1use crate::component::instance::{Instance, InstanceData};
2use crate::component::storage::storage_as_slice;
3use crate::component::types::Type;
4use crate::component::values::Val;
5use crate::prelude::*;
6use crate::runtime::vm::component::ResourceTables;
7use crate::runtime::vm::{Export, ExportFunction};
8use crate::store::{StoreOpaque, Stored};
9use crate::{AsContext, AsContextMut, StoreContextMut, ValRaw};
10use alloc::sync::Arc;
11use core::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
12use core::ptr::NonNull;
13use wasmtime_environ::component::{
14 CanonicalOptions, ComponentTypes, CoreDef, InterfaceType, RuntimeComponentInstanceIndex,
18mod host;
19mod options;
20mod typed;
21pub use self::host::*;
22pub use self::options::*;
23pub use self::typed::*;
26union ParamsAndResults<Params: Copy, Return: Copy> {
27 params: Params,
28 ret: Return,
31/// A WebAssembly component function which can be called.
33/// This type is the dual of [`wasmtime::Func`](crate::Func) for component
34/// functions. An instance of [`Func`] represents a component function from a
35/// component [`Instance`](crate::component::Instance). Like with
36/// [`wasmtime::Func`](crate::Func) it's possible to call functions either
37/// synchronously or asynchronously and either typed or untyped.
38#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
39pub struct Func(Stored<FuncData>);
42pub struct FuncData {
43 export: ExportFunction,
44 ty: TypeFuncIndex,
45 types: Arc<ComponentTypes>,
46 options: Options,
47 instance: Instance,
48 component_instance: RuntimeComponentInstanceIndex,
49 post_return: Option<ExportFunction>,
50 post_return_arg: Option<ValRaw>,
53impl Func {
54 pub(crate) fn from_lifted_func(
55 store: &mut StoreOpaque,
56 instance: &Instance,
57 data: &InstanceData,
58 ty: TypeFuncIndex,
59 func: &CoreDef,
60 options: &CanonicalOptions,
61 ) -> Func {
62 let export = match data.lookup_def(store, func) {
63 Export::Function(f) => f,
64 _ => unreachable!(),
65 };
66 let memory = options
67 .memory
68 .map(|i| NonNull::new(data.instance().runtime_memory(i)).unwrap());
69 let realloc = options.realloc.map(|i| data.instance().runtime_realloc(i));
70 let post_return = options.post_return.map(|i| {
71 let func_ref = data.instance().runtime_post_return(i);
72 ExportFunction { func_ref }
73 });
74 let component_instance = options.instance;
75 let options = unsafe { Options::new(store.id(), memory, realloc, options.string_encoding) };
76 Func(store.store_data_mut().insert(FuncData {
77 export,
78 options,
79 ty,
80 types: data.component_types().clone(),
81 instance: *instance,
82 component_instance,
83 post_return,
84 post_return_arg: None,
85 }))
86 }
88 /// Attempt to cast this [`Func`] to a statically typed [`TypedFunc`] with
89 /// the provided `Params` and `Return`.
90 ///
91 /// This function will perform a type-check at runtime that the [`Func`]
92 /// takes `Params` as parameters and returns `Return`. If the type-check
93 /// passes then a [`TypedFunc`] will be returned which can be used to
94 /// invoke the function in an efficient, statically-typed, and ergonomic
95 /// manner.
96 ///
97 /// The `Params` type parameter here is a tuple of the parameters to the
98 /// function. A function which takes no arguments should use `()`, a
99 /// function with one argument should use `(T,)`, etc. Note that all
100 /// `Params` must also implement the [`Lower`] trait since they're going
101 /// into wasm.
102 ///
103 /// The `Return` type parameter is the return value of this function. A
104 /// return value of `()` means that there's no return (similar to a Rust
105 /// unit return) and otherwise a type `T` can be specified. Note that the
106 /// `Return` must also implement the [`Lift`] trait since it's coming from
107 /// wasm.
108 ///
109 /// Types specified here must implement the [`ComponentType`] trait. This
110 /// trait is implemented for built-in types to Rust such as integer
111 /// primitives, floats, `Option<T>`, `Result<T, E>`, strings, `Vec<T>`, and
112 /// more. As parameters you'll be passing native Rust types.
113 ///
114 /// See the documentation for [`ComponentType`] for more information about
115 /// supported types.
116 ///
117 /// # Errors
118 ///
119 /// If the function does not actually take `Params` as its parameters or
120 /// return `Return` then an error will be returned.
121 ///
122 /// # Panics
123 ///
124 /// This function will panic if `self` is not owned by the `store`
125 /// specified.
126 ///
127 /// # Examples
128 ///
129 /// Calling a function which takes no parameters and has no return value:
130 ///
131 /// ```
132 /// # use wasmtime::component::Func;
133 /// # use wasmtime::Store;
134 /// # fn foo(func: &Func, store: &mut Store<()>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
135 /// let typed = func.typed::<(), ()>(&store)?;
136 /// typed.call(store, ())?;
137 /// # Ok(())
138 /// # }
139 /// ```
140 ///
141 /// Calling a function which takes one string parameter and returns a
142 /// string:
143 ///
144 /// ```
145 /// # use wasmtime::component::Func;
146 /// # use wasmtime::Store;
147 /// # fn foo(func: &Func, mut store: Store<()>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
148 /// let typed = func.typed::<(&str,), (String,)>(&store)?;
149 /// let ret = typed.call(&mut store, ("Hello, ",))?.0;
150 /// println!("returned string was: {}", ret);
151 /// # Ok(())
152 /// # }
153 /// ```
154 ///
155 /// Calling a function which takes multiple parameters and returns a boolean:
156 ///
157 /// ```
158 /// # use wasmtime::component::Func;
159 /// # use wasmtime::Store;
160 /// # fn foo(func: &Func, mut store: Store<()>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
161 /// let typed = func.typed::<(u32, Option<&str>, &[u8]), (bool,)>(&store)?;
162 /// let ok: bool = typed.call(&mut store, (1, Some("hello"), b"bytes!"))?.0;
163 /// println!("return value was: {ok}");
164 /// # Ok(())
165 /// # }
166 /// ```
167 pub fn typed<Params, Return>(&self, store: impl AsContext) -> Result<TypedFunc<Params, Return>>
168 where
169 Params: ComponentNamedList + Lower,
170 Return: ComponentNamedList + Lift,
171 {
172 self._typed(store.as_context().0, None)
173 }
175 pub(crate) fn _typed<Params, Return>(
176 &self,
177 store: &StoreOpaque,
178 instance: Option<&InstanceData>,
179 ) -> Result<TypedFunc<Params, Return>>
180 where
181 Params: ComponentNamedList + Lower,
182 Return: ComponentNamedList + Lift,
183 {
184 self.typecheck::<Params, Return>(store, instance)?;
185 unsafe { Ok(TypedFunc::new_unchecked(*self)) }
186 }
188 fn typecheck<Params, Return>(
189 &self,
190 store: &StoreOpaque,
191 instance: Option<&InstanceData>,
192 ) -> Result<()>
193 where
194 Params: ComponentNamedList + Lower,
195 Return: ComponentNamedList + Lift,
196 {
197 let data = &store[self.0];
198 let cx = instance
199 .unwrap_or_else(|| &store[data.instance.0].as_ref().unwrap())
200 .ty();
201 let ty = &cx.types[data.ty];
203 Params::typecheck(&InterfaceType::Tuple(ty.params), &cx)
204 .context("type mismatch with parameters")?;
205 Return::typecheck(&InterfaceType::Tuple(ty.results), &cx)
206 .context("type mismatch with results")?;
208 Ok(())
209 }
211 /// Get the parameter names and types for this function.
212 pub fn params(&self, store: impl AsContext) -> Box<[(String, Type)]> {
213 let store = store.as_context();
214 let data = &store[self.0];
215 let instance = store[data.instance.0].as_ref().unwrap();
216 let func_ty = &data.types[data.ty];
217 data.types[func_ty.params]
218 .types
219 .iter()
220 .zip(&func_ty.param_names)
221 .map(|(ty, name)| (name.clone(), Type::from(ty, &instance.ty())))
222 .collect()
223 }
225 /// Get the result types for this function.
226 pub fn results(&self, store: impl AsContext) -> Box<[Type]> {
227 let store = store.as_context();
228 let data = &store[self.0];
229 let instance = store[data.instance.0].as_ref().unwrap();
230 data.types[data.types[data.ty].results]
231 .types
232 .iter()
233 .map(|ty| Type::from(ty, &instance.ty()))
234 .collect()
235 }
237 /// Invokes this function with the `params` given and returns the result.
238 ///
239 /// The `params` provided must match the parameters that this function takes
240 /// in terms of their types and the number of parameters. Results will be
241 /// written to the `results` slice provided if the call completes
242 /// successfully. The initial types of the values in `results` are ignored
243 /// and values are overwritten to write the result. It's required that the
244 /// size of `results` exactly matches the number of results that this
245 /// function produces.
246 ///
247 /// Note that after a function is invoked the embedder needs to invoke
248 /// [`Func::post_return`] to execute any final cleanup required by the
249 /// guest. This function call is required to either call the function again
250 /// or to call another function.
251 ///
252 /// For more detailed information see the documentation of
253 /// [`TypedFunc::call`].
254 ///
255 /// # Errors
256 ///
257 /// Returns an error in situations including but not limited to:
258 ///
259 /// * `params` is not the right size or if the values have the wrong type
260 /// * `results` is not the right size
261 /// * A trap occurs while executing the function
262 /// * The function calls a host function which returns an error
263 ///
264 /// See [`TypedFunc::call`] for more information in addition to
265 /// [`wasmtime::Func::call`](crate::Func::call).
266 ///
267 /// # Panics
268 ///
269 /// Panics if this is called on a function in an asynchronous store. This
270 /// only works with functions defined within a synchronous store. Also
271 /// panics if `store` does not own this function.
272 pub fn call(
273 &self,
274 mut store: impl AsContextMut,
275 params: &[Val],
276 results: &mut [Val],
277 ) -> Result<()> {
278 let mut store = store.as_context_mut();
279 assert!(
280 !store.0.async_support(),
281 "must use `call_async` when async support is enabled on the config"
282 );
283 self.call_impl(&mut store.as_context_mut(), params, results)
284 }
286 /// Exactly like [`Self::call`] except for use on async stores.
287 ///
288 /// Note that after this [`Func::post_return_async`] will be used instead of
289 /// the synchronous version at [`Func::post_return`].
290 ///
291 /// # Panics
292 ///
293 /// Panics if this is called on a function in a synchronous store. This
294 /// only works with functions defined within an asynchronous store. Also
295 /// panics if `store` does not own this function.
296 #[cfg(feature = "async")]
297 pub async fn call_async<T>(
298 &self,
299 mut store: impl AsContextMut<Data = T>,
300 params: &[Val],
301 results: &mut [Val],
302 ) -> Result<()>
303 where
304 T: Send,
305 {
306 let mut store = store.as_context_mut();
307 assert!(
308 store.0.async_support(),
309 "cannot use `call_async` without enabling async support in the config"
310 );
311 store
312 .on_fiber(|store| self.call_impl(store, params, results))
313 .await?
314 }
316 fn call_impl(
317 &self,
318 mut store: impl AsContextMut,
319 params: &[Val],
320 results: &mut [Val],
321 ) -> Result<()> {
322 let store = &mut store.as_context_mut();
324 let param_tys = self.params(&store);
325 let result_tys = self.results(&store);
327 if param_tys.len() != params.len() {
328 bail!(
329 "expected {} argument(s), got {}",
330 param_tys.len(),
331 params.len()
332 );
333 }
334 if result_tys.len() != results.len() {
335 bail!(
336 "expected {} results(s), got {}",
337 result_tys.len(),
338 results.len()
339 );
340 }
342 self.call_raw(
343 store,
344 params,
345 |cx, params, params_ty, dst: &mut MaybeUninit<[ValRaw; MAX_FLAT_PARAMS]>| {
346 let params_ty = match params_ty {
347 InterfaceType::Tuple(i) => &cx.types[i],
348 _ => unreachable!(),
349 };
350 if params_ty.abi.flat_count(MAX_FLAT_PARAMS).is_some() {
351 let dst = &mut unsafe {
352 mem::transmute::<_, &mut [MaybeUninit<ValRaw>; MAX_FLAT_PARAMS]>(dst)
353 }
354 .iter_mut();
356 params
357 .iter()
358 .zip(params_ty.types.iter())
359 .try_for_each(|(param, ty)| param.lower(cx, *ty, dst))
360 } else {
361 self.store_args(cx, ¶ms_ty, params, dst)
362 }
363 },
364 |cx, results_ty, src: &[ValRaw; MAX_FLAT_RESULTS]| {
365 let results_ty = match results_ty {
366 InterfaceType::Tuple(i) => &cx.types[i],
367 _ => unreachable!(),
368 };
369 if results_ty.abi.flat_count(MAX_FLAT_RESULTS).is_some() {
370 let mut flat = src.iter();
371 for (ty, slot) in results_ty.types.iter().zip(results) {
372 *slot = Val::lift(cx, *ty, &mut flat)?;
373 }
374 Ok(())
375 } else {
376 Self::load_results(cx, results_ty, results, &mut src.iter())
377 }
378 },
379 )
380 }
382 /// Invokes the underlying wasm function, lowering arguments and lifting the
383 /// result.
384 ///
385 /// The `lower` function and `lift` function provided here are what actually
386 /// do the lowering and lifting. The `LowerParams` and `LowerReturn` types
387 /// are what will be allocated on the stack for this function call. They
388 /// should be appropriately sized for the lowering/lifting operation
389 /// happening.
390 fn call_raw<T, Params: ?Sized, Return, LowerParams, LowerReturn>(
391 &self,
392 store: &mut StoreContextMut<'_, T>,
393 params: &Params,
394 lower: impl FnOnce(
395 &mut LowerContext<'_, T>,
396 &Params,
397 InterfaceType,
398 &mut MaybeUninit<LowerParams>,
399 ) -> Result<()>,
400 lift: impl FnOnce(&mut LiftContext<'_>, InterfaceType, &LowerReturn) -> Result<Return>,
401 ) -> Result<Return>
402 where
403 LowerParams: Copy,
404 LowerReturn: Copy,
405 {
406 let FuncData {
407 export,
408 options,
409 instance,
410 component_instance,
411 ty,
412 ..
413 } = store.0[self.0];
415 let space = &mut MaybeUninit::<ParamsAndResults<LowerParams, LowerReturn>>::uninit();
417 // Double-check the size/alignment of `space`, just in case.
418 //
419 // Note that this alone is not enough to guarantee the validity of the
420 // `unsafe` block below, but it's definitely required. In any case LLVM
421 // should be able to trivially see through these assertions and remove
422 // them in release mode.
423 let val_size = mem::size_of::<ValRaw>();
424 let val_align = mem::align_of::<ValRaw>();
425 assert!(mem::size_of_val(space) % val_size == 0);
426 assert!(mem::size_of_val(map_maybe_uninit!(space.params)) % val_size == 0);
427 assert!(mem::size_of_val(map_maybe_uninit!(space.ret)) % val_size == 0);
428 assert!(mem::align_of_val(space) == val_align);
429 assert!(mem::align_of_val(map_maybe_uninit!(space.params)) == val_align);
430 assert!(mem::align_of_val(map_maybe_uninit!(space.ret)) == val_align);
432 let instance = store.0[instance.0].as_ref().unwrap();
433 let types = instance.component_types().clone();
434 let mut flags = instance.instance().instance_flags(component_instance);
436 unsafe {
437 // Test the "may enter" flag which is a "lock" on this instance.
438 // This is immediately set to `false` afterwards and note that
439 // there's no on-cleanup setting this flag back to true. That's an
440 // intentional design aspect where if anything goes wrong internally
441 // from this point on the instance is considered "poisoned" and can
442 // never be entered again. The only time this flag is set to `true`
443 // again is after post-return logic has completed successfully.
444 if !flags.may_enter() {
445 bail!(crate::Trap::CannotEnterComponent);
446 }
447 flags.set_may_enter(false);
449 debug_assert!(flags.may_leave());
450 flags.set_may_leave(false);
451 let instance_ptr = instance.instance_ptr();
452 let mut cx = LowerContext::new(store.as_context_mut(), &options, &types, instance_ptr);
453 cx.enter_call();
454 let result = lower(
455 &mut cx,
456 params,
457 InterfaceType::Tuple(types[ty].params),
458 map_maybe_uninit!(space.params),
459 );
460 flags.set_may_leave(true);
461 result?;
463 // This is unsafe as we are providing the guarantee that all the
464 // inputs are valid. The various pointers passed in for the function
465 // are all valid since they're coming from our store, and the
466 // `params_and_results` should have the correct layout for the core
467 // wasm function we're calling. Note that this latter point relies
468 // on the correctness of this module and `ComponentType`
469 // implementations, hence `ComponentType` being an `unsafe` trait.
470 crate::Func::call_unchecked_raw(
471 store,
472 export.func_ref,
473 NonNull::new(core::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(
474 space.as_mut_ptr().cast(),
475 mem::size_of_val(space) / mem::size_of::<ValRaw>(),
476 ))
477 .unwrap(),
478 )?;
480 // Note that `.assume_init_ref()` here is unsafe but we're relying
481 // on the correctness of the structure of `LowerReturn` and the
482 // type-checking performed to acquire the `TypedFunc` to make this
483 // safe. It should be the case that `LowerReturn` is the exact
484 // representation of the return value when interpreted as
485 // `[ValRaw]`, and additionally they should have the correct types
486 // for the function we just called (which filled in the return
487 // values).
488 let ret = map_maybe_uninit!(space.ret).assume_init_ref();
490 // Lift the result into the host while managing post-return state
491 // here as well.
492 //
493 // After a successful lift the return value of the function, which
494 // is currently required to be 0 or 1 values according to the
495 // canonical ABI, is saved within the `Store`'s `FuncData`. This'll
496 // later get used in post-return.
497 flags.set_needs_post_return(true);
498 let val = lift(
499 &mut LiftContext::new(store.0, &options, &types, instance_ptr),
500 InterfaceType::Tuple(types[ty].results),
501 ret,
502 )?;
503 let ret_slice = storage_as_slice(ret);
504 let data = &mut store.0[self.0];
505 assert!(data.post_return_arg.is_none());
506 match ret_slice.len() {
507 0 => data.post_return_arg = Some(ValRaw::i32(0)),
508 1 => data.post_return_arg = Some(ret_slice[0]),
509 _ => unreachable!(),
510 }
511 return Ok(val);
512 }
513 }
515 /// Invokes the `post-return` canonical ABI option, if specified, after a
516 /// [`Func::call`] has finished.
517 ///
518 /// This function is a required method call after a [`Func::call`] completes
519 /// successfully. After the embedder has finished processing the return
520 /// value then this function must be invoked.
521 ///
522 /// # Errors
523 ///
524 /// This function will return an error in the case of a WebAssembly trap
525 /// happening during the execution of the `post-return` function, if
526 /// specified.
527 ///
528 /// # Panics
529 ///
530 /// This function will panic if it's not called under the correct
531 /// conditions. This can only be called after a previous invocation of
532 /// [`Func::call`] completes successfully, and this function can only
533 /// be called for the same [`Func`] that was `call`'d.
534 ///
535 /// If this function is called when [`Func::call`] was not previously
536 /// called, then it will panic. If a different [`Func`] for the same
537 /// component instance was invoked then this function will also panic
538 /// because the `post-return` needs to happen for the other function.
539 ///
540 /// Panics if this is called on a function in an asynchronous store.
541 /// This only works with functions defined within a synchronous store.
542 #[inline]
543 pub fn post_return(&self, mut store: impl AsContextMut) -> Result<()> {
544 let store = store.as_context_mut();
545 assert!(
546 !store.0.async_support(),
547 "must use `post_return_async` when async support is enabled on the config"
548 );
549 self.post_return_impl(store)
550 }
552 /// Exactly like [`Self::post_return`] except for use on async stores.
553 ///
554 /// # Panics
555 ///
556 /// Panics if this is called on a function in a synchronous store. This
557 /// only works with functions defined within an asynchronous store.
558 #[cfg(feature = "async")]
559 pub async fn post_return_async<T: Send>(
560 &self,
561 mut store: impl AsContextMut<Data = T>,
562 ) -> Result<()> {
563 let mut store = store.as_context_mut();
564 assert!(
565 store.0.async_support(),
566 "cannot use `call_async` without enabling async support in the config"
567 );
568 // Future optimization opportunity: conditionally use a fiber here since
569 // some func's post_return will not need the async context (i.e. end up
570 // calling async host functionality)
571 store.on_fiber(|store| self.post_return_impl(store)).await?
572 }
574 fn post_return_impl(&self, mut store: impl AsContextMut) -> Result<()> {
575 let mut store = store.as_context_mut();
576 let data = &mut store.0[self.0];
577 let instance = data.instance;
578 let post_return = data.post_return;
579 let component_instance = data.component_instance;
580 let post_return_arg = data.post_return_arg.take();
581 let instance = store.0[instance.0].as_ref().unwrap().instance_ptr();
583 unsafe {
584 let mut flags = (*instance).instance_flags(component_instance);
586 // First assert that the instance is in a "needs post return" state.
587 // This will ensure that the previous action on the instance was a
588 // function call above. This flag is only set after a component
589 // function returns so this also can't be called (as expected)
590 // during a host import for example.
591 //
592 // Note, though, that this assert is not sufficient because it just
593 // means some function on this instance needs its post-return
594 // called. We need a precise post-return for a particular function
595 // which is the second assert here (the `.expect`). That will assert
596 // that this function itself needs to have its post-return called.
597 //
598 // The theory at least is that these two asserts ensure component
599 // model semantics are upheld where the host properly calls
600 // `post_return` on the right function despite the call being a
601 // separate step in the API.
602 assert!(
603 flags.needs_post_return(),
604 "post_return can only be called after a function has previously been called",
605 );
606 let post_return_arg = post_return_arg.expect("calling post_return on wrong function");
608 // This is a sanity-check assert which shouldn't ever trip.
609 assert!(!flags.may_enter());
611 // Unset the "needs post return" flag now that post-return is being
612 // processed. This will cause future invocations of this method to
613 // panic, even if the function call below traps.
614 flags.set_needs_post_return(false);
616 // If the function actually had a `post-return` configured in its
617 // canonical options that's executed here.
618 //
619 // Note that if this traps (returns an error) this function
620 // intentionally leaves the instance in a "poisoned" state where it
621 // can no longer be entered because `may_enter` is `false`.
622 if let Some(func) = post_return {
623 crate::Func::call_unchecked_raw(
624 &mut store,
625 func.func_ref,
626 NonNull::new(core::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts(&post_return_arg, 1).cast_mut())
627 .unwrap(),
628 )?;
629 }
631 // And finally if everything completed successfully then the "may
632 // enter" flag is set to `true` again here which enables further use
633 // of the component.
634 flags.set_may_enter(true);
636 let (calls, host_table, _) = store.0.component_resource_state();
637 ResourceTables {
638 calls,
639 host_table: Some(host_table),
640 tables: Some((*instance).component_resource_tables()),
641 }
642 .exit_call()?;
643 }
644 Ok(())
645 }
647 fn store_args<T>(
648 &self,
649 cx: &mut LowerContext<'_, T>,
650 params_ty: &TypeTuple,
651 args: &[Val],
652 dst: &mut MaybeUninit<[ValRaw; MAX_FLAT_PARAMS]>,
653 ) -> Result<()> {
654 let size = usize::try_from(params_ty.abi.size32).unwrap();
655 let ptr = cx.realloc(0, 0, params_ty.abi.align32, size)?;
656 let mut offset = ptr;
657 for (ty, arg) in params_ty.types.iter().zip(args) {
658 let abi = cx.types.canonical_abi(ty);
659 arg.store(cx, *ty, abi.next_field32_size(&mut offset))?;
660 }
662 map_maybe_uninit!(dst[0]).write(ValRaw::i64(ptr as i64));
664 Ok(())
665 }
667 fn load_results(
668 cx: &mut LiftContext<'_>,
669 results_ty: &TypeTuple,
670 results: &mut [Val],
671 src: &mut core::slice::Iter<'_, ValRaw>,
672 ) -> Result<()> {
673 // FIXME(#4311): needs to read an i64 for memory64
674 let ptr = usize::try_from(src.next().unwrap().get_u32())?;
675 if ptr % usize::try_from(results_ty.abi.align32)? != 0 {
676 bail!("return pointer not aligned");
677 }
679 let bytes = cx
680 .memory()
681 .get(ptr..)
682 .and_then(|b| b.get(..usize::try_from(results_ty.abi.size32).unwrap()))
683 .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("pointer out of bounds of memory"))?;
685 let mut offset = 0;
686 for (ty, slot) in results_ty.types.iter().zip(results) {
687 let abi = cx.types.canonical_abi(ty);
688 let offset = abi.next_field32_size(&mut offset);
689 *slot = Val::load(cx, *ty, &bytes[offset..][..abi.size32 as usize])?;
690 }
691 Ok(())
692 }