1use crate::{
2 abi::{align_to, ABIOperand, ABISig, LocalSlot, ABI},
3 codegen::{CodeGenPhase, Emission, Prologue},
4 masm::MacroAssembler,
6use anyhow::Result;
7use smallvec::SmallVec;
8use std::marker::PhantomData;
9use std::ops::Range;
10use wasmparser::{BinaryReader, FuncValidator, ValidatorResources};
11use wasmtime_environ::{TypeConvert, WasmValType};
13/// WebAssembly locals.
14// TODO:
15// SpiderMonkey's implementation uses 16;
16// (ref:
17// during instrumentation we should measure to verify if this is a good default.
18pub(crate) type WasmLocals = SmallVec<[LocalSlot; 16]>;
19/// Special local slots used by the compiler.
20// Winch's ABI uses two extra parameters to store the callee and caller
21// VMContext pointers.
22// These arguments are spilled and treated as frame locals, but not
23// WebAssembly locals.
24pub(crate) type SpecialLocals = [LocalSlot; 2];
26/// Function defined locals start and end in the frame.
27pub(crate) struct DefinedLocalsRange(Range<u32>);
29impl DefinedLocalsRange {
30 /// Get a reference to the inner range.
31 pub fn as_range(&self) -> &Range<u32> {
32 &self.0
33 }
36/// An abstraction to read the defined locals from the Wasm binary for a function.
38pub(crate) struct DefinedLocals {
39 /// The defined locals for a function.
40 pub defined_locals: WasmLocals,
41 /// The size of the defined locals.
42 pub stack_size: u32,
45impl DefinedLocals {
46 /// Compute the local slots for a Wasm function.
47 pub fn new<A: ABI>(
48 types: &impl TypeConvert,
49 reader: &mut BinaryReader<'_>,
50 validator: &mut FuncValidator<ValidatorResources>,
51 ) -> Result<Self> {
52 let mut next_stack: u32 = 0;
53 // The first 32 bits of a Wasm binary function describe the number of locals.
54 let local_count = reader.read_var_u32()?;
55 let mut slots: WasmLocals = Default::default();
57 for _ in 0..local_count {
58 let position = reader.original_position();
59 let count = reader.read_var_u32()?;
60 let ty =;
61 validator.define_locals(position, count, ty)?;
63 let ty = types.convert_valtype(ty);
64 for _ in 0..count {
65 let ty_size = <A as ABI>::sizeof(&ty);
66 next_stack = align_to(next_stack, ty_size as u32) + (ty_size as u32);
67 slots.push(LocalSlot::new(ty, next_stack));
68 }
69 }
71 Ok(Self {
72 defined_locals: slots,
73 stack_size: next_stack,
74 })
75 }
78/// Frame handler abstraction.
79pub(crate) struct Frame<P: CodeGenPhase> {
80 /// The size of the entire local area; the arguments plus the function defined locals.
81 pub locals_size: u32,
83 /// The range in the frame corresponding to the defined locals range.
84 pub defined_locals_range: DefinedLocalsRange,
86 /// The local slots for the current function.
87 ///
88 /// Locals get calculated when allocating a frame and are readonly
89 /// through the function compilation lifetime.
90 wasm_locals: WasmLocals,
91 /// Special locals used by the internal ABI. See [`SpecialLocals`].
92 special_locals: SpecialLocals,
94 /// The slot holding the address of the results area.
95 pub results_base_slot: Option<LocalSlot>,
96 marker: PhantomData<P>,
99impl Frame<Prologue> {
100 /// Allocate a new [`Frame`].
101 pub fn new<A: ABI>(sig: &ABISig, defined_locals: &DefinedLocals) -> Result<Frame<Prologue>> {
102 let (special_locals, mut wasm_locals, defined_locals_start) =
103 Self::compute_arg_slots::<A>(sig)?;
105 // The defined locals have a zero-based offset by default
106 // so we need to add the defined locals start to the offset.
107 wasm_locals.extend(
108 defined_locals
109 .defined_locals
110 .iter()
111 .map(|l| LocalSlot::new(l.ty, l.offset + defined_locals_start)),
112 );
114 let stack_align = <A as ABI>::stack_align();
115 let defined_locals_end = align_to(
116 defined_locals_start + defined_locals.stack_size,
117 stack_align as u32,
118 );
120 // Handle the results base slot for multi value returns.
121 let (results_base_slot, locals_size) = if sig.params.has_retptr() {
122 match sig.params.unwrap_results_area_operand() {
123 // If the results operand is a stack argument, ensure the
124 // offset is correctly calculated, that is, that it includes the
125 // argument base offset.
126 // In this case, the locals size, remains untouched as we don't
127 // need to create an extra slot for it.
128 ABIOperand::Stack { ty, offset, .. } => (
129 Some(LocalSlot::stack_arg(
130 *ty,
131 *offset + (<A as ABI>::arg_base_offset() as u32),
132 )),
133 defined_locals_end,
134 ),
135 // If the results operand is a register, we give this register
136 // the same treatment as all the other argument registers and
137 // spill it, therefore, we need to increase the locals size by
138 // one slot.
139 ABIOperand::Reg { ty, size, .. } => {
140 let offs = align_to(defined_locals_end, *size) + *size;
141 (
142 Some(LocalSlot::new(*ty, offs)),
143 align_to(offs, <A as ABI>::stack_align().into()),
144 )
145 }
146 }
147 } else {
148 (None, defined_locals_end)
149 };
151 Ok(Self {
152 wasm_locals,
153 special_locals,
154 locals_size,
155 defined_locals_range: DefinedLocalsRange(
156 defined_locals_start..(defined_locals_start + defined_locals.stack_size),
157 ),
158 results_base_slot,
159 marker: PhantomData,
160 })
161 }
163 /// Returns an iterator over all the [`LocalSlot`]s in the frame, including
164 /// the [`SpecialLocals`].
165 pub fn locals(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &LocalSlot> {
166 self.special_locals.iter().chain(self.wasm_locals.iter())
167 }
169 /// Prepares the frame for the [`Emission`] code generation phase.
170 pub fn for_emission(self) -> Frame<Emission> {
171 Frame {
172 wasm_locals: self.wasm_locals,
173 special_locals: self.special_locals,
174 locals_size: self.locals_size,
175 defined_locals_range: self.defined_locals_range,
176 results_base_slot: self.results_base_slot,
177 marker: PhantomData,
178 }
179 }
181 fn compute_arg_slots<A: ABI>(sig: &ABISig) -> Result<(SpecialLocals, WasmLocals, u32)> {
182 // Go over the function ABI-signature and
183 // calculate the stack slots.
184 //
185 // for each parameter p; when p
186 //
187 // Stack =>
188 // The slot offset is calculated from the ABIOperand offset
189 // relative the to the frame pointer (and its inclusions, e.g.
190 // return address).
191 //
192 // Register =>
193 // The slot is calculated by accumulating into the `next_frame_size`
194 // the size + alignment of the type that the register is holding.
195 //
196 // NOTE
197 // This implementation takes inspiration from SpiderMonkey's implementation
198 // to calculate local slots for function arguments
199 // (
200 // The main difference is that SpiderMonkey's implementation
201 // doesn't append any sort of metadata to the locals regarding stack
202 // addressing mode (stack pointer or frame pointer), the offset is
203 // declared negative if the local belongs to a stack argument;
204 // that's enough to later calculate address of the local later on.
205 //
206 // Winch appends an addressing mode to each slot, in the end
207 // we want positive addressing from the stack pointer
208 // for both locals and stack arguments.
210 let arg_base_offset = <A as ABI>::arg_base_offset().into();
211 let mut next_stack = 0u32;
213 // Skip the results base param; if present, the [Frame] will create
214 // a dedicated slot for it.
215 let mut params_iter = sig.params_without_retptr().into_iter();
217 // Handle special local slots.
218 let callee_vmctx = params_iter
219 .next()
220 .map(|arg| Self::abi_arg_slot(&arg, &mut next_stack, arg_base_offset))
221 .expect("Slot for VMContext");
223 let caller_vmctx = params_iter
224 .next()
225 .map(|arg| Self::abi_arg_slot(&arg, &mut next_stack, arg_base_offset))
226 .expect("Slot for VMContext");
228 let slots: WasmLocals = params_iter
229 .map(|arg| Self::abi_arg_slot(&arg, &mut next_stack, arg_base_offset))
230 .collect();
232 Ok(([callee_vmctx, caller_vmctx], slots, next_stack))
233 }
235 fn abi_arg_slot(arg: &ABIOperand, next_stack: &mut u32, arg_base_offset: u32) -> LocalSlot {
236 match arg {
237 // Create a local slot, for input register spilling,
238 // with type-size aligned access.
239 ABIOperand::Reg { ty, size, .. } => {
240 *next_stack = align_to(*next_stack, *size) + *size;
241 LocalSlot::new(*ty, *next_stack)
242 }
243 // Create a local slot, with an offset from the arguments base in
244 // the stack; which is the frame pointer + return address.
245 ABIOperand::Stack { ty, offset, .. } => {
246 LocalSlot::stack_arg(*ty, offset + arg_base_offset)
247 }
248 }
249 }
252impl Frame<Emission> {
253 /// Get the [`LocalSlot`] for a WebAssembly local.
254 /// This method assumes that the index is bound to u32::MAX, representing
255 /// the index space for WebAssembly locals.
256 ///
257 /// # Panics
258 /// This method panics if the index is not associated to a valid WebAssembly
259 /// local.
260 pub fn get_wasm_local(&self, index: u32) -> &LocalSlot {
261 self.wasm_locals
262 .get(index as usize)
263 .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!(" Expected WebAssembly local at slot: {index}"))
264 }
266 /// Get the [`LocalSlot`] for a special local.
267 ///
268 /// # Panics
269 /// This method panics if the index is not associated to a valid special
270 /// local.
271 pub fn get_special_local(&self, index: usize) -> &LocalSlot {
272 self.special_locals
273 .get(index)
274 .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!(" Expected special local at slot: {index}"))
275 }
277 /// Get the special [`LocalSlot`] for the `VMContext`.
278 pub fn vmctx_slot(&self) -> &LocalSlot {
279 self.get_special_local(0)
280 }
282 /// Returns the address of the local at the given index.
283 ///
284 /// # Panics
285 /// This function panics if the index is not associated to a local.
286 pub fn get_local_address<M: MacroAssembler>(
287 &self,
288 index: u32,
289 masm: &mut M,
290 ) -> Result<(WasmValType, M::Address)> {
291 let slot = self.get_wasm_local(index);
292 Ok((slot.ty, masm.local_address(&slot)?))
293 }