An interior pointer into a wasmtime_store_t which is used as "context" for many functions.
wasmtime_error_t * wasmtime_table_set(wasmtime_context_t *store, const wasmtime_table_t *table, uint64_t index, const wasmtime_val_t *value)
Sets a value in a table.
wasmtime_error_t * wasmtime_table_new(wasmtime_context_t *store, const wasm_tabletype_t *ty, const wasmtime_val_t *init, wasmtime_table_t *table)
Creates a new host-defined wasm table.
wasmtime_error_t * wasmtime_table_grow(wasmtime_context_t *store, const wasmtime_table_t *table, uint64_t delta, const wasmtime_val_t *init, uint64_t *prev_size)
Grows a table.
uint64_t wasmtime_table_size(const wasmtime_context_t *store, const wasmtime_table_t *table)
Returns the size, in elements, of the specified table.