Module incremental_cache

Available on crate feature incremental-cache only.
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This module provides a set of primitives that allow implementing an incremental cache on top of Cranelift, making it possible to reuse previous compiled artifacts for functions that have been compiled previously.

This set of operation is experimental and can be enabled using the Cargo feature incremental-cache.

This can bring speedups in different cases: change-code-and-immediately-recompile iterations get faster, modules sharing lots of code can reuse each other’s artifacts, etc.

The three main primitives are the following:

  • compute_cache_key is used to compute the cache key associated to a Function. This is basically the content of the function, modulo a few things the caching system is resilient to.
  • serialize_compiled is used to serialize the result of a compilation, so it can be reused later on by…
  • try_finish_recompile, which reads binary blobs serialized with serialize_compiled, re-creating the compilation artifact from those.

The CacheStore trait and Context::compile_with_cache method are provided as high-level, easy-to-use facilities to make use of that cache, and show an example of how to use the above three primitives to form a full incremental caching system.


Hashed CachedKey, to use as an identifier when looking up whether a function has already been compiled or not.


An error returned when recompiling failed.


Backing storage for an incremental compilation cache, when enabled.


Compute a cache key, and hash it on your behalf.
Given a function that’s been successfully compiled, serialize it to a blob that the caller may store somewhere for future use by try_finish_recompile.
Given a function that’s been precompiled and its entry in the caching storage, try to shortcut compilation of the given function.