Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cwasm_byte_vec_tA list of bytes
 Cwasm_config_tGlobal engine configuration
 Cwasm_engine_tCompilation environment and configuration
 Cwasm_exporttype_tAn opaque object representing the type of an export
 Cwasm_exporttype_vec_tA list of wasm_exporttype_t values
 Cwasm_extern_tOpaque struct representing a wasm external value
 Cwasm_extern_vec_tA list of wasm_extern_t values
 Cwasm_externtype_tAn opaque object representing the type of a external value. Can be seen as a superclass of wasm_functype_t, wasm_tabletype_t, wasm_globaltype_t, and wasm_memorytype_t
 Cwasm_externtype_vec_tA list of wasm_externtype_t values
 Cwasm_foreign_tUnimplemented in Wasmtime
 Cwasm_frame_tOpaque struct representing a frame of a wasm stack trace
 Cwasm_frame_vec_tA list of wasm_frame_t frameues
 Cwasm_func_tOpaque struct representing a compiled wasm function
 Cwasm_functype_tAn opaque object representing the type of a function
 Cwasm_functype_vec_tA list of wasm_functype_t values
 Cwasm_global_tOpaque struct representing a wasm global
 Cwasm_globaltype_tAn opaque object representing the type of a global
 Cwasm_globaltype_vec_tA list of wasm_globaltype_t values
 Cwasm_importtype_tAn opaque object representing the type of an import
 Cwasm_importtype_vec_tA list of wasm_importtype_t values
 Cwasm_instance_tOpaque struct representing a wasm instance
 Cwasm_limits_tLimits for tables/memories in wasm modules
 Cwasm_memory_tOpaque struct representing a wasm memory
 Cwasm_memorytype_tAn opaque object representing the type of a memory
 Cwasm_memorytype_vec_tA list of wasm_memorytype_t values
 Cwasm_module_tOpaque struct representing a compiled wasm module
 Cwasm_ref_tA reference type: either a funcref or an externref
 Cwasm_shared_module_tOpaque struct representing module that can be sent between threads
 Cwasm_store_tA collection of instances and wasm global items
 Cwasm_table_tOpaque struct representing a wasm table
 Cwasm_tabletype_tAn opaque object representing the type of a table
 Cwasm_tabletype_vec_tA list of wasm_tabletype_t values
 Cwasm_trap_tOpaque struct representing a wasm trap
 Cwasm_val_tRepresentation of a WebAssembly value
 Cwasm_val_vec_tA list of wasm_val_t values
 Cwasm_valtype_tAn object representing the type of a value
 Cwasm_valtype_vec_tA list of wasm_valtype_t values
 Cwasmtime_anyrefA WebAssembly value in the any hierarchy of GC types
 Cwasmtime_contextAn interior pointer into a wasmtime_store_t which is used as "context" for many functions
 Cwasmtime_errorErrors generated by Wasmtime
 Cwasmtime_externContainer for different kinds of extern items
 Cwasmtime_extern_unionContainer for different kinds of extern items
 Cwasmtime_externrefA host-defined un-forgeable reference to pass into WebAssembly
 Cwasmtime_funcRepresentation of a function in Wasmtime
 Cwasmtime_globalRepresentation of a global in Wasmtime
 Cwasmtime_guestprofiler_modulesTuple of name and module for passing into wasmtime_guestprofiler_new
 Cwasmtime_instanceRepresentation of a instance in Wasmtime
 Cwasmtime_linkerObject used to conveniently link together and instantiate wasm modules
 Cwasmtime_memoryRepresentation of a memory in Wasmtime
 Cwasmtime_moduleA compiled Wasmtime module
 Cwasmtime_storeStorage of WebAssembly objects
 Cwasmtime_tableRepresentation of a table in Wasmtime
 Cwasmtime_valContainer for different kinds of wasm values
 Cwasmtime_val_rawContainer for possible wasm values
 Cwasmtime_valunionContainer for different kinds of wasm values