
1//! Proof-carrying code checking for AArch64 VCode.
3use crate::ir::pcc::*;
4use crate::ir::types::*;
5use crate::ir::MemFlags;
6use crate::isa::aarch64::inst::args::{Cond, PairAMode, ShiftOp};
7use crate::isa::aarch64::inst::regs::zero_reg;
8use crate::isa::aarch64::inst::Inst;
9use crate::isa::aarch64::inst::{ALUOp, MoveWideOp};
10use crate::isa::aarch64::inst::{AMode, ExtendOp};
11use crate::machinst::pcc::*;
12use crate::machinst::Reg;
13use crate::machinst::{InsnIndex, VCode};
14use crate::trace;
16fn extend_fact(ctx: &FactContext, value: &Fact, mode: ExtendOp) -> Option<Fact> {
17    match mode {
18        ExtendOp::UXTB => ctx.uextend(value, 8, 64),
19        ExtendOp::UXTH => ctx.uextend(value, 16, 64),
20        ExtendOp::UXTW => ctx.uextend(value, 32, 64),
21        ExtendOp::UXTX => Some(value.clone()),
22        ExtendOp::SXTB => ctx.sextend(value, 8, 64),
23        ExtendOp::SXTH => ctx.sextend(value, 16, 64),
24        ExtendOp::SXTW => ctx.sextend(value, 32, 64),
25        ExtendOp::SXTX => None,
26    }
29/// Flow-state between facts.
30#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
31pub struct FactFlowState {
32    cmp_flags: Option<(Fact, Fact)>,
35pub(crate) fn check(
36    ctx: &FactContext,
37    vcode: &mut VCode<Inst>,
38    inst_idx: InsnIndex,
39    state: &mut FactFlowState,
40) -> PccResult<()> {
41    let inst = &vcode[inst_idx];
42    trace!("Checking facts on inst: {:?}", inst);
44    // We only persist flag state for one instruction, because we
45    // can't exhaustively enumerate all flags-effecting ops; so take
46    // the `cmp_state` here and perhaps use it below but don't let it
47    // remain.
48    let cmp_flags = state.cmp_flags.take();
49    trace!(" * with cmp_flags = {cmp_flags:?}");
51    match *inst {
52        Inst::Args { .. } => {
53            // Defs on the args have "axiomatic facts": we trust the
54            // ABI code to pass through the values unharmed, so the
55            // facts given to us in the CLIF should still be true.
56            Ok(())
57        }
58        Inst::ULoad8 { rd, ref mem, flags }
59        | Inst::SLoad8 { rd, ref mem, flags }
60        | Inst::ULoad16 { rd, ref mem, flags }
61        | Inst::SLoad16 { rd, ref mem, flags }
62        | Inst::ULoad32 { rd, ref mem, flags }
63        | Inst::SLoad32 { rd, ref mem, flags }
64        | Inst::ULoad64 { rd, ref mem, flags } => {
65            let access_ty = inst.mem_type().unwrap();
66            check_load(ctx, Some(rd.to_reg()), flags, mem, vcode, access_ty)
67        }
68        Inst::FpuLoad16 { ref mem, flags, .. }
69        | Inst::FpuLoad32 { ref mem, flags, .. }
70        | Inst::FpuLoad64 { ref mem, flags, .. }
71        | Inst::FpuLoad128 { ref mem, flags, .. } => {
72            let access_ty = inst.mem_type().unwrap();
73            check_load(ctx, None, flags, mem, vcode, access_ty)
74        }
75        Inst::LoadP64 { ref mem, flags, .. } => check_load_pair(ctx, flags, mem, vcode, 16),
76        Inst::FpuLoadP64 { ref mem, flags, .. } => check_load_pair(ctx, flags, mem, vcode, 16),
77        Inst::FpuLoadP128 { ref mem, flags, .. } => check_load_pair(ctx, flags, mem, vcode, 32),
78        Inst::VecLoadReplicate {
79            rn, flags, size, ..
80        } => check_load_addr(ctx, flags, rn, vcode, size.lane_size().ty()),
81        Inst::LoadAcquire {
82            access_ty,
83            rn,
84            flags,
85            ..
86        } => check_load_addr(ctx, flags, rn, vcode, access_ty),
88        Inst::Store8 { rd, ref mem, flags }
89        | Inst::Store16 { rd, ref mem, flags }
90        | Inst::Store32 { rd, ref mem, flags }
91        | Inst::Store64 { rd, ref mem, flags } => {
92            let access_ty = inst.mem_type().unwrap();
93            check_store(ctx, Some(rd), flags, mem, vcode, access_ty)
94        }
95        Inst::FpuStore16 { ref mem, flags, .. }
96        | Inst::FpuStore32 { ref mem, flags, .. }
97        | Inst::FpuStore64 { ref mem, flags, .. }
98        | Inst::FpuStore128 { ref mem, flags, .. } => {
99            let access_ty = inst.mem_type().unwrap();
100            check_store(ctx, None, flags, mem, vcode, access_ty)
101        }
102        Inst::StoreP64 { ref mem, flags, .. } => check_store_pair(ctx, flags, mem, vcode, 16),
103        Inst::FpuStoreP64 { ref mem, flags, .. } => check_store_pair(ctx, flags, mem, vcode, 16),
104        Inst::FpuStoreP128 { ref mem, flags, .. } => check_store_pair(ctx, flags, mem, vcode, 32),
105        Inst::StoreRelease {
106            access_ty,
107            rn,
108            flags,
109            ..
110        } => check_store_addr(ctx, flags, rn, vcode, access_ty),
112        Inst::AluRRR {
113            alu_op: ALUOp::Add | ALUOp::AddS,
114            size,
115            rd,
116            rn,
117            rm,
118        } => check_binop(ctx, vcode, 64, rd, rn, rm, |rn, rm| {
119            clamp_range(
120                ctx,
121                64,
122                size.bits().into(),
123                ctx.add(rn, rm, size.bits().into()),
124            )
125        }),
126        Inst::AluRRImm12 {
127            alu_op: ALUOp::Add | ALUOp::AddS,
128            size,
129            rd,
130            rn,
131            imm12,
132        } => check_unop(ctx, vcode, 64, rd, rn, |rn| {
133            let imm12: i64 = imm12.value().into();
134            clamp_range(
135                ctx,
136                64,
137                size.bits().into(),
138                ctx.offset(&rn, size.bits().into(), imm12),
139            )
140        }),
141        Inst::AluRRImm12 {
142            alu_op: ALUOp::Sub,
143            size,
144            rd,
145            rn,
146            imm12,
147        } => check_unop(ctx, vcode, 64, rd, rn, |rn| {
148            let imm12: i64 = imm12.value().into();
149            clamp_range(
150                ctx,
151                64,
152                size.bits().into(),
153                ctx.offset(&rn, size.bits().into(), -imm12),
154            )
155        }),
156        Inst::AluRRR {
157            alu_op: ALUOp::Sub,
158            size,
159            rd,
160            rn,
161            rm,
162        } => check_binop(ctx, vcode, 64, rd, rn, rm, |rn, rm| {
163            if let Some(k) = rm.as_const(64) {
164                clamp_range(
165                    ctx,
166                    64,
167                    size.bits().into(),
168                    ctx.offset(rn, size.bits().into(), -(k as i64)),
169                )
170            } else {
171                clamp_range(ctx, 64, size.bits().into(), None)
172            }
173        }),
174        Inst::AluRRRShift {
175            alu_op: ALUOp::Add | ALUOp::AddS,
176            size,
177            rd,
178            rn,
179            rm,
180            shiftop,
181        } if shiftop.op() == ShiftOp::LSL && has_fact(vcode, rn) && has_fact(vcode, rm) => {
182            check_binop(ctx, vcode, 64, rd, rn, rm, |rn, rm| {
183                let rm_shifted = fail_if_missing(ctx.shl(
184                    &rm,
185                    size.bits().into(),
186                    shiftop.amt().value().into(),
187                ))?;
188                clamp_range(
189                    ctx,
190                    64,
191                    size.bits().into(),
192                    ctx.add(&rn, &rm_shifted, size.bits().into()),
193                )
194            })
195        }
196        Inst::AluRRRExtend {
197            alu_op: ALUOp::Add | ALUOp::AddS,
198            size,
199            rd,
200            rn,
201            rm,
202            extendop,
203        } if has_fact(vcode, rn) && has_fact(vcode, rm) => {
204            check_binop(ctx, vcode, 64, rd, rn, rm, |rn, rm| {
205                let rm_extended = fail_if_missing(extend_fact(ctx, rm, extendop))?;
206                clamp_range(
207                    ctx,
208                    64,
209                    size.bits().into(),
210                    ctx.add(&rn, &rm_extended, size.bits().into()),
211                )
212            })
213        }
214        Inst::AluRRImmShift {
215            alu_op: ALUOp::Lsl,
216            size,
217            rd,
218            rn,
219            immshift,
220        } if has_fact(vcode, rn) => check_unop(ctx, vcode, 64, rd, rn, |rn| {
221            clamp_range(
222                ctx,
223                64,
224                size.bits().into(),
225                ctx.shl(&rn, size.bits().into(), immshift.value().into()),
226            )
227        }),
228        Inst::Extend {
229            rd,
230            rn,
231            signed: false,
232            from_bits,
233            to_bits,
234        } if has_fact(vcode, rn) => check_unop(ctx, vcode, 64, rd, rn, |rn| {
235            clamp_range(
236                ctx,
237                64,
238                to_bits.into(),
239                ctx.uextend(&rn, from_bits.into(), to_bits.into()),
240            )
241        }),
243        Inst::AluRRR {
244            alu_op: ALUOp::SubS,
245            size,
246            rd,
247            rn,
248            rm,
249        } if rd.to_reg() == zero_reg() => {
250            // Compare.
251            let rn = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rn, size.bits().into());
252            let rm = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rm, size.bits().into());
253            state.cmp_flags = Some((rn, rm));
254            Ok(())
255        }
257        Inst::AluRRImmLogic {
258            alu_op: ALUOp::Orr,
259            size,
260            rd,
261            rn,
262            imml,
263        } if rn == zero_reg() => {
264            let constant = imml.value();
265            check_constant(ctx, vcode, rd, size.bits().into(), constant)
266        }
268        Inst::AluRRR { rd, size, .. }
269        | Inst::AluRRImm12 { rd, size, .. }
270        | Inst::AluRRRShift { rd, size, .. }
271        | Inst::AluRRRExtend { rd, size, .. }
272        | Inst::AluRRImmLogic { rd, size, .. }
273        | Inst::AluRRImmShift { rd, size, .. } => check_output(ctx, vcode, rd, &[], |_vcode| {
274            clamp_range(ctx, 64, size.bits().into(), None)
275        }),
277        Inst::Extend {
278            rd,
279            from_bits,
280            to_bits,
281            ..
282        } => check_output(ctx, vcode, rd, &[], |_vcode| {
283            clamp_range(ctx, to_bits.into(), from_bits.into(), None)
284        }),
286        Inst::MovWide {
287            op: MoveWideOp::MovZ,
288            imm,
289            size: _,
290            rd,
291        } => {
292            let constant = u64::from(imm.bits) << (imm.shift * 16);
293            check_constant(ctx, vcode, rd, 64, constant)
294        }
296        Inst::MovWide {
297            op: MoveWideOp::MovN,
298            imm,
299            size,
300            rd,
301        } => {
302            let constant = !(u64::from(imm.bits) << (imm.shift * 16)) & size.max_value();
303            check_constant(ctx, vcode, rd, 64, constant)
304        }
306        Inst::MovK { rd, rn, imm, .. } => {
307            let input = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rn, 64);
308            if let Some(input_constant) = input.as_const(64) {
309                let mask = 0xffff << (imm.shift * 16);
310                let constant = u64::from(imm.bits) << (imm.shift * 16);
311                let constant = (input_constant & !mask) | constant;
312                check_constant(ctx, vcode, rd, 64, constant)
313            } else {
314                check_output(ctx, vcode, rd, &[], |_vcode| {
315                    Ok(Some(Fact::max_range_for_width(64)))
316                })
317            }
318        }
320        Inst::CSel { rd, cond, rn, rm }
321            if (cond == Cond::Hs || cond == Cond::Hi) && cmp_flags.is_some() =>
322        {
323            let (cmp_lhs, cmp_rhs) = cmp_flags.unwrap();
324            trace!("CSel: cmp {cond:?} ({cmp_lhs:?}, {cmp_rhs:?})");
326            check_output(ctx, vcode, rd, &[], |vcode| {
327                // We support transitivity-based reasoning. If the
328                // comparison establishes that
329                //
330                //   (x+K1) <= (y+K2)
331                //
332                // then on the true-side of the select we can edit the maximum
333                // in a DynamicMem or DynamicRange by replacing x's with y's
334                // with appropriate offsets -- this widens the range.
335                //
336                // Likewise, on the false-side of the select we can
337                // replace y's with x's -- this also widens the range. On
338                // the false side we know the inequality is strict, so we
339                // can offset by one.
341                // True side: lhs >= rhs (Hs) or lhs > rhs (Hi).
342                let rn = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rn, 64);
343                let lhs_kind = match cond {
344                    Cond::Hs => InequalityKind::Loose,
345                    Cond::Hi => InequalityKind::Strict,
346                    _ => unreachable!(),
347                };
348                let rn = ctx.apply_inequality(&rn, &cmp_lhs, &cmp_rhs, lhs_kind);
349                // false side: rhs < lhs (Hs) or rhs <= lhs (Hi).
350                let rm = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rm, 64);
351                let rhs_kind = match cond {
352                    Cond::Hs => InequalityKind::Strict,
353                    Cond::Hi => InequalityKind::Loose,
354                    _ => unreachable!(),
355                };
356                let rm = ctx.apply_inequality(&rm, &cmp_rhs, &cmp_lhs, rhs_kind);
357                let union = ctx.union(&rn, &rm);
358                // Union the two facts.
359                clamp_range(ctx, 64, 64, union)
360            })
361        }
363        _ if vcode.inst_defines_facts(inst_idx) => Err(PccError::UnsupportedFact),
365        _ => Ok(()),
366    }
369fn check_load(
370    ctx: &FactContext,
371    rd: Option<Reg>,
372    flags: MemFlags,
373    addr: &AMode,
374    vcode: &VCode<Inst>,
375    ty: Type,
376) -> PccResult<()> {
377    let result_fact = rd.and_then(|rd| vcode.vreg_fact(rd.into()));
378    let bits = u16::try_from(ty.bits()).unwrap();
379    check_addr(
380        ctx,
381        flags,
382        addr,
383        vcode,
384        ty,
385        LoadOrStore::Load {
386            result_fact,
387            from_bits: bits,
388            to_bits: bits,
389        },
390    )
393fn check_store(
394    ctx: &FactContext,
395    rd: Option<Reg>,
396    flags: MemFlags,
397    addr: &AMode,
398    vcode: &VCode<Inst>,
399    ty: Type,
400) -> PccResult<()> {
401    let stored_fact = rd.and_then(|rd| vcode.vreg_fact(rd.into()));
402    check_addr(
403        ctx,
404        flags,
405        addr,
406        vcode,
407        ty,
408        LoadOrStore::Store { stored_fact },
409    )
412fn check_addr<'a>(
413    ctx: &FactContext,
414    flags: MemFlags,
415    addr: &AMode,
416    vcode: &VCode<Inst>,
417    ty: Type,
418    op: LoadOrStore<'a>,
419) -> PccResult<()> {
420    if !flags.checked() {
421        return Ok(());
422    }
424    trace!("check_addr: {:?}", addr);
426    let check = |addr: &Fact, ty: Type| -> PccResult<()> {
427        match op {
428            LoadOrStore::Load {
429                result_fact,
430                from_bits,
431                to_bits,
432            } => {
433                let loaded_fact =
434                    clamp_range(ctx, to_bits, from_bits, ctx.load(addr, ty)?.cloned())?;
435                trace!(
436                    "checking a load: loaded_fact = {loaded_fact:?} result_fact = {result_fact:?}"
437                );
438                if ctx.subsumes_fact_optionals(loaded_fact.as_ref(), result_fact) {
439                    Ok(())
440                } else {
441                    Err(PccError::UnsupportedFact)
442                }
443            }
444            LoadOrStore::Store { stored_fact } =>, ty, stored_fact),
445        }
446    };
448    match addr {
449        &AMode::RegReg { rn, rm } => {
450            let rn = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rn, 64);
451            let rm = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rm, 64);
452            let sum = fail_if_missing(ctx.add(&rn, &rm, 64))?;
453            trace!("rn = {rn:?} rm = {rm:?} sum = {sum:?}");
454            check(&sum, ty)
455        }
456        &AMode::RegScaled { rn, rm } => {
457            let rn = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rn, 64);
458            let rm = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rm, 64);
459            let rm_scaled = fail_if_missing(ctx.scale(&rm, 64, ty.bytes()))?;
460            let sum = fail_if_missing(ctx.add(&rn, &rm_scaled, 64))?;
461            check(&sum, ty)
462        }
463        &AMode::RegScaledExtended { rn, rm, extendop } => {
464            let rn = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rn, 64);
465            let rm = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rm, 64);
466            let rm_extended = fail_if_missing(extend_fact(ctx, &rm, extendop))?;
467            let rm_scaled = fail_if_missing(ctx.scale(&rm_extended, 64, ty.bytes()))?;
468            let sum = fail_if_missing(ctx.add(&rn, &rm_scaled, 64))?;
469            check(&sum, ty)
470        }
471        &AMode::RegExtended { rn, rm, extendop } => {
472            let rn = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rn, 64);
473            let rm = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rm, 64);
474            let rm_extended = fail_if_missing(extend_fact(ctx, &rm, extendop))?;
475            let sum = fail_if_missing(ctx.add(&rn, &rm_extended, 64))?;
476            check(&sum, ty)?;
477            Ok(())
478        }
479        &AMode::Unscaled { rn, simm9 } => {
480            let rn = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rn, 64);
481            let sum = fail_if_missing(ctx.offset(&rn, 64, simm9.value.into()))?;
482            check(&sum, ty)
483        }
484        &AMode::UnsignedOffset { rn, uimm12 } => {
485            let rn = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rn, 64);
486            // N.B.: the architecture scales the immediate in the
487            // encoded instruction by the size of the loaded type, so
488            // e.g. an offset field of 4095 can mean a load of offset
489            // 32760 (= 4095 * 8) for I64s. The `UImm12Scaled` type
490            // stores the *scaled* value, so we don't need to multiply
491            // (again) by the type's size here.
492            let offset: u64 = uimm12.value().into();
493            // This `unwrap()` will always succeed because the value
494            // will always be positive and much smaller than
495            // `i64::MAX` (see above).
496            let sum = fail_if_missing(ctx.offset(&rn, 64, i64::try_from(offset).unwrap()))?;
497            check(&sum, ty)
498        }
499        &AMode::Label { .. } | &AMode::Const { .. } => {
500            // Always accept: labels and constants must be within the
501            // generated code (else they won't be resolved).
502            Ok(())
503        }
504        &AMode::RegOffset { rn, off, .. } => {
505            let rn = get_fact_or_default(vcode, rn, 64);
506            let sum = fail_if_missing(ctx.offset(&rn, 64, off))?;
507            check(&sum, ty)
508        }
509        &AMode::SPOffset { .. }
510        | &AMode::FPOffset { .. }
511        | &AMode::IncomingArg { .. }
512        | &AMode::SlotOffset { .. }
513        | &AMode::SPPostIndexed { .. }
514        | &AMode::SPPreIndexed { .. } => {
515            // We trust ABI code (for now!) and no lowering rules
516            // lower input value accesses directly to these.
517            Ok(())
518        }
519    }
522fn check_load_pair(
523    _ctx: &FactContext,
524    _flags: MemFlags,
525    _addr: &PairAMode,
526    _vcode: &VCode<Inst>,
527    _size: u8,
528) -> PccResult<()> {
529    Err(PccError::UnimplementedInst)
532fn check_store_pair(
533    _ctx: &FactContext,
534    _flags: MemFlags,
535    _addr: &PairAMode,
536    _vcode: &VCode<Inst>,
537    _size: u8,
538) -> PccResult<()> {
539    Err(PccError::UnimplementedInst)
542fn check_load_addr(
543    ctx: &FactContext,
544    flags: MemFlags,
545    reg: Reg,
546    vcode: &VCode<Inst>,
547    ty: Type,
548) -> PccResult<()> {
549    if !flags.checked() {
550        return Ok(());
551    }
552    let fact = get_fact_or_default(vcode, reg, 64);
553    let _output_fact = ctx.load(&fact, ty)?;
554    Ok(())
557fn check_store_addr(
558    ctx: &FactContext,
559    flags: MemFlags,
560    reg: Reg,
561    vcode: &VCode<Inst>,
562    ty: Type,
563) -> PccResult<()> {
564    if !flags.checked() {
565        return Ok(());
566    }
567    let fact = get_fact_or_default(vcode, reg, 64);
568    let _output_fact =, ty, None)?;
569    Ok(())