1//! Memory management for linear memories.
3//! This module implements the runtime data structures that manage linear
4//! memories for WebAssembly. There's a number of types here each with various
5//! purposes, and this is the high level relationships between types where an
6//! arrow here means "builds on top of".
8//! ```text
9//! ┌─────────────────────┐
10//! │ │
11//! │ Memory ├─────────────┐
12//! │ │ │
13//! └──────────┬──────────┘ │
14//! │ │
15//! │ │
16//! ▼ ▼
17//! ┌─────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐
18//! │ │ │ │
19//! │ LocalMemory │◄────┤ SharedMemory │
20//! │ │ │ │
21//! └──────────┬──────────┘ └──────────────┘
22//! │
23//! │
24//! ▼
25//! ┌─────────────────────┐
26//! │ │
27//! │ RuntimeLinearMemory ├─────────────┬───────────────┐
28//! │ │ │ │
29//! └──────────┬──────────┘ │ │
30//! │ │ │
31//! │ │ │
32//! ▼ ▼ ▼
33//! ┌─────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌─────┐
34//! │ │ │ │ │ │
35//! │ MmapMemory │ │ StaticMemory │ │ ... │
36//! │ │ │ │ │ │
37//! └─────────────────────┘ └──────────────┘ └─────┘
38//! ```
40//! In more detail:
42//! * `Memory` - the root of what's actually stored in a wasm instance. This
43//! implements the high-level embedder APIs one would expect from a wasm
44//! linear memory.
46//! * `SharedMemory` - this is one of the variants of a local memory. A shared
47//! memory contains `RwLock<LocalMemory>` where all the real bits happen
48//! within the lock.
50//! * `LocalMemory` - this is an owned allocation of a linear memory which
51//! maintains low-level state that's shared between `SharedMemory` and the
52//! instance-local state of `Memory`. One example is that `LocalMemory::grow`
53//! has most of the logic around memory growth.
55//! * `RuntimeLinearMemory` - this is a trait which `LocalMemory` delegates to.
56//! This trait is intentionally relatively simple to be exposed in Wasmtime's
57//! embedder API. This is exposed all the way through `wasmtime::Config` so
58//! embedders can provide arbitrary implementations.
60//! * `MmapMemory` - this is an implementation of `RuntimeLinearMemory` in terms
61//! of the platform's mmap primitive.
63//! * `StaticMemory` - this is an implementation of `RuntimeLinearMemory`
64//! for the pooling allocator where the base pointer is already allocated
65//! and contents are managed through `MemoryImageSlot`.
67//! Other important types for memories are `MemoryImage` and `MemoryImageSlot`
68//! which manage CoW state for memories. This is implemented at the
69//! `LocalMemory` layer.
71//! FIXME: don't have both RuntimeLinearMemory and wasmtime::LinearMemory, they
72//! should be merged together.
74//! FIXME: don't have both RuntimeMemoryCreator and wasmtime::MemoryCreator,
75//! they should be merged together.
77use crate::prelude::*;
78use crate::runtime::vm::vmcontext::VMMemoryDefinition;
80use crate::runtime::vm::{HostAlignedByteCount, MmapOffset};
81use crate::runtime::vm::{MemoryImage, MemoryImageSlot, SendSyncPtr, VMStore};
82use alloc::sync::Arc;
83use core::{ops::Range, ptr::NonNull};
84use wasmtime_environ::Tunables;
86#[cfg(feature = "threads")]
87use wasmtime_environ::Trap;
90mod mmap;
92pub use self::mmap::MmapMemory;
94mod malloc;
95pub use self::malloc::MallocMemory;
97#[cfg(feature = "pooling-allocator")]
98mod static_;
99#[cfg(feature = "pooling-allocator")]
100use self::static_::StaticMemory;
102#[cfg(feature = "threads")]
103mod shared_memory;
104#[cfg(feature = "threads")]
105pub use shared_memory::SharedMemory;
107#[cfg(not(feature = "threads"))]
108mod shared_memory_disabled;
109#[cfg(not(feature = "threads"))]
110pub use shared_memory_disabled::SharedMemory;
112/// A memory allocator
113pub trait RuntimeMemoryCreator: Send + Sync {
114 /// Create new RuntimeLinearMemory
115 fn new_memory(
116 &self,
117 ty: &wasmtime_environ::Memory,
118 tunables: &Tunables,
119 minimum: usize,
120 maximum: Option<usize>,
121 ) -> Result<Box<dyn RuntimeLinearMemory>>;
124/// A default memory allocator used by Wasmtime
125pub struct DefaultMemoryCreator;
127impl RuntimeMemoryCreator for DefaultMemoryCreator {
128 /// Create new MmapMemory
129 fn new_memory(
130 &self,
131 ty: &wasmtime_environ::Memory,
132 tunables: &Tunables,
133 minimum: usize,
134 maximum: Option<usize>,
135 ) -> Result<Box<dyn RuntimeLinearMemory>> {
136 #[cfg(has_virtual_memory)]
137 if tunables.signals_based_traps
138 || tunables.memory_guard_size > 0
139 || tunables.memory_reservation > 0
140 || tunables.memory_init_cow
141 {
142 return Ok(Box::new(MmapMemory::new(ty, tunables, minimum, maximum)?));
143 }
145 let _ = maximum;
146 Ok(Box::new(MallocMemory::new(ty, tunables, minimum)?))
147 }
150/// A linear memory and its backing storage.
151pub trait RuntimeLinearMemory: Send + Sync {
152 /// Returns the number bytes that this linear memory can access.
153 fn byte_size(&self) -> usize;
155 /// Returns the maximal number of bytes the current allocation can access.
156 ///
157 /// Growth up to this value should not relocate the base pointer.
158 fn byte_capacity(&self) -> usize;
160 /// Grow memory to the specified amount of bytes.
161 ///
162 /// Returns an error if memory can't be grown by the specified amount
163 /// of bytes.
164 fn grow_to(&mut self, size: usize) -> Result<()>;
166 /// Returns a pointer to the base of this linear memory allocation.
167 ///
168 /// This is either a raw pointer, or a reference to an mmap along with an
169 /// offset within it.
170 fn base(&self) -> MemoryBase;
172 /// Internal method for Wasmtime when used in conjunction with CoW images.
173 /// This is used to inform the underlying memory that the size of memory has
174 /// changed.
175 ///
176 /// Note that this is hidden and panics by default as embedders using custom
177 /// memory without CoW images shouldn't have to worry about this.
178 #[doc(hidden)]
179 fn set_byte_size(&mut self, len: usize) {
180 let _ = len;
181 panic!("CoW images used with this memory and it doesn't support it");
182 }
185/// The base pointer of a memory allocation.
186#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
187pub enum MemoryBase {
188 /// A raw pointer into memory.
189 ///
190 /// This may or may not be host-page-aligned.
191 Raw(SendSyncPtr<u8>),
193 /// An mmap along with an offset into it.
194 #[cfg(has_virtual_memory)]
195 Mmap(MmapOffset),
198impl MemoryBase {
199 /// Creates a new `MemoryBase` from a raw pointer.
200 ///
201 /// The pointer must be non-null, and it must be logically `Send + Sync`.
202 pub fn new_raw(ptr: *mut u8) -> Self {
203 Self::Raw(NonNull::new(ptr).expect("pointer is non-null").into())
204 }
206 /// Returns the actual memory address in memory that is represented by this
207 /// base.
208 pub fn as_non_null(&self) -> NonNull<u8> {
209 match self {
210 Self::Raw(ptr) => ptr.as_non_null(),
211 #[cfg(has_virtual_memory)]
212 Self::Mmap(mmap_offset) => mmap_offset.as_non_null(),
213 }
214 }
216 /// Same as `as_non_null`, but different return type.
217 pub fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut u8 {
218 self.as_non_null().as_ptr()
219 }
222/// Representation of a runtime wasm linear memory.
223pub enum Memory {
224 Local(LocalMemory),
225 Shared(SharedMemory),
228impl Memory {
229 /// Create a new dynamic (movable) memory instance for the specified plan.
230 pub fn new_dynamic(
231 ty: &wasmtime_environ::Memory,
232 tunables: &Tunables,
233 creator: &dyn RuntimeMemoryCreator,
234 store: &mut dyn VMStore,
235 memory_image: Option<&Arc<MemoryImage>>,
236 ) -> Result<Self> {
237 let (minimum, maximum) = Self::limit_new(ty, Some(store))?;
238 let allocation = creator.new_memory(ty, tunables, minimum, maximum)?;
240 let memory = LocalMemory::new(ty, tunables, allocation, memory_image)?;
241 Ok(if ty.shared {
242 Memory::Shared(SharedMemory::wrap(ty, memory)?)
243 } else {
244 Memory::Local(memory)
245 })
246 }
248 /// Create a new static (immovable) memory instance for the specified plan.
249 #[cfg(feature = "pooling-allocator")]
250 pub fn new_static(
251 ty: &wasmtime_environ::Memory,
252 tunables: &Tunables,
253 base: MemoryBase,
254 base_capacity: usize,
255 memory_image: MemoryImageSlot,
256 store: &mut dyn VMStore,
257 ) -> Result<Self> {
258 let (minimum, maximum) = Self::limit_new(ty, Some(store))?;
259 let pooled_memory = StaticMemory::new(base, base_capacity, minimum, maximum)?;
260 let allocation = Box::new(pooled_memory);
262 // Configure some defaults a bit differently for this memory within the
263 // `LocalMemory` structure created, notably we already have
264 // `memory_image` and regardless of configuration settings this memory
265 // can't move its base pointer since it's a fixed allocation.
266 let mut memory = LocalMemory::new(ty, tunables, allocation, None)?;
267 assert!(memory.memory_image.is_none());
268 memory.memory_image = Some(memory_image);
269 memory.memory_may_move = false;
271 Ok(if ty.shared {
272 // FIXME(#4244): not supported with the pooling allocator (which
273 // `new_static` is always used with), see `MemoryPool::validate` as
274 // well).
275 todo!("using shared memory with the pooling allocator is a work in progress");
276 } else {
277 Memory::Local(memory)
278 })
279 }
281 /// Calls the `store`'s limiter to optionally prevent a memory from being allocated.
282 ///
283 /// Returns a tuple of the minimum size, optional maximum size, and log(page
284 /// size) of the memory, all in bytes.
285 pub(crate) fn limit_new(
286 ty: &wasmtime_environ::Memory,
287 store: Option<&mut dyn VMStore>,
288 ) -> Result<(usize, Option<usize>)> {
289 let page_size = usize::try_from(ty.page_size()).unwrap();
291 // This is the absolute possible maximum that the module can try to
292 // allocate, which is our entire address space minus a wasm page. That
293 // shouldn't ever actually work in terms of an allocation because
294 // presumably the kernel wants *something* for itself, but this is used
295 // to pass to the `store`'s limiter for a requested size
296 // to approximate the scale of the request that the wasm module is
297 // making. This is necessary because the limiter works on `usize` bytes
298 // whereas we're working with possibly-overflowing `u64` calculations
299 // here. To actually faithfully represent the byte requests of modules
300 // we'd have to represent things as `u128`, but that's kinda
301 // overkill for this purpose.
302 let absolute_max = 0usize.wrapping_sub(page_size);
304 // If the minimum memory size overflows the size of our own address
305 // space, then we can't satisfy this request, but defer the error to
306 // later so the `store` can be informed that an effective oom is
307 // happening.
308 let minimum = ty
309 .minimum_byte_size()
310 .ok()
311 .and_then(|m| usize::try_from(m).ok());
313 // The plan stores the maximum size in units of wasm pages, but we
314 // use units of bytes. Unlike for the `minimum` size we silently clamp
315 // the effective maximum size to the limits of what we can track. If the
316 // maximum size exceeds `usize` or `u64` then there's no need to further
317 // keep track of it as some sort of runtime limit will kick in long
318 // before we reach the statically declared maximum size.
319 let maximum = ty
320 .maximum_byte_size()
321 .ok()
322 .and_then(|m| usize::try_from(m).ok());
324 // Inform the store's limiter what's about to happen. This will let the
325 // limiter reject anything if necessary, and this also guarantees that
326 // we should call the limiter for all requested memories, even if our
327 // `minimum` calculation overflowed. This means that the `minimum` we're
328 // informing the limiter is lossy and may not be 100% accurate, but for
329 // now the expected uses of limiter means that's ok.
330 if let Some(store) = store {
331 if !store.memory_growing(0, minimum.unwrap_or(absolute_max), maximum)? {
332 bail!(
333 "memory minimum size of {} pages exceeds memory limits",
334 ty.limits.min
335 );
336 }
337 }
339 // At this point we need to actually handle overflows, so bail out with
340 // an error if we made it this far.
341 let minimum = minimum.ok_or_else(|| {
342 format_err!(
343 "memory minimum size of {} pages exceeds memory limits",
344 ty.limits.min
345 )
346 })?;
348 Ok((minimum, maximum))
349 }
351 /// Returns this memory's page size, in bytes.
352 pub fn page_size(&self) -> u64 {
353 match self {
354 Memory::Local(mem) => mem.page_size(),
355 Memory::Shared(mem) => mem.page_size(),
356 }
357 }
359 /// Returns the number of allocated wasm pages.
360 pub fn byte_size(&self) -> usize {
361 match self {
362 Memory::Local(mem) => mem.byte_size(),
363 Memory::Shared(mem) => mem.byte_size(),
364 }
365 }
367 /// Returns whether or not this memory needs initialization. It
368 /// may not if it already has initial content thanks to a CoW
369 /// mechanism.
370 pub(crate) fn needs_init(&self) -> bool {
371 match self {
372 Memory::Local(mem) => mem.needs_init(),
373 Memory::Shared(mem) => mem.needs_init(),
374 }
375 }
377 /// Grow memory by the specified amount of wasm pages.
378 ///
379 /// Returns `None` if memory can't be grown by the specified amount
380 /// of wasm pages. Returns `Some` with the old size of memory, in bytes, on
381 /// successful growth.
382 ///
383 /// # Safety
384 ///
385 /// Resizing the memory can reallocate the memory buffer for dynamic memories.
386 /// An instance's `VMContext` may have pointers to the memory's base and will
387 /// need to be fixed up after growing the memory.
388 ///
389 /// Generally, prefer using `InstanceHandle::memory_grow`, which encapsulates
390 /// this unsafety.
391 ///
392 /// Ensure that the provided Store is not used to get access any Memory
393 /// which lives inside it.
394 pub unsafe fn grow(
395 &mut self,
396 delta_pages: u64,
397 store: Option<&mut dyn VMStore>,
398 ) -> Result<Option<usize>, Error> {
399 let result = match self {
400 Memory::Local(mem) => mem.grow(delta_pages, store)?,
401 Memory::Shared(mem) => mem.grow(delta_pages, store)?,
402 };
403 match result {
404 Some((old, _new)) => Ok(Some(old)),
405 None => Ok(None),
406 }
407 }
409 /// Return a `VMMemoryDefinition` for exposing the memory to compiled wasm code.
410 pub fn vmmemory(&mut self) -> VMMemoryDefinition {
411 match self {
412 Memory::Local(mem) => mem.vmmemory(),
413 // `vmmemory()` is used for writing the `VMMemoryDefinition` of a
414 // memory into its `VMContext`; this should never be possible for a
415 // shared memory because the only `VMMemoryDefinition` for it should
416 // be stored in its own `def` field.
417 Memory::Shared(_) => unreachable!(),
418 }
419 }
421 /// Consume the memory, returning its [`MemoryImageSlot`] if any is present.
422 /// The image should only be present for a subset of memories created with
423 /// [`Memory::new_static()`].
424 #[cfg(feature = "pooling-allocator")]
425 pub fn unwrap_static_image(self) -> MemoryImageSlot {
426 match self {
427 Memory::Local(mem) => mem.unwrap_static_image(),
428 Memory::Shared(_) => panic!("expected a local memory"),
429 }
430 }
432 /// If the [Memory] is a [SharedMemory], unwrap it and return a clone to
433 /// that shared memory.
434 pub fn as_shared_memory(&mut self) -> Option<&mut SharedMemory> {
435 match self {
436 Memory::Local(_) => None,
437 Memory::Shared(mem) => Some(mem),
438 }
439 }
441 /// Implementation of `memory.atomic.notify` for all memories.
442 #[cfg(feature = "threads")]
443 pub fn atomic_notify(&mut self, addr: u64, count: u32) -> Result<u32, Trap> {
444 match self.as_shared_memory() {
445 Some(m) => m.atomic_notify(addr, count),
446 None => {
447 validate_atomic_addr(&self.vmmemory(), addr, 4, 4)?;
448 Ok(0)
449 }
450 }
451 }
453 /// Implementation of `memory.atomic.wait32` for all memories.
454 #[cfg(feature = "threads")]
455 pub fn atomic_wait32(
456 &mut self,
457 addr: u64,
458 expected: u32,
459 timeout: Option<core::time::Duration>,
460 ) -> Result<crate::WaitResult, Trap> {
461 match self.as_shared_memory() {
462 Some(m) => m.atomic_wait32(addr, expected, timeout),
463 None => {
464 validate_atomic_addr(&self.vmmemory(), addr, 4, 4)?;
465 Err(Trap::AtomicWaitNonSharedMemory)
466 }
467 }
468 }
470 /// Implementation of `memory.atomic.wait64` for all memories.
471 #[cfg(feature = "threads")]
472 pub fn atomic_wait64(
473 &mut self,
474 addr: u64,
475 expected: u64,
476 timeout: Option<core::time::Duration>,
477 ) -> Result<crate::WaitResult, Trap> {
478 match self.as_shared_memory() {
479 Some(m) => m.atomic_wait64(addr, expected, timeout),
480 None => {
481 validate_atomic_addr(&self.vmmemory(), addr, 8, 8)?;
482 Err(Trap::AtomicWaitNonSharedMemory)
483 }
484 }
485 }
487 /// Returns the range of bytes that WebAssembly should be able to address in
488 /// this linear memory. Note that this includes guard pages which wasm can
489 /// hit.
490 pub fn wasm_accessible(&self) -> Range<usize> {
491 match self {
492 Memory::Local(mem) => mem.wasm_accessible(),
493 Memory::Shared(mem) => mem.wasm_accessible(),
494 }
495 }
498/// An owned allocation of a wasm linear memory.
500/// This might be part of a `Memory` via `Memory::Local` but it might also be
501/// the implementation basis for a `SharedMemory` behind an `RwLock` for
502/// example.
503pub struct LocalMemory {
504 alloc: Box<dyn RuntimeLinearMemory>,
505 ty: wasmtime_environ::Memory,
506 memory_may_move: bool,
507 memory_guard_size: usize,
508 memory_reservation: usize,
510 /// An optional CoW mapping that provides the initial content of this
511 /// memory.
512 memory_image: Option<MemoryImageSlot>,
515impl LocalMemory {
516 pub fn new(
517 ty: &wasmtime_environ::Memory,
518 tunables: &Tunables,
519 alloc: Box<dyn RuntimeLinearMemory>,
520 memory_image: Option<&Arc<MemoryImage>>,
521 ) -> Result<LocalMemory> {
522 // If a memory image was specified, try to create the MemoryImageSlot on
523 // top of our mmap.
524 let memory_image = match memory_image {
525 #[cfg(has_virtual_memory)]
526 Some(image) => {
527 // We currently don't support memory_image if
528 // `RuntimeLinearMemory::byte_size` is not a multiple of the host page
529 // size. See https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/issues/9660.
530 if let Ok(byte_size) = HostAlignedByteCount::new(alloc.byte_size()) {
531 // memory_image is CoW-based so it is expected to be backed
532 // by an mmap.
533 let mmap_base = match alloc.base() {
534 MemoryBase::Mmap(offset) => offset,
535 MemoryBase::Raw { .. } => {
536 unreachable!("memory_image is Some only for mmap-based memories")
537 }
538 };
540 let mut slot =
541 MemoryImageSlot::create(mmap_base, byte_size, alloc.byte_capacity());
542 // On drop, we will unmap our mmap'd range that this slot
543 // was mapped on top of, so there is no need for the slot to
544 // wipe it with an anonymous mapping first.
545 //
546 // Note that this code would be incorrect if clear-on-drop
547 // were enabled. That's because:
548 //
549 // * In the struct definition, `memory_image` above is listed
550 // after `alloc`.
551 // * Rust drops fields in the order they're defined, so
552 // `memory_image` would be dropped after `alloc`.
553 // * `alloc` can represent either owned memory (i.e. the mmap is
554 // freed on drop) or logically borrowed memory (something else
555 // manages the mmap).
556 // * If `alloc` is borrowed memory, then this isn't an issue.
557 // * But if `alloc` is owned memory, then it would first drop
558 // the mmap, and then `memory_image` would try to remap
559 // part of that same memory as part of clear-on-drop.
560 //
561 // A lot of this really suggests representing the ownership
562 // via Rust lifetimes -- that would be a major refactor,
563 // though.
564 slot.no_clear_on_drop();
565 slot.instantiate(alloc.byte_size(), Some(image), ty, tunables)?;
566 Some(slot)
567 } else {
568 None
569 }
570 }
571 #[cfg(not(has_virtual_memory))]
572 Some(_) => unreachable!(),
573 None => None,
574 };
575 Ok(LocalMemory {
576 ty: *ty,
577 alloc,
578 memory_may_move: ty.memory_may_move(tunables),
579 memory_image,
580 memory_guard_size: tunables.memory_guard_size.try_into().unwrap(),
581 memory_reservation: tunables.memory_reservation.try_into().unwrap(),
582 })
583 }
585 pub fn page_size(&self) -> u64 {
586 self.ty.page_size()
587 }
589 /// Grows a memory by `delta_pages`.
590 ///
591 /// This performs the necessary checks on the growth before delegating to
592 /// the underlying `grow_to` implementation.
593 ///
594 /// The `store` is used only for error reporting.
595 pub fn grow(
596 &mut self,
597 delta_pages: u64,
598 mut store: Option<&mut dyn VMStore>,
599 ) -> Result<Option<(usize, usize)>, Error> {
600 let old_byte_size = self.alloc.byte_size();
602 // Wasm spec: when growing by 0 pages, always return the current size.
603 if delta_pages == 0 {
604 return Ok(Some((old_byte_size, old_byte_size)));
605 }
607 let page_size = usize::try_from(self.page_size()).unwrap();
609 // The largest wasm-page-aligned region of memory is possible to
610 // represent in a `usize`. This will be impossible for the system to
611 // actually allocate.
612 let absolute_max = 0usize.wrapping_sub(page_size);
614 // Calculate the byte size of the new allocation. Let it overflow up to
615 // `usize::MAX`, then clamp it down to `absolute_max`.
616 let new_byte_size = usize::try_from(delta_pages)
617 .unwrap_or(usize::MAX)
618 .saturating_mul(page_size)
619 .saturating_add(old_byte_size)
620 .min(absolute_max);
622 let maximum = self
623 .ty
624 .maximum_byte_size()
625 .ok()
626 .and_then(|n| usize::try_from(n).ok());
628 // Store limiter gets first chance to reject memory_growing.
629 if let Some(store) = &mut store {
630 if !store.memory_growing(old_byte_size, new_byte_size, maximum)? {
631 return Ok(None);
632 }
633 }
635 // Save the original base pointer to assert the invariant that growth up
636 // to the byte capacity never relocates the base pointer.
637 let base_ptr_before = self.alloc.base().as_mut_ptr();
638 let required_to_not_move_memory = new_byte_size <= self.alloc.byte_capacity();
640 let result = (|| -> Result<()> {
641 // Never exceed maximum, even if limiter permitted it.
642 if let Some(max) = maximum {
643 if new_byte_size > max {
644 bail!("Memory maximum size exceeded");
645 }
646 }
648 // If memory isn't allowed to move then don't let growth happen
649 // beyond the initial capacity
650 if !self.memory_may_move && new_byte_size > self.alloc.byte_capacity() {
651 bail!("Memory maximum size exceeded");
652 }
654 // If we have a CoW image overlay then let it manage accessible
655 // bytes. Once the heap limit is modified inform the underlying
656 // allocation that the size has changed.
657 //
658 // If the growth is going beyond the size of the heap image then
659 // discard it. This should only happen for `MmapMemory` where
660 // `no_clear_on_drop` is set so the destructor doesn't do anything.
661 // For now be maximally sure about this by asserting that memory can
662 // indeed move and that we're on unix. If this wants to run
663 // somewhere else like Windows or with other allocations this may
664 // need adjusting.
665 if let Some(image) = &mut self.memory_image {
666 if new_byte_size <= self.alloc.byte_capacity() {
667 image.set_heap_limit(new_byte_size)?;
668 self.alloc.set_byte_size(new_byte_size);
669 return Ok(());
670 }
671 assert!(cfg!(unix));
672 assert!(self.memory_may_move);
673 self.memory_image = None;
674 }
676 // And failing all that fall back to the underlying allocation to
677 // grow it.
678 self.alloc.grow_to(new_byte_size)
679 })();
681 match result {
682 Ok(()) => {
683 // On successful growth double-check that the base pointer
684 // didn't move if it shouldn't have.
685 if required_to_not_move_memory {
686 assert_eq!(base_ptr_before, self.alloc.base().as_mut_ptr());
687 }
689 Ok(Some((old_byte_size, new_byte_size)))
690 }
691 Err(e) => {
692 // FIXME: shared memories may not have an associated store to
693 // report the growth failure to but the error should not be
694 // dropped
695 // (https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/issues/4240).
696 if let Some(store) = store {
697 store.memory_grow_failed(e)?;
698 }
699 Ok(None)
700 }
701 }
702 }
704 pub fn vmmemory(&mut self) -> VMMemoryDefinition {
705 VMMemoryDefinition {
706 base: self.alloc.base().as_non_null().into(),
707 current_length: self.alloc.byte_size().into(),
708 }
709 }
711 pub fn byte_size(&self) -> usize {
712 self.alloc.byte_size()
713 }
715 pub fn needs_init(&self) -> bool {
716 match &self.memory_image {
717 Some(image) => !image.has_image(),
718 None => true,
719 }
720 }
722 pub fn wasm_accessible(&self) -> Range<usize> {
723 let base = self.alloc.base().as_mut_ptr() as usize;
724 // From the base add:
725 //
726 // * max(capacity, reservation) -- all memory is guaranteed to have at
727 // least `memory_reservation`, but capacity may go beyond that.
728 // * memory_guard_size - wasm is allowed to hit the guard page for
729 // sigsegv for example.
730 //
731 // and this computes the range that wasm is allowed to load from and
732 // deterministically trap or succeed.
733 let end =
734 base + self.alloc.byte_capacity().max(self.memory_reservation) + self.memory_guard_size;
735 base..end
736 }
738 #[cfg(feature = "pooling-allocator")]
739 pub fn unwrap_static_image(self) -> MemoryImageSlot {
740 self.memory_image.unwrap()
741 }
744/// In the configurations where bounds checks were elided in JIT code (because
745/// we are using static memories with virtual memory guard pages) this manual
746/// check is here so we don't segfault from Rust. For other configurations,
747/// these checks are required anyways.
748#[cfg(feature = "threads")]
749pub fn validate_atomic_addr(
750 def: &VMMemoryDefinition,
751 addr: u64,
752 access_size: u64,
753 access_alignment: u64,
754) -> Result<*mut u8, Trap> {
755 debug_assert!(access_alignment.is_power_of_two());
756 if !(addr % access_alignment == 0) {
757 return Err(Trap::HeapMisaligned);
758 }
760 let length = u64::try_from(def.current_length()).unwrap();
761 if !(addr.saturating_add(access_size) < length) {
762 return Err(Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds);
763 }
765 let addr = usize::try_from(addr).unwrap();
766 Ok(def.base.as_ptr().wrapping_add(addr))