
1use crate::instantiate::CompiledModule;
2use crate::prelude::*;
3use crate::runtime::vm::Backtrace;
4use crate::{AsContext, CallHook, Module};
5use fxprof_processed_profile::debugid::DebugId;
6use fxprof_processed_profile::{
7    CategoryHandle, Frame, FrameFlags, FrameInfo, LibraryInfo, MarkerLocation, MarkerSchema,
8    MarkerTiming, Profile, ProfilerMarker, ReferenceTimestamp, Symbol, SymbolTable, Timestamp,
10use std::ops::Range;
11use std::sync::Arc;
12use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
13use wasmtime_environ::demangle_function_name_or_index;
15// TODO: collect more data
16// - On non-Windows, measure thread-local CPU usage between events with
17//   rustix::time::clock_gettime(ClockId::ThreadCPUTime)
18// - Report which wasm module, and maybe instance, each frame came from
20/// Collects basic profiling data for a single WebAssembly guest.
22/// This profiler can't provide measurements that are as accurate or detailed
23/// as a platform-specific profiler, such as `perf` on Linux. On the other
24/// hand, this profiler works on every platform that Wasmtime supports. Also,
25/// as an embedder you can use this profiler selectively on individual guest
26/// instances rather than profiling the entire process.
28/// To use this, you'll need to arrange to call [`GuestProfiler::sample`] at
29/// regular intervals while the guest is on the stack. The most straightforward
30/// way to do that is to call it from a callback registered with
31/// [`Store::epoch_deadline_callback()`](crate::Store::epoch_deadline_callback).
33/// # Accuracy
35/// The data collection granularity is limited by the mechanism you use to
36/// interrupt guest execution and collect a profiling sample.
38/// If you use epoch interruption, then samples will only be collected at
39/// function entry points and loop headers. This introduces some bias to the
40/// results. In addition, samples will only be taken at times when WebAssembly
41/// functions are running, not during host-calls.
43/// It is technically possible to use fuel interruption instead. That
44/// introduces worse bias since samples occur after a certain number of
45/// WebAssembly instructions, which can take different amounts of time.
47/// You may instead be able to use platform-specific methods, such as
48/// `setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, ...)` on POSIX-compliant systems, to sample on
49/// a more accurate interval. The only current requirement is that the guest
50/// you wish to profile must be on the same stack where you call `sample`,
51/// and executing within the same thread. However, the `GuestProfiler::sample`
52/// method is not currently async-signal-safe, so doing this correctly is not
53/// easy.
55/// # Security
57/// Profiles produced using this profiler do not include any configuration
58/// details from the host, such as virtual memory addresses, or from any
59/// WebAssembly modules that you haven't specifically allowed. So for
60/// example, these profiles should be safe to share with untrusted users
61/// who have provided untrusted code that you are running in a multi-tenancy
62/// environment.
64/// However, the profile does include byte offsets into the text section of
65/// the compiled module, revealing some information about the size of the code
66/// generated for each module. For user-provided modules, the user could get
67/// the same information by compiling the module for themself using a similar
68/// version of Wasmtime on the same target architecture, but for any module
69/// where they don't already have the WebAssembly module binary available this
70/// could theoretically lead to an undesirable information disclosure. So you
71/// should only include user-provided modules in profiles.
73pub struct GuestProfiler {
74    profile: Profile,
75    modules: Modules,
76    process: fxprof_processed_profile::ProcessHandle,
77    thread: fxprof_processed_profile::ThreadHandle,
78    start: Instant,
81type Modules = Vec<(Range<usize>, fxprof_processed_profile::LibraryHandle)>;
83impl GuestProfiler {
84    /// Begin profiling a new guest. When this function is called, the current
85    /// wall-clock time is recorded as the start time for the guest.
86    ///
87    /// The `module_name` parameter is recorded in the profile to help identify
88    /// where the profile came from.
89    ///
90    /// The `interval` parameter should match the rate at which you intend
91    /// to call `sample`. However, this is used as a hint and not required to
92    /// exactly match the real sample rate.
93    ///
94    /// Only modules which are present in the `modules` vector will appear in
95    /// stack traces in this profile. Any stack frames which were executing
96    /// host code or functions from other modules will be omitted. See the
97    /// "Security" section of the [`GuestProfiler`] documentation for guidance
98    /// on what modules should not be included in this list.
99    pub fn new(module_name: &str, interval: Duration, modules: Vec<(String, Module)>) -> Self {
100        let zero = ReferenceTimestamp::from_millis_since_unix_epoch(0.0);
101        let mut profile = Profile::new(module_name, zero, interval.into());
103        let mut modules: Vec<_> = modules
104            .into_iter()
105            .filter_map(|(name, module)| {
106                let compiled = module.compiled_module();
107                let text = compiled.text().as_ptr_range();
108                let address_range = text.start as usize..text.end as usize;
109                module_symbols(name, compiled).map(|lib| (address_range, profile.add_lib(lib)))
110            })
111            .collect();
113        modules.sort_unstable_by_key(|(range, _)| range.start);
115        profile.set_reference_timestamp(std::time::SystemTime::now().into());
116        let process = profile.add_process(module_name, 0, Timestamp::from_nanos_since_reference(0));
117        let thread = profile.add_thread(process, 0, Timestamp::from_nanos_since_reference(0), true);
118        let start = Instant::now();
119        Self {
120            profile,
121            modules,
122            process,
123            thread,
124            start,
125        }
126    }
128    /// Add a sample to the profile. This function collects a backtrace from
129    /// any stack frames for allowed modules on the current stack. It should
130    /// typically be called from a callback registered using
131    /// [`Store::epoch_deadline_callback()`](crate::Store::epoch_deadline_callback).
132    ///
133    /// The `delta` parameter is the amount of CPU time that was used by this
134    /// guest since the previous sample. It is allowed to pass `Duration::ZERO`
135    /// here if recording CPU usage information is not needed.
136    pub fn sample(&mut self, store: impl AsContext, delta: Duration) {
137        let now = Timestamp::from_nanos_since_reference(
138            self.start.elapsed().as_nanos().try_into().unwrap(),
139        );
140        let backtrace = Backtrace::new(store.as_context().0);
141        let frames = lookup_frames(&self.modules, &backtrace);
142        self.profile
143            .add_sample(self.thread, now, frames, delta.into(), 1);
144    }
146    /// Add a marker for transitions between guest and host to the profile.
147    /// This function should typically be called from a callback registered
148    /// using [`Store::call_hook()`](crate::Store::call_hook), and the `kind`
149    /// parameter should be the value of the same type passed into that hook.
150    pub fn call_hook(&mut self, store: impl AsContext, kind: CallHook) {
151        let now = Timestamp::from_nanos_since_reference(
152            self.start.elapsed().as_nanos().try_into().unwrap(),
153        );
154        match kind {
155            CallHook::CallingWasm | CallHook::ReturningFromWasm => {}
156            CallHook::CallingHost => {
157                let backtrace = Backtrace::new(store.as_context().0);
158                let frames = lookup_frames(&self.modules, &backtrace);
159                self.profile.add_marker_with_stack(
160                    self.thread,
161                    "hostcall",
162                    CallMarker,
163                    MarkerTiming::IntervalStart(now),
164                    frames,
165                );
166            }
167            CallHook::ReturningFromHost => {
168                self.profile.add_marker(
169                    self.thread,
170                    "hostcall",
171                    CallMarker,
172                    MarkerTiming::IntervalEnd(now),
173                );
174            }
175        }
176    }
178    /// When the guest finishes running, call this function to write the
179    /// profile to the given `output`. The output is a JSON-formatted object in
180    /// the [Firefox "processed profile format"][fmt]. Files in this format may
181    /// be visualized at <https://profiler.firefox.com/>.
182    ///
183    /// [fmt]: https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/main/docs-developer/processed-profile-format.md
184    pub fn finish(mut self, output: impl std::io::Write) -> Result<()> {
185        let now = Timestamp::from_nanos_since_reference(
186            self.start.elapsed().as_nanos().try_into().unwrap(),
187        );
188        self.profile.set_thread_end_time(self.thread, now);
189        self.profile.set_process_end_time(self.process, now);
191        serde_json::to_writer(output, &self.profile)?;
192        Ok(())
193    }
196fn module_symbols(name: String, compiled: &CompiledModule) -> Option<LibraryInfo> {
197    let symbols = Vec::from_iter(compiled.finished_functions().map(|(defined_idx, _)| {
198        let loc = compiled.func_loc(defined_idx);
199        let func_idx = compiled.module().func_index(defined_idx);
200        let mut name = String::new();
201        demangle_function_name_or_index(
202            &mut name,
203            compiled.func_name(func_idx),
204            defined_idx.as_u32() as usize,
205        )
206        .unwrap();
207        Symbol {
208            address: loc.start,
209            size: Some(loc.length),
210            name,
211        }
212    }));
213    if symbols.is_empty() {
214        return None;
215    }
217    Some(LibraryInfo {
218        name,
219        debug_name: String::new(),
220        path: String::new(),
221        debug_path: String::new(),
222        debug_id: DebugId::nil(),
223        code_id: None,
224        arch: None,
225        symbol_table: Some(Arc::new(SymbolTable::new(symbols))),
226    })
229fn lookup_frames<'a>(
230    modules: &'a Modules,
231    backtrace: &'a Backtrace,
232) -> impl Iterator<Item = FrameInfo> + 'a {
233    backtrace
234        .frames()
235        // Samply needs to see the oldest frame first, but we list the newest
236        // first, so iterate in reverse.
237        .rev()
238        .filter_map(|frame| {
239            // Find the first module whose start address includes this PC.
240            let module_idx = modules.partition_point(|(range, _)| range.start > frame.pc());
241            if let Some((range, lib)) = modules.get(module_idx) {
242                if range.contains(&frame.pc()) {
243                    return Some(FrameInfo {
244                        frame: Frame::RelativeAddressFromReturnAddress(
245                            *lib,
246                            u32::try_from(frame.pc() - range.start).unwrap(),
247                        ),
248                        category_pair: CategoryHandle::OTHER.into(),
249                        flags: FrameFlags::empty(),
250                    });
251                }
252            }
253            None
254        })
257struct CallMarker;
259impl ProfilerMarker for CallMarker {
260    const MARKER_TYPE_NAME: &'static str = "hostcall";
262    fn schema() -> MarkerSchema {
263        MarkerSchema {
264            type_name: Self::MARKER_TYPE_NAME,
265            locations: vec![
266                MarkerLocation::MarkerChart,
267                MarkerLocation::MarkerTable,
268                MarkerLocation::TimelineOverview,
269            ],
270            chart_label: None,
271            tooltip_label: None,
272            table_label: None,
273            fields: vec![],
274        }
275    }
277    fn json_marker_data(&self) -> serde_json::Value {
278        serde_json::json!({ "type": Self::MARKER_TYPE_NAME })
279    }