Release Process

This is intended to serve as documentation for Wasmtime's release process. It's largely an internal checklist for those of us performing a Wasmtime release, but others might be curious in this as well!

Releasing a major version

Major versions of Wasmtime are released once-a-month. Most of this is automatic and all that needs to be done is to merge GitHub PRs that CI will generate. At a high-level the structure of Wasmtime's release process is:

  • On the 5th of every month a new release-X.Y.Z branch is created with the current contents of main.
  • On the 20th of every month this release branch is published to and release artifacts are built.

This means that Wasmtime releases are always at least two weeks behind development on main and additionally happen once a month. The lag time behind main is intended to give time to fuzz changes on main as well as allow testing for any users using main. It's expected, though, that most consumers will likely use the release branches of wasmtime.

A detailed list of all the steps in the release automation process are below. The steps requiring interactions are bolded, otherwise everything else is automatic and this is documenting what automation does.

  1. On the 5th of every month, (configured via .github/workflows/release-process.yml) a CI job will run and do these steps:
    • Download the current main branch
    • Push the main branch to release-X.Y.Z
    • Run ./scripts/ with the bump argument
    • Commit the changes
    • Push these changes to a temporary ci/* branch
    • Open a PR with this branch against main
    • This step can also be triggered manually with the main branch and the cut argument.
  2. A maintainer of Wasmtime merges this PR
    • It's intended that this PR can be immediately merged as the release branch has been created and all it's doing is bumping the version.
  3. Time passes and the release-X.Y.Z branch is maintained
    • All changes land on main first, then are backported to release-X.Y.Z as necessary.
  4. On the 20th of every month (same CI job as before) another CI job will run performing:
    • Reset to release-X.Y.Z
    • Update the release date of X.Y.Z to today in
    • Add a special marker to the commit message to indicate a tag should be made.
    • Open a PR against release-X.Y.Z for this change
    • This step can also be triggered manually with the main branch and the release-latest argument.
  5. A maintainer of Wasmtime merges this PR
    • When merged, will trigger the next steps due to the marker in the commit message. A maintainer should double-check there are no open security issues, but otherwise it's expected that all other release issues are resolved by this point.
  6. The main CI workflow at .github/workflow/main.yml has special logic at the end such that pushes to the release-* branch will scan the git logs of pushed changes for the special marker added by release-process.yml. If found and CI passes a tag is created and pushed.
  7. Once a tag is created the .github/workflows/publish-* workflows run. One publishes all crates as-is to and the other will download all artifacts from the main.yml workflow and then upload them all as an official release.

If all goes well you won't have to read up much on this and after hitting the Big Green Button for the automatically created PRs everything will merrily carry on its way.

Releasing a patch version

Making a patch release is somewhat more manual than a major version, but like before there's automation to help guide the process as well and take care of more mundane bits.

This is a list of steps taken to perform a patch release for 2.0.1 for example. Like above human interaction is indicated with bold text in these steps.

  1. Necessary changes are backported to the release-2.0.0 branch from main
    • All changes must land on main first (if applicable) and then get backported to an older branch. Release branches should already exist from the above major release steps.
    • CI may not have been run in some time for release branches so it may be necessary to backport CI fixes and updates from main as well.
    • When merging backports maintainers need to double-check that the PUBLIC_CRATES listed in scripts/ do not have semver-API-breaking changes (in the strictest sense). All security fixes must be done in such a way that the API doesn't break between the patch version and the original version.
    • Don't forget to write patch notes in for backported changes.
  2. The patch release process is triggered manually with the release-2.0.0 branch and the release-patch argument
    • This will run the release-process.yml workflow. The scripts/ script will be run with the bump-patch argument.
    • The changes will be committed with a special marker indicating a release needs to be made.
    • A PR will be created from a temporary ci/* branch to the release-2.0.0 branch which, when merged, will trigger the release process.
  3. Review the generated PR and merge it
    • This will resume from step 6 above in the major release process where the special marker in the commit message generated by CI will trigger a tag to get pushed which will further trigger the rest of the release process.
    • Please make sure to update the at this point to include the Released on date by pushing directly to the branch associated with the PR.

Releasing a security patch

When making a patch release that has a security-related fix the contents of the patch are often kept private until the day of the patch release which means that the process here is slightly different from the patch release process above. In addition the precise runbook is currently under discussion in an RFC for security patches, so this intends to document what we've been doing so far and it'll get updated when the runbook is merged.

  1. The fix for the security issue is developed in a GitHub Security Advisory
    • This will not have any CI run, it's recommended to run ./ci/ locally at least.
    • Develop fixes for all branches that will get a patch release in the advisory, one PR per branch. When the advisory is published all branches will be merged simultaneously. Be sure to run ./ci/ in each branch.
    • Don't forget to update with notes about the release on each branch.
  2. Send a PR for the version bump when an email goes out announcing there will be a security release
    • An email is sent to the bytecodealliance security mailing list ahead of a patch release to announce that a patch release will happen. At this time you should trigger the version bump against the appropriate release-x.y.z branches with the release-patch argument.
    • This will send a PR, but you should not merge it. Instead use this PR and the time ahead of the security release to fix any issues with CI. Older release-x.y.z branches haven't run CI in awhile so they may need to backport fixes of one variety or another. DO NOT include the actual fix for the security issue into the PR, that comes in the next step.
  3. Make the advisories/patches public
    • Publishing the GitHub Security Advisory will merge all the PRs into each branch from the advisory. Note that CI will run for release branches but main will probably fail CI since it expected to be merged through the merge queue, but that's ok.
    • Double-check that CI for release branches finishes and completes successfully.
  4. Merge the version-bump PR
    • Like the patch release process this will kick everything else into motion. Note that the actual security fixes should be merged either before or as part of this PR.

Releasing Notes

Release notes for Wasmtime are written in the file in the root of the repository. Management of this file looks like:

  • (theoretically) All changes on main which need to write an entry in
  • When the main branch gets a version the file is emptied and replaced with ci/ An entry for the upcoming release is added to the bulleted list at the bottom.
  • (realistically) After a release-X.Y.Z branch is created release notes are updated and edited on the release branch.

This means that only has release notes for the release branch that it is on. Historical release notes can be found through links at the bottom to previous copies of