
1use crate::component::func::HostFunc;
2use crate::component::matching::InstanceType;
3use crate::component::{
4    Component, ComponentExportIndex, ComponentNamedList, Func, Lift, Lower, ResourceType, TypedFunc,
6use crate::instance::OwnedImports;
7use crate::linker::DefinitionType;
8use crate::prelude::*;
9use crate::runtime::vm::component::{ComponentInstance, OwnedComponentInstance};
10use crate::runtime::vm::{CompiledModuleId, VMFuncRef};
11use crate::store::{StoreOpaque, Stored};
12use crate::{AsContextMut, Engine, Module, StoreContextMut};
13use alloc::sync::Arc;
14use core::marker;
15use core::ptr::NonNull;
16use wasmtime_environ::{component::*, EngineOrModuleTypeIndex};
17use wasmtime_environ::{EntityIndex, EntityType, Global, PrimaryMap, WasmValType};
19/// An instantiated component.
21/// This type represents an instantiated [`Component`](super::Component).
22/// Instances have exports which can be accessed through functions such as
23/// [`Instance::get_func`] or [`Instance::get_export`]. Instances are owned by a
24/// [`Store`](crate::Store) and all methods require a handle to the store.
26/// Component instances are created through
27/// [`Linker::instantiate`](super::Linker::instantiate) and its family of
28/// methods.
30/// This type is similar to the core wasm version
31/// [`wasmtime::Instance`](crate::Instance) except that it represents an
32/// instantiated component instead of an instantiated module.
33#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
34pub struct Instance(pub(crate) Stored<Option<Box<InstanceData>>>);
36pub(crate) struct InstanceData {
37    instances: PrimaryMap<RuntimeInstanceIndex, crate::Instance>,
39    // NB: in the future if necessary it would be possible to avoid storing an
40    // entire `Component` here and instead storing only information such as:
41    //
42    // * Some reference to `Arc<ComponentTypes>`
43    // * Necessary references to closed-over modules which are exported from the
44    //   component itself.
45    //
46    // Otherwise the full guts of this component should only ever be used during
47    // the instantiation of this instance, meaning that after instantiation much
48    // of the component can be thrown away (theoretically).
49    component: Component,
51    state: OwnedComponentInstance,
53    /// Arguments that this instance used to be instantiated.
54    ///
55    /// Strong references are stored to these arguments since pointers are saved
56    /// into the structures such as functions within the
57    /// `OwnedComponentInstance` but it's our job to keep them alive.
58    ///
59    /// One purpose of this storage is to enable embedders to drop a `Linker`,
60    /// for example, after a component is instantiated. In that situation if the
61    /// arguments weren't held here then they might be dropped, and structures
62    /// such as `.lowering()` which point back into the original function would
63    /// become stale and use-after-free conditions when used. By preserving the
64    /// entire list here though we're guaranteed that nothing is lost for the
65    /// duration of the lifetime of this instance.
66    imports: Arc<PrimaryMap<RuntimeImportIndex, RuntimeImport>>,
69impl Instance {
70    /// Looks up an exported function by name within this [`Instance`].
71    ///
72    /// The `store` argument provided must be the store that this instance
73    /// lives within and the `name` argument is the lookup key by which to find
74    /// the exported function. If the function is found then `Some` is returned
75    /// and otherwise `None` is returned.
76    ///
77    /// The `name` here can be a string such as `&str` or it can be a
78    /// [`ComponentExportIndex`] which is loaded prior from a [`Component`].
79    ///
80    /// # Panics
81    ///
82    /// Panics if `store` does not own this instance.
83    ///
84    /// # Examples
85    ///
86    /// Looking up a function which is exported from the root of a component:
87    ///
88    /// ```
89    /// use wasmtime::{Engine, Store};
90    /// use wasmtime::component::{Component, Linker};
91    ///
92    /// # fn main() -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
93    /// let engine = Engine::default();
94    /// let component = Component::new(
95    ///     &engine,
96    ///     r#"
97    ///         (component
98    ///             (core module $m
99    ///                 (func (export "f"))
100    ///             )
101    ///             (core instance $i (instantiate $m))
102    ///             (func (export "f")
103    ///                 (canon lift (core func $i "f")))
104    ///         )
105    ///     "#,
106    /// )?;
107    ///
108    /// // Look up the function by name
109    /// let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
110    /// let instance = Linker::new(&engine).instantiate(&mut store, &component)?;
111    /// let func = instance.get_func(&mut store, "f").unwrap();
112    ///
113    /// // The function can also be looked up by an index via a precomputed index.
114    /// let (_, export) = component.export_index(None, "f").unwrap();
115    /// let func = instance.get_func(&mut store, &export).unwrap();
116    /// # Ok(())
117    /// # }
118    /// ```
119    ///
120    /// Looking up a function which is exported from a nested instance:
121    ///
122    /// ```
123    /// use wasmtime::{Engine, Store};
124    /// use wasmtime::component::{Component, Linker};
125    ///
126    /// # fn main() -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
127    /// let engine = Engine::default();
128    /// let component = Component::new(
129    ///     &engine,
130    ///     r#"
131    ///         (component
132    ///             (core module $m
133    ///                 (func (export "f"))
134    ///             )
135    ///             (core instance $i (instantiate $m))
136    ///             (func $f
137    ///                 (canon lift (core func $i "f")))
138    ///
139    ///             (instance $i
140    ///                 (export "f" (func $f)))
141    ///             (export "i" (instance $i))
142    ///         )
143    ///     "#,
144    /// )?;
145    ///
146    /// // First look up the exported instance, then use that to lookup the
147    /// // exported function.
148    /// let (_, instance_index) = component.export_index(None, "i").unwrap();
149    /// let (_, func_index) = component.export_index(Some(&instance_index), "f").unwrap();
150    ///
151    /// // Then use `func_index` at runtime.
152    /// let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
153    /// let instance = Linker::new(&engine).instantiate(&mut store, &component)?;
154    /// let func = instance.get_func(&mut store, &func_index).unwrap();
155    ///
156    /// // Alternatively the `instance` can be used directly in conjunction with
157    /// // the `get_export` method.
158    /// let instance_index = instance.get_export(&mut store, None, "i").unwrap();
159    /// let func_index = instance.get_export(&mut store, Some(&instance_index), "f").unwrap();
160    /// let func = instance.get_func(&mut store, &func_index).unwrap();
161    /// # Ok(())
162    /// # }
163    /// ```
164    pub fn get_func(
165        &self,
166        mut store: impl AsContextMut,
167        name: impl InstanceExportLookup,
168    ) -> Option<Func> {
169        let store = store.as_context_mut().0;
170        let data = store[self.0].take().unwrap();
171        let ret = name.lookup(&data.component).and_then(|index| {
172            match &data.component.env_component().export_items[index] {
173                Export::LiftedFunction { ty, func, options } => Some(Func::from_lifted_func(
174                    store, self, &data, *ty, func, options,
175                )),
176                _ => None,
177            }
178        });
179        store[self.0] = Some(data);
180        ret
181    }
183    /// Looks up an exported [`Func`] value by name and with its type.
184    ///
185    /// This function is a convenience wrapper over [`Instance::get_func`] and
186    /// [`Func::typed`]. For more information see the linked documentation.
187    ///
188    /// Returns an error if `name` isn't a function export or if the export's
189    /// type did not match `Params` or `Results`
190    ///
191    /// # Panics
192    ///
193    /// Panics if `store` does not own this instance.
194    pub fn get_typed_func<Params, Results>(
195        &self,
196        mut store: impl AsContextMut,
197        name: impl InstanceExportLookup,
198    ) -> Result<TypedFunc<Params, Results>>
199    where
200        Params: ComponentNamedList + Lower,
201        Results: ComponentNamedList + Lift,
202    {
203        let f = self
204            .get_func(store.as_context_mut(), name)
205            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("failed to find function export"))?;
206        Ok(f.typed::<Params, Results>(store)
207            .with_context(|| format!("failed to convert function to given type"))?)
208    }
210    /// Looks up an exported module by name within this [`Instance`].
211    ///
212    /// The `store` argument provided must be the store that this instance
213    /// lives within and the `name` argument is the lookup key by which to find
214    /// the exported module. If the module is found then `Some` is returned
215    /// and otherwise `None` is returned.
216    ///
217    /// The `name` here can be a string such as `&str` or it can be a
218    /// [`ComponentExportIndex`] which is loaded prior from a [`Component`].
219    ///
220    /// For some examples see [`Instance::get_func`] for loading values from a
221    /// component.
222    ///
223    /// # Panics
224    ///
225    /// Panics if `store` does not own this instance.
226    pub fn get_module(
227        &self,
228        mut store: impl AsContextMut,
229        name: impl InstanceExportLookup,
230    ) -> Option<Module> {
231        let store = store.as_context_mut().0;
232        let (data, export, _) = self.lookup_export(store, name)?;
233        match export {
234            Export::ModuleStatic { index, .. } => {
235                Some(data.component.static_module(*index).clone())
236            }
237            Export::ModuleImport { import, .. } => match &data.imports[*import] {
238                RuntimeImport::Module(m) => Some(m.clone()),
239                _ => unreachable!(),
240            },
241            _ => None,
242        }
243    }
245    /// Looks up an exported resource type by name within this [`Instance`].
246    ///
247    /// The `store` argument provided must be the store that this instance
248    /// lives within and the `name` argument is the lookup key by which to find
249    /// the exported resource. If the resource is found then `Some` is returned
250    /// and otherwise `None` is returned.
251    ///
252    /// The `name` here can be a string such as `&str` or it can be a
253    /// [`ComponentExportIndex`] which is loaded prior from a [`Component`].
254    ///
255    /// For some examples see [`Instance::get_func`] for loading values from a
256    /// component.
257    ///
258    /// # Panics
259    ///
260    /// Panics if `store` does not own this instance.
261    pub fn get_resource(
262        &self,
263        mut store: impl AsContextMut,
264        name: impl InstanceExportLookup,
265    ) -> Option<ResourceType> {
266        let store = store.as_context_mut().0;
267        let (data, export, _) = self.lookup_export(store, name)?;
268        match export {
269            Export::Type(TypeDef::Resource(id)) => Some(data.ty().resource_type(*id)),
270            Export::Type(_)
271            | Export::LiftedFunction { .. }
272            | Export::ModuleStatic { .. }
273            | Export::ModuleImport { .. }
274            | Export::Instance { .. } => None,
275        }
276    }
278    /// A methods similar to [`Component::export_index`] except for this
279    /// instance.
280    ///
281    /// This method will lookup the `name` provided within the `instance`
282    /// provided and return a [`ComponentExportIndex`] which can be used to
283    /// pass to other `get_*` functions like [`Instance::get_func`].
284    ///
285    /// # Panics
286    ///
287    /// Panics if `store` does not own this instance.
288    pub fn get_export(
289        &self,
290        mut store: impl AsContextMut,
291        instance: Option<&ComponentExportIndex>,
292        name: &str,
293    ) -> Option<ComponentExportIndex> {
294        self._get_export(store.as_context_mut().0, instance, name)
295    }
297    fn _get_export(
298        &self,
299        store: &StoreOpaque,
300        instance: Option<&ComponentExportIndex>,
301        name: &str,
302    ) -> Option<ComponentExportIndex> {
303        let data = store[self.0].as_ref().unwrap();
304        let index = data.component.lookup_export_index(instance, name)?;
305        Some(ComponentExportIndex {
306            id: data.component_id(),
307            index,
308        })
309    }
311    fn lookup_export<'a>(
312        &self,
313        store: &'a StoreOpaque,
314        name: impl InstanceExportLookup,
315    ) -> Option<(&'a InstanceData, &'a Export, ExportIndex)> {
316        let data = store[self.0].as_ref().unwrap();
317        let index = name.lookup(&data.component)?;
318        Some((
319            data,
320            &data.component.env_component().export_items[index],
321            index,
322        ))
323    }
326/// Trait used to lookup the export of a component instance.
328/// This trait is used as an implementation detail of [`Instance::get_func`]
329/// and related `get_*` methods. Notable implementors of this trait are:
331/// * `str`
332/// * `String`
333/// * [`ComponentExportIndex`]
335/// Note that this is intended to be a `wasmtime`-sealed trait so it shouldn't
336/// need to be implemented externally.
337pub trait InstanceExportLookup {
338    #[doc(hidden)]
339    fn lookup(&self, component: &Component) -> Option<ExportIndex>;
342impl<T> InstanceExportLookup for &T
344    T: InstanceExportLookup + ?Sized,
346    fn lookup(&self, component: &Component) -> Option<ExportIndex> {
347        T::lookup(self, component)
348    }
351impl InstanceExportLookup for str {
352    fn lookup(&self, component: &Component) -> Option<ExportIndex> {
353        component
354            .env_component()
355            .exports
356            .get(self, &NameMapNoIntern)
357            .copied()
358    }
361impl InstanceExportLookup for String {
362    fn lookup(&self, component: &Component) -> Option<ExportIndex> {
363        str::lookup(self, component)
364    }
367impl InstanceData {
368    pub fn lookup_def(&self, store: &mut StoreOpaque, def: &CoreDef) -> crate::runtime::vm::Export {
369        match def {
370            CoreDef::Export(e) => self.lookup_export(store, e),
371            CoreDef::Trampoline(idx) => {
372                crate::runtime::vm::Export::Function(crate::runtime::vm::ExportFunction {
373                    func_ref: self.state.trampoline_func_ref(*idx),
374                })
375            }
376            CoreDef::InstanceFlags(idx) => {
377                crate::runtime::vm::Export::Global(crate::runtime::vm::ExportGlobal {
378                    definition: self.state.instance_flags(*idx).as_raw(),
379                    vmctx: None,
380                    global: Global {
381                        wasm_ty: WasmValType::I32,
382                        mutability: true,
383                    },
384                })
385            }
386        }
387    }
389    pub fn lookup_export<T>(
390        &self,
391        store: &mut StoreOpaque,
392        item: &CoreExport<T>,
393    ) -> crate::runtime::vm::Export
394    where
395        T: Copy + Into<EntityIndex>,
396    {
397        let instance = &self.instances[item.instance];
398        let id = instance.id(store);
399        let instance = store.instance_mut(id);
400        let idx = match &item.item {
401            ExportItem::Index(idx) => (*idx).into(),
403            // FIXME: ideally at runtime we don't actually do any name lookups
404            // here. This will only happen when the host supplies an imported
405            // module so while the structure can't be known at compile time we
406            // do know at `InstancePre` time, for example, what all the host
407            // imports are. In theory we should be able to, as part of
408            // `InstancePre` construction, perform all name=>index mappings
409            // during that phase so the actual instantiation of an `InstancePre`
410            // skips all string lookups. This should probably only be
411            // investigated if this becomes a performance issue though.
412            ExportItem::Name(name) => instance.module().exports[name],
413        };
414        instance.get_export_by_index(idx)
415    }
417    #[inline]
418    pub fn instance(&self) -> &ComponentInstance {
419        &self.state
420    }
422    #[inline]
423    pub fn instance_ptr(&self) -> *mut ComponentInstance {
424        self.state.instance_ptr()
425    }
427    #[inline]
428    pub fn component_types(&self) -> &Arc<ComponentTypes> {
429        self.component.types()
430    }
432    #[inline]
433    pub fn component_id(&self) -> CompiledModuleId {
434        self.component.id()
435    }
437    #[inline]
438    pub fn ty(&self) -> InstanceType<'_> {
439        InstanceType::new(self.instance())
440    }
442    // NB: This method is only intended to be called during the instantiation
443    // process because the `Arc::get_mut` here is fallible and won't generally
444    // succeed once the instance has been handed to the embedder. Before that
445    // though it should be guaranteed that the single owning reference currently
446    // lives within the `ComponentInstance` that's being built.
447    fn resource_types_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ImportedResources {
448        Arc::get_mut(self.state.resource_types_mut())
449            .unwrap()
450            .downcast_mut()
451            .unwrap()
452    }
455struct Instantiator<'a> {
456    component: &'a Component,
457    data: InstanceData,
458    core_imports: OwnedImports,
459    imports: &'a PrimaryMap<RuntimeImportIndex, RuntimeImport>,
462pub(crate) enum RuntimeImport {
463    Func(Arc<HostFunc>),
464    Module(Module),
465    Resource {
466        ty: ResourceType,
468        // A strong reference to the host function that represents the
469        // destructor for this resource. At this time all resources here are
470        // host-defined resources. Note that this is itself never read because
471        // the funcref below points to it.
472        //
473        // Also note that the `Arc` here is used to support the same host
474        // function being used across multiple instances simultaneously. Or
475        // otherwise this makes `InstancePre::instantiate` possible to create
476        // separate instances all sharing the same host function.
477        _dtor: Arc<crate::func::HostFunc>,
479        // A raw function which is filled out (including `wasm_call`) which
480        // points to the internals of the `_dtor` field. This is read and
481        // possibly executed by wasm.
482        dtor_funcref: VMFuncRef,
483    },
486pub type ImportedResources = PrimaryMap<ResourceIndex, ResourceType>;
488impl<'a> Instantiator<'a> {
489    fn new(
490        component: &'a Component,
491        store: &mut StoreOpaque,
492        imports: &'a Arc<PrimaryMap<RuntimeImportIndex, RuntimeImport>>,
493    ) -> Instantiator<'a> {
494        let env_component = component.env_component();
495        store.modules_mut().register_component(component);
496        let imported_resources: ImportedResources =
497            PrimaryMap::with_capacity(env_component.imported_resources.len());
498        Instantiator {
499            component,
500            imports,
501            core_imports: OwnedImports::empty(),
502            data: InstanceData {
503                instances: PrimaryMap::with_capacity(env_component.num_runtime_instances as usize),
504                component: component.clone(),
505                state: OwnedComponentInstance::new(
506                    component.runtime_info(),
507                    Arc::new(imported_resources),
508                    store.traitobj(),
509                ),
510                imports: imports.clone(),
511            },
512        }
513    }
515    fn run<T>(&mut self, store: &mut StoreContextMut<'_, T>) -> Result<()> {
516        let env_component = self.component.env_component();
518        // Before all initializers are processed configure all destructors for
519        // host-defined resources. No initializer will correspond to these and
520        // it's required to happen before they're needed, so execute this first.
521        for (idx, import) in env_component.imported_resources.iter() {
522            let (ty, func_ref) = match &self.imports[*import] {
523                RuntimeImport::Resource {
524                    ty, dtor_funcref, ..
525                } => (*ty, NonNull::from(dtor_funcref)),
526                _ => unreachable!(),
527            };
528            let i = self.data.resource_types_mut().push(ty);
529            assert_eq!(i, idx);
530            self.data.state.set_resource_destructor(idx, Some(func_ref));
531        }
533        // Next configure all `VMFuncRef`s for trampolines that this component
534        // will require. These functions won't actually get used until their
535        // associated state has been initialized through the global initializers
536        // below, but the funcrefs can all be configured here.
537        for (idx, sig) in env_component.trampolines.iter() {
538            let ptrs = self.component.trampoline_ptrs(idx);
539            let signature = match self.component.signatures().shared_type(*sig) {
540                Some(s) => s,
541                None => panic!("found unregistered signature: {sig:?}"),
542            };
544            self.data
545                .state
546                .set_trampoline(idx, ptrs.wasm_call, ptrs.array_call, signature);
547        }
549        for initializer in env_component.initializers.iter() {
550            match initializer {
551                GlobalInitializer::InstantiateModule(m) => {
552                    let module;
553                    let imports = match m {
554                        // Since upvars are statically know we know that the
555                        // `args` list is already in the right order.
556                        InstantiateModule::Static(idx, args) => {
557                            module = self.component.static_module(*idx);
558                            self.build_imports(store.0, module, args.iter())
559                        }
561                        // With imports, unlike upvars, we need to do runtime
562                        // lookups with strings to determine the order of the
563                        // imports since it's whatever the actual module
564                        // requires.
565                        //
566                        // FIXME: see the note in `ExportItem::Name` handling
567                        // above for how we ideally shouldn't do string lookup
568                        // here.
569                        InstantiateModule::Import(idx, args) => {
570                            module = match &self.imports[*idx] {
571                                RuntimeImport::Module(m) => m,
572                                _ => unreachable!(),
573                            };
574                            let args = module
575                                .imports()
576                                .map(|import| &args[import.module()][import.name()]);
577                            self.build_imports(store.0, module, args)
578                        }
579                    };
581                    // Note that the unsafety here should be ok because the
582                    // validity of the component means that type-checks have
583                    // already been performed. This means that the unsafety due
584                    // to imports having the wrong type should not happen here.
585                    //
586                    // Also note we are calling new_started_impl because we have
587                    // already checked for asyncness and are running on a fiber
588                    // if required.
590                    let i = unsafe {
591                        crate::Instance::new_started_impl(store, module, imports.as_ref())?
592                    };
593                    self.data.instances.push(i);
594                }
596                GlobalInitializer::LowerImport { import, index } => {
597                    let func = match &self.imports[*import] {
598                        RuntimeImport::Func(func) => func,
599                        _ => unreachable!(),
600                    };
601                    self.data.state.set_lowering(*index, func.lowering());
602                }
604                GlobalInitializer::ExtractMemory(mem) => self.extract_memory(store.0, mem),
606                GlobalInitializer::ExtractRealloc(realloc) => {
607                    self.extract_realloc(store.0, realloc)
608                }
610                GlobalInitializer::ExtractCallback(callback) => {
611                    self.extract_callback(store.0, callback)
612                }
614                GlobalInitializer::ExtractPostReturn(post_return) => {
615                    self.extract_post_return(store.0, post_return)
616                }
618                GlobalInitializer::Resource(r) => self.resource(store.0, r),
619            }
620        }
621        Ok(())
622    }
624    fn resource(&mut self, store: &mut StoreOpaque, resource: &Resource) {
625        let dtor = resource
626            .dtor
627            .as_ref()
628            .map(|dtor| self.data.lookup_def(store, dtor));
629        let dtor = dtor.map(|export| match export {
630            crate::runtime::vm::Export::Function(f) => f.func_ref,
631            _ => unreachable!(),
632        });
633        let index = self
634            .component
635            .env_component()
636            .resource_index(resource.index);
637        self.data.state.set_resource_destructor(index, dtor);
638        let ty = ResourceType::guest(store.id(), &self.data.state, resource.index);
639        let i = self.data.resource_types_mut().push(ty);
640        debug_assert_eq!(i, index);
641    }
643    fn extract_memory(&mut self, store: &mut StoreOpaque, memory: &ExtractMemory) {
644        let mem = match self.data.lookup_export(store, &memory.export) {
645            crate::runtime::vm::Export::Memory(m) => m,
646            _ => unreachable!(),
647        };
648        self.data
649            .state
650            .set_runtime_memory(memory.index, mem.definition);
651    }
653    fn extract_realloc(&mut self, store: &mut StoreOpaque, realloc: &ExtractRealloc) {
654        let func_ref = match self.data.lookup_def(store, &realloc.def) {
655            crate::runtime::vm::Export::Function(f) => f.func_ref,
656            _ => unreachable!(),
657        };
658        self.data.state.set_runtime_realloc(realloc.index, func_ref);
659    }
661    fn extract_callback(&mut self, store: &mut StoreOpaque, callback: &ExtractCallback) {
662        let func_ref = match self.data.lookup_def(store, &callback.def) {
663            crate::runtime::vm::Export::Function(f) => f.func_ref,
664            _ => unreachable!(),
665        };
666        self.data
667            .state
668            .set_runtime_callback(callback.index, func_ref);
669    }
671    fn extract_post_return(&mut self, store: &mut StoreOpaque, post_return: &ExtractPostReturn) {
672        let func_ref = match self.data.lookup_def(store, &post_return.def) {
673            crate::runtime::vm::Export::Function(f) => f.func_ref,
674            _ => unreachable!(),
675        };
676        self.data
677            .state
678            .set_runtime_post_return(post_return.index, func_ref);
679    }
681    fn build_imports<'b>(
682        &mut self,
683        store: &mut StoreOpaque,
684        module: &Module,
685        args: impl Iterator<Item = &'b CoreDef>,
686    ) -> &OwnedImports {
687        self.core_imports.clear();
688        self.core_imports.reserve(module);
689        let mut imports = module.compiled_module().module().imports();
691        for arg in args {
692            // The general idea of Wasmtime is that at runtime type-checks for
693            // core wasm instantiations internally within a component are
694            // unnecessary and superfluous. Naturally though mistakes may be
695            // made, so double-check this property of wasmtime in debug mode.
697            if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
698                let (imp_module, imp_name, expected) = imports.next().unwrap();
699                self.assert_type_matches(store, module, arg, imp_module, imp_name, expected);
700            }
702            // The unsafety here should be ok since the `export` is loaded
703            // directly from an instance which should only give us valid export
704            // items.
705            let export = self.data.lookup_def(store, arg);
706            unsafe {
707                self.core_imports.push_export(&export);
708            }
709        }
710        debug_assert!(imports.next().is_none());
712        &self.core_imports
713    }
715    fn assert_type_matches(
716        &self,
717        store: &mut StoreOpaque,
718        module: &Module,
719        arg: &CoreDef,
720        imp_module: &str,
721        imp_name: &str,
722        expected: EntityType,
723    ) {
724        let export = self.data.lookup_def(store, arg);
726        // If this value is a core wasm function then the type check is inlined
727        // here. This can otherwise fail `Extern::from_wasmtime_export` because
728        // there's no guarantee that there exists a trampoline for `f` so this
729        // can't fall through to the case below
730        if let crate::runtime::vm::Export::Function(f) = &export {
731            let expected = match expected.unwrap_func() {
732                EngineOrModuleTypeIndex::Engine(e) => Some(e),
733                EngineOrModuleTypeIndex::Module(m) => module.signatures().shared_type(m),
734                EngineOrModuleTypeIndex::RecGroup(_) => unreachable!(),
735            };
736            let actual = unsafe { f.func_ref.as_ref().type_index };
737            assert_eq!(
738                expected,
739                Some(actual),
740                "type mismatch for import {imp_module:?} {imp_name:?}!!!\n\n\
741                 expected {:#?}\n\n\
742                 found {:#?}",
743                expected.and_then(|e| store.engine().signatures().borrow(e)),
744                store.engine().signatures().borrow(actual)
745            );
746            return;
747        }
749        let val = unsafe { crate::Extern::from_wasmtime_export(export, store) };
750        let ty = DefinitionType::from(store, &val);
751        crate::types::matching::MatchCx::new(module.engine())
752            .definition(&expected, &ty)
753            .expect("unexpected typecheck failure");
754    }
757/// A "pre-instantiated" [`Instance`] which has all of its arguments already
758/// supplied and is ready to instantiate.
760/// This structure represents an efficient form of instantiation where import
761/// type-checking and import lookup has all been resolved by the time that this
762/// type is created. This type is primarily created through the
763/// [`Linker::instantiate_pre`](crate::component::Linker::instantiate_pre)
764/// method.
765pub struct InstancePre<T> {
766    component: Component,
767    imports: Arc<PrimaryMap<RuntimeImportIndex, RuntimeImport>>,
768    _marker: marker::PhantomData<fn() -> T>,
771// `InstancePre`'s clone does not require `T: Clone`
772impl<T> Clone for InstancePre<T> {
773    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
774        Self {
775            component: self.component.clone(),
776            imports: self.imports.clone(),
777            _marker: self._marker,
778        }
779    }
782impl<T> InstancePre<T> {
783    /// This function is `unsafe` since there's no guarantee that the
784    /// `RuntimeImport` items provided are guaranteed to work with the `T` of
785    /// the store.
786    ///
787    /// Additionally there is no static guarantee that the `imports` provided
788    /// satisfy the imports of the `component` provided.
789    pub(crate) unsafe fn new_unchecked(
790        component: Component,
791        imports: PrimaryMap<RuntimeImportIndex, RuntimeImport>,
792    ) -> InstancePre<T> {
793        InstancePre {
794            component,
795            imports: Arc::new(imports),
796            _marker: marker::PhantomData,
797        }
798    }
800    /// Returns the underlying component that will be instantiated.
801    pub fn component(&self) -> &Component {
802        &self.component
803    }
805    /// Returns the underlying engine.
806    pub fn engine(&self) -> &Engine {
807        self.component.engine()
808    }
810    /// Performs the instantiation process into the store specified.
811    //
812    // TODO: needs more docs
813    pub fn instantiate(&self, store: impl AsContextMut<Data = T>) -> Result<Instance> {
814        assert!(
815            !store.as_context().async_support(),
816            "must use async instantiation when async support is enabled"
817        );
818        self.instantiate_impl(store)
819    }
820    /// Performs the instantiation process into the store specified.
821    ///
822    /// Exactly like [`Self::instantiate`] except for use on async stores.
823    //
824    // TODO: needs more docs
825    #[cfg(feature = "async")]
826    pub async fn instantiate_async(
827        &self,
828        mut store: impl AsContextMut<Data = T>,
829    ) -> Result<Instance>
830    where
831        T: Send,
832    {
833        let mut store = store.as_context_mut();
834        assert!(
835            store.0.async_support(),
836            "must use sync instantiation when async support is disabled"
837        );
838        store.on_fiber(|store| self.instantiate_impl(store)).await?
839    }
841    fn instantiate_impl(&self, mut store: impl AsContextMut<Data = T>) -> Result<Instance> {
842        let mut store = store.as_context_mut();
843        store
844            .engine()
845            .allocator()
846            .increment_component_instance_count()?;
847        let mut instantiator = Instantiator::new(&self.component, store.0, &self.imports);
848        instantiator.run(&mut store).map_err(|e| {
849            store
850                .engine()
851                .allocator()
852                .decrement_component_instance_count();
853            e
854        })?;
855        let data = Box::new(instantiator.data);
856        let instance = Instance(store.0.store_data_mut().insert(Some(data)));
857        store.0.push_component_instance(instance);
858        Ok(instance)
859    }