
1use crate::FuzzGen;
2use anyhow::Result;
3use cranelift::codegen::cursor::{Cursor, FuncCursor};
4use cranelift::codegen::ir::{Function, Inst, Opcode};
5use cranelift::prelude::{types::*, *};
7pub fn do_fcvt_trap_pass(fuzz: &mut FuzzGen, func: &mut Function) -> Result<()> {
8    let ratio = fuzz.config.allowed_fcvt_traps_ratio;
9    let insert_seq = !fuzz.u.ratio(ratio.0, ratio.1)?;
10    if !insert_seq {
11        return Ok(());
12    }
14    let mut pos = FuncCursor::new(func);
15    while let Some(_block) = pos.next_block() {
16        while let Some(inst) = pos.next_inst() {
17            if can_fcvt_trap(&pos, inst) {
18                insert_fcvt_sequence(&mut pos, inst);
19            }
20        }
21    }
22    Ok(())
25/// Returns true/false if this instruction can trap
26fn can_fcvt_trap(pos: &FuncCursor, inst: Inst) -> bool {
27    let opcode = pos.func.dfg.insts[inst].opcode();
29    matches!(opcode, Opcode::FcvtToUint | Opcode::FcvtToSint)
32/// Gets the max and min float values for this integer type
33/// Inserts fconst instructions with these values.
35// When converting to integers, floats are truncated. This means that the maximum float value
36// that can be converted into an i8 is 127.99999. And surprisingly the minimum float for an
37// u8 is -0.99999! So get the limits of this type as a float value by adding or subtracting
38// 1.0 from its min and max integer values.
39fn float_limits(
40    pos: &mut FuncCursor,
41    float_ty: Type,
42    int_ty: Type,
43    is_signed: bool,
44) -> (Value, Value) {
45    let (min_int, max_int) = int_ty.bounds(is_signed);
47    if float_ty == F32 {
48        let (min, max) = if is_signed {
49            ((min_int as i128) as f32, (max_int as i128) as f32)
50        } else {
51            (min_int as f32, max_int as f32)
52        };
54        (pos.ins().f32const(min - 1.0), pos.ins().f32const(max + 1.0))
55    } else {
56        let (min, max) = if is_signed {
57            ((min_int as i128) as f64, (max_int as i128) as f64)
58        } else {
59            (min_int as f64, max_int as f64)
60        };
62        (pos.ins().f64const(min - 1.0), pos.ins().f64const(max + 1.0))
63    }
66/// Prepend instructions to inst to avoid traps
67fn insert_fcvt_sequence(pos: &mut FuncCursor, inst: Inst) {
68    let dfg = &pos.func.dfg;
69    let opcode = dfg.insts[inst].opcode();
70    let arg = dfg.inst_args(inst)[0];
71    let float_ty = dfg.value_type(arg);
72    let int_ty = dfg.value_type(dfg.first_result(inst));
74    // These instructions trap on NaN
75    let is_nan = pos.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::NotEqual, arg, arg);
77    // They also trap if the value is larger or smaller than what the integer type can represent. So
78    // we generate the maximum and minimum float value that would make this trap, and compare against
79    // those limits.
80    let is_signed = opcode == Opcode::FcvtToSint;
81    let (min, max) = float_limits(pos, float_ty, int_ty, is_signed);
82    let underflows = pos.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::LessThanOrEqual, arg, min);
83    let overflows = pos.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::GreaterThanOrEqual, arg, max);
85    // Check the previous conditions and replace with a 1.0 if this instruction would trap
86    let overflows_int = pos.ins().bor(underflows, overflows);
87    let is_invalid = pos.ins().bor(is_nan, overflows_int);
89    let one = if float_ty == F32 {
90        pos.ins().f32const(1.0)
91    } else {
92        pos.ins().f64const(1.0)
93    };
94    let new_arg = pos.ins().select(is_invalid, one, arg);
96    // Replace the previous arg with the new one
97    pos.func.dfg.inst_args_mut(inst)[0] = new_arg;