Using Pulley

On architectures such as x86_64 or aarch64 Wasmtime will by default use the Cranelift compiler to translate WebAssembly to native machine code and execute it. Cranelift does not support all architectures, however, for example i686 (32-bit Intel machines) is not supported at this time. To help execute WebAssembly on these architectures Wasmtime comes with an interpreter called Pulley.

Pulley is a bytecode interpreter originally proposed in an RFC which is intended to primarily be portable. Pulley is a loose backronym for "Portable, Universal, Low-Level Execution strategY" but mostly just a theme on machines/tools (Cranelift, Winch, Pulley, ...). Pulley is a distinct target and execution environment for Wasmtime.

Enabling Pulley

The Pulley interpreter is enabled via one of two means:

  1. On architectures which have Cranelift support, Pulley must be enabled via the pulley crate feature of the wasmtime crate. This feature is otherwise off-by-default.

  2. On architectures which do NOT have Cranelift support, Pulley is already enabled by default. This means that Wasmtime can execute WebAssembly by default on any platform, it'll just be faster on Cranelift-supported platforms.

For platforms in category (2) there is no opt-in necessary to execute Pulley as that's already the default target. Platforms in category (1), such as x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, may still want to execute Pulley to run tests, evaluate the implementation, benchmark, etc.

To force execution of Pulley on any platform the pulley crate feature of the wasmtime crate must be enabled in addition to configuring a target. Specifying a target is done with the --target CLI option to the wasmtime executable, the Config::target method in Rust, or the wasmtime_config_target_set C API. The target string for pulley must be one of:

  • pulley32 - for 32-bit little-endian hosts
  • pulley32be - for 32-bit big-endian hosts
  • pulley64 - for 64-bit little-endian hosts
  • pulley64be - for 64-bit big-endian hosts

The Pulley target string must match the environment that the Pulley Bytecode will be executing in. Some examples of Pulley targets are:

Host targetPulley target

Wasmtime will return an error trying to load bytecode compiled for the wrong Pulley target. When Pulley is the default target for a particular host then the correct Pulley target will be selected automatically. Specifying the Pulley target may still be necessary when cross-compiling from one platform to another, however.

Using Pulley

Using Pulley in Wasmtime requires no further configuration beyond specifying the target for Pulley. Once that is done all of the Wasmtime crate's Rust APIs or C API work as usual. For example when specifying wasmtime run --target pulley64 on the CLI this will execute all WebAssembly in the interpreter rather than via Cranelift.

Pulley at this time has the same feature parity for WebAssembly as Cranelift does. This means that all WebAssembly proposals and features supported by Wasmtime are supported by Pulley.

If you notice anything awry, however, please feel free to file an issue.

Impact of using Pulley

Pulley is an interpreter for its own bytecode format. While the design of Pulley is optimized for speed you should still expect a ~10x order-of-magnitude slowdown relative to native code or Cranelift. This means that Pulley is likely not suitable for compute-intensive tasks that must run in as little time as possible.

The primary goal of Pulley is to enable using and embedding Wasmtime across a variety of platforms simultaneously. The same API/interface is used to interact with the runtime and loading WebAssembly module regardless of the host architecture.

Pulley bytecode is produced by the Cranelift compiler today in a similar manner to native platforms. Pulley is not designed for quickly loading WebAssembly modules as Cranelift is an optimizing compiler. Compiling WebAssembly to Pulley bytecode should be expected to take about the same time as compiling to native platforms.

High-level Design of Pulley

This section is not necessary for users of Pulley but for those interested this is a description of the high-level design of Pulley. The Pulley virtual machine consists of:

  • 32 "X" integer registers each of which are 64-bits large. (XReg)
  • 32 "F" float registers each of which are 64-bits large. (FReg)
  • 32 "V" vector registers each of which are 128-bits large. (VReg)
  • A dynamically allocated "stack" on the host's heap.
  • A frame pointer register.
  • A link register to store the return address for the current function.

This state lives in MachineState which is in turned stored in a Vm. Pulley's source code lives in pulley/ in the Wasmtime repository.

Pulley's bytecode is defined in pulley/src/ with a combination of the for_each_op! and for_each_extended_op! macros. Opcode numbers and opcode layout are defined by the structure of these macros. The macros are used to "derive" encoding/decoding/traits/etc used throughout the pulley_interpreter crate.

Pulley opcodes are a single discriminator byte followed by any immediates. Immediates are not aligned and require unaligned loads/stores to work with them. Pulley has more than 256 opcodes, however, which is where "extended" opcodes come into play. The final Pulley opcode is reserved to indicate that an extended opcode is being used. Extended opcodes follow this initial discriminator with a 16-bit integer which further indicates which extended opcode is being used. This design is intended to allow common operations to be encoded more compactly while less common operations can still be packed in effectively without limit.

Pulley opcode assignment happens through the order of the for_each_op! macro which means that it's not portable across multiple versions of Wasmtime.

The interpreter is an implementation of the OpVisitor and ExtendedOpVisitor traits. This is located at pulley/src/ Notably this means that there's a method-per-opcode and is how the interpreter is implemented.

The interpreter loop itself is implemented in one of two ways:

  1. A "match loop" which is a Rust loop { ... } which internally uses the Decode trait on each opcode. This is not literally modeled as but compiles down to something that looks like loop { match .. { ... } }. This interpreter loop is located at pulley/src/interp/

  2. A "tail loop" were each opcode handler is a Rust function. Control flow between opcodes continues with tail-calls and exiting the interpreter is done by returning from the function. Tail calls are not available in stable Rust so this interpreter loop is not used by default. It can be enabled, though, with RUSTFLAGS=--cfg=pulley_assume_llvm_makes_tail_calls to rely on LLVM's tail-call-optimization pass to implement the loop.

The "match loop" is the default interpreter loop as it's portable and works on stable Rust. The "tail loop" is thought to probably perform better than the "match loop" but it's not available on stable Rust (become in Rust is an unfinished nightly feature at this time) or portable (tail-call-optimization doesn't happen the same in LLVM on all architectures).

Inspecting Pulley Bytecode

Like when compiling to native the wasmtime objdump command can be used to inspect compiled bytecode:

$ wasmtime compile --target pulley64 foo.wat
$ wasmtime objdump foo.cwasm --addresses --bytes
0x000000: wasm[0]::function[20]:
       0: 9f 10 00 08 00                     push_frame_save 16, x19
       5: 40 13 00                           xmov x19, x0
       8: 03 13 13 3f cb 89 00               call2 x19, x19, 0x89cb3f    // target = 0x89cb47
       f: 03 13 13 8c ab 84 00               call2 x19, x19, 0x84ab8c    // target = 0x84ab9b
      16: 03 13 13 5b 12 00 00               call2 x19, x19, 0x125b    // target = 0x1271
      1d: 03 13 13 9f 12 00 00               call2 x19, x19, 0x129f    // target = 0x12bc
      24: 03 13 13 e0 45 00 00               call2 x19, x19, 0x45e0    // target = 0x4604

Profiling Pulley

Profiling the Pulley interpreter can be done with native profiler such as perf but this has a few downsides:

  • When profiling the "match loop" it's not clear what machine code corresponds to which Pulley opcode. Most of the time all the samples are just in the one big "run" function.

  • When profiling with the "tail loop" you can see hot opcodes much more clearly, but it can be difficult to understand why a particular opcode was chosen.

It can sometimes be more beneficial to see time spent per Pulley opcode itself in the context of the all Pulley opcodes. In a similar manner as you can look at instruction-level profiling in perf it can be useful to look at opcode-level profiling of Pulley.

Pulley has limited support for opcode-level profiling. This is off-by-default as it has a performance hit for the interpreter. To collect a profile with the wasmtime CLI you'll have to build from source and enable the profile-pulley feature:

$ cargo run --features profile-pulley --release run --profile pulley --target pulley64 foo.wat

This will compile an optimized wasmtime executable with the profile-pulley Cargo feature enabled. The --profile pulley flag can then be passed to the wasmtime CLI to enable the profiler at runtime.

The command will emit a pulley-$ file which contains raw data about Pulley opcodes and samples taken. To view this file you can use:

$ cargo run -p pulley-interpreter --example profiler-html --all-features ./pulley-$

This will load the pulley-*.data file, parse it, collate the results, and display the hottest functions. The hottest function is emitted last and instructions are annotated with the % of samples taken that were executing at that instruction.

Some more information can be found in the PR that implemented Pulley profiling support