
1use crate::debug::DwarfSectionRelocTarget;
2use crate::func_environ::FuncEnvironment;
3use crate::translate::FuncTranslator;
5use crate::{array_call_signature, CompiledFunction, ModuleTextBuilder};
6use crate::{builder::LinkOptions, wasm_call_signature, BuiltinFunctionSignatures};
7use anyhow::{Context as _, Result};
8use cranelift_codegen::binemit::CodeOffset;
9use cranelift_codegen::bitset::CompoundBitSet;
10use cranelift_codegen::ir::condcodes::IntCC;
11use cranelift_codegen::ir::{self, InstBuilder, MemFlags, UserExternalName, UserFuncName, Value};
12use cranelift_codegen::isa::{
13    unwind::{UnwindInfo, UnwindInfoKind},
14    OwnedTargetIsa, TargetIsa,
16use cranelift_codegen::print_errors::pretty_error;
17use cranelift_codegen::{CompiledCode, Context};
18use cranelift_entity::PrimaryMap;
19use cranelift_frontend::FunctionBuilder;
20use object::write::{Object, StandardSegment, SymbolId};
21use object::{RelocationEncoding, RelocationFlags, RelocationKind, SectionKind};
22use std::any::Any;
23use std::cmp;
24use std::collections::HashMap;
25use std::mem;
26use std::path;
27use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
28use wasmparser::{FuncValidatorAllocations, FunctionBody};
29use wasmtime_environ::{
30    AddressMapSection, BuiltinFunctionIndex, CacheStore, CompileError, DefinedFuncIndex, FlagValue,
31    FunctionBodyData, FunctionLoc, HostCall, ModuleTranslation, ModuleTypesBuilder, PtrSize,
32    RelocationTarget, StackMapInformation, StaticModuleIndex, TrapEncodingBuilder, TrapSentinel,
33    TripleExt, Tunables, VMOffsets, WasmFuncType, WasmFunctionInfo, WasmValType,
36#[cfg(feature = "component-model")]
37mod component;
39struct IncrementalCacheContext {
40    #[cfg(feature = "incremental-cache")]
41    cache_store: Arc<dyn CacheStore>,
42    num_hits: usize,
43    num_cached: usize,
46struct CompilerContext {
47    func_translator: FuncTranslator,
48    codegen_context: Context,
49    incremental_cache_ctx: Option<IncrementalCacheContext>,
50    validator_allocations: FuncValidatorAllocations,
53impl Default for CompilerContext {
54    fn default() -> Self {
55        Self {
56            func_translator: FuncTranslator::new(),
57            codegen_context: Context::new(),
58            incremental_cache_ctx: None,
59            validator_allocations: Default::default(),
60        }
61    }
64/// A compiler that compiles a WebAssembly module with Compiler, translating
65/// the Wasm to Compiler IR, optimizing it and then translating to assembly.
66pub struct Compiler {
67    tunables: Tunables,
68    contexts: Mutex<Vec<CompilerContext>>,
69    isa: OwnedTargetIsa,
70    linkopts: LinkOptions,
71    cache_store: Option<Arc<dyn CacheStore>>,
72    clif_dir: Option<path::PathBuf>,
73    #[cfg(feature = "wmemcheck")]
74    pub(crate) wmemcheck: bool,
77impl Drop for Compiler {
78    fn drop(&mut self) {
79        if self.cache_store.is_none() {
80            return;
81        }
83        let mut num_hits = 0;
84        let mut num_cached = 0;
85        for ctx in self.contexts.lock().unwrap().iter() {
86            if let Some(ref cache_ctx) = ctx.incremental_cache_ctx {
87                num_hits += cache_ctx.num_hits;
88                num_cached += cache_ctx.num_cached;
89            }
90        }
92        let total = num_hits + num_cached;
93        if num_hits + num_cached > 0 {
94            log::trace!(
95                "Incremental compilation cache stats: {}/{} = {}% (hits/lookup)\ncached: {}",
96                num_hits,
97                total,
98                (num_hits as f32) / (total as f32) * 100.0,
99                num_cached
100            );
101        }
102    }
105impl Compiler {
106    pub fn new(
107        tunables: Tunables,
108        isa: OwnedTargetIsa,
109        cache_store: Option<Arc<dyn CacheStore>>,
110        linkopts: LinkOptions,
111        clif_dir: Option<path::PathBuf>,
112        wmemcheck: bool,
113    ) -> Compiler {
114        let _ = wmemcheck;
115        Compiler {
116            contexts: Default::default(),
117            tunables,
118            isa,
119            linkopts,
120            cache_store,
121            clif_dir,
122            #[cfg(feature = "wmemcheck")]
123            wmemcheck,
124        }
125    }
127    /// Perform an indirect call from Cranelift-generated code to native code in
128    /// Wasmtime itself.
129    ///
130    /// For native platforms this is a simple `call_indirect` instruction but
131    /// for the Pulley backend this is special as it's transitioning from
132    /// Cranelift-generated bytecode to native code on the host. That requires a
133    /// special opcode in the interpreter and is modeled slightly differently in
134    /// Cranelift IR.
135    fn call_indirect_host(
136        &self,
137        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder<'_>,
138        hostcall: impl Into<HostCall>,
139        sig: ir::SigRef,
140        addr: Value,
141        args: &[Value],
142    ) -> ir::Inst {
143        let signature = &builder.func.dfg.signatures[sig];
145        // When calling the host we should always be using the platform's
146        // default calling convention since it'll be calling Rust code in
147        // Wasmtime itself.
148        assert_eq!(signature.call_conv, self.isa.default_call_conv());
150        // If this target is actually pulley then the goal is to emit the custom
151        // `call_indirect_host` pulley opcode. That's encoded in Cranelift as a
152        // `call` instruction where the name is `colocated: false`. This will
153        // force a pulley-specific relocation to get emitted in addition to
154        // using the `call_indirect_host` instruction.
155        if self.isa.triple().is_pulley() {
156            let mut new_signature = signature.clone();
157            new_signature
158                .params
159                .insert(0, ir::AbiParam::new(self.isa.pointer_type()));
160            let new_sig = builder.func.import_signature(new_signature);
161            let name = ir::ExternalName::User(builder.func.declare_imported_user_function(
162                ir::UserExternalName {
163                    namespace: crate::NS_PULLEY_HOSTCALL,
164                    index: hostcall.into().index(),
165                },
166            ));
167            let func = builder.func.import_function(ir::ExtFuncData {
168                name,
169                signature: new_sig,
170                // This is the signal that a special `call_indirect_host`
171                // opcode is used to jump from pulley to the host.
172                colocated: false,
173            });
174            let mut raw_args = vec![addr];
175            raw_args.extend_from_slice(args);
176            return builder.ins().call(func, &raw_args);
177        }
179        builder.ins().call_indirect(sig, addr, args)
180    }
183impl wasmtime_environ::Compiler for Compiler {
184    fn compile_function(
185        &self,
186        translation: &ModuleTranslation<'_>,
187        func_index: DefinedFuncIndex,
188        input: FunctionBodyData<'_>,
189        types: &ModuleTypesBuilder,
190    ) -> Result<(WasmFunctionInfo, Box<dyn Any + Send>), CompileError> {
191        let isa = &*self.isa;
192        let module = &translation.module;
193        let func_index = module.func_index(func_index);
194        let sig = translation.module.functions[func_index]
195            .signature
196            .unwrap_module_type_index();
197        let wasm_func_ty = types[sig].unwrap_func();
199        let mut compiler = self.function_compiler();
201        let context = &mut compiler.cx.codegen_context;
202        context.func.signature = wasm_call_signature(isa, wasm_func_ty, &self.tunables);
203        context.func.name = UserFuncName::User(UserExternalName {
204            namespace: crate::NS_WASM_FUNC,
205            index: func_index.as_u32(),
206        });
208        if self.tunables.generate_native_debuginfo {
209            context.func.collect_debug_info();
210        }
212        let mut func_env = FuncEnvironment::new(self, translation, types, wasm_func_ty);
214        // The `stack_limit` global value below is the implementation of stack
215        // overflow checks in Wasmtime.
216        //
217        // The Wasm spec defines that stack overflows will raise a trap, and
218        // there's also an added constraint where as an embedder you frequently
219        // are running host-provided code called from wasm. WebAssembly and
220        // native code currently share the same call stack, so Wasmtime needs to
221        // make sure that host-provided code will have enough call-stack
222        // available to it.
223        //
224        // The way that stack overflow is handled here is by adding a prologue
225        // check to all functions for how much native stack is remaining. The
226        // `VMContext` pointer is the first argument to all functions, and the
227        // first field of this structure is `*const VMStoreContext` and the
228        // first field of that is the stack limit. Note that the stack limit in
229        // this case means "if the stack pointer goes below this, trap". Each
230        // function which consumes stack space or isn't a leaf function starts
231        // off by loading the stack limit, checking it against the stack
232        // pointer, and optionally traps.
233        //
234        // This manual check allows the embedder to give wasm a relatively
235        // precise amount of stack allocation. Using this scheme we reserve a
236        // chunk of stack for wasm code relative from where wasm code was
237        // called. This ensures that native code called by wasm should have
238        // native stack space to run, and the numbers of stack spaces here
239        // should all be configurable for various embeddings.
240        //
241        // Note that this check is independent of each thread's stack guard page
242        // here. If the stack guard page is reached that's still considered an
243        // abort for the whole program since the runtime limits configured by
244        // the embedder should cause wasm to trap before it reaches that
245        // (ensuring the host has enough space as well for its functionality).
246        if !isa.triple().is_pulley() {
247            let vmctx = context
248                .func
249                .create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::VMContext);
250            let interrupts_ptr = context.func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
251                base: vmctx,
252                offset: i32::from(func_env.offsets.ptr.vmctx_runtime_limits()).into(),
253                global_type: isa.pointer_type(),
254                flags: MemFlags::trusted().with_readonly(),
255            });
256            let stack_limit = context.func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
257                base: interrupts_ptr,
258                offset: i32::from(func_env.offsets.ptr.vmstore_context_stack_limit()).into(),
259                global_type: isa.pointer_type(),
260                flags: MemFlags::trusted(),
261            });
262            if self.tunables.signals_based_traps {
263                context.func.stack_limit = Some(stack_limit);
264            } else {
265                func_env.stack_limit_at_function_entry = Some(stack_limit);
266            }
267        }
268        let FunctionBodyData { validator, body } = input;
269        let mut validator =
270            validator.into_validator(mem::take(&mut compiler.cx.validator_allocations));
271        compiler.cx.func_translator.translate_body(
272            &mut validator,
273            body.clone(),
274            &mut context.func,
275            &mut func_env,
276        )?;
278        let (info, func) = compiler.finish_with_info(
279            Some((&body, &self.tunables)),
280            &format!("wasm_func_{}", func_index.as_u32()),
281        )?;
283        let timing = cranelift_codegen::timing::take_current();
284        log::debug!("{:?} translated in {:?}", func_index, timing.total());
285        log::trace!("{:?} timing info\n{}", func_index, timing);
287        Ok((info, Box::new(func)))
288    }
290    fn compile_array_to_wasm_trampoline(
291        &self,
292        translation: &ModuleTranslation<'_>,
293        types: &ModuleTypesBuilder,
294        def_func_index: DefinedFuncIndex,
295    ) -> Result<Box<dyn Any + Send>, CompileError> {
296        let func_index = translation.module.func_index(def_func_index);
297        let sig = translation.module.functions[func_index]
298            .signature
299            .unwrap_module_type_index();
300        let wasm_func_ty = types[sig].unwrap_func();
302        let isa = &*self.isa;
303        let pointer_type = isa.pointer_type();
304        let wasm_call_sig = wasm_call_signature(isa, wasm_func_ty, &self.tunables);
305        let array_call_sig = array_call_signature(isa);
307        let mut compiler = self.function_compiler();
308        let func = ir::Function::with_name_signature(Default::default(), array_call_sig);
309        let (mut builder, block0) = compiler.builder(func);
311        let (vmctx, caller_vmctx, values_vec_ptr, values_vec_len) = {
312            let params = builder.func.dfg.block_params(block0);
313            (params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3])
314        };
316        // First load the actual arguments out of the array.
317        let mut args = self.load_values_from_array(
318            wasm_func_ty.params(),
319            &mut builder,
320            values_vec_ptr,
321            values_vec_len,
322        );
323        args.insert(0, caller_vmctx);
324        args.insert(0, vmctx);
326        // Just before we enter Wasm, save our stack pointer.
327        //
328        // Assert that we were really given a core Wasm vmctx, since that's
329        // what we are assuming with our offsets below.
330        debug_assert_vmctx_kind(isa, &mut builder, vmctx, wasmtime_environ::VMCONTEXT_MAGIC);
331        let offsets = VMOffsets::new(isa.pointer_bytes(), &translation.module);
332        let vm_runtime_limits_offset = offsets.ptr.vmctx_runtime_limits();
333        save_last_wasm_entry_fp(
334            &mut builder,
335            pointer_type,
336            &offsets.ptr,
337            vm_runtime_limits_offset.into(),
338            vmctx,
339        );
341        // Then call the Wasm function with those arguments.
342        let call = declare_and_call(&mut builder, wasm_call_sig, func_index.as_u32(), &args);
343        let results = builder.func.dfg.inst_results(call).to_vec();
345        // Then store the results back into the array.
346        self.store_values_to_array(
347            &mut builder,
348            wasm_func_ty.returns(),
349            &results,
350            values_vec_ptr,
351            values_vec_len,
352        );
354        // At this time wasm functions always signal traps with longjmp or some
355        // similar sort of routine, so if we got this far that means that the
356        // function did not trap, so return a "true" value here to indicate that
357        // to satisfy the ABI of the array-call signature.
358        let true_return = builder.ins().iconst(ir::types::I8, 1);
359        builder.ins().return_(&[true_return]);
360        builder.finalize();
362        Ok(Box::new(compiler.finish(&format!(
363            "array_to_wasm_{}",
364            func_index.as_u32(),
365        ))?))
366    }
368    fn compile_wasm_to_array_trampoline(
369        &self,
370        wasm_func_ty: &WasmFuncType,
371    ) -> Result<Box<dyn Any + Send>, CompileError> {
372        let isa = &*self.isa;
373        let pointer_type = isa.pointer_type();
374        let wasm_call_sig = wasm_call_signature(isa, wasm_func_ty, &self.tunables);
375        let array_call_sig = array_call_signature(isa);
377        let mut compiler = self.function_compiler();
378        let func = ir::Function::with_name_signature(Default::default(), wasm_call_sig);
379        let (mut builder, block0) = compiler.builder(func);
381        let args = builder.func.dfg.block_params(block0).to_vec();
382        let callee_vmctx = args[0];
383        let caller_vmctx = args[1];
385        // We are exiting Wasm, so save our PC and FP.
386        //
387        // Assert that the caller vmctx really is a core Wasm vmctx, since
388        // that's what we are assuming with our offsets below.
389        debug_assert_vmctx_kind(
390            isa,
391            &mut builder,
392            caller_vmctx,
393            wasmtime_environ::VMCONTEXT_MAGIC,
394        );
395        let ptr = isa.pointer_bytes();
396        let vm_store_context = builder.ins().load(
397            pointer_type,
398            MemFlags::trusted(),
399            caller_vmctx,
400            i32::from(ptr.vmcontext_store_context()),
401        );
402        save_last_wasm_exit_fp_and_pc(&mut builder, pointer_type, &ptr, vm_store_context);
404        // Spill all wasm arguments to the stack in `ValRaw` slots.
405        let (args_base, args_len) =
406            self.allocate_stack_array_and_spill_args(wasm_func_ty, &mut builder, &args[2..]);
407        let args_len = builder.ins().iconst(pointer_type, i64::from(args_len));
409        // Load the actual callee out of the
410        // `VMArrayCallHostFuncContext::host_func`.
411        let ptr_size = isa.pointer_bytes();
412        let callee = builder.ins().load(
413            pointer_type,
414            MemFlags::trusted(),
415            callee_vmctx,
416            ptr_size.vmarray_call_host_func_context_func_ref() + ptr_size.vm_func_ref_array_call(),
417        );
419        // Do an indirect call to the callee.
420        let callee_signature = builder.func.import_signature(array_call_sig);
421        let call = self.call_indirect_host(
422            &mut builder,
423            HostCall::ArrayCall,
424            callee_signature,
425            callee,
426            &[callee_vmctx, caller_vmctx, args_base, args_len],
427        );
428        let succeeded = builder.func.dfg.inst_results(call)[0];
429        self.raise_if_host_trapped(&mut builder, caller_vmctx, succeeded);
430        let results =
431            self.load_values_from_array(wasm_func_ty.returns(), &mut builder, args_base, args_len);
432        builder.ins().return_(&results);
433        builder.finalize();
435        Ok(Box::new(compiler.finish(&format!(
436            "wasm_to_array_trampoline_{wasm_func_ty}"
437        ))?))
438    }
440    fn append_code(
441        &self,
442        obj: &mut Object<'static>,
443        funcs: &[(String, Box<dyn Any + Send>)],
444        resolve_reloc: &dyn Fn(usize, RelocationTarget) -> usize,
445    ) -> Result<Vec<(SymbolId, FunctionLoc)>> {
446        let mut builder =
447            ModuleTextBuilder::new(obj, self, self.isa.text_section_builder(funcs.len()));
448        if self.linkopts.force_jump_veneers {
449            builder.force_veneers();
450        }
451        let mut addrs = AddressMapSection::default();
452        let mut traps = TrapEncodingBuilder::default();
454        let mut ret = Vec::with_capacity(funcs.len());
455        for (i, (sym, func)) in funcs.iter().enumerate() {
456            let func = func.downcast_ref::<CompiledFunction>().unwrap();
457            let (sym, range) = builder.append_func(&sym, func, |idx| resolve_reloc(i, idx));
458            if self.tunables.generate_address_map {
459                let addr = func.address_map();
460                addrs.push(range.clone(), &addr.instructions);
461            }
462            traps.push(range.clone(), &func.traps().collect::<Vec<_>>());
463            builder.append_padding(self.linkopts.padding_between_functions);
464            let info = FunctionLoc {
465                start: u32::try_from(range.start).unwrap(),
466                length: u32::try_from(range.end - range.start).unwrap(),
467            };
468            ret.push((sym, info));
469        }
471        builder.finish();
473        if self.tunables.generate_address_map {
474            addrs.append_to(obj);
475        }
476        traps.append_to(obj);
478        Ok(ret)
479    }
481    fn triple(&self) -> &target_lexicon::Triple {
482        self.isa.triple()
483    }
485    fn flags(&self) -> Vec<(&'static str, FlagValue<'static>)> {
486        crate::clif_flags_to_wasmtime(self.isa.flags().iter())
487    }
489    fn isa_flags(&self) -> Vec<(&'static str, FlagValue<'static>)> {
490        crate::clif_flags_to_wasmtime(self.isa.isa_flags())
491    }
493    fn is_branch_protection_enabled(&self) -> bool {
494        self.isa.is_branch_protection_enabled()
495    }
497    #[cfg(feature = "component-model")]
498    fn component_compiler(&self) -> &dyn wasmtime_environ::component::ComponentCompiler {
499        self
500    }
502    fn append_dwarf<'a>(
503        &self,
504        obj: &mut Object<'_>,
505        translations: &'a PrimaryMap<StaticModuleIndex, ModuleTranslation<'a>>,
506        get_func: &'a dyn Fn(
507            StaticModuleIndex,
508            DefinedFuncIndex,
509        ) -> (SymbolId, &'a (dyn Any + Send)),
510        dwarf_package_bytes: Option<&'a [u8]>,
511        tunables: &'a Tunables,
512    ) -> Result<()> {
513        let get_func = move |m, f| {
514            let (sym, any) = get_func(m, f);
515            (
516                sym,
517                any.downcast_ref::<CompiledFunction>().unwrap().metadata(),
518            )
519        };
520        let mut compilation = crate::debug::Compilation::new(
521            &*self.isa,
522            translations,
523            &get_func,
524            dwarf_package_bytes,
525            tunables,
526        );
527        let dwarf_sections = crate::debug::emit_dwarf(&*self.isa, &mut compilation)
528            .with_context(|| "failed to emit DWARF debug information")?;
530        let (debug_bodies, debug_relocs): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = dwarf_sections
531            .iter()
532            .map(|s| ((s.name, &s.body), (s.name, &s.relocs)))
533            .unzip();
534        let mut dwarf_sections_ids = HashMap::new();
535        for (name, body) in debug_bodies {
536            let segment = obj.segment_name(StandardSegment::Debug).to_vec();
537            let section_id = obj.add_section(segment, name.as_bytes().to_vec(), SectionKind::Debug);
538            dwarf_sections_ids.insert(name, section_id);
539            obj.append_section_data(section_id, &body, 1);
540        }
542        // Write all debug data relocations.
543        for (name, relocs) in debug_relocs {
544            let section_id = *dwarf_sections_ids.get(name).unwrap();
545            for reloc in relocs {
546                let target_symbol = match reloc.target {
547                    DwarfSectionRelocTarget::Func(id) => compilation.symbol_id(id),
548                    DwarfSectionRelocTarget::Section(name) => {
549                        obj.section_symbol(dwarf_sections_ids[name])
550                    }
551                };
552                obj.add_relocation(
553                    section_id,
554                    object::write::Relocation {
555                        offset: u64::from(reloc.offset),
556                        symbol: target_symbol,
557                        addend: i64::from(reloc.addend),
558                        flags: RelocationFlags::Generic {
559                            size: reloc.size << 3,
560                            kind: RelocationKind::Absolute,
561                            encoding: RelocationEncoding::Generic,
562                        },
563                    },
564                )?;
565            }
566        }
568        Ok(())
569    }
571    fn create_systemv_cie(&self) -> Option<gimli::write::CommonInformationEntry> {
572        self.isa.create_systemv_cie()
573    }
575    fn compile_wasm_to_builtin(
576        &self,
577        index: BuiltinFunctionIndex,
578    ) -> Result<Box<dyn Any + Send>, CompileError> {
579        let isa = &*self.isa;
580        let ptr_size = isa.pointer_bytes();
581        let pointer_type = isa.pointer_type();
582        let sigs = BuiltinFunctionSignatures::new(self);
583        let wasm_sig = sigs.wasm_signature(index);
584        let host_sig = sigs.host_signature(index);
586        let mut compiler = self.function_compiler();
587        let func = ir::Function::with_name_signature(Default::default(), wasm_sig.clone());
588        let (mut builder, block0) = compiler.builder(func);
589        let vmctx = builder.block_params(block0)[0];
591        // Debug-assert that this is the right kind of vmctx, and then
592        // additionally perform the "routine of the exit trampoline" of saving
593        // fp/pc/etc.
594        debug_assert_vmctx_kind(isa, &mut builder, vmctx, wasmtime_environ::VMCONTEXT_MAGIC);
595        let vm_store_context = builder.ins().load(
596            pointer_type,
597            MemFlags::trusted(),
598            vmctx,
599            ptr_size.vmcontext_store_context(),
600        );
601        save_last_wasm_exit_fp_and_pc(&mut builder, pointer_type, &ptr_size, vm_store_context);
603        // Now it's time to delegate to the actual builtin. Forward all our own
604        // arguments to the libcall itself.
605        let args = builder.block_params(block0).to_vec();
606        let call = self.call_builtin(&mut builder, vmctx, &args, index, host_sig);
607        let results = builder.func.dfg.inst_results(call).to_vec();
609        // Libcalls do not explicitly `longjmp` for example but instead return a
610        // code indicating whether they trapped or not. This means that it's the
611        // responsibility of the trampoline to check for an trapping return
612        // value and raise a trap as appropriate. With the `results` above check
613        // what `index` is and for each libcall that has a trapping return value
614        // process it here.
615        match index.trap_sentinel() {
616            Some(TrapSentinel::Falsy) => {
617                self.raise_if_host_trapped(&mut builder, vmctx, results[0]);
618            }
619            Some(TrapSentinel::NegativeTwo) => {
620                let ty = builder.func.dfg.value_type(results[0]);
621                let trapped = builder.ins().iconst(ty, -2);
622                let succeeded = builder.ins().icmp(IntCC::NotEqual, results[0], trapped);
623                self.raise_if_host_trapped(&mut builder, vmctx, succeeded);
624            }
625            Some(TrapSentinel::Negative) => {
626                let ty = builder.func.dfg.value_type(results[0]);
627                let zero = builder.ins().iconst(ty, 0);
628                let succeeded =
629                    builder
630                        .ins()
631                        .icmp(IntCC::SignedGreaterThanOrEqual, results[0], zero);
632                self.raise_if_host_trapped(&mut builder, vmctx, succeeded);
633            }
634            Some(TrapSentinel::NegativeOne) => {
635                let ty = builder.func.dfg.value_type(results[0]);
636                let minus_one = builder.ins().iconst(ty, -1);
637                let succeeded = builder.ins().icmp(IntCC::NotEqual, results[0], minus_one);
638                self.raise_if_host_trapped(&mut builder, vmctx, succeeded);
639            }
640            None => {}
641        }
643        // And finally, return all the results of this libcall.
644        builder.ins().return_(&results);
645        builder.finalize();
647        Ok(Box::new(
648            compiler.finish(&format!("wasm_to_builtin_{}", index.name()))?,
649        ))
650    }
652    fn compiled_function_relocation_targets<'a>(
653        &'a self,
654        func: &'a dyn Any,
655    ) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = RelocationTarget> + 'a> {
656        let func = func.downcast_ref::<CompiledFunction>().unwrap();
657        Box::new(func.relocations().map(|r| r.reloc_target))
658    }
661#[cfg(feature = "incremental-cache")]
662mod incremental_cache {
663    use super::*;
665    struct CraneliftCacheStore(Arc<dyn CacheStore>);
667    impl cranelift_codegen::incremental_cache::CacheKvStore for CraneliftCacheStore {
668        fn get(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<std::borrow::Cow<[u8]>> {
669            self.0.get(key)
670        }
671        fn insert(&mut self, key: &[u8], val: Vec<u8>) {
672            self.0.insert(key, val);
673        }
674    }
676    pub(super) fn compile_maybe_cached<'a>(
677        context: &'a mut Context,
678        isa: &dyn TargetIsa,
679        cache_ctx: Option<&mut IncrementalCacheContext>,
680    ) -> Result<CompiledCode, CompileError> {
681        let cache_ctx = match cache_ctx {
682            Some(ctx) => ctx,
683            None => return compile_uncached(context, isa),
684        };
686        let mut cache_store = CraneliftCacheStore(cache_ctx.cache_store.clone());
687        let (_compiled_code, from_cache) = context
688            .compile_with_cache(isa, &mut cache_store, &mut Default::default())
689            .map_err(|error| CompileError::Codegen(pretty_error(&error.func, error.inner)))?;
691        if from_cache {
692            cache_ctx.num_hits += 1;
693        } else {
694            cache_ctx.num_cached += 1;
695        }
697        Ok(context.take_compiled_code().unwrap())
698    }
701#[cfg(feature = "incremental-cache")]
702use incremental_cache::*;
704#[cfg(not(feature = "incremental-cache"))]
705fn compile_maybe_cached<'a>(
706    context: &'a mut Context,
707    isa: &dyn TargetIsa,
708    _cache_ctx: Option<&mut IncrementalCacheContext>,
709) -> Result<CompiledCode, CompileError> {
710    compile_uncached(context, isa)
713fn compile_uncached<'a>(
714    context: &'a mut Context,
715    isa: &dyn TargetIsa,
716) -> Result<CompiledCode, CompileError> {
717    context
718        .compile(isa, &mut Default::default())
719        .map_err(|error| CompileError::Codegen(pretty_error(&error.func, error.inner)))?;
720    Ok(context.take_compiled_code().unwrap())
723impl Compiler {
724    /// This function will allocate a stack slot suitable for storing both the
725    /// arguments and return values of the function, and then the arguments will
726    /// all be stored in this block.
727    ///
728    /// `block0` must be the entry block of the function and `ty` must be the
729    /// Wasm function type of the trampoline.
730    ///
731    /// The stack slot pointer is returned in addition to the size, in units of
732    /// `ValRaw`, of the stack slot.
733    fn allocate_stack_array_and_spill_args(
734        &self,
735        ty: &WasmFuncType,
736        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
737        args: &[ir::Value],
738    ) -> (Value, u32) {
739        let isa = &*self.isa;
740        let pointer_type = isa.pointer_type();
742        // Compute the size of the values vector.
743        let value_size = mem::size_of::<u128>();
744        let values_vec_len = cmp::max(ty.params().len(), ty.returns().len());
745        let values_vec_byte_size = u32::try_from(value_size * values_vec_len).unwrap();
746        let values_vec_len = u32::try_from(values_vec_len).unwrap();
748        let slot = builder.func.create_sized_stack_slot(ir::StackSlotData::new(
749            ir::StackSlotKind::ExplicitSlot,
750            values_vec_byte_size,
751            4,
752        ));
753        let values_vec_ptr = builder.ins().stack_addr(pointer_type, slot, 0);
755        {
756            let values_vec_len = builder
757                .ins()
758                .iconst(ir::types::I32, i64::from(values_vec_len));
759            self.store_values_to_array(builder, ty.params(), args, values_vec_ptr, values_vec_len);
760        }
762        (values_vec_ptr, values_vec_len)
763    }
765    /// Store values to an array in the array calling convention.
766    ///
767    /// Used either to store arguments to the array when calling a function
768    /// using the array calling convention, or used to store results to the
769    /// array when implementing a function that exposes the array calling
770    /// convention.
771    fn store_values_to_array(
772        &self,
773        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
774        types: &[WasmValType],
775        values: &[Value],
776        values_vec_ptr: Value,
777        values_vec_capacity: Value,
778    ) {
779        debug_assert_eq!(types.len(), values.len());
780        debug_assert_enough_capacity_for_length(builder, types.len(), values_vec_capacity);
782        // Note that loads and stores are unconditionally done in the
783        // little-endian format rather than the host's native-endianness,
784        // despite this load/store being unrelated to execution in wasm itself.
785        // For more details on this see the `ValRaw` type in
786        // `wasmtime::runtime::vm`.
787        let flags = ir::MemFlags::new()
788            .with_notrap()
789            .with_endianness(ir::Endianness::Little);
791        let value_size = mem::size_of::<u128>();
792        for (i, val) in values.iter().copied().enumerate() {
793            crate::unbarriered_store_type_at_offset(
794                &mut builder.cursor(),
795                flags,
796                values_vec_ptr,
797                i32::try_from(i * value_size).unwrap(),
798                val,
799            );
800        }
801    }
803    /// Used for loading the values of an array-call host function's value
804    /// array.
805    ///
806    /// This can be used to load arguments out of the array if the trampoline we
807    /// are building exposes the array calling convention, or it can be used to
808    /// load results out of the array if the trampoline we are building calls a
809    /// function that uses the array calling convention.
810    fn load_values_from_array(
811        &self,
812        types: &[WasmValType],
813        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
814        values_vec_ptr: Value,
815        values_vec_capacity: Value,
816    ) -> Vec<ir::Value> {
817        let isa = &*self.isa;
818        let value_size = mem::size_of::<u128>();
820        debug_assert_enough_capacity_for_length(builder, types.len(), values_vec_capacity);
822        // Note that this is little-endian like `store_values_to_array` above,
823        // see notes there for more information.
824        let flags = MemFlags::new()
825            .with_notrap()
826            .with_endianness(ir::Endianness::Little);
828        let mut results = Vec::new();
829        for (i, ty) in types.iter().enumerate() {
830            results.push(crate::unbarriered_load_type_at_offset(
831                isa,
832                &mut builder.cursor(),
833                *ty,
834                flags,
835                values_vec_ptr,
836                i32::try_from(i * value_size).unwrap(),
837            ));
838        }
839        results
840    }
842    fn function_compiler(&self) -> FunctionCompiler<'_> {
843        let saved_context = self.contexts.lock().unwrap().pop();
844        FunctionCompiler {
845            compiler: self,
846            cx: saved_context
847                .map(|mut ctx| {
848                    ctx.codegen_context.clear();
849                    ctx
850                })
851                .unwrap_or_else(|| CompilerContext {
852                    #[cfg(feature = "incremental-cache")]
853                    incremental_cache_ctx: self.cache_store.as_ref().map(|cache_store| {
854                        IncrementalCacheContext {
855                            cache_store: cache_store.clone(),
856                            num_hits: 0,
857                            num_cached: 0,
858                        }
859                    }),
860                    ..Default::default()
861                }),
862        }
863    }
865    /// Invokes the `raise` libcall in `vmctx` if the `succeeded` value
866    /// indicates if a trap happened.
867    ///
868    /// This helper is used when the host returns back to WebAssembly. The host
869    /// returns a `bool` indicating whether the call succeeded. If the call
870    /// failed then Cranelift needs to unwind back to the original invocation
871    /// point. The unwind right now is then implemented in Wasmtime with a
872    /// `longjmp`, but one day this might be implemented differently with an
873    /// unwind inside of Cranelift.
874    ///
875    /// Additionally in the future for pulley this will emit a special trap
876    /// opcode for Pulley itself to cease interpretation and exit the
877    /// interpreter.
878    pub fn raise_if_host_trapped(
879        &self,
880        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder<'_>,
881        vmctx: ir::Value,
882        succeeded: ir::Value,
883    ) {
884        let trapped_block = builder.create_block();
885        let continuation_block = builder.create_block();
886        builder.set_cold_block(trapped_block);
887        builder
888            .ins()
889            .brif(succeeded, continuation_block, &[], trapped_block, &[]);
891        builder.seal_block(trapped_block);
892        builder.seal_block(continuation_block);
894        builder.switch_to_block(trapped_block);
895        let sigs = BuiltinFunctionSignatures::new(self);
896        let sig = sigs.host_signature(BuiltinFunctionIndex::raise());
897        self.call_builtin(builder, vmctx, &[vmctx], BuiltinFunctionIndex::raise(), sig);
898        builder.ins().trap(TRAP_INTERNAL_ASSERT);
900        builder.switch_to_block(continuation_block);
901    }
903    /// Helper to load the core `builtin` from `vmctx` and invoke it with
904    /// `args`.
905    fn call_builtin(
906        &self,
907        builder: &mut FunctionBuilder<'_>,
908        vmctx: ir::Value,
909        args: &[ir::Value],
910        builtin: BuiltinFunctionIndex,
911        sig: ir::Signature,
912    ) -> ir::Inst {
913        let isa = &*self.isa;
914        let ptr_size = isa.pointer_bytes();
915        let pointer_type = isa.pointer_type();
917        // Builtins are stored in an array in all `VMContext`s. First load the
918        // base pointer of the array and then load the entry of the array that
919        // corresponds to this builtin.
920        let mem_flags = ir::MemFlags::trusted().with_readonly();
921        let array_addr = builder.ins().load(
922            pointer_type,
923            mem_flags,
924            vmctx,
925            i32::from(ptr_size.vmcontext_builtin_functions()),
926        );
927        let body_offset = i32::try_from(builtin.index() * pointer_type.bytes()).unwrap();
928        let func_addr = builder
929            .ins()
930            .load(pointer_type, mem_flags, array_addr, body_offset);
932        let sig = builder.func.import_signature(sig);
933        self.call_indirect_host(builder, builtin, sig, func_addr, args)
934    }
936    pub fn isa(&self) -> &dyn TargetIsa {
937        &*self.isa
938    }
940    pub fn tunables(&self) -> &Tunables {
941        &self.tunables
942    }
945struct FunctionCompiler<'a> {
946    compiler: &'a Compiler,
947    cx: CompilerContext,
950impl FunctionCompiler<'_> {
951    fn builder(&mut self, func: ir::Function) -> (FunctionBuilder<'_>, ir::Block) {
952        self.cx.codegen_context.func = func;
953        let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new(
954            &mut self.cx.codegen_context.func,
955            self.cx.func_translator.context(),
956        );
958        let block0 = builder.create_block();
959        builder.append_block_params_for_function_params(block0);
960        builder.switch_to_block(block0);
961        builder.seal_block(block0);
962        (builder, block0)
963    }
965    fn finish(self, clif_filename: &str) -> Result<CompiledFunction, CompileError> {
966        let (info, func) = self.finish_with_info(None, clif_filename)?;
967        assert!(info.stack_maps.is_empty());
968        Ok(func)
969    }
971    fn finish_with_info(
972        mut self,
973        body_and_tunables: Option<(&FunctionBody<'_>, &Tunables)>,
974        clif_filename: &str,
975    ) -> Result<(WasmFunctionInfo, CompiledFunction), CompileError> {
976        let context = &mut self.cx.codegen_context;
977        let isa = &*self.compiler.isa;
979        // Run compilation, but don't propagate the error just yet. This'll
980        // mutate `context` and the IR contained within (optionally) but it may
981        // fail if the backend has a bug in it. Use `context` after this
982        // finishes to optionally emit CLIF and then after that's done actually
983        // propagate the error if one happened.
984        let compilation_result =
985            compile_maybe_cached(context, isa, self.cx.incremental_cache_ctx.as_mut());
987        if let Some(path) = &self.compiler.clif_dir {
988            use std::io::Write;
990            let mut path = path.join(clif_filename);
991            path.set_extension("clif");
993            let mut output = std::fs::File::create(path).unwrap();
994            write!(output, "{}", context.func.display()).unwrap();
995        }
997        let mut compiled_code = compilation_result?;
999        // Give wasm functions, user defined code, a "preferred" alignment
1000        // instead of the minimum alignment as this can help perf in niche
1001        // situations.
1002        let preferred_alignment = if body_and_tunables.is_some() {
1003            self.compiler.isa.function_alignment().preferred
1004        } else {
1005            1
1006        };
1008        let alignment = compiled_code.buffer.alignment.max(preferred_alignment);
1009        let mut compiled_function = CompiledFunction::new(
1010            compiled_code.buffer.clone(),
1011            context.func.params.user_named_funcs().clone(),
1012            alignment,
1013        );
1015        if let Some((body, tunables)) = body_and_tunables {
1016            let data = body.get_binary_reader();
1017            let offset = data.original_position();
1018            let len = data.bytes_remaining();
1019            compiled_function.set_address_map(
1020                offset.try_into().unwrap(),
1021                len.try_into().unwrap(),
1022                tunables.generate_address_map,
1023            );
1024        }
1026        if isa.flags().unwind_info() {
1027            let unwind = compiled_code
1028                .create_unwind_info(isa)
1029                .map_err(|error| CompileError::Codegen(pretty_error(&context.func, error)))?;
1031            if let Some(unwind_info) = unwind {
1032                compiled_function.set_unwind_info(unwind_info);
1033            }
1034        }
1036        if body_and_tunables
1037            .map(|(_, t)| t.generate_native_debuginfo)
1038            .unwrap_or(false)
1039        {
1040            compiled_function.set_value_labels_ranges(compiled_code.value_labels_ranges.clone());
1042            // DWARF debugging needs the CFA-based unwind information even on Windows.
1043            if !matches!(
1044                compiled_function.metadata().unwind_info,
1045                Some(UnwindInfo::SystemV(_))
1046            ) {
1047                let cfa_unwind = compiled_code
1048                    .create_unwind_info_of_kind(isa, UnwindInfoKind::SystemV)
1049                    .map_err(|error| CompileError::Codegen(pretty_error(&context.func, error)))?;
1051                if let Some(UnwindInfo::SystemV(cfa_unwind_info)) = cfa_unwind {
1052                    compiled_function.set_cfa_unwind_info(cfa_unwind_info);
1053                }
1054            }
1055        }
1057        let stack_maps =
1058            clif_to_env_stack_maps(compiled_code.buffer.take_user_stack_maps().into_iter());
1059        compiled_function
1060            .set_sized_stack_slots(std::mem::take(&mut context.func.sized_stack_slots));
1061        self.compiler.contexts.lock().unwrap().push(self.cx);
1063        Ok((
1064            WasmFunctionInfo {
1065                start_srcloc: compiled_function.metadata().address_map.start_srcloc,
1066                stack_maps: stack_maps.into(),
1067            },
1068            compiled_function,
1069        ))
1070    }
1073/// Convert from Cranelift's representation of a stack map to Wasmtime's
1074/// compiler-agnostic representation.
1075fn clif_to_env_stack_maps(
1076    clif_stack_maps: impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = (CodeOffset, u32, ir::UserStackMap)>,
1077) -> Vec<StackMapInformation> {
1078    let mut stack_maps = Vec::with_capacity(clif_stack_maps.len());
1079    for (code_offset, mapped_bytes, stack_map) in clif_stack_maps {
1080        let mut bitset = CompoundBitSet::new();
1081        for (ty, offset) in stack_map.entries() {
1082            assert_eq!(ty, ir::types::I32);
1083            bitset.insert(usize::try_from(offset).unwrap());
1084        }
1085        if bitset.is_empty() {
1086            continue;
1087        }
1088        let stack_map = wasmtime_environ::StackMap::new(mapped_bytes, bitset);
1089        stack_maps.push(StackMapInformation {
1090            code_offset,
1091            stack_map,
1092        });
1093    }
1094    stack_maps.sort_unstable_by_key(|info| info.code_offset);
1095    stack_maps
1098fn declare_and_call(
1099    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
1100    signature: ir::Signature,
1101    func_index: u32,
1102    args: &[ir::Value],
1103) -> ir::Inst {
1104    let name = ir::ExternalName::User(builder.func.declare_imported_user_function(
1105        ir::UserExternalName {
1106            namespace: crate::NS_WASM_FUNC,
1107            index: func_index,
1108        },
1109    ));
1110    let signature = builder.func.import_signature(signature);
1111    let callee = builder.func.dfg.ext_funcs.push(ir::ExtFuncData {
1112        name,
1113        signature,
1114        colocated: true,
1115    });
1116    builder.ins().call(callee, &args)
1119fn debug_assert_enough_capacity_for_length(
1120    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
1121    length: usize,
1122    capacity: ir::Value,
1123) {
1124    if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
1125        let enough_capacity = builder.ins().icmp_imm(
1126            ir::condcodes::IntCC::UnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual,
1127            capacity,
1128            ir::immediates::Imm64::new(length.try_into().unwrap()),
1129        );
1130        builder.ins().trapz(enough_capacity, TRAP_INTERNAL_ASSERT);
1131    }
1134fn debug_assert_vmctx_kind(
1135    isa: &dyn TargetIsa,
1136    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
1137    vmctx: ir::Value,
1138    expected_vmctx_magic: u32,
1139) {
1140    if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
1141        let magic = builder.ins().load(
1142            ir::types::I32,
1143            MemFlags::trusted().with_endianness(isa.endianness()),
1144            vmctx,
1145            0,
1146        );
1147        let is_expected_vmctx = builder.ins().icmp_imm(
1148            ir::condcodes::IntCC::Equal,
1149            magic,
1150            i64::from(expected_vmctx_magic),
1151        );
1152        builder.ins().trapz(is_expected_vmctx, TRAP_INTERNAL_ASSERT);
1153    }
1156fn save_last_wasm_entry_fp(
1157    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
1158    pointer_type: ir::Type,
1159    ptr_size: &impl PtrSize,
1160    vm_store_context_offset: u32,
1161    vmctx: Value,
1162) {
1163    // First we need to get the `VMStoreContext`.
1164    let vm_store_context = builder.ins().load(
1165        pointer_type,
1166        MemFlags::trusted(),
1167        vmctx,
1168        i32::try_from(vm_store_context_offset).unwrap(),
1169    );
1171    // Then store our current stack pointer into the appropriate slot.
1172    let fp = builder.ins().get_frame_pointer(pointer_type);
1173    builder.ins().store(
1174        MemFlags::trusted(),
1175        fp,
1176        vm_store_context,
1177        ptr_size.vmstore_context_last_wasm_entry_fp(),
1178    );
1181fn save_last_wasm_exit_fp_and_pc(
1182    builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
1183    pointer_type: ir::Type,
1184    ptr: &impl PtrSize,
1185    limits: Value,
1186) {
1187    // Save the exit Wasm FP to the limits. We dereference the current FP to get
1188    // the previous FP because the current FP is the trampoline's FP, and we
1189    // want the Wasm function's FP, which is the caller of this trampoline.
1190    let trampoline_fp = builder.ins().get_frame_pointer(pointer_type);
1191    let wasm_fp = builder.ins().load(
1192        pointer_type,
1193        MemFlags::trusted(),
1194        trampoline_fp,
1195        // The FP always points to the next older FP for all supported
1196        // targets. See assertion in
1197        // `crates/wasmtime/src/runtime/vm/traphandlers/backtrace.rs`.
1198        0,
1199    );
1200    builder.ins().store(
1201        MemFlags::trusted(),
1202        wasm_fp,
1203        limits,
1204        ptr.vmstore_context_last_wasm_exit_fp(),
1205    );
1206    // Finally save the Wasm return address to the limits.
1207    let wasm_pc = builder.ins().get_return_address(pointer_type);
1208    builder.ins().store(
1209        MemFlags::trusted(),
1210        wasm_pc,
1211        limits,
1212        ptr.vmstore_context_last_wasm_exit_pc(),
1213    );