1//! Implements a memory pool using a single allocated memory slab.
3//! The pooling instance allocator maps one large slab of memory in advance and
4//! allocates WebAssembly memories from this slab--a [`MemoryPool`]. Each
5//! WebAssembly memory is allocated in its own slot (see uses of `index` and
6//! [`SlotId`] in this module):
8//! ```text
9//! ┌──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┐
10//! │Slot 0│Slot 1│Slot 2│Slot 3│......│
11//! └──────┴──────┴──────┴──────┴──────┘
12//! ```
14//! Diving deeper, we note that a [`MemoryPool`] protects Wasmtime from
15//! out-of-bounds memory accesses by inserting inaccessible guard regions
16//! between memory slots. These guard regions are configured to raise a signal
17//! if they are accessed--a WebAssembly out-of-bounds (OOB) memory access. The
18//! [`MemoryPool`] documentation has a more detailed chart but one can think of
19//! memory slots being laid out like the following:
21//! ```text
22//! ┌─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┐
23//! │Guard│Mem 0│Guard│Mem 1│Guard│Mem 2│.....│Guard│
24//! └─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┘
25//! ```
27//! But we can be more efficient about guard regions: with memory protection
28//! keys (MPK) enabled, the interleaved guard regions can be smaller. If we
29//! surround a memory with memories from other instances and each instance is
30//! protected by different protection keys, the guard region can be smaller AND
31//! the pool will still raise a signal on an OOB access. This complicates how we
32//! lay out memory slots: we must store memories from the same instance in the
33//! same "stripe". Each stripe is protected by a different protection key.
35//! This concept, dubbed [ColorGuard] in the original paper, relies on careful
36//! calculation of the memory sizes to prevent any "overlapping access" (see
37//! [`calculate`]): there are limited protection keys available (15) so the next
38//! memory using the same key must be at least as far away as the guard region
39//! we would insert otherwise. This ends up looking like the following, where a
40//! store for instance 0 (`I0`) "stripes" two memories (`M0` and `M1`) with the
41//! same protection key 1 and far enough apart to signal an OOB access:
43//! ```text
44//! ┌─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬────────────────┬─────┬─────┬─────┐
45//! │.....│I0:M1│.....│.....│.<enough slots>.│I0:M2│.....│.....│
46//! ├─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼────────────────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤
47//! │.....│key 1│key 2│key 3│..<more keys>...│key 1│key 2│.....│
48//! └─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴────────────────┴─────┴─────┴─────┘
49//! ```
51//! [ColorGuard]: https://plas2022.github.io/files/pdf/SegueColorGuard.pdf
53use super::{
54 index_allocator::{MemoryInModule, ModuleAffinityIndexAllocator, SlotId},
55 MemoryAllocationIndex,
57use crate::prelude::*;
58use crate::runtime::vm::{
59 mmap::AlignedLength, CompiledModuleId, InstanceAllocationRequest, InstanceLimits, Memory,
60 MemoryBase, MemoryImageSlot, Mmap, MmapOffset, PoolingInstanceAllocatorConfig,
62use crate::{
63 runtime::vm::mpk::{self, ProtectionKey, ProtectionMask},
64 vm::HostAlignedByteCount,
65 MpkEnabled,
67use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
68use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
69use wasmtime_environ::{DefinedMemoryIndex, Module, Tunables};
71/// A set of allocator slots.
73/// The allocated slots can be split by striping them: e.g., with two stripe
74/// colors 0 and 1, we would allocate all even slots using stripe 0 and all odd
75/// slots using stripe 1.
77/// This is helpful for the use of protection keys: (a) if a request comes to
78/// allocate multiple instances, we can allocate them all from the same stripe
79/// and (b) if a store wants to allocate more from the same stripe it can.
81struct Stripe {
82 allocator: ModuleAffinityIndexAllocator,
83 pkey: Option<ProtectionKey>,
86/// Represents a pool of WebAssembly linear memories.
88/// A linear memory is divided into accessible pages and guard pages. A memory
89/// pool contains linear memories: each memory occupies a slot in an
90/// allocated slab (i.e., `mapping`):
92/// ```text
93/// layout.max_memory_bytes layout.slot_bytes
94/// | |
95/// ◄─────┴────► ◄───────────┴──────────►
96/// ┌───────────┬────────────┬───────────┐ ┌───────────┬───────────┬───────────┐
97/// | PROT_NONE | | PROT_NONE | ... | | PROT_NONE | PROT_NONE |
98/// └───────────┴────────────┴───────────┘ └───────────┴───────────┴───────────┘
99/// | |◄──────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────► ◄────┬────►
100/// | | | |
101/// mapping | `layout.num_slots` memories layout.post_slab_guard_size
102/// |
103/// layout.pre_slab_guard_size
104/// ```
106pub struct MemoryPool {
107 mapping: Arc<Mmap<AlignedLength>>,
108 /// This memory pool is stripe-aware. If using memory protection keys, this
109 /// will contain one stripe per available key; otherwise, a single stripe
110 /// with an empty key.
111 stripes: Vec<Stripe>,
113 /// If using a copy-on-write allocation scheme, the slot management. We
114 /// dynamically transfer ownership of a slot to a Memory when in use.
115 image_slots: Vec<Mutex<Option<MemoryImageSlot>>>,
117 /// A description of the various memory sizes used in allocating the
118 /// `mapping` slab.
119 layout: SlabLayout,
121 /// The maximum number of memories that a single core module instance may
122 /// use.
123 ///
124 /// NB: this is needed for validation but does not affect the pool's size.
125 memories_per_instance: usize,
127 /// How much linear memory, in bytes, to keep resident after resetting for
128 /// use with the next instance. This much memory will be `memset` to zero
129 /// when a linear memory is deallocated.
130 ///
131 /// Memory exceeding this amount in the wasm linear memory will be released
132 /// with `madvise` back to the kernel.
133 ///
134 /// Only applicable on Linux.
135 pub(super) keep_resident: HostAlignedByteCount,
137 /// Keep track of protection keys handed out to initialized stores; this
138 /// allows us to round-robin the assignment of stores to stripes.
139 next_available_pkey: AtomicUsize,
142impl MemoryPool {
143 /// Create a new `MemoryPool`.
144 pub fn new(config: &PoolingInstanceAllocatorConfig, tunables: &Tunables) -> Result<Self> {
145 if u64::try_from(config.limits.max_memory_size).unwrap() > tunables.memory_reservation {
146 bail!(
147 "maximum memory size of {:#x} bytes exceeds the configured \
148 memory reservation of {:#x} bytes",
149 config.limits.max_memory_size,
150 tunables.memory_reservation
151 );
152 }
153 let pkeys = match config.memory_protection_keys {
154 MpkEnabled::Auto => {
155 if mpk::is_supported() {
156 mpk::keys(config.max_memory_protection_keys)
157 } else {
158 &[]
159 }
160 }
161 MpkEnabled::Enable => {
162 if mpk::is_supported() {
163 mpk::keys(config.max_memory_protection_keys)
164 } else {
165 bail!("mpk is disabled on this system")
166 }
167 }
168 MpkEnabled::Disable => &[],
169 };
171 // This is a tricky bit of global state: when creating a memory pool
172 // that uses memory protection keys, we ensure here that any host code
173 // will have access to all keys (i.e., stripes). It's only when we enter
174 // the WebAssembly guest code (see `StoreInner::call_hook`) that we
175 // enforce which keys/stripes can be accessed. Be forewarned about the
176 // assumptions here:
177 // - we expect this "allow all" configuration to reset the default
178 // process state (only allow key 0) _before_ any memories are accessed
179 // - and we expect no other code (e.g., host-side code) to modify this
180 // global MPK configuration
181 if !pkeys.is_empty() {
182 mpk::allow(ProtectionMask::all());
183 }
185 // Create a slab layout and allocate it as a completely inaccessible
186 // region to start--`PROT_NONE`.
187 let constraints = SlabConstraints::new(&config.limits, tunables, pkeys.len())?;
188 let layout = calculate(&constraints)?;
189 log::debug!(
190 "creating memory pool: {constraints:?} -> {layout:?} (total: {})",
191 layout.total_slab_bytes()?
192 );
193 let mut mapping =
194 Mmap::accessible_reserved(HostAlignedByteCount::ZERO, layout.total_slab_bytes()?)
195 .context("failed to create memory pool mapping")?;
197 // Then, stripe the memory with the available protection keys. This is
198 // unnecessary if there is only one stripe color.
199 if layout.num_stripes >= 2 {
200 let mut cursor = layout.pre_slab_guard_bytes;
201 let pkeys = &pkeys[..layout.num_stripes];
202 for i in 0..constraints.num_slots {
203 let pkey = &pkeys[i % pkeys.len()];
204 let region = unsafe {
205 mapping.slice_mut(
206 cursor.byte_count()..cursor.byte_count() + layout.slot_bytes.byte_count(),
207 )
208 };
209 pkey.protect(region)?;
210 cursor = cursor
211 .checked_add(layout.slot_bytes)
212 .context("cursor + slot_bytes overflows")?;
213 }
214 debug_assert_eq!(
215 cursor
216 .checked_add(layout.post_slab_guard_bytes)
217 .context("cursor + post_slab_guard_bytes overflows")?,
218 layout.total_slab_bytes()?
219 );
220 }
222 let image_slots: Vec<_> = std::iter::repeat_with(|| Mutex::new(None))
223 .take(constraints.num_slots)
224 .collect();
226 let create_stripe = |i| {
227 let num_slots = constraints.num_slots / layout.num_stripes
228 + usize::from(constraints.num_slots % layout.num_stripes > i);
229 let allocator = ModuleAffinityIndexAllocator::new(
230 num_slots.try_into().unwrap(),
231 config.max_unused_warm_slots,
232 );
233 Stripe {
234 allocator,
235 pkey: pkeys.get(i).cloned(),
236 }
237 };
239 debug_assert!(layout.num_stripes > 0);
240 let stripes: Vec<_> = (0..layout.num_stripes)
241 .into_iter()
242 .map(create_stripe)
243 .collect();
245 let pool = Self {
246 stripes,
247 mapping: Arc::new(mapping),
248 image_slots,
249 layout,
250 memories_per_instance: usize::try_from(config.limits.max_memories_per_module).unwrap(),
251 keep_resident: HostAlignedByteCount::new_rounded_up(
252 config.linear_memory_keep_resident,
253 )?,
254 next_available_pkey: AtomicUsize::new(0),
255 };
257 Ok(pool)
258 }
260 /// Return a protection key that stores can use for requesting new
261 pub fn next_available_pkey(&self) -> Option<ProtectionKey> {
262 let index = self.next_available_pkey.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst) % self.stripes.len();
263 debug_assert!(
264 self.stripes.len() < 2 || self.stripes[index].pkey.is_some(),
265 "if we are using stripes, we cannot have an empty protection key"
266 );
267 self.stripes[index].pkey
268 }
270 /// Validate whether this memory pool supports the given module.
271 pub fn validate(&self, module: &Module) -> Result<()> {
272 let memories = module.num_defined_memories();
273 if memories > usize::try_from(self.memories_per_instance).unwrap() {
274 bail!(
275 "defined memories count of {} exceeds the per-instance limit of {}",
276 memories,
277 self.memories_per_instance,
278 );
279 }
281 for (i, memory) in module.memories.iter().skip(module.num_imported_memories) {
282 let min = memory.minimum_byte_size().with_context(|| {
283 format!(
284 "memory index {} has a minimum byte size that cannot be represented in a u64",
285 i.as_u32()
286 )
287 })?;
288 if min > u64::try_from(self.layout.max_memory_bytes.byte_count()).unwrap() {
289 bail!(
290 "memory index {} has a minimum byte size of {} which exceeds the limit of {} bytes",
291 i.as_u32(),
292 min,
293 self.layout.max_memory_bytes,
294 );
295 }
296 if memory.shared {
297 // FIXME(#4244): since the pooling allocator owns the memory
298 // allocation (which is torn down with the instance), that
299 // can't be used with shared memory where threads or the host
300 // might persist the memory beyond the lifetime of the instance
301 // itself.
302 bail!(
303 "memory index {} is shared which is not supported in the pooling allocator",
304 i.as_u32(),
305 );
306 }
307 }
308 Ok(())
309 }
311 /// Are zero slots in use right now?
312 #[allow(unused)] // some cfgs don't use this
313 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
314 self.stripes.iter().all(|s| s.allocator.is_empty())
315 }
317 /// Allocate a single memory for the given instance allocation request.
318 pub fn allocate(
319 &self,
320 request: &mut InstanceAllocationRequest,
321 ty: &wasmtime_environ::Memory,
322 tunables: &Tunables,
323 memory_index: DefinedMemoryIndex,
324 ) -> Result<(MemoryAllocationIndex, Memory)> {
325 let stripe_index = if let Some(pkey) = &request.pkey {
326 pkey.as_stripe()
327 } else {
328 debug_assert!(self.stripes.len() < 2);
329 0
330 };
332 let striped_allocation_index = self.stripes[stripe_index]
333 .allocator
334 .alloc(
335 request
336 .runtime_info
337 .unique_id()
338 .map(|id| MemoryInModule(id, memory_index)),
339 )
340 .map(|slot| StripedAllocationIndex(u32::try_from(slot.index()).unwrap()))
341 .ok_or_else(|| {
342 super::PoolConcurrencyLimitError::new(
343 self.stripes[stripe_index].allocator.len(),
344 format!("memory stripe {stripe_index}"),
345 )
346 })?;
347 let allocation_index =
348 striped_allocation_index.as_unstriped_slot_index(stripe_index, self.stripes.len());
350 match (|| {
351 // Double-check that the runtime requirements of the memory are
352 // satisfied by the configuration of this pooling allocator. This
353 // should be returned as an error through `validate_memory_plans`
354 // but double-check here to be sure.
355 assert!(
356 tunables.memory_reservation + tunables.memory_guard_size
357 <= u64::try_from(self.layout.bytes_to_next_stripe_slot().byte_count()).unwrap()
358 );
360 let base = self.get_base(allocation_index);
361 let base_capacity = self.layout.max_memory_bytes;
363 let mut slot = self.take_memory_image_slot(allocation_index);
364 let image = request.runtime_info.memory_image(memory_index)?;
365 let initial_size = ty
366 .minimum_byte_size()
367 .expect("min size checked in validation");
369 // If instantiation fails, we can propagate the error
370 // upward and drop the slot. This will cause the Drop
371 // handler to attempt to map the range with PROT_NONE
372 // memory, to reserve the space while releasing any
373 // stale mappings. The next use of this slot will then
374 // create a new slot that will try to map over
375 // this, returning errors as well if the mapping
376 // errors persist. The unmap-on-drop is best effort;
377 // if it fails, then we can still soundly continue
378 // using the rest of the pool and allowing the rest of
379 // the process to continue, because we never perform a
380 // mmap that would leave an open space for someone
381 // else to come in and map something.
382 let initial_size = usize::try_from(initial_size).unwrap();
383 slot.instantiate(initial_size, image, ty, tunables)?;
385 Memory::new_static(
386 ty,
387 tunables,
388 MemoryBase::Mmap(base),
389 base_capacity.byte_count(),
390 slot,
391 unsafe { &mut *request.store.get().unwrap() },
392 )
393 })() {
394 Ok(memory) => Ok((allocation_index, memory)),
395 Err(e) => {
396 self.stripes[stripe_index]
397 .allocator
398 .free(SlotId(striped_allocation_index.0));
399 Err(e)
400 }
401 }
402 }
404 /// Deallocate a previously-allocated memory.
405 ///
406 /// # Safety
407 ///
408 /// The memory must have been previously allocated from this pool and
409 /// assigned the given index, must currently be in an allocated state, and
410 /// must never be used again.
411 ///
412 /// The caller must have already called `clear_and_remain_ready` on the
413 /// memory's image and flushed any enqueued decommits for this memory.
414 pub unsafe fn deallocate(
415 &self,
416 allocation_index: MemoryAllocationIndex,
417 image: MemoryImageSlot,
418 ) {
419 self.return_memory_image_slot(allocation_index, image);
421 let (stripe_index, striped_allocation_index) =
422 StripedAllocationIndex::from_unstriped_slot_index(allocation_index, self.stripes.len());
423 self.stripes[stripe_index]
424 .allocator
425 .free(SlotId(striped_allocation_index.0));
426 }
428 /// Purging everything related to `module`.
429 pub fn purge_module(&self, module: CompiledModuleId) {
430 // This primarily means clearing out all of its memory images present in
431 // the virtual address space. Go through the index allocator for slots
432 // affine to `module` and reset them, freeing up the index when we're
433 // done.
434 //
435 // Note that this is only called when the specified `module` won't be
436 // allocated further (the module is being dropped) so this shouldn't hit
437 // any sort of infinite loop since this should be the final operation
438 // working with `module`.
439 //
440 // TODO: We are given a module id, but key affinity by pair of module id
441 // and defined memory index. We are missing any defined memory index or
442 // count of how many memories the module defines here. Therefore, we
443 // probe up to the maximum number of memories per instance. This is fine
444 // because that maximum is generally relatively small. If this method
445 // somehow ever gets hot because of unnecessary probing, we should
446 // either pass in the actual number of defined memories for the given
447 // module to this method, or keep a side table of all slots that are
448 // associated with a module (not just module and memory). The latter
449 // would require care to make sure that its maintenance wouldn't be too
450 // expensive for normal allocation/free operations.
451 for stripe in &self.stripes {
452 for i in 0..self.memories_per_instance {
453 use wasmtime_environ::EntityRef;
454 let memory_index = DefinedMemoryIndex::new(i);
455 while let Some(id) = stripe
456 .allocator
457 .alloc_affine_and_clear_affinity(module, memory_index)
458 {
459 // Clear the image from the slot and, if successful, return it back
460 // to our state. Note that on failure here the whole slot will get
461 // paved over with an anonymous mapping.
462 let index = MemoryAllocationIndex(id.0);
463 let mut slot = self.take_memory_image_slot(index);
464 if slot.remove_image().is_ok() {
465 self.return_memory_image_slot(index, slot);
466 }
468 stripe.allocator.free(id);
469 }
470 }
471 }
472 }
474 fn get_base(&self, allocation_index: MemoryAllocationIndex) -> MmapOffset {
475 assert!(allocation_index.index() < self.layout.num_slots);
476 let offset = self
477 .layout
478 .slot_bytes
479 .checked_mul(allocation_index.index())
480 .and_then(|c| c.checked_add(self.layout.pre_slab_guard_bytes))
481 .expect("slot_bytes * index + pre_slab_guard_bytes overflows");
482 self.mapping.offset(offset).expect("offset is in bounds")
483 }
485 /// Take ownership of the given image slot. Must be returned via
486 /// `return_memory_image_slot` when the instance is done using it.
487 fn take_memory_image_slot(&self, allocation_index: MemoryAllocationIndex) -> MemoryImageSlot {
488 let maybe_slot = self.image_slots[allocation_index.index()]
489 .lock()
490 .unwrap()
491 .take();
493 maybe_slot.unwrap_or_else(|| {
494 MemoryImageSlot::create(
495 self.get_base(allocation_index),
496 HostAlignedByteCount::ZERO,
497 self.layout.max_memory_bytes.byte_count(),
498 )
499 })
500 }
502 /// Return ownership of the given image slot.
503 fn return_memory_image_slot(
504 &self,
505 allocation_index: MemoryAllocationIndex,
506 slot: MemoryImageSlot,
507 ) {
508 assert!(!slot.is_dirty());
509 *self.image_slots[allocation_index.index()].lock().unwrap() = Some(slot);
510 }
513impl Drop for MemoryPool {
514 fn drop(&mut self) {
515 // Clear the `clear_no_drop` flag (i.e., ask to *not* clear on
516 // drop) for all slots, and then drop them here. This is
517 // valid because the one `Mmap` that covers the whole region
518 // can just do its one munmap.
519 for mut slot in std::mem::take(&mut self.image_slots) {
520 if let Some(slot) = slot.get_mut().unwrap() {
521 slot.no_clear_on_drop();
522 }
523 }
524 }
527/// The index of a memory allocation within an `InstanceAllocator`.
528#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
529pub struct StripedAllocationIndex(u32);
531impl StripedAllocationIndex {
532 fn from_unstriped_slot_index(
533 index: MemoryAllocationIndex,
534 num_stripes: usize,
535 ) -> (usize, Self) {
536 let stripe_index = index.index() % num_stripes;
537 let num_stripes: u32 = num_stripes.try_into().unwrap();
538 let index_within_stripe = Self(index.0 / num_stripes);
539 (stripe_index, index_within_stripe)
540 }
542 fn as_unstriped_slot_index(self, stripe: usize, num_stripes: usize) -> MemoryAllocationIndex {
543 let num_stripes: u32 = num_stripes.try_into().unwrap();
544 let stripe: u32 = stripe.try_into().unwrap();
545 MemoryAllocationIndex(self.0 * num_stripes + stripe)
546 }
549#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
550struct SlabConstraints {
551 /// Essentially, the `static_memory_bound`: this is an assumption that the
552 /// runtime and JIT compiler make about how much space will be guarded
553 /// between slots.
554 expected_slot_bytes: HostAlignedByteCount,
555 /// The maximum size of any memory in the pool. Always a non-zero multiple
556 /// of the page size.
557 max_memory_bytes: HostAlignedByteCount,
558 num_slots: usize,
559 num_pkeys_available: usize,
560 guard_bytes: HostAlignedByteCount,
561 guard_before_slots: bool,
564impl SlabConstraints {
565 fn new(
566 limits: &InstanceLimits,
567 tunables: &Tunables,
568 num_pkeys_available: usize,
569 ) -> Result<Self> {
570 // `memory_reservation` is the configured number of bytes for a
571 // static memory slot (see `Config::memory_reservation`); even
572 // if the memory never grows to this size (e.g., it has a lower memory
573 // maximum), codegen will assume that this unused memory is mapped
574 // `PROT_NONE`. Typically `memory_reservation` is 4GiB which helps
575 // elide most bounds checks. `MemoryPool` must respect this bound,
576 // though not explicitly: if we can achieve the same effect via
577 // MPK-protected stripes, the slot size can be lower than the
578 // `memory_reservation`.
579 let expected_slot_bytes =
580 HostAlignedByteCount::new_rounded_up_u64(tunables.memory_reservation)
581 .context("memory reservation is too large")?;
583 // Page-align the maximum size of memory since that's the granularity that
584 // permissions are going to be controlled at.
585 let max_memory_bytes = HostAlignedByteCount::new_rounded_up(limits.max_memory_size)
586 .context("maximum size of memory is too large")?;
588 let guard_bytes = HostAlignedByteCount::new_rounded_up_u64(tunables.memory_guard_size)
589 .context("guard region is too large")?;
591 let num_slots = limits
592 .total_memories
593 .try_into()
594 .context("too many memories")?;
596 let constraints = SlabConstraints {
597 max_memory_bytes,
598 num_slots,
599 expected_slot_bytes,
600 num_pkeys_available,
601 guard_bytes,
602 guard_before_slots: tunables.guard_before_linear_memory,
603 };
604 Ok(constraints)
605 }
609struct SlabLayout {
610 /// The total number of slots available in the memory pool slab.
611 num_slots: usize,
612 /// The size of each slot in the memory pool; this contains the maximum
613 /// memory size (i.e., from WebAssembly or Wasmtime configuration) plus any
614 /// guard region after the memory to catch OOB access. On these guard
615 /// regions, note that:
616 /// - users can configure how aggressively (or not) to elide bounds checks
617 /// via `Config::memory_guard_size` (see also:
618 /// `memory_and_guard_size`)
619 /// - memory protection keys can compress the size of the guard region by
620 /// placing slots from a different key (i.e., a stripe) in the guard
621 /// region; this means the slot itself can be smaller and we can allocate
622 /// more of them.
623 slot_bytes: HostAlignedByteCount,
624 /// The maximum size that can become accessible, in bytes, for each linear
625 /// memory. Guaranteed to be a whole number of Wasm pages.
626 max_memory_bytes: HostAlignedByteCount,
627 /// If necessary, the number of bytes to reserve as a guard region at the
628 /// beginning of the slab.
629 pre_slab_guard_bytes: HostAlignedByteCount,
630 /// Like `pre_slab_guard_bytes`, but at the end of the slab.
631 post_slab_guard_bytes: HostAlignedByteCount,
632 /// The number of stripes needed in the slab layout.
633 num_stripes: usize,
636impl SlabLayout {
637 /// Return the total size of the slab, using the final layout (where `n =
638 /// num_slots`):
639 ///
640 /// ```text
641 /// ┌────────────────────┬──────┬──────┬───┬──────┬─────────────────────┐
642 /// │pre_slab_guard_bytes│slot 1│slot 2│...│slot n│post_slab_guard_bytes│
643 /// └────────────────────┴──────┴──────┴───┴──────┴─────────────────────┘
644 /// ```
645 fn total_slab_bytes(&self) -> Result<HostAlignedByteCount> {
646 self.slot_bytes
647 .checked_mul(self.num_slots)
648 .and_then(|c| c.checked_add(self.pre_slab_guard_bytes))
649 .and_then(|c| c.checked_add(self.post_slab_guard_bytes))
650 .context("total size of memory reservation exceeds addressable memory")
651 }
653 /// Returns the number of Wasm bytes from the beginning of one slot to the
654 /// next slot in the same stripe--this is the striped equivalent of
655 /// `static_memory_bound`. Recall that between slots of the same stripe we
656 /// will see a slot from every other stripe.
657 ///
658 /// For example, in a 3-stripe pool, this function measures the distance
659 /// from the beginning of slot 1 to slot 4, which are of the same stripe:
660 ///
661 /// ```text
662 /// ◄────────────────────►
663 /// ┌────────┬──────┬──────┬────────┬───┐
664 /// │*slot 1*│slot 2│slot 3│*slot 4*│...|
665 /// └────────┴──────┴──────┴────────┴───┘
666 /// ```
667 fn bytes_to_next_stripe_slot(&self) -> HostAlignedByteCount {
668 self.slot_bytes
669 .checked_mul(self.num_stripes)
670 .expect("constructor checks that self.slot_bytes * self.num_stripes is in bounds")
671 }
674fn calculate(constraints: &SlabConstraints) -> Result<SlabLayout> {
675 let SlabConstraints {
676 max_memory_bytes,
677 num_slots,
678 expected_slot_bytes,
679 num_pkeys_available,
680 guard_bytes,
681 guard_before_slots,
682 } = *constraints;
684 // If the user specifies a guard region, we always need to allocate a
685 // `PROT_NONE` region for it before any memory slots. Recall that we can
686 // avoid bounds checks for loads and stores with immediates up to
687 // `guard_bytes`, but we rely on Wasmtime to emit bounds checks for any
688 // accesses greater than this.
689 let pre_slab_guard_bytes = if guard_before_slots {
690 guard_bytes
691 } else {
692 HostAlignedByteCount::ZERO
693 };
695 // To calculate the slot size, we start with the default configured size and
696 // attempt to chip away at this via MPK protection. Note here how we begin
697 // to define a slot as "all of the memory and guard region."
698 let faulting_region_bytes = expected_slot_bytes
699 .max(max_memory_bytes)
700 .checked_add(guard_bytes)
701 .context("faulting region is too large")?;
703 let (num_stripes, slot_bytes) = if guard_bytes == 0 || max_memory_bytes == 0 || num_slots == 0 {
704 // In the uncommon case where the memory/guard regions are empty or we don't need any slots , we
705 // will not need any stripes: we just lay out the slots back-to-back
706 // using a single stripe.
707 (1, faulting_region_bytes.byte_count())
708 } else if num_pkeys_available < 2 {
709 // If we do not have enough protection keys to stripe the memory, we do
710 // the same. We can't elide any of the guard bytes because we aren't
711 // overlapping guard regions with other stripes...
712 (1, faulting_region_bytes.byte_count())
713 } else {
714 // ...but if we can create at least two stripes, we can use another
715 // stripe (i.e., a different pkey) as this slot's guard region--this
716 // reduces the guard bytes each slot has to allocate. We must make
717 // sure, though, that if the size of that other stripe(s) does not
718 // fully cover `guard_bytes`, we keep those around to prevent OOB
719 // access.
721 // We first calculate the number of stripes we need: we want to
722 // minimize this so that there is less chance of a single store
723 // running out of slots with its stripe--we need at least two,
724 // though. But this is not just an optimization; we need to handle
725 // the case when there are fewer slots than stripes. E.g., if our
726 // pool is configured with only three slots (`num_memory_slots =
727 // 3`), we will run into failures if we attempt to set up more than
728 // three stripes.
729 let needed_num_stripes = faulting_region_bytes
730 .checked_div(max_memory_bytes)
731 .expect("if condition above implies max_memory_bytes is non-zero")
732 + usize::from(
733 faulting_region_bytes
734 .checked_rem(max_memory_bytes)
735 .expect("if condition above implies max_memory_bytes is non-zero")
736 != 0,
737 );
738 assert!(needed_num_stripes > 0);
739 let num_stripes = num_pkeys_available.min(needed_num_stripes).min(num_slots);
741 // Next, we try to reduce the slot size by "overlapping" the stripes: we
742 // can make slot `n` smaller since we know that slot `n+1` and following
743 // are in different stripes and will look just like `PROT_NONE` memory.
744 // Recall that codegen expects a guarantee that at least
745 // `faulting_region_bytes` will catch OOB accesses via segfaults.
746 let needed_slot_bytes = faulting_region_bytes
747 .byte_count()
748 .checked_div(num_stripes)
749 .unwrap_or(faulting_region_bytes.byte_count())
750 .max(max_memory_bytes.byte_count());
751 assert!(needed_slot_bytes >= max_memory_bytes.byte_count());
753 (num_stripes, needed_slot_bytes)
754 };
756 // The page-aligned slot size; equivalent to `memory_and_guard_size`.
757 let slot_bytes =
758 HostAlignedByteCount::new_rounded_up(slot_bytes).context("slot size is too large")?;
760 // We may need another guard region (like `pre_slab_guard_bytes`) at the end
761 // of our slab to maintain our `faulting_region_bytes` guarantee. We could
762 // be conservative and just create it as large as `faulting_region_bytes`,
763 // but because we know that the last slot's `slot_bytes` make up the first
764 // part of that region, we reduce the final guard region by that much.
765 let post_slab_guard_bytes = faulting_region_bytes.saturating_sub(slot_bytes);
767 // Check that we haven't exceeded the slab we can calculate given the limits
768 // of `usize`.
769 let layout = SlabLayout {
770 num_slots,
771 slot_bytes,
772 max_memory_bytes,
773 pre_slab_guard_bytes,
774 post_slab_guard_bytes,
775 num_stripes,
776 };
777 match layout.total_slab_bytes() {
778 Ok(_) => Ok(layout),
779 Err(e) => Err(e),
780 }
784mod tests {
785 use super::*;
786 use proptest::prelude::*;
788 const WASM_PAGE_SIZE: u32 = wasmtime_environ::Memory::DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
790 #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
791 #[test]
792 fn test_memory_pool() -> Result<()> {
793 let pool = MemoryPool::new(
794 &PoolingInstanceAllocatorConfig {
795 limits: InstanceLimits {
796 total_memories: 5,
797 max_tables_per_module: 0,
798 max_memories_per_module: 3,
799 table_elements: 0,
800 max_memory_size: WASM_PAGE_SIZE as usize,
801 ..Default::default()
802 },
803 ..Default::default()
804 },
805 &Tunables {
806 memory_reservation: WASM_PAGE_SIZE as u64,
807 memory_guard_size: 0,
808 ..Tunables::default_host()
809 },
810 )?;
812 assert_eq!(pool.layout.slot_bytes, WASM_PAGE_SIZE as usize);
813 assert_eq!(pool.layout.num_slots, 5);
814 assert_eq!(pool.layout.max_memory_bytes, WASM_PAGE_SIZE as usize);
816 let base = pool.mapping.as_ptr() as usize;
818 for i in 0..5 {
819 let index = MemoryAllocationIndex(i);
820 let ptr = pool.get_base(index).as_mut_ptr();
821 assert_eq!(
822 ptr as usize - base,
823 i as usize * pool.layout.slot_bytes.byte_count()
824 );
825 }
827 Ok(())
828 }
830 #[test]
831 #[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)]
832 fn test_pooling_allocator_striping() {
833 if !mpk::is_supported() {
834 println!("skipping `test_pooling_allocator_striping` test; mpk is not supported");
835 return;
836 }
838 // Force the use of MPK.
839 let config = PoolingInstanceAllocatorConfig {
840 memory_protection_keys: MpkEnabled::Enable,
841 ..PoolingInstanceAllocatorConfig::default()
842 };
843 let pool = MemoryPool::new(&config, &Tunables::default_host()).unwrap();
844 assert!(pool.stripes.len() >= 2);
846 let max_memory_slots = config.limits.total_memories;
847 dbg!(pool.stripes[0].allocator.num_empty_slots());
848 dbg!(pool.stripes[1].allocator.num_empty_slots());
849 let available_memory_slots: usize = pool
850 .stripes
851 .iter()
852 .map(|s| s.allocator.num_empty_slots())
853 .sum();
854 assert_eq!(
855 max_memory_slots,
856 u32::try_from(available_memory_slots).unwrap()
857 );
858 }
860 #[test]
861 fn check_known_layout_calculations() {
862 for num_pkeys_available in 0..16 {
863 for num_memory_slots in [0, 1, 10, 64] {
864 for expected_slot_bytes in [0, 1 << 30 /* 1GB */, 4 << 30 /* 4GB */] {
865 let expected_slot_bytes =
866 HostAlignedByteCount::new(expected_slot_bytes).unwrap();
867 for max_memory_bytes in
868 [0, 1 * WASM_PAGE_SIZE as usize, 10 * WASM_PAGE_SIZE as usize]
869 {
870 // Note new rather than new_rounded_up here -- for now,
871 // WASM_PAGE_SIZE is 64KiB, which is a multiple of the
872 // host page size on all platforms.
873 let max_memory_bytes = HostAlignedByteCount::new(max_memory_bytes).unwrap();
874 for guard_bytes in [0, 2 << 30 /* 2GB */] {
875 let guard_bytes = HostAlignedByteCount::new(guard_bytes).unwrap();
876 for guard_before_slots in [true, false] {
877 let constraints = SlabConstraints {
878 max_memory_bytes,
879 num_slots: num_memory_slots,
880 expected_slot_bytes,
881 num_pkeys_available,
882 guard_bytes,
883 guard_before_slots,
884 };
885 match calculate(&constraints) {
886 Ok(layout) => {
887 assert_slab_layout_invariants(constraints, layout)
888 }
889 Err(e) => {
890 // Only allow failure on 32-bit
891 // platforms where the calculation
892 // exceeded the size of the address
893 // space
894 assert!(
895 cfg!(target_pointer_width = "32")
896 && e.to_string()
897 .contains("exceeds addressable memory"),
898 "bad error: {e:?}"
899 );
900 }
901 }
902 }
903 }
904 }
905 }
906 }
907 }
908 }
910 proptest! {
911 #[test]
912 #[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)]
913 fn check_random_layout_calculations(c in constraints()) {
914 if let Ok(l) = calculate(&c) {
915 assert_slab_layout_invariants(c, l);
916 }
917 }
918 }
920 fn constraints() -> impl Strategy<Value = SlabConstraints> {
921 (
922 any::<HostAlignedByteCount>(),
923 any::<usize>(),
924 any::<HostAlignedByteCount>(),
925 any::<usize>(),
926 any::<HostAlignedByteCount>(),
927 any::<bool>(),
928 )
929 .prop_map(
930 |(
931 max_memory_bytes,
932 num_memory_slots,
933 expected_slot_bytes,
934 num_pkeys_available,
935 guard_bytes,
936 guard_before_slots,
937 )| {
938 SlabConstraints {
939 max_memory_bytes,
940 num_slots: num_memory_slots,
941 expected_slot_bytes,
942 num_pkeys_available,
943 guard_bytes,
944 guard_before_slots,
945 }
946 },
947 )
948 }
950 fn assert_slab_layout_invariants(c: SlabConstraints, s: SlabLayout) {
951 // Check that all the sizes add up.
952 assert_eq!(
953 s.total_slab_bytes().unwrap(),
954 s.pre_slab_guard_bytes
955 .checked_add(s.slot_bytes.checked_mul(c.num_slots).unwrap())
956 .and_then(|c| c.checked_add(s.post_slab_guard_bytes))
957 .unwrap(),
958 "the slab size does not add up: {c:?} => {s:?}"
959 );
960 assert!(
961 s.slot_bytes >= s.max_memory_bytes,
962 "slot is not big enough: {c:?} => {s:?}"
963 );
965 // The HostAlignedByteCount newtype wrapper ensures that the various
966 // byte values are page-aligned.
968 // Check that we use no more or less stripes than needed.
969 assert!(s.num_stripes >= 1, "not enough stripes: {c:?} => {s:?}");
970 if c.num_pkeys_available == 0 || c.num_slots == 0 {
971 assert_eq!(
972 s.num_stripes, 1,
973 "expected at least one stripe: {c:?} => {s:?}"
974 );
975 } else {
976 assert!(
977 s.num_stripes <= c.num_pkeys_available,
978 "layout has more stripes than available pkeys: {c:?} => {s:?}"
979 );
980 assert!(
981 s.num_stripes <= c.num_slots,
982 "layout has more stripes than memory slots: {c:?} => {s:?}"
983 );
984 }
986 // Check that we use the minimum number of stripes/protection keys.
987 // - if the next MPK-protected slot is bigger or the same as the
988 // required guard region, we only need two stripes
989 // - if the next slot is smaller than the guard region, we only need
990 // enough stripes to add up to at least that guard region size.
991 if c.num_pkeys_available > 1 && !c.max_memory_bytes.is_zero() {
992 assert!(
993 s.num_stripes <= (c.guard_bytes.checked_div(c.max_memory_bytes).unwrap() + 2),
994 "calculated more stripes than needed: {c:?} => {s:?}"
995 );
996 }
998 // Check that the memory-striping will not allow OOB access.
999 // - we may have reduced the slot size from `expected_slot_bytes` to
1000 // `slot_bytes` assuming MPK striping; we check that our guaranteed
1001 // "faulting region" is respected
1002 // - the last slot won't have MPK striping after it; we check that the
1003 // `post_slab_guard_bytes` accounts for this
1004 assert!(
1005 s.bytes_to_next_stripe_slot()
1006 >= c.expected_slot_bytes
1007 .max(c.max_memory_bytes)
1008 .checked_add(c.guard_bytes)
1009 .unwrap(),
1010 "faulting region not large enough: {c:?} => {s:?}"
1011 );
1012 assert!(
1013 s.slot_bytes.checked_add(s.post_slab_guard_bytes).unwrap() >= c.expected_slot_bytes,
1014 "last slot may allow OOB access: {c:?} => {s:?}"
1015 );
1016 }