            self.masm,
1131            &mut self.context,
1132            Callee::Builtin(out_of_fuel.clone()),
1133        )?;
1134        self.context.pop_and_free(self.masm)?;
1136        // Under fuel limits branch.
1137        self.masm.bind(continuation)?;
1138        self.context.free_reg(fuel_reg);
1140        Ok(())
1141    }
1143    /// Emits a series of instructions that load the `fuel_consumed` field from
1144    /// `VMStoreContext`.
1145    fn emit_load_fuel_consumed(&mut self, fuel_reg: Reg) -> Result<()> {
1146        let limits_offset = self.env.vmoffsets.ptr.vmctx_runtime_limits();
1147        let fuel_offset = self.env.vmoffsets.ptr.vmstore_context_fuel_consumed();
1148        self.masm.load_ptr(
1149            self.masm.address_at_vmctx(u32::from(limits_offset))?,
1150            writable!(fuel_reg),
1151        )?;
1153        self.masm.load(
1154            self.masm.address_at_reg(fuel_reg, u32::from(fuel_offset))?,
1155            writable!(fuel_reg),
1156            // Fuel is an i64.
1157            OperandSize::S64,
1158        )
1159    }
1161    /// Checks if epoch interruption is configured and emits a series of
1162    /// instructions that check the current epoch against its deadline.
1163    pub fn maybe_emit_epoch_check(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
1164        if !self.tunables.epoch_interruption {
1165            return Ok(());
1166        }
1168        // The continuation branch if the current epoch hasn't reached the
1169        // configured deadline.
1170        let cont = self.masm.get_label()?;
1171        let new_epoch = self.env.builtins.new_epoch::<M::ABI, M::Ptr>()?;
1173        // Checks for runtime limits (e.g., fuel, epoch) are special since they
1174        // require inserting arbitrary function calls and control flow.
1175        // Special care must be taken to ensure that all invariants are met. In
1176        // this case, since `new_epoch` takes an argument and returns a value,
1177        // we must ensure that any registers used to hold the current epoch
1178        // value and deadline are not going to be needed later on by the
1179        // function call.
1180        let (epoch_deadline_reg, epoch_counter_reg) =
1181            self.context.without::<Result<(Reg, Reg)>, M, _>(
1182                &new_epoch.sig().regs,
1183                self.masm,
1184                |cx, masm| Ok((cx.any_gpr(masm)?, cx.any_gpr(masm)?)),
1185            )??;
1187        self.emit_load_epoch_deadline_and_counter(epoch_deadline_reg, epoch_counter_reg)?;
1189        // Spill locals and registers to avoid conflicts at the control flow
1190        // merge below.
1191        self.context.spill(self.masm)?;
1192        self.masm.branch(
1193            IntCmpKind::LtU,
1194            epoch_counter_reg,
1195            RegImm::reg(epoch_deadline_reg),
1196            cont,
1197            OperandSize::S64,
1198        )?;
1199        // Epoch deadline reached branch.
1200        FnCall::emit::<M>(
1201            &mut self.env,
1202            self.masm,
1203            &mut self.context,
1204            Callee::Builtin(new_epoch.clone()),
1205        )?;
1206        // `new_epoch` returns the new deadline. However we don't
1207        // perform any caching, so we simply drop this value.
1208        self.visit_drop()?;
1210        // Under epoch deadline branch.
1211        self.masm.bind(cont)?;
1213        self.context.free_reg(epoch_deadline_reg);
1214        self.context.free_reg(epoch_counter_reg);
1215        Ok(())
1216    }
1218    fn emit_load_epoch_deadline_and_counter(
1219        &mut self,
1220        epoch_deadline_reg: Reg,
1221        epoch_counter_reg: Reg,
1222    ) -> Result<()> {
1223        let epoch_ptr_offset = self.env.vmoffsets.ptr.vmctx_epoch_ptr();
1224        let runtime_limits_offset = self.env.vmoffsets.ptr.vmctx_runtime_limits();
1225        let epoch_deadline_offset = self.env.vmoffsets.ptr.vmstore_context_epoch_deadline();
1227        // Load the current epoch value into `epoch_counter_var`.
1228        self.masm.load_ptr(
1229            self.masm.address_at_vmctx(u32::from(epoch_ptr_offset))?,
1230            writable!(epoch_counter_reg),
1231        )?;
1233        // `epoch_deadline_var` contains the address of the value, so we need
1234        // to extract it.
1235        self.masm.load(
1236            self.masm.address_at_reg(epoch_counter_reg, 0)?,
1237            writable!(epoch_counter_reg),
1238            OperandSize::S64,
1239        )?;
1241        // Load the `VMStoreContext`.
1242        self.masm.load_ptr(
1243            self.masm
1244                .address_at_vmctx(u32::from(runtime_limits_offset))?,
1245            writable!(epoch_deadline_reg),
1246        )?;
1248        self.masm.load(
1249            self.masm
1250                .address_at_reg(epoch_deadline_reg, u32::from(epoch_deadline_offset))?,
1251            writable!(epoch_deadline_reg),
1252            // The deadline value is a u64.
1253            OperandSize::S64,
1254        )
1255    }
1257    /// Increments the fuel consumed in `VMStoreContext` by flushing
1258    /// `self.fuel_consumed` to memory.
1259    fn emit_fuel_increment(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
1260        let fuel_at_point = std::mem::replace(&mut self.fuel_consumed, 0);
1261        if fuel_at_point == 0 {
1262            return Ok(());
1263        }
1265        let limits_offset = self.env.vmoffsets.ptr.vmctx_runtime_limits();
1266        let fuel_offset = self.env.vmoffsets.ptr.vmstore_context_fuel_consumed();
1267        let limits_reg = self.context.any_gpr(self.masm)?;
1269        // Load `VMStoreContext` into the `limits_reg` reg.
1270        self.masm.load_ptr(
1271            self.masm.address_at_vmctx(u32::from(limits_offset))?,
1272            writable!(limits_reg),
1273        )?;
1275        // Load the fuel consumed at point into the scratch register.
1276        self.masm.load(
1277            self.masm
1278                .address_at_reg(limits_reg, u32::from(fuel_offset))?,
1279            writable!(scratch!(M)),
1280            OperandSize::S64,
1281        )?;
1283        // Add the fuel consumed at point with the value in the scratch
1284        // register.
1285        self.masm.add(
1286            writable!(scratch!(M)),
1287            scratch!(M),
1288            RegImm::i64(fuel_at_point),
1289            OperandSize::S64,
1290        )?;
1292        // Store the updated fuel consumed to `VMStoreContext`.
1294            scratch!(M).into(),
1295            self.masm
1296                .address_at_reg(limits_reg, u32::from(fuel_offset))?,
1297            OperandSize::S64,
1298        )?;
1300        self.context.free_reg(limits_reg);
1302        Ok(())
1303    }
1305    /// Hook to handle fuel before visiting an operator.
1306    fn fuel_before_visit_op(&mut self, op: &Operator) -> Result<()> {
1307        if !self.context.reachable {
1308            // `self.fuel_consumed` must be correctly flushed to memory when
1309            // entering an unreachable state.
1310            ensure!(self.fuel_consumed == 0, CodeGenError::illegal_fuel_state())
1311        }
1313        // Generally, most instructions require 1 fuel unit.
1314        //
1315        // However, there are exceptions, which are detailed in the code below.
1316        // Note that the fuel accounting semantics align with those of
1317        // Cranelift; for further information, refer to
1318        // `crates/cranelift/src/`.
1319        //
1320        // The primary distinction between the two implementations is that Winch
1321        // does not utilize a local-based cache to track fuel consumption.
1322        // Instead, each increase in fuel necessitates loading from and storing
1323        // to memory.
1324        //
1325        // Memory traffic will undoubtedly impact runtime performance. One
1326        // potential optimization is to designate a register as non-allocatable,
1327        // when fuel consumption is enabled, effectively using it as a local
1328        // fuel cache.
1329        self.fuel_consumed += match op {
1330            Operator::Nop | Operator::Drop => 0,
1331            Operator::Block { .. }
1332            | Operator::Loop { .. }
1333            | Operator::Unreachable
1334            | Operator::Return
1335            | Operator::Else
1336            | Operator::End => 0,
1337            _ => 1,
1338        };
1340        match op {
1341            Operator::Unreachable
1342            | Operator::Loop { .. }
1343            | Operator::If { .. }
1344            | Operator::Else { .. }
1345            | Operator::Br { .. }
1346            | Operator::BrIf { .. }
1347            | Operator::BrTable { .. }
1348            | Operator::End
1349            | Operator::Return
1350            | Operator::CallIndirect { .. }
1351            | Operator::Call { .. }
1352            | Operator::ReturnCall { .. }
1353            | Operator::ReturnCallIndirect { .. } => self.emit_fuel_increment(),
1354            _ => Ok(()),
1355        }
1356    }
1358    // Hook to handle source location mapping before visiting an operator.
1359    fn source_location_before_visit_op(&mut self, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
1360        let loc = SourceLoc::new(offset as u32);
1361        let rel = self.source_loc_from(loc);
1362        self.source_location.current = self.masm.start_source_loc(rel)?;
1363        Ok(())
1364    }
1366    // Hook to handle source location mapping after visiting an operator.
1367    fn source_location_after_visit_op(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
1368        // Because in Winch binary emission is done in a single pass
1369        // and because the MachBuffer performs optimizations during
1370        // emission, we have to be careful when calling
1371        // [`MacroAssembler::end_source_location`] to avoid breaking the
1372        // invariant that checks that the end [CodeOffset] must be equal
1373        // or greater than the start [CodeOffset].
1374        if self.masm.current_code_offset()? >= self.source_location.current.0 {
1375            self.masm.end_source_loc()?;
1376        }
1378        Ok(())
1379    }
1381    pub(crate) fn emit_atomic_rmw(
1382        &mut self,
1383        arg: &MemArg,
1384        op: RmwOp,
1385        size: OperandSize,
1386        extend: Option<Extend<Zero>>,
1387    ) -> Result<()> {
1388        // We need to pop-push the operand to compute the address before passing control over to
1389        // masm, because some architectures may have specific requirements for the registers used
1390        // in some atomic operations.
1391        let operand = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
1392        if let Some(addr) = self.emit_compute_heap_address_align_checked(arg, size)? {
1393            let src = self.masm.address_at_reg(addr, 0)?;
1394            self.context.stack.push(operand.into());
1395            self.masm
1396                .atomic_rmw(&mut self.context, src, size, op, UNTRUSTED_FLAGS, extend)?;
1397            self.context.free_reg(addr);
1398        }
1400        Ok(())
1401    }
1403    pub(crate) fn emit_atomic_cmpxchg(
1404        &mut self,
1405        arg: &MemArg,
1406        size: OperandSize,
1407        extend: Option<Extend<Zero>>,
1408    ) -> Result<()> {
1409        // Emission for this instruction is a bit trickier. The address for the CAS is the 3rd from
1410        // the top of the stack, and we must emit instruction to compute the actual address with
1411        // `emit_compute_heap_address_align_checked`, while we still have access to self. However,
1412        // some ISAs have requirements with regard to the registers used for some arguments, so we
1413        // need to pass the context to the masm. To solve this issue, we pop the two first
1414        // arguments from the stack, compute the address, push back the arguments, and hand over
1415        // the control to masm. The implementer of `atomic_cas` can expect to find `expected` and
1416        // `replacement` at the top the context's stack.
1418        // pop the args
1419        let replacement = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
1420        let expected = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
1422        if let Some(addr) = self.emit_compute_heap_address_align_checked(arg, size)? {
1423            // push back the args
1424            self.context.stack.push(expected.into());
1425            self.context.stack.push(replacement.into());
1427            let src = self.masm.address_at_reg(addr, 0)?;
1428            self.masm
1429                .atomic_cas(&mut self.context, src, size, UNTRUSTED_FLAGS, extend)?;
1431            self.context.free_reg(addr);
1432        }
1433        Ok(())
1434    }
1436    #[cfg(not(feature = "threads"))]
1437    pub fn emit_atomic_wait(&mut self, _arg: &MemArg, _kind: AtomicWaitKind) -> Result<()> {
1438        Err(CodeGenError::unimplemented_wasm_instruction().into())
1439    }
1441    /// Emit the sequence of instruction for a `memory.atomic.wait*`.
1442    #[cfg(feature = "threads")]
1443    pub fn emit_atomic_wait(&mut self, arg: &MemArg, kind: AtomicWaitKind) -> Result<()> {
1444        // The `memory_atomic_wait*` builtins expect the following arguments:
1445        // - `memory`, as u32
1446        // - `address`, as u64
1447        // - `expected`, as either u64 or u32
1448        // - `timeout`, as u64
1449        // At this point our stack only contains the `timeout`, the `expected` and the address, so
1450        // we need to:
1451        // - insert the memory as the first argument
1452        // - compute the actual memory offset from the `MemArg`, if necessary.
1453        // Note that the builtin function performs the alignment and bounds checks for us, so we
1454        // don't need to emit that.
1456        let timeout = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
1457        let expected = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
1458        let addr = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
1460        // Put the target memory index as the first argument.
1461        self.context
1462            .stack
1463            .push(crate::stack::Val::I32(arg.memory as i32));
1465        if arg.offset != 0 {
1466            self.masm.add(
1467                writable!(addr.reg),
1468                addr.reg,
1469                RegImm::i64(arg.offset as i64),
1470                OperandSize::S64,
1471            )?;
1472        }
1474        self.context
1475            .stack
1476            .push(TypedReg::new(WasmValType::I64, addr.reg).into());
1477        self.context.stack.push(expected.into());
1478        self.context.stack.push(timeout.into());
1480        let builtin = match kind {
1481            AtomicWaitKind::Wait32 => self.env.builtins.memory_atomic_wait32::<M::ABI, M::Ptr>()?,
1482            AtomicWaitKind::Wait64 => self.env.builtins.memory_atomic_wait64::<M::ABI, M::Ptr>()?,
1483        };
1485        FnCall::emit::<M>(
1486            &mut self.env,
1487            self.masm,
1488            &mut self.context,
1489            Callee::Builtin(builtin.clone()),
1490        )?;
1492        Ok(())
1493    }
1495    #[cfg(not(feature = "threads"))]
1496    pub fn emit_atomic_notify(&mut self, _arg: &MemArg) -> Result<()> {
1497        Err(CodeGenError::unimplemented_wasm_instruction().into())
1498    }
1500    #[cfg(feature = "threads")]
1501    pub fn emit_atomic_notify(&mut self, arg: &MemArg) -> Result<()> {
1502        // The memory `memory_atomic_notify` builtin expects the following arguments:
1503        // - `memory`, as u32
1504        // - `address`, as u64
1505        // - `count`: as u32
1506        // At this point our stack only contains the `count` and the `address`, so we need to:
1507        // - insert the memory as the first argument
1508        // - compute the actual memory offset from the `MemArg`, if necessary.
1509        // Note that the builtin function performs the alignment and bounds checks for us, so we
1510        // don't need to emit that.
1512        // pop the arguments from the stack.
1513        let count = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
1514        let addr = self.context.pop_to_reg(self.masm, None)?;
1516        // Put the target memory index as the first argument.
1517        self.context
1518            .stack
1519            .push(crate::stack::Val::I32(arg.memory as i32));
1521        if arg.offset != 0 {
1522            self.masm.add(
1523                writable!(addr.reg),
1524                addr.reg,
1525                RegImm::i64(arg.offset as i64),
1526                OperandSize::S64,
1527            )?;
1528        }
1530        // push remaining arguments.
1531        self.context
1532            .stack
1533            .push(TypedReg::new(WasmValType::I64, addr.reg).into());
1534        self.context.stack.push(count.into());
1536        let builtin = self.env.builtins.memory_atomic_notify::<M::ABI, M::Ptr>()?;
1538        FnCall::emit::<M>(
1539            &mut self.env,
1540            self.masm,
1541            &mut self.context,
1542            Callee::Builtin(builtin.clone()),
1543        )?;
1545        Ok(())
1546    }
1549/// Returns the index of the [`ControlStackFrame`] for the given
1550/// depth.
1551pub fn control_index(depth: u32, control_length: usize) -> Result<usize> {
1552    (control_length - 1)
1553        .checked_sub(depth as usize)
1554        .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!(CodeGenError::control_frame_expected()))