Module _6_exported_resources

Available on crate feature runtime and crate feature component-model and docsrs only.
Expand description

Example of a world which exports a resource.

  • Guest resources are modeled as ResourceAny. Note that this type is not specialized per-resource at this time so care must be taken to not mix them up.
  • Resource-related methods are a projection from a Guest structure, for example to GuestLogger here.
  • Resource-related methods all take a ResourceAny as an argument or a return value.
  • The ResourceAny must be explicitly dropped.
use wasmtime::{Result, Engine, Store};
use wasmtime::component::{bindgen, Component, Linker};
use self::exports::example::exported_resources::logging::Level;

    inline: r#"
        package example:exported-resources;

        world export-some-resources {
            export logging;

        interface logging {
            enum level {
            resource logger {
                constructor(max-level: level);

                get-max-level: func() -> level;
                set-max-level: func(level: level);

                log: func(level: level, msg: string);

struct MyState;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let engine = Engine::default();
    let component = Component::from_file(&engine, "./your-component.wasm")?;

    let linker = Linker::new(&engine);
    // ... this small example has no imports so nothing is added here, but
    // if you had imports this is where they'd go.

    let mut store = Store::new(&engine, MyState);
    let bindings = ExportSomeResources::instantiate(&mut store, &component, &linker)?;
    let guest = bindings.example_exported_resources_logging();
    let logger = guest.logger();

    // Resource methods are all attached to `logger` and take the
    // `ResourceAny` parameter explicitly.
    let my_logger = logger.call_constructor(&mut store, Level::Warn)?;
    assert_eq!(logger.call_get_max_level(&mut store, my_logger)?, Level::Warn);
    logger.call_set_max_level(&mut store, my_logger, Level::Info)?;

    logger.call_log(&mut store, my_logger, Level::Debug, "hello!")?;

    // The `ResourceAny` type has no destructor but when the host is done
    // with it it needs to invoke the guest-level destructor.
    my_logger.resource_drop(&mut store)?;





Auto-generated bindings for an instance a component which implements the world export-some-resources.
Auto-generated bindings for index of the exports of export-some-resources.
Auto-generated bindings for a pre-instantiated version of a component which implements the world export-some-resources.