
1#[cfg(feature = "coredump")]
2use super::coredump::WasmCoreDump;
3use crate::prelude::*;
4use crate::store::StoreOpaque;
5use crate::{AsContext, Module};
6use core::fmt;
7use wasmtime_environ::{demangle_function_name, demangle_function_name_or_index, FilePos};
9/// Representation of a WebAssembly trap and what caused it to occur.
11/// WebAssembly traps happen explicitly for instructions such as `unreachable`
12/// but can also happen as side effects of other instructions such as `i32.load`
13/// loading an out-of-bounds address. Traps halt the execution of WebAssembly
14/// and cause an error to be returned to the host. This enumeration is a list of
15/// all possible traps that can happen in wasm, in addition to some
16/// Wasmtime-specific trap codes listed here as well.
18/// # Errors in Wasmtime
20/// Error-handling in Wasmtime is primarily done through the
21/// [`anyhow`][mod@anyhow] crate where most results are a
22/// [`Result<T>`](anyhow::Result) which is an alias for [`Result<T,
23/// anyhow::Error>`](std::result::Result). Errors in Wasmtime are represented
24/// with [`anyhow::Error`] which acts as a container for any type of error in
25/// addition to optional context for this error. The "base" error or
26/// [`anyhow::Error::root_cause`] is a [`Trap`] whenever WebAssembly hits a
27/// trap, or otherwise it's whatever the host created the error with when
28/// returning an error for a host call.
30/// Any error which happens while WebAssembly is executing will also, by
31/// default, capture a backtrace of the wasm frames while executing. This
32/// backtrace is represented with a [`WasmBacktrace`] instance and is attached
33/// to the [`anyhow::Error`] return value as a
34/// [`context`](anyhow::Error::context). Inspecting a [`WasmBacktrace`] can be
35/// done with the [`downcast_ref`](anyhow::Error::downcast_ref) function. For
36/// information on this see the [`WasmBacktrace`] documentation.
38/// # Examples
40/// ```
41/// # use wasmtime::*;
42/// # fn main() -> Result<()> {
43/// let engine = Engine::default();
44/// let module = Module::new(
45///     &engine,
46///     r#"
47///         (module
48///             (func (export "trap")
49///                 unreachable)
50///             (func $overflow (export "overflow")
51///                 call $overflow)
52///         )
53///     "#,
54/// )?;
55/// let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
56/// let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &[])?;
58/// let trap = instance.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "trap")?;
59/// let error = trap.call(&mut store, ()).unwrap_err();
60/// assert_eq!(*error.downcast_ref::<Trap>().unwrap(), Trap::UnreachableCodeReached);
61/// assert!(error.root_cause().is::<Trap>());
63/// let overflow = instance.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "overflow")?;
64/// let error = overflow.call(&mut store, ()).unwrap_err();
65/// assert_eq!(*error.downcast_ref::<Trap>().unwrap(), Trap::StackOverflow);
66/// # Ok(())
67/// # }
68/// ```
69pub use wasmtime_environ::Trap;
71#[cold] // traps are exceptional, this helps move handling off the main path
72pub(crate) fn from_runtime_box(
73    store: &mut StoreOpaque,
74    runtime_trap: Box<crate::runtime::vm::Trap>,
75) -> Error {
76    let crate::runtime::vm::Trap {
77        reason,
78        backtrace,
79        coredumpstack,
80    } = *runtime_trap;
81    let (mut error, pc) = match reason {
82        // For user-defined errors they're already an `anyhow::Error` so no
83        // conversion is really necessary here, but a `backtrace` may have
84        // been captured so it's attempted to get inserted here.
85        //
86        // If the error is actually a `Trap` then the backtrace is inserted
87        // directly into the `Trap` since there's storage there for it.
88        // Otherwise though this represents a host-defined error which isn't
89        // using a `Trap` but instead some other condition that was fatal to
90        // wasm itself. In that situation the backtrace is inserted as
91        // contextual information on error using `error.context(...)` to
92        // provide useful information to debug with for the embedder/caller,
93        // otherwise the information about what the wasm was doing when the
94        // error was generated would be lost.
95        crate::runtime::vm::TrapReason::User(error) => (error, None),
96        crate::runtime::vm::TrapReason::Jit {
97            pc,
98            faulting_addr,
99            trap,
100        } => {
101            let mut err: Error = trap.into();
103            // If a fault address was present, for example with segfaults,
104            // then simultaneously assert that it's within a known linear memory
105            // and additionally translate it to a wasm-local address to be added
106            // as context to the error.
107            if let Some(fault) = faulting_addr.and_then(|addr| store.wasm_fault(pc, addr)) {
108                err = err.context(fault);
109            }
110            (err, Some(pc))
111        }
112        crate::runtime::vm::TrapReason::Wasm(trap_code) => (trap_code.into(), None),
113    };
115    if let Some(bt) = backtrace {
116        let bt = WasmBacktrace::from_captured(store, bt, pc);
117        if !bt.wasm_trace.is_empty() {
118            error = error.context(bt);
119        }
120    }
122    let _ = &coredumpstack;
123    #[cfg(feature = "coredump")]
124    if let Some(coredump) = coredumpstack {
125        let bt = WasmBacktrace::from_captured(store, coredump.bt, pc);
126        let cd = WasmCoreDump::new(store, bt);
127        error = error.context(cd);
128    }
130    error
133/// Representation of a backtrace of function frames in a WebAssembly module for
134/// where an error happened.
136/// This structure is attached to the [`anyhow::Error`] returned from many
137/// Wasmtime functions that execute WebAssembly such as [`Instance::new`] or
138/// [`Func::call`]. This can be acquired with the [`anyhow::Error::downcast`]
139/// family of methods to programmatically inspect the backtrace. Otherwise since
140/// it's part of the error returned this will get printed along with the rest of
141/// the error when the error is logged.
143/// Capturing of wasm backtraces can be configured through the
144/// [`Config::wasm_backtrace`](crate::Config::wasm_backtrace) method.
146/// For more information about errors in wasmtime see the documentation of the
147/// [`Trap`] type.
149/// [`Func::call`]: crate::Func::call
150/// [`Instance::new`]: crate::Instance::new
152/// # Examples
154/// ```
155/// # use wasmtime::*;
156/// # fn main() -> Result<()> {
157/// let engine = Engine::default();
158/// let module = Module::new(
159///     &engine,
160///     r#"
161///         (module
162///             (func $start (export "run")
163///                 call $trap)
164///             (func $trap
165///                 unreachable)
166///         )
167///     "#,
168/// )?;
169/// let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
170/// let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &[])?;
171/// let func = instance.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "run")?;
172/// let error = func.call(&mut store, ()).unwrap_err();
173/// let bt = error.downcast_ref::<WasmBacktrace>().unwrap();
174/// let frames = bt.frames();
175/// assert_eq!(frames.len(), 2);
176/// assert_eq!(frames[0].func_name(), Some("trap"));
177/// assert_eq!(frames[1].func_name(), Some("start"));
178/// # Ok(())
179/// # }
180/// ```
182pub struct WasmBacktrace {
183    wasm_trace: Vec<FrameInfo>,
184    hint_wasm_backtrace_details_env: bool,
185    // This is currently only present for the `Debug` implementation for extra
186    // context.
187    #[allow(dead_code)]
188    runtime_trace: crate::runtime::vm::Backtrace,
191impl WasmBacktrace {
192    /// Captures a trace of the WebAssembly frames on the stack for the
193    /// provided store.
194    ///
195    /// This will return a [`WasmBacktrace`] which holds captured
196    /// [`FrameInfo`]s for each frame of WebAssembly on the call stack of the
197    /// current thread. If no WebAssembly is on the stack then the returned
198    /// backtrace will have no frames in it.
199    ///
200    /// Note that this function will respect the [`Config::wasm_backtrace`]
201    /// configuration option and will return an empty backtrace if that is
202    /// disabled. To always capture a backtrace use the
203    /// [`WasmBacktrace::force_capture`] method.
204    ///
205    /// Also note that this function will only capture frames from the
206    /// specified `store` on the stack, ignoring frames from other stores if
207    /// present.
208    ///
209    /// [`Config::wasm_backtrace`]: crate::Config::wasm_backtrace
210    ///
211    /// # Example
212    ///
213    /// ```
214    /// # use wasmtime::*;
215    /// # fn main() -> Result<()> {
216    /// let engine = Engine::default();
217    /// let module = Module::new(
218    ///     &engine,
219    ///     r#"
220    ///         (module
221    ///             (import "" "" (func $host))
222    ///             (func $foo (export "f") call $bar)
223    ///             (func $bar call $host)
224    ///         )
225    ///     "#,
226    /// )?;
227    ///
228    /// let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
229    /// let func = Func::wrap(&mut store, |cx: Caller<'_, ()>| {
230    ///     let trace = WasmBacktrace::capture(&cx);
231    ///     println!("{trace:?}");
232    /// });
233    /// let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &[func.into()])?;
234    /// let func = instance.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "f")?;
235    /// func.call(&mut store, ())?;
236    /// # Ok(())
237    /// # }
238    /// ```
239    pub fn capture(store: impl AsContext) -> WasmBacktrace {
240        let store = store.as_context();
241        if store.engine().config().wasm_backtrace {
242            Self::force_capture(store)
243        } else {
244            WasmBacktrace {
245                wasm_trace: Vec::new(),
246                hint_wasm_backtrace_details_env: false,
247                runtime_trace: crate::runtime::vm::Backtrace::empty(),
248            }
249        }
250    }
252    /// Unconditionally captures a trace of the WebAssembly frames on the stack
253    /// for the provided store.
254    ///
255    /// Same as [`WasmBacktrace::capture`] except that it disregards the
256    /// [`Config::wasm_backtrace`](crate::Config::wasm_backtrace) setting and
257    /// always captures a backtrace.
258    pub fn force_capture(store: impl AsContext) -> WasmBacktrace {
259        let store = store.as_context();
260        Self::from_captured(store.0, crate::runtime::vm::Backtrace::new(store.0), None)
261    }
263    fn from_captured(
264        store: &StoreOpaque,
265        runtime_trace: crate::runtime::vm::Backtrace,
266        trap_pc: Option<usize>,
267    ) -> Self {
268        let mut wasm_trace = Vec::<FrameInfo>::with_capacity(runtime_trace.frames().len());
269        let mut hint_wasm_backtrace_details_env = false;
270        let wasm_backtrace_details_env_used =
271            store.engine().config().wasm_backtrace_details_env_used;
273        for frame in runtime_trace.frames() {
274            debug_assert!(frame.pc() != 0);
276            // Note that we need to be careful about the pc we pass in
277            // here to lookup frame information. This program counter is
278            // used to translate back to an original source location in
279            // the origin wasm module. If this pc is the exact pc that
280            // the trap happened at, then we look up that pc precisely.
281            // Otherwise backtrace information typically points at the
282            // pc *after* the call instruction (because otherwise it's
283            // likely a call instruction on the stack). In that case we
284            // want to lookup information for the previous instruction
285            // (the call instruction) so we subtract one as the lookup.
286            let pc_to_lookup = if Some(frame.pc()) == trap_pc {
287                frame.pc()
288            } else {
289                frame.pc() - 1
290            };
292            // NB: The PC we are looking up _must_ be a Wasm PC since
293            // `crate::runtime::vm::Backtrace` only contains Wasm frames.
294            //
295            // However, consider the case where we have multiple, nested calls
296            // across stores (with host code in between, by necessity, since
297            // only things in the same store can be linked directly together):
298            //
299            //     | ...             |
300            //     | Host            |  |
301            //     +-----------------+  | stack
302            //     | Wasm in store A |  | grows
303            //     +-----------------+  | down
304            //     | Host            |  |
305            //     +-----------------+  |
306            //     | Wasm in store B |  V
307            //     +-----------------+
308            //
309            // In this scenario, the `crate::runtime::vm::Backtrace` will
310            // contain two frames: Wasm in store B followed by Wasm in store
311            // A. But `store.modules()` will only have the module information
312            // for modules instantiated within this store. Therefore, we use `if
313            // let Some(..)` instead of the `unwrap` you might otherwise expect
314            // and we ignore frames from modules that were not registered in
315            // this store's module registry.
316            if let Some((info, module)) = store.modules().lookup_frame_info(pc_to_lookup) {
317                wasm_trace.push(info);
319                // If this frame has unparsed debug information and the
320                // store's configuration indicates that we were
321                // respecting the environment variable of whether to
322                // do this then we will print out a helpful note in
323                // `Display` to indicate that more detailed information
324                // in a trap may be available.
325                let has_unparsed_debuginfo = module.compiled_module().has_unparsed_debuginfo();
326                if has_unparsed_debuginfo && wasm_backtrace_details_env_used {
327                    hint_wasm_backtrace_details_env = true;
328                }
329            }
330        }
332        Self {
333            wasm_trace,
334            runtime_trace,
335            hint_wasm_backtrace_details_env,
336        }
337    }
339    /// Returns a list of function frames in WebAssembly this backtrace
340    /// represents.
341    pub fn frames(&self) -> &[FrameInfo] {
342        self.wasm_trace.as_slice()
343    }
346impl fmt::Display for WasmBacktrace {
347    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
348        writeln!(f, "error while executing at wasm backtrace:")?;
350        let mut needs_newline = false;
351        for (i, frame) in self.wasm_trace.iter().enumerate() {
352            // Avoid putting a trailing newline on the output
353            if needs_newline {
354                writeln!(f, "")?;
355            } else {
356                needs_newline = true;
357            }
358            let name = frame.module().name().unwrap_or("<unknown>");
359            write!(f, "  {i:>3}: ")?;
361            if let Some(offset) = frame.module_offset() {
362                write!(f, "{offset:#6x} - ")?;
363            }
365            let write_raw_func_name = |f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>| {
366                demangle_function_name_or_index(f, frame.func_name(), frame.func_index() as usize)
367            };
368            if frame.symbols().is_empty() {
369                write!(f, "{name}!")?;
370                write_raw_func_name(f)?;
371            } else {
372                for (i, symbol) in frame.symbols().iter().enumerate() {
373                    if i > 0 {
374                        write!(f, "              - ")?;
375                    } else {
376                        // ...
377                    }
378                    match symbol.name() {
379                        Some(name) => demangle_function_name(f, name)?,
380                        None if i == 0 => write_raw_func_name(f)?,
381                        None => write!(f, "<inlined function>")?,
382                    }
383                    if let Some(file) = symbol.file() {
384                        writeln!(f, "")?;
385                        write!(f, "                    at {file}")?;
386                        if let Some(line) = symbol.line() {
387                            write!(f, ":{line}")?;
388                            if let Some(col) = symbol.column() {
389                                write!(f, ":{col}")?;
390                            }
391                        }
392                    }
393                }
394            }
395        }
396        if self.hint_wasm_backtrace_details_env {
397            write!(f, "\nnote: using the `WASMTIME_BACKTRACE_DETAILS=1` environment variable may show more debugging information")?;
398        }
399        Ok(())
400    }
403/// Description of a frame in a backtrace for a [`WasmBacktrace`].
405/// Whenever an error happens while WebAssembly is executing a
406/// [`WasmBacktrace`] will be attached to the error returned which can be used
407/// to acquire this `FrameInfo`. For more information see [`WasmBacktrace`].
409pub struct FrameInfo {
410    module: Module,
411    func_index: u32,
412    func_name: Option<String>,
413    func_start: FilePos,
414    instr: Option<FilePos>,
415    symbols: Vec<FrameSymbol>,
418impl FrameInfo {
419    /// Fetches frame information about a program counter in a backtrace.
420    ///
421    /// Returns an object if this `pc` is known to this module, or returns `None`
422    /// if no information can be found.
423    pub(crate) fn new(module: Module, text_offset: usize) -> Option<FrameInfo> {
424        let compiled_module = module.compiled_module();
425        let (index, _func_offset) = compiled_module.func_by_text_offset(text_offset)?;
426        let info = compiled_module.wasm_func_info(index);
427        let func_start = info.start_srcloc;
428        let instr = wasmtime_environ::lookup_file_pos(
429            compiled_module.code_memory().address_map_data(),
430            text_offset,
431        );
432        let index = compiled_module.module().func_index(index);
433        let func_index = index.as_u32();
434        let func_name = compiled_module.func_name(index).map(|s| s.to_string());
436        // In debug mode for now assert that we found a mapping for `pc` within
437        // the function, because otherwise something is buggy along the way and
438        // not accounting for all the instructions. This isn't super critical
439        // though so we can omit this check in release mode.
440        //
441        // Note that if the module doesn't even have an address map due to
442        // compilation settings then it's expected that `instr` is `None`.
443        debug_assert!(
444            instr.is_some() || !compiled_module.has_address_map(),
445            "failed to find instruction for {text_offset:#x}"
446        );
448        // Use our wasm-relative pc to symbolize this frame. If there's a
449        // symbolication context (dwarf debug info) available then we can try to
450        // look this up there.
451        //
452        // Note that dwarf pcs are code-section-relative, hence the subtraction
453        // from the location of `instr`. Also note that all errors are ignored
454        // here for now since technically wasm modules can always have any
455        // custom section contents.
456        let mut symbols = Vec::new();
458        let _ = &mut symbols;
459        #[cfg(feature = "addr2line")]
460        if let Some(s) = &compiled_module.symbolize_context().ok().and_then(|c| c) {
461            if let Some(offset) = instr.and_then(|i| i.file_offset()) {
462                let to_lookup = u64::from(offset) - s.code_section_offset();
463                if let Ok(mut frames) = s.addr2line().find_frames(to_lookup).skip_all_loads() {
464                    while let Ok(Some(frame)) = frames.next() {
465                        symbols.push(FrameSymbol {
466                            name: frame
467                                .function
468                                .as_ref()
469                                .and_then(|l| l.raw_name().ok())
470                                .map(|s| s.to_string()),
471                            file: frame
472                                .location
473                                .as_ref()
474                                .and_then(|l| l.file)
475                                .map(|s| s.to_string()),
476                            line: frame.location.as_ref().and_then(|l| l.line),
477                            column: frame.location.as_ref().and_then(|l| l.column),
478                        });
479                    }
480                }
481            }
482        }
484        Some(FrameInfo {
485            module,
486            func_index,
487            func_name,
488            instr,
489            func_start,
490            symbols,
491        })
492    }
494    /// Returns the WebAssembly function index for this frame.
495    ///
496    /// This function index is the index in the function index space of the
497    /// WebAssembly module that this frame comes from.
498    pub fn func_index(&self) -> u32 {
499        self.func_index
500    }
502    /// Returns the module for this frame.
503    ///
504    /// This is the module who's code was being run in this frame.
505    pub fn module(&self) -> &Module {
506        &self.module
507    }
509    /// Returns a descriptive name of the function for this frame, if one is
510    /// available.
511    ///
512    /// The name of this function may come from the `name` section of the
513    /// WebAssembly binary, or wasmtime may try to infer a better name for it if
514    /// not available, for example the name of the export if it's exported.
515    ///
516    /// This return value is primarily used for debugging and human-readable
517    /// purposes for things like traps. Note that the exact return value may be
518    /// tweaked over time here and isn't guaranteed to be something in
519    /// particular about a wasm module due to its primary purpose of assisting
520    /// in debugging.
521    ///
522    /// This function returns `None` when no name could be inferred.
523    pub fn func_name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
524        self.func_name.as_deref()
525    }
527    /// Returns the offset within the original wasm module this frame's program
528    /// counter was at.
529    ///
530    /// The offset here is the offset from the beginning of the original wasm
531    /// module to the instruction that this frame points to.
532    ///
533    /// Note that `None` may be returned if the original module was not
534    /// compiled with mapping information to yield this information. This is
535    /// controlled by the
536    /// [`Config::generate_address_map`](crate::Config::generate_address_map)
537    /// configuration option.
538    pub fn module_offset(&self) -> Option<usize> {
539        Some(self.instr?.file_offset()? as usize)
540    }
542    /// Returns the offset from the original wasm module's function to this
543    /// frame's program counter.
544    ///
545    /// The offset here is the offset from the beginning of the defining
546    /// function of this frame (within the wasm module) to the instruction this
547    /// frame points to.
548    ///
549    /// Note that `None` may be returned if the original module was not
550    /// compiled with mapping information to yield this information. This is
551    /// controlled by the
552    /// [`Config::generate_address_map`](crate::Config::generate_address_map)
553    /// configuration option.
554    pub fn func_offset(&self) -> Option<usize> {
555        let instr_offset = self.instr?.file_offset()?;
556        Some((instr_offset - self.func_start.file_offset()?) as usize)
557    }
559    /// Returns the debug symbols found, if any, for this function frame.
560    ///
561    /// When a wasm program is compiled with DWARF debug information then this
562    /// function may be populated to return symbols which contain extra debug
563    /// information about a frame including the filename and line number. If no
564    /// debug information was found or if it was malformed then this will return
565    /// an empty array.
566    pub fn symbols(&self) -> &[FrameSymbol] {
567        &self.symbols
568    }
571/// Debug information for a symbol that is attached to a [`FrameInfo`].
573/// When DWARF debug information is present in a wasm file then this structure
574/// can be found on a [`FrameInfo`] and can be used to learn about filenames,
575/// line numbers, etc, which are the origin of a function in a stack trace.
577pub struct FrameSymbol {
578    name: Option<String>,
579    file: Option<String>,
580    line: Option<u32>,
581    column: Option<u32>,
584impl FrameSymbol {
585    /// Returns the function name associated with this symbol.
586    ///
587    /// Note that this may not be present with malformed debug information, or
588    /// the debug information may not include it. Also note that the symbol is
589    /// frequently mangled, so you might need to run some form of demangling
590    /// over it.
591    pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
592        self.name.as_deref()
593    }
595    /// Returns the source code filename this symbol was defined in.
596    ///
597    /// Note that this may not be present with malformed debug information, or
598    /// the debug information may not include it.
599    pub fn file(&self) -> Option<&str> {
600        self.file.as_deref()
601    }
603    /// Returns the 1-indexed source code line number this symbol was defined
604    /// on.
605    ///
606    /// Note that this may not be present with malformed debug information, or
607    /// the debug information may not include it.
608    pub fn line(&self) -> Option<u32> {
609        self.line
610    }
612    /// Returns the 1-indexed source code column number this symbol was defined
613    /// on.
614    ///
615    /// Note that this may not be present with malformed debug information, or
616    /// the debug information may not include it.
617    pub fn column(&self) -> Option<u32> {
618        self.column
619    }