
1use crate::hash_map::HashMap;
2use crate::prelude::*;
3use crate::{
4    store::StoreOpaque, AsContextMut, FrameInfo, Global, HeapType, Instance, Memory, Module,
5    StoreContextMut, Val, ValType, WasmBacktrace,
7use std::fmt;
9/// Representation of a core dump of a WebAssembly module
11/// When the Config::coredump_on_trap option is enabled this structure is
12/// attached to the [`anyhow::Error`] returned from many Wasmtime functions that
13/// execute WebAssembly such as [`Instance::new`] or [`Func::call`]. This can be
14/// acquired with the [`anyhow::Error::downcast`] family of methods to
15/// programmatically inspect the coredump. Otherwise since it's part of the
16/// error returned this will get printed along with the rest of the error when
17/// the error is logged.
19/// Note that some state, such as Wasm locals or values on the operand stack,
20/// may be optimized away by the compiler or otherwise not recovered in the
21/// coredump.
23/// Capturing of wasm coredumps can be configured through the
24/// [`Config::coredump_on_trap`][crate::Config::coredump_on_trap] method.
26/// For more information about errors in wasmtime see the documentation of the
27/// [`Trap`][crate::Trap] type.
29/// [`Func::call`]: crate::Func::call
30/// [`Instance::new`]: crate::Instance::new
31pub struct WasmCoreDump {
32    name: String,
33    modules: Vec<Module>,
34    instances: Vec<Instance>,
35    memories: Vec<Memory>,
36    globals: Vec<Global>,
37    backtrace: WasmBacktrace,
40impl WasmCoreDump {
41    pub(crate) fn new(store: &mut StoreOpaque, backtrace: WasmBacktrace) -> WasmCoreDump {
42        let modules: Vec<_> = store.modules().all_modules().cloned().collect();
43        let instances: Vec<Instance> = store.all_instances().collect();
44        let store_memories: Vec<Memory> = store.all_memories().collect();
46        let mut store_globals: Vec<Global> = vec![];
47        store.for_each_global(|_store, global| store_globals.push(global));
49        WasmCoreDump {
50            name: String::from("store_name"),
51            modules,
52            instances,
53            memories: store_memories,
54            globals: store_globals,
55            backtrace,
56        }
57    }
59    /// The stack frames for this core dump.
60    ///
61    /// Frames appear in callee to caller order, that is youngest to oldest
62    /// frames.
63    pub fn frames(&self) -> &[FrameInfo] {
64        self.backtrace.frames()
65    }
67    /// All modules instantiated inside the store when the core dump was
68    /// created.
69    pub fn modules(&self) -> &[Module] {
70        self.modules.as_ref()
71    }
73    /// All instances within the store when the core dump was created.
74    pub fn instances(&self) -> &[Instance] {
75        self.instances.as_ref()
76    }
78    /// All globals, instance- or host-defined, within the store when the core
79    /// dump was created.
80    pub fn globals(&self) -> &[Global] {
81        self.globals.as_ref()
82    }
84    /// All memories, instance- or host-defined, within the store when the core
85    /// dump was created.
86    pub fn memories(&self) -> &[Memory] {
87        self.memories.as_ref()
88    }
90    /// Serialize this core dump into [the standard core dump binary
91    /// format][spec].
92    ///
93    /// The `name` parameter may be a file path, URL, or arbitrary name for the
94    /// "main" Wasm service or executable that was running in this store.
95    ///
96    /// Once serialized, you can write this core dump to disk, send it over the
97    /// network, or pass it to other debugging tools that consume Wasm core
98    /// dumps.
99    ///
100    /// [spec]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/tool-conventions/blob/main/Coredump.md
101    pub fn serialize(&self, mut store: impl AsContextMut, name: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
102        let store = store.as_context_mut();
103        self._serialize(store, name)
104    }
106    fn _serialize<T>(&self, mut store: StoreContextMut<'_, T>, name: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
107        let mut core_dump = wasm_encoder::Module::new();
109        core_dump.section(&wasm_encoder::CoreDumpSection::new(name));
111        // A map from each memory to its index in the core dump's memories
112        // section.
113        let mut memory_to_idx = HashMap::new();
115        let mut data = wasm_encoder::DataSection::new();
117        {
118            let mut memories = wasm_encoder::MemorySection::new();
119            for mem in self.memories() {
120                let memory_idx = memories.len();
121                memory_to_idx.insert(mem.hash_key(&store.0), memory_idx);
122                let ty = mem.ty(&store);
123                memories.memory(wasm_encoder::MemoryType {
124                    minimum: mem.size(&store),
125                    maximum: ty.maximum(),
126                    memory64: ty.is_64(),
127                    shared: ty.is_shared(),
128                    page_size_log2: None,
129                });
131                // Attach the memory data, balancing number of data segments and
132                // binary size. We don't want to attach the whole memory in one
133                // big segment, since it likely contains a bunch of large runs
134                // of zeroes. But we can't encode the data without any potential
135                // runs of zeroes (i.e. including only non-zero data in our
136                // segments) because we can run up against the implementation
137                // limits for number of segments in a Wasm module this way. So
138                // to balance these conflicting desires, we break the memory up
139                // into reasonably-sized chunks and then trim runs of zeroes
140                // from the start and end of each chunk.
141                const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 4096;
142                for (i, chunk) in mem.data(&store).chunks_exact(CHUNK_SIZE).enumerate() {
143                    if let Some(start) = chunk.iter().position(|byte| *byte != 0) {
144                        let end = chunk.iter().rposition(|byte| *byte != 0).unwrap() + 1;
145                        let offset = i * CHUNK_SIZE + start;
146                        let offset = if ty.is_64() {
147                            let offset = u64::try_from(offset).unwrap();
148                            wasm_encoder::ConstExpr::i64_const(offset as i64)
149                        } else {
150                            let offset = u32::try_from(offset).unwrap();
151                            wasm_encoder::ConstExpr::i32_const(offset as i32)
152                        };
153                        data.active(memory_idx, &offset, chunk[start..end].iter().copied());
154                    }
155                }
156            }
157            core_dump.section(&memories);
158        }
160        // A map from each global to its index in the core dump's globals
161        // section.
162        let mut global_to_idx = HashMap::new();
164        {
165            let mut globals = wasm_encoder::GlobalSection::new();
166            for g in self.globals() {
167                global_to_idx.insert(g.hash_key(&store.0), globals.len());
168                let ty = g.ty(&store);
169                let mutable = matches!(ty.mutability(), crate::Mutability::Var);
170                let val_type = match ty.content() {
171                    ValType::I32 => wasm_encoder::ValType::I32,
172                    ValType::I64 => wasm_encoder::ValType::I64,
173                    ValType::F32 => wasm_encoder::ValType::F32,
174                    ValType::F64 => wasm_encoder::ValType::F64,
175                    ValType::V128 => wasm_encoder::ValType::V128,
177                    // We encode all references as null in the core dump, so
178                    // choose the common super type of all the actual function
179                    // reference types. This lets us avoid needing to figure out
180                    // what a concrete type reference's index is in the local
181                    // core dump index space.
182                    ValType::Ref(r) => match r.heap_type().top() {
183                        HeapType::Extern => wasm_encoder::ValType::EXTERNREF,
185                        HeapType::Func => wasm_encoder::ValType::FUNCREF,
187                        HeapType::Any => wasm_encoder::ValType::Ref(wasm_encoder::RefType::ANYREF),
189                        ty => unreachable!("not a top type: {ty:?}"),
190                    },
191                };
192                let init = match g.get(&mut store) {
193                    Val::I32(x) => wasm_encoder::ConstExpr::i32_const(x),
194                    Val::I64(x) => wasm_encoder::ConstExpr::i64_const(x),
195                    Val::F32(x) => wasm_encoder::ConstExpr::f32_const(f32::from_bits(x)),
196                    Val::F64(x) => wasm_encoder::ConstExpr::f64_const(f64::from_bits(x)),
197                    Val::V128(x) => wasm_encoder::ConstExpr::v128_const(x.as_u128() as i128),
198                    Val::FuncRef(_) => {
199                        wasm_encoder::ConstExpr::ref_null(wasm_encoder::HeapType::FUNC)
200                    }
201                    Val::ExternRef(_) => {
202                        wasm_encoder::ConstExpr::ref_null(wasm_encoder::HeapType::EXTERN)
203                    }
204                    Val::AnyRef(_) => {
205                        wasm_encoder::ConstExpr::ref_null(wasm_encoder::HeapType::ANY)
206                    }
207                };
208                globals.global(
209                    wasm_encoder::GlobalType {
210                        val_type,
211                        mutable,
212                        shared: false,
213                    },
214                    &init,
215                );
216            }
217            core_dump.section(&globals);
218        }
220        core_dump.section(&data);
221        drop(data);
223        // A map from module id to its index within the core dump's modules
224        // section.
225        let mut module_to_index = HashMap::new();
227        {
228            let mut modules = wasm_encoder::CoreDumpModulesSection::new();
229            for module in self.modules() {
230                module_to_index.insert(module.id(), modules.len());
231                match module.name() {
232                    Some(name) => modules.module(name),
233                    None => modules.module(&format!("<anonymous-module-{}>", modules.len())),
234                };
235            }
236            core_dump.section(&modules);
237        }
239        // TODO: We can't currently recover instances from stack frames. We can
240        // recover module via the frame's PC, but if there are multiple
241        // instances of the same module, we don't know which instance the frame
242        // is associated with. Therefore, we do a best effort job: remember the
243        // last instance of each module and always choose that one. We record
244        // that information here.
245        let mut module_to_instance = HashMap::new();
247        {
248            let mut instances = wasm_encoder::CoreDumpInstancesSection::new();
249            for instance in self.instances() {
250                let module = instance.module(&store);
251                module_to_instance.insert(module.id(), instances.len());
253                let module_index = module_to_index[&module.id()];
255                let memories = instance
256                    .all_memories(&mut store.0)
257                    .collect::<Vec<_>>()
258                    .into_iter()
259                    .map(|(_i, memory)| memory_to_idx[&memory.hash_key(&store.0)])
260                    .collect::<Vec<_>>();
262                let globals = instance
263                    .all_globals(&mut store.0)
264                    .collect::<Vec<_>>()
265                    .into_iter()
266                    .map(|(_i, global)| global_to_idx[&global.hash_key(&store.0)])
267                    .collect::<Vec<_>>();
269                instances.instance(module_index, memories, globals);
270            }
271            core_dump.section(&instances);
272        }
274        {
275            let thread_name = "main";
276            let mut stack = wasm_encoder::CoreDumpStackSection::new(thread_name);
277            for frame in self.frames() {
278                // This isn't necessarily the right instance if there are
279                // multiple instances of the same module. See comment above
280                // `module_to_instance` for details.
281                let instance = module_to_instance[&frame.module().id()];
283                let func = frame.func_index();
285                let offset = frame
286                    .func_offset()
287                    .and_then(|o| u32::try_from(o).ok())
288                    .unwrap_or(0);
290                // We can't currently recover locals and the operand stack. We
291                // should eventually be able to do that with Winch though.
292                let locals = [];
293                let operand_stack = [];
295                stack.frame(instance, func, offset, locals, operand_stack);
296            }
297            core_dump.section(&stack);
298        }
300        core_dump.finish()
301    }
304impl fmt::Display for WasmCoreDump {
305    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
306        writeln!(f, "wasm coredump generated while executing {}:", self.name)?;
307        writeln!(f, "modules:")?;
308        for module in self.modules.iter() {
309            writeln!(f, "  {}", module.name().unwrap_or("<module>"))?;
310        }
312        writeln!(f, "instances:")?;
313        for instance in self.instances.iter() {
314            writeln!(f, "  {instance:?}")?;
315        }
317        writeln!(f, "memories:")?;
318        for memory in self.memories.iter() {
319            writeln!(f, "  {memory:?}")?;
320        }
322        writeln!(f, "globals:")?;
323        for global in self.globals.iter() {
324            writeln!(f, "  {global:?}")?;
325        }
327        writeln!(f, "backtrace:")?;
328        write!(f, "{}", self.backtrace)?;
330        Ok(())
331    }
334impl fmt::Debug for WasmCoreDump {
335    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
336        write!(f, "<wasm core dump>")
337    }