Using linear memory

You can also browse this source code online and clone the wasmtime repository to run the example locally.

This example shows off how to interact with wasm memory in a module. Be sure to read the documentation for Memory as well.


  (memory (export "memory") 2 3)

  (func (export "size") (result i32) (memory.size))
  (func (export "load") (param i32) (result i32)
    (i32.load8_s (local.get 0))
  (func (export "store") (param i32 i32)
    (i32.store8 (local.get 0) (local.get 1))

  (data (i32.const 0x1000) "\01\02\03\04")

//! An example of how to interact with wasm memory.
//! Here a small wasm module is used to show how memory is initialized, how to
//! read and write memory through the `Memory` object, and how wasm functions
//! can trap when dealing with out-of-bounds addresses.

// You can execute this example with `cargo run --example memory`

use wasmtime::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Create our `store_fn` context and then compile a module and create an
    // instance from the compiled module all in one go.
    let mut store: Store<()> = Store::default();
    let module = Module::from_file(store.engine(), "examples/memory.wat")?;
    let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &[])?;

    // load_fn up our exports from the instance
    let memory = instance
        .get_memory(&mut store, "memory")
        .ok_or(anyhow::format_err!("failed to find `memory` export"))?;
    let size = instance.get_typed_func::<(), i32>(&mut store, "size")?;
    let load_fn = instance.get_typed_func::<i32, i32>(&mut store, "load")?;
    let store_fn = instance.get_typed_func::<(i32, i32), ()>(&mut store, "store")?;

    println!("Checking memory...");
    assert_eq!(memory.size(&store), 2);
    assert_eq!(memory.data_size(&store), 0x20000);
    assert_eq!(memory.data_mut(&mut store)[0], 0);
    assert_eq!(memory.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1000], 1);
    assert_eq!(memory.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1003], 4);

    assert_eq!( store, ())?, 2);
    assert_eq!( store, 0)?, 0);
    assert_eq!( store, 0x1000)?, 1);
    assert_eq!( store, 0x1003)?, 4);
    assert_eq!( store, 0x1ffff)?, 0);
    assert!( store, 0x20000).is_err()); // out of bounds trap

    println!("Mutating memory...");
    memory.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1003] = 5; store, (0x1002, 6))?;
    assert!( store, (0x20000, 0)).is_err()); // out of bounds trap

    assert_eq!([0x1002], 6);
    assert_eq!([0x1003], 5);
    assert_eq!( store, 0x1002)?, 6);
    assert_eq!( store, 0x1003)?, 5);

    // Grow memory.
    println!("Growing memory...");
    memory.grow(&mut store, 1)?;
    assert_eq!(memory.size(&store), 3);
    assert_eq!(memory.data_size(&store), 0x30000);

    assert_eq!( store, 0x20000)?, 0); store, (0x20000, 0))?;
    assert!( store, 0x30000).is_err());
    assert!( store, (0x30000, 0)).is_err());

    assert!(memory.grow(&mut store, 1).is_err());
    assert!(memory.grow(&mut store, 0).is_ok());

    println!("Creating stand-alone memory...");
    let memorytype = MemoryType::new(5, Some(5));
    let memory2 = Memory::new(&mut store, memorytype)?;
    assert_eq!(memory2.size(&store), 5);
    assert!(memory2.grow(&mut store, 1).is_err());
    assert!(memory2.grow(&mut store, 0).is_ok());
