
1//! Compiler for the deferred reference-counting (DRC) collector and its
2//! barriers.
4use super::*;
5use crate::gc::gc_compiler;
6use crate::translate::TargetEnvironment;
7use crate::{func_environ::FuncEnvironment, gc::GcCompiler, TRAP_INTERNAL_ASSERT};
8use cranelift_codegen::ir::condcodes::IntCC;
9use cranelift_codegen::ir::{self, InstBuilder};
10use cranelift_frontend::FunctionBuilder;
11use smallvec::SmallVec;
12use wasmtime_environ::{
13    drc::DrcTypeLayouts, GcTypeLayouts, ModuleInternedTypeIndex, PtrSize, TypeIndex, VMGcKind,
14    WasmHeapTopType, WasmHeapType, WasmRefType, WasmResult, WasmStorageType, WasmValType,
18pub struct DrcCompiler {
19    layouts: DrcTypeLayouts,
22impl DrcCompiler {
23    /// Generate code to load the given GC reference's ref count.
24    ///
25    /// Assumes that the given `gc_ref` is a non-null, non-i31 GC reference.
26    fn load_ref_count(
27        &mut self,
28        func_env: &mut FuncEnvironment<'_>,
29        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
30        gc_ref: ir::Value,
31    ) -> ir::Value {
32        let offset = func_env.offsets.vm_drc_header_ref_count();
33        let pointer = func_env.prepare_gc_ref_access(
34            builder,
35            gc_ref,
36            Offset::Static(offset),
37            BoundsCheck::Access(ir::types::I64.bytes()),
38        );
39        builder
40            .ins()
41            .load(ir::types::I64, ir::MemFlags::trusted(), pointer, 0)
42    }
44    /// Generate code to update the given GC reference's ref count to the new
45    /// value.
46    ///
47    /// Assumes that the given `gc_ref` is a non-null, non-i31 GC reference.
48    fn store_ref_count(
49        &mut self,
50        func_env: &mut FuncEnvironment<'_>,
51        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
52        gc_ref: ir::Value,
53        new_ref_count: ir::Value,
54    ) {
55        let offset = func_env.offsets.vm_drc_header_ref_count();
56        let pointer = func_env.prepare_gc_ref_access(
57            builder,
58            gc_ref,
59            Offset::Static(offset),
60            BoundsCheck::Access(ir::types::I64.bytes()),
61        );
62        builder
63            .ins()
64            .store(ir::MemFlags::trusted(), new_ref_count, pointer, 0);
65    }
67    /// Generate code to increment or decrement the given GC reference's ref
68    /// count.
69    ///
70    /// The new ref count is returned.
71    ///
72    /// Assumes that the given `gc_ref` is a non-null, non-i31 GC reference.
73    fn mutate_ref_count(
74        &mut self,
75        func_env: &mut FuncEnvironment<'_>,
76        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
77        gc_ref: ir::Value,
78        delta: i64,
79    ) -> ir::Value {
80        debug_assert!(delta == -1 || delta == 1);
81        let old_ref_count = self.load_ref_count(func_env, builder, gc_ref);
82        let new_ref_count = builder.ins().iadd_imm(old_ref_count, delta);
83        self.store_ref_count(func_env, builder, gc_ref, new_ref_count);
84        new_ref_count
85    }
87    /// Load the `*mut VMGcRefActivationsTable` from the vmctx, its `next` bump
88    /// finger, and its `end` bump boundary.
89    fn load_bump_region(
90        &mut self,
91        func_env: &mut FuncEnvironment<'_>,
92        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
93    ) -> (ir::Value, ir::Value, ir::Value) {
94        let ptr_ty = func_env.pointer_type();
95        let vmctx = func_env.vmctx(&mut builder.func);
96        let vmctx = builder.ins().global_value(ptr_ty, vmctx);
97        let activations_table = builder.ins().load(
98            ptr_ty,
99            ir::MemFlags::trusted().with_readonly(),
100            vmctx,
101            i32::from(func_env.offsets.ptr.vmctx_gc_heap_data()),
102        );
103        let next = builder.ins().load(
104            ptr_ty,
105            ir::MemFlags::trusted(),
106            activations_table,
107            i32::try_from(func_env.offsets.vm_gc_ref_activation_table_next()).unwrap(),
108        );
109        let end = builder.ins().load(
110            ptr_ty,
111            ir::MemFlags::trusted(),
112            activations_table,
113            i32::try_from(func_env.offsets.vm_gc_ref_activation_table_end()).unwrap(),
114        );
115        (activations_table, next, end)
116    }
118    /// Write to an uninitialized field or element inside a GC object.
119    fn init_field(
120        &mut self,
121        func_env: &mut FuncEnvironment<'_>,
122        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder<'_>,
123        field_addr: ir::Value,
124        ty: WasmStorageType,
125        val: ir::Value,
126    ) -> WasmResult<()> {
127        // Data inside GC objects is always little endian.
128        let flags = ir::MemFlags::trusted().with_endianness(ir::Endianness::Little);
130        match ty {
131            WasmStorageType::Val(WasmValType::Ref(r))
132                if r.heap_type.top() == WasmHeapTopType::Func =>
133            {
134                write_func_ref_at_addr(func_env, builder, r, flags, field_addr, val)?;
135            }
136            WasmStorageType::Val(WasmValType::Ref(r)) => {
137                self.translate_init_gc_reference(func_env, builder, r, field_addr, val, flags)?;
138            }
139            WasmStorageType::I8 => {
140                assert_eq!(builder.func.dfg.value_type(val), ir::types::I32);
141                builder.ins().istore8(flags, val, field_addr, 0);
142            }
143            WasmStorageType::I16 => {
144                assert_eq!(builder.func.dfg.value_type(val), ir::types::I32);
145                builder.ins().istore16(flags, val, field_addr, 0);
146            }
147            WasmStorageType::Val(_) => {
148                let size_of_access = wasmtime_environ::byte_size_of_wasm_ty_in_gc_heap(&ty);
149                assert_eq!(builder.func.dfg.value_type(val).bytes(), size_of_access);
150                builder.ins().store(flags, val, field_addr, 0);
151            }
152        }
154        Ok(())
155    }
157    /// Write to an uninitialized GC reference field, initializing it.
158    ///
159    /// ```text
160    /// *dst = new_val
161    /// ```
162    ///
163    /// Doesn't need to do a full write barrier: we don't have an old reference
164    /// that is being overwritten and needs its refcount decremented, just a new
165    /// reference whose count should be incremented.
166    fn translate_init_gc_reference(
167        &mut self,
168        func_env: &mut FuncEnvironment<'_>,
169        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
170        ty: WasmRefType,
171        dst: ir::Value,
172        new_val: ir::Value,
173        flags: ir::MemFlags,
174    ) -> WasmResult<()> {
175        let (ref_ty, needs_stack_map) = func_env.reference_type(ty.heap_type);
176        debug_assert!(needs_stack_map);
178        // Special case for references to uninhabited bottom types: see
179        // `translate_write_gc_reference` for details.
180        if let WasmHeapType::None = ty.heap_type {
181            if ty.nullable {
182                let null = builder.ins().iconst(ref_ty, 0);
183                builder.ins().store(flags, null, dst, 0);
184            } else {
185                let zero = builder.ins().iconst(ir::types::I32, 0);
186                builder.ins().trapz(zero, TRAP_INTERNAL_ASSERT);
187            }
188            return Ok(());
189        };
191        // Special case for `i31ref`s: no need for any barriers.
192        if let WasmHeapType::I31 = ty.heap_type {
193            return unbarriered_store_gc_ref(builder, ty.heap_type, dst, new_val, flags);
194        }
196        // Our initialization barrier for GC references being copied out of the
197        // stack and initializing a table/global/struct field/etc... is roughly
198        // equivalent to the following pseudo-CLIF:
199        //
200        // ```
201        // current_block:
202        //     ...
203        //     let new_val_is_null_or_i31 = ...
204        //     brif new_val_is_null_or_i31, continue_block, inc_ref_block
205        //
206        // inc_ref_block:
207        //     let ref_count = load new_val.ref_count
208        //     let new_ref_count = iadd_imm ref_count, 1
209        //     store new_val.ref_count, new_ref_count
210        //     jump check_old_val_block
211        //
212        // continue_block:
213        //     store dst, new_val
214        //     ...
215        // ```
216        //
217        // This write barrier is responsible for ensuring that the new value's
218        // ref count is incremented now that the table/global/struct/etc... is
219        // holding onto it.
221        let current_block = builder.current_block().unwrap();
222        let inc_ref_block = builder.create_block();
223        let continue_block = builder.create_block();
225        builder.ensure_inserted_block();
226        builder.insert_block_after(inc_ref_block, current_block);
227        builder.insert_block_after(continue_block, inc_ref_block);
229        // Current block: check whether the new value is non-null and
230        // non-i31. If so, branch to the `inc_ref_block`.
231        log::trace!("DRC initialization barrier: check if the value is null or i31");
232        let new_val_is_null_or_i31 = func_env.gc_ref_is_null_or_i31(builder, ty, new_val);
233        builder.ins().brif(
234            new_val_is_null_or_i31,
235            continue_block,
236            &[],
237            inc_ref_block,
238            &[],
239        );
241        // Block to increment the ref count of the new value when it is non-null
242        // and non-i31.
243        builder.switch_to_block(inc_ref_block);
244        builder.seal_block(inc_ref_block);
245        log::trace!("DRC initialization barrier: increment the ref count of the initial value");
246        self.mutate_ref_count(func_env, builder, new_val, 1);
247        builder.ins().jump(continue_block, &[]);
249        // Join point after we're done with the GC barrier: do the actual store
250        // to initialize the field.
251        builder.switch_to_block(continue_block);
252        builder.seal_block(continue_block);
253        log::trace!(
254            "DRC initialization barrier: finally, store into {dst:?} to initialize the field"
255        );
256        unbarriered_store_gc_ref(builder, ty.heap_type, dst, new_val, flags)?;
258        Ok(())
259    }
262/// Emit CLIF to call the `gc_raw_alloc` libcall.
264/// It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that `size` fits within the
265/// `VMGcKind`'s unused bits.
266fn emit_gc_raw_alloc(
267    func_env: &mut FuncEnvironment<'_>,
268    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder<'_>,
269    kind: VMGcKind,
270    ty: ModuleInternedTypeIndex,
271    size: ir::Value,
272    align: u32,
273) -> ir::Value {
274    let gc_alloc_raw_builtin = func_env.builtin_functions.gc_alloc_raw(builder.func);
275    let vmctx = func_env.vmctx_val(&mut builder.cursor());
277    let kind = builder
278        .ins()
279        .iconst(ir::types::I32, i64::from(kind.as_u32()));
281    let ty = builder.ins().iconst(ir::types::I32, i64::from(ty.as_u32()));
283    assert!(align.is_power_of_two());
284    let align = builder.ins().iconst(ir::types::I32, i64::from(align));
286    let call_inst = builder
287        .ins()
288        .call(gc_alloc_raw_builtin, &[vmctx, kind, ty, size, align]);
290    let gc_ref = builder.func.dfg.first_result(call_inst);
291    let gc_ref = builder.ins().ireduce(ir::types::I32, gc_ref);
292    builder.declare_value_needs_stack_map(gc_ref);
293    gc_ref
296impl GcCompiler for DrcCompiler {
297    fn layouts(&self) -> &dyn GcTypeLayouts {
298        &self.layouts
299    }
301    fn alloc_array(
302        &mut self,
303        func_env: &mut FuncEnvironment<'_>,
304        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder<'_>,
305        array_type_index: TypeIndex,
306        init: super::ArrayInit<'_>,
307    ) -> WasmResult<ir::Value> {
308        let interned_type_index =
309            func_env.module.types[array_type_index].unwrap_module_type_index();
310        let ptr_ty = func_env.pointer_type();
312        let len_offset = gc_compiler(func_env)?.layouts().array_length_field_offset();
313        let array_layout = func_env.array_layout(interned_type_index).clone();
314        let base_size = array_layout.base_size;
315        let align = array_layout.align;
316        let len_to_elems_delta = base_size.checked_sub(len_offset).unwrap();
318        // First, compute the array's total size from its base size, element
319        // size, and length.
320        let size = emit_array_size(func_env, builder, &array_layout, init);
322        // Second, now that we have the array object's total size, call the
323        // `gc_alloc_raw` builtin libcall to allocate the array.
324        let array_ref = emit_gc_raw_alloc(
325            func_env,
326            builder,
327            VMGcKind::ArrayRef,
328            interned_type_index,
329            size,
330            align,
331        );
333        // Write the array's length into the appropriate slot.
334        //
335        // Note: we don't need to bounds-check the GC ref access here, since we
336        // trust the results of the allocation libcall.
337        let base = func_env.get_gc_heap_base(builder);
338        let extended_array_ref =
339            uextend_i32_to_pointer_type(builder, func_env.pointer_type(), array_ref);
340        let object_addr = builder.ins().iadd(base, extended_array_ref);
341        let len_addr = builder.ins().iadd_imm(object_addr, i64::from(len_offset));
342        let len = init.len(&mut builder.cursor());
343        builder
344            .ins()
345            .store(ir::MemFlags::trusted(), len, len_addr, 0);
347        // Finally, initialize the elements.
348        let len_to_elems_delta = builder.ins().iconst(ptr_ty, i64::from(len_to_elems_delta));
349        let elems_addr = builder.ins().iadd(len_addr, len_to_elems_delta);
350        init.initialize(
351            func_env,
352            builder,
353            interned_type_index,
354            base_size,
355            size,
356            elems_addr,
357            |func_env, builder, elem_ty, elem_addr, val| {
358                self.init_field(func_env, builder, elem_addr, elem_ty, val)
359            },
360        )?;
361        Ok(array_ref)
362    }
364    fn alloc_struct(
365        &mut self,
366        func_env: &mut FuncEnvironment<'_>,
367        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder<'_>,
368        struct_type_index: TypeIndex,
369        field_vals: &[ir::Value],
370    ) -> WasmResult<ir::Value> {
371        // First, call the `gc_alloc_raw` builtin libcall to allocate the
372        // struct.
373        let interned_type_index =
374            func_env.module.types[struct_type_index].unwrap_module_type_index();
376        let struct_layout = func_env.struct_layout(interned_type_index);
378        // Copy some stuff out of the struct layout to avoid borrowing issues.
379        let struct_size = struct_layout.size;
380        let struct_align = struct_layout.align;
381        let field_offsets: SmallVec<[_; 8]> = struct_layout.fields.iter().copied().collect();
382        assert_eq!(field_vals.len(), field_offsets.len());
384        assert_eq!(VMGcKind::MASK & struct_size, 0);
385        assert_eq!(VMGcKind::UNUSED_MASK & struct_size, struct_size);
386        let struct_size_val = builder.ins().iconst(ir::types::I32, i64::from(struct_size));
388        let struct_ref = emit_gc_raw_alloc(
389            func_env,
390            builder,
391            VMGcKind::StructRef,
392            interned_type_index,
393            struct_size_val,
394            struct_align,
395        );
397        // Second, initialize each of the newly-allocated struct's fields.
398        //
399        // Note: we don't need to bounds-check the GC ref access here, since we
400        // trust the results of the allocation libcall.
401        let base = func_env.get_gc_heap_base(builder);
402        let extended_struct_ref =
403            uextend_i32_to_pointer_type(builder, func_env.pointer_type(), struct_ref);
404        let raw_ptr_to_struct = builder.ins().iadd(base, extended_struct_ref);
405        initialize_struct_fields(
406            func_env,
407            builder,
408            interned_type_index,
409            raw_ptr_to_struct,
410            field_vals,
411            |func_env, builder, ty, field_addr, val| {
412                self.init_field(func_env, builder, field_addr, ty, val)
413            },
414        )?;
416        Ok(struct_ref)
417    }
419    fn translate_read_gc_reference(
420        &mut self,
421        func_env: &mut FuncEnvironment<'_>,
422        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
423        ty: WasmRefType,
424        src: ir::Value,
425        flags: ir::MemFlags,
426    ) -> WasmResult<ir::Value> {
427        log::trace!("translate_read_gc_reference({ty:?}, {src:?}, {flags:?})");
429        assert!(ty.is_vmgcref_type());
431        let (reference_type, needs_stack_map) = func_env.reference_type(ty.heap_type);
432        debug_assert!(needs_stack_map);
434        // Special case for references to uninhabited bottom types: the
435        // reference must either be nullable and we can just eagerly return
436        // null, or we are in dynamically unreachable code and should just trap.
437        if let WasmHeapType::None = ty.heap_type {
438            let null = builder.ins().iconst(reference_type, 0);
440            // If the `flags` can trap, then we need to do an actual load. We
441            // might be relying on, e.g., this load trapping to raise a
442            // out-of-bounds-table-index trap, rather than successfully loading
443            // a null `noneref`.
444            //
445            // That said, while we will do the load, we won't use the loaded
446            // value, and will still use our null constant below. This will
447            // avoid an unnecessary load dependency, slightly improving the code
448            // we ultimately emit. This probably doesn't matter, but it is easy
449            // to do and can only improve things, so we do it.
450            if flags.trap_code().is_some() {
451                let _ = builder.ins().load(reference_type, flags, src, 0);
452            }
454            if !ty.nullable {
455                // NB: Don't use an unconditional trap instruction, since that
456                // is a block terminator, and we still need to integrate with
457                // the rest of the surrounding code.
458                let zero = builder.ins().iconst(ir::types::I32, 0);
459                builder.ins().trapz(zero, TRAP_INTERNAL_ASSERT);
460            }
462            return Ok(null);
463        };
465        // Special case for `i31` references: they don't need barriers.
466        if let WasmHeapType::I31 = ty.heap_type {
467            return unbarriered_load_gc_ref(builder, ty.heap_type, src, flags);
468        }
470        // Our read barrier for GC references is roughly equivalent to the
471        // following pseudo-CLIF:
472        //
473        // ```
474        // current_block:
475        //     ...
476        //     let gc_ref = load src
477        //     let gc_ref_is_null = is_null gc_ref
478        //     let gc_ref_is_i31 = ...
479        //     let gc_ref_is_null_or_i31 = bor gc_ref_is_null, gc_ref_is_i31
480        //     brif gc_ref_is_null_or_i31, continue_block, non_null_gc_ref_block
481        //
482        // non_null_gc_ref_block:
483        //     let (next, end) = load VMGcRefActivationsTable bump region
484        //     let bump_region_is_full = icmp eq next, end
485        //     brif bump_region_is_full, gc_block, no_gc_block
486        //
487        // no_gc_block:
488        //     let ref_count = load gc_ref.ref_count
489        //     let new_ref_count = iadd_imm ref_count, 1
490        //     store new_ref_count, gc_ref.ref_count
491        //     let new_next = iadd_imm next, size_of(reference_type)
492        //     store new_next, activations_table.next
493        //     jump continue_block
494        //
495        // cold gc_block:
496        //     ;; NB: The DRC collector is not a moving GC, so we can reuse
497        //     ;; `gc_ref`. This lets us avoid a block parameter for the
498        //     ;; `continue_block`.
499        //     let _moved_gc_ref = call gc(gc_ref)
500        //     jump continue_block
501        //
502        // continue_block:
503        //     ...
504        // ```
505        //
506        // This ensures that all GC references entering the Wasm stack are held
507        // alive by the `VMGcRefActivationsTable`.
509        let current_block = builder.current_block().unwrap();
510        let non_null_gc_ref_block = builder.create_block();
511        let gc_block = builder.create_block();
512        let no_gc_block = builder.create_block();
513        let continue_block = builder.create_block();
515        builder.set_cold_block(gc_block);
516        builder.ensure_inserted_block();
517        builder.insert_block_after(non_null_gc_ref_block, current_block);
518        builder.insert_block_after(no_gc_block, non_null_gc_ref_block);
519        builder.insert_block_after(gc_block, no_gc_block);
520        builder.insert_block_after(continue_block, gc_block);
522        log::trace!("DRC read barrier: load the gc reference and check for null or i31");
523        let gc_ref = unbarriered_load_gc_ref(builder, ty.heap_type, src, flags)?;
524        let gc_ref_is_null_or_i31 = func_env.gc_ref_is_null_or_i31(builder, ty, gc_ref);
525        builder.ins().brif(
526            gc_ref_is_null_or_i31,
527            continue_block,
528            &[],
529            non_null_gc_ref_block,
530            &[],
531        );
533        // Block for when the GC reference is not null and is not an `i31ref`.
534        //
535        // Load the `VMGcRefActivationsTable::next` bump finger and the
536        // `VMGcRefActivationsTable::end` bump boundary and check whether the
537        // bump region is full or not.
538        builder.switch_to_block(non_null_gc_ref_block);
539        builder.seal_block(non_null_gc_ref_block);
540        log::trace!("DRC read barrier: load bump region and check capacity");
541        let (activations_table, next, end) = self.load_bump_region(func_env, builder);
542        let bump_region_is_full = builder.ins().icmp(IntCC::Equal, next, end);
543        builder
544            .ins()
545            .brif(bump_region_is_full, gc_block, &[], no_gc_block, &[]);
547        // Block for when the bump region is not full. We should:
548        //
549        // * increment this reference's ref count,
550        // * store the reference into the bump table at `*next`,
551        // * and finally increment the `next` bump finger.
552        builder.switch_to_block(no_gc_block);
553        builder.seal_block(no_gc_block);
554        log::trace!("DRC read barrier: increment ref count and inline insert into bump region");
555        self.mutate_ref_count(func_env, builder, gc_ref, 1);
556        builder
557            .ins()
558            .store(ir::MemFlags::trusted(), gc_ref, next, 0);
559        let new_next = builder
560            .ins()
561            .iadd_imm(next, i64::from(reference_type.bytes()));
562        builder.ins().store(
563            ir::MemFlags::trusted(),
564            new_next,
565            activations_table,
566            i32::try_from(func_env.offsets.vm_gc_ref_activation_table_next()).unwrap(),
567        );
568        builder.ins().jump(continue_block, &[]);
570        // Block for when the bump region is full and we need to do a GC.
571        builder.switch_to_block(gc_block);
572        builder.seal_block(gc_block);
573        log::trace!("DRC read barrier: slow path for when the bump region is full; do a gc");
574        let gc_libcall = func_env.builtin_functions.gc(builder.func);
575        let vmctx = func_env.vmctx_val(&mut builder.cursor());
576        builder.ins().call(gc_libcall, &[vmctx, gc_ref]);
577        builder.ins().jump(continue_block, &[]);
579        // Join point after we're done with the GC barrier.
580        builder.switch_to_block(continue_block);
581        builder.seal_block(continue_block);
582        log::trace!("translate_read_gc_reference(..) -> {gc_ref:?}");
583        Ok(gc_ref)
584    }
586    fn translate_write_gc_reference(
587        &mut self,
588        func_env: &mut FuncEnvironment<'_>,
589        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
590        ty: WasmRefType,
591        dst: ir::Value,
592        new_val: ir::Value,
593        flags: ir::MemFlags,
594    ) -> WasmResult<()> {
595        assert!(ty.is_vmgcref_type());
597        let (ref_ty, needs_stack_map) = func_env.reference_type(ty.heap_type);
598        debug_assert!(needs_stack_map);
600        // Special case for references to uninhabited bottom types: either the
601        // reference must either be nullable and we can just eagerly store null
602        // into `dst`, or we are in unreachable code and should just trap.
603        if let WasmHeapType::None = ty.heap_type {
604            if ty.nullable {
605                let null = builder.ins().iconst(ref_ty, 0);
606                builder.ins().store(flags, null, dst, 0);
607            } else {
608                // NB: Don't use an unconditional trap instruction, since that
609                // is a block terminator, and we still need to integrate with
610                // the rest of the surrounding code.
611                let zero = builder.ins().iconst(ir::types::I32, 0);
612                builder.ins().trapz(zero, TRAP_INTERNAL_ASSERT);
613            }
614            return Ok(());
615        };
617        // Special case for `i31` references: they don't need barriers.
618        if let WasmHeapType::I31 = ty.heap_type {
619            return unbarriered_store_gc_ref(builder, ty.heap_type, dst, new_val, flags);
620        }
622        // Our write barrier for GC references being copied out of the stack and
623        // written into a table/global/etc... is roughly equivalent to the
624        // following pseudo-CLIF:
625        //
626        // ```
627        // current_block:
628        //     ...
629        //     let old_val = *dst
630        //     let new_val_is_null = ref.null new_val
631        //     let new_val_is_i31 = ...
632        //     let new_val_is_null_or_i31 = bor new_val_is_null, new_val_is_i31
633        //     brif new_val_is_null_or_i31, check_old_val_block, inc_ref_block
634        //
635        // inc_ref_block:
636        //     let ref_count = load new_val.ref_count
637        //     let new_ref_count = iadd_imm ref_count, 1
638        //     store new_val.ref_count, new_ref_count
639        //     jump check_old_val_block
640        //
641        // check_old_val_block:
642        //     store dst, new_val
643        //     let old_val_is_null = ref.null old_val
644        //     let old_val_is_i31 = ...
645        //     let old_val_is_null_or_i31 = bor old_val_is_null, old_val_is_i31
646        //     brif old_val_is_null_or_i31, continue_block, dec_ref_block
647        //
648        // dec_ref_block:
649        //     let ref_count = load old_val.ref_count
650        //     let new_ref_count = isub_imm ref_count, 1
651        //     let old_val_needs_drop = icmp_imm eq new_ref_count, 0
652        //     brif old_val_needs_drop, drop_old_val_block, store_dec_ref_block
653        //
654        // cold drop_old_val_block:
655        //     call drop_gc_ref(old_val)
656        //     jump continue_block
657        //
658        // store_dec_ref_block:
659        //     store old_val.ref_count, new_ref_count
660        //     jump continue_block
661        //
662        // continue_block:
663        //     ...
664        // ```
665        //
666        // This write barrier is responsible for ensuring that:
667        //
668        // 1. The new value's ref count is incremented now that the table is
669        //    holding onto it.
670        //
671        // 2. The old value's ref count is decremented, and that it is dropped
672        //    if the ref count reaches zero.
673        //
674        // We must do the increment before the decrement. If we did it in the
675        // other order, then when `*dst == new_val`, we could confuse ourselves
676        // by observing a zero ref count after the decrement but before it would
677        // become non-zero again with the subsequent increment.
678        //
679        // Additionally, we take care that we don't ever call out-out-of-line to
680        // drop the old value until all the new value has been written into
681        // `dst` and its reference count has been updated. This makes sure that
682        // host code has a consistent view of the world.
684        let current_block = builder.current_block().unwrap();
685        let inc_ref_block = builder.create_block();
686        let check_old_val_block = builder.create_block();
687        let dec_ref_block = builder.create_block();
688        let drop_old_val_block = builder.create_block();
689        let store_dec_ref_block = builder.create_block();
690        let continue_block = builder.create_block();
692        builder.ensure_inserted_block();
693        builder.set_cold_block(drop_old_val_block);
695        builder.insert_block_after(inc_ref_block, current_block);
696        builder.insert_block_after(check_old_val_block, inc_ref_block);
697        builder.insert_block_after(dec_ref_block, check_old_val_block);
698        builder.insert_block_after(drop_old_val_block, dec_ref_block);
699        builder.insert_block_after(store_dec_ref_block, drop_old_val_block);
700        builder.insert_block_after(continue_block, store_dec_ref_block);
702        // Load the old value and then check whether the new value is non-null
703        // and non-i31.
704        log::trace!("DRC write barrier: load old ref; check if new ref is null or i31");
705        let old_val = unbarriered_load_gc_ref(builder, ty.heap_type, dst, flags)?;
706        let new_val_is_null_or_i31 = func_env.gc_ref_is_null_or_i31(builder, ty, new_val);
707        builder.ins().brif(
708            new_val_is_null_or_i31,
709            check_old_val_block,
710            &[],
711            inc_ref_block,
712            &[],
713        );
715        // Block to increment the ref count of the new value when it is non-null
716        // and non-i31.
717        builder.switch_to_block(inc_ref_block);
718        log::trace!("DRC write barrier: increment new ref's ref count");
719        builder.seal_block(inc_ref_block);
720        self.mutate_ref_count(func_env, builder, new_val, 1);
721        builder.ins().jump(check_old_val_block, &[]);
723        // Block to store the new value into `dst` and then check whether the
724        // old value is non-null and non-i31 and therefore needs its ref count
725        // decremented.
726        builder.switch_to_block(check_old_val_block);
727        builder.seal_block(check_old_val_block);
728        log::trace!("DRC write barrier: store new ref into field; check if old ref is null or i31");
729        unbarriered_store_gc_ref(builder, ty.heap_type, dst, new_val, flags)?;
730        let old_val_is_null_or_i31 = func_env.gc_ref_is_null_or_i31(builder, ty, old_val);
731        builder.ins().brif(
732            old_val_is_null_or_i31,
733            continue_block,
734            &[],
735            dec_ref_block,
736            &[],
737        );
739        // Block to decrement the ref count of the old value when it is non-null
740        // and non-i31.
741        builder.switch_to_block(dec_ref_block);
742        builder.seal_block(dec_ref_block);
743        log::trace!(
744            "DRC write barrier: decrement old ref's ref count and check for zero ref count"
745        );
746        let ref_count = self.load_ref_count(func_env, builder, old_val);
747        let new_ref_count = builder.ins().iadd_imm(ref_count, -1);
748        let old_val_needs_drop = builder.ins().icmp_imm(IntCC::Equal, new_ref_count, 0);
749        builder.ins().brif(
750            old_val_needs_drop,
751            drop_old_val_block,
752            &[],
753            store_dec_ref_block,
754            &[],
755        );
757        // Block to call out-of-line to drop a GC reference when its ref count
758        // reaches zero.
759        //
760        // Note that this libcall does its own dec-ref operation, so we only
761        // actually store `new_ref_count` back to the `old_val` object when
762        // `new_ref_count != 0`.
763        builder.switch_to_block(drop_old_val_block);
764        builder.seal_block(drop_old_val_block);
765        log::trace!("DRC write barrier: drop old ref with a ref count of zero");
766        let drop_gc_ref_libcall = func_env.builtin_functions.drop_gc_ref(builder.func);
767        let vmctx = func_env.vmctx_val(&mut builder.cursor());
768        builder.ins().call(drop_gc_ref_libcall, &[vmctx, old_val]);
769        builder.ins().jump(continue_block, &[]);
771        // Block to store the new ref count back to `old_val` for when
772        // `new_ref_count != 0`, as explained above.
773        builder.switch_to_block(store_dec_ref_block);
774        builder.seal_block(store_dec_ref_block);
775        log::trace!("DRC write barrier: store decremented ref count into old ref");
776        self.store_ref_count(func_env, builder, old_val, new_ref_count);
777        builder.ins().jump(continue_block, &[]);
779        // Join point after we're done with the GC barrier.
780        builder.switch_to_block(continue_block);
781        builder.seal_block(continue_block);
782        log::trace!("DRC write barrier: finished");
783        Ok(())
784    }