1//! Generate a Wasm module and the configuration for generating it.
3use arbitrary::{Arbitrary, Unstructured};
5/// Default module-level configuration for fuzzing Wasmtime.
7/// Internally this uses `wasm-smith`'s own `Config` but we further refine
8/// the defaults here as well.
9#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
10#[expect(missing_docs, reason = "self-describing fields")]
11pub struct ModuleConfig {
12 pub config: wasm_smith::Config,
14 // These knobs aren't exposed in `wasm-smith` at this time but are exposed
15 // in our `*.wast` testing so keep knobs here so they can be read during
16 // config-to-`wasmtime::Config` translation.
17 pub function_references_enabled: bool,
18 pub component_model_async: bool,
21impl<'a> Arbitrary<'a> for ModuleConfig {
22 fn arbitrary(u: &mut Unstructured<'a>) -> arbitrary::Result<ModuleConfig> {
23 let mut config = wasm_smith::Config::arbitrary(u)?;
25 // This list is intended to be the definitive source of truth for
26 // what's at least possible to fuzz within Wasmtime. This is a
27 // combination of features in `wasm-smith` where some proposals are
28 // on-by-default (as determined by fuzz input) and others are
29 // off-by-default (as they aren't stage4+). Wasmtime will default-fuzz
30 // proposals that a pre-stage-4 to test our own implementation. Wasmtime
31 // might also unconditionally disable proposals that it doesn't
32 // implement yet which are stage4+. This is intended to be an exhaustive
33 // list of all the wasm proposals that `wasm-smith` supports and the
34 // fuzzing status within Wasmtime too.
35 let _ = config.multi_value_enabled;
36 let _ = config.saturating_float_to_int_enabled;
37 let _ = config.sign_extension_ops_enabled;
38 let _ = config.bulk_memory_enabled;
39 let _ = config.reference_types_enabled;
40 let _ = config.simd_enabled;
41 let _ = config.relaxed_simd_enabled;
42 let _ = config.tail_call_enabled;
43 let _ = config.extended_const_enabled;
44 let _ = config.gc_enabled;
45 config.exceptions_enabled = false;
46 config.custom_page_sizes_enabled = u.arbitrary()?;
47 config.wide_arithmetic_enabled = u.arbitrary()?;
48 config.memory64_enabled = u.ratio(1, 20)?;
49 config.threads_enabled = u.ratio(1, 20)?;
50 // Allow multi-memory but make it unlikely
51 if u.ratio(1, 20)? {
52 config.max_memories = config.max_memories.max(2);
53 } else {
54 config.max_memories = 1;
55 }
56 // ... NB: if you add something above this line please be sure to update
57 // `docs/stability-wasm-proposals.md`
59 // We get better differential execution when we disallow traps, so we'll
60 // do that most of the time.
61 config.disallow_traps = u.ratio(9, 10)?;
63 Ok(ModuleConfig {
64 component_model_async: false,
65 function_references_enabled: config.gc_enabled,
66 config,
67 })
68 }
71impl ModuleConfig {
72 /// Uses this configuration and the supplied source of data to generate a
73 /// Wasm module.
74 ///
75 /// If a `default_fuel` is provided, the resulting module will be configured
76 /// to ensure termination; as doing so will add an additional global to the
77 /// module, the pooling allocator, if configured, must also have its globals
78 /// limit updated.
79 pub fn generate(
80 &self,
81 input: &mut Unstructured<'_>,
82 default_fuel: Option<u32>,
83 ) -> arbitrary::Result<wasm_smith::Module> {
84 let mut module = wasm_smith::Module::new(self.config.clone(), input)?;
86 if let Some(default_fuel) = default_fuel {
87 module.ensure_termination(default_fuel).unwrap();
88 }
90 Ok(module)
91 }