
1//! Module used to encode failure messages associated with traps in an adapter
2//! module.
4//! This module is a bit forward-looking in an attempt to help assist with
5//! debugging issues with adapter modules and their implementation. This isn't
6//! actually wired up to any decoder at this time and may end up getting deleted
7//! entirely depending on how things go.
9//! Currently in core wasm the `unreachable` instruction and other traps have no
10//! ability to assign failure messages with traps. This means that if an adapter
11//! fails all you have is the program counter into the wasm function, but
12//! there's not actually any source corresponding to wasm adapters either. This
13//! module is an attempt to assign optional string messages to `unreachable`
14//! trap instructions so, when sufficient debugging options are enabled, these
15//! trap messages could be displayed instead of a bland "unreachable" trap
16//! message.
18//! This information is currently encoded as a custom section in the wasm
19//! module.
21use crate::prelude::*;
22use std::collections::HashMap;
23use std::fmt;
24use wasm_encoder::Encode;
26#[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
27pub enum Trap {
28    CannotLeave,
29    CannotEnter,
30    UnalignedPointer,
31    InvalidDiscriminant,
32    InvalidChar,
33    ListByteLengthOverflow,
34    StringLengthTooBig,
35    StringLengthOverflow,
36    AssertFailed(&'static str),
40pub struct TrapSection {
41    trap_to_index: HashMap<Trap, usize>,
42    trap_list: Vec<Trap>,
43    function_traps: Vec<(u32, Vec<(usize, usize)>)>,
46impl TrapSection {
47    /// Appends a list of traps found within a function.
48    ///
49    /// The `func` is the core wasm function index that is being described. The
50    /// `traps` is a list of `(offset, trap)` where `offset` is the offset
51    /// within the function body itself and `trap` is the description of the
52    /// trap of the opcode at that offset.
53    pub fn append(&mut self, func: u32, traps: Vec<(usize, Trap)>) {
54        if traps.is_empty() {
55            return;
56        }
58        // Deduplicate `Trap` annotations to avoid repeating the trap string
59        // internally within the custom section.
60        let traps = traps
61            .into_iter()
62            .map(|(offset, trap)| {
63                let trap = *self.trap_to_index.entry(trap).or_insert_with(|| {
64                    let idx = self.trap_list.len();
65                    self.trap_list.push(trap);
66                    idx
67                });
68                (offset, trap)
69            })
70            .collect();
71        self.function_traps.push((func, traps));
72    }
74    /// Creates the custom section payload of this section to be encoded into a
75    /// core wasm module.
76    pub fn finish(self) -> Vec<u8> {
77        let mut data = Vec::new();
79        // First append all trap messages which will be indexed below.
80        self.trap_list.len().encode(&mut data);
81        for trap in self.trap_list.iter() {
82            trap.to_string().encode(&mut data);
83        }
85        // Afterwards encode trap information for all known functions where
86        // offsets are relative to the body of the function index specified and
87        // the trap message is a pointer into the table built above this.
88        self.function_traps.len().encode(&mut data);
89        for (func, traps) in self.function_traps.iter() {
90            func.encode(&mut data);
91            traps.len().encode(&mut data);
92            for (func_offset, trap_message) in traps {
93                func_offset.encode(&mut data);
94                trap_message.encode(&mut data);
95            }
96        }
98        data
99    }
102impl fmt::Display for Trap {
103    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
104        match self {
105            Trap::CannotLeave => "cannot leave instance".fmt(f),
106            Trap::CannotEnter => "cannot enter instance".fmt(f),
107            Trap::UnalignedPointer => "pointer not aligned correctly".fmt(f),
108            Trap::InvalidDiscriminant => "invalid variant discriminant".fmt(f),
109            Trap::InvalidChar => "invalid char value specified".fmt(f),
110            Trap::ListByteLengthOverflow => "byte size of list too large for i32".fmt(f),
111            Trap::StringLengthTooBig => "string byte size exceeds maximum".fmt(f),
112            Trap::StringLengthOverflow => "string byte size overflows i32".fmt(f),
113            Trap::AssertFailed(s) => write!(f, "assertion failure: {s}"),
114        }
115    }