
3// This entire file basically needs to be kept in sync with itself. It's not
4// really possible to modify just one bit of this file without understanding
5// all the other bits. Documentation tries to reference various bits here and
6// there but try to make sure to read over everything before tweaking things!
8use wasmtime_asm_macros::asm_func;
10// fn(top_of_stack(rdi): *mut u8)
12    wasmtime_versioned_export_macros::versioned_stringify_ident!(wasmtime_fiber_switch),
13    "
14        // We're switching to arbitrary code somewhere else, so pessimistically
15        // assume that all callee-save register are clobbered. This means we need
16        // to save/restore all of them.
17        //
18        // Note that this order for saving is important since we use CFI directives
19        // below to point to where all the saved registers are.
20        push rbp
21        push rbx
22        push r12
23        push r13
24        push r14
25        push r15
27        // Load pointer that we're going to resume at and store where we're going
28        // to get resumed from. This is in accordance with the diagram at the top
29        // of unix.rs.
30        mov rax, -0x10[rdi]
31        mov -0x10[rdi], rsp
33        // Swap stacks and restore all our callee-saved registers
34        mov rsp, rax
35        pop r15
36        pop r14
37        pop r13
38        pop r12
39        pop rbx
40        pop rbp
41        ret
42    ",
45// fn(
46//    top_of_stack(rdi): *mut u8,
47//    entry_point(rsi): extern fn(*mut u8, *mut u8),
48//    entry_arg0(rdx): *mut u8,
49// )
52    wasmtime_versioned_export_macros::versioned_stringify_ident!(wasmtime_fiber_init),
53    "
54        // Here we're going to set up a stack frame as expected by
55        // `wasmtime_fiber_switch`. The values we store here will get restored into
56        // registers by that function and the `wasmtime_fiber_start` function will
57        // take over and understands which values are in which registers.
58        //
59        // The first 16 bytes of stack are reserved for metadata, so we start
60        // storing values beneath that.
61        lea rax, {start}[rip]
62        mov -0x18[rdi], rax
63        mov -0x20[rdi], rdi   // loaded into rbp during switch
64        mov -0x28[rdi], rsi   // loaded into rbx during switch
65        mov -0x30[rdi], rdx   // loaded into r12 during switch
67        // And then we specify the stack pointer resumption should begin at. Our
68        // `wasmtime_fiber_switch` function consumes 6 registers plus a return
69        // pointer, and the top 16 bytes are reserved, so that's:
70        //
71        //	(6 + 1) * 16 + 16 = 0x48
72        lea rax, -0x48[rdi]
73        mov -0x10[rdi], rax
74        ret
75    ",
76    start = sym super::wasmtime_fiber_start,
79// This is a pretty special function that has no real signature. Its use is to
80// be the "base" function of all fibers. This entrypoint is used in
81// `wasmtime_fiber_init` to bootstrap the execution of a new fiber.
83// We also use this function as a persistent frame on the stack to emit dwarf
84// information to unwind into the caller. This allows us to unwind from the
85// fiber's stack back to the main stack that the fiber was called from. We use
86// special dwarf directives here to do so since this is a pretty nonstandard
87// function.
89// If you're curious a decent introduction to CFI things and unwinding is at
90// https://www.imperialviolet.org/2017/01/18/cfi.html
92    wasmtime_versioned_export_macros::versioned_stringify_ident!(wasmtime_fiber_start),
93    "
94        // Use the `simple` directive on the startproc here which indicates that
95        // some default settings for the platform are omitted, since this
96        // function is so nonstandard
97        .cfi_startproc simple
98        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 0
100        // This is where things get special, we're specifying a custom dwarf
101        // expression for how to calculate the CFA. The goal here is that we
102        // need to load the parent's stack pointer just before the call it made
103        // into `wasmtime_fiber_switch`. Note that the CFA value changes over
104        // time as well because a fiber may be resumed multiple times from
105        // different points on the original stack. This means that our custom
106        // CFA directive involves `DW_OP_deref`, which loads data from memory.
107        //
108        // The expression we're encoding here is that the CFA, the stack pointer
109        // of whatever called into `wasmtime_fiber_start`, is:
110        //
111        //        *$rsp + 0x38
112        //
113        // $rsp is the stack pointer of `wasmtime_fiber_start` at the time the
114        // next instruction after the `.cfi_escape` is executed. Our $rsp at the
115        // start of this function is 16 bytes below the top of the stack (0xAff0
116        // in the diagram in unix.rs). The $rsp to resume at is stored at that
117        // location, so we dereference the stack pointer to load it.
118        //
119        // After dereferencing, though, we have the $rsp value for
120        // `wasmtime_fiber_switch` itself. That's a weird function which sort of
121        // and sort of doesn't exist on the stack.  We want to point to the
122        // caller of `wasmtime_fiber_switch`, so to do that we need to skip the
123        // stack space reserved by `wasmtime_fiber_switch`, which is the 6 saved
124        // registers plus the return address of the caller's `call` instruction.
125        // Hence we offset another 0x38 bytes.
126        .cfi_escape 0x0f, /* DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression */ \
127            4,            /* the byte length of this expression */ \
128            0x57,         /* DW_OP_reg7 (rsp) */ \
129            0x06,         /* DW_OP_deref */ \
130            0x23, 0x38    /* DW_OP_plus_uconst 0x38 */
132        // And now after we've indicated where our CFA is for our parent
133        // function, we can define that where all of the saved registers are
134        // located. This uses standard `.cfi` directives which indicate that
135        // these registers are all stored relative to the CFA. Note that this
136        // order is kept in sync with the above register spills in
137        // `wasmtime_fiber_switch`.
138        .cfi_rel_offset rip, -8
139        .cfi_rel_offset rbp, -16
140        .cfi_rel_offset rbx, -24
141        .cfi_rel_offset r12, -32
142        .cfi_rel_offset r13, -40
143        .cfi_rel_offset r14, -48
144        .cfi_rel_offset r15, -56
146        // The body of this function is pretty similar. All our parameters are
147        // already loaded into registers by the switch function. The
148        // `wasmtime_fiber_init` routine arranged the various values to be
149        // materialized into the registers used here. Our job is to then move
150        // the values into the ABI-defined registers and call the entry-point.
151        // Note that `call` is used here to leave this frame on the stack so we
152        // can use the dwarf info here for unwinding. The trailing `ud2` is just
153        // for safety.
154        mov rdi, r12
155        mov rsi, rbp
156        call rbx
157        ud2
158        .cfi_endproc
159    ",